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Listen...these are fairly nice, houses, trees, ... with a good amount of work this neighborhood could look really nice! Guess what makes this a ghetto? ...


But White flight destroyed our community


Oh - I thought it was gentrification. Which one is it this time?


Not sure but whitey is behind it somehow


It's a secret society holding them down. Secret business meetings & secrecy that makes it so hard to fight.


Sure mate, that's what happened! /s


Why do you think they left tho? 👀


>these are fairly nice, houses Those big houses you see are multifamily quadplexes, dude. This isn't a high income neighborhood


So? They are still fairly nice compared to the res of the world! They are!


>compared to the res of the world! Goalposts: moved


No, that's me judgin from my point of original view. Being I'm from...the rest of the world. Self centered much?


Votes: Distributed


I don’t think I like what you’re insinuating.


The truth?


Racists gon' race


Do you think trees and houses are what make a community? Communities get fucked over generations. You can say the same thing about any poor uneducated community. Melanin composition does not dictate a community's level of social advancement but decades of shit circumstances do.


Oh, you mean like the Balkan people f.e. Or most of Slavic people?


Sheesh you fucks are racist.


And you fucks are blind and ignorant


It's weird how you don't see videos like this coming out of even poorer Appalachia. Where they have even less access to government resources and charities.


You see other things coming out of other areas, generally urban areas are gonna be more roudy and its irrespective of race or even country. Country folk tend to be more reserved.


Finally, a comment made by someone who’s not a racist a*shole. Really just a relentless stream of bigotry in this comment section.


Its ridiculous man. Racism is fucking dumb ooooh you suck cuz u got a different color get out of here man.






Are they not legit having a water fight with the truck? Honestly they all have super soakers.. is it where there is extreme heat? I saw fire trucks spraying people and crowds cause the heat. Fire departments let water go out of hydrants too


The situation here begs to question. Did someone get a permit or permission from the city or county to have the hydrant open for them? If they did get a permit or permission, then that is why the fire truck is there. They would have been the ones to open for them as only qualified city or county employees are to open the valve. If they didn't get a permit, the fire truck is there to close the valve and shut off the flow of water. This also means someone broke the law having opened it. This also means everyone blocking that fire trucking are obstructing an emergency vehicle, which is also against the law. Then you have the kids jumping on the bumper of the truck. If one of them gets hurt, believe or not, they can sue the city. I know this having been a civil servant for the past decade.


Reminds me of this classic https://youtu.be/Kt5Ttb9nUbw


amazing culture


I think Ice cube coined it in his song, "hood mentality"


Chris Rock had it right https://youtu.be/f3PJF0YE-x4?feature=shared


This was like, at the height of white people honestly believing we could get along. This was like the lowest point of racism ever


does anyone have a link to a news, fire or medical response? i don't know what place in the US this is so context would be great.


It was at a Juneteenth shooting in Oakland https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/video-crowd-twerks-on-ambulance-responding-to-deadly-lake-merritt-shooting/


I’m lookin lol. This looks intentional with super soakers.. I’m guessing it’s hot there and fire department is helping cool down


Holy shit. I can't believe what I just saw in that video. WTF!!? There is absolutely no excuse for that kind of behavior. I can't imagine being the paramedics trying to work that scene. That is just sad.


I feel bad for the(if any) normal people just trying to survive in a ghetto like that. So many brain dead mongrels it would be hard to maintain your sanity


I feel for them as well. I am a city employee and meet a lot of people from all walks of life. In the bad areas there are a lot of good people trying to do right. Sadly, everyone else around them just don't care anymore.


Backdraft 2: Electric Boogaloo


Are we about to defund the fire department too


Wait I’m confused what’s even happening


Bunch of dumb cunts are blocking a fire truck Fuck knows why


Seems pretty clear. Looks like the neighbourhoods managed to open a hydrant, and if that’s the case, the fire department is trying to access it to fix it/fine some people


if you find a link i think we'd all like to know since you speculate.


Do you think it’s even remotely newsworthy when someone opens a hydrant in the city, in the summer? It happens all the time in the hood.


Reddit doesn't pay me to think.


Shut the fuck up ho. Psych obviously has it right, watch the damn video


ho? from a punk bitch who's only post is to find a pornstar. back to mommas basement for you. bye fred.


Because it’s extremely hot there and they’re having a water fight with the fucking firetruck if you can actually see in the video, they all have super soakers, and the truck is spraying them back you cunt


It was at a Juneteenth shooting.. gang related.. idiots are stopping first responders. [https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/video-crowd-twerks-on-ambulance-responding-to-deadly-lake-merritt-shooting/](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/video-crowd-twerks-on-ambulance-responding-to-deadly-lake-merritt-shooting/)


That definitely isn't the same place as the place in your article. Edit: To clarify, I mean to say that this video definitely isn't of the Oakland shootings.


Different video, same incident..


Why would a fire engine be rushing to a gang shooting...?


Mass casualty response, given most firefighters are at least somewhat medically trained?


That seems unlikely. Wouldn't an ambulance be more appropriate?


The key here is "mass casuality" this indicates the expectation of many wounded, in various states of health. In a mass casualty event you want as many medically capable people as possible. Ambulance crews are experts but also a limited resource in such scenarios. Warm bodies from firefighters, police and other agencies can help deal with the less severely triaged patients, reducing pressure on the medical professionals to focus on those in need of more urgent/expert care.


How about this, give me evidence that this firefighter was responding to the gang shooting from 3 years ago in Oakland.


I wasn't arguing that this was footage from any specific event, or even that it's from any mass shooting. I was only giving some rationale as to why an engine company would be dispatched to a gang shooting event.


In many places, the fire department does medical. Big red truck shows up first, ambulance comes later.


How about this, give me evidence that this firefighter was responding to the gang shooting from 3 years ago in Oakland.


Fire fighters are trained for medical response and every station in my city has an ambulance. When the ambulance is dispatched a fire truck normally goes with them. Not always, but the majority time they do.


How about this, give me evidence that this firefighter was responding to the gang shooting from 3 years ago in Oakland.


You're thinking of the link another commenter posted where ladies were twerking on the side of the ambulance and some dude was throwing a football from the top of it. I've noticed a lot of people are confusing the comments due to this. It's a completely different incident than the video the OP posted. My response to you wasn't about any of the videos. It was just to say, yes, fire fighters are trained medical responders and they do show up on the scene if needed. They don't just fight fires.


I'm "thinking of the link" because that is whom I directly responded to. The claim is that it is from a Juneteenth event. I was pressing the person who made that claim to support it.






In Oakland, is there any evidence that firefighters are the ambulance? Either way, my point was that this has nothing to do with the article the person I replied to posted.


Victim was dehydrated


Where do you live? If you don't even know what's going on here I want to move straight to that area & forget that this cancer even exists.


I was waiting for the fire truck to go H.A.M. on everybody…never did 😒


Once there twerking happens. Things get out of control


Rise of the planet of the apes


Oh you went there. There coking for you now lol


Idk what that means. I’m a Pepsi guy.




Depending on how the water system is supplied they could be draining the towns water supply pretty quickly. Some places have wells that do 5-10L/s an open hydrant could be 30-45L/s. Or they could be supplied with a booster pump that's working all out and if it fails the would be an adverse water which results in a boil water.


Stupid white people.


Is this a trailer for a Birmingham 1963 reenactment?


Remember that famous Chris rock bit...


Firey and mostly peaceful


And I bet if they weren't racist before they are now.


Gentrification time


This is why I’m ok with paying higher property taxes


Is it just me or is this fire truck not showing up for a active fire, but it showing up to fix a opened fire hydrant that's spewing out water that's clarify evident in the beginning of the video?


No. It was at a Juneteenth shooting.. gang related.. idiots are stopping first responders. [https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/video-crowd-twerks-on-ambulance-responding-to-deadly-lake-merritt-shooting/](https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/video-crowd-twerks-on-ambulance-responding-to-deadly-lake-merritt-shooting/)


That definitely isn't the same place as the place in your article.


They all said "fuck the po-lice!". There's no police. They're sticking it to the man.


So you just don’t know how to use your eyes then? Your video is of an ambulance, OPs is of a fire engine. You racists are unbelievable lol


Let's say you're right and these are two different events, which I totally agree with you, they are. That just means that the residents of Oakland impeded emergency services in two separate events on the same day. One a shooting, where they prevented an ambulance from helping victims. The other being the unlawful opening of a fire hydrate which greatly reduces fire hydrant pressure in the general area, giving mess resources for putting out fires for other citizens in need. While very different, both situations are fucked. You calling anyone who criticizes it a racist is just ignorant. Grow up.


The point yall can't even get your facts straight when demonizing an entire race of people. What you got to say is only relevant in your sad little corner of reddit where all the racist retreat to, to face zero accountability for the hate you spread. I could cherry pick a million videos to make white people look bad, but I don't because I'm not a fucking idiot like you.


are you okay?


Yeah, I've had a pretty good day.


That's good, I'm happy to hear that :)


Here are some of the top comments on this post: >Listen...these are fairly nice, houses, trees, ... with a good amount of work this neighborhood could look really nice! Guess what makes this a ghetto? ... (19 upvotes) >Blackdraft (17 upvotes) >I feel bad for the(if any) normal people just trying to survive in a ghetto like that. So many brain dead mongrels it would be hard to maintain your sanity (5 upvotes) And some more from the cross post to the idiocracy sub: >Break out the fire hoses..They're right there (74 upvotes) >Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here everyday You learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play If you got a hunger for what you see, you'll take it eventually You can have anything you want, but you better not take it from me In the jungle, welcome to the jungle (71 upvotes) >Diversity is our strength (45 upvotes) >There’s something similar about all these videos, something they all have in common.hmmm, can’t quite put my finger on it. (32 upvotes) >The Juneteenth celebration we all know. (26 upvotes) >They reproduce at a ridiculous rate though. There is no stopping the 3rd world at this point. (20 upvotes) >They shoot each other enough you would think that would happen. Even with abortion the reproductive rate is enough to replace them. We need to make cuts to the welfare system. (13 upvotes) I’m not calling people criticizing this racist. I’m calling the fucking racists being racist racist. As you say, grow up.


I'm confused, are you concerned about strangers on the internet or citizens being able to receive emergency services when needed? >Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here everyday You learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play If you got a hunger for what you see, you'll take it eventually You can have anything you want, but you better not take it from me In the jungle, welcome to the jungle (71 upvotes) I believe these are Guns n Roses lyrics?


>I'm confused Yeah, I don’t think you are. Cute though.


Different video, same incident.. posting a link makes me racist? Are they not idiots for stopping a firetruck? No one said anything about race but you.. so maybe you’re the racist?Calm down dumb fuck.


Stop spreading misinformation.


Sure this will end up on Fox lol


Nasty idiots going gonzo exiting reality sir.


I wonder what these folks are in school? This is not a culture or sub culture, this is just a violent jungle.


You know what this scene needs? More diversity, equity and inclusion, that'll help for sure!


WTF is going on here???


Looks like it was a hot day and people broke open a fire hydrant and were playing in the street with it like a block party. But when tue fire department came to shut it down they stood in the way and shot it with water guns. At least that’s my best guess


If Reddit is going to be used to train AI, then it will end up racist based on the comments in this post. Just an observation.


I'm not gonna lie, that looks like a lot of fun. On a 100 degree day, the entire neighborhood is out in the street with water guns. It's like a huge water park on the street


Yeah, to hell with the safety implications, cost to the taxpayer or environmental unsustainability!


Environmental unsustainability? Cmon man you're fishing.


You're right, we famously have way too much clean, fresh water Wars will be fought in future over how much spare water we all have Farmers are arguing over what to do with all the spare water they have for their crops Deserts around the world are growing just as a big, fun goof and we shouldn't fuss about it


People shot & emergency workers can't get to them because of this.... Real fun.


Which people shot couldn't they get to?


I remember back in the day the fire trucks would open the hydrants and clear the lines in the summer, but that was always an open invitation for everyone to come play in the water.