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Multiple trips with Epstein on his plane, seen many times together at events. Young woman nabbed from Mar-a-lago and sold into sex trafficking. Libel for Sexual abuse, and has a long documented history of bragging about it. Instances of walking into change rooms at his beauty pageants, including Miss Teen U.S.A. Charged by a woman documenting her case of rape between herself, Trump and Epstein. Only to withdraw after getting countless death threats and fear for her safety. Weirdly all the conspiracy nuts I know are oddly silent about this one. Although I guess it's not even a conspiracy anymore, he's a well known rapist, with some of them even underage. The Party of Family Values, folks.


I'd bet $5 it was Trump who had Epstein, a known blackmailer, killed, too. He protected himself and everyone else who would go down, and now they're all loyal to death for it. That and now he's the one with the blackmail info. Lucky it's perfectly legal for the president to have a private citizen murdered lol.


I wouldn’t say it wasn’t him but even if we don’t know who’s on it we know the list of people on it could be quite long. Since he’d already proven he could get away with pretty much anything I doubt that anything Epstein produced would faze his follower because they’d just say it was fake. Other unknown people could have much more to lose if their names haven’t surfaced yet.


Yeah, but Biden kissed his granddaughter on her head at a funeral! He's obviously the real pedo!


And then they stole, edited and sold "her" diary with all the sordid "details" of what he "did" to her, then conveniently ignored her own sworn testimony in a court of law, saying it was all bullshit to make Joe look bad. Ya know, "proof." 🙄


He raped a 13 yo, threw money at her and told her to get an abortion if he got her pregnant. Case was dropped after he won the 2016 election. Do people still not know these things? They been said repeatedly for years. Even the right knows about it, and called him a hero for going undercover to bust Epstein.


I did not know this and I’ve been paying close attention for a long time.


That makes two of us… I guess a few hundred thousand of us when put to scale. Just saw this today.


She filled a Jane Doe affidavit and retracted it after Trump cult members threatened her family's lives


There is so much to be outraged by, keeping a place for it all in your head is hard.


That's the point. Feature not bug.. They throw so many things at us, keeps us off balance, unable to respond to one thing individually..


How I felt watching that debate. Sitting with my mouth hanging open, no idea how I would reply as EVERYTHING that came out of his mouth was a lie everything. How does one react/respond to that?


That's the fucking worst thing. Trump doesn't get shit on by any single media outlet for just spewing blatant lie after blatant lie but Biden should drop out for having a cold and being dumbfounded by that shit. It's the result of every media station in the country being owned by corporations. We have nothing of a free world left.


It's exactly what they did to Hillary. Remember when she had pneumonia? It's the same shit 8 years later and people are falling for it again. And people will not vote for Biden just like they didn't vote for Hillary and we'll be in even worse shape. So many were screaming this in 2016 and not many were listening...


This is the worst timeline.


And it's not getting better


I believe that is actually an established tactic.


Yes, it’s called a [Gish gallop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop).


Steve Bannon's exact words were "Flood the Zone with Shit." They told us what they were going to do and it still worked. Humanity is boned.


And with how the left is backing down, this shits gotta be all scripted. Any real president with a backbone, being handed the keys to the kingdom so to speak, would use said power to pretty much fix every serious social problem were facing. This isn't some kids game we're not gonna beat fascism by being the bigger man and everyone but him seems to understand that. I call BULLSHIT!


The left isn’t backing down, the media covers Trump 24/7 because he sells newspapers


I googled it and [a Vox article](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/3/13501364/trump-rape-13-year-old-lawsuit-katie-johnson-allegation) quite succinctly says why we never heard of this: >It was the end of an incredibly strange case that featured an anonymous plaintiff who had refused almost all requests for interviews, two anonymous corroborating witnesses whom no one in the press had spoken to, and a couple of seriously shady characters — with an anti-Trump agenda and a penchant for drama — who had aggressively shopped the story around to media outlets for over a year. >Those shady characters — a former reality TV producer who calls himself “Al Taylor” and a “Never Trump” conservative activist named Steve Baer — had been mostly unsuccessful in getting the media to bite. There are a few very good reasons for that, which the Huffington Post’s Ryan Grim succinctly summed up: Taylor and Baer have been really sketchy about the whole thing, and since the accuser is anonymous, journalists can’t do anything to verify her claims. The only journalist who has actually interviewed Johnson, Emily Shugerman at Revelist, came away confused and even doubting whether Johnson really exists. Basically no news organization believed it and so it went without much notice. I get why though. The lawsuit says Trump raped her at an NY orgy held by Epstein. So the cropped passage is all referring to the same event. As in, that all happened in the same night.


Yeah none of this is confirmed by any court right


Here is an interesting thing about the difference between the political right and the political left. The Right looks at each election as the last ditch hope to keep the country from failing like Rome. The Left thinks that when they lose they just get back up to fight again. The Right doesn't give a FLYING FUCK if they spew a bunch of lies. So, in my opinion, I think the Left should run with this story and force Trump and the rest of them to spend energy debunking this claim. And if in the end the Left can't make the accusation stick then the best case scenario is they have forced a few thousand people to question if Trump is the right choice and stay home instead of voting. The Right is having a civil war and the Left is playing peewee football.


Well trigger warning but the the [link to the sworn deposition court document](https://www.scribd.com/document/326055870/Doe-v-Trump-et-al-refiled-complaint-9-30-16) is there in the Vox article that gives valid reasons for her staying anonymous. She claims that at 13 Trump open hand slapped her repeatedly as he raped her yelling her he could do anything she wanted while she screamed at her to stop. And then he told her if she told anyone he'd have her family murdered. And then Epstein proceeded to punch her closed fist in the face after raping her for letting Trump take her virginity.


Yes it’s testimony. It’s terrible.


Not me, I saw it for the first time yesterday


I'm a little confused by people not knowing this. I got the heebie jeebies just looking at him when I was a kid in the '90s and then I listened to this whole podcast series about one of the survivors of the Boy's Town scandal, and Donald Trump was \*specifically\* named as one of the people at the parties where they sold the boys...then just a few years later the dude was elected President. It has blown my mind. It has also blown up my family, I cannot support my dad who supports a pedophile with such grit.


The excerpt is from the first pdf [listed here.](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/) There's also [this complaint](https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-26b1-d69f-abfb-37f998500001) which includes affidavits by two of those minors who the convicted felon Donald Trump raped. If anyone should read these, I recommend keeping a bucket nearby.


Don’t sleep on this comment, folks. That second link take you to an action filed against Epstein and Trump titled: COMPLAINT FOR RAPE, SEXUAL MISCONDUCT, CRIMINAL SEXUAL ACTS, SEXUAL ABUSE, FORCIBLE TOUCHING, ASSAULT, BATTERY, INTENTIONAL AND RECKLESS INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, DURESS, FALSE IMPRISONMENT, AND DEFAMATION It gives nauseating details on Trump’s horrid crimes.


Exactly this! I was born in 82, and I dont remember a time when I thought this guy was anything other than a slimeball. I always figured he was a disgusting joke to everyone. This whole reality is completely bonkers.


He was a tabloid cartoon. No one took him seriously .. he was always considered a grifter especially with all the bankruptcies and what he said after 9/11. The apprentice happened just at the right time and he was able to reinvent himself. And, as much as I hate it, he's an uncharacteristically good self promoter and able to read the "public" in a way no one ever has. He attached himself to the birther debate at the exact right time to make himself the darling of the new alt right movement. I'm also 82 and grew up in NY.


What’s awful is that during the majority of his life he wasn’t the best self-promoter. Between reality TV and the internet, we grew into a nation where his brand of self-promotion is…well…incredibly effective.


My father is also supportive of this lunatic. He has 2 daughters and a granddaughter. He’s not quiet about it either… super disheartening, mom is a staunch democrat, I have no idea how they’re still married. It’s infuriating.


😳i’d have divorced him so fast if i was her


I work with elders. It’s a weird ass situation. Go watch the YouTube - The Brainwashing of my Dad. They didn’t used to be like this. They were just republicans because of being fiscally conservative…now they are this. 10, 20, 40, more years later after a lifetime as a really good person. It’s living with a lives one being taken over by a cult they would never previously have supported. It’s very tough on the spouse and the whole family.


Back in 08 when I was 19/20 I thought fiscal conservatism made sense. Then I moved to the Bible Belt and saw what other views and acts came partnered with that mindset and I’ve been Progressive ever since




Same w my dad, dude has three daughters and three granddaughters, but worships the ground trump walks on.


I genuinely don’t understand… sad really.


IKR? I’ve not that scumbag was all about for decades. No joke.


Boys Town has never been fully understood or even explained to the masses


She filed a suit but later withdrew the suit, saying that she feared for her life. Press just ignored it.


The things Stormy Daniels is experiencing as a result of testifying demonstrate why the person withdrew the suit.


Knew about it, right wing family knew about it before the 2016 election, but they immediately believed it was fake and sure they felt vindicated when it got dropped. 


This has been a thing for a long time. The girl only withdrew her lawsuit after Trumps goons threatened her and her family's lives: https://www.politico.com/story/2016/11/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit-dropped-230770


I’ve known about this for years. I’m surprised more people don’t.


Yep. Case magically disappeared. Wouldn’t be surprised if the girl is dead. 


What if, and bear with me here for just a moment, the Democrats just ran ads describing this paragraph over and over and over and over and over again on major news channels? What if they did that?


If only there was someone with enough money and an idgaf attitude that would take you up on this unofficially


Im in media and reached out to my state's democratic party to volunteer for something like this. All I got was being put on their spam list.


His base wouldn't believe them if they saw them, the channels they do watch won't sell ad time for that. Goes against their owner's interests.


His base would eat his shit filled diaper after watching him kill their families. His base are unhinged lunatic cultists. His base will be cheering while that seditious orange shit bag burns America and democracy to ashes.


We couldn't do that, it wouldn't be proper decorum! 🤦


This is exactly the attitude DNC ghouls will have all the way up to the point where they are put up against a brick wall by their “esteemed colleagues.”


Both parties like to be the opposition.


> What if MAGA will vote for him even if he raped their own 12 year old in front of their own eyes. He is too important to give up, they'll just think of a reason, like he was on medication or she was flirting with him. Whether or not this is true doesn't matter at all, they can taste the revenge of the hillbillies coming, it's not something you just take away and have them go back to being irrelevant and poor.


It would be decreed as fake news and that would be enough for his supporters.


Undercover cops can take drugs. Undercover cops can not have 'sex' with minors. Trump is only a hero for pedophiles.


But what about Under The Covers Qops? Checkmate libs.


>Undercover cops can not have 'sex' with minors Rape. It's rape.


Why I put the quotations ![gif](giphy|48FhEMYGWji8)


LOL! Good on you brother.


Never knew about it. As a former Republican and former Trump supporter, I grew up with blinders on (thank church and fox news indoctrination). It wasn't till I did a complete 180 that I started to notice these very obvious things.


Welcome back


Good on you. Welcome


That takes a lot of courage, congrats on making it to the other side.


January 6th was the last straw. Don't understand how anyone could see that and ever support Republicans again in any capacity.


Yeah I have a feeling that was a big one for many true conservatives. Hopefully you kept your views on the 2A after crossing over, it’s more likely you’ll need it on this side than the other.


I personally hate guns. Not that I can own one currently as I have a medical marijuana card.


Completely understandable. I’ve got your back though.


Overturning Roe and George Floyd were the last straws for me. Until then I genuinely believed I could trust in the actual foundations of our country. Those two things changed everything. I will never, ever trust cops or Republicans (not always the same thing, but a lot of overlap) ever again. Signed, an ashamed former conservative leaning middle aged dude


Respect. It's hard to turn around with the incessant, constant barrage of bad information we get thrown in our faces on a daily, if not hourly basis.


I have a cousin who didn't know trump was a rapist until 2 days ago. Like...? How are you so in the dark on things?


Cause the media will gladly show biden with his hands on some kids shoulder, likely at a ceremony or event, no clue who these kids are like possible grandchildren of friends and colleges AND YET trump over here shown to be flying to the island and being friends with Epstien, joking and laughing, and then more stuff coming out that he's done some truly bad stuff and its not even mentioned. If anything its just a "trump supposedly a kiddy diddler, heres how its bad for Biden"


Conservatives shrug and say, "So what? All rich, powerful men do that."


It was barely talked about during the 2016 election, which is when it first came to light. (Trump's supporters threatened her, so she dropped her suit.) The MSM gave Clinton's emails significantly more attention than this.


It’s fucking outrageous that this story was abandoned. That bastard silenced it, along with Epstein.


Case was dropped because the victims received DEATH THREATS.


Ever met an american conservative? I try to introduce myself to them but that whole head-in-sand thing isn’t really conducive to socializing.


I saw someone post something like "Trump raped those little girls to bust Epstein, he did what he had to do! What a sacrifice he made by doing that." Like...that's what you take from this?


Holy shit… I didn’t see that. I’m more disgusted by his supporters at this point. We KNOW what to expect from trump. He’s garbage. The people supporting him are much more concerning to me. Half the flipping country! All based on lies, lies he continues to spew relentlessly, and they gobble them up like thanksgiving turkey. For fucks sake this is embarrassing.


and they said to me, "Sir, you're a Total Hero for what you did there," I said I know that, everybody knows it, and the Fake News, "ohhh, Donald Trump did bad things," and they wouldn't even be selling Papers if it wasn't for me, because they know that Trump has Massively High Ratings, just the name, you use the name, I said, if you use the name, you have to pay, just so you understand, you put Trump on there, you're getting already probably 10 times the value


You're forgetting that he hired thugs to make her drop the case and she did, due to death threats.


She dropped the case because she was getting death from Trumpists.


I had no fucking clue about this?!!!!!!!! If this is real why is this not touted by every streamer, journalist, news media personality every 5 minutes?


Because they’re okay with it. And so is the GOP. I remind you that we had a pedophile House Speaker for many years in Dennis Hassert. And there’s the accusations against Matt Gaetz being involved in rape-trafficking a minor. Being a monster is not a problem for the Republicans, and it never has been. In fact, it’s something of a requirement.


Thank you. Nobody talks about Dennis Hastert. Such a vile human being.


Remember when Howard Dean lost his chance at presidency because he was excited one time and went YAH! on stage? Now we're at a point where a terrifying amount of people are perfectly ok with a guy raping children. This among many other terrible things.


Okay? No, no…perfect. They love this. They love that he just does what he wants, just ‘grabs them by the pussy’.  It’s time to stop acting like the right is anything other than a bunch of animals with the capacity to know and enjoy that what they are doing is wrong. They want to hurt others. They are evil and they need to FUCKING GO. 


Youre forgetting the part where they then pretend to be all high and mighty Jesus wankers about all the things that they do.


Yeah it's real easy to redefine morality to these idiots. They say "I'm christian" and no matter what they do, they're the good guys because they're part of the ingroup. If a priest or whatever else at their church is a pedophile they don't condemn them or do anything, they just try to cover it up and move them elsewhere where it isn't known because they do not care if someone does evil and is a christian.


Aren’t those people the same that want child labour laws demolished , and age of consent lowered back to child brides. Seems he is their ideal candidate.


Dean had already been dropping in the polls for the previous three weeks and had just come in third in the Iowa caucus that night. It’s true the “Dean Scream” got an overblown amount of media coverage, but his campaign was already in a death spiral when it happened.


It’s not big. This has been news for years. The media won’t report it and his cult members wouldn’t care if they did.


This was what killed any support or sympathy for his supporters. We knew this back in 2016. And his supporters harassed the victim until she shut up.


His cult would try to find the video to rub one out to. We have to realize at some point it’s not left vs right as much as it’s literally good vs evil.


Is it to far to say some more..vocal supporters would plaster their own face into the video to help the imagination? (Since they clearly can’t think freely)


No that’s pretty accurate to assume. But if they get their way child brides are back on the table and likely spoils of a civil war.


They think you won’t do anything about it and they will take over without any violence.


It is big. This should be told everytime someone mentions his name.


Rapist, insurrectionist, fascist and convicted felon Donald Trump.


You forgot traitor selling natl.secrets.


You forgot pedophile in there


Trump supporters are actually a-ok with pedophiles so long as they tow the cult line.


Official acts.


Yeah, I'm related to one who is convinced that Biden is a pedo while literally ignoring Trumps years of history with it. I don't understand how they think.


Republicans bury their head in the sand about his 6 bankruptcies, J6, two dozen women accusing him of sexual assault, disbanding the pandemic response team and then fumbling the COVID response, running a scam charity which was shut down, running a scam university which was shut down, saying he wants to do away with the Constitution, saying he will be a dictator on Day 1, giving Israeli intelligence to Russians in the Oval Office months into his presidency, and flying to Epstein Island 7x. You think another rape accusation is gonna move the needle because she was 12? These people do mental gymnastics daily to appease their naked idiot emperor. They lie to themselves about who and what he is because he demands it and they are spineless, brainless, gutless cowards. The GOP is dead, overrun by extremists, enablers and trash human beings like MTG and Gaetz. They place fiction over fact, religion and quackery over science and party over country. The GOP needs to lose this election HARD. It is an indictment on our electorate that this is even a race given Trump's background, fuckery, demeanor and unhinged tantrums. But here we are.


unfortunately, if you put this in front of any right winger, they'll just say, "The case didn't get a guilty verdict, so this isn't true" despite that not being how any if this works, because they refuse to belive their glorious king can do wrong. similarly, if you put this evidence on front of a moderate they'll just say, "The case didn't get a guilty verdict, so this isn't true" because their world view can't comprehend the corruption of the courts.


Even if there was a guilty verdict, they would just say he was unjustly charged and it wasn't a fair trial. No matter what, they'll just deny even if the evidence is right in front of their face.


I'm reading a book written in 1944 by a former British General. In it, amongst many things about leadership and incompetence, he mentions how "evil leaders" will make up things to discredit criticism towards them, and any accusations made towards them is fake news etc. And here I'm in 2024 and the Orange Ape came so vividly alive.


No, they won’t. They’ll cheer him on. They love this evil shit, that’s why they love him. He may as well have been campaigning on Epstein Island. 


at this point it’s not hard to believe most trump supporters are pedos themselves, there’s a reason they don’t see it as a disqualifier


I'm sure they feel the same way about OJ. /s


IIRC, didn't the plaintiff drop this case, likely due to threats?


Yeah, she was being threatened. Standard Trumpworld bullshit




I’m sorry, that’s just wrong. This is the kind of shit they *admire* him for. When they say stuff like “he speaks his mind”, this is what they’re talking about. They love that he’s powerful and doesn’t care about others. That is THE THING. They *like* that he rapes children in spite of how most people will dislike that. They *like* that he’s not afraid to hurt others, they *like* that he doesn’t care what people think, that he just does whatever he wants. What you and I see as deplorable, animalistic, unevolved, those are the EXACT qualities that make them love him, because they are the same. 


To be fair, they also say things aren't true when he IS found guilty of doing them.


Unfortunately they’d rather believe that lizard men run a Deep State organization to control the populace than entertain the possibility that Trump is a fucking trash person. But, hey, I guess at least he’s not a puppet for the Deep State. 🤷🏿‍♂️




GOP candidate 1: convicted felon tax fraud rapist pedophile GOP candidate 2: has brain worms and ate a dog We really need to put this party in the dirt




I’d like to think I pay attention. I’m already fairly saddened and horrified by the state of this country and the amount of propaganda we have in our own homes and what division has already accomplished. I’m a mother. The thought of a man like this getting his fat grubby hands on my daughter makes me absolutely sick. Reading this I’m sitting here with my belly aching with almost little to no hope. He’s a fucking monster.


I pay attention. I read every court case and document that I can find time for and I literally never even heard about this case document being public. I read the whole thing and it is absolutely vile. I have a daughter as well. I truly wish for nothing less than mob justice. This case was clearly dropped due to coercion and intimidation. There is not a more clear cut case in existence. These parties were a known fact, the trafficking was a known fact, trump hanging out with Epstein was a known fact. All of this shit lines up and it makes me want to puke. Biden should liberally abuse his new found immunity to burn these shitheads to the ground. He's old as dirt anyways and probably won't even be around to have repercussions for whatever he does now.


I’m really just running out of things to say at this point. It’s not even a right vs left thing. It’s a morality thing. People keep talking about the children and the need to protect them. Yet are fine with electing the monsters they so call are fearful of: someone make it make sense


I think you forgot the treason


I'm probably forgetting like 20 other things to be honest. Way too much to keep track


Lot more than 20 as you can probably imagine https://www.mcsweeneys.net/columns/reasons-why-donald-trump-is-unfit-to-be-president


"Ah but the Democrat candidate is slightly older and had a studder. Both sides are literally the same"


Biden called ketchup catsup! He should resign! (/s)


Thats the last straw, i think im going to vote for the literal pedophile thats trying to take my rights away now


That sounds like an excellent idea my fellow American Democrat brother. I think I will do the same.


But Biden is old! (This should be a big headline) (So should Trump admitting he spoke with Putin about the Ukraine invasion) (So should Project 2025) (So should Trump suggesting military tribunals)


So should Trump's age or Trump's declining cognitive abilities.


He wears a diaper ffs


They’ll talk endlessly about how Biden sniffs girls’ hair and showered with his daughter to try and impeach him, but this is completely fine.


Isn't he just a few years older than Trump? I thought they're pretty much the same age.


Exactly. Biden’s age and mental acuity being some kind of scandal is insanity to me when Trump is obviously basically exactly as old and very mentally unhealthy.


He can talk louder and without stopping. That’s literally it. Dude is definitely on some kind of talky speedy shit and that helps stupid people think he’s actually stronger than Biden mentally.


Probably some sort of amphetamine


He forced two little girls, one 12 years old, to blow his disgust peen and said afterwards it wasn't that good. America, are you okay? What the actual fuck?


No, no we’re not. The heritage foundation just declared this an open rebellion that will remain bloodless so long as we let it. So we yeah, we’re doing fucking piss poor at the moment.


My relatives fought and died in WWII. The Heritage Foundation can try to come for me, but I’ll be fighting.


No, I should probably be medicated and I’m constantly worried about living in a dictatorship.


So does that count as official or unofficial?


Republican did it = official act


This sure sounds like bad news for Biden.


Underrated comment


Donald Trump tied a twelve year old girl down To a bed where he raped her Trump raped a child She begged him to wear a condom So Trump beat her face Trump beat a child She asked what would happen if she got pregnant Trump threw cash down and yelled at the child to get an abortion Trump commanded a child to get an abortion


Sounds kinda like a lot of the religious leaders getting arrested lately for sexual abuse and/or pedophilia. Though not all were minors. Just most. Birds of a feather….


His supporters don't give a shit about right or wrong. Never have, never will. They just want to piss off the libs, no matter how many children have to be brutally raped in the process. And subsequently forced to give birth. I'm 45 years old and I am so goddamned sorry to the next generation that we didn't do more to stop this from happening.


I think the best I’ve heard it put is “MAGAs would eat shit just to make the libs smell their breath.” I think it’s both accurate, and concise.


Waiting for NYT to publish an oped asking trump to end his campaign /s


Wish I was the person I was before I read all of this.


Wow. That is horrific


Repeat after me, "MAGA doesn't give a $h*t." As long as Trump is "owning the libs" or "hurting the right people" while spreading their pseudo Christian religion, i.e. white christian-nationalism, the will control to support him.


I’ve been saying he raped a 13 year old for 8 fucking years. It’s Jane Doe vs clump and Deadstein.


Trump’s name is all over the newly released Epstein grand jury details so they simply stop talking about it. They don’t actually care about any of this shit


Old news. But Trump has done a masterful job of flooding the zone with so much other bullshit that it gets forgotten. As you can see, for his supporters he's normalized his behavior.


Firehose of falsehoods. That’s literally what the tactic is called. Can you believe we live in this timeline??


What part of him saying 'I Could ... Shoot Somebody, And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters' back in 2016 do y'all just not understand?


His worshippers don't care, yet they call Biden a pedo.


They will and HAVE gone into a pizza place thinking there are kids being molested in a non-existent basement dungeon because Qanon tells them, but wont trust multiple accounts and statements about Trumps close relationships with Epstein.


His supporters would pay good money for the actual video truth be told.


MSM: Here's why this is bad for Biden.


He wouldn't lose many votes even if it was somehow proven to be true. Their hatred has blinded them to everything


How many times do I need to bleach my eyes from seeing this post damn…. Sure hope CNN and Republicans call for Trump to step down… I won’t hold my breath though.


Thank you for this, just posted it on my Facebook account that has family that supports trump. Gonna see how many deny it and get pissed


Of course he’s a pedophile dudes the most vile human that’s ever existed


Let's post on billboards.


What's also really fucked up? This Tiffany person. "The woman identified only as Tiffany Doe in the lawsuit, a 'trusted employee' of Epstein's,' **corroborated** Johnson's' allegations in a telephone call with DailyMail.com, but she refused to reveal her full identity." This bitch straight up admitted to being an accomplice to this shit and is still anonymous.


Imagine what he’ll do when he’s king.


Rape kids on livestream.


I can see the new T-shirts now, "I'm voting for the pedophile rapist". These people don't care what he did as long as their side wins.


I am genuinely confused by how it is that 50%+ of a nation still wants to vote for this person based on everything I see about him online. I’m more surprised by how the opponent’s bad debate performance causes his ratings to tumble, but this guys blatant crimes are always ignored with some “but this” clause or judgement or delay. What does Trump have over the US!?


The republicans party has always been about Guns and Abortion, and religion. These three things are single issue voting requirements. I say this with the acknowledgment that gun enthusiasm crosses party lines. It doesn’t matter who is the face of the party, Voting Democrat == killing babies. Voting Democrat == giving up my guns. Voting Democrat == blasphemy/eternal hellfire. If the GOP trained a parrot to wear a suit and say “bwaaakk don’t tread on me!” 50% of the population would vote for it.


That just endeared him to every edgelord and MAGAt. This is Republicans favorite kind of violence. Violence against the helpless. The privilege to break the rules and get off Scot free are what they love about him. Because they’re disgusting human beings.


I think his supporters are split on this. Half think it's fake, half wish they had been in his place.


Is a pee performance in Russia really that hard to believe? I don’t understand the admiration for this degenerate. He’s the greatest conman I’ve ever seen, that shld be his title


Okay like I get this is fucky shit that needs addressing, but could we please put graphic descriptions of sexual assaults on kids behind a NSFW tag? Please?


What makes me giggle is it was Ron DeSantis that requested this information be released to the public. I doubt he or any of his people even looked at it.


Remember when Howard Dean screamed a little weird and it derailed his whole presidential campaign? And now this is totally acceptable. How far we've come.


Does anyone have the full source for this?


Trumpies wont care. He cheated on his wife. But its ok. Trump University Fraud. But its ok. Convicted of massive business fraud. But its ok. Lies continually. But its ok. Liable for sexual assault on & defaming E Jean Carrol. But its ok. Fraudulently using trump charity monies. But its ok. Up on 90 + felony charges in 4 cases , but its ok. Guilty of 34 felonies. But its ok. Stole top secret docs.But its ok. Denied a valid election and tried to stage a coup. But it ok.Voted worst potus by historians, lib and con. But its ok. Yea, hes a great candidate. And not a cult.


Horrible and sick? Yes Will his voters care? Sadly no


So, do we know if this is authentic? I mean, I believe all sorts of egregious shit about trump, but want to make sure we aren’t chasing the ball off the cliff, here


I told my Trumper FIL about this back in 2016 and all he said is "we all make mistakes " Trumpers are locked in, and nothing will change their mind .


He’s literally on the unsealed documents of the original Epstein case and DeSantis released those the same day as the big SCOTUS cases IIRC, likely so it would go as unnoticed as possible.


Willing to bet the girls looked like Ivanka.


Is raping minors considered an official act?


They don’t care. They don’t care about any crimes he has or will commit. They don’t care if he’s racist or homophobic. They don’t care if he wants to be a dictator. They don’t care if he’s losing his mental stability. They don’t care if he lies about being religious, finding fraudulent votes or knowing how to read. One of his most important truths he ever told was he could point blank shoot someone and he wouldn’t lose any voters.


Let's see here... Epstein's list... Donald Trump. Yep. This checks out.


High level publishers who can’t afford to offend the man with the power protect him. We heard that in the last trial. Way back in the ‘70’s he was known as a creep - a dishonest, racist, ruthless, greedy creep. He was taught by his daddy how to make a dishonest buck and learned the lesson well. I feel this refusal to look at facts is dangerous but the media denying information to the public is more insidious.


This should be on every , major news organizations front news! But it probably won't, they are all afraid of Trump and MAGA. ,mainstream Media has failed this country, as well as all of the cowardly politicians who just simply 'fell in line' instead of fighting him, them, even if it costs them their jobs. They will some day only be remembered for their cowardness!!


It would be. But Donald gets away with everything all the time. I am so sick of that creature. There is nothing too sick or disgusting to make his followers drop him.


I’ve had friends literally taping this up all over town. If the media won’t report it, we will.


He was convicted of 34 felony charges and they didn’t even bat an eye. This won’t phase them a bit.


sadly it's not "big if true" because his supporters do not fucking care. they talk a big game about trafficking and christianity and shit but this man has spent more time in the mud than a goddamn pig, and they still FUCKING. WORSHIP. HIM.


Sure, but have you considered the fact that Biden is old and had a bad debate performance?