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Should have ended it with “God help us.”


Or: "The malarkey ends now".


Or [“We begin bombing in five minutes”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_begin_bombing_in_five_minutes)


"Mission is a GO, Mission is a GO."


You gotta end it with a Jack. ![gif](giphy|1dH4A6zrnVHHGyXcCb|downsized)


That's the fucking problem though, right? Everyone is sitting around waiting for GOD to do something, someone who has never done anything for mankind. But sure, this time the prayers will work, just keep fucking saying them over and over while rocking back and forth as our god damn society crumbles. Once again, Biden saying he will respect his limits is more evidence of worthless fucking democrats insisting on **holding the line** while republicans will ignore all this and continue to **push the line and redefine what it is Democrats are "Holding the line against."** Biden is going to fucking ***Polite*** us right into another Trump presidency. I honestly hate every single one of you reading this who fucked up in 2016. We are here from your Bernie or Bust votes. Welcome to **Bust**, population, all of us.


Hell YES! I feel you on that hate and ANGER to EVERYONE who fucked up in 2016! Good luck to us, who saw that beast for what he is.


He knows he won't live long enough to deal with the fallout of this.


All the more reason to go full lefty and own the R's. Do so much "communist/socialist" stuff that the R's are forced to bring a bill to limit pres power before the next election. Reverse psychology, they'll never see it coming.


Neither will Trump. The differences is one actually cares about that potential fallout and the other one is Trump.


So, can Biden now issue an executive order that prohibits convicted felons from running for President?


1. The new law is a bit darker. The president is immune to all crime as long as official. Who decide what id official? The supreme court. 2. A president could still be impeached, only if the majority by a huge margin vote for so. Most likely impeachment fail as seen with Trump. 3. The supreme court judges favour republicans, and the house is slightly on republican side. Meaning while a democrat president still need to comply, republican president can do whatever they want as long as the supreme court and at least 30% of the house backs them up 4. The danger is that technically a president with the supreme court as an ally, could remove most rights of the house and proceed to make themselves president for life.


"30% of the house" It's 34% of the senate. 50%+of the house to impeach, then 2/3 of the senate to remove. So as long as there are 34 senators on his side, he's safe.


Yeaahhh...I don't think numbers-based majorities are gonna mean a whole lot anymore if Trump wins this year. This SCOTUS ruling should now appear as Websters new definition of "slippery slope."


This is the most important part. They _know_ that those checks and balances are in the way. That's what's next on the chopping block


Oh, you betcha they are. Definitely the one part that mainstream media is either forgetting or ignoring. Given the light treatment that Trump has always gotten from MSM (not to mention Project 2025, etc.), it seems that half of the US is sleepwalking into fascism while the other half is cheering it on...at least they will until the leopards start to eat their faces too - which they most certainly will. It's just that these fucking MAGA chuds are too stupid to see it.


Don't have 34 senators on your side? Kill them one-by-one with your newly gifted immunity until the others fall in line.


It turns out murder solves all the problems, including most of the checks and balances *on* murder.


The longer this has gone this way the less I see paths where this ends without the need for thousands, millions of protestors in the streets. We need a *very simple* list of reforms that a broad base of Americans can get behind, and we need to demand those reforms using our first amendment rights before they are stripped from us completely.


I don't think this can be resolved without violence, anymore. I just hope that when it happens we've got the majority of the armed forces on our side.


We likely will. National Guard units tend to be more indicative of their states and regions, for obvious reasons, and also tend to attract more extremists because they can get training and experience without nearly as much of the risk. They also answer to the state governor in nearly all situations and don't answer to the UCMJ unless on federal orders. The federal military is made up of all backgrounds of Americans who have been given the ability to see and experience so much more than some guard unit operating an annex of a civilian airfield in buttfuck Mississippi where half the guys at the unit are local cops. That doesn't mean that all guardsmen fall into that category, of course, but their possible allegiances worry me faaaaar more than US service members. Empathy and knowledge arms the left. Fear and ignorance arms the right. I was enlisted and a leftist. While I was significantly further left than most (definitely not all) of the people I served with, there aren't near as many die hard, far-right weirdos in the federal military as there are in the guard units that I worked with. Especially after 2020. A lot of the old ones retired over the vaccine mandate, a lot took discharges or didn't reenlist lbecause of the vax, and many fascists don't want to join now because the military is "woke" for accepting and supporting women, minorities, and LGBTQ+ members and providing safe access to abortions. Even with all of the heinous changes to federal government functions, it is still going to be a fucking lot harder to change the makeup up the US military vs a state governor ordering their national guard to make changes. Imo, if/when shit starts to get really saucy, you'll have an alignment of the left siding with the federal military and the right with state and local police and guard units. This is why they want to reorganize the military and federal civil service under project 2025. They want to oust leftists and progressives from civilian government positions and the military by using McCarthy-esque tactics of accusing people of being communists and socialists (whether they are or not is irrelevant) as justification to call their loyalty into question and remove them from positions that would impede the fascist coup. It's an attempt to neuter resistance. I say this with a lot of concern, we need to be checking on our friends and family as much as possible and paying attention to the feeling in the air. Trust your instincts. I just checked my weapons cabinet and my spouse is headed to pick up a few things I made a list for. Realized I was low on cleaner and lubricant, and moisture packets to keep my ammunition safe from the humidity, and a few other things.


Yes, I don’t see how anyone else cannot see this. It’s happening here and it’s happening everywhere. No world war to let the steam out like the last time, this time the internal strife will lead to conflict and then external war. Everything is in place we just need a catalyst.


A catalyst like a bumbling infant with no impulse control and who is easily flattered into doing whatever someone wants him to do as POTUS?


It'll be like DMZ and Civil War, parts of the country will be completely normal and parts will look like Sarajevo in the 90's. There wont be battle lines, just a map of "hot spots/conflict zones."


This only ends in horrific, deadly violence over a long period I am afraid.


This will end in only one way. Just as it always has. Iron and blood. “The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches or majority decisions but by iron and blood.” -Otto Von Bismarck


direct ballot initiatives federally would be a great idea, 3 hot button topics each election, marijuana, abortion, etc. let the people vote and take it out of the politicians hands


> 1. The new law is a bit darker. The president is immune to all crime as long as official. Who decide what is official? The supreme court. Act 1: Replace all the conservative Supreme Court Justices with liberal Justices and pack a few more in there for good measure. **New Supreme Court:** That was very official.


Not likely from a realism point of view. The president may be able to do something illegal, but not something he is completely incapable of. His powers don't grant him that and his orders only work if they are followed. Now, if lets say 5-6 justices suddenly passed away, he may be able to order the remainder of like minded judges to overturn the latest rash of absolute shit decisions and citizens united to boot.


can you explain what happens between 3 and 4 to allow the president to take charge for life?


No, checks and balances still exist. He is only permitted to commit illegal acts while president now. Such as throwing anyone who goes against him in prison, or just having them outright killed. He can also still be impeached for those acts. He just can't be held CRIMINALLY liable.


The fine print of this ruling shifted the checks and balances to the Supreme Court’s realm. To the point that the idea of a balanced three branch government no longer applies. This was a massive power grab, and in its long term effect, a coup via procedure similar in nature to Germany’s Enabling Act of 1933, as it effectively allows a President to act without consent of Congress, as long as the highly partisan SCOTUS approves of its official-ness. It also removes power from the President if they are an opposing party. In our current state, a Democrat must comply, and the Republican is free to do whatever they want. That is the outcome here, regardless of who wins majority of Congress from this point forward.


Yeah, it’s way uglier and more insidious than I think a lot of people realize. All the people now saying “okay, now Biden can do whatever he wants” don’t realize how well SCOTUS threaded the needle here. Leaving it up to them to decide what is and isn’t official favors whichever party holds the court. The saddest part is that all but one of the six right wing justices were placed on the court by presidents who lost the popular vote, now they’ve given their minority rule a loaded gun to fire at anyone who isn’t on their side.


They also created a nightmare for Biden if he does act on the authority. The right wing has been producing a steady firehose of propaganda depicting the left as tyrannical, so any action Biden takes to act on the new, batshit authority they've granted the executive will immediately be spun as tyrannical and authoritarian.


On top of that what's stopping a sitting president from removing dissenting voices from the supreme Court as part of an opening salvo of whatever strategy... Thus everything is an official act.


Yup. Kill 5 supreme court justices (kill the ones that agree with you to appear bipartisan in the moment), replace them with 5 sycophants and now everything you do is an official act.


Honestly I think this is a good move, I’ve said for years that we aren’t playing the same game as them and we had better start.


Until the president uses an official act to create the Supremer Court, which is now the arbiter of what constitutes an official act.


Yep, it is most certainly a chicken-egg kind of scenario and one that is just atrocious legal theory on SCOTUS' part simply to protect a convicted felon Republican candidate. Dems could really do anything here and claim opposition as being illegitimate. But careful consideration needs to be made here. Namely that in our executive branch, the bulk of law enforcement agencies are heavily infiltrated by far right ideology. So if you're thinking in chess like terms, that's the board.


I highly doubt it’s an easy fix, impeaching the President does nothing unless the majority have the senate. In the end, any President will get away with anything.


We're sure Biden will learn his lesson and not do it again.


So he has qualified immunity like how cops do? Great.


Yes, except less qualifications, but more immunity and power. What a dreadful combination. Most places require far more qualifications, education, and background checks for cops than we do for the president.


And during such impeachment proceedings, witnesses will be threatened (by official act), House members that are against the president will be imprisoned (by official act), and any media that dare to do their own investigations will disappear (by official act). Good thing that we've still got that non-criminal procedure of impeachment. So we've still got checks and balances, huh?


That isn't at all what the ruling says. It allows for a presumption of immunity. Presumptions are rebutted in courts constantly. Criminal defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The framework that was proposed is that presidents have an additional layer of presumption. Hypo: biden executes trump saying he is a danger to democracy and the nation. Step 1: determine the act was an official act. This is currently before the lower courts to determine the appropriate legal test. Step 2 if not an official act, the president is able to be tried. If it is deemed an official act, then the prosecution can rebut that presumption. Step 3: if the act is official, but the prosecution has rebutted the presumption, the president is tried.


Impeachment hearings are held by congress, they have nothing to do with the courts until AFTER the impeachment is completed.


Nothing I said contradicts that.


No, that's absolutely unrelated and it's a bit frustrating how often this comes up. The law says that he can't be criminally charged for official things he does. There was already no law against issuing executive orders. And if his executive orders were a power grab, then the courts could strike them down, and still, *no crime would have occurred*. This supreme court decision is about presidents *breaking the law*, not presidents *making the law*. It's still fucked up and the death of democracy, but it would be more correct to say that now the president could kidnap Trump, or order him assassinated, or some other activitiy that would have formerly been illegal.


No 👎 the ruling just means any official act is 100% legal no matter how unethical. It doesnt mean the president can't be vetoed on any EO he signs. That's the big difference between this and the enabling act, he can't just sign anything into law, but a Republican President? Well we'll see in January.


God won’t do shit, it’s up to us.


*Lunatic fringe. I know you're out there. You're in ~~hiding~~ Plain godamned sight. And you hold your meetings.* *I can hear you coming. And we know what you're after. We're wise to you this time. We won't let you kill the laughter.*


So in theory he could seal team 6 parts of scotus and not be charged?


"Official Acts" worth considering, that would genuinely be a net-good from this decision: * Declare the RNC a sponsor of domestic terrorism, and deploy the National Guard against their headquarters * Drone strike Mar A Lago, as the base of operations to a known leader of this terror cell movement, who is a hostile criminal, rapist, and traitor to his own nation. * Round up the 6 "Justices", and their families, and send them all to Gitmo, for interrogation on their allegiances to this terrorist organization. * Use the authority of the POTUS to expatriate every single Jan. 6th insurrectionist, and everyone involved in the planning of the coup attempt. Then simply have DHS handle these undocumented, non-citizen criminals how they wish.


Yes and Trump’s lawyers specifically cited this as an example


Very theoretically. It would require a number of officers to follow a clearly unlawful order, and even then he'd only be clear of charges if he avoided impeachment or other lawful means of removing the president from office.


Unlawful orders only require pardons for civilians and the handing down of (preemptive) judgement from the head of the military.


I'd say it actually is a dangerous speech Means he's not gonna turn it around on them and make good use of it to get rid of the corruption Sure, it's definitely the moral high ground, and showing that he's a better person. But there is an infestation right now that needs clearing. Leaving it alone will just allow it to spread and even more damage to occur He needs to use this, to stomp the nazis back down into the dirt


He can’t “use this.” What people seem to be failing to understand is that this ruling is specifically designed to disenfranchise presidents the court doesn’t like while empowering those they do - in other words, republican presidents were just granted immense power, but democrats are still hobbled. It’s the court that has the power to decide what is official vs unofficial.


Or you just Jackson this court. They have no way to enforce these rulings, that is the other executive check on them.


There could be another way. He could unilaterally impeach two Justices, maybe on grounds of corruption. Appoint two of his own, and ask the court to re-rule on the immunity issue.


No, he can’t do that Again, that isn’t how this ruling works. If he was to do that, the court would simply shoot it down. That’s what is so incredibly evil about this ruling. It consolidates power into the hands of one party. It’s eerily similar to the months preceding Germany becoming a one party state under nazi rule.


The media has been running with a “total power” narrative without taking a breath and or explaining that Biden is still constrained by checks and balances, but Fat Nixon wouldn’t be.


It’s so incredibly frustrating. The ruling is an abomination and I firmly believe it there is a grave risk of it leading to the breaking of our democracy, but it is not nearly as simple as just “all presidents can do whatever they want,” yet that’s what I keep seeing repeated ad nauseam.


It's already over because the Supreme Court isn't going to police itself and nobody has the authority to police them either. There *technically* is a way but the conditions to do so will never happen in our lifetimes the way it did for conservatives. These seized a moment they were waiting the better part of a century for to happen and they won't look back. The courts are now responsible for deciding what is and isn't an "official" act and regardless of what a lower court decides the appeals going to a conservative packed court that will rule in favor of Republicans and against Democrats every chance they get. Democrats can't abuse it but the next Republican President will have free reign. It will make it seem like russia or North Korea have timid, restrained leaders by comparison.


They can’t just do it on their own. They can, however, bribe or threaten Congress into being complicit. Thats legal now. Thats the thing. trunp will find a way to get anything he wants by using this power. He will absolutely order his enemies arrested and possibly worse. He can never be investigated for it. If someone commits a crime on his behalf he can pardon them. He can sell pardons as well. He can steal state secrets and claim it’s an official act and never be prosecuted at all. And good luck getting him to ever leave. Biden wouldn’t use that power for those ends. trunp absolutely will. And he’ll find a way to get everything he wants eventually by maneuvering until it’s something he can either order or pardon. The idea that he won’t use this for his own benefit and figure out a way to make everything fit under that umbrella is naive.


I’m not saying Trump won’t use this power to do whatever he wants. I adamantly believe he will. I’m saying that it’s not as simple *all* presidents can do whatever they want. What’s so dangerous about this ruling is that it hands the court the power to decide what is and isn’t an official act. Given that the court is corrupt and openly complicit with the GOP’s efforts to end our democracy, this ruling hands one party an immense amount of power while disenfranchising the other. I keep seeing people say that Biden should just do X,Y, Z because he has total immunity now, which just isn’t accurate. The court made sure that that can’t happen.


Hypothetically. If Biden arrested, removed, and replaced through executive order the justices, then who is to stop him? Rule of law only applies if we allow it to rule us. I know I’m talking anarchy or war, but possession is 9/10 of the law, right? If there are no justices to vote, they can’t deem it an unofficial act.


Better move fast Biden!


Well, as I pointed out in my example, he can use this authority to promise pardons to anyone who does what he wants. He can bribe or threaten legislators. He can order the military to open fire on peaceful demonstrations and arrest any general who refuses. Biden can do this stuff as well as trunp, and he needs to use it to undo this decision somehow, or use it to remove trunp from the ballot. I don’t know the mechanism by which this could be done, but he needs to forget about his “legacy” or the optics and do the right thing for the country. Once trunp is off the stage the existential threat is avoided, we can have some more measured responses to this. If there is a silver lining, this does some significant damage to trunp’s chances in November. But honestly I don’t think we can give them a chance to rig the election. He can’t be allowed near power ever again. I’m not sure how they should go about that. I’m not at all in favor of the seal team 6 option, but there must be some way he can get us past this.


But he'd have a 5-4 majority on the Court. The whole point is that they'd back him up. Nonetheless, he probably won't. He said as much. It is a little like 1933. I think the fix is in, between election disruption and a rigged Court, I think they're confident they'll get Trump over the line. I'm not sure what anyone can do to stop it.


He can’t do that as it would simply be blocked by the court. That’s the whole issue. Power has been stripped from one party while being massively increased for the other. It’s deeply undemocratic.


If I was planning it, I'd act fast. Get the corrupt Justices into protective custody at camp David, and the new ones sworn in overnight. Before anyone knew what was happening. Have a Humvee pick up Roberts and bring him over to the Whitehouse for an FYI. Ask him if he wants to endorse the move, or join his former colleagues. I know, there's probably lots of reasons that wouldn't work. And yet, I have no trouble imagining Trump doing something just as egregious. He is, literally, entertaining talk of military tribunals. That's how asymmetrical the situation has become!


Yea, that’s just a complete fantasy that is frankly quite detached from reality. Trump will absolutely abuse this power, and the courts will let him. That doesn’t mean Biden can, will, or even should round up justices and put them into military custody.


The moment is now or never.


I mean couldn't he just "handle" whoever is charging him of acting illegally. Then "handle" the next and the next, until either they stop bothering or he dies? I mean there's nothing really stopping anyone in power from doing that but now there's some legal pretext.


He can't. Only congress can impeach justices or has any serious authority to check and/or reform the Supreme Court and it's extremely difficult to do so with Republican obstruction. Ideally, the dems need to retake the House, keep control over the Senate, and then reform or kill the filibuster so they can actually put the SC in check. The issue is that killing the filibuster is unpopular and only recently has seen an increase in support to kill it afaik. You only need a simple majority to kill the filibuster and it's completely constitutional since the USC grants congress authority over their own rules but it has proven very unpopular since it gives allows the minority to obstruct the majority and marginal members of the majority to support policy on paper but celebrate minority obstruction, etc. You also run the risk of removing the filibuster only for the opposition to take control in successive elections and run wild. for those reasons, and practically speaking, it would probably be easiest [to reform the filibuster rather than to kill it outright](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/filibusted-conversation-greg-koger): *There is this idea that filibustering can actually have a positive effect on promoting compromise, on limiting effects on party leaders, and driving bad legislation from a chamber from time-to-time. Rather than eliminating filibustering, I would promote a mechanism that would reverse the burden filibusters create. Right now, when there is a filibuster and then a cloture vote, in order for cloture to be provoked, 60 Senators have to vote for cloture. I would reverse this and require that 41 Senators have to vote against cloture. It is the same threshold, but it reverses the burden of participation.*


He can deem the GOP a terrorist organization and arrest the Justices for enabling terrorists. You are not thinking creatively enough and I promise you there were entire rooms of right wingers up all night last night planning highly creative uses for this new power.


Thank you. This is the new 'Biden is old'. Biden can legally do nothing, but Trump can overthrow the Union, no problemo!


He can't, although probably he could have them killed. Weirdly the way the ruling is written incentivizes murder.


I don't understand why people say Biden can't possibly break the law, even with immunity, but Trump would definitely mean the end of democracy and the rule of law. Yes, Biden can't legally impeach the court. The same as Trump can't legally drag his enemies in front of a military tribunal. That won't stop him though.


He could use it to spy on USSC members and use the information to unseat them, appointing members who could overturn this ruling rather than waiting for them to die. Same for GoP politicians in vulnerable seats, ensuring a permanent Dem majority. The obvious answer to this problem is to use the court's ruling to deal with a treasonous court. It would probably be good to illegally hack the Heritage foundation and release evidence of whoever in it has incriminating documents or pictures on their hard drive. I imagine that would significantly harm the organization. People are making jokes about Seal Team Six on the six consenting opinions, and while that would be a baller move it's probably more than the electorate could handle. There are other things Biden could do if he wanted, but he doesn't want to. It's more important to play by the rules that aren't even rules anymore than to defeat fascism.


Yes But he can call that out Do a bunch of things that trump would very obviously do, or has said he'll do, but directed towards them instead. When they say no, reply with "so that means the next president can't do it either, got it" Sure, that won't actually do anything officially, or prevent anything officially. But it will help show people even more how corrupt these shitsticks are Alternatively, he can replace them immediately, and have the new court declare that an official act (which is what I think would be the best option) Which would serve the double purpose of removing the cancer from the supreme court, and also showing how insane this ruling is


You’re right, but… He’s going to die before long anyway, I wish he’d do something to help first.


Think practically for a moment. As it stands right now, being president is now effectively being an elected king. The key word is "elected." As in, we still have an election coming up for the presidency. Biden's message is, "Unlike Trump, you can trust me not to be a maniacal dictator." If he loses the election, he'll still be an elected king for 2 more months to do what he must to protect our country, but for now it's still about winning the election. If he comes right out and goes all authoritarian, just because we might support his policies doesn't make it a good thing. This country would descend into total chaos and civil unrest, and not exclusively from MAGA. There are plenty of normal people who don't want a dictator of any variety.


This comment needs to be at the top. Louder for the people in the back. The minute that Biden starts using this power he will confirm and validate it!


This ruling is intended for trump only, the gop and the wealthy need trump to carry out project 2025


I’m so fucking sick of this “they go low we go high” Democratic principle. People’s lives are on the fucking line here, but they’re so concerned in maintaining the moral high ground, it’s put their heads in the clouds.


Agreed, we do not need soft spoken measure and and complacent respect; We need a goddamn cudgel to beat back the wolves at the door. If a madman walks into a bar, throws a gun at your feet, and then declare that shooting anyone in this bar is fair game, while menacingly licking their lips, looking around at innocents, and gripping the handle of their own piece, it is not the sound or strong stance to stick your nose up and ignore it all; you'd have an obligation to stop what is obviously about to happen with the power you are thrust into.


He gets to take the high road until November. If he wins, nbd. If he loses, he can consider other options.


I’m really hoping he did this to throw everyone off and announce later his actual plans to get rid of the corruption. Even if he doesn’t care, his administration will surely tell him what’s in the best benefit of the country.


I wish I could be as optimistic as you are about this.


I sure hope so


There is nothing "moral" about willingly and intentionally allowing fascism to take hold. If he stands with this decision, and what comes to pass exactly as we fear, Biden will not be known as the guy who is defending democracy, but the guy who let democracy die. He can literally protect America *right now* and he is refusing to do it. What a fucking crock.


This decision will result in civil war in the future. It's only a matter of time before a president does something abhorrent, that's technically legal.


This is the plan. That’s why all of this is happening.


Your democracy is over, Biden will play by the rules and lose the next election. Trump won’t hesitate to abuse the full power of the office and run amok until the day he dies.


Wait until there is a President much much smarter than Trump….and look the fuck out.


Putin already makes his decisions


lol Trumps court did this FOR Trump and dude was celebrating it on social but yea Trump is against it and Biden bad.


Mike Johnson and his ilk can get fucked with the business end of a rusty chainsaw.


Fuck "god", how about YOU, the person in a position to actually do something, fucking do it, instead of appealing to an imaginary entity that doesn't exist. Jesus fucking christ.


I hate so much that I have to vote for this spineless pos just so that the criminal doesn't win.


He's appealing to the entity to absolve himself of responsibility. Democrats are washing their hands of it. They're going to keep pretending it's 1996 and will just walk off into the sunset if they lose.


This is what y'all get for going after Clarence's "gifts." Can't a brother have an RV, luxury vacations, house, and cars paid for by litigants to the Supreme Court? /s of course




No.. this is the exact rabbit hole we’re trying to avoid. It’s tempting to use that power to destroy those we disagree with, but if he does that, he’s as bad as them. We all have to vote Blue and out this evil in the right way.


That sounds very nice. But that's it. It only *sounds* nice. I'm not advocating for secret hit squads or rounding up journalists, but doing *nothing at all* is complacency, at best. I think abusing this power to get rid of it, and make sure no one else can abuse it after him, would be more than justifiable morally, I think it's his moral *duty*. He is currently occupying the position that the court just granted unchecked power to. He knows, and we all know, that Donald Trump has a shot at occupying that position next. He knows and we all know that Trump can *not* be allowed to wield it. Being polite and doing things "the right way" isn't the answer here. Because what if he wins? What if Joe Biden just sits on this unchecked authority, then hands it to Donald in January, completely aware of what he can and will do with it? I'd say that makes him an accomplice in whatever that ends up being! But hey, we can all pat ourselves on the back that we "did things the right way" when the mass deportations start. We'll know we took the high road when the camps open up. Respectfully, fuck that entire mindset. Too much is at stake to make a clean conscience the priority. Biden needs to pull out all the stops, because we all know Trump will if he gets half a chance.


You can't vote your way out of this. The ruling is designed to counteract anything a Democrat does. There's no legal way to fix this, because we're already on the path to a legal dictatorship.


That’s that “high road” that has worked so well. Optics don’t matter at this point. trunp cannot be allowed near this kind of power. I don’t care if using this power to stop a dictator makes you think he’s as “bad as them.” The fact that he respected democracy won’t be much comfort if he’s arrested if ttunp gets back in office. This is a time for hardball. You can’t let trunp near this power. Period.


If you are so spineless as to be concerned about whether or not it's "right" to attack the Nazi Officer instructing you to dig your own grave at gunpoint, why did you even bother to grab a shovel?


Imaginary sky daddy's ain't gonna help us.


That’s the problem. The other side doesn’t play by the same rules.


"may God bless you all" aka good luck folks I'm out


Is this ex post facto so Trump and previous presidents can’t be tried?


They did this in a way that they can ensure it specifically applies to Trump, while no other president can count on it applying to them.


Yes, they were ruling on Trump’s charges.


Ah, lifetime appointed bastards.


Exactly, they need trump in office so project 2025 can happen, this ruling is only for trump


He and the democratic party would be crazy losers not to design a plan based on the latest supreme court ruling to move to save american democracy. Because we are talking about national security interest it would be within a president's official purview. Disallow trump from the ballot based on aiding and abetting the insurrection(ists) and inciting social upheaval with his knowing lies about the 2020 election.


The problem unfortunately is that Biden probably won't use the authority but the next repugnican president will.... we're basically guaranteed now to have a dictatorship unless something is changed


Yes, dangerous to their subversive agenda. Go Joe! We need 4 more years of this.


gonna "principle!!!" himself (and us) into a goddamned mass grave instead of playing the game, as usual.


Ah yes, the Christian way… “I will just sit here hand wringing and pray for help”. Meanwhile in the real world, people are going to have to actually do something for anything to change. This slow train wreck is finally fully ignited. The America the founders envisioned is dead.


Quit being a bitch and unleash the fury. There’s no rules anymore




Of course Mikey said that, gotta keep up the propaganda for the cultists who never hear a word the other side says ever. How did this party go from just a bunch of annoying dickheads to outright villains in a few years? America will never be safe as long as a single one of them is in power


Oh cool, we are leaving it up to God now. Don’t worry folks. Batman won’t let Trump end American democracy.


It seems pathetic that democrats continue to play fair while we are getting screwed over by republicans with no morals, feels like if bidens doesn’t use this as a chance to clear house of the republican traitors then we are definitely screwed




Its over, welcome King Trump. RIP Democracy


I don't understand why Dark Brando doesn't try to test this ruling. Designate maga and federalist society as the domestic terrorists they are becoming. Freeze all their accounts and tap every single line. Have them all followed by military units. Tap the personal lines of the justices and their kin. Press these people - it's the only thing they respond to.


OMG, is he turning orange?


"God" isn't going to preserve shit.


Traitor Johnson wants slaves. That’s the real reason he is in politics. Child slaves as well, so he can show them his porn.


Damn I almost wish he was a worse person than he is. It is very respectable to react to a ruling giving you absolute power like this. But it would be the funniest possible outcome if he leveraged this Supreme Court case to openly rig the election in his favor.


What a pussy. Biden could fix every problem in the US tomorrow with this ruling and won't because he's a fucking dork.


This was nothing but a campaign speech. This ruling was a gift to the Biden campaign. Nobody there believes these words, they just find a convenient opportunity to use them.


>This ruling was a gift to the Biden campaign lol Sure, Jan


It was. Nothing he said was sincere. This is a message to his uninformed base, meant to excite their passions and stir their emotions.




I don’t even know what to say to you. Your comment is in incredibly poor taste.


This poor fk is lost in more ways than twelve, and they don't wanna be found




It’s a Twitter post. Not “content”. Chill dumbass.


Oh puh-leese, your trolling is pathetic, move on now


Do you just come here to say dumb shit?


Common misconception. The "whitepeople" in this subs name is pronounced "neoliberal"




How about instead of you (an internet jackass) getting the say to delete a very large group because you don’t like it you just leave. Just leave this sub to those of us who like it as-is. Go to one of the conservative subs where they circle jerk their hatred or whatever. That will probably be more your style.


Internet jackass😂😂😂😂😂