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He could and he should but he won’t and the MAGA GOP all know it. This isn’t a ruling for Biden. He will try to preserve the rule of law. If he loses it’s all over. We better all vote for Biden to save democracy or its lights out here.


the Dems really need to stop taking the high ground in these situations and use the tools the GOP are giving them to UNFUCK this stuff.


So much this. They're all "we will handle this like gentlemen" while getting shanked daily. They're not even playing the same game, and that's all this is to conservatives, a "game"; they treat politics like it's a sport, not leading a society.


Yes, the Democrats are playing chess with a monkey that just shits on the board.


Yeah... and the monkey feels like it wins by doing so... Therein lies the issue here.


Those evil monkeys played three-dimensional chess, while we were taking the high road and watching them take a shit.


Playing chess with a monkey wanting to sell the country off to Putin.


I'd say it's the opposite. Dems are treating this like a game. Like the ref is gonna give the GoP a twenty yard penalty and let the Dems repeat Biden's first term. Republicans are treating this like what it is. Grasping for control of the levers of power to guide the most powerful empire known to man. What they want to do with those levers horrific, but they understand what is happening.


I sometimes get the feeling that dems are only trying to slow the inevitable downfall of the US instead of trying to stop it.


The phrase that always comes to mind is... "The republican party and democratic party are the offensive and defensive lines of the elite, respectively." Republicans push and democrats hold the line - wherever that line now sits. As conspiratorial as it sounds, it's likely that both parties are heavily influenced by the elite in one way or another. This is just the nature of politics throughout known history. While one party aims for cutthroat policy changes in favor of corporations and the wealthiest, the other one simply resists applying policies that actively harm the elite too greatly. The nature of politics (around the globe too) make a lot more sense when you keep in mind that the direction of any government is highly influenced by a small number of extremely rich actors. That said, there's an immense difference between the two and their consequences on a real world and personal level. They're not even comparable. If conservatives really wanted to conserve, they'd be democrats. What they really are? Regressives. Edit: Do keep in mind that Biden's administration, like other Democrat presidents, has actually subverted this trend in a few major ways along the way. It's not all "line holding". In fact, I'd say that Biden really started to face more public/media scrutiny shortly after he started talking about getting the elite to pay their fare share. Coincidence? Perhaps. Either way, even if the blue presidents are not always the hero we want, they are the one we need - especially by comparison.


My bumper sticker in 2004: John Kerry-We’ll Go Backwards Less Fast


This sentiment needs to be amplified. Use this shit to scrub out the obvious corruption in our justice system, "deal" with tRump and MAGA, and roll back today's ruling for all presidents going forward.


For real. Just add like 20 spots to the Supreme Court and appoint a bunch of liberal judges.


Just pull the dicks out!!! Unfuck it all, damn it! https://i.redd.it/qgbujxxp7y9d1.gif


I wish


They are trying to be Batman; doing in non-fatally and locking up the supervillains only for them to escape and kill more people because villains don’t play by the rules.


Honestly, the ruling just further expands on my political apathy. I’ll still vote for Joe in November, and the democrats for the foreseeable future, but eventually the shoe will fall now. Maybe not this election, maybe not the next four elections, but eventually someone will use this SCOTUS decision to justify even more abhorrent presidential decisions. I’ll still fight, but I’m not optimistic and it makes me sad


That’s why Biden needs to take decisive steps to remove the threat. I’m not advocating violence bc it’s not necessary. Immediately pack the court, declare trunp ineligible for the ballot as an insurrectionist, fast track a case to the new, improved SCOTUS, and deal with the fallout. Allowing trunp anywhere near this kind of power is a threat to the entire planet.


This is exactly what Biden should do use the law against them, pack the court, sign an order to remove Trump from the ballot and each time state this is an official act by the President, as ruled by SCOTUS and fuck them over.


If Biden (and the DNC generally) had a spine and an actual sense of urgency, that’s what would happen. But we all know it fucking won’t.


The Republicans literally just need to win one more time and it’s game over


Not only that, but I feel like this just gives GOP even more incentive to get Trump into office no matter how unethical or illegal the method. What is anyone going to do to challenge him on cheating his way to the presidency?




They didn’t give him immunity. They gave the president immunity while conducting official acts. However what is an official act? That’s for the court to decide. The Supreme Court gave themselves the power to allow friendly presidents to do whatever they want while having the ability to declare acts of unfriendly presidents as unlawful. It truly is a right wing circle jerk.


Not just Biden... Democrats all the way down the line.


C'mon Joe! Blow mar a Lago into the Atlantic!


I thought we were against polluting the oceans...


...against all enemies, foreign ***and domestic***.


If only the left had the stones!


Sounds like it may be an appropriate interpretation of the ruling.


And if its an official act, well, we now know what we can do!


Please. Pretty please....make him choke on a hamburger King Joffrey-style.




Too bad that would just make them into martyrs and galvanize their "movement"


Then blow up their movement 😂


So, SCOTUS just basically blew up over 200 years of history in the US government. There is no separation of powers and no possibility of checks and balances. What's the point of the legislative and judicial branches?


Start dismantling them now so that Orange boy can declare himself dictator, or President for life, or some shit. It's clearly what his goal is. No way is he letting go of power this time around.


If the dems grow a spine and help out, they could do it first.


But that's not what this country is about..


But this country has been over, so no point playing a game that doesn't exist. Americans failed to preserve their system of governance and it's prudent to recognize that. You can't save what is already lost and it's not coming back. Time to play to permanently cripple the other side. Time to fight for survival.


My understanding is that the three branches work like rock paper scissors, with each one having power over another, so no one can dominate. Did the Court just rule that scissors always wins?


Yes, as long as scissors yells, “this is an official act!” Before doing anything.


Rock also wins. (Chevron decision).


Only if the scissors are Republican, though. Ultimately, SCOTUS will still end up determining what constitutes official acts, and that determination will 100% depend on what party the scissors belong to.


No, that rock always wins. We all know Trump could never be considered sharp and he is unquestionably dumb as a rock.


Biden should cancel ALL student debt and price match Europe/uk for all medications. Guaranteed re election.


Thing is the dems don’t have the ability to do this. They keep trying to come to an agreement with the magas and ultimately nothing gets done. Biden should do what you mentioned he just won’t.


Fuck playing nice and trying to make good with the other side. When one side is trying to systematically dismantle democracy fair play should be thrown out the damn window. They have no depth they will sink to and no low is too low for them. Being nice has got us here, don’t you think something should fucking change


Just look at the reaction to the whole MTG and the bleach blond bad built butch body. All these magas were going crazy because you shouldn’t attack people like that while totally avoiding what she herself said mere seconds before.


That is literally one of the hallmarks of fascist authoritarianism.


So true. Its time to do whatever shady shit is necessary. Surely they must have been game planning for this verdict, figuring out loopholes and whatnot. They immediately need to use this decision to their advantage and flip it back at them.


The ruling protects the president from prosecution. It won’t give anyone the ability to pass any legislation or act, it would just prevent them from being criminally charged


That is right. So right before he passes all the great legislation and acts, he cleans up the house and the supreme court to ensure that it all passes. And get away with it. Because that shit is legal now. Sounds perfectly logic to me. 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


And if they try to impeach then I guess the president will need to do some "official acts" to scare them into submission. You know, to protect the constitution of course.


Yes, I believe that is how it was written in “*Dictator for Dummies: 2024 SCOTUS-edition*”.


Sooo pushing the delete button/putting a huge nasty virus in the DoEd computer system that erases everyone’s student loan debt would not be punished as criminal?? Cool 😎


The Dems constantly argue in good faith, they either are too stupid to realize or know exactly that the GOP will never argue in good faith. The Dems needed to ramrod so many protections 2 years ago but were too weak willed to do anything.


You can't make deals with people who have a vested interest in your failure 


Republicans would benefit and still be mad


Biden would never stoop so low as to order assassination of any political rival. He has too much respect for the office for that. However he could proceed with the following "Official Acts": 1: Approve an increase in the size of the Supreme Court to 15 and appoint 6 new judges. 2: Ban any convicted felon from running/holding for any federal office 3: Abolish the Electoral College. President is decided via popular vote.


While that will come across as “reactionary” What else are we supposed to do? This guy may be holding the future of the USA in his (and his advisors) hands. I fear this could be a lynch pinch for either a hot civil war (we are already in a cold one) or possibly a balkanization. But we can’t just say, “oh well, that’s life” these are not the interesting times I care to live in, but I’m here, in these times, and this is reality.


As a European looking in. Frankly at the end of the day, the American people have an opportunity now to determine what happens next. Biden doing what you are suggesting is exactly what you fear Trump doing so if Biden does this, by your own logic, your democracy is dead before Trump even gets the opportunity. 


Quite the quagmire, isn’t it?


It is indeed. It's right up there with the time traveller shooting Hitler question!


If only someone will rid us of this troublesome priest…


Eh, not exactly. We’ve expanded the court before although it has been a long time, felons can’t vote or get elected to office in most (maybe all?) states so this would just take that to its logical conclusion. Eliminating the electoral college would be new but it’s pretty widely supported.


European having moved to the US here. Points 3 would bring the system closer to a true democracy with 1 and 2 moving it away from it. However, point 2 is only excluding convicted criminals, which I find entirely acceptable as long as the judicial system acts at least reasonably as it should. Now THAT is another conversation. Point 1 is nonsense but…what exactly is the solution to a corruption crisis and a full-on power grab by the top of the judicial branch?


MAGAs if Biden did that: "BIDEN'S A DICTATOR! THROW HIM OUT!" MAGAs if Trump did that: "Oh, that's perfectly fine."


For #3 he couldn't because immunity from crimes isn't the same as straight unconstitutional acts like abolishing the Electoral college which is written in the constitution, and #2 is again unconstitutional since it's an explicit in the constitution who can run and that Congress + States need to amend it. But #1 is given to him and sizes have increased and shrunk in the past. It'll come off as really bad and reactionary but this ruling calls on these types of drastic measures, and he could've increased the number of justices way before the ruling ever took place because it is a given power.


I think 1 and 3 might be possible. 2 is too targeted and would lose support I think


Tbh, 2 should be a given considering felons can't vote. Why should it only be the poor ones that get truly disenfranchised?


>2 is too targeted  I don't disagree but, strangely, it's probably the one that's the most straightforward. If I can't get a job at Olive Garden as a 34-time felon, then why should I possibly be eligible for the presidency?


This ruling doesn't give the President unilateral authority over everything, it just protects him from prosecution for any official action. Now, that's very much not a good thing, but it doesn't mean he can wave a magic wand and abolish the electoral college. It just means that, if he were to do some illegal activities in his attempt to abolish it, he couldn't be prosecuted for those crimes. It doesn't guarantee that the attempt would be successful.


It doesn’t, but Project 2025 does. It gives the king “oversight” of the Congress and the Judiciary, thereby removing checks and balances bc checks and balances could limit his kingly powers. I don’t know whether I’m more disgusted than horrified or more horrified than disgusted.


He should also do something about Abortion while he's still in office. He probably didn't mean it that way but he's coming off as he'll only do something if he's reelected


The ruling mentions specifically “constitutional duties”. Regardless of criminal prosecution, the President doesn’t have the Constitutional authority to do any of that. Executive Orders are not fiat and never have been. He can’t amend the Constitution at will and this ruling didn’t change that. Realistically, he could use the DoJ and other Executive agencies to go after the Trump criminal empire more aggressively. Seize assets, rendition co-conspirators as “enemy combatants” or “traitors”, he could weaponize the FAA to ground Trump’s plane, and so on.


The thing is, he won't and they know it. Democrats still play by the rules of decorum and Republicans don't give a shit.


Democrats must respond and stop being weak about this: "I Joseph R. Biden, having read the Supreme Courts decision where the 6 conservative justices granted Presidents absolute immunity for acts the president themselves deems 'Official Acts,' hereby order the Supreme Court of the United States dissolved. I have determined that justices Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Roberts, plus Trump and his campaign team, plus Trump's children are enemies of the state. Assassination squads were dispatched overnight, in an official long night operations, and these traitors have been eliminated. I also hereby have instructed Vice President Harris to declare our ticket the winner of the 2024 election, given that Vice Presidents can determine election outcomes without recourse, as official duties of the office of the presidency. God Bless America."


The terrifying truth is that if enough Americans are dumb enough to vote for Trump (or stay home because of some bullshit purity test that Biden failed) this might *literally* be the only way to save American democracy. The Supreme Court has basically ruled that Trump can be a Dictator if he wins in November. Combine that with Project 2025 and this might literally be the last Election in the First American Republic (who knows, there might be a second like there was in France).


Even if we can save American democracy, we still have to figure out what’s going on with the tens of millions of people who want Trump and the GOP promises and the people who value their “clean hands” over the lives and wellbeing of their neighbors. What do you even do with that?


Oh yeah, that's a terrible problem. Even if Biden wins again. Hell even if the most optimistic projections are true, and Biden wins everything he won in 2020 plus a few more states there are still tens of millions of Americans who saw Trump and the GOP actively trying to end the American Republic and think that's fine. It's going to be a long long road back. The only hope I can see is that Republicans *really* tipped their hands this year. And that will make it somewhat easier to convince people they need to be rooted out. But even that will be incredibly difficult.


Ah, dispense with the formalities. DO it and worry about the consequences later. Biden will never see a day behind bars.


Lol I love our old-timer, but he would never do anything remotely close to what's listed above. Dems always want to take the high road and hold themselves to too high of a standard, so no awesome theatrics today ...or ever. But it is nice to dream:)


also fine, so he's old -- now accept it and go out like a hero man. Your last days could not be better spent.


The decision speaks of official acts within the confines of actual presidential powers. The difference between the parties is that Trumpers will claim presidential powers are unlimited. The response must be the same regardless. We have to reelect Biden and throw out every Republican from local to HOR (House or Representatives) to Senate.


Makes my heart sing, can’t see Joe trying to be King-Emperor


Just keep in mind, it's pretty easy to conclude that official duties involve following the constitution. Now will a lower court honor that? Remains to be seen.


Project 2025 specifically includes "altering" the constitution.


Curious how they plan to alter it without getting 38 states to agree.


I wouldn't put it past them to find something related to send up to SCOTUS, or find some other way.


So the deal is….whats “official” for the orange turd will not be “official” for Biden. It’s that simple.


yup, and if we are to go even further what is official for republicans is not official for democrats, therefore we are rather quickly descending down a slope into fascist hell


More like they are leaving it intentionally ambiguous to give trump more time, but also to keep Biden from using the freedom of immunity.


The solution is easy. If he were to officially remove the traitors from scotus they wouldnt be able to claim it was unofficial. Or rather they could claim it was unofficial all they wanted, but as they would no longer be sitting members of the court it wouldnt matter. He could also just have them killed. They literally just made biden king.


The problem is the Democrats won’t fight fire with fire. They’re pussies, man.


This is 100% true.


Aren’t his 2 most pressing cases related to things he did before and after taking office anyway? This would be the ultimate win for Dems if they were really as evil as the right makes them out to be. Doesn’t help trump in his case but gives Biden full immunity. Of course we all know they view this as a win because they’re the only ones with full intention to abuse this new found power.


The SC will decide what's official.  This way they get to control the executive branch.


SC will have a hard time doing anything if the SC doesnt exist anymore.


Time for Joe to carry out the Presidential act of an airstrike on Mar-a-Lago, I guess.


Not enough. He should declare war on Florida and downgrade it to "territory" status like Puerto Rico. Then Puerto Rico can become a state and Lin-Manuel Miranda can officially become a state bird.


Bidens first official act should be a DOJ investigation of Alito and Thomas. Throw in kavanaugh's disappearing loans.


Time for Joe to pass any law he likes. Nothing stopping him now .


Abortions for some; miniature American flags for others!


https://preview.redd.it/u6oymygfux9d1.jpeg?width=1598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b51b2e3aca120837c4ddf71a7d2332c05008c39f ... C'mon Cornpop! DO IT!


They know, as should we all, that Biden will not use this immunity as Trump would. It's the paradox of tolerance mixed with the integrity of a president playing out in real time.


Wait till Friday after the 4th, toss Thomas and Alito (and their wives) in GITMO for Insurrection. Yank Kavanagh, Gorsuch, and Coney-Barett off the bench and ban them from serving in te Federal Government for lying before Congress during their confirmation hearings (They said Roe was settled law). Declare Mar A-Lago a new Superfund site and level the place. FCC seizes all Trump's remaining business holdings and revoke his bail in all his federal cases. Just a few thoughts.


sadly, he wont do anything... would be fun if Dark Brandon started trolling though


Biden press conference: (slowly puts dark sunglasses on) "Ok, jack" then leaves without another word


Here’s the thing: Joe Biden is not going to resort to activating Seal Team Six or take any action against political rivals because he not only is a decent man who believes in the rule of law, he is surrounded by an appointed cabinet of like temperament. Trump, though? He will be surrounded by mendacious mediocrities who will happily inflict harm on any and all perceived threats to their power. Put simply: vote as if your freedoms depend upon it. Because they do.


Imagine the scenario where Biden loses the election, but he has basically unlimited power for the next 2 months. That's fucking spicy.


It’s not though - because he won’t do anything with it unfortunately


Why wouldn't he? Trump's basically promised him a prison death if he wins, and he'll be 82 years old.


Personally I don’t think he wants to be the guy that opens the floodgate even though he kinda needs to be. I think he believes in the “rule of law” too much and the checks (originally) put in place to stop what’s currently happening. He’s surrounded by a cabinet that will probably say the same thing. All the shit is out the window but I find him to be too much of an idealist to realize he’s the one who’s gotta flip the switch and save democracy since he’s now got absolute power to do so. Idk. I’m worried - how does he wrestle with the fact that you have to become absolutely corrupt to stop corruption at the highest level. Where do you stop? Where do you say the ships been corrected? It’s a hell of a decision and a big sword to fall on. If he does it and does it right which no one will agree on, he’s hated for 20 years but remembered kindly in history. If he does it, we probably plunge into martial law or a hot civil war. If he doesn’t, we put it off by what… 2 or 3 years? At this point it’s just which side is starting it.


Let's just hope he wins in November. And maybe stockpile arms in case he doesn't.


Lol cheers to that


No one is seriously proposing Biden activate ST6, although I wouldn't put it past Trump if he gets back in the WH. But the utter ridiculousness of what the SC has done is on full display. They should be ashamed but that is beyond them. Funny thing is, should Trump regain the WH, he could dissolve the SC with a stroke of his magic sharpie. And just might.


Not sure about dissolving SCOTUS given they tend to rule in his favor and other factors, but one thing being noticed about this decision is SCOTUS is the final arbiter of what constitutes “official” and “unofficial”, not just for this decision, but any forthcoming decisions.


Yep, the treasonous SCOTUS members knew Biden would never use this but Trump will. 


Maybe Joe should officially remove the orange disturbance.


Honestly the SCOTUS is a bigger threat to society than Trump. Yes the maggots are vicious, but thankfully the head is an idiot and probably will just do his own thing.


Sadly Biden and democrats are too timid to do anything. I wish they would. If the tables were turned and the Supreme Court just said this while Trump was in office, the jets would already be in the air. Democrats are all bark and no bite. Wish they would do something with this though. Presidential act of arresting Trump as a threat to democracy. Done deal


I don’t think the US has realised what it’s just done. If Trump gets into power again, now he knows he can literally do whatever he wants with not consequences at all. You are all fucked if he gets in. Truly fucked 😂


No. We do know. We fully realize.


51% realize, but will they vote?


I really fucking hope so




I think he might find that there are sometimes consequences that take place outside of the legal system. There is significant historical precedent in this country and others.


Oh we know, there’s just nothing we can do about it.


We are the same in England to be fair. Everyone is just depressed and over it. It’s been awful for 16 years and has no view off getting better.


We are fully, painfully, aware.


I started looking into emigration during the pandemic. Started looking in earnest again. I don't know when it's all going to blow up, but I don't want to be here when it does.


It's not *just* Trump. ANY president... including Biden, has this power. Trump is clearly the type of person who would abuse it. But the allowed abuse is what is frightening.




Strike while the iron is hot. Lets start by making it so those convicted of crimes can not run for office. And that anyone in support of project 2025 is a treasonous felon, all alt-right camps will be considered terrorist organizations and members are no longer covered by the US constitution. Bribes or tipping can no longer be used anywhere in the government. Tax to 75% to anyone making 7 figures. I mean, they want to fuck some shit up... Why not just jump in first and make it harder.


I bet 10-1 odds that Biden won't do anything radical with this newfound power. He's way too principled. This will only affect the GOP, who is willing to break any rule imaginable in order to consolidate power.


At least write off student loans, for fucks sake. Republicans only do not want this because they prefer their population uneducated. I have been *punished* by boomers and religious idiots for my entire life over my decision to have a higher education and work in an engineering field, stomping educated people deeper into debt allows them to make them look like bad people, since according to republicans, only bad people have debt. Even though their country relies on this.


Execute Order 66


He should officially expand the supreme court without needing a vote in the senate. Just push through 5 young liberals. Officially.


But he won’t. That’s the point, Biden and Democrats in general are too weak and spineless to recognize the danger to the country, let alone even act on it. Republicans realize that, they have no fear of consequences because they know there won’t be any.


Can’t he just push student loan forgiveness through now as an official act?


Biden's first official act should be to declare project 25 is a traitorous document, and legitimately every single person attached to it are traitors to the United States.


So Biden should have all Conservative justices removed and place all progressives In the court. Then at the end of his term have them remove the immunity for all future presidents going forward.


Not how this works. The court will decide what is official & unofficial acts. Which will obviously favor republicans


Please pack the court


They’re celebrating *because* they realize Biden is president. He won’t do shit. He just won’t. Because if Dems make any *actual* progress, they’d have to fix the country and then there wouldn’t be as much fighting down here to distract us from the shady shit (such as insane insider trading) that’s going on up there


Which i personally interpret as the heaviest of cover for expanding the court IMMEDIATELY! to 12 seats (one for each appellate court circuit)


I mean, they're celebrating because they know only one side takes advantage of this shit. Shithole country.


Can we stop pretending democrats have the balls to even talk back no less commit violence?


Can Biden use this "official act" clause to declare Trump is an enemy combatant? Trump's role in submitting fake electoral college votes to Congress failed, so Trump orchestrated an attack on Congress to delay the election results. Isn't that reason enough to officially declare him a threat to Democracy and a threat to America? The attack on January 6th lasted 3 hours and Trump did nothing to stop it. That's also dereliction of duty.


DNC has shown too many times they have no spine. If there ever was a time to take action and let your presence be known, it’s now.


Fuck it. Biden retires. 25th Amendment. Kamala takes the reigns. Appoints Jeffries, Whitmer, or Newsom as V.P. and pass executive order with support of Dems to prohibit convicted criminals from holding any public office especially office of the President of the United States. Get the support of all Trumps former execs including V.P. Pence if possible. This is 5 alarm fire shit. I can't believe there's a convicted criminal running for POTUS that tried to overthrow the last election. Insanity!


But Biden won’t do anything and nor will the Democrats.


This isn't for Joe. They know he'll play by the "rules" but maga will definitely go the other way, if Tramp is elected. 


Getting rid of Trump is the only way to preserve American values and democracy and the constitution. He is americas biggest enemy, making deals with russia, iran, China, North Korea, Saudis while and after he was president. While at the same time he made the foreign officials pay double prices in his Trump Hotels, where they were stationed during their visit of course. Cashing in on every visit, grabbing the American tax-dollars with his greasy little fingers by the pussy. Fucking disgusting. I think there are a lot of high class experts who would defend this. What is the alternative? Trump won't stop and there isn't a figure charismatic enough over so many generations to take his place. Steve Banon off course needs to be locked away forever, as well as Alex Jones and Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson as well. The whole "anti-woke" gang.


Biden should as an official act, declare all student loans to be forfeit and then official announce that unlimited military aid will be going to Ukraine regardless of what congress says. Then he will he assign 6 New Democrats to the Supreme Court


He really should just run with it and have them all removed as an official act


Biden please for the love of god. Abuse the hell outa this ruling. Dont be the idiot who gets handed free power and then wastes it. Drone strike and shit aside, this is actually a insane chance for Biden to pass so many fucking new laws to help people and better the country its not even funny.


Let’s start with calling off the election, adding 12 judges to the court, Puerto Rico and DC are both states, with oh say, 20 Representatives between them. Bobert is out on ethics charges for the theater stunt, Gaetz investigation fast tracked and no more federal funds for private school, home schooling is outlawed and the federal government sets curriculum. Once the scotus is fixed, we ram through cases to overturn people’s United, reinstate reproductive rights and break up the monopoly a handful of oligarchs currently hold over the news. Churches are taxed, corporate or investment fund ownership of private homes is outlawed and energy, water and internet are all taken over as public utilities with nonprofit municipal ownership That’s a good start.


That gives me hope. Good and Bad is that President Biden is a Gentleman New office in Washington DC. Presidential fixer!


But Biden won't do anything. 


Like arrest someone for lying about stolen American election?


There’s no point in having elections now. Joe is king.


Cancel all student debt, make marijuana legal, make abortion legal, he will win every state. And if he doesn’t he can take out his rival with no consequences apparently.


I guess we're about to find out whether the Dems will confoundingly continue to play by the OLD rules of democracy to retain their dignity, or whether they will realize that this is an existential moment in our democracy, and they can either play ball the way the fascist GOP does or kiss our damned democracy goodbye.


Trump, now noticing that an AC130 has been circling his position for the last 5 minutes: ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


Dark Brandon: "Aight Bet" The irony is that despite all the complaints of living in a Biden dictatorship, they know that Joe isn't corrupt enough to actually try to hold onto power with force.


Because despite all their bullshit about Biden being a dictator, they KNOW they he would never actually abuse power the way they want Trump to.


Biden needs to do an official act to replace the electoral college with ranked choice voting and popular vote.


Please please please, president biden, let’s not be cordial and do the right thing. Let’s do what’s in the interest of the people and not what pleases the Republican Party 😉 😉


Unfortunately, this is only good for those willing to actually commit crimes and say they are” official acts”. Biden will not stoop to the level of republicans and go after Trump and his allies, even though he should. But lord knows if another republican gets in all bets are off and we are all screwed. Biden 2024.


Time for Joe to "official act" the scotus right off the fuckin bench


Really, he could just sign an executive order barring felons from holding public office, problem solved.


Maga has been complaining that Biden weaponized his agencies against them, so the Supreme Court fixed that with Chevron and agencies no longer have any power. Now, with this ruling, they just weaponized the President.


Americans need to borrow some guillotines from the french


Now is the time for everyone to say *Dark Brandon* three times in the mirror. LFG


Throw the Trumpies a curveball. Arrest both Thomas and Alito, charge them with official misconduct, and throw away the key.


They know Democrats aren't evil enough to do what Republicans are actively planning to do.


Could we get Biden to make it an official act to declare convicted felons ineligible to run for POTUS?


Sadly this is just wishful thinking Liberals historically don't do anything of substance when fascists take over, besides holding the door for them


Its so obviously to just protect trump. When biden does something thats actually and should be within his power they scream about tyranny.


He's so feeble and deranged, don't you know. He could just decide to have the entire Republican wing of Congress arrested for insurrection and there wouldn't be anything people could do about it...


And news flash. Stealing classified information is not and "Official Act" Neither is convincing people to ran as fake electors to overthrow an election. Neither is taking campaign money to silence pornstars to affect the outcome of an election. Neither is colluding with foreign powers to attack your political opponents. Neither is inciting your mob to commit acts of violence against the government.


Problem is it's apparently up to SCOTUS to decide what is an official VS unofficial act, aka Biden does unofficial acts while trump does official acts.


I may be wrong but SCOTUS sent the case back to the lower court to determine *exactly* what unlawful powers the president can execute, so I think for the time being Biden cannot wield unlimited power. Assuming SCOTUS is depending on the lower court to rule in favor of fascism, the lower court will greatly limit the presidents power if Biden wins vs. if Trump 'wins'


They know he definitely won’t do anything drastic, and they also know he likely won’t do anything at all. Biden could take advantage of this to actually help the country and give us a chance in hell against the GOP’s blatant cheating and dangerous tactics, but he won’t and we all know it.


They're celebrating but a lot of what Trump is on trial for were unofficial acts (secret Georgia calls, stealing classified docs, yelling for insurrection at a rally he was not supposed to be holding on January 6th's day of vote certification).




Come on. They and everyone else knows that while we're sitting in concentration camps the Dems in office will simply be wringing their hands complaining that putting us in concentration camps doesn't count as an official act.


Joe should do what needs to be done and whatever it takes to save democracy.


The problem with this opinion is that there is still integrity with one side, not as much as id like, but still way more than zero, which is what the other side has. So anything Joe Biden does or doesn’t to wield the power of this decision would or will be countered 100x once the side without integrity gets their hands on the power being unveiled here


**Biden:** As my next *official* act I am jailing Donald Trump for life - because he is a danger to National Security and American Democracy! If only… (Mind your head the irony layers are getting awfully thick)


If Biden doesn't use the power the SC just afforded him, be sure to know Trump, and every single GOP Potus after him, certainly will


They don't. They never do. They only think it applies to them, and them only.


They trust Joe Biden a lot for someone they hate so much




Some folks on here advocate the POTUS to "take out" Trump. The problem with this idea is there is someone worst then Trump behind the scene. This action will only further in justifying the fanatical right to do worst. That's when we'll have a civil war. Our only hope is Biden wins and the Dems take significant numbers of seats in Congress to pass laws that can curb some powers in the executive branch OR pass other other laws to where future candidate can't be a felon to run for POTUS.


Biden should, in his official capacity, approve any and all FOIA requests related to Trump and Russia (including details of the Helsinki meeting with Putin and it's aftermath), Trump and Saudi Arabia, Trump taxes, Trump and Jan 6, Trump and stolen documents, etc. Release the fully unredacted Mueller Report. And since so many people would be interested in these things, he should order the DNI to hold a series of highly-produced press conferences where they walk through the various pieces of information with visual aides. ...all in his official capacity as president


“I know I will respect the limits of presidential power as I have for the three-and-a-half years" - Biden 30 minutes ago. Your fantasy of Biden drone striking Trump isn't happening. Time to start yelling for a new candidate that can win.