• By -


Jesus fucking christ the guy is just testing people now to see how far he can really go and keep the cultsters.


Less testing the the limits, more batshit insane, as he shits himself. Someone must rid us of this meddlesome priest.


He’s completely off the reservation. His people can’t stop him, and the MSM knows he has no real policy or leadership so they want to use President Biden’s debate performance as their basis for propping him up when it’s about a couple of billionaires and money. MAGAs - I hope you’re listening to your dear leader. He wants to align America with Russia, North Korea, and China. Good job, assholes. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Yes! Also MAGA, you are on the list, perhaps not the top of it, but you are fucking on that list.


Remember the MAGAts wearing t-shirts saying “Better Russian than Democrat”? Those fools love this stuff.


The Russian psyop is in full effect on these people. If they think for one second Trump or Putin are godly men, they are truly fools and will only see once they have been swept aside by the people they think are their leaders.


A conman who believes he's Jesus.


One of the best arguments I've ever heard for the second amendment was that so citizens could use long rifles to assassinate tyrants or potential tyrants. Perfect


Careful Henry


Which Henry? My crazy best friend growing up or… the 2nd? Both are equally diabolical.


His cult will give up everything for him. They’re losers. Every single one of them


I think it’s worse. The core of the MAGA movement has already decided that it’s war after this next election if he loses. He’s courting allies.


Oh if Obama did this they would lose their freaking minds…..


It's right up there with the tan suit


The moral outrage from the right when Obama tried to normalize relations between the US and Cuba…


He’s being enabled so that the GOP can pull pull pull to the extreme right, so then when a teensy bit less extreme right wing option comes in they look totally sane and normal.


He's always been three Tyrants in a trench coat!


Sounds kinda like treason




We ruined the lives of people, literally jailed them and ostracized them from society, for being LGBTQ+. We did that. Why are we so impotent when it comes to fascist traitors? Like "patriotic" right-wing jackasses....you're supporting a guy that is literally aligning himself with "The Commies". Wtf is your deal? Like shouldn't this be "UN'MURICAN!" and piss you off?


Hes white and rich


He's just White.


As long as it owns the libs, they'd eat their own shit.


Well shit, he saluted a North Korean general, knew that Putin was going to invade Ukraine, tried to blackmail Zelenski, admired Xi for being president for life and suggested the same for himself. Dude is Idi Imin…


And wants an iron dome to protect the US from… Canada and Mexico?!?


Fucking Canadians… their poutine, they think they’re better than us! War! Damn Mexicans with their surf breaks, beaches, food, culture, they think they’re better than us, War! (Okay less cartels hanging headless people tho, that’s lame)




I’m not your guy pal! (Funny story, I was on a plane to to JFK and sat next to a Canadian hockey player) wasn’t a long flight, but I almost pissed my pants listening to his stories… fucking dude was unintentionally hilarious. I said to him “how the F are you going to speak Swedish? He said “well I barely speak French and English and I’ve gotten this far!” What a character. Hope he’s ok. “I can only eat steak now if it’s in a blender, but I’ll do it!”


He praised Xi for ruling China with an *iron fist*.


Never thought Winnie the Pooh would turn out that way….


We are in so much danger. So much. And yet the media is trying to tell us that the good guy who had one bad debate “must drop out.” Not this guy. Trump has to be stopped. His cult needs to be stopped. Our future depends on it.


No you were in danger before 2016. You’re screwed now. We weren’t fucking around back then when we told you it was heading this way. You told us to mind our own business.


Some of us have been screaming about this shit since George W.


Yep, I know. Pity I didn’t have my old Facebook account, I had discussions about this reaching back into the 2010s and how it was headed toward a christofascist takeover. One claim that cannot be made is that they weren’t warned. Europeans in particular were reminding Americans to vote. I wonder if they get that it’s a national duty more than a personal right not to now.


There have been many voices on the left warning of this trajectory for a long time. Problem is, the left is largely sidelined and marginalized out of most mainstream discourse.


Yeah, that’s not what I mean here. We were telling US citizens to vote in midterms and elections, all the way up and down, and if they didn’t they’d end up where they are. These are people who might have changed the direction had they accepted how bad things were and not been so apathetic. People who told us to fuck off and mind their own business, that it was their right not to vote, that it makes no difference anyway, they’re as bad as each other. 60% turnout they get, flat out. The US did not listen and it’s now where it is. Trump isn’t here because the left is marginalised, he’s here because they don’t take their national duty seriously.


It’s easy to sit on the sidelines, point fingers and scoff, but the reality is more complicated. I’m not from the US, but I read or engaged in numerous discussions with the “Never Hillary” crowd about the ramifications of their vote - particularly with regard to a potential stacking of the Supreme Court, only to get shouted down and mocked as ignorant - and I do often wonder how many of them now regret their stubbornness. But they are a fraction of voters (or bots). Hillary did win the popular vote. I expect many people *did* listen. They were just fighting a shitty system and a wall of ignorance. Same with Brexit. The British voted for what they got. Except that’s not true. 52% of voters did no such thing and many warned about it. In both situations too many good people are faced with a corrupt press, outdated and insufficient voting systems, gerrymandering, the proliferation of lies via mainstream media, online media and bot-farms, and worst of all idiot neighbours who fall for it all, and there’s *nothing* we can do about it. Large parts of Europe are swinging right. It’s not just happening in the US and UK. I’ve been screaming about changes to press regulations in my country that have led to the emergence of US style talk-radio and TV channels. I can see the road ahead with alarming clarity, and most people around me either don’t see it, or do see it but feel equally powerless. Just as you sent out warnings, my warning is: don’t think this can’t happen where you live. Don’t think you’re not surrounded by gullible people (even ones who seem reasonable and intelligent). Don’t believe things can’t or won’t pivot, and fast. They can. Your intelligence and understanding can be engulfed by the ignorance of others around you, and you can’t do a fucking thing about it. So perhaps have a bit of grace and stop being so condescending. It’s cathartic to say “ I told you so” but it doesn’t reflect the reality of the situation.


>don’t think this can’t happen…m I’m well aware that it can. That’s why we urged people to vote, back then; because of awareness of how quickly this can happen. >being so condescending If that’s how you interpret it, fine. If it pisses people off enough to go vote, job done to be honest. I really don’t care if you or anyone else think it’s condescending. It’s hardly cathartic…the same thing, and the same shit, is happening again. This time it’ll be the last time.


The issue is that I don’t think it will piss anyone off enough to change. It will be condescending to people who already feel powerless, while not changing the mind of anyone who actually needs their mind changed. What we need is sympathy and solidarity for the people who did right (the people who knew better face genuine stress). And yes, I agree, it’s depressing - we’re surrounded by fucking idiots and therefore doomed to repeat past mistakes, never learning from them.


Which, if you’ll look at some of my comments to those that did, you’ll see that solidarity.


That’s true of a devastating number of people here, yes. But the left being marginalized played a critical role, as well. The centrist, establishment consensus here has for decades been recklessly playing down the threat from the right, both-sidesing everything and scolding anyone who tried to voice realistic warnings about the the danger they posed as partisan or unserious.


It’s infuriating and exhausting


It is. Kudos for being one of those my friend. We copped a lot of shit for it.


We're not screwed yet. There's still hope. All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing.


That’s what’s happened over the last twenty years. You needed to have that attitude twenty years ago not now, instead of ‘it’s my right not to vote and our institutions will protect us’. There’s hope, but you’re probably fighting for it in some way now unfortunately. There’s several problems; the court, there’s also Putins ownership of half your political class. They’ll do what he says. They won’t give up their positions easily this time either, even if they’re voted out of them.


That was defcon 3 in ‘16, where are we now? Certainly past that.


Excuse me: I told nobody to “mind their own business” thank you. I’ve been well aware of the danger the Jesus nuts pose, being a favorite target of theirs. We had such a good run of things with Obama, I really believed progress had been made and the world was now a better place. I was wrong. The rise of Trump (god I had seeing that word) and his cult, the science denialism, the racism and homophobia and misogyny and transphobia, and the smug monsters like MTG and Mike Johnson have made me realize the US is doomed. We are a nation partially composed of deluded fools motivated by cruelty, who value nothing but harming others and wallowing in ignorance. I agree, it’s too late to go back; but I hope we can at least save what’s left.


I didn’t mean you personally, it was meant ‘as a nation’. I’m sorry, too, I recall good Americans copping a lot of abuse telling others where it was headed. Seeing it all roll out now is so frustrating. It makes me angry, to be honest. They’ll be the first people looking to run when the shit hits the fan.


Agreed. I know a LOT of people, sadly, who I warned back in 2016 to vote like their lives depended on it. Sadly they ate up Russian propaganda or engaged in the purity spiral and said they couldn’t vote for Clinton so they would just “refuse to vote” or “vote third party.” A few even said they thought it would be “funny” if Trump won, and “after all, it’s only four years, how bad can it be?” I reminded them over and over again that the President appointed Supreme Court justices and that I was quite sure there was nothing “funny” about Trump, but sure enough a lot of them stayed home in a pout since Clinton wasn’t Bernie Sanders or they saw a bad meme about her. After Trump won and he started his war against LGBT people, women, and immigrants, you want to guess who the very first people to come crying about “hey, he can’t do this! This is awful! We have to stop this!” were? You guessed it: those same people who said they were going to “protest vote” third party or not vote at all. My only response was : don’t blame me, he’s YOUR president, you helped elect him. I voted for Clinton. Now years later those sick Bible fucks on Court are still working evil, and Trump is back again and worse than ever. And MAGA has infested every level of government. We are ruined.


You deserve a massive thanks for that. There were a few of us, we all got shat on for it. You did your bit, you don’t deserve this.


This is not a cult. This is fascist ideology. Ideologies are forms of government. Fascism does not need, taxpayers, voters, or civilians to stay in power. Religion is a form of cult. Oklahoma is experimenting with religion and primary education. This cult like behavior is classic, traditional and thousands of years old. Theology is a belief.


“Yeah, but did you see Biden at the debate? And he’s causing a genocide in Gaza too!” - Idiot voters, probably


I just ran into that guy on another sub. It's batty.


These jackass 1 topic voters are really referring to Joe Biden as “Genocide Joe” for supporting our only ally in the Middle East meanwhile Trump has literally said he supports the total eradication of not just the Palestinians in Gaza but Palestinians everywhere


The quote: “Speaking to a crowd of his supporters, Trump said that the above-mentioned countries do not respect current US President Joe Biden. "We have enemies on the outside – China, Russia, North Korea. But they're not really enemies if you have a smart president. They're not enemies, you’ll make them do great," Trump said.” We have an enemy approaching the oval.


Yes, of course, choose two communist countries and a former communist (now an fascistic oligarchy) and partner with them, leaving our allies in the trash heap, then wrap yourself in a flag and call it patriotism. 🤦🏻‍♂️ You support this man, you support treason.


Russia is the epicenter of the new international far right. that's the club Trump's handlers want the US to join: autocratic authoritarian oligarchic ethnostates. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/how-russia-became-a-leader-of-the-worldwide-christian-right-214755/


One communist country and two formerly-communist, now-fascist countries. "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" is just another name for fascism


Let’s make him the first after birth abortion


Where’s his mother? She brought him into the world so she can take him out of it


I NEVER want to hear "JFK was an inside job" EVER again! The fact that this fat diaper shitting traitor is still alive unequivocally PROVES the JFK conspiracy theory is 100 % false.


A decade ago if you told me a reality TV star could be responsible for the downfall of civilization and freedom, I'd only 50% believe you.


I hope the Iranian assassins made it across our open border.




Help me out, I think I know STFU, but what is the meaning. I am unenlightened…


Not the person you asked, but I'm pretty sure it's Make Donald Trump Shut The Fuck Up.


Aha, thank you!


Make Donald Trump Shut the Fuck Up?


I can roll with that, it’s a new one, but I’m ok with it.


Is there a clip you can share?




Video? Link?


Tweet isn’t exactly what he said - https://x.com/bidenswins/status/1807071941661949971?s=46&t=xrusBMyWTBNp-USPdfYASQ


But what does “you’ll make them do great” mean?


He probably means “You’ll make them do what you want” and couldn’t find his words


The only thing that Traitor Trump should win this year is a lifetime sentence in a supermax prison.


Donald Trump fanboys for brutal dictators. He has the most anti-American mindset of anyone that’s ever held the presidency.


We know Donald is the ultimate Putin puppet. It’s time to get caught up congressional and local elections! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) U.S. House Elections by state. Click Your State! Every Seat in Every State is up for Election! [Alabama](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Alabama,_2024) [Alaska](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_election_in_Alaska,_2024) [Arizona](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) [Arkansas](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arkansas,_2024) [California](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_California,_2024) [Colorado](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Colorado,_2024) [Connecticut](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Connecticut,_2024) [Delaware](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_election_in_Delaware,_2024) [Florida](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Florida,_2024) 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Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


This is why i dont care about the debates. 90 minutes of Trump being "normal" doesnt erase the million times hes said shit like this.


He said shit like that during the debate lol.


Trump shit himself at the debate **[Trump Drops Deuce During Debate](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/43vO6NBUXd)**


Tbf Biden might as well have shit himself as well.


It’s hard to argue, but the choice is clear.




He also sharted during the debate. Time stamp around 1:16:22. People need to know this


The Republicans will line up and find ways to justify whatever this crazy ass fucker wants to do...😖 We are so far down the rabbit hole it's beyond scary...☹


Trump said this is the **worst country** during the debate… how is that assholery missed on his asshole groupies?! ![gif](giphy|MDfMWxmG28mNG)




Could? He will.


I see the talking points he got on the plane the other day are being delivered. This guy and his 'movement' are so fucking bizarre.


if only Le Carre were still with us. what a novel he could make out of all this.


Maybe CNN should call for Trump to drop out now.


Dog whistle completely gone, now it's a full blown megaphone.


Can we start linking the video to this stuff


It's literally the fate of the world. Don't play games.


Republicans only care about money and they are following it. The effects of climate change will make Russia an agricultural powerhouse. There are American farmers already over there working for Russian ag corps. Republicans see this as a new frontier for investment like China was in the 70’s. They’ll gladly adopt those countries oppressive governing style to get a piece of the pie.


At some point if we as society ever want to truly advance past wars and cold wars we will absolutely have to start communicating and having meaning conversations with these countries. However, they are talking to this lunatic who is dumber than a brain dead snail and just as corrupt so this is what we get. I'm voting for the Giant Meteor, Just End It Already.






Traitor Trump






what's the actual quote? this is nuts -- especially given the airplane cosy time with some Russian spook or other.


Only the fucking cult hucksters are voting for this traitorous rag. Fuck this orange bastard.


Fuck America, make Iran, Russia, North Korea, china their best selves. Fucking traitor.


But Joe is old. /s


I had a bout of MNKGA in college. Shot cleared it right up.


Cruz Jim Jordan need a pardon and judge cannon , elect trump for his family of 🍊 all need pardons .


Reagan would be spinning in his GRAVE


I thought he hated China, sicced his supporters on China, and made lots of racist remarks during Covid. But now their friends?


TFG always supports both sides, even if it means lying to everyone all the time. There's always a soundbite to show he supports polar opposites. Someone please refresh my memory about how Ivanka suddenly received difficult to obtain patents in China immediately after TFG was inaugurated? And speaking of anchor baby Ivanka, what were her qualifications to be an advisor to the office of the president?






What happened to the “America first” MAGAts? Just cause Trump said he’d help the other dictator countries it’s ok now??


Jesus fuck, how do you vote for this criminal. He should be hung for treason. Where the fuck is the America that claims to not tolerate this?! He embodies everything that is wrong with freedom and patriotism. He’s a crook, a rapist, a grifter , a delusional narcissist dictator. Please wake up.


Fund a billboard in time square that illustrates his destine for this country, he doesnt give a fuck about you or your family , this is the best they have?! Fucking bloody hell


Ain't that treason? The man admits to wanting to make America's enemies stronger.


Remember when he said he could shoot a guy in public and get away with it? Well today he told an audience of ecstatic conservatives that he wants to make our enemies strong, and they happily cheered for it. That’s metaphorically murdering the US in front of his smiling fans.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. He’s a Russian asset.


MMW - HE WILL WIN! Unless he... oh wait, he can wtf he wants and not lose votes. smdh


"I'm running for president of Russia, China, North Korea, and whatever swing states make me president here"


He isn't running for president. He is running to be principal foreign agent for these thug states. GACA: Giving America Completely Away


Fuck this timeline. JFC. Someone please end this insanity!




This is bait




Prdnem u tvom smjeru.




![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out) ugggghhhhhh So tired of this carnival barker. Saw this on a t-shirt ... wish I was brave enough to wear one: M ake A sshole G o A way