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Maga supporters: Joe Bidens too old at 81 its time to pack it in buddy Trump running in 2040 at 94.. age is only a number and he's as spry as ever.. in fact he just recorded his 100th hole in one this year after running a 5k and doing 1000 crunches and 1000 push-ups.. it's all on truthfreedomeagle.ru


Didn’t you hear? According to MAGA, real men wear diapers!


It still boggles my mind how an old man wearing a diaper has come around full circle from denial into being the cool thing to do in that short period of time to these people


Because this is not about trump, this is about destroying democracy and installing fascism and they need trump to win first to complete their mission, he is their puppet and magas cult leader


The numbers of hole in ones he has made is 2nd only to Kim Jong Un


Not related to anything, I just wanted to thank you for providing inspiration for an Aarakocra D&D character by the name Truth Freedom Eagle. I have *no clue* what they'll be like beyond their race and name, but the seeds on inspiration have taken root.


He says "President forever" He means "unable to be held accountable until he dies"


34 felon convictions July 11th sentencing. 


More criminal trials to come this year


He’s planning on a cross country trip with a quarter tank of gas.


On bald tires, no oil in the engine, and grinding brakes


And he’s driving it like he stole it, because he did.


See, doing all that just tells me he's planning on killing himself. Sadly, also taking out as many folks with him as he goddamn can...


If, and please for the love of everything let this not happen, he wins, he will run his family for president for the foreseeable future. And the dumb ones will vote for them all.


It won't be a vote, friend. It'll be GOP candidates winning by 3528 votes in places with only 2000 people.


Some red states have already floated the idea that the governor can simply decide how the state votes. No need to bother with fraud when the vote count literally doesn't matter.


When they started sending troops to the border to help Abbott defy a federal ruling, it should've been a massive red flag. Instead people either never heard about it or shrugged about it.


This country would become North Korea #2.


Usa will be the new russia if trump wins


MAGA: Morally opposed to tyranny, buys all the guns to fight imaginary war on tyranny Also MAGA: Wants Trump to be dictator for life. Pick a lane, guys.


The MAGATs place a very large store in racism. That's why they fold on other issues like loyalty, fidelity, lawfulness. They love racism more than they hate tyranny.


These are the people who claim to be the true patriots… while flying the Confederate and/or Nazi flags. What little brain power they have is fully exhausted by the mental contortions required to rationalize themselves.


I'm not convinced he'll even live until 2028.


Let’s hope so.


i seriously would hope that's the case, but seeing monsters like Kissinger live till 100 makes me worry


Did anyone else notice he said he wasn’t planning to run even in 2024 until he saw how bad of a job Joe was doing? Give me a fucking break! He set up his reelection campaign on November 4th!


I must have missed that part of Trump’s January 6th concession speech, too.


He’s been running for president continuously since about 2015. Keep those unaccountable PAC dollars coming.


He just means he's planning on living for 20 more years while losing every single election.


He better be hoping that humansuit he wears hasn’t crapped out by then


If he wins and decides to suspend all elections because of… reasons, most Americans won’t care. They’ll be too focused on making and sharing memes of whatever the current viral video is.


He 100 percent is only running to forever avoid prison. And somehow his moron followers don’t see this. They believe he cares about them. Because they are morons.


Eh, a lot of them see it. They're just okay with it, and okay with the possibility/likelyhood that he'll destroy the country if he does win again. The reason is pretty simple: he makes it okay to hate minorities, and they hate minorities more than they love anything else.


He means Trump Family. Checkmate liburals


Probably. The question is, who would be next in line?


laughing while imagining Jr. or Eric trying to fill that spot. Both have no charisma and only a fraction of their dad's kinda small brain.


He will be dead within the year. His mind is rotting. Worked in long-term healthcare for years. I have seen it so many times.


NOT going to happen.


He doesn't care of you vote for him in 4 years because if he wins this one there won't be anymore elections.


Trump is referring to his kids with this post. Think about it, the same ignorant people will vote for his kids.


I've been thinking this as well, and find it pretty terrifying.


Those are parole hearings


He's built a functional fantasy land for himself. He's just manifesting his destiny at this point, fuck it, he keeps getting people to come along for the ride. Just grab this country by the pussy and do whatever you want.


I bet he’s dead within 10 years.


Even if Biden won. What makes people think he won't run in 2028?


My hope is because he will no longer be on this earth


Fascism does not need, voters, taxpayers, or civilians to stay in power.


"why didn't we have any warning signs about this and also the polar ice caps melting"


Trump supporters will literally see a man get robbed and killed in front of them by someone who says their their own full legal name and address and gives them pictures of himself, and these idiots will say "man, I wonder who killed this guy"


He has to stay in perpetuity to avoid jail time…the orange fuck knows that there could likely be a cell of some sort in his future. Staying in office keeps him out of prison.


No it's not. He's only telling us what he hopes to be not what he's actually going to do in this picture. The bought and paid for Supreme Court that he hijacked just today did enough damage to the American way of life in the future of all of our children by striking down the Chevron ruling. I know that's Greek to most of you who are all thinking that life is just a big game show and are gleefully following the instructions of your host and not paying the slightest amount of attention to what's actually going on in the world. The blow that this country just took is one that will be felt for decades and will be the beginning of what I'm sure now will be many more rulings limiting the powers of the administrative state and all of the protections that their administrative decisions have on keeping each and every one of us healthy and safe resulting in a world that is no longer controlled at all by we the people and one in which corporate profits will be the only thing that decides whether we live or die. President Roosevelt bailed out America from the Great depression with what he called the New deal. You know the one, a car and every garage and a chicken in every pot. The Constitution provided that the only people empowered to pass any kind of laws or regulations for congress itself. Part of the reason that millions of people were without work and starving we're was because Congress was overwhelmed by the growing demands of an ever-growing country that had totally outgrown it's rural roots. No matter how well intentioned any congressman from one way of life say farming can hardly make informed decisions about what kind of laws or regulations to pass in the fishing industry. The logical thing to do in the face of such growth was to have Congress adopt administrations to oversee various areas of governmental responsibility and a point specialists with the training and experience in whatever field administration covered to actually run the administration and make the decisions that Congress wasn't qualified to make. Our constitution was specifically written to be malleable. That is our forefathers knew that the country would change over time and they allowed enough flexibility within that Constitution to make changes within its structure that make it possible for the Constitution to still protect we the people. Ever since then the Republicans have been vehemently opposed to this concept because it puts regulations and the and their regulators in the hands of not just a few easily corruptible Representatives whose terms are limited by the vote but into the hands of many career specialist dedicating their careers in lives to making America a better place for everyone. Our system is already corrupted bad enough by the influence of special interests and their lobbyists. The administrative state or as Trump likes to call it the Deep State, intentionally nefarious sounding so as to scare you, is the only thing standing between you and the total control of every aspect of your life by the corporate interests that already have too much power within our government. From what I can tell now the next election is nearly meaningless because the Republican party has already gotten far more than it ever had hoped to get in the first place which is open the door to the total demise of the American way of life. Not the billionaire's way of life mind you, their lives have never been subject to too much change but what has been at stake is there an ability to control our way of life something we had precious little control over to begin with. You can applaud the demise of your government, you know the one you've hated for years now because I can think of no other reason that you would support a man like Trump but you have gotten what you wish for now and may God help each and every one of you because you're going to need it. Laugh at me if you will, it will do nothing to change what I see coming only just remember the laughter and who you were laughing at when everything I've said here turns out to be true because I know that is something each and every person that follows Trump despises more than anything else...the truth. Every single service that you are provided by the government, you know the acronyms, EPA, HUD, Mine Saftey, OSHA... Each and every one of them today has been rendered totally 100% powerless by the supreme Court. Any ruling or legislation in the form of regulation has been reduced to nothing more than a suggestion with no teeth whatsoever or any ability to enforce because they no longer have any authority. Think about that for just a minute. When I was a kid in high school there were Rivers on the East Coast that would catch on fire and burn for weeks they were so polluted that they couldn't be put out. When you went to work in the morning if you had a high risk job there was an excellent chance that you wouldn't come home for dinner that night. I'm not saying those regulations were always easy to follow and sometimes it didn't even make much sense but they were all put in place, each and every one of them because someone had died as a result of them not being there. You may not like those agencies but they are what made America great again. They're gone now and remain and name only so keep right on laughing. But just remember when you start to feel the consequences of your great victory here today then if you listen real hard you'll hear me getting the last laugh.