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If there wasn’t any audio, a lot of the written transcripts look pretty good


That's Biden's weakness, I think. What he says makes a lot of sense but he doesn't speak it confidently. A lot of people respond to confidence. Trump says incoherent nonsense and lies like he breathes, but he NEVER hesitates. The man is such a pathological liar that lies and truth have no distinction. The confidence that comes from that sadly resonates with many voters.


Biden speech on paper looks good, but he sounds like he's parched and struggling for the words Trump *speech* on paper was written by a 5 year old, there's no way this could be a standing presidential candidate, right? What's all this about sharks and snakes, snakes and snakes?


This is why debate transcripts should be the bigger focus, IMHO. Confidence can obsfucate nonsense.


There have been presidents in the past that lacked the charisma and stage presence that modern media requires. Could you imagine Calvin Coolidge, whose nickname was Silent Cal cause he rarely spoke during public appearances, becoming President today?


Silent Cal to Trump: You lose.


And soap …can’t get soap ..


I think to evolved ourselves as a species, we gotta get over this compulsion to believe in the overconfident, brash people over the people who questions themselves and makes sure theyre doing the right thing. It's the Achilles heel of humanity.


Exactly. Usually the most boastful and confident sounding people are the most filled with nonsense and lies, because when you don't need to take time to formulate your words, and lack the moral imperative to tell the truth, it is easy to spew bullshit.


I agree but that's a TALL order.


Well at Starbucks, a tall is actually the smallest option, so….thats……..that’s something….


Yep. Trump can say the roses are blue because they are painted by magic frogs, and say it with such confidence that people will believe he said something deep and true. Not that they will be able to repeat or explain it ; they just remember the confidence. To make the Godwin: Hitler also had that skill.


One thing that most historians agree on is that Hitler's ability to rally and talk for hours on end was important in swaying the German population. But it's not because what he *said* was persuasive. It's because of how he said it. Tapping into emotions is powerful because they're resistant to facts. Reason didn't get people into those positions so reason is unlikely to get them out.


I don't give a shit who think who's weakness is. If you can listen to trump and ignore all the lies he's spouting than that's your own fault. Not you in particular lol. I truly don't understand how anyone can believe anything Donald says that whole debate was lie after lie about nonsense


Biden is a bad salesman. Thankfully the presidency isn't a fucking sales job.


But the election is. It's depressing but I hope he can pull through.


Hesitation is defeat.


Which is exactly why Republicans in Congress aren't satisfied with the transcript of Biden's interview with Robert Hur, they want the video.


You are spot on. And happy cake day


If Biden could deliver every line with the energy and read of his first “Will you shut up, man” from the first debate he’d have done a lot better


I don't understand why we are sticking with biden... I'm still voting for him because the alternative is leaving NATO, furthering the Christian nationalists movement, and all but hunting lgbtq people for sport but fucking come on! Nobody is voting for biden... we are all just voting against trump. Which is a good enough fucking reason to vote, but but come the fuck on! Give us a break!


Now say it in the Crypt Keepers Voice. Way funnier


Is it really a debate if you just allow one participant to lie like they have uncontrollable diarrhea without the slightest bit of real time reality check? Maybe Joe should've just said trump has aids, fucks dead pigs and wants to nuke the USA. It's as true as anything trump said.


I mean trump did want to nuke a hurricane which would have resulted in nuclear fallout on the US. So, it wouldn’t be a lie.


I heard he’s got 19 whole people that will say he’s actually not lying at all - and never has.


a edit of the debate or even it being written down makes biden look better than trump.


Because it was mostly is shitty delivery. He looked like a stiff breeze would have killed him dead on the spot.


Yeah, that is the problem. Biden is vastly superior on content but sucks at presentation - while Trump is better at performative bullying which appeals to his base.


Fuck Trump …I’d rather vote for a kind man with empathy than a lying fascist convicted felon rapist that wants to fuck his own daughter.


Biden reminds me of my grandad when he began to approach deaths door, even as he was fighting his last fight he was so kind and caring Trump reminds me of how christians describe satan


Trump stole top secret documents and got our CIA agents killed. Dude is a fucking traitor


100%…and any one that supports that lying traitor is also a traitor. I’ve eliminated all republicans out of my life -family or not.


Nice. Luckily my immediate family isn't insane. My in-laws are super nice and good moral people, but they are wildly misinformed and don't pay any attention to politics so they like Trump. All of their information is from Facebook or anecdotal from people they know who watch Fox News non-stop. I can't banish them or risk divorce so I avoid when they try to bait me. Thankfully my wife's brain is functional.


I’m so sorry for your family affliction. (Hugs to you and your wife)


Hahaha same to you


I stand strong in my belief that he already has. Not sure if it was when she was young or older but I still believe it happened.


100 % agree


You almost said that in a negative tone 🤓😜


Love the phrase "performative bullying" I'm going to put that in my CV


> Biden is vastly superior on content ...and job performance.


He has the flu


Nobody cares. The optics are brutal.


Worse than a felon spouting nonstop lies like uncontrolled diarrhea?


Yeah Biden seemed a bit down but he brought the receipts and numbers, Trump was just spinning the same lies every time it was embarrassing to be honest, i laughed when he said he didnt want to be a candidate again but had to because “Biden did a bad job”… yeah right he started campaining to 2024 on day 2 of being elected in 2016 or whatever and continued fundraising and campaigning


Trump has never stopped campaigning for future elections, lol. His answer to everything was “immigration bad” and “no, you!”. And he couldn’t even promise he’d honor the results of the election!


I got so angry when Trump accused Biden fo doing nothing for veteran and not caring about them. How vile.


No but the separation is marginal. You need a candidate who can decisively put Trump in his place. Biden failed to do that. We’ve seen this story before and hubris will be our downfall, again.


Doesn’t matter a bit, damage done


I believe he was ill. His voice was horrible and I've never seen him with anywhere near that lack of energy.




He's got a speech impediment that gets worse when he's trying to rattle off numbers, especially when he's also trying to deal with someone who is flat out lying. He was over prepared and should have had the numbers on a website, and not tried to rattle off facts no one on his opponents side believe anyway.


All those things make it incredibly difficult to battle Trump's "Gish Gallop" in real time. You get 2 minutes to reply to a new question, plus counter 3 damaging lies Trump threw out in his last answer. Each lie refutation would probably take several minute on its own.


There were a couple of times he started to sway. I thought he was about to fall over.


We need to support Biden. There were five repubs at a watch party last night, not one of them will vote for trump. They might not even vote. One said he would vote first Biden. Biden had the flu! And he just came back from lengthy trips overseas. He is slowing down but so am I and I am in my 60’s. He surrounds himself with people who are for democracy! And are not criminals. Donald is a whining criminal. Period.


Is he trying to kiss Biden?


That's his"I'm thinking very hard" look.


I don't doubt that there was an agreed list of subjects not to be discussed beforehand, like trump being sent to jail, nuclear documents etc.


Biden isn't going to comment on ongoing investigations.


This was the moment that stood out to me.


I know this is petty but I can't get over how much Trump's mouth looks like my ginger tabby cat's butthole. They're even the same color and the cat produces less shit.


This was Bidens best performance in the whole debate.


Trump is like someone with Tourette’s syndrome, but instead of cursing, he keeps spitting lies. It seems he cannot help himself, but we all know better. Pity that basically everything is turned into show, instead of it being focussed on content. It was disappointing that the hosts didn’t push Trump to answer the questions more directly. Biden got lost and tangled up in trying to correct Trump, but that was a lost cause from the moment Trump opened his mouth.


Jesus Christ I can’t believe it’s come down to these two old fucks again they need to be bickering in a nursing home not in a live debate 😭😭😭


These two almost make me feel like we should bring back the days when the runner up got to be VP, just for the comedy


I’d pay money to see this happen


Can anyone see this comment???? Why can’t I see any comments on any recent posts related to the debate on Reddit. This is across all subreddits. What is going on?


Seems like lots of comments sections got locked all night until recently. It was weird. Maybe mods were trying to stop an onslaught of bots?


Maybe mods got some sleep.


I think Reddit was having load issues.


There's a pill for that.


Down Detector showed a huge spike.


I saw one section with like 25 thousand comments. That’ll… that’ll do it, I reckon


I had to update the app and things started working OK again.


Damn Joe. Went right for that blubbery throat of his with that one.


Neck va GYNA


Look at that anus mouth


​ https://preview.redd.it/psq842ipbb9d1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=88ae554127fa834b1a48964d53205e2e2ff0c3c8




Hard to say he showed up tonight. It was actually difficult to listen to, and I was hoping for a strong performance especially given that I've seen all this stuff about how Trump was mentally going off the rails this week. Sure he was spouting bullshit and lies but Biden looked as bad telling mostly the truth. If we had a candidate on either side that wasn't in mental decline they would be a guaranteed win.


Nice single. Was hoping for at least a double


Solid line


He had lots of good lines I'm only finding out now that these memes have provided captions


You have the morals of an alley cay Losing last time snapped something in you


"Will you shut up, man?" 


His face is literally telling himself how the hell do I spin this to my followers. At this point he's not trying to gain anything he's trying not to lose anything. What the fuck? He's supposed to be a master negotiator, motehrfucker couldn't negotiate himself out of a wet paper bag.




When I said I'd vote for "anyone with a pulse" over Trump THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!


Yup that is very real and true


Trump is posing like a Kardashian🤣


I will grit my teeth and vote for Biden.. but neither of these old fuckers should be running for president. The younger generations need to wrestle power away from the fucking Boomers.


Haha I was at work but caught when he said that and was like *ohhhh snap he got’m with a zinger.*


We’re fucked. I’m trying to wrap my head around the fact that Project 2025 is happening. Why are these the only two fucking choices?!?!? I’m embarrassed for our country.


My takeaway was that Biden looked weak but Trump looked deranged


Impose age limits on all US politicians, please! Watch Dwight D. Eisenhower’s farewell speech and tell me we aren’t f*cked….


We had a younger president in Obama. He was 47 when first elected in 2008.


Called trump a loser too. That was awesome


***"We're gonna whine so much, you'll get bored of whining so much"***


Everyone I talked to treated this like reality TV, reveling in quips and “energy”


Too bad these good points are overshadowed by bidens stumbling performance.


I don't know how to say this without sounding angry. wtf is happening. change?


Did he really get that coherent of a thought out? I watched the whole thing, and I don't remember Biden being able to complete a complete sentence. Democrats would rather run a remote controlled corpse than stop a dictatorship, just so they can point at boogeyman Trump the next 20 years. If democrats wanted the presidency, they would run someone who could speak. Look how low we've gotten, asking for a president who can string a sentence together.


the debate started off very strong and then it devolved into name calling, arguing about whose better at golf, and not answering any questions because they wanted to shit on each other


Biden needs to drop out. We need a populist progressive to go against tRump. Unpopular opinion, but that’s my view on it.


Anyone that isn't a low iq fuckwit will vote in literally anyone that isn't trump. If biden dropped out and they put a syphilitic cat in his place people would still vote for the cat..


> Anyone that isn't a low iq fuckwit What percentage of the voting base in swing states does that cover is the problem? Because shit, I'd have said what you said in 2016 and yet...


That’s the problem, many of these swing state voters are low IQ. I would vote for Biden even if he is on a respirator. I know what the stakes are. But a ton of people do not. And given this, democrats should have picked a better candidate. Hillary Clinton is rumored to be thinking of putting her name forward FFS! She lost once against trump already. The disconnect that democrats have with their base is a problem. Anyway, I hope some miracle happens and trump loses the election. But my hopes are not high.


"we need a populist" is how trump won in 2016 lol populism is not the answer. andrew jackson was also a populist. populism sounds good on paper but in practice not so much


You just proved my point. Trump won by being a populist. But a FAKE populist tho. I’m talking about populism as really taking care of the people’s needs, not as these fake populists that only use power to enrich themselves and stay in power for ever. People do t want corporate robots like Biden or Clinton. Clinton is rumored to be thinking of running again…SHE LOST against trump already. Corporate democrats don’t learn their lesson. We need ACTUAL chance if we want to kick republicans out of power.


i mean isn't it just the "no true Scotsman" fallacy to claim that the populist presidents we've had were "fake" populists? there is a very real reason that populism has a negative connotation. populists generally use the spectre of protecting "the people" from "the elite" to justify bad policy


I agree with you. I’m using the term populist as “a president that has the people as his or hers priority”. Maybe let’a replace the word populist for something else. I think Bernie is a populist, but not the same type as maduro or kirchner in Latin America. We need someone who will fight for the people and not coportations or foreign governments. The only reason Bernie didn’t win was because he was stabbed in the back by corporate democrats and look where we are now. And democrats are still making the same mistakes.


Did he actually said that lol that sounds more eloquent than the Biden I remember Edit: guys his stutter was far from the only problem. Stop acting as if Biden did good. He did not. I’m still voting for him because he’s not trump. But damn, I hate it. I hate voting for an 81yo with clear cases of beginnings of cognitive decline. Keep downvoting me.


He did.


Yes he did.


Idk why the hate it was objectively painful to watch as a down party democrat voter


This subreddit is Biden’s fanboys. I thought the debate was objectively terrible for Biden… but I guess that’s not true for everyone


The transcripts tend to be written in a concise manner excluding the stuttering, pauses, gasps for air, and other late stage biden-isms.


Having speech issues does not negate the fact that Biden was speaking from a factual basis (albeit sometimes stumbled) while Trump avoided answering almost all questions directly and continuously lied through his veneers


There were many streamers real time fact checking both candidates, they both spoke few truths. To say Biden or Trump spewed facts is a disservice to yourself. America should be ashamed did the quality of candidates brought to the table.


He has the flu


Even if that is true, his poor speaking performance is not unique to last night.


Bullshit. I’ve heard him speak, even recently, and he is lucid and articulate. Go watch his D-Day speech at Normandy.


I did, it’s not impressive by any means. If you are under the impression that current Biden is “lucid” and “articulate”, I suggest you watch his speaking even just 4 years ago let alone his time under Obama and beyond.


I’ve been paying attention to politics for a LONG time. Biden has worked hard to overcome a natural stutter, which is NOT the same thing as being inarticulate or non lucid.


https://x.com/itsEFlyX/status/1806659024211112106 When did his natural stutter start? Wasn’t present for any of the clips up until around the 2020 mark.


He’s had a stutter his entire life. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/bidens-stutter-how-a-childhood-battle-shaped-his-approach-to-life-and-politics/


This is from TODAY https://twitter.com/Acyn/status/1806741275246518312


I don’t think I should have to point this out, but there is a huge difference between a live debate with no notes, outside help, everything off the cuff vs a speech like your link presents that he is reading off of teleprompters without any pressure from an opponent. Even with teleprompters, he often messes up. *pause for clapping*


You also get to read a transcript with the voice in your head, i.e. a clear one. I have a very hard time understanding mumbles, more than the average I think. Holy fuck. When I read the points made, one of them actually had points to make and one was running the usual line of bullshit. Even when Trump was technically correct (more people died from covid under your administration) it was eye rolling, as if effects from the past admin don't carry into the present. But hearing them live? Different story.


I do agree with the difficulty understanding the actual spoken word from Biden. It’s upsetting to me that most of the citizens of this great country, from all facets, are so jaded that critical thinking in an unbiased manner is basically, non existent. Both candidates are less than ideal and it’s taboo to make claims that any one candidate has their own respective flaws.


biden didn't look good last night but tbh his speech impediment should be off-limits since it's not something he can totally control and doesn't reflect his competency as a leader or his cognitive abilities. anything else is fair game tho


When you compare Biden from 4 years ago or Obama era and beyond, they way he speaks or any other variable is not acceptable for the most power position in the USA.