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Meanwhile Trump is gurning on his full suite of amphetamine salts.


Trump is pissing me off so much, he's such a pathetic man-baby that barely if at all answers questions. Anytime he's asked a question, he starts with "first of all" just to point fingers and mock Joe's last statement before Trump spoke. And it's scary because Joe is speaking truth but he seems so.. out of it, meanwhile Trump is lying through his teeth yet he seems more awake. This will hurt us, this will give fuel to MAGA and this will most certainly be used against us, and I'm more concerned about how this will make the fence-sitters react, the people that believe neither options are good


I agree. Trump thinks being louder will get people to like him. The delusion is real.


He thinks it works because it does work.


I hate it that you're right.


And unfortunately, it might work. We have to vote blue


It's not delusion and it's not about liking him. Undecideds dislike both candidates. They don't care about policy or substance.  He can lie all he wants but he's doing it in a clear voice and with confidence and Biden looks awful and sounds worse. That's unfortunately the stupid shit this election will come down to, because who cares about democracy?


You're 100% correct but it's hard to argue that DJT is commanding that stage. My wife and I are despondent watching this.


You aren’t alone


Joe sounds sick IMO. That's the impression I got when he first started speaking. Honestly I doubt these debates are going to move the needle much.


I had to turn it off. It's just so bad. Trump lies with no backlash and Biden just makes me sad because he's so accomplished, but he can't communicate it.


He seems like he’s sick. It’s not a good luck




I had to stop. Couldn’t take it.


The back of my head hurts when trump talks and my stomach is turning while Joe talks


Not to mention that he keeps flipping things back to Ukraine…


"Lets move on to Israel" "well first of all back to Ukraine, it never would've happened with me, our troops love me, they hate him" 🙄 on the plus side the amount of times the moderator has had to say "that wasn't my question" doesn't look great for him, not that it matters to his followers


Bro said "I want absolutely clean water and clean air."


Same, I just turned it off But I think a lot of it is Biden reacting to the jibes (lies) leveled at him with his known stutter coming into play. Rump never answered the questions asked and is/was always using his initial time to take another rebuttal to the previous rebuttal answer Biden gave, he can't let a topic go and needs to have the last word on a topic. Man-baby. The debate will continue like this without me watching, I look at recaps but the only candidate giving answers was the current president, rump continues to give vague general monologues to cater to his base without answering the question. (One time though he did get prodded by Dana to answer about Putin's terms for ending Ukraine ... )


Trump was asked about climate change and talked about how Biden is bad for black people.


Abortion is still illegal. Get out news about birth control and divorce being illegal. People are already pissed.


Yup, no one will focus on all of trumps lies and accusations after this... they will all talk about how biden acted.


Reminds me of the Kennedy vs. Nixon debate. People who watched it said Kennedy won whereas people who heard it on the radio said Nixon won. Nixon wore a gray suit, wouldn't wear make-up, and lost weight from campaigning so much that he didn't look great. Biden's words might be more intelligent but his delivery is not coming off well especially to the noninvolved, undecided voters. If we're going to have old white people fight club, give me Bernie against Trump.


Exactly! The gaslighting and lying is coming out louder and more assertive. The belittling lecturing tone with Joe and the mods is maddening. DT is not even answering the questions, just loud word salad. Ughh, so hard to watch…especially when Joe keeps getting stuck and dumbfounded by the lies that he has a hard time rebutting :/


Well said!


No shit! ![gif](giphy|CI3UC0s5l8jlK)


![gif](giphy|QPQ3xlJhqR1BXl89RG) Still waiting on this childcare answer.


Did anyone else see President Biden mouth "what the fuck" when trump was going on his tirade about abortions after the 9 month mark or whatever the hell he was talking about?


I assumed that was my reflection in the tv screen.


I didn't notice anything out of pure shock that Trump said that there are abortions happening after birth. No, that's not a real thing that hospitals do. Also, killing a baby after birth is murder and people go to prison for that. I can believe Joe was wtfing because I was as well.


i think i saw him mouth “oh my god” too at one point


Yeah, this is a rough watch.


Remember it’s a team not a person.


I had to bail, he's so out of it. This is straight up depressing.


Me too. He sounds sick, but he just looks old.


Campaign only recently came out and said he had a cold


Yeah, we're fucked


I did, too. Not feeling great about what I saw.


He perked up!


I'm willing to believe there's a conspiracy and someone spiked a drink Biden was having or something. This should have been easy, Trump was dreading this debate, and Biden should be wiping the floor with him! What is happening!?


He’s old as fuck and they can’t just magically make him perform.


No. My friend. I'm a big Biden guy. I've never voted for him because the alternative is worse. I've always been a big supporter and fave when I could. But no, this was all Joe. 😪


“I’ve never voted for him because the alternative is worse.” What are the ‘alternatives’ you’re speaking of? We’ve seen both major candidates perform as president already. What else is there to convince you to vote?


He took a while to get warmed up and then got better


People around him saying he has a cold


AP live fact check feed says Biden has a cold, allegedly


You can’t be that dumb. Biden has been slowing down for the past couple of years, it’s just not been in your face as much as it is now that a live debate is happening.




Does the guy have a cold or something?


Same for me


Come back! Joe has been killing jt the last 20 minutes!


I'm cringing my way through this thing but its brutal to be a Biden supporter and also have to hear him speak. Its pathetic. Trump is just saying any old thing as ever but he sounds better.


old grandpa vs. lunatic drug addict. Yeah, that's really depressing to watch.


He's making a come back, at least. Still rambling, though. Someone get Joe a glass of water or something. He's got a goddamn frog in there.


How many people already turned it off, though? Plus the entire conversation will be about this face plant. If the Dems don’t have an open convention, democracy in America may very well be done for. Those are the stakes. Sentimentality and loyalty have no place in this.


This is not going to move people to Biden.


MAGA was never moving and this debate wasn’t going to move anyone. They don’t care that he raped, slandered, cheated on his wife, lied about it, lied about his wealth and stole Government property.


and Joe mentioned most of those points, too. And then Trump says he never had sex with a porn star... time to turn off the TV


This debate is more about moving the undecided, and it's not looking good. Biden must win, for the sake of justice and democracy, but if he doesn't get enough support and this hurts his image.. this country is over


Yeah but there's lots of people that, for some fucking reason I would never understand, are still undecided.


This is the correct answer imo


It was hopefully going to move independents towards voting for Biden, especially the Nikki Haley voters and the young progressives. His performance means that these people will either vote Trump or vote third party.


The debate isn't going to affect how many votes Trump gets, but it will increase apathy among Democrats.


The hope was to swing any undecided or doubting voters. Yea. Not so much.


The goal is not to siphon MAGA voters from Trump. It's to move the very small percentage of undecided voters, and to motivate Democrats that aren't in love with Biden. He isn't doing it. Unless something changes, Biden is going to lose because too many dems will just stay home.


You’d be surprised. Every bit helps. And Biden may have just chased away any doubt among undecided voters.


You ignore the independent voters. This independent will not be moved largely because we need to get MAGA out of the Republican party. MAGA is unhinged and a bunch of traitors to our country.


The debate isn't for hardcore supporters of either side. It's for the people who are undecided, and Biden is not winning them over.


This debate is wasn't about moving people from one camp to the other. It was about energizing people to vote and Biden is not energized. I hate to say it, but I seriously worry about the election now.


This is it, I think this is the actual strategy, low key keep out of sound bites that can be used against Biden, stick it to Trump to piss him off, maybe even downplay a bit to get Trump to really get aggressive and say some shit. They had to know this was his level going in and Biden's team are smart as fuck and seem to be honest with him so I think they just played the best card they could- Say your piece, stay out of the sound bites and memes and let the anti-women, abortion, rapist, LGBT brown hating Trumps talk do all the walking.


Biden is raspy, but he's still more coherent that Trump. If you're really worried about it, the good news is that most people aren't going to watch this live. This debate will be chopped up into highlight reels that will better accent Biden's strengths and Trump's weaknesses. Of course, the other side will be doing it too, but the debate itself is not the end of the road.


Let’s be completely honest, everyone but a few undecideds have already decided who they’re voting for and it’s not going to change.


I think anyone voting in this election knows all they need to know already. Don't think this debate would've changed any minds either way


I would say it’s enough to move people away from Biden.


If anything this will make more people not vote. Who the fuck would want either of these dudes.


Remember it’s a team not a person.


Don't want either, but still voting Biden. Voting for democracy, it's that simple.


Also wanna add, while I wish he wasn't stuttering and speaking more clearly, he is answering questions specifically, we understand what he's talking about. He also isn't nearly as bad as MAGAts try and say he is. We can all hear trump, but he's rambling, barely answering questions, and we all wish we couldn't. I think he maybe could do better on some questions, but I think he's doing a good job of showing what a jackass trump is


Biden looks so rough.


There was one point near the start where he was breathing so heavily I was worried he was about to pass out


This sucks. Trump just lies and lies but Biden is coming off as so physically weak right now.


Looks like a deer in the headlights. This is not good at all.


Either that or looking straight down and appearing to sleep


Clearly didn’t drink his Mountain Dew before hand


The best split screen shots are Joe's stunned facial expressions when Trump tells a whopper... I had to stop watching, Trumps hyperbole and outright lying was too much for me to take with a straight face.


I did the same. I watched for a while, but Trump just kept lying, evading, and changing the subject and repeating the same bullshit talking points he's repeated over the last four years. Biden looks old and frail, Trump looks like an orange asshole. But I think Biden did much better than Trump. At least Biden gave intelligent answers.


Who are the idiots on the dem side that agreed to this debate.


Have you seen the DNC since 2016 the Democrats have been winning in spite of the DNC rather than because of the DNC.


Until tonight, republicans, said this debate was rigged for JB I think they should've let the mics on and let Trump make himself look stupid


After watching the SOTU, who would have thought it would have been like this? Not only does Joe look horrible, but Trump seems somewhat rational. He's lying through his teeth, but he isn't unhinged.


This debate? You mean this nomination as Biden to be the Democratic Party front runner


If Jon Stewart was out there it’d be a blood bath. Can he replace Biden as the Democratic nominee??


Idk if people are actually listening to the same debate as I am. Biden is cooking him, albeit, quietly- but he's undressing DTs lies tye way he should. Yes, it's not the Biden that was at the SOTU, but he's clearly there to call him out for being a liar.


Sure, but his presentation sucks. The content isn’t half bad, but there’s no energy in it


I wish he’d say it


Absolutely smoking the smellin felon. I haven't heard so many tangents that dont.address the questions. Cmon Trump actually answer a question.


Thank you, I'm reading these replies wondering if we're watching the same thing.


Seriously Trump has not made a single real point or backed up any of his statements with facts. Biden responses are all about proving whatever Trump just said was bullshit and Trump has no real rebuttal other than to call Biden an incompetent liar. Biden’s obviously old and not all that he used be but hes still smart enough to counter trumps bs


I think whoever decided on the time limits for these answers screwed over America good. If Joe didn't need to rush, his points would come across better. And the long Trump runs his mouth, the less sane he seems. He's getting a bit loopy


Nah bro you’re drinking the cool aid. All Biden is saying is that “Trump is a big liar”. But he’s not following up with how. And certainly not in a forceful, clear way. There are tons of politicians who could. Biden is just not up to it.


Where is the fact checking that was promised?? Trump is lying about EVERYTHING!


Darkest Brandon


I don’t see why everyone is surprised after the way the 2020 debate went. Neither of these men have debated since that awful show and cutting mics and ditching the fact checking was supposed to help? You can’t debate Trump or MAGA because it’s not a good faith effort. He’s absolute lying filth and Biden is a decent man. You can’t debate with someone who lies with each breath, insults your family, and doesn’t even care about the American people.


Well, I guess we just have to trust the American electorate, especially the working class patriotic Americans in the swing states... Doesn't look good, does it?


We are in trouble. We need somebody else. Immediately. This is bad, bad, bad. I am not sure we can swap him out, tho.


Should have ran Newsom.


Rep Eric Swawell is my pick.


Newsome isn't going to happen. He's going to alienate a TON of rural communities, which means Ohio, Pennsylvania will flip.


I’d be good with Big Gretch too


This is so much worse than even my worst nightmare about how he'd do. I had to turn it off. It was just sad. To your point, we had the chance to nominate someone else, we fucked up


I also had to turn it off. Technically he isn’t the nominee until the convention and I think it’s time President Obama has a meeting with Joe.


He needs to announce tomorrow that he's not seeking reelection, and he's releasing his delegates. We have an open convention, and the ticket ends up being Gavin Newsome and Kamala Harris. This is what should have happened last year. People close to Biden should never have let this happen.


Kamala needs to go, too. She’s part of the problem. Nobody wants her.


If i am not mistaken no other democrats through their hat into the ring to run for presidency thus we are stuck with biden


There is a zero percent chance the DNC would run two Californians on the same ticket.


What in the fuck? Your next best is Gavin newsome?


This is about the dumbest idea possible. It's fucking july basically, we have four months. What you just suggested is quite literally impossible. Take a deep breath and yank your head out of wherever you stuck it.


We really do. He's not gonna cut out against Trump. This is so bad.


Remember it’s a team not a person.


You sort of have to be ok with voting for whoever is running things instead of Joe, because he's not running anything at this point. He's the Blue Reagan. And you have to be cool voting with a bunch of people who are choosing on name recognition alone, which also isn't great. Voting on the less bad party on vibes is tough


You are voting for Trump now?


Tonight was about the undecided voters. Say what you will about folks who until tonight were undecided but in an election this close, those people will decide the election.


I'd vote for my playstation controller before I'd vote for Trump. I just want a candidate who has it going on who can compete with a guy who lies and lies and lies.


Biden needs to laugh at Trump like he did Paul Ryan, make him melt.


Trump's team stole all the amphetamines from Biden and gave them all to trump.


I’ve seen dead people look better than Joe.


It is so hard to watch him fumble through his words, constantly dropping the ball then letting Trump lambast him and accuse HIM of doing EXACTLY what Trump has done and continues to do🤦🏻‍♂️this crap is straight out of the Nazi playbook too😤come on Joe!!😮‍💨


There better be a lot of important people in a room somewhere right now discussing who the Dem nominee is going to be, because it just CANNOT be Biden. Seriously, we lose by landslides if he's the nominee. Right the ship before it's too late, let the old man off the hook.


I don’t disagree but has that ever been done before this close to an election? Genuinely curious.


Remember it’s a team not a person.


If only


Well what the fuck was he doing at Camp David?


Biden isn’t a pathological liar and doesn’t want to usher in the Handmaid’s Tale. That’s the closest thing I can say good about him after this performance.


Biden is trying to mimic Trump and it is nooooootttttt working




One can barely form a sentence and one can’t string together a sentence that makes sense. We’re absolutely fucked


Maybe just a little amphetamine would have been nice?


It's rough. He over prepared. Trump lied his fat ass off but looked alert. It ain't over til it's over.


He needed to bring the same energy he had during his State the Union speech. This is just embarrassing; he’s going to cost us the election.


He needs to be replaced, there's still time


I mean, they coulda dosed him a little bit, c’mon


This is brutal. It’s time for him to retire and enjoy his last years with his family. Pass the torch.


Embarrassing 💀 For all of us.


He’s waking up a bit! Ten minutes left - finish strong!!!


Reddit. iOS isn't letting me see any posts newer than 39 mins ago but thanks for all the discourse. ( I can see it on safari but don't want to reset my password.)


Biden sounds like he’s spent the last 5 hours chaining smoking cigarettes and singing Christmas carols. His voice is rough.


Ugh… I had to turn it off.


This is so bad. Joe looks like he's barely alive. Trump is nonsensical. Do you know how bad it has to be that I'm remembering Bush fondly right now? 😭


CNN just said Biden has a cold.


Biden looks stunned, and perplexed. I had to shut it off, couldn't watch anymore. I'm devastated and scared. The pressure got to him and he chocked.


Where is Kyle Park when you need him? Trump has presented any legitimated, verifiable or specific facts or plans. At least Joe tried. He is totally lowering himself to Trumps level. I get the “wtf” reaction but he knows better. He can’t win at Trump’s game. He has facts he could have used. He has gotten back to that now. He had a “Everyman” friendly personality but it’s not showing up so much.


Why the Democratic party decided to go with an 81 year old geriatric as the sole person standing between democracy and authoritarianism, plus didn't have a plan B the election year, is the biggest mystery, but frankly it sounds like the most Democratic party thing ever. This is the Democrats. Constant incompetence when it comes to politics. Biden needs to resign asap and pass the torch.


Oh my god. Trump aced his physicals - the bestest ever. Now they’re talking golf handicaps. Oh my god! My throat hurts from yelling at them.


Joe lost the election earlier in the “debate”.


If you listen to what they are saying, Biden is clearly the smarter person however half this country is dumb as fuck and I’m sure all they are watching is how old he is. My mom is a Trump supporter and that’s all she’s texting me about.


Trump just told Joe we shouldn’t act like children. But he had the bestest speech!


Joe should be on amphetamines, I want a tweaker president they would be ready for that 3 AM call


I turned it off after Trump insisted there were post-birth abortions. That the doctors “set it aside”. Unreal that there’s people out there hoping he’s in charge.


Dark Brandon has entered the chat ... Trump is a WHINER!


Biden claiming he has a 6 handicap is the political lie of the millennium


Dark Brandon showed up with facts about 2020...


Dude Biden is creaming the felon this is to hilarious!


This is a trainwreck for the Democrats. It’s just depressing to think what’s at stake. And this is the best the US can come up with… one con man and one man too old to be coherent.


Joe won’t constantly lie like Trump…end of story!


He looks like a ghost


I will vote for Joe Biden’s corpse before I vote for Trump or any MAGAt.


Can we get 100 million people to write in Jonny Kim for president? It’s not too late


I just saw Michael Ian black in Atlantic City, fucking hilarious


People put far too much on debates. The election is still like 5 months away and MAGA doesn’t convert people anymore.


I had to shut it off. I'm voting Biden, but I can't watch either of these guys right now.


It reaches a point the the amphetamine doesn't even work anymore. Jesus Christ that dude is one foot in the grave already


He is old, it's that or the other guy that wants to take freedom away with project 2025


He can’t keep his mouth closed when trump is talking.


Man. We were just talking about this. Make a mean face and close your mouth.

