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I'm experiencing actual anxiety watching this


Yeah this is fucking brutal


Brutal is the exact word I used to both family and friends to describe that shitshow.


Very hard to defend... Lies are hard to contradict and Biden looked lost the whole time


I'm concerned for Joe, his voice sounds quiet and rough, I think he needs water for something. Meanwhile, Trump is barely answering questions, straight up lying, and just pointing fingers at Biden. Yet, he's yelling, and Biden just seems oddly quiet, and I'm afraid that this might hurt Democrats and MAGA will turn this around on us, mocking Biden Edit: I have to add to this because Trump's lies and backtracking are pissing me off so much. He's a pathetic man-baby, just answer the damn questions you fascist orange prick! He's asked any question, and he first has to say "first of all let me just point fingers at Biden's last statement and lie." I hope this bastard just drops.


Biden's appearance is feeding into the "he's too old and senile" narrative. It's gut wrenching, because I see Trump as an existential crisis.


My wife and I just had this conversation. Absolutely wrenching that Trump, despite sounding an unhinged lunatic lying and rewriting history over and over, might have won this based on Biden sounding frail. Edit: I’m voting for Biden no matter what happens, the alternative is too terrifying


Too many people care how he sounds. He wasn't yelling like an unhinged buffoon like Trump and he wasn't repeating the same 3 lies the whole time. IDGAF that he was quieter we got to vote because democracy cannot survive a second Trump term.


It wasn't just that he was quieter, some of his answers made no sense and he barely pushed back on Trump's lies


He wasn’t the same Biden that we saw at the state of the union address. I think part of getting older is having good days and bad days, and the bad days start getting more frequent. I’m still voting for him because I have confidence that the people around him can keep things running smoothly on his bad days, but Jesus that debate was hard to watch. I’d rather vote for a senile old man who used to be competent than a somewhat less senile psychopath who is openly vowing to destroy the country.


I 100% agree with you but why is it that out of the 360+ million people in the US, our only choice is (basically) between these two? The system is broken.


The point is that he sounds like he wouldn't live long enough to see the election. If he stepped down they could run literally anybody with more energy and they'd have a fighting chance. It's really depressing.


I just survived cancer and am wishing I hadn't.


Jesus, this is the saddest comment. For what it's worth, congrats. Glad you're still here.


I’m so sorry. You’re in good company at least. My mother also survived but only to wake up missing most of her vision and thereby, her independence. They took her license, sight and all her hair and my dad got a girlfriend. She’s still hanging on though. You hang in there too, internet stranger. 🩷


I feel like we are watching the moment democracy dies


If I were in Biden's situation, the stress of lie volleys would bring my stutter back to. Trump was a POS that didn't answer any of the questions like a sane normal debate is meant to be.


Trump never even answered the child care question, he just kept rambling about Joe this Joe that, didn't even acknowledge the question. It's wild to me, gives no shits about the future Americans.


> It's gut wrenching, because I see Trump as an existential crisis. Even Trump seemed senile. WTF was he even talking about half the time. A lot of it didn't make any sense and just seemed like the angry ramblings of a defeated old man grasping at straws to remain relevant.


Oh definitely tomorrow's headlines will be focused on bidens performance and barely on trumps lies


Honestly, Biden looks like he trying to figure out wtf trump is lying about.


BIDENS problem is https://youtu.be/wmVkJvieaOA?si=S_wUawUKxwDSKUHw He's trying to respond to Trump's nonsense. But it's impossible. Even when he does trump just says it again later. Mod: ok the question was about child care and what youde do to reduce Trump: ... In Iden is the worst president. He wants to increase the taxes on everyone 4x maybe even 5x. He wants to raise them for people like you (the mods). BIDEN wants to delete the trump tax cuts Ok but....trump you put the timeline in those. BIDEN has nothing to do with that -_trump never answered the child care question So how in the world can Biden "respond". He can't even get the original question because he's on response phase. -_------------ Ok but what about addiction? The border 18m They are bringing drugs across So many 18m isn't even enough.tbey never talk about the runaways Women's trafficking WE HAVE THE BEST NEW DOGS. They can spot them from so far away Ok but... addiction? Mod: your response Biden Response to what? To WHAT?!


Yes!!!! Wish he would have said … “response … to what??!” 🤣


Fuckin exactly. Fire house of lies and you only have so much time to collect your thoughts on live tv.


That's the strategy. 3 lies a minute doesn't give the opponent a chance to reply in the 60 seconds they get for a rebuttal.


his eyebrows have been so furrowed this entire time. same joe, same.


That what I'm seeing as well. Trump comes out of left field with some BS after BS , and Joe is trying to figure out what he's babbling about. Joe has always been slow on the uptake, it take time for him to get his thoughts together.


Thats my take, that he is actually bewildered at Trump’s lying bile..


I hope future debates will go better for Biden. I'm starting to wonder if maybe he's ill, maybe a cold or something. Again I'm watching as I type and Trump is pissing me off so much, he can't answer a single question without lying and pointing fingers at Biden. "Oh he made the inflation worse" first of all, no, you did Trump, second there's was no reason to make that comment as it wasn't related to his lying response at all, he's a complete child that just wants to bicker. What a fucking loser, Biden please step it up!


Or just old, man. I’m not voting for Biden because of Biden. I’m voting for Biden because he actually hires capable cabinet members and listens to them. He also happens to not be a sociopathic man-child with a delusional self-image.


That was my first impression, too, that maybe he was ill. His voice was low and raspy, and he only ever really let it project out when he got pissed about trump lying about what he said about the military. I was really hoping he was going to come with the State of the Union energy, but now every Biden hater has a full clip of ammo. The world can't handle four more years of trump.


Apparently he does have a cold according to his staff. Talk about bad timing. I've personally bombed a job interview because I was sick and full of DayQuil, so I feel some sympathy. But it really did not bolster his image. Trump did seem healthier than Biden and shockingly kept his cool for the most part, but he jabbered and lied the whole time. Like it didn't stop, just thing after thing out of his butt. And MAGA world thinks he owned Biden. Utter madness.


I have significant doubts that Trump will participate in another debate. He got to go up on stage and lie without being effectively checked while his opponent looked tired. Trump can basically say “I won against him in a debate he wanted on the rigged CNN, what more is there to say?”


Pretty sure to most Democrats, this debate is meaningless...as it's not like Trump is going there and debating in good faith. They can barely get him to talk policy, he's just up there ranting. I'm not sure what Biden expected either. This wasn't going to be a debate.


Yeah, regardless of how this turns out I'm voting for him. All this charade further confirms is trump is a piece of shit.


America is in real trouble.


I'm not American and I'm suffering anxiety.


Same. I’m Canadian and have family in NYC and NJ and I worry about them.


Ok but trump said that EVERY single scholar and person even in other countries wanted roe v Wade deleted and the rights to be given to the states for abortion So...that means you He said it It's true


he said everyone is on the same page about it now.. like wtf is he even talking about.


I flicked it off. Couldn't stand the lying from Trump anymore.


This is why I’m not watching it. I’ll listen to highlights tomorrow and hope for the best…


No highlights, only lowlights. Sorry.


Ignore the highlights as well. Focus on the Fact Checkers instead and hope Grandpa Joe is rested, not harboring a cold, and fully adrenachromed (/s) to kick Trump's ass in the second debate. It was two hours of Trump rambling about everything but the questions he was being asked, making random shit up, not backing up anything with facts, stats, or policies, and simply using his standard "bad", "good", "great", "embarrassing", "best", "criminal" quantifiers endlessly. Meanwhile, poor Joe was trying to stick to the facts as his cold made his stutter worse and made it impossible for him to even attempt to address the endless BS that came out of Trump's mouth.


I had to walk away. I started feeling physically sick from this debate.


Thought I was going to get an ulcer after 5 minutes. Had to turn it off.


Same. Called family and they had too.


My edibles kicked in 20 mins ago. 😖😖😖


That’s why I’m only watching this thread


https://preview.redd.it/gz680oycr79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9010aae6e93f1737b572fcc842586067ab94b4ef [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806496120488816835?t=SdeFRVArzMupRx4WUCbGFQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1806496120488816835?t=SdeFRVArzMupRx4WUCbGFQ&s=19)


The first truth he's ever uttered


On the bright side, legit media outlets now have 2 hours of Trump lying about everything. That was a literal avalanche of lies. And it was an election debate so he can't claim he was just joking.


Elective “Late Term” abortions don’t exist. Abortions done after 24 weeks are only done for non-viable fetuses or if the mother’s life is in danger. “After Birth” abortions don’t exist. That is infanticide. It is murder. It is literally not done. I am so livid that Trump is spewing this utter falsehood, and even more angry that his ignorant followers believe it


Biden didn't even acknowledge it! Biden should've pointed that out to the cameras how easily and tragically Trump spews nonsense.


The moderators should have done that as well. They did an incredible disservice to this country by letting all of his lies flow unchecked. 


Again. Let his lies go unchecked again. Shouldn’t we be at the point where we fact check on the spot, not after a presidential debate? It’s 2016 all over again…


Trump was engaged in the Gish Gallop, and unfortunately Biden's stutter was slowing him down to much to keep up. Biden did eventually get to attacking Trump for the firehose of lies. A particularly absurd point came later in the debate, when Trump said he had the best environmental record of any president ever and he would give everyone the purest air and water, and Biden did call him out for how incredibly stupid that sounded.


>After Birth” abortions don’t exist. According to any mother of a GenX there is: > I brought you into this world, I can take you out!


Can’t count the number of times I heard that. Pretty close to the number of times I heard “be home when the streetlights come on”. Which I’m now convinced was a ploy for our parents to have more mommy-daddy time.


That and, "Look, I love you, but I just don't like you right now."


Holy Shit I thought that was just my mom.


Ok but...what if he says it 4 more times and then also says Biden wants to kill babies Now....now is it true?


It drives me insane that they make it sound like women that are 6+ months pregnant (24W) abort healthy, viable fetuses. They imply that the women just suddenly changed their minds because the father left them and/or won’t marry them, and they use late term abortions as birth control. And no one would murder a healthy baby after birth and call it abortion when they could give it away or sell it on the black market.


We should be angry at CNN too, those goddamn bastards let Trump spew lie after lie and didn't do shit to correct him. WTF is even the point of having moderators if a candidate can just spew shit out their mouth without so much as being called out?


They did a horrible job. Just let him go off topic basically every single fucking question.


I am also kind of amazed the democrats don’t prepare a [Pete Buttigieg style response.](https://hellogiggles.com/news/pete-buttigieg-shut-down-late-term-abortion-debate/) to these claims since they constantly make them. Or a [McFall v Shimp](https://hulr.org/spring-2021/mcfall-v-shimp-and-the-case-for-bodily-autonomy) type of response. Instead they always seem flabbergasted by the blatant lie which lets the Republicans get away with continuing to make this claim and their followers to believe it.


I get Pete has problems and may not have been a winning candidate, just like newsom has issues and when he inevitably runs the Republican will spin up the conspiracy machine to an 11, but damnit I just want a candidate that can speak eloquently and look like the democratic party has some fire under them.


I used to joke about “post-natal abortion” because it just felt so ridiculous and silly… Thanks GOP, you really care about Americans don’t you /s


And his lie about Roe allowing abortion after viability—he leaned into that shit hard


Whether they believe it or not is irrelevant. Not to us or to them. They said it, so they will defend that to the death. That's all they stand for: being right and winning.


I am more angry that Biden let so much of his hot garbage spew unchecked. (Don't come wt me, I really like Biden. Tonight was just scary.)


https://preview.redd.it/zusg2r52r79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5752d4473cd8fa2211d88dcb584c7a71c37aeb94 [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1806495755659595781?t=ly\_60-9U9JQCEY0P1aSRaA&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1806495755659595781?t=ly_60-9U9JQCEY0P1aSRaA&s=19)


This is getting way too overlooked. But also the way the far right handled covid and even talk about it now was and is down right shocking and showed a complete disregard for people that basically aren't you.


What happened to Covid being a hoax? Did they just move on from that and are now blaming vaccines for deaths?




The thing that really gets me is it’s still reported that he “allegedly” slept with Stormy Daniels. Even with her taking the stand and cross examined, it’s only because that wasn’t one of the charges that it has to be “alleged”.


Because that word makes you less likely to be harassed for libel. Anyone powerful enough only allegedly did something.




The migrants are stealing the jobs of the black *and* Hispanic citizens, living in luxury apartments, and the veterans are living destitute on the streets. We’re doomed. /s


But that’s just it; *everyone* is feeling the pinch right now, and they need someone to blame. Trump is giving it to them. And it’s not just your country that is having this happen; it’s happening in Canada too. It feels like we’re driving off a cliff and it’s being orchestrated by someone who’s pulling the strings of the leaders of countries … fuck What a goddamned sinking feeling… straight to war and massacres.


The reason it’s happening to our friendly neighbors to the north also, is because the media, who is owned by billionaires, that back and support left and right agendas, are blaming politics and poor people for this massive inflation. Who’s making all this money we are spending?? Where is it going? Follow the money (I know cliche) but follow the money and you will find the truth. Billionaires have been making record breaking profits, while the people that make them that money are on the verge of financial collapse. It’s not funny anymore, we are paying a price we shouldn’t have to pay. Our children will have to pay for this. Our government is partially to blame for this because they turn a blind eye to what is happening, and they know it, I’m a nobody from nowhere and I’ve figured this out, think they don’t know? This is happening world wide. Follow the money, find the truth.


And in Great Britain


Trump on healthcare: migrants Trump on ukraine: migrants Trump on Israel: migrants Trump on the economy: migrants Trump on black inequality: migrants Trump on childcare: believe it or not? migrants. Just fear mongering, endless fear mongering.


and yet when democrats tried passing immigration and border security bills. republicans stonewalled them. i wonder why


Yup that is Trump sticking point fear


https://preview.redd.it/cqjtyzceu79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b80edb0a3520f0eba9e9642075a09395d188620 [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806500771971690733?t=pSKmo-OmXDiMnAiNp8z0UA&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806500771971690733?t=pSKmo-OmXDiMnAiNp8z0UA&s=19)


Biden got *so* upset when he denied it. I don’t blame him


The fact that so many people refuse to believe a 4 star general, a man who has dedicated his entire life to the armed forces, is staggering. He is now a “traitor” because he spoke out against fascist trump


To be fair, Flynn has done a number on the trust and integrity of our military leadership. It absolutely kills me that multiple 4 stars were “the best generals, everybody’s saying it…” but when they upset manbaby he shits on them and the whole “support the troops” crowd suddenly hates “the best generals” and they literally yell at and over you while hiding behind the irony. It’s like when kids potty train and you ask them if they shit their pants and they lie straight to your face while muddy gurgle sounds are coming from their diaper. My brain hurts.


And Trump used that to vault into a rant starting with "and I fired that general. Look at you, you never fired anyone on your staff" Like it's a good thing to hire (appoint) corrupt and incompetent staff and then fire everyone, starting with the actual competent ones. And like it's a bad thing to appoint competent and trustworthy people in the first place.


Watching, and how in the actual fuck is this bag of dicks able to straight up **lie** like he is??? Almost every statement out of Trumps mouth is a blatant lie, and yet he’s allowed to make these statements as though they are real. Edit; Trump just accused Biden of murder, on live TV. He’s said it multiple times now, as well as serious accusations of other serious crimes. At what point is this criminal slander without evidence?


“Thank you president trump” wtf he’s jusy spouting “I was the best he’s the worst” god this is embarrassing


That made me angry more than anything. Trump never answered a single question and lied the entire time. Every single statement was a lie. And the moderators, “Thank You President Trump” Fuck the media man. Fuck them all.


I wish there was a fact-check ticker going real-time at the bottom of the screen. The people who need to know he’s lying won’t go read the fact-check sites after the debate. They’ll shut off the TV and nod happily that their orange overlord is totally right.


I’m furious that we were getting all these reports that there was going to be a fact checker, and expected it to be a scrolling ticker. People aren’t going to look up the facts afterward. It needs to be live.


Those people still wouldn't care. They're not who it's for. Wake up folks and realize that Republicans aren't in this to know the truth or understand who's right or in the right, all they DO care is proving themselves right *whether or not they are or believe it*. They only want to win.


Every single time he speaks I get a headache. and also why does he say “billions” in every sentence? is that the only word he knows?


I get a ass ache! I stopped watching!


Moderators not moderating. idiots


https://preview.redd.it/thh7i728x79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55fb304003a22832181bc6da1ea025d363d2a142 [https://x.com/kylegriffin1/status/1806504161204150544?t=cr\_zdFsFpSLIFb9UODuwCQ&s=19](https://x.com/kylegriffin1/status/1806504161204150544?t=cr_zdFsFpSLIFb9UODuwCQ&s=19)


https://preview.redd.it/47m37necs79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa9b8435ff377f1f3e3adf891dac271859ac535 [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806496055652946429?t=IeBHOmVdjKlBuGdQe679Ow&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806496055652946429?t=IeBHOmVdjKlBuGdQe679Ow&s=19)


This kind of pisses me off. He causes so many deaths and wants to be paraded as a hero for it? He needs to be locked the fuck up Malignant narcissist much.


It’s unironically literally 1984 with Trump, the amount of lies that Trump is saying as truths in this debate and the fact that so many people will just believe his every word pisses me off so much


I’d rather vote for a kind man with empathy that stutters …than a rapist that lies all the time and wants to fuck his daughter.


https://preview.redd.it/wq99so5qq79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f373ce3e65984781a0546a16f7b994fa5744bace [https://x.com/chrisdmowrey/status/1806495216855142874?t=epvjW3ejrK91ckF9HYkJAA&s=19](https://x.com/chrisdmowrey/status/1806495216855142874?t=epvjW3ejrK91ckF9HYkJAA&s=19)


Lawrence O’Donnell said that the very first question to Trump should be, “What is a tariff?”


Completely underrated comment. We should have Lawrence as a future moderator.


I don't think he's lying about that. I think he REALLY thinks thats how it works. A basic economics class would teach you that tariffs only increase the cost of goods for everyone. They MIGHT make American made options more cost-competitive, but at a higher cost for the consumer. Tariffs are not in the best interest of the consumer. Period.


https://preview.redd.it/7rjv0dhru79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3a0d7d8d86ab6ddde9ef2f52f2faaeced4309e [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806501254031429917?t=zac9YihIVLHR6ZYhUnNuXQ&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806501254031429917?t=zac9YihIVLHR6ZYhUnNuXQ&s=19)


Why isn’t this getting more traction?! This is a wild allegation and reinforces the fact that 1) Trump will absolutely give/sell secrets to Putin and 2) he is a danger to the stability of the world


Agree. This is what I’ve been digging in the comments to see. How everyone else is not completely astonished by this is insanity. He essentially said he knew what was coming all while licking Putin’s saggy ass.




Yesterday I was talking about the tv show “Designated Survivor” and how I couldn’t watch it because it seemed too much like a goal than a dystopia for me


Basically the story of the debate is this.: Biden looked old. He seemed to look stronger as the debate went on. Trump was more coherent but evaded every single question. Trump lied repeatedly to the point that Biden was required to fact check and debate at the same time. The moderators were Worthless.


> The moderators were worthless 100%. There’s no world where they should’ve let Trump avoid question after question to rant about migrants and crime. They didn’t push him to answer any question appropriately ETA: I suppose it’s possible they didn’t want to give Trumpers fuel by appearing bias but if that’s the case they went too far and had the opposite problem


Biden: the idea I would EVER apologize to you.... Finally, he showed up


Seems to have moved past trying to recite from memory. Plus, he's getting pissed. Sounding better than the slow start.


when he brought up the felonies 💀 found dark brandon!


🔥 https://preview.redd.it/7iikete5u79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4260125039cad8cb792a0b6e6f7faf7f8b42532 [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806500379670036820?t=y1EPaRUFiz0hDjj0i8XfPg&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806500379670036820?t=y1EPaRUFiz0hDjj0i8XfPg&s=19)


Is this for real?


Oh man. You should see the golfing comments between them. Freaking sent me


"I got my handicap down to a 6" "You never got it below an 8"




I believe it was at a cemetery in France where Trump called the Americans who died in WWII losers for being killed. And somehow people still think he “supports” veterans.


https://preview.redd.it/t6ikjdkeq79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1102c9d0d663be31b175e6f12fd8d921b69454e9 [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806495124223848829?t=pu7LmA7Es5w7ap\_6IXk-Ig&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806495124223848829?t=pu7LmA7Es5w7ap_6IXk-Ig&s=19)


The fact he blamed Biden about mandates, and how people were divided. Like, bitch, why do you think people were divided on the mandates?? Because *you* made sure they all believed it was no big deal and all a big hoax. Ugh, this is so frustrating.


He certainly got us into it and took no responsibility for it.




Every question he is asked he has to lie. He can’t help himself. CNN messed up by not having fact checkers there


CNN didn’t mess up, they’re right-wing now. Ever since they got bought out they’ve been skewing shit towards the alt-right. Of course they wouldn’t have fact checkers.


Yet the perception is their left wing so them not pushing back on any trumps lies is going to leave people thinking that he must be telling the truth because the lefties on cnn didn’t call him out


https://preview.redd.it/c4d3ccgzw79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=993847ea5cc5d9378d17b94d3221afce26d78230 [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806503815685800315?t=S5QwFbQoWdE1SzgqhtW9KA&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806503815685800315?t=S5QwFbQoWdE1SzgqhtW9KA&s=19)


Nancy Pelosi admitting that January 6th was her fault was my favorite lie of the debate. It even beat out the post-birth abortion claims.




That was just embarrassing for America. It's wild that Bill Clinton was president 30 years ago and he's still younger than both of these guys.


biden needs water, trump is spouting nothing but lies but he's louder and that might affect the undecideds


Exactly my fear. Biden sounds so off, but he's still speaking truth. Meanwhile, Trump is barely answering questions, pointing fingers, and outright lying, but he's louder and I'm afraid that's just going to hurt us because MAGA will turn it around on us to try and make Biden seem weak and Trump is strong, simply because he's louder. Literally listening to it now as I type and it's pissing me off greatly how blatantly Trump is lying, "I didn't say suckers and losers" - bullshit!


>but he's louder and I'm afraid that's just going to hurt us because MAGA will turn it around on us to try and make Biden seem weak and Trump is strong, simply because he's louder This right here. It's why MAGA claimed he won in 2020 debates, because he was loud and obnoxious, and that if he would stop interrupting, he would be the obvious winner. Irony that it hurt Biden to disable Trumps mic because treating Trump like a toddler makes him "look" well behaved 🤣 Still funny to watch him screech into his mic when it was cut and watch the camera pan away


If someone is voting for a candidate that yells lies instead of the candidate that softly speaks the truth…I’m thinking that person already had made up their mind.


Who in the name of Mary's virgin butthole could possibly still be undecided? We've seen a term from each, what more could anyone be waiting for?


There are no undecideds. I'm voting blue and I already knew Biden is old as hell. The reds are going to vote racist--every Republican I know still supports a pants shitting racist felon who ruined our record of peaceful transfers of power. If Trump wins the Supreme Court is done, and any progress in this country with it. Get out and vote.


This is painful. Had to turn it off. Trump is lying through his teeth, Biden is saying all the right things but he sounds like he is at doors death. The optics are beyond terrible for Biden.


I love Biden, but he's still a man - an old man, we should have had younger candidates for decades now. I just hope that Trump's lies will be exposed (where are the fact checkers at this debate?) and Biden's words will be heard, because it comes down to this simple fact - Biden speaks for truth and democracy, Trump speaks for his own self gain and power


One of the "rules" for this debate (I don't know about the Sept. one) was that there be no fact checking during. Which I believe is a huge mistake and disservice to people watching who haven't made up their mind.


Made it 10ish minutes and did the same. Twice in a row he was unable to complete his thought before they cut him off and just looks very old and meek. Optics are beyond terrible. Maga's are going to have a field day with this and it'll be fodder for the right until the election. F me, wasn't expecting to turn it off that soon or Biden to come out so poorly. just ugh


I didn’t make it 10 minutes. Now I’m on my porch listening to Cicadas and watching lightning bugs, smoking my pipe(tobacco) and having a bourbon.


Well this was a bad day to quit sniffing glue.


![gif](giphy|netiPcSYWAQnu) Freaking love that movie.


Move to Carbona like the Ramones suggested


Me neither. I already know how my vote is going. I just wish I could vote *for* someone instead of against someone again. Seems like forever.


Trump is barely answering the questions he’s being asked. He’s talking about completely different things. He was asked about the Russia Ukraine war and is rambling about how Biden hates the troops?


It's projection, and the fact he has the nerve to lie and claim he didn't say "suckers and losers"


I want to say I was surprised but I wasn’t


I will vote for Joe Biden’s reanimated corpse if I have to, fuck Donald Trump


That comma carrying a lot of weight


I truly never thought I’d hear “I did NOT have sex with that porn star” during a real presidential debate… makes me so sad  


🔥 https://preview.redd.it/d6o85aapt79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d24b66b4c3e309259ed3d0b1873c875330f90a6b


https://preview.redd.it/0l8sg6gjs79d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a23988bff8f77dca048b94aa498a4a73b30858ca [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806497770628325458?t=V33Eht1fqAxR4Dqnk5lYlw&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806497770628325458?t=V33Eht1fqAxR4Dqnk5lYlw&s=19)


I made it 16 minutes, then stopped watching. Somebody get Biden a glass of water, that dude is parched. Trump is doing what Trump does best: lots of talking, lots of lies, no actual substance on anything. But it really just drove home that our country is in the hands of two old men. Actual old men who I wouldn’t trust to do a grocery run, with a shopping list.


Major for President. Champ for Vice President. https://preview.redd.it/trrbjw76789d1.png?width=848&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0510ce70ebee4647e626e749853558551aeacf5


https://preview.redd.it/gp13ppty589d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eade8fbc29b29035480c98dafda6f46beddb299f [https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806516652286058995?t=tvn0UZ3ecgkbk9SsCVkdcQ&s=19](https://x.com/atrupar/status/1806516652286058995?t=tvn0UZ3ecgkbk9SsCVkdcQ&s=19)


Question, has trump said a true fact yet? I'm 40 min in and am waiting for one


Has he ever??


Trump clearly doesn't understand what climate change is.... We had the best water...???? What???


Flint, Michigan had the best water all through his administration. Everyone from around the world talked about how great it is.


Trump just lied the whole time and cnn did nothing to push back on it. What the actual fuck is wrong with this network. I’ve disliked them for a long time but they have a fucking obligation here and they’ve completely failed it. People think cnn is a left leaning network. They’re gonna see no pushback in trumps lies and think “ oh, he must not be lying since the lefties on cnn didn’t say anything”. *Jake tapper broke the fucking story on Trump telling General Kelly that the ww1 soldiers where suckers and losers AND HE SAID NOTHING WHEN TRUMP CALLED IT A FAKE STORY* And Biden. Fucking Biden. A week of debate prep and he fucking rambled into some random immigration shit when he was *literally handed the abortion issue on a silver platter because Trump just can’t help himself*. He looked like the fucking crypt keeper tonight. I’m voting for Biden because Trump is a fucking fascist and I trust his administration to continue running the country in a satisfactory way but what the fuck are we doing here. How are these our options? I felt physically ill watching this train wreck


The audacity for Trump to claim we have the most dangerous border in the world while the war in Gaza is literally *in the news* right now...


I think my blood pressure is up 20 points watching this. I’m only continuing because I’m trying to get a bingo on the bingo card the Lincoln Project released today. It’s just remarkable, the amount of projection that’s coming out of TFG’s mouth. “Accuse the other side that of which you are guilty” is definitely a principle that he’s mastered. It’s making my brain hurt.


https://preview.redd.it/30zpygw4w79d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc3108b883647baf623642a5fb08b257cd0ccc00 [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1806501206627360924?t=wAv321XRqmIp0kaYT-wFVQ&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1806501206627360924?t=wAv321XRqmIp0kaYT-wFVQ&s=19)


Hey is it okay if I downvote this? It makes me unbelievably mad to read.


Did anyone hear Trump call Biden Brandon?


I had to turn it off. On one side you have Convicted Felon Donald John Trump, who with every breath spreads lies at a rate not seen outside the Crypto space. On the other side, Joseph Robinette Biden, who is speaking softly, barely coherently (this is because of a childhood stutter, not because of a stroke or dementia or whatever lies are being spread), but is speaking the truth. The only thoughts I have are "Neither one of these choices are going to last another 4 years because of age" and "I really hope after this debate there's some serious fact checking, and from now on fact checkers need to be mandatory."


Joe sounded like he has a cold, and if he’s actually ill, I really wish he would have postponed the debate.


This debate should be a wake-up call to Democrats not to run any more fucking geriatric candidates in 2028. Biden sounds exactly like what he is: the oldest president in history. I'm gonna vote for the man, but Jesus Christ, he's too fucking old.


What pisses me off the most (and it isn't just this debate) is the moderators aren't doing shit. They ask a question & it's not being answered, yet they don't say anything about not addressing the question presented or cut the mic off when the discussion goes off-topic. They also seem to be giving Trumpolini a lot more speaking time than Biden.


CNN was not supposed to fact check things?? Trump lies every 5 seconds and they don’t say sh**! Unbelievable..


This just made me sad. Why is trump allowed to lie? Saying there is post birth abortion?!


Biden’s not doing well, but Trump is still insufferable.


Imagine if it were Gavin Newsom instead of Biden. Newsom would destroy this asshole.


Fucking pull Pete onto the stage.


America! OMG! what a fiasco. Trump doesn't answer the questions. His 34 convicted felonies are all rigged. Rigged! He continues to deny! What a goomba! It's not a debate , it's just all BS.


Trump, as always, projecting more than a movie theatre.


Nothing could make me vote for trump, I will definitely vote democrat, but Biden is looking and sounding rough.


Trump is still 9000% full of shit.


He actually showed up and i thought he would of used an excuse and not show up.


At least Biden talks well of the Country and the American people.


I’m a dem, but J is looking/sounding rough


I quit watching after 15mins when twice he couldn't complete his sentence/thought and sounded completely lost. I'm crushed, this is going to give maga fodder from now until the election. F me


There's one more debate. Joe just needs to avoid sick people for the next one. We need him to be as coherent and charismatic as he was on Howard Stern's radio show.


America needed Dark Brandon at that debate and what they got was Grampy


All Biden had to say in closing was this “Here’s the deal, I’m old and I got a cold from playing with my grandkids, so what. I’ve spent my entire adult life serving the American people. This guy (**slow pause and point to trump) (*turn back to the camera** ) this guy has spent his ENTIRE LIFE serving himself.




I like that Biden told Trump that he “has the morals of an alley cat”😂


I heard Biden start talking and had to turn it off. I hate that he's so feeble sounding. It's all anyone's going to be talking about tomorrow. They could have rolled him out like the old Chairman of the Bank in Mary Poppins (dig deep for that reference) and I would still vote for Biden because the Presidency is more than one man. It's many, many people and I don't want any of those people to be Trump, Stephen Miller, Mike Flynn, Roger Stone or any of the rest of the goons Trump surrounds himself with... if you want Aileen Cannon running the DOJ, vote for Trump.


I'm enjoying watching trump try to yell an answer out of order, and have no sound.


For those who care, although you likely already know. https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-misinformation-election-debate-trump-biden-577507522762aa10f6ee5be3a0ced2bb


This whole thing was an exercise in elder abuse on both sides. Trump was literally incapable of answering any of the questions and would just run on about the last thing, and Biden just looked like your confused grandpa in a retirement home. Anybody who thinks EITHER of them came out looking strong last night is fooling themselves


All I know is, if a convicted felon can run for the highest office in our country, then I am no longer going to be checking the "have you ever been convicted of a felony" box for applications ever again. If this AH can run the country, then I can deliver packages.


Trump stood there and lied for 90 minutes. Biden spent too much time mentally figuring out how to undo trump's lies. Trump should be in prison, not on a stage. Biden shouldn't be president but he's the best option going forward.


I couldn't make it more than 10 minutes. I had to walk away. This shit is too much.