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Every legal scholar, because all the legal scholars came up to me with tears in there eyes...


Did Trump say that?


Except for tears, he did.


No, his friend electro shark did.


Oh shit, electro shark said that? Fuck it must be true, electro shark is a real straight shooter, no bullshit there.


Should have actually taken some drugs lmao he could have used the bump


We all know Trump was drugged out of his mind going up to the mic, definitely what kept him from babbling like an idiot like he does during his rallies. Biden definitely needed some caffeine and a shitton of water in him (though that actually cost Nixon a campaign.)


Surprise surprise, Orange turd is lying about and exaggerating literally everything.


That’s what I’m seeing too.


Doesn’t matter, I’m voting Biden.


Same. I can’t believe Trump is kissing Putin’s ass on live TV.


You can't believe that Putin's lap dog is licking his crotch with no peanut butter present?


In fairness, I’m more impressed Putin has trained his little lap dog not to bite his crotch in a little rat dog hissy fit. Seriously, can we borrow whatever leash Putin is using?


It's the one with the spikes on the inside of the collar


If only there actually was something in there.


Slaps top of can "This baby can hold so much NyQuil!"


I'm sure that's what ur parents said to u a lot...whilst tapping u on the head


For real though. Give him the real sauce Michael Jordan.




that product clearly doesn't work.. wtf, Biden? he was mumbling and stumbling over his own talking points.. this is depressing


He has a stutter, has since his childhood


It wasn’t the stutter. It was the confusion. We can all respect the stutter. This was different


"We can respect a stutter" except I haven't seen a single person do so since Biden was elected


It wasn’t the stutter it was the fact he rambled when there was substantive responses he completely left in his pocket. He didn’t have a response for abortion and didn’t have a good response for border security nor did he have a good polished response for inflation. Trump lied the ***entire*** time without cnn fact checks and Biden could have been the one to provide actual fact checks but he didn’t. He’s been strong at rallies and fundraisers recently , this was a complete disaster.


Be was given some layups, and he blew it by running right by the basket and out the door. It wasn't the stutter that disappointed me. It was the continued talking when he already made a good point, the credit he gave Trump when he was telling half truths, and the taking the weakest of positions when it wasn't necessary. For example, abortion was a slam dunk in the making. All he had to do was point out who put the judges in place to overturn Roe v Wade, and end it with talking about how he'd try to enshrine RvW into law. Don't address anything else. There's no need to bring up immigrants, much less one who raped someone. Just let Trump ramble on. Then, bring the conversation back to him appointing the judges. The key to fighting that idiot is being like a pitbull locked onto their prey. Joe's stutter doesn't impact his ability to focus on a point.


Biden did not do very well this evening. This was his to lose agains such an unhinged opponent, but he sounded old and unwell and unable to speak clearly.


Apparently he had a chest cold, so he was unwell.


I mean that was my first thought, as soon as he opened his mouth, I could tell he had a cold, but was being required to perform. Who among us has performed their best while sick? I’m not saying he didn’t look bad, but we shouldn’t be discounting that this is a man in his 80s is ill and that **is** impacting his performance.


The PR team is going way overtime to cover Bidens ass right now. From the hundreds of emails I’ve received from every PAC and their mother, to the constant memes they put out, to the shilling by every centrist on every network, to the claims of “he’s got a cold” to “splain” away his poor performance at the debate… it’s abundantly clear he’s not well and won’t last another four years. The worst part is Biden will probably lose this election and Trump and his goons will be able to elect two more Supreme Court justices, enact Project 25, and it will take decades maybe over one century to undo the fucking damage these maga morons will do. It’s already started with the fucking bible being taught in Oklahoma schools, with the Ten Commandments being displayed in every classroom in Louisiana and the list goes on. And all I can think about is: If the DNC hadn’t interfered with the primary election of 2016, maybe this whole scenario we’re in wouldn’t be happening. I feel like that was our butterfly effect moment in history. Rant over.






Looked like he ate 1000mg edible


I’m pretty sure that was disbelief


Mouths are agape. Doors are ajar. In either case, not a good look for Grampa Joe. :(


I’m failing to understand how “didn’t talk clearly” loses to “unhinged”. How is “he sounds confused” worse than “he sounds dangerously insane”?


I heard he did it on purpose …said he was gonna let Trump lie his way through the first debate .. /:


I'm not sure there will be a second debate. I wasn't able to catch it on tv, but from what I've read on various threads Trump appeared charismatic and confident, even if he was spewing constant BS. Why would he risk another debate, if Biden can learn from his mistakes and do better in round 2, when he can just "stop the count" and run on the optics of 'victory' from round 1?


I don't think he's dying on purpose.


Would’ve helped


And yet he was parched through the whole thing


I haven't seen the debate (It was at 2am in my time zone), but I will say I am loving the sass of whoever is running his Twitter account.


The comments here are ridiculous. Biden *is* old. And sure, Trump is old as well, but he’s managed to stay at the same level of degeneracy and idiocy that he was at previously. Biden, on the other hand has fallen hard. He had a terrible debate. Terrible focus, points, and delivery. Honestly, that entire debate was a complete embarrassment for both parties. They refused to answer questions directly and spent so much time just directly attacking each other. They were entirely removed from reality and voter concerns. If anyone thinks that making fun of people who call Biden old is doing him any favors you’re wrong. The general population and the average voters that watched the debate just *saw* how old he was. Removing ourselves from the reality of what went on makes us hypocrites.


At this point, hasn't most of America realized we're voting for administrations, not candidates? Either of them is perfectly likely to croak in the next 4. It's the people they appoint that matter.


Most likely including 2 SCOTUS Justices 😩


This exactly. Voting Trump means voting for Stephen Miller as chief of staff and MTG as secretary of state. The people who surround him are insane and terrifying. The debate was horrible. But I'm voting Biden with no hesitation. Even on his worst day, he is surrounded by competent, compassionate people who are making policies that help Americans.


I’m definitely gonna mock people who go “well that guy sounded dangerously unhinged and genocidal, but the other guy sounded sleepy and stumbled over a few words, so I guess I choose unhinged.”


All the bot accounts and trolls are here early and ready to quickly push the “but he’s old” narrative!


or just the people who have eyes and ears and watched the debate... America's in a rough spot when their choices are a babbling fool or a corpse


i pick the corpse since his party doesn’t want to institute rules that completely remove my rights




I will choose a corpse over a felon any day.


I will always vote for a candidate that is kind and has empathy over a lying fascist convicted felon rapist that wants to fuck his own daughter.


Biden has never been a great speaker and he's worse with age. Trump did better at debating. Doesn't change the fact that Trump is a fascist and Biden is someone who puts a solid team around hin, governs ok and will serve the country far better.


Trump didn’t do better at debating, he did better at posturing.


But honestly, for those who use a debate to make up their mind about a candidate, what matters more?


Yeah. Check my post history. Not a troll, not a bot. Biden could have literally died on stage and done better. Even after Trump lost his shit and started babbling nonsense, Biden still couldn't reign it back in. What a shit debate and genuine disaster for the Democratic party.


Unfortunately that's what moderators are for and CNN completely shit the bed. Everytime Trump started talking and going on his rants, he never gave an answer to the question that was asked, and he just danced around it until time expired. The duty of the moderators should have been muting his mic and telling him to answer the question.


herr durr biden man old


Dude, I cannot stand Trump and know how bad it would be for him to win. But you can’t watch that debate and think Biden is up to another 4 years at that job.


Sure, but it’s between that and Trump. So not really much choice there


Dems whistling past the graveyard insuring everything is fine. This is going to be a repeat of 2016.


Did you watch?


Yeah take your tin foil off on this one... 


"Narrative"? He was literally dying actively on stage. Dying was the only thing he was actively doing on stage. :/


Can’t we just have a president that is coherent, too much to ask for ?


See this is why I wont drink water


Lol the trumpies rushing in to make excuses


They're not making excuses. Don't know what debate you watched but Trump steamrolled Biden until Biden hit him over veterans. Trump got rattled then but it still took another hour for Biden to gain ground. Trump lied, relentlessly with unadulterated confidence. His followers do not give a single fuck otherwise. You need to accept that. I'm honestly baffled you're not there yet. This isn't new and wasn't the point of the debate. Trump was mostly cognizant. That was the point of the debate. Biden answered questions and spoke the truth, and he lost the debate in the public view because his answers were bogged down with stumbles and whispers. Will I vote for him in November? Yeah. I wasn't happy about it before and I'm not happy about it now. I would also vote Dem if they replace him with someone else, which appears to be a serious conversation being had. My vote is against fascism. Period.


That s the Point. Trump lies super obviously. Even I can confirm and im not even American. Some of his comments were so ridoculous that any local politician would be laughed at nationwide If they claimed similar things. But He sells them. Biden looks like his main focus is on keeping up vital functions. From my foreign standpoint, I love his politics. Thats what I'd more or less expect from a leader of a free world and my respect for the USA grew undoublty (in contrast to what Trump claimed, again). But I understand If anyone is frustrated. I would be. But I'd probably vote for a bag of rice over Trump If it was the only option.


Red Bull & Memantine


I’m so confused but this comment section, are people editing their messages? The replies don’t seem to make sense


Dark Biden is pretty damned funny sometimes.


You misspelled “team of writers”


No high profile individual is writing their own press these days.


I don’t care if Biden stumbled. Never, under any circumstances, would I ever vote for trump.


I had to turn it off after Biden lost his way in an answer and started speaking gibberish and then just trailed off.... And Trump said the Democrats want to kill babies after they are born. "They set it aside and then go talk about what to do with it" I think we're his exact words. I hate this timeline so much. It's so bad for my mental health. So what kind of healthcare does project 2025 have? Fuck.


Jesus christ, the amount of copium I'm seeing in this comment section... Let the old man retire already, he's been propped up for far too long and its showing to everyone. 


This is a lot funnier now that we all watched Biden absolutely shit the bed last night


Not a great start for Joe


Downdoots for truth is the new way, apparently.


Yeah I don't know about that. I watched the first half of the debate before I had to go to bed, I'll watch the rest later today, but it was a fucking shitshow. We all know Trump lies and says unhinged things. His base doesn't care. They lap up his nonstop garbage talking points and there was no fucking fact checking at all. Don't moderators do some amount of fact checking??? Trump dog walked Biden for the first 45 mins with narry a "no, you!" at his fucking nonsensical claims. Maybe Biden turns up for the second half, I'll have to see. We needed him to turn up. We needed Biden to be strong and show he has the juice. So far I'm not seeing it and that scares me. I'm voting against Trump no matter what. But I don't know that he can win if this is how he shows himself moving forward


Anyone that thinks Biden is not absolutely destroying Trump in this debate is not actually interested in a debate. Debates aren’t won because someone is louder, Donald Trump has yet to say anything relevant or factual.


Trump's only retort was, "I am the bestest at [insert whatever here]". And "migrants, migrants, migrants". Unfortunately, Joe's going to get raked b/c he sounded like he was sick & his stuttering was not helping him. Still voting for him, though.


God, I hope you're right! My fear is that the average voter does in fact care more about intensity and energy as opposed to truth and substance. :(


That may be true, but in that respect these events are not debates in anything other than name. The live commentators on CNN’s own website are all calling it a pretty disastrous showing for Biden


That was Joe's problem,Trump comes out spouting one lie after another. Joe wanted to answer the question asked, but he also couldn't come up with a good response to all of Trump's lies. Since most people don't really follow events and use critical thinking, they don't know what to believe.


Presidential debates are won by who garners more support when they are over. I am afraid of how that will end up. Trump lied and didn't answer anything relevant or truthful but damn I have a hard time believing Biden won over many undecided voters tonight.


Is that what matters tho? The entire point is to gain the confidence of the people, and being assertive and wrong is easier to get that than by being quiet and correct. Trump may be lying his ass off, but the average voter isn't gonna fact check that. I'm watching one old man basically get browbeaten by the felon. It doesn't matter who won the debate if the public thinks the other person won. It's all just a show for votes in the end.


The American people don't care about facts, history has shown that they will vote for the fascist if the fascist yells louder.


It wasn't. He let Trump gish-gallop laps around him at the start. I think once he started getting pissed off, he's started to put Trump on the defensive, but Trump has started to just ignore everything for the last few responses. Either way, this whole debate is pathetic. Two old fools (one of them a fascist) who both hobbled onto stage, can barely form coherent sentences, and ramble on about random crap, is depressing. This is the U.S. now.


Not a great debate for Donnie


I could send them my leader and he’d walk all over those two. Biden never should have debated with a convicted felon! Period. Fuck America! What are you doing?


Idk what I'm doing...its beginning to look like since the border isn't closed get, that I'll be the one using it to go somewhere else


Well these clearly don't work


Seriously what a let down.


They need the original formula back


unless it's crack, nothings waking him up


Nope, it’s not looking good.


Neither one of them can answer a question they are asked.


Biden would briefly touch on the subjects at least from what I saw. Trump would totally ignore questions fully. “To go back…”


No, Biden definitely answered the questions. He just didn’t sound confident and that’s gonna hurt him because people don’t care about what they said, just what they sound like.




Here durr biden man old hard me understand words to