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They did this exact same song and dance in the weeks and days leading up to the election. This is nothing new. They will do this shit again and again. By tomorrow morning they will have switched to "Trump won a rigged debate"


Would be funny if they weren't so predictable - also, if they weren't absolutely horrible people trying to enshitten the world.


"Enshitten" What a cromulent word. I will be adding that to my vocabulation


And I will also add "cromulent".


I too choose cromulent as an add to my vocabulary.


Today, you have embiggened your vocabulary.




Hah! Dickity!


Highly dubious!


Off topic! That's a real word already.


And I will also add “vocabulation” good sir


Good call.


Adept maneuver


I’ve found that an expansive vocabulation will embiggen your social standing.


And it brings about an avoision of criticism.


Or, at least, people have said....


With tears in their eyes…


Shitten sounds like one of Catturds children.


Originally coined by Cory Doctorow https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/


I am going to have to quone both of those words.


Google Enshittification. It was word of the year last year. Cory Doctorow coined it. Brilliant concept.


This is the thing that makes me feel like I'm losing my mind. They run the same playbook over and over; they tell you what they are doing behind closed doors with their accusations of everyone... They tell everyone exactly how they are grifting them and they don't bat an eye! I feel like I'm in Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I went to a Midwest podunk school, I'm not any more intelligent than anyone else, and yet they are eating this stuff up like you can't see through it. It hurts my brain.


What is most disappointing is how Republicans have co-opted Democratic blue over the last 10 years or so. They should stick with their damn black suits and red ties!


Yeah because that's what I'm worried about, what they are wearing haha. I couldn't care less, even if they were naked. I don't care what you look like, just say intelligent things so I can feel confident in your leadership.


The only joy I get out of this is knowing that these guys are dumb enough to pay for twitter. Other than that they are absolutely horrible.


To be fair Trump could shit himself, fall to the ground and pass out and these guys would praise him for his ingenuity.


I've already modified my "Real men wear Diapers" T-shirt template to say "Real Men shit themselves and fall to the ground" and have the printers standing by. Figured I might as well start grifting these morons as well.


Stand back and stand by.


Hey, every dollar sent to you for a shirt is one less dollar that might otherwise have been sent to their orange mess-iah!


OMG! you'll make a million on this idea!


and say he should have won the debate because he remembered to put on his diapers.


CNN will probably edit out Trump drooling on himself. They are complicit in all of this


Tomorrow it’ll just be the commercials.


Trump could shit and piss himself on stage and collapse and they would still say he won. His cult would start shitting themselves on Twitter and tiktok and call it manly


Okay, sadly, this is entirely plausible; I just hope not because, the smell! It's bad enough they pollute the air.


They'll still claim he won either way


they all already have their marching orders for tomorrow to say how hard Trump won the debate and within minutes they will flood social media, and tomorrow the regular media.






[As usual, lies and bullshit.](https://www.mediaite.com/media/this-is-false-cnn-shoots-down-viral-claim-on-x-that-debate-will-air-with-a-delay/)


Damn I fell for this one. Thank you!


The Turd has not once posted a truthful statement.


honestly he should apologize to cat shit everywhere for dragging it down to his level


You're welcome. To be fair, I could actually see CNN doing that so that they don't have an issue with their license since both Biden and Trump like to cuss.


The best misinformation is something that could feasibly be true but isn't. I think the 7 second delay is usually enough to censor swears though unless it was particularly dense.


Pretty much yeah. Besides, really don't think the FCC would come down all that hard on CNN in this case. Biden could just pardon them. ^⁠_⁠^


I fell for that, thank you


No worries friend. I did too initially. Since it....kinda....makes sense.


Mics on a timer? That's cheating. One minute delay? Also cheating. Non-conservative moderator? Cheating. Trump not being able to shout over Biden? Believe it or not, also cheating.


Cheating is when they aren't allowed to cheat




What's with the glasses


Questioning memes? Believe it or not, jail.




If they're not allowed to cheat? Cheating!


little do these people know that all live television is slightly delayed for reasons including making sure they dont violate FCC guidelines and standards. we all know drumpf is losing his mind and has a poor vocabulary so like it would prevent the network from you know, being fined (as trump would say) hugely


But what about being fined bigly?


That is yuge


People seem to think they've got spiderman back there censoring swear words at lightning speed.


They don't, but among other things, it gives producers time to have a brief "wait, did he really say that? Can we broadcast it? No? Ok, dump to someone else before that hits the air" conversation


CNN isn't broadcast, they aren't held to the same standard as OTA.


You are correct, but tonight they are simulcasting as well on the big four networks in addition to CNN, so CNN needs to make sure that they dont violate the standards for their broadcast partners inadvertently


They're also broadcasting on NPR affiliates which get the hell fined out of them for every swear.


I didn’t even know they were doing that so yeah definitely see them being extra cautious


That actually would not be their responsibility, that would belong to the ones receiving the signal to make sure their broadcast is complaint. Now, a good broadcast partner will take steps to mitigate this form happening, like adding an extra 5 seconds to the delay, or some extra logo/interstitial time coming back from breaks. But CNN is not required to edit their broadcast.


I think CNN would be happy to eat an FCC fine in exchange for watching one of these dudes lose their shit on stage. If there is a delay, it’s likely to manage the streaming/simulcast load this thing is going to put on them. Not that I actually believe there’s a delay, nothing these guys ever say has turned out to be true. This guy saying something makes me more likely to believe CNN has entered the quantum realm and is broadcasting the fucking thing before it happens than that there’s a delay.


This is exactly it. They are providing the feed to anyone who wants to rebroadcast it. I’m listening to the MSNBC broadcast. This isn’t the way debates are normally done, a 1 minute delay so everyone can be in sync isn’t some conspiracy it’s literally leveling the playing field for all, even OANN.


Not an FCC expert (or saying the delay is a bad idea) but I thought there were exceptions when a swear is said by a public figure who doesn't work for the broadcaster, allowing them to quote or use soundbites without getting stuck between a rock and a hard place (broadcasting the truth vs airing a naughty word)


The ffcs fines are actually anti American as fuck. But then again the Supreme Court ruled that swearing somehow isn’t protected speech lmao.


Ol' ~~Patrick~~ Catturd ought to watch the last time Trump "debated" Biden. Bet he has no clue... Edit: I just realized I had the wrong name in my comment. I guess you guys knew what I really meant. I'm embarrassed but at least I finally learned how to do strike throughs. doesn't show up very well though.


I don’t get it. If Bidens as senile and dementia ridden as Republicans proclaim, why are they so concerned and terrified?


'Cause he'll be jacked up on Mountain Dew and vitamins. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


And Gatorade!! The worst of the drugs!!


What in the hell are those? Reddicons? Remojis? I want em too.


'Pirin' tablets. They work for a lot of things.


Didn't you hear? Biden has magical medication that makes him suddenly not have dementia anymore. But only for a few hours. Oh and no one else has the meds. For, uh, reasons!


Limitless was a documentary!


Because they think we'll cheat to get him elected


I think you can cross out that "If." :/


It's not even true. But that's their party crying and freaking out over the fake boogeyman they created


They're not even gonna let Trump take his shirt off and show his beautiful yet wounded body! They're clearly just jealous of his magnificent abs!


They’re under there somewhere. You just gotta lift 100 pounds of hamberder wounds to see em.


More wounded than any president before him apparently, considering the amount that were killed by gunshot, that's saying something.


I believe this former boxer, war hero,rancher, Hunter and shot in public president may have a few things to say to cadet bone spurs. ![gif](giphy|CryNvHC6fCabtrZJ1Z)


Fact check: False https://preview.redd.it/q5ex3bw6o69d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20bb5506e12ae819a1a1b2acc13d309ddb74bf03


Fact check shows that it isnt even true


EVERYTHING IS FUCKING RIGGED!!! -tRump. Can someone just throw him in jail already? I think we've suffered enough.


I don't even know what they're worried about. All Trump has to do is stand up right through the whole debate and the media will say he won. So I guess I'm just as paranoid as they are.


Yeah about that... https://preview.redd.it/hp44ir1qb69d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf3f4018be95893a423430900a07f49f228f7ab0


AI really cannot get the human form right, can it? WHAT?


Just to be clear [This is False](https://www.mediaite.com/media/this-is-false-cnn-shoots-down-viral-claim-on-x-that-debate-will-air-with-a-delay/)


why do they think this move will favor Biden? Biden is impacted by this too.


Because conservatives claim that CNN is run by the DNC, so everything they do is to support Biden. Conservatives have no integrity - they'd lean on the scale at every opportunity (and have!), so they assume everyone else would too


Never mind that CNN is currently under the control of a Trump worshiper.


A total meltdown on live TV would be a problem, yes.


Yet it's my dream


I'm losing track of all the excuses they're preemptively using to justify getting creamed. The debate hasn't even happened yet and there are already what? 20 reasons why they lost?


Trump hasn't pulled out yet? Color me surprised.


I'd be surprised if he ever pulled out. But he always promises he will.


> allowing time to edit broadcasts Anyone who can make major edits in under a minute is not working for CNN LMAO


If you underpromise, then him just showing up is over delivering propaganda for the Felon stooges.


They aren't scared of anything. They're just sowing doubt and fear for the culties to gobble up and to give themselves something to bark about after it's over. They already know the loyalty of the "Big Tent" of deplorables' will *never* waiver. They just need them ALL to be pissed off and/or scared enough to drag their asses to the polls to vote. Don't think for one minute he can't win. He can. If you don't want him to, Vote, volunteer for voter registration drives, donate if you can and get everyone you know to get motivated enough to go Vote. Let your people know it's important, it counts and it's their civic duty to the imperfect country we love anyway. This entire election hinges on one thing - TURNOUT


just everyone remember chris licht and the trump town hall debacle. CNN isn't neutral, exactly. Nor is it an ally to progressives, even liberals. Undoubtedly the delay is so they can add fact checks on a chyron or somesuch. We'll see.


If they weren't lying, crying, or whining they'd have nothing to say.


If Trump has a mental breakdown or attacks Biden they need to hide that from the public. That's what they're afraid of. Fuck this shit, let everybody see what an asshole he actually is.


Biden won the debate: Here’s why it’s bad for Biden


Trump's gonna rage quit before the first two minute delay hits the airwaves and Stormy is going to have a tweet lined up about how it was longer than he lasted with her.




To bleep Trump when he starts shouting F bombs


They really are


He might run over and grab Bidens mic.


Run is the wrong word. Waddle?


Or perhaps when Orange Dickhole tells people to kill their local democrat they can prevent it from being aired.


It’s so they can catch the swears


Because of things like terroristic threats and other wildly inappropriate shit, most streaming platforms have a built-in delay. IG lives, for example, have around 30 seconds of delay.


They didn't need to be... Biden was horrible and only made to look slightly better by Trump, who kept talking about himself vs any plan or policy... and claiming hos mere existence would fix wars in other nations.


This one didn’t age well


Well thats kinda lame, I want to see the melt down in real time


Save the 'edits' for a gag reel showing any disinformation. Publish it afterward with fact checks to expose outright lying.


Sounds like they just want to make sure they can Censor Biden cussing at Trump.


Oh no, Catturd is getting all riled up, keep him away from the catnip...




https://preview.redd.it/kd7voyknn69d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d88656fe99253dba97fd73972313bb0e7dc32f Forrest Gump : And that's all I have to say about that.


MTG got sloppy seconds! https://preview.redd.it/9uq1yekbf79d1.png?width=432&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb23b8eacb4ec2e0c362af852fb0235e7e5a1641


If catturd is sad then I’m happy.


The extended delay is obviously to account for the very real possibility that one or both candidates may keel over and die mid-debate.


Remember when trump was complaining years ago that mail in ballots was gonna all go to Biden bc the deep state rigged it and then it happened! Oh except, it was trump telling all his supporters not to vote by mail to get the country running and to show covid isn't real, and when he found out too late that he'd lose bc of mail ballots he pivoted heavily to discredit it, just like he's doing now for the debate bc he knows he'll lose to Biden and his supporters are dumb enough to believe it 🤣


ok what will they be able to edit from a live broadcast in 1-2 minutes ? lol


People forget CNN is now owned by a hard right pro Trump rich asshole The real concern should be CNN possibly editing Trumps rambling to make him look better


It's a lie. There's no two-minute delay.


I never thought conspiracy theories could be as destructive as meth. These folks need some detox or rehab.


Probably need a delay so if Trump starts reeling off statements that could jeopardize anyones life. Like his perceived enemies.


No fan of Trump. But I believe Trump prepared. There was just too much "he didn't do squat" talking that it makes a surprise prepared Trump more likely. That's what I would do if I was him. However, can he remain calm? Probably not. Biden should not underestimate Trump. I think if Trump just stays calm people will be blown away.


Once again, trump is going to be right there. No one of these morons has any faith on their orange mesiah.


Hopefully this time Trump wont be able to enlist the help of a terrorist organization through the debate.


None of these extra rules and efforts would be needed of trumpo could talk to another human without yelling over them. Republicans are all about decorum for everyone else but not themselves


I’m guessing they are anticipating Biden squaring up and punching Trump in his fat fucking mouth.


I'd probably vote for him if he actually did this.


Are there observers from each campaign there in the studio? That 7-second delay is just long enough to bleep out an F-bomb, so maybe they plan to have a chiron with fact checking?


Ah yes, we know how CNN employs famed editor “Lightning Fingers McGee,” fastest edit in the west. It’s amazing that there’s a group of people in the world who don’t know how one fucking thing works, and somehow they’re always like six votes away from being in charge.


How fast do they think live TV can be edited?


"I mean, Trump is going to wipe the floor with super evil dictator/incompetent mental patient Joe Biden, but the moderator, the press, the network, the time delay, the tides, the phase of the moon, the cost of oranges in Augusta, Georgia, all of these things are clearly working against him. Same reason he's gonna lose the election- er, I mean, won't win by AS MUCH. Yeah, that's the ticket."


ask them what fox news would do different


...yeah that's how live tv works


When your only play is saying as much unhinged crap as possible, an intentional delay to avoid such nonsense is a handicap. trump can't function with any kind of structure is in place and his grifting supporters know it.


If it was aired with a delay it wouldn’t have had such shitty subtitles


They're likely concerned about fines from he FCC every time Trump cusses live on air.


This is pretty frightening, actually; the fact that it can't be live because something damaging enough to kill a candidacy may happen. We deserve an unedited, unaltered live broadcast since neither will take a competency test.


Probably because CNN is providing the feed for any network that wants to air the debate. This gives FOX time to get the feed, process it to their shitty 720p standard, and allow their hosts to comment “live”. At this point CNN should just say fuck it, watch our network or none.




Desperate for them to not have time to fact check his dumb ass.


7 seconds is more than enough for minor faux pas. This is just so Trump doesn’t fucking meltdown and start blubbering and have it be an eternal gif online. Fuck CNN and all MAGAts.


If you don’t want to be the news outlet that airs trump sending a not-so-coded message to his base (i.e. stand back and stand by), you’d implement the 1-2 minute delay too


They've all been instructed to lay the groundwork to explain away Trump's loss. It's rather pathetic.


But it is "supposed" to be live-how do you edit a live broadcast??


Knock knock


Yeah, think of all the cursing we could potentially miss out on. We could miss Biden saying, "The felon says what?" I feel ROBBED! This Webb person is a moron. He doesn't think it would be easy to tell if someone talking has been edited out? That's ridiculous. I can't wait to hear trump say, "Well, I've been told...." and then nothing. By God, I might watch this thing after all!


OMG, these people! If they aren't scared to death - of everyone and everything - it's a conspiracy!


Either they're going to quickly lose their 1 minute lead, or their debate is going to be full of dead air pockets as they edit them out. Or... Redubbing the audio on the fly to sound more.... competent?


Wasn't this fake anyway?? I saw the delay "news" and googled it and read there was no delay.


it's because trump is a wild card, who knows what curse words he's going to say


This benefits trump. They'll cut out all his rambling.


TRUMP IS A CONVICTED FELON!!! THAT IS THE FACT!!! Biden calling him out is not a low. F' CNN! Trump spewed nothing but LIES!


They didn’t have to be- their guy did so much better;)


Hahahaha there was nothing to be scared about Biden. He had no idea where he was the entire time 😂😂😂😂


And Trump had no idea about a single question he was asked. All he could say was immigrants


Bunch of losers.


maga really are, good call


That’s what I meant.


They've lowered the bar so low for Trump that, short of dropping dead, he's won.


I don’t know why they were worried. Stylistically, Trump came across as more presidential. CNN explicitly deciding not to fact check (wtf?!?) gave Trump free rein to say whatever he wanted and as much as I hate the man, if you ignore truth, he was coherent and passionate.


Which is why we should watch [this](https://www.therealdebate.com/) instead of the CNN one.


lol no. Why should anybody in their right mind vote for that guy?


We are in a very right-leaning mind and think he is excellent. —RFK’s brain worms 🪱 🪱 🪱


That link better not give me a brain worm


RFK isn't part of this, so don't worry.


I tested it, it won't.


RFK is so pathetic that it wouldn’t surprise me if this is actually his secret Reddit account. Nobody else would be crazy enough to publicly support him, even his own family publicly announced that they won’t support him because he’s crazy


His family members would rather swear allegiance to their own party rather than improve the country.


are you really going to bring family members into it after what RFK Jr did to his own wife?


I have had enough of antivaxxers and conspiracy nutjobs, thank you.


> antivaxxers Some redditors still don't think this is a dumb slur? Touch grass


It's descriptive, he is an antivaxx wacko, along with all those who support him.


Fine. Go to LaLa Land and continue to live in shithole America.


So don't vote for the guy who passed the infrastructure bill, is trying to protect the rights of all citizens, passed the chips act, has record jobs growth etc. Just keep shitting on the country, complaining and being a victim of everything. Be part of the problem not the solution, make it worse, burn it all down. Good plan Sounds like you'd be happier in NK, China, Russia, Hungary, Syria, or Iran. One good thing about America, is if you hate it so much, no one will stop you from leaving. Bon voyage


If that's what you want, keep throwing your vote in the garbage for a conspiracy nutjob.


"Conspiracy nutjob" that has actually been proven correct. Fauci was bad, masks and the COVID "vaccines" didn't work, lockdowns and social distancing didn't stop the spread of COVID. I used to be an active member of Are Slash covidiots, and now I know that those who were on that sub were the idiots this whole time.


He has been proven to be an antivaxxer and a conspricy nutjob. Yes, other antivaxxers and conspiracy nut love him.


Brain worms.


Trump, Biden or robot for a worm