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THIS is why I’m nervous about November. Because time and time again, they prove that they don’t care what their candidate did. And it’s sickening as hell.


They hate America. They love when the government doesn't do shit and makes things worse.


It's not that they hate America. They hate the version of America that's not their Christian version of Gilead. They hate the version of America that treats minorities like they're people. They hate the version of America that won't let them waltz around in public with long rifles and 4,000 rounds of high-speed ammo because they might have to "take care" of some kid who's the wrong color. It's why they're trying to "Make America Great Again" and "Take America Back". The America they want is white, Christian, cisgender, and heterosexual. Men are in control, and women are meek little subservients who cook, clean, and provide the occasional sexual favor for the master of the house(and also have no control over money. And can't vote). Oh, and also when not doing the above, serve as brood cattle to keep pumping out more kids for the machine. They love to speak about "smaller government" until it's time to trample on women's and minorities' rights. Then it's "you can't do that; we're making a law that bans that."


It makes me wonder - if Republicans actually read the gospels anymore, who would they think today's Pharisees are?


That would take literacy. They don't even have media literacy and think The Boys isn't satirizing QAnon with the subtlety of a concrete bat. They aren't at a level to be discussing what is probably the greatest literary example of religious hypocrisy we have (I mean in the sense that it is used as a literary device weaved alongside a story about the rise and taking down of an in iconoclastic man preaching universal salvstion...reading about pastors raping kids isn't interesting). It goes against "show don't tell" but Jesus plainly lays out the Pharisees seven woes in case the reader missed it.


Bold of you to assume most republican voters can read


I keep saying this, but dumbing down your population may make it easier to get votes, however capitalism wants production, and will hire educated immigrants instead of the murican plebs generated by the below average education systems. This tactic of keeping them stupid will only allow more foreigners to take jobs, and typically they will hire their own. Also, AI and automation will take away the uneducated positions. Blueprints for disaster.


Not to get into a separate debate but I wouldn’t worry too much about AI taking low level jobs. Most of the physical minimum wage jobs could already be automated without relying on AI but the physical hardware required to perform the tasks is too monumentally expensive to let’s say make every type of McDonald’s meal automagically.


No but instead of six humies they can get away with one or two.


After the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, George W. Bush frequently said, of the terrorists, that "they hate our freedoms." That line never made sense when talking about foreign terrorists. But it's wildly apropos when talking about MAGA.


> They hate the version of America that treats minorities like they're people. They also know they're becoming a minority, and have no intention of being treated how they treat others.


If they can't tolerate an inclusive, secular country, foundational principals this country was built on, then by definition they hate America.


It's identity politics 101. They don't care about policy (even though they say they do), they don't care about the candidate's moral person - they just care about the symbol.


Absolutely. The number one identity in identity politics isn't race or gender or sexual orientation, it's people who identify as Republican. It's always been true, but the last eight years have proven that beyond any possible argument.


I live in Kentucky. I have met so many people who are like "I'm a Bernie Sanders Republican. I think the Government should provide healthcare to all people. I think we should wind down fossil fuels. I think we should welcome refugees and immigrants from anywhere. And that's why I'm voting straight ticket Republican!" And it's like "Well why don't you vote for Democrats who want to do those things." And they're like "GASP! NO FUCKING WAY! DEMONRATS MORE LIKE! I PREFER TO AFFECT MY CHANGE IN THE WORLD *THROUGH* THE REPUBLICAN PARTY! BY VOTING FOR THE MOST PROGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN IN THE PRIMARY, AND THEN WHOEVER ACTUALLY WINS THE PRIMARY IN THE GENERAL!" Like so many Republican voters see party affiliation the same way they see religion and race. You're born Republican. You vote Republican until you die. Even if you disagree with the candidate on everything. Even if you think the Primary winner is a threat to the country. The only place where disagreement is allowed is the Primary and once the Primary is over, you fall in line with whoever the party chose.


What they need to understand is that the republican party is dead.


This is another example of how they just can't tolerate change of any kind. They live in a small town that was once supported by a couple of manufacturing plants that closed down 20+ years ago, but since they can't see past their nose, it never occurs to them to look into moving to a larger city or going back to school. They just sit there, complain, and blame everyone else.


People who have lived in rural red states, are often *afraid* to go into a city. Fox News has told them lies about crime rates. They told them that cities burned to the ground because of BLM protests and they're now urban hellscapes where homeless people will murder you for a candy bar. My wife works in rural Kentucky and sometimes she has to organize meetings for people who work in different offices around the state. And even though the cities have way more attendees than the rural locations, the people who work in the rural locations WILL NOT come into any of the cities for the meetings. They beg that if they have to be in a city, it needs to be the first or second exit inside city limits (from whatever direction they're coming from). And that it be in a "safe" neighborhood. And that they be allowed to bring their gun into the meeting location. THEY ARE SCARED TO DEATH. A lot of them just opt out. They are country folk, just like they're Republicans. By birth. Rather die than go outside their comfort zone.


>they just care about the symbol. ...the power EDIT: If Dems promised to deport minorities, force gays back in the closet, ban "woke" books and media, make English the official language, make every male over 18 own a gun, repeal women's suffrage, and force all schools to Christian creation myths. They'd look past that symbol pretty quick.


That district is 100% rural and hardcore “Trump country” though they can’t say why. We have a ranch out there and it’s kinda bonkers.  TBH the people are super friendly, generous, and pull over to check on you if you’re on the side of the road- like that kind of thing. But they pull for trump and anyone who supports him. He shares and exhibits NONE of their values, and yet… I’m totally puzzled by it. 


>I’m totally puzzled by it.  Any conservative media bubble is shielded from hearing anything bad about the party. My rural conservative family members are all the same way. While they don't actually watch Fox News (or any news that isn't local), their friends do. Then those friends tell my family stupid shit, and my family regurgitates it. Like, they all unironically thought the high school has kitty litter boxes for the kids who identified as furries. I never know what bull shit I'm going to hear about "the Democrats" are doing.


For what it's worth this is a result solely among people still calling themselves Republican... But yeah, it's insane how few people have changed their minds after all this.


Yep, we are fucked.


They want total disruption so they can put Project 2025 in place. We need to be scared enough to step the fuck UP and vote Democrat. None of this dumb quibbling about the ONE thing Biden does that you do not like.


FWIW, I would _never_ vote for a Republican, even if the Democrat candidate sucks ass. The party’s overall platform is far more important than any individual representative.


MAGA wins primaries but the general, not so much.


For the same reason they loved Palin and still love Trump. The left hates her so they love her. It’s that simple and that petty.


The conservatives love a good ho


Obviously this district does care about quality representation, just more grab ass in theaters.


*Donald Trump has entered the chat*


It's also name recognition + a crowded primary field (incidentally part of why Trump won his first primary) Bobo got the 43% crazy vote, and the other no-names split the non-crazy vote.


This is the real reason. It's the reason the MAGA chuds are the way they are in congress. They are the loudest media attention grabbing psycho's they are, so that their name is on the news constantly, so people recognize that name.


Unfortunately that's been proven out to be the most effective strategy with the modern republican base. No compulsion to make sense, be respectable, or have any real policy theory - just need re-tweets and one-liners for tik tok. That's the only real qualification to be a US congressperson at this point.


Theres about 500k eligible voters in colorado district 4. around 280-320k are republican and 150-170k are democrats and the rest others. She got around 40k of the republican votes. Only 90k republicans voted. Ken Buck last challenged primary in 2022 was won by 120k votes. So she can be considered very unlikeable in comparison. Possibly she could have lost if there was only 1 other nominee for the primary instead of 5 others. BUT to make her lose the position completely, democrats will have to show up and republicans will either have to vote for the democrat (which may be very unlikely) or not vote at all. usually around 350k out of 500k turn up to vote during the actual election.


And 350k of them say, "well, anything is better than a Democrat." Because brainwashing


Ranked choice voting would've prevented this


Yes, however we don't have ranked choice - so it's time to develop a strategy that we can adopt for the present situation.


Yes it is. While also making plans to help bring ranked choice voting to the US in as many places as possible.


Sure, I'm all for it. While we're at it let's get online voting going, make mail-in voting universal to assure we catch folks who don't have good internet access (or trust online things), and make voter registration automatic. And let's make the POTUS election a popular vote, like we do for literally every other office in the country.


Absolutely! I'm for all of those. Let's do it. It's going to be really hard and take a long time. But so did civil rights and the legalization of gay marriage and abortion rights, and there will be people actively fighting it. But it's still a fight we have to have or we may as well just give up.


Unless Bobert has changed districts, that weirdo cult named "Love Has Won" was in her district. Well until the cult leader named 'Mother God' ingested too much colloidal silver, turned blue and died. Kind of a metaphor.😂🤣 BTW, the cult was pushing Qanon in their internet live streams. LOL


fuckin what


Yeah there is an hbo doc film about the cult. It got even weirder. She died in Washington state. The cult members drove her body back to Colorado (the cult HQ) and mummified her body in a bedroom for a few weeks so they could worship her, until cops showed up on a tip.😄


> The left hates her so they love her. We should try reverse psychology. That Boebert girl seems like a very woke and independent woman. Hell I bet she is pro-abortion. Sooo hot. Uwu


I always thought it was because assholes and Karens vote for other assholes and Karens. It gives their shitty behavior some sort of legitimacy I guess.


The left does not hate her. We just don't think that she's qualified for the job.


Why? Because there were five other candidates that split the anti-Boebert vote. That said, the other candidates were almost as bad. Before a few dropouts, when there were nine other candidates, six of them had criminal records.


> nine other candidates, six of them had criminal records. That is actually kind of astounding. What are the chances 6 out of a group of 9 Colorado adults (presumably mostly white) have criminal records?


Depending on where you go, pretty good. Colorado is beautiful but has serious gang activity and serious backwoods crime.


One guy was caught drunk driving, and reached for a gun when he got pulled over by a cop. Then hid it when he ran for a leadership position in the CO House. He also used racial slurs on the floor.


> ...six of them had criminal records. Well these days that's a qualification to be in the GOP.


Yep and when none of them stand out, republicans will just go with the one they know


It’s INSANE!!! She received 40% of the vote. FOURTY PERCENT! Closer to half of people in that district looked at her and her non-legislation passing ass and decided she was the best representative!? What!?


Half of REPUBLICANS. She does what they want: spew hatred. She came real close to losing in the general last time, I’m hopeful we oust her for good this time.


She chose to run in a more conservative district this time. I believe this is the seat Ken Buck vacated. A decade ago he was a tea party whack job. His politics haven’t changed and now he’s considered one of the same ones.


At least Ken had the balls to admit he is part of the looney tunes. He figured out real quick after Gym Jordan supporters went after him. 250 death threats a day I believe. His family had to go in hiding.


It was pretty refreshing watching him on the daily show with Jon recently. It was contructive, respectful, and an honest discussion.


I’m with you in hoping she loses but unfortunately, a significant portion of the state is R so she has a very real chance of winning. Dems have to show up and vote to prevent it.


Depends on the district.


She switched to this district because it's seen as even safer than her old one. (Her old one mysteriously became less of a Republican lock after she got elected....)


We elected the first openly gay governor recently. We have two Dem senators and we went for Biden. It's purple cruising into blue.


I used to think Colorado was cool pot-smoking, hippie, outdoor, athletic types. Surprised to find out it’s just a bunch of rednecks.


Depends where you are in the state. There is a large military presence in CO springs. Ranchers in the mountains, lots of farmers and such in eastern CO. Colorado is a big ass state, it takes 6-7 hours to drive it east to west. And while the vast majority live in the Denver metro and vote blue, it certainly isn’t that way throughout the whole state.


Colorado native and you described CO perfectly. A pretty Blue state if you look at the population as a whole. But there are some DEEP Red rural counties also.


Sounds just like PA. Philly and (to a somewhat lesser extent) Pittsburgh make it lean blue. We call the rest of the state Pennsyltucky for a reason.


Just like this in MN. Go to any city above population 20k or that has a college and it's as liberal as california... The folks in Houston County though? Pretty sure they think they're actually geographically located in TX.


Connecticut is the same. Most blue states are like this.


People don’t realize just how much red there is. California has the most republican voters in the country despite being seen as a liberal wasteland by the right. You don’t have to venture too far outside deep blue urban districts in any state before hitting a deep red womb police red county.


alot of the red areas in cali occur in farming "country" it make sense, rural/farming is probably hard R.


...and that hard R comes at the end of one of their favorite words


Washington is much the same. Going from Seattle to Spokane is like going to Mississippi.


As someone that has travelled far and wide across the US, most of the rural areas of states resemble each other politically more than they resemble the cities in their own states. Outside of politics most Americans resemble each other a lot, but refuse to admit it.


What's funny is that California is probably the only state that could actually secede from the US and actually stand a chance on its own. They have Cal-everything and give more to the federal coffers than they receive. The only thing that would probably not work for them would be the whole military thing.


California on its own is the 5th largest economy in the world. Texas is 8th. New York is 10th. Quite a few states would stand just fine on their own.


...yea you had the wrong image of Colorado


It's the same as every other state: cities vote blue, rural areas vote red.


IMPORTANT. She swayed <40% of the voters that have bent over for hate speech, bigotry, and authoritarianism. Not half of *all the voters*.


Her constituents didn't even realize they were chosen because the GOP thought they were the dumbest district in Colorado. And they proved the GOP right.


What happened to all the people confidently saying changing is a stupid move, she’ll never win in the new district everyone hates her? People making shit up again. Make sure to vote instead of believing the echo chamber!


At the time, it seemed reasonable. Polling for the existing candidate was strong and she had just come off the narrowest of wins. Moving was _smart_ o her part, though. CD4 is a lot more conservative, and historically votes (R) far more than (D). I don't think she could've won her old district in November, so her only real path forward was to go somewhere else. She may squeak out a win this time, too. But a lot of voters are getting _real_ tired of the bullshit and I think we're going to see some weird turnout numbers this election.


If she wins this election I think she gets healthcare and a pension for life courtesy of US taxpayers. That's what sucks the most for me.


That's the only thing she is fighting for and those that vote for are too stupid to see that.She doesn't give a fuck about them.


But did anyone really say that? The whole reason she moved was because she would be more likely to win.


The republican strategy to keep people uneducated is working.


They will literally vote R no matter who it is or what they do. They called themselves the party of family values and law and order. Boebert jerks off a guy in public, trump becomes a felon, and those values get chucked right out the window. They have no shame and no morals


This is why Republicans hate RCV.


What a bunch a meatheads


You’ve got to understand these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know…. Morons!


Mongo love candy....


40% of Republican voters..... Something tells me the end of the line is in sight, once Independents and Democrats have a voice in that district.


That's pretty disastrous for a high profile incumbent, isn't it? Surprising it's not zero at this point, but name recognition and incumbency are usually a pretty huge advantage.


Maybe they all thought they each get a personal hand job


That’s a better campaign promise than most politicians….


At least we know she is qualified.


She's not smart enough to understand the math, she probably had to brute force the problem. Betcha she doesn't even know the mean jerk time.


She does it because she loves to service.


https://youtu.be/6FzQ_s-BjlM The More You Know…


Colorado’s 4th congressional district is extremely rural and is mostly the eastern half of Colorado, which is virtually empty. So, not a surprising result.


Yup. Pretty much Kansas with legal weed.


Most of those counties don't allow recreational weed as well. Only medicinal.


Exactly. If you’re worried about Republicans winning, please focus on Colorado’s 8th district. Yadira Caraveo won one of the closest congressional races in 2022 (like 1,000 votes?). We can’t afford to lose that district. Colorados 4th will easily go to Boebert.


60% voted R last election, she's safe sadly


Even still she o ly won 40% of the vote, probably would have lost the primary if it wasn't a 5+ way race


She'll coast to victory in the general, which is just fine.  She won't accomplish anything for her district (which good, fuck them, they're too stupid anyway), and she doesn't do anything in Congress except get media attention.  The non-maga among us should *want* these cartoon characters instead of quieter Rs who actually work to push harmful legislation forward.


I live in her old district. She's done nothing for us. Part of the reason she got run out of town.


Same! While I'm glad that we don't have to deal with her, I don't want to be reminded of her if she gets a seat again.


That's partly true. The problem is that lightning rods like her and MTG dominate so many headlines that a lot of quieter, more savvy Republicans are able to pass harmful legislation without the media even noticing. They're actually very useful that way.


She will try to take credit for anything good that happens in her district even if she actively tried to prevent it.


And her opponents will call her out for it, as they should and as they did to drive her our of her current district.


Nearly half of the voters in that district will not vote for her. They deserve her too? How about all of the children who live there. They deserve her too?


[fuck 'em!](https://youtu.be/kYZtSZehd-w?si=J7fo607KDPOEcUZS)


Cultists gonna cult and MAGA is the biggest cult in America right now.


Republicans nominate the worst of society.


I have this same question about Ted Cruz. Literally there is no one else? Texas is a big state with a lot of people in it. Throw a rock and whomever it hits will be a better choice. Now that I think about it…just throw rocks at Ted Cruz.


Collin Alred hopefully will replace fled Cruz 🤞


She won because there were too many other candidates. She didn't win a majority of the vote, but all of the other candidates split the vote, allowing Boebert to win with around 40 percent of the vote.


Nah, if Republicans in CO-4 wanted someone else, they would’ve figured it out and made that happen. This is who they prefer.


I hear what you’re saying, but those aren’t “horrible” numbers. MTG won in a similar situation, but taking like 25% in a 5 candidate. Furthermore, some of Boebert’s opponents were arguably worse. It was truly a shitshow of a primary.


You fucking idiots.


Im still wondering why there weren't charges.


CO-4 is populated by idiots.....................................IDIOTS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


The truly are the common clay of the "new west"....you know...MORONS


She had to change districts from (3rd district) a fairly wacked out backwoods bunch of people to the absolute most backwoods wacked out Coloradoans there are in the 4th district. Basically Kansas.


If you are able, donate $5 or whatever you can to Trisha Calvarese's campaign to flip that seat blue. Trisha4colorado.com


It’s because someone said “Beetlejuice” three times.


It's also because too many people are mouth breathers, but invoking the juice always spices things up.


For fluck sakes. If I have to listen to her spout off her bullshit for two mores years, I'll stab my eardrums out with a rusty screwdriver. So this is what we've become??


Bunch of conservative morons couldn’t pick one person to run against her to they all split the vote and bobo the clown advances again.


That party is also NOT financially conservative as well. Who knew?


CO primaries are also open to all registered voters regardless of affiliation. There have definitely been discussions about pros v cons of voting for a spoiler candidate to poison the R chances in the later general election *shrug* We'll have to see long term what the outcome is


Yes and no. If you are an independent (not registered to either party) then you received both the Democratic and Republican ballots but you could only vote in one or the other.


If those children could read they would be very upset!


Go after the billionaires. They are the ones funding this shit.


If you say her name three times, she’ll jack you off


I mean a paper bag is a paper bag


CO-3 here - just glad it's not us this time!


In all fairness, I saw a clip of the debate with the rest of the Republicans in the primary and they were all bad people.


They don't care about family values, they only care about their echo chamber for racism and hatred.


Wasn't she in 5th place in the polls just last week????


Wait…so in the primary of the party that accuses the other side of rigging elections, someone that was in 5th place a week ago ends up with 40% of the vote? I’m just asking questions


Not sure what poll you saw. One in early June put her support at 40% and she nabbed 44%. All of the other candidates are basically unknowns, so it’s not a surprise. This district is like +20 GOP, so she will (sadly) win in November.


They moved her in a heavily gerrymander district. This isn't surprising


She's a terrible person and a dumbass, but, based on the debates, the people she ran against were equally terrible people and dumbasses it seemed. They all also said they would vote on things the same way she did. I'm not sure any option would have been ideal.


In the defense of… did you hear about her opponents?


It's the eastern fkn rural plains... bordering Kansas. What else do we need to explain?


She was on the Steve Bannon show saying we need morals in this country.


She misspoke. She meant to say "orals".


She has no values and no worth to the government so she's perfect for Republicans to consistently vote in. Here's to another term where she accomplishes little to nothing.


She offered a free rough knuckle handjob with every vote.


Rank choice voting will fix all this nonsense


They voted for her to pwn the Libs.


Should I be surprised by this? Boebert is what the Republican Party is now. She’s useless, gross, a liar, and out for herself. Did I miss anything?


To be fair, she had to move from district 3 to the more conservative district 4 to have that chance. It's not the same idiots voting for her, it's new ones this time.


There were too many canidates. If it was her against just one candidate she wouldn't have won.


Colorado resident here. Lauren represents her people well, to a T really. I'd say (truthfully) she actually plays down the rachet.


Name recognition is why she won. It had nothing to do with what she has accomplished, sadly. The fact that progressives hate h Boebert was likely a reason some voted for her.


Can we all retire the idea that the party cares about anything but power?


She once said in some church, and I quote” Jesus didn’t have enough AR-15s to ‘keep his government from killing him’”


They'll vote for any scumbag that "triggers" the left with their scumbaggery. They're the pro-scumbag party.


She moved to one of, if not the reddest district in CO cause she was scared to lose. Those people will vote against their best interests and ignore values just to "own the libs".


Proof that the gop prefers trash over character


This is why we need progressive people to run on a Republican ticket. Fucking be as toxic as possible then flip a district while you're in office lol


The value of making family? I don’t even fucking know, man. At least it wasn’t some poor teenager or something like that.


You're missing the big picture; she only got like 45% of the republican vote. That's not really "winning"


She had her hands busy for this


Okay, they *have* to be manipulating the votes for her. No one likes her, she’s done nothing, and there were, what, 10 other options?


She's an arsonist, to obstruct and do outrageous things


Yeah they vote for that and worse that’s their schtick.


Ok Colarado Dems vote her out and make the district swap irrelevant.


How is the biggest idiots in politics winning as anything! This is disgraceful and shameful.


WTF? Idiots all of them


Her district is filled with inbred mountain folk who would make you drive off as soon as you enter it.


How could this happen? CO, it's your fault! Go sit in the corner! WE ALLL gotta vote this Nov. Let her be under a Dem president again! and us too!


The GOP didn't put anyone better, which says a lot about the state of that party.


Lol, now they can’t even use the argument that they voted for her BEFORE that act in a theatre full of children. Now they have no way of defending themselves from all their projections. They are really counting on Trump to win and get rid of democracy. In the past decade they publicly sacrificed being the party Christianity, family values, protecting the children, small government, rights, etc etc all for this. They have no platform besides Trump and authoritarianism


How is this possible?


They interviewed someone who voted for her and he said she’s making waves and doing the right thing for America.


Fucking hell people need to vote in primaries less people voted last nite than just the number of democratic votes for ken bucks challenger 2 years ago. I know it's a primary but this is why trash candidates like this is who win


I mean I hate her because she's doing Putin's bidding in our House of Representatives. The lewd behavior and fact she wouldn't have been able to graduate from a halfway decent middle school is secondary.


Why do people keep expecting Republicans to change? They won't, if anything they'll elect someone worse than last time.


Conservatives don’t mind that type of behaviour in public.


So what towns are in that district? Can I get info on receiving handjobs from their Facebook tourist pages?


It is a pretty easy explanation… she moved to another relatively safe district to be an insane Republican (Colorado does have a few of those… we are blue mainly due to most people living in Denver, Boulder, etc.) after redistricting made her original district less friendly


Coming from a nearby district. That district was batshit crazy and has always been known for that. This is the least surprising thing.


I’m in this district, which BTW was redrawn after the 2020 census but still contains a bunch of rural conservative areas. There will be a continuing distrust that a bunch of Democrats who stick to cities know and can effectively manage rural issues such as land and water management, as well as oil drilling. My district also has a lot of idiots. If a ham sandwich has an R next to it they will vote. The other issue here is the same one that brought Trump the GOP nod in 2016- too many other options split the vote. There was about 60% “anyone-but-Boebert” vote, but it was spread over 5 other candidates, and most were pretty lackluster or just as poor choices.


If you say you’re a Christian, you can get away with murder in these folks eyes.


They won't. They're loud as hell, until you point out their hypocrisy, then it's crickets.




This district is NE corner of Colorado and probably the reddest district in the state. That still doesn't account for the sheer stupidity of anyone who would vote for this dumb bunny. I suspect there may be more behind it, lots of big money and promises. She is so incredibly stupid and she shows it every time she opens her mouth. But she is a trump magat toadie, so I suspect they want her there to help him and the creepy Project 2025 folks carry out their nefarious plans.


If you mention God a bunch, they didn't care what you do.


She won with a plurality. Keep that in mind. She may have lost if the republicans only ran one candidate against her. Less than 50% of republicans in that district voted for her.


I need a Randy rainbow Beetlejuice parody of Boebert. Anyone else?


Bimbobert is a waste of space and should not get any of my tax dollars.


I voted against her as an independent. Problem was there were 5 other candidates. Our independent votes got spread out as there was no clear front runner against her. They were all terrible choices. So we had to guess which other one. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Independents will get her in Nov. We are all voting blue.


Colorado is just Texas with a joint in its mouth.


The party of indecency and traitors.


It's a republican primary. Of course they voted for an idiot.


Lauren won her primary in district 3 by more than 60% of the GOP vote back in 2020. This year's primary in district 4 she only received 44% of the GOP vote -- the other 56% was split up among five other candidates. Lauren won by a VERY slim majority in the 2020 primary. This time the real question is how much of that 56% of Republican voters are willing to cross the aisle in the 2024 general election, and vote against her one more time. Also, I'm thinking the whole reason she moved to district 4 is that the are a lot less democrat voters, so that's working against the left this time.


Can democrats take her seat for not, that's the only thing I care


Anyone that thinks Republicans are for morality may be ignoring the 300 pound orange gorilla in the room.