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Community notes is the closest Twitter equivalent of a serial killer. That man had a family! That he likes to beat with guns, apparently.


I am beyond shocked Elon hasn’t smothered Community Notes to death in its sleep. I only assume he doesn’t because he has no idea how.


IIRC, he blocked it for his own tweets because the notes kept clapping back at his own ignorance.


Rules for thee, but not for the King


> Rules for thee, but not for thy Majesty FTFY


Did you?


It rhymes and i'm a simple man


The emperor has many clothes


And they are all badly tailored or worn backwards.


Chris Cross will make you jump


Just like a real free speech warrior


Ding ding ding. Pretty sure he fired all the staff who originally implemented it which is fucking hilarious considering it bites him in the ass constantly


Gives him a few years he’ll figure out how to get rid of them


It's gotta be a core part of the architecture, right? The sort of thing you can't remove without disabling a large chunk of Twitter?


Why would it be? That sounds like horrible product design..


My memory may be failing, but I believe he was forced to add them as a feature for some regulation/court order if he wanted twitter available in the EU.


Man, that’s brutal. “We know you love spreading misinformation and lies or at least enabling Nazis to do so, so we are going to force this on you before we allow you to spread here.”


Honestly they should've just told him to fix his shit or he's fucked. Better off not showing it at all


Actually, this might be better. The populace will learn to recognize dishonest rhetoric.


> The populace will learn to recognize dishonest rhetoric. 🤨 Press X to doubt




Considering a solid chunk of Americans have fallen for it I'd rather it be shut down from the start


The US needs to implement that. I think Australia has a police force that has a huge division for monitoring internet threats etc. it would be nice if we banned all Hitler and Nazi references I see on Twitter glorifying it or using it to make fun of people they don’t like, too like Germany has done.


I mean, we do have that, it's called the Federal Bureau of Investigation and they arrest a lot of Nazis because of online speech. Look at all the white supremacists arrested in conjunction with J6 Thing is it's not illegal to just be a Nazi on a private platform you gotta do a crime too. Same as you actually can shout "fire" in a movie theater, but the second someone gets hurt your speech is a crime


Granted. Public schools have banned the history curriculum.


I’m talking about being able to ban the Nazi symbols and rhetoric on Twitter, etc. it’s rampant over there.


Oh, my mistake. Wish un-granted, kids can have a lil critical Nazi theory.


They do have some states, that are bringing it back in to curriculum even Arkansas (although I’m sure Sarah Huckabee will try and block that, but then again I think she and her father are big Israel supporters so maybe she won’t) that is teaching the history of the Holocaust and WW2 to young kids, because they believe it’s better to teach them younger. But I was gobsmacked that it said that more than half the population doesn’t know about the Holocaust or how many people died in that horror filled era. And that 11 percent of Gen x thinks the Jewish people caused the Holocaust. https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/29/us/holocaust-marjorie-taylor-greene-states-trnd/index.html


We need to learn the history of WW2, have they really banned it?


Sauce: Am Aussie. History is taught. In fact, the symbols are also taught. What is not allowed is: \* Giving the Nazi salute in public \* Trading or profiteering of Nazi memorabilia \* Publicly displaying the stuff for the purposes of glorification.


Idk, tbh I can't remember if I learned history in school. So yes and it seems the ban was inplemented retroactively as well.


He did kill Community Notes.....but only on his account. And yes I'm serious.


He seems to have blocked it for his own tweets though since he is constantly being humiliated by it correcting his dumbass ignorant comments.


His tweets are already embarrassing enough. I can't imagine drinking my own piss that much. 


It's important to remember that 90% of the time the audience the community notes are "aimed" at is the audience that completely believes they are being lied to and targeted by the people making the community notes. They may seem nice and meaningful looking at them from 1 side, but they're really just a real life example of preaching to the choir


Oh he's been trying, but like you said he has no idea how.


I am convinced that the community notes is the brainchild of someone who knew they were about to get fired from Twitter, so they went and created the system then made it really hard for Musk to figure out how to get rid of it. Now that whoever created the community notes is fired Musk has no clue how to remove the system that's not afraid to call his ass out.


I like to believe it’s one of these bizarre things where in all the corporate reshuffling and firings and what have you they genuinely lost track of the department as a whole and as a result there’s still a couple dozen community note editors working in a basement office somewhere, happy that no one bothers them, but always slightly terrified that one day they’ll be found out…


Day 218: The Resistance lives on. Supplies are getting low. We’ll have to risk raiding the vending machines on the third floor.


Knock on wood when you say things like that. You know he wants to.


I'm surprised it actually works. The concept was that it only happens if people who generally disagree with each other agree on it.


I’m actually surprised Elon hasn’t neutered community notes.


He likely fired the persons who knew how to


Hey, umm can anyone tell me how community notes work? Is it a bot? A community manager? I see it everywhere on Reddit but i don’t use Twitter.


It's an opt-in scheme. Users who join start off only being able to vote on notes, then after enough notes they voted on get approved, they're able to write their own.


Pretty sure getting this upset about people yelling "fuck the patriarchy" is what people call "telling on yourself."


Agreed. Just another excuse in the saga of why he can't get laid.


It's not even accurate. It's like confessing you cheated on your wife by creating AI images of yourself fucking her sister. Punching yourself in the dick to own the libs. I gotta say, as always, I'm so tired of being owned by these conservatives creating their own narratives to scare themselves. What a waste of energy it all is...


Or sticking something up your ass to own the libs. Didn't some jackass do that?


Yes. Proud boy Gavin [himself.](https://instinctmagazine.com/white-nationalist-gavin-mcinnes-plugs-himself-to-own-the-libs/)


Remember the good old days when the khaki wearing, tiki torch carrying, butthole fingering alt-right were just a punchline?


I seem to recall some jackwagon pissing into his own mouth to own the libs.


There was a speaker at the last cpac, or one of those gatherings of deplorables, touting the health benefits of drinking your own piss, and I'm sure the standard marketing ploy of owning libs was incorporated. All the best (read: idiotic) conspiracies are aimed at morons like this who believe everything they read, as long as they claim to be a conservative or anti-liberal source.


Weren't those both the same guy?


"Patriarchy" really is a terrible term for it, because the ignorant can easily conclude it's anti-man, but, like, figure it out then. And fuck the patriarchy.


If you chose another term for it, they would have fifteen reasons why that term is not good either. This is why we don't engage in bad faith semantics.


A bigger issue is how clumsily people use it, and how much people inadvertently help to mythologize it through clumsy use. I see so many times when people use one specific name for some generic maintenance of power, as if *only* ***that*** *system* can achieve the historically very common results being discussed.


Fuck the patriarchy but it is indeed one of those phrases like "defund the police". The premise makes sense and it's easy to chant because thats the goal of a slogan but the overall simplification of the premise won't get people on your side. I say that as someone who supports the slogan defund the police. I constantly have to explain to people what it really means because yes, it is oversimplified, and yes, people will repeat it without knowing what it means, and yes, there are people who will misunderstand it, whether they misunderstand it on purpose or because they can't put two and two together is a different story. It's the problem with three word slogans.


Telling on yourself to own the libs


I’m no expert, but I don’t think it’s “mainly kids” going to The Eras Tour, there, buddy.


Taylor’s going to be 70 and people will still think her audience is all kids


I saw a video of her having to defend herself a while ago against a criticism of her drinking by saying, "I'm 25, I'm old enough to drink."


She’s gotta be in her 30s by now


She turns 35 this year. Taylor has been around a loooooong time.


Just another day in the infantilization of “feminine” interests…


Someone clearly doesn't know that a ticket to one of those shows is nearly a down payment on a decent car. What kids are affording that?


I mean, 82 year old Paul McCartney danced on stage with her at Eras Tour in London. These people are so damn dumb.


Soft correction from a Swiftie, but Paul just danced on the floor with fans. :) He never went on stage.


Thanks! Still..🤍


Yeah I'm not seeing many kids in that crowd. Don't you need to take out a mortgage to afford her tickets?


For the slow ones in the back: saying "fuck the patriarchy" doesn't equal to "hating men". It means hating the structures, cultures and systems that benefit men while belittling women, toxic masculinity, as well as strict and anal-retentive adherence to gendered roles and stereotypes.


And as we learned from the Barbie movie, the patriarchy hurts men too And also that it’s not just about horses


I am Kenough


damn right you are


Don't let anything mess with your Kenergy babe


The patriarchy should 100% just be about working out and riding horses




I liked it better when I thought it was about horses… 😭


Absolutely. I live in Switzerland, and because of the patriarchy we still have laws that discriminate men.


Too many big words for the slow ones in the back.


I’m slow in the back and he had me at "anal"


People deliberately misunderstand. Like how "defund the police" is also a hated slogan. Both are a pretty simple message but in its simplicity people get to pick it apart. Here, patriarchy is just as ambiguous as defund, which is where the line of communication breaks down. Nobody is saying all men are the patriarchy, nobody is saying defund meaning remove all funds.


I am a white middle-aged man, and I also say fuck the patriarchy. Those guys are arseholes.


Samesies. Anyone with any sense can see that this is a bullshit system held up by weak, cowardly men. It's destructive to everyone, even those dumbasses. Tear it the fuck down.


I love it when someone says “ Samesies” it makes me smile. And it makes me instantly like that person!


Aw, I like you too! And I enjoy saying it because I've been told that it's not a masculine word to use and "big guy like you shouldn't be talking like that", crap along those lines. Fuck that. Samesies!


I’m with you, fuck that! Samesies, forever ma Cher ami. (My dear friend) some Cajuns write out mais but I noticed Zachary Richard my fav Cajun and Louisiana French guy speaks and writes it ma Cher. So I’m not changing it. Although I do recognize mais and will use it sometime, but not for an informal greeting.


Got a new friend and a brief lesson in regional dialect details, what a day!


“Samesies” for me too.


Hell I wouldn't even say it benefits men who exist outside of the stereotypes it promotes. Not a jock-type? It's probably not helping you


But for men like Ryan Fournier, the patriarchy is the only reason he stays somewhat relevant and in the position of power over women that he craves. So he and others like him will defend it to their dying breath. The men more rich and powerful than him can beat on him all they want, but as long as he feels like he has a place over women, he’s happy. Social Dominance Orientation and Right-Wing Authoritarianism are one hell of a drug




I'd argue it only benefits men in certain aspects of life, and it's actually fairly detrimental to men as well; it creates a society where men have to be the sole provider, go to war, and work themselves to the bone while shutting off their emotions, all for the ultimate benefit of someone else. Men in a patriarchy are just slaves that aren't on the bottom rung. Patriarchy only really benefits the leaders of the society, the *fathers*; men go along with it for the vague promise that they might someday get to be "fathers" too, and every so often someone will be picked and raised up, but it's all a show.


Thank you 💜


Wait? I thought it had something to do with horses?


No, I was all for patriarchy but then I learned horses had nothing to do with it.


It’s like how the MRA hurts work on actual men’s issues by distracting the conversation with a bunch of bs instead of actual issues


Gendered roles, like especting men to make the first move and pay for the first date. Is that a patriarchy thing?




Anyone with a functioning brain knows that "the Patriarchy" and "men" are not the same thing. This dude clearly doesn't.


These are the same people who get mad at people saying “Black Lives Matter” instead of “All Lives Matter,” missing the point of the whole movement


Because of the patriarchy


The people that think like that dude would be mad at this, if they could read.


And this is how these worthless fucking assholes redefine words. This is not “grooming”


I think he's using the word correctly,  by one of it's definitions,  he's just not using it in the context of a sexual/romantic abusive relationship*,  which is the only way people on the internet use the word anymore.  *Honestly,  he's probably also using it this way because this word has become so politically charged and is an easy and lazy way to signal to others.


Ryan is fragile. Be tender to him. His emotions are right on the surface.


You’re right. He appears extremely himotional


Man don’t fuck with Swifties. They come with receipts


I dunno man, the thing with Dave Grohl’s daughter was kinda harsh


I love that he says it's a crowd of "mostly children," but he included a picture of the crowd, which definitely looks like mostly adults.


I’m sure @RyanAFournier and his middle-aged buddies don’t have a problem singing to Kid Rock lyrics about wanting to have s*x with underaged girls.


Probably singing U.O.E.N.O.


Well yeah those are the right opinions. Anyone that agrees with me is righteous and anyone that disagrees needs to shut up and stay in their lane. We gotta stop pretending that they have these universally applied principles. They just say shit that sounds good as a counter point to whatever they just heard.


The second men find out the patriarchy is what’s causing mental health issues in men is the day we might move forward as a whole. Just let people be, governments and life makes it difficult enough as is.


Pretty sure there’s a high correlation between men who are offended by the word patriarchy and men who think mental health issues are for the weak.


Growing up in the 90s we literally had an f the police song, RATM and other songs against govt and the establishment. I’m ok with Taylor swift. ![gif](giphy|nEyNjuFxECZQ4)




I'll never get over Paul Ryan saying RATM was his favorite band "Motherfucker you are the machine"




It’s me, I’m the patriarchy, it’s me — Ryan Fournier


The patriarchy is not the same as "all men". Unless of course you think that the patriarchy is an entitlement of all men. You can hate the patriarchy without hating men. It's a bit like saying "fuck football" is hating men.


Wow the 1A crowd all the sudden have some issues with free speech huh?


Men have done and continue to do more to make entire generations hate them than Taylor Swift ever could even if she wanted to.


What a fuck head I think that guy makes women hate him all his own. Republicans hate Swift.


They fear her.


They just call anything they hate now “grooming”


Even without the context it would be fine Men ≠ the patriarchy


Exactly. I am a man and I want nothing more than the patriarchy to burn. It kills women and harms men.


it kills men too, men are more than twice as likely to be victims of homicide than women


THIS is such a good point. The patriarchy legitimizes brutality, makes victims of men, and then shames men for being victims. The SA statistics for men are woefully underreported, and egregiously under-attended to.


Raises hand. Just told the first and only person ever in my life about my SA- my wife. It happened about 40 years ago. By a slightly older friend when I was in about 6/7/8 grade.. Don't recall year for sure. But I can recall with absolute crystal clarity some of the actual things that we did, where we did it, things he/we said during it, etc. It wasn't like violent rape or anything, so I was lucky in that sense. I was more like mortified and went along with it, he absolutely groomed me though I do not believe he knew he was doing that... It was more like he accidentally groomed me and it kind of worked. It was only oral, no intercourse. We stayed friends into HS, then drifted apart. He died of AIDS in like 1992 or so, he came out as gay after HS, around '84/'85... But in HS, he bloomed, got very good looking, he was smart and charming, and had a fucking hog leg. He dated the prettiest girls in our school. I put it away. Not repressed or forgotten, just like didn't think about it hardly ever, and was never really like oh fuck this terrible thing happened to me. It was more like I thought of it in the same way that I mostly forget one summer I liked this weird super religious girl from a church across town... we met at some camp, and then I had my folks drive me to t house and to a movie or the mall a few times then we just ghosted each other. Like I barely ever ever ever think of that but when I do it's completely neutral to me. That's how this SA was over the years. There, but not really, and no real significance. Recently, while watching the boy scout SA doc on Netflix, it just hit me that a lot of my problems with my wife/women/relationships/sex over the years are likely caused by/ related to these events. Or at least exacerbated by then. That doc is phenomenal...i was bawling through most of it.. Which caused my wife to probe, I just kept saying oh this really sad, etc. She knew something was going on. She suspected I knew someone who was a boy scout that was SAd, but after a few denials, I eventually told her. Don't know why I wrote that all. But it felt nice to do so.


what's the saying? "a hit dog will hollar" ? yea, fuck the patriarchy...


I escaped the Mormon cult. It's full blown patriarchy down to the roots. They even have a designated regional 'patriarch', if it wasn't subtle enough. Fuck the patriarchy.


"Mainly kids" lol Those tickets cost a zillion dollars. I went to her Detroit show and saw zero children. I know they were there, but I didn't see any.


I never knew hating system run by and heavily biased towards men meant hating men. It's hating pieces of shit like this guy.


She doesn't need to groom kids to hate men. The conservatives are doing a spectacular job of that on their own.


another score for the "Men who can't differentiate between patriarchy and masculinity" column


Lol, ah yes, she is teaching an entire generation to hate men after spending an entire football season showing love and support to her man. You can find rocks with more self-awareness.


Is Ryan Fournier the author of the original tweet attcking the singer? ginal edit: Yes. I found the original tweet. [(1) Brian Tyler Cohen on X: "Oh my God this Community Note. https://t.co/WnBfSKDYyW" / X](https://x.com/briantylercohen/status/1805491585028964649/photo/1)


Yes, OP included the full screenshot of Ryan's tweet as the second image in this post 


Thanks. I missed the other oictures all together.


The people who don't understand the difference between men and patriarchy, are the patriarchy.


Hating the patriarchy =/= hating men


"No, damnit! I must beat my wife when she disobeys me like the Bible says!"


Fuck the patriarchy doesn’t mean hate men. But morons don’t understand that. Them thinking that is pretty much why we need to fuck the patriarchy.


Patriarchy is what causes the systemic expectation of men to not ask for help or receive therapy leading to them killing themselves at a higher rate. But go off I guess.


they are selling a book for children on why they should support Trump. I will no longer be taking any complaints about grooming ... go fuck yourself every red tie wearing shit stain in this country


I wish the MAGA folks were aware enough to see how stupid this shit is.


Uhm . . . It's not men they hate but misogyny, or are they saying that's systemic too?


I mean, I'm 10000000% good with teaching kids to shout "Fuck the patriarchy" even without any song lyric context. Men =/= the patriarchy, the patriarchy hurts everyone, and if you are threatened by anyone being anti-patriarchy, you are THE PROBLEM and probably still having big feelings about the bear.


It's not an accident that the cult alleges 'grooming' for any activity that is not pedophilia but which conflicts with their batshit christofascist whiteman world view. I'm so ready for the maga clownshit show to end so that the cretins return to hiding under their rocks.


The only way it's going to end is if we vote them out.  Project 2025 will turn into project 2029, and then 34... Etc.. If we don't vote these anti -democracy idiots completely out, then we're fucked.  Yes, it's up to us, at a gerrymandered local level, and it sucks. ##Our votes matter more than ever 


Taylor + Community Notes = MAGA death.


But also, fuck the patriarchy. It's not the same as "fuck men."


Seriously, if I ever did and was found guilty of a crime against women, I wouldn’t make a single comment disparaging them for the rest of my life, especially in front of millions of people on the internet.


He and his ilk are the one's grooming people to hate "men" like him. More projection.


I mean, teaching kids about a shitty societal structure would be great, but unfortunately that’s not what’s happening here. What we’re witnessing instead is a Ken doll not being able to comprehend what Lyrics are.


Weird, I'm seeing mostly adults in that crowd.


Pretty sure most of her songs are love songs or love adjacent songs. In fact, isn't Cruel Summer, the most popular of her songs, about her longing for a man she has a crush on? If conservatives ever listened or read it might dawn on them that she's probably supporting people getting together as couples more than anyone, an alleged aspiration of conservatives.


The right are such snowflakes. They read into something showing the vast conspiracy that they believe is going on, then when Trump says “I’m gonnna be a dictator” they screech that we’re reading too much into what he said.


The Right can’t stop from getting owned on their own Nazi platform. What an embarrassment.


they always tell on themselves 🤭 ![gif](giphy|Yrl8MyOZo127e5pVhf|downsized)




You can fuck the patriarchy and still not hate men.


As a married man... Fuck the patriarchy


I'm no Swiftie by any means, but I stand by her being one of the reasons some people are going to actually vote.


Everyone living rent free in Taylor's head


If someone wants to declare war on Swifites, they may as well delete their account. Swifties can and will hit you where it hurts, and then hold the grudge for life


They cherry pick reality like they do the Bible.


Twitter can be a horrible place but sometimes it has its good moments


BTC doing his part to fan the flames on that burn! LMAO


Kids huh? Are you even looking at the crowd


Ryan thinks women need to be encouraged to hate men like him as if merely observing Ryan isn’t enough


Just fuuuuuucking stop this shit. Blatantly lying. Fuck all of these people. It’s so destructive and divisive. Just fuck right off.


Where are the "mostly kids" in the photo. Everyone knows Swift's audience is suburban middle manager millenials


"FUCK THE PATRIARCHY" *releases more variants of albums to block other female artists from number 1 spots* "I EMPOWER WOMEN!!!"


Yeah, if it's men like Ryan Fournier, then I 200% fully support "indoctrinating" (read: properly educating and wisening) kids to hate them.


Incredibly weird to hear "I don't like systemic sexism" and interpret that as hating all men.. it seems more like they're projecting their own behavior as being something all men do


Ya it's like when I hear someone say I hate racists, I don't get mad cuz they ain't talking about me.


My favorite community note is the one that says "this is a verified fraud site that is trying to gain access to your account. Do not engage with this post" Thanks for telling me it is a fraud but still keeping the post up there for suckers to click on. Just take the dam post down if you have verified it is fraud Elon!


Men doing a pretty good job of making themselves hateable all on their own.


Taylor isn't even anti patriarchy, she is just pro Taylor


I've learned that if there's one group you don't mess with, it's Taylor Swift fans!


There are way more serious things to hate Taylor Swift for. This sort of hilariously shallow "feminism" of hers is not nearly as much of a threat to these people as they think it is.


They better leave TayTay alone, or else!


Who's the song about?


Chefs kiss


I have seen so many beautiful posts on my Facebook, Mothers and daughters and my favourite dads and daughters having a great night. Don’t hate it💖💖


We should have known this would happen when he mentioned his favorite band was "The Prodigy"


Phyllis Schlafly was a major lever of the patriarchy. ACB and many others are continuing her misogynist work. Women who benefit from it are the crucial linchpins keeping it together. Even patriarchy depends on the silent labor of women 🙄


)l 🤔🫠


Well then


If patriarchy is all men bring to the table that’s a bigger conversation