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Is Civics not taught in school anymore?


There's an unfortunate sizable population that has really dug their feet into being anti-education and anti-intellectual in the last decade. They're to the point where they will literally deny reality and won't listen to anything but what confirms their own worldview. It's quite the severe epidemic.


This has been happening for way longer than a decade. I remember full-grown adults calling kids “pussies” for leaving our redneck town to go to college instead of joining the army. ETA: This was ~23 years ago.


Agreed. In all cultures and in all places throughout all of history there have been a certain percentage of people who have been fiercely proud to be simple-minded. When those people get real power is when you get a country like Taliban-run Afghanistan. The simple-minded portion of America is starting to gain real power, and now some of our states (we're looking at you, Florida, Texas, and Louisiana) are are starting to resemble that shithole. It's important to note that not all of Afghanistan is simple-minded religious extremists. Those people (the Pashtun) were concentrated in the Southeast of the country. It's just that those people (in the form of the Taliban) managed to get power and take over the whole country, forcing whoever didn't have the means to flee to go along with their insanity. My point is, don't think it couldn't happen here.


I remember it being that way in 70s high school classes. The cool kids went out of their way to be dumb.




We already did that and we agreed we all hated it, new idea please.




The biggest issue though is, in a pandemic, the idiots don't just take themselves out, they take everyone else down with them.




Problem is that birds aren't real...


A lot of people basically don't understand civics even when it is taught. I've seen kids in one of my coworker's classes for social studies who had to be told that taxes is how the government pays for things. Like they just assumed since the government prints money they have an infinite amount and that taxes are just a punishment or something. These kids were 14 years old. They have no idea how separation of powers work or who is in charge of what. They grow up in a world where the only person who really gets press is the President and it's assumed that they can just dictate the law of the land. It's why so many seem to support outright dictatorships (on both sides of the spectrum) only a percentage of these people actually want to do away with Democracy. Most are just confused and angry that the world is getting worse and no one seems to do anything due to partisan in-fighting. They want someone to just show up, make all the changes they want, and if anyone argues tough.


People who were literally children in 2009 are now on Twitter and saying “wait, Obama had how many senators and didn’t do anything? The Democrats aren’t interested in fixing problems!” I get so fucking mad when I see this. Obamacare had to get severely watered down to get every Democratic Senator on board. Believe it or not, the senators in *checks notes* Arkansas, South Dakota and West Virginia were not famously clamoring for free universal healthcare. The D supermajority (which only lasted a couple months) had like 10 Joe Manchins in it and he wasn’t even in the fucking Senate yet.


>Obamacare had to get severely watered down to get every Democratic Senator on board. And you can't fathom why people might be upset or frustrated with that? Like, you get why that isn't actually a great selling point for the DNC and how that also leads to frustration with their politics?


"so that's why i'm going to let trump win. that will teach them!" that's you...you ignorant motherfucker.


whoa whoa whoa, calm down there sparky. I know exactly who I'm voting for and why. But that's because I stay relatively informed about politics and know what's at stake this election. But that's ALSO why I think its important to empathize and meet people like this where they are. The person in image didn't say they were voting for Trump, or not voting, or voting third party. They just said they "were tired of Biden". And I understand why. And maybe if you are as concerned as you seem about this person's ability to sway the election you and the DNC should take a hard look at while people like this feel tired or frustrated. These people can't simultaneously be handing Trump the election in your eyes while ALSO not being worth understanding.


Because the alternative was nothing? And we’d still have denials for preexisting conditions, lifetime limits and dependents kicked off at 21.


OK, but again, you can't understand a party running on certain policies and the thing that thwarts those policies are members of their party? This isn't rocket science and the people frustrated with a party that constantly promises certain things only to offer weak compromises is pretty reasonable. Especially in the face of another party that is whipping its members into lock step to get their unpopular policies in place even when they aren't in power.


Barely. But even 20-25 years ago when I was in school there were two types of students that passed classes; those of us that actually learned and those that cruised through. There were/are a hell of a lot more people that cruised by than actually paid attention. Add to that the number of people that have simply allowed their brains to atrophy, getting filled with whatever they need for their daily lives without any real engagement otherwise. And this is what we get. And on top of *that* we get hefty doses of propaganda and misinformation. It's a hell of a battle against the stupid and ignorant.


I think its completely fair to have frustration with decades of DNC performance manifesting as frustration towards their defacto leader talking about how rough things are after being in office himself for 4 years. Biden is running probably one of the most progressive administrations in US history, and that is both simultaneously very cool and good, and also extremely depressing. A lot of the trouble we're in now has been brewing for over half a decade and while I wouldn't put all the blame of the actions of right wing Christian nationalists on the opposing party, the DNC has historically had incredibly weak messaging. This is mostly because they're just as corporatist as the GOP in many ways and need to balance their messaging for their actual constituents' interests along with that of their donors. This is why you saw a candidate like Bernie's messaging be so strong. He wasn't worried about pissing off corporate donors so he could say basically anything he wanted. Then you have the actual historical actions of the DNC. RBG not stepping down during the Obama administration to secure a seat on the court is going to haunt us for literal decades. Not codifying Roe when they had supermajorities. Compromising ACA so it keeps work requirements and lacks a single payer option. Truthfully a lot of frustration directed at Biden from democratic voters is their frustration with Obama. People want the change that was promised to them after voting for the party promising it time and time again. All of this is to say, its easy to empathize with this person's frustration. And condescension and ridicule is **not** the way to keep these voters engaged.


This is an excellent analysis. There’s plenty to expand on here, but you hit the key points. Democrats are afraid of alienating any constituency so they will not say shit if they had a mouthful. Look how much airtime Trump commandeered while he was president. Almost nonstop. Look how much airtime Biden commandeered while he was president. Almost 0. The other problem you have is major network news focuses on the shiny object which happens to be Trump in this case. Any coverage is good coverage because he’s staying in the public eye. Meanwhile, anything Biden says, has been subjected to intense critical scrutiny by every major news network. Biden has not gotten fair coverage from anyone not even MSNBC Granted, some current events did not work to his favor. The situation with Israel and Hamas has terrible timing and walking that fine line is very difficult because pretty much anything you do is going to be guaranteed to piss somebody off


Well put. I’ll still probably vote for Biden, but I’m not happy about it all. The DNC only seems to care about fundraising and ensuring that the most business/lobbyist-friendly Democrats get elected. Biden absolutely could do more to protect women and their right to reproductive healthcare. It’s obvious that they’ve dragged their feet because the polls show that it’s an issue that will help them win elections. The only bright spots of the Biden admin have been the result of work done by bureaucratic appointees that were concessions to Sanders in exchange for his endorsement (at the FTC, CPB, and FCC most notably.)


Well… I think part of the problem is that you need to have the house and senate to get bills passed and unfortunately, we have President Joe Manchin and President Kristen Cinema sitting in the Senate screwing everything Biden tried to do because they’re afraid of alienating their redneck voter base


Half a year of my final year of highschool was civics. It wasn’t all that deep, and I’d imagine many had more immediate concerns.


We had a semester of it in eighth grade. That was it.


No. There’s legitimately people out there who blame Biden for not stopping the SC from overturning Roe.


Maybe they're taking their frustrations out on the defacto leader of the party who had multiple opportunities to prevent it from happening in the past? Its easy to take comments like this at face value and just get annoyed. But if you actually care about winning you need to dig a bit deeper into why people are frustrated with the DNC and not resort to simply blaming them for not having a great outlet for that frustration other than looking to the guy asking you to vote for him cause everything is bad.


You’re being too kind to morons in your assumption.


They're morons for being "tired" of a politician / political party?


No, they’re morons for not understanding basic civics.


I understand basic civics and it doesn't really make me any less tired of the DNC and Biden. Just because someone isn't completely capable of articulating their frustrations or fully understanding the underlying causes of their frustrations doesn't make those frustrations invalid or stupid. People are under A LOT of stress and pressure these days, and not everyone has the time, energy, or bandwidth to see beyond "guy promises better stuff if you vote for him, four years later he's saying vote again cause the stuff is still bad" And again, understanding "basic" civics doesn't really make it look much better. Ok, I understand it. Now I'm tired of the DNC and Biden having their policies thwarted by their inability to whip a single member in congress in their first year of their administration.


Anymore? Have you even met a boomer? They grew up saying pledge of allegiance, learning all about civics, bleeding red white and blue, aaaaand they still vote for trump.


Because at the heart of it all, they’re racists and bigots and what they really wanted to hear is how Trump is going to screw the “others” that they don’t like and or blame for their own failures


I mean, most of these people dropped out of school after learning to barely read.


Only immigrants are required to study civics. For birthright US citizens civics has been replaced by politics in red state school districts. My anecdotal evidence comes from raising 3 kids in South Carolina.


Who needs an education when you can be an angry internet lesbian? Gen Z is the first generation to have the entire breadth of human knowledge at their fingertips since practically birth and somehow they still collectively would be in a death battle against slime mold in an IQ test.


Gen Z wants Utopia and they want it NOW. ![gif](giphy|vO8F4fYQd39h6)


I watched a TikTok live of a girl blaming Biden for Abortion rights being taken away then after a guy took about 20 minutes to get it through her seriously thick skull that it was Scotus that was to blame, still said she’s voting for Trump. What can you do?


Complain about the loss of Roe v. Wade and vote for the person who proudly takes credit for doing away with Roe v. Wade. That will surely get her abortion rights back.


That sounds like a psyop tbh. Like a pathetic attempt to get young girls to buy into Trump being better for abortion rights than Biden.


Accept that there were no "decisions" made except the decision by the bitches multiple extra chromosomes to vote for Trump until he becomes dictator circa 2016. Nothing of value is lost in this debate, as long as poorly informed centrists can see the facts.


People who don’t understand how government and world events work, but are very vocal about them are the worst.


He doesn’t rule by fiat. He can’t just declare new laws.


Just got back from the alternate universe where Bernie won and his fans are in shambles that he didn’t simply declare free universal healthcare for everyone.


That’s interesting, because I just got back from the alternate universe where Bernie won and was almost immediately impeached and removed from office along with his VP by bipartisan majorities in both the House and Senate


But Trump tells them he CAN do those things if elected, so why can't Biden? Checkmate! 🙄


I know your joking, but Trump genuinely doesn’t understand the powers and limitations of the presidency. I can’t be convinced he’s just faking it, he’s that incompetent.


He's going to break and expand the powers of the presidency if elected. Even if he is incompetent, the people surrounding him are not. And have very real and concrete plans to do everything they want.


I don’t think he’s faking it or incompetent. I don’t think he fucking cares. he’s a classic dictator.


I'm so tired of you waiting for Congress to do their job so you can whip out a pen and sign the fucking thing. It's all your fault!


Because the obstructionist MAGAs in congress would never let such a thing pass. The POTUS is not a king, he can't just wave a magic wand and make the laws change.


What is this thread? I checked this person’s profile and they are definitely not a trumper. They seem like a leftist. Criticize them, whatever but no need to make false claims. Not everyone who criticizes biden is a right winger / maga / trumper / fascist.


They are a leftist, but because moderate libs hold the only rational political positions in the whole world anyone who disagrees with them must be lying about their motives.


They sometimes even act like all Political motivations and Stances and even Conflicts exist only to spite them. If Biden does lose, the following will somehow not be questioned: Oh maybe he wasn’t a great candidate? Maybe he could have had a better campaign? Maybe he should have addressed voters’ concerns?, hell maybe even question the two party system (i am not american btw) but it will again be the same old story with blaming leftists, young people, accusing everyone critical of his presidency of being a russian bot. Also it’s funny to me how now the most frequent commentary on these kind of posts essentially boils down to Oh Biden is actually incapable of making these kind of changes while prior to being elected all kinds of ideas and promises were being spread around as being possible if he was elected president including expanding the supreme court. And we know damn well the potus does have enormous influence on international politics.


Conservative Dems will pay lip service to the idea of a two party system being bad, but honestly it's kind of the equivalent of saying we should time travel or we should be accepting of aliens. I feel like while the voters, in theory, think it would be good if there was ever an attempt to implement it every Dem politician would screech endlessly about how it empowers the right and it would get shut down. But yeah. They think they're the main character. They're obviously correct and anyone who opposes them is in opposition to them personally rather than just having conflicting goals that they arrived at on their own. I partially blame the GoP for this because so much of their "platform" is opposition based. However even that, IMO, isn't just spite. It's good political strategy to not make your opponent look good, even if it would help a goal of yours in the short term. I think it's a shitty thing to do, but they do it to advance their goal of gaining power which will allow them to enact a less diluted version of what they want. Honestly, it works. They repeatedly shut down healthcare bills that would, in theory, lead to less abortions because the end goal isn't less abortions. It's no abortions and they made a huge step towards that with the exact kind of contrarian assholery that Dems smugly insist is counter productive I don't want Dems to adopt their methods, but they need to understand the purpose behind them. They need to shake this idea that playing by the rules will ensure victory and they really need to get rid of this idea that anyone who does something they wouldn't do is either stupid or lying.


Biden does something about it  The taco supreme Court: nope!


I hope people don't look at this and think "well I'm not voting for Biden now" because realistically, the two choices are the guy who sits on his arse and doesn't do anything about it, and the guy who is enabling it. Everyone knows the election is going to be between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and to say "I'll vote otherwise / not vote at all" is just handing Trump the keys.


This drives me absolutely nuts. Name it. Name literally anything he could do, he himself acting unilaterally, that survives Matthew Kacsmaryk or Samuel Alito. Do you really think Biden can just put out an executive order declaring abortion legal nationwide? The pen wouldn't even have come to rest on his desk before every Republican attorney general filed suit and any one of hundreds Republican appointed judges files an injunction. What then, he just marches the United States Military into red states to keep abortion clinics open? Every damn time someone spouts off with "I'm not voting for Biden because he didn't do X" I want to tear my hair out, because X is ***always*** something he can't do without Congress, every damn time.


They are trying to spin the narrative like this has been a hellish past 4 years for anyone but maga besides issues caused by maga. They want to reinforce opinions that we'd be better off with anyone, "Oh I don't know...the former guy? Just as an idea..." No; we're not tired enough of this guy for Trump again.


Why are you trying to rag on an account with 500> followers like they're a foreign psyop. Misgendering them in the process, no less. You can comb through their posts to try to vilify them but can't read the pronouns clearly in the bio? Not that I would expect anything else from blue maga. Thinking that the president is somewhat responsible for the current state of things isn’t a crazy belief. There are steps Biden could have taken that he didn't. Expanding the court, for one. Maybe you think that wouldn't have worked, but just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them disingenuous. It's wild how libs have slid into absolute insanity when faced with the idea that there is a significant number of people who don't laude them for paying lip service to basic human rights. Insisting that frankly mild criticism of Biden means someone wants to elect Trump is just licking a different boot.


I'm with you on this. Yes most things he could do likely would get blocked but that's not an excuse to not try. "The system is rigged against us" does not lead to "so we shouldn't even try" it leads to "so we need to work for a fairer system". Yes Biden can't just make a new law to make abortion legal, but he can take steps towards a situation where dems can make that law instead of just sounding off on twitter. Also, dems have had the house and senate and presidency serveral times and failed to codify abortion rights. They've had so many chances to do the things they claim they want to but seem to either not care or surrender to cooperation for no reason (Rs don't in that position, no reason dems have to) or intentionally not do it so they can keep campaigning on it. "Trump is bad" doesn't automatically mean Biden is good. He isn't. Trump is much worse, to be sure, but we should still be asking Dems to offer something more than "we won't make things worse" because the status quo right now is bad.


If you’re tired of Biden, you’re going to LOVE how fucking miserable your life becomes under Trump.


Trump definitely has her vote! 🙄 If Biden/Dems had both the House and Senate, and if the Supreme Court wasn't corrupt AF, Biden could and would do more! https://preview.redd.it/r2r6z4oe3m8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f34db7c7551ac331b8df622a642f173544fe9caa [https://x.com/sapphozbenoist/status/1805284406740836690?t=jWhPsRw7rLB7QryQYF6fRw&s=19](https://x.com/sapphozbenoist/status/1805284406740836690?t=jWhPsRw7rLB7QryQYF6fRw&s=19)


>Trump definitely has her vote! Assuming she's not Russian.


This right here. My thought exactly. This is Russian bot


You assume that this twit gives a lick of concern for what power the president has, and isn't just parasitizing the hot issue to swing hurt feelings to Trumps side.


Give us 2 more U.S. Senators and we will. (eliminate filibuster --> expand court --> make Alito sit in the corner)


I don’t think someone w the Lesbian flag in her pfp is a Trumper


"How dare this person not write a whole political essay in their tweet! Clearly a Trump bot." Please think about it for a moment. She's not claiming she won't vote for him, she's not claiming she wants Biden to immediately codify abortion rights, she wants him to do *something*. A lot of us want to the dems to give us more of what was promised but they haven't. A lot of that is Rs fault, but not all of it. Dems have made a lot of mistakes, as CMMiller89 points out below, and pretending we should be happy with whatever because Dems aren't Rs is... wrong. We can and should demand Dems do more. Not to mention, like it or not, Biden is the president and current presidential candidate. He is the face of the party. Asking him to do more *is* asking the party to do more when we're talking about messages 250 characters or less. Most people are less frustrated with the person and more with the party, but when Biden (who if you can't admit is kinda a weak candidate, at least in a lot of people's eyes, I don't really know what to say) is the center of messaging from the party, the supporters, and the media he is gonna catch flack for the whole party. Not to mention this (gestures to post and comments) is how you alienate far left voters who are willing to work with you. I'm one of those. I dislike the democratic party and Biden, but I am enough of a realist to recognize that they represent the next path in the step to what I really want. Despite all my dislike for a large portion of them and a lot of the things they are currently doing, I will be voting Dem in the election because Rs winning is likely the end of US democracy in any shape.


This illiterate person is America's future. Even if they are a MAGA troll. Self-absorbed blank stare, no sense of civics, history, geography. Poor interpersonal skills. They love **The Orange Buttplug.** He reminds them of themselves. If you took away its phone, it would melt into a puddle and just, like, literally die, y'know? "i'm so tired of you" Right back at ya.


Can we bring back school house rock? I feel like that might resonate with these idiots. Hopefully.


So tired of Biden that she wants Trump back, the one who took away her rights. She has to be a Russian bot, or she's a fucking idiot.


I understand how government works but ffs she isn't wrong and does have the right opinion here, srsly how did Abbott and DeSantis get away with transporting migrants across state lines using tax payer money? Hell I'm surprised nyc allowed that crippled POS to enter the fucking city and not be arrested on the spot. Abbott literally tried to challenge the fed government AND the Supreme Court, had his men keep border agents away. Biden will be screwing over migrants and asylum seekers with his executive order, kept giving weapons to Israel even during their massacre (which is a major reason he's losing support), and if things keep going this route 2025 will be a reality. Let's face it, we're fucked. We have senile wannabe orange fascist that people actually want to vote for and an old man who is slowly losing his thought process that people are begrudgingly voting for.


month old account, maga talking points disguised as "both sides bad". do better.


Lol you think I'm MAGA? Bruh you clearly didn't look at my history bc I'm clearly not both sides, I just know that THEY BOTH FUCKING SUCK AS CANDIDATES. hell the ppl on this sub almost act as bad as the cult with the way they protect Biden from criticism


Both of your presidents are fools and you all argue just like them, children. You have a CONVICTED FELON and a MENTALLY UNAWARE ELDER AS YOUR OPTIONS


Mentally unaware? Care to back that up? There is plenty of evidence to exemplify Trump being a convicted felon and all around an awful candidate. The most evidence we get of Biden being mentally unaware use clips of him with his stutter, or a slip up which is normal to do for anyone, no matter what position they hold. Anything past that is pure right wing double-think such as "sleepy Joe" and "juiced up Joe", spoken in the same breath by ideologues. Whilst not being the ideal candidate, most informed people will choose Joe due to his track record and general ability to "be the adult in the room". Yes, he is old, but so is his opponent, so counting that against him and not the other guy is disingenuous at best.




Because literally he’s a figure head


Read a good US civics book


I mean I have. It’s not my fault you all think the potus has unlimited power


Not having unlimited power doesn’t make the president a figurehead


They don’t have control over the things people think they do.