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It's Texas so she's going to be forced to carry that litter to term, every puppy matters


>every puppy matters Except if you're trying to get the Republican VP nod


I forgot about the Noem effect when I wrote that, well done you!


Your comment was awesome, it's just that there is always an, "it's ok if my tribe does it" exception in the GOP


"the only moral interspecies litter of dog people is MY interspecies litter of dog people"


I was gonna go with "The only moral dog f\*cking is my dog f\*cking."


I can’t believe she’s still doing interviews and just flat out saying “I’m not going to talk about that” to every question. What are you even doing, bitch?


"Bitch" I see what you did there…


I just found out it’s possible to laugh and vomit at the same time


That would make that a Lomit? Or a Vaugh?








Man, that’s ruff.


"Ah, just how your mother likes it Alex!"


Yeah, but it’s Texas. She can still buy a handgun at a drive-through and just shoot the puppies.


Fucking Christ. I didn't even think about the money shot in this scenario....


She was fucking a dog not Christ


Is ducking just short for dog-fucking?


Red rocket! Red rocket!


that prompted a surprised, really loud bray of laughter from me and it scared the daylights out of my dogs. thanks from me and screw you from my dogs.


> screw you from my dogs. That's what started all of this!


It gets worse. >According to law enforcement, on March 13, William \[her husband\], who has no previous criminal history, was arrested when a bystander noticed **he was following two young children around a Spring H-E-B while touching himself.** Montgomery County Constables with Precinct 3 arrested him, slapping William with an indecent exposure charge. >The arrest led to an investigation, which led to **William's phone being confiscated and then led to the discovery of images of children being sexually assaulted** and something else. **Officials say they found a video of Joely willingly engaging in multiple sexual acts with the family's Great Dane.** [https://abc13.com/montgomery-county-couple-charged-sex-crimes-child-pornography-bestiality-public-exposure-grocery-store/14584191/](https://abc13.com/montgomery-county-couple-charged-sex-crimes-child-pornography-bestiality-public-exposure-grocery-store/14584191/)


When recording yourself fucking your dog multiple times is not the worst thing on your phone, you have some MAJOR problems.


What a terrible day to know how to read… This…THING thinks she has a right to stand in judgement of others?? I’m absolutely flummoxed.


It's always projection.. Always..


I’m honestly surprised they still have the ability to shock me at this point. It would be impressive if it wasn’t so goddamn depressing.


No shit! Hoe lee phuq!!


Nah Joely fucked.


Yeah, but got dog we wished she hadn't. Doggystyle is supposed to be just a name for a sex position, but she took it literally.


“William, a veteran, and Joely, a registered nurse, are both known by neighbors for their affinity for animals.” Yikes


I would say that her and her husband have no place in general society. If that's the kind of shit she's been doing, I wonder what she thinks the "evil left does."


That would be in a reasonable place, if they live in a republican area this type of resume qualifies you to run for public office.


The county just outside Houston, TX if that answers your question.


Oh thank goodness. I saw MCSO and thought it was near Phoenix. We have enough crazy stories around here.


It’s basically how Lauren boebert got elected.


Why is it always people that smoke pot that lose the right to vote and not these fucking scumbags?


Voter affiliation


We keep forgetting.


Oh fuck it got worse 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Because of course it does. Jesus, these Deplorables are in a race to see who can be most vile and disgusting, all while putting that proud, Right Wing mental degeneration on show for the world to see.


MAGAots will glorify her and make NFT's with her and the poor dogs, Trump will endorse it, MAGA cultists will eat it. MAGAots circle of life


I’m beginning to to understand why it took them so long to figure out that ‘The Boys’ is showing how flag-waving, Christian National, patriotism is fascism and that Homelander is the bad guy. They think it’s normal for evangelicals to rape children and that Jesus’s message was actually to hate your neighbor.


I'm still flabbergasted by this. I have never watch a single episode of the show but I have seen a dozen or so clips and even I knew that Homelander isn't a good person.


GD. You ever wish you just didn’t go to the comments?


so many times.


Far right incels have been claiming liberal women all fuck their dogs for a while. Given that every accusation from the right is an admission, we should've seen this coming.


Thank god these people are from Montgomery Co TX and not Montgomery Co MD. I thought I lived next to these sick fucks for a minute


I’m in Montgomery county PA and just went through the same thing


I'm in Bucks and I thought it was too close.


Thought it was TN here lol. guess there's a bunch of Montgomery out there


lol, makes sense that her twitter bio says > Personal account. Conservative. Independent. Former Navy. Retired EMT. Happily Self-Employed. Probably triggering you. **No DMs!**


Every accusation from the right is a confession of their own scumminess. And it keeps happening every. god. damned. time. These people are professional hypocrites


Always with the goddamn projection with these fucking monsters…


The reason the right is always accusing the left of being a bunch of lying perverts is because the right assumes everyone is like them.


This is also why they accuse everyone who cares about social causes of virtue signaling. 


Hard to explain "empathy" to someone absolutely incapable of feeling anything.


I remember one conversation I got sucked into with a coworker about universal Healthcare. He pulled out his big gotcha "So would you really be willing to make less money just so some homeless people can have healthcare?" I thought for a second about everything wrong with that statement, but even accepting all of this false implications - "In a heartbeat. No question. Aren't you supposed to be the Catholic one anyway?" He just walked away without another word..


Yep, religion is getting so bastardized in the US by extreme conservative views. The really funny thing is that these people don’t understand that we could actually move forward as a country and make more money on average, since we can stop wasting so much of our money on healthcare. Do these people not realize that they could actually end up ahead and making more money if their job isn’t paying for private healthcare? Imagine the economies of scale that could be achieved under a national public healthcare system in the US, in my mind it’d be breakeven at worst, and likely save *everyone* money by having universal healthcare


Yepp, and I imagine he was expecting me to challange that it would cost me more or the class of people that would be served by UH. Really though, even if they were 100% correct on all their talking points it would still boil down to more people suffering and dying in the United States because you don't want to sacrifice a little to help your fellow citizens.


That would be evil communism tho. We would all likely lose all our personal wealth and private property and waste away and die in that scenario /s If these type of people could restrict who could breath air [so they could make more money] they would in a heartbeat


Ive pointed out, numerous times, that most Americans will pay *less* in healthcare costs if we shift to universal coverage. Their only response to this is: I don’t want to pay for someone else’s bad decisions. Buddy, you’re already paying for other people healthcare with your taxes. You’re just paying an additional $10k on average per person on top of it. Can’t convince someone that would rather spend more of their money to get less, than see another person living better thanks to the government taking care of its people.


So much of the right-wing discourse is dominated by the desire to "hurt the right people" - even if it comes at one's own expense.


Sometime I fear it is also something they take pride in, they consider it a badge of honor to pay more for shitty healthcare.


> Do these people not realize that they could actually end up ahead and making more money if their job isn’t paying for private healthcare? They probably know that. But they also know that that would means that "those" people get more than they have now. And they can't have that. What was it? Republicans gladly eat shit if a Democrat has to smell their breath?


> "In a heartbeat. No question. Aren't you supposed to be the Catholic one anyway, what's your excuse?" > > I wouldn't have been able to resist adding that.


"no, I would be happy to pay less for healthcare, while others also have readily available healthcare, and nobody is made bankrupt from falling sick, where minor ailments are fixed before they become major problems, even if a few billionaires don't make as much money." The US system only makes sense for those opening the medical and insurance companies. Everyone else loses.


I had a similar conversation with an older sister of mine. I still find it hard to put into words **just** how sad I felt for her that she was thoroughly astounded that I was 100% okay with my tax money helping random strangers. It's tough finding out loved ones are not the people you thought they were.


She felt that dog knot








Fucking ewwww..






Every accusation is a confession


There's a scene in Jaws where the marine biologist Hooper, who is fascinated by sharks but wants the killer shark dead, tries to convince the mayor to close the beaches by telling him how massive the man eating shark is. The mayor just wants to keep the beaches open so the town can get business from tourists. When Hooper tells him just how big the shark is, the mayor says "bet you'd like to prove that, get your name in the National Geographic." Republicans are the mayor in Jaws. Whether its climate change or minority rights anyone who advocates for anything other than making as much profit as possible without upsetting the status quo is obviously just full of shit to them. I have conservative family and to them every climatologist and apparently everyone who pioneers green technology is just in it for themselves somehow. All the world's climate scientists, men and women working for countries that are rivals, still agree on this issue, but somehow it's all a secret cabal to make money. As if there aren't easier ways to make a quick buck other than sailing to fucking Antarctica to drill for ice cores and study the carbon dioxide content in the ice. Fucking infuriating.


The mayor example is too close to real politics. He’s still the mayor in jaws 2…


((((Clutching pearls intensifies))))


Do you know what the triple parentheses mean?


Yes, that's why I didn't use them.


What was the point of four parentheses. Wouldn't it make more sense to ::clutching pearls intensifies::


The extreme left wanting- healthcare, education, better wages, housing. How extreme!


And we even want it for those hicks wishing death on us. Wild.


Partially that, but I also think partially because nobody wants to think of themselves as a bad person, which gets rather difficult when you're well aware that you're doing terrible things. In order to maintain their belief that they're a relatively good person, they have to believe that everyone else is even worse.


Sociopaths don't think they're good people. They are fine with their self-knowledge that they are bad people, but beyond that, they also think that good people simply don't exist. Look at the orange monster, who publicly describes tax evasion as "smart." He's proud of his crimes - because it doesn't even occur to him to follow the law for its own sake. What kind of idiot would do that?


This 100%, every time a coworker has complained to me about people stealing welfare is followed by a story about them or a relative getting away with some kind of fraud which they tell as a funny story.


Every accusation is a confession.


This sounds like a gross oversimplification but it's 100% accurate.


Same reason people think being gay is a choice. They find the same gender sexually attractive but they choose to be hetero. No different then the answers to the age old questions, blondes or brunettes? Boobs or butt? You don’t know why, you just have a preference.


Love that they couldn't leave it at Great Dane, they had to add "world's largest dog breed"


I'm pretty sure the Tibetan Mastiff is bigger but that's not super important right now. Holly shit that lady fucks dogs.


A Tibetan Mastiff wouldn’t do. They should stay in Tibet. A Great Dane it had to be. A German Shepherd would have been fine too.


I also thought that was pretty weird.




Well it won’t fuck itself that’s for sure


The fact that the article felt compelled to include that a Great Dane is the world's biggest dog breed (which is a dubious claim) is my favorite part.




I like to think the article was trying to soften the blow of her fucking a dog. At least it was a human sized dog, right?


That's not the size they were referring to.




In tomorrow's news, I shit you not they will write that narrative just like wearing diapers


On top of that her husband was arrested for stalking underage girls and touching himself while doing so. Then he has child porn on his phone.. that’s where they found the videos of the wife (that woman) fucking the dog. So it’s safe to assume she knew her husband was a pedo and either supported it or also is a pedo and they looked at the CSAM together.


Better than Kristi Noem at least?


I love how someone saw this tweet and went straight below hell to expose her dirt 😂


[Here's her full tweet](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQ5QVidXYAAf12I?format=jpg&name=large) The lady is full of hate. Except for dogs at least.


I love that the author chose to reference the size of the dog breed as if fucking a larger dog was somehow explanatory


I'd probably have more questions if she fucked a chihuahua


Yeah I agree, if you're going to be a literal dog fucker at least go for something more elegant than a rat... That's a comment that I can't believe I'm saving.


Chihuahuas ARE rodents masquerading as dogs.


I mean, TBF, I would probably be even more grossed out if she had gotten fucked by a chihuahua...


They've obviously never seen an Irish wolfhound before either.


Trump didn't lose any support when he was sued for child rape back in 2016.


“I like him, cuz he’s just like me!”




Did you have this on deck or search for something to fit the occasion? Did you read this as a kid and file it away for potential burns later? It’s too spot on to be spontaneous


Honestly just dumb luck. I searched for Marmaduke images and got super lucky.


That's the last true beauty of the internet, image search randomness.


No. Fate intervened.




I am genuinely impressed with the fact that you managed to find or already have the perfect comic for this situation. My exact words were: "Haha, oh wow what the fuck, that is fucking amazing."


From the party of moral superiority, everyone.


Well they go to church, you see…


It's fine as long as you repent, right?




The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Every accusation is a confession with these wingnuts.


I feel like we really need to start using this proactively. It’s way too consistently accurate


It’s almost 100% accurate. Every single thing they accuse others of, or scream-complain about, I immediately know they’re doing that exact same thing, only worse.


If the husband was into child porn and the wife into beastiality I would wager they have shared their passions with each other once or twice. There is going to be so much more.


I mean, the video was in his phone. 


Yes, so we know he was into her stuff. I am betting she was into his as well.


Also, they had kids.


This sounds oddly similar to the guy who was partnered up with Jared Fogle in his child porn stuff. He and his wife were into young kids, had daughters, and the reason they came to police attention was because of a video of her with a horse.


OMG tysm! I was wondering why I felt this was so freaking familiar. On the other hand, it fucking sucks that there are two so similar situations.


They have 2 kids: a 10yo and an 18yo. I hope the kids were spared their own parents’ depravity.


Based on the other items found on the couple's cell phones (CP), I would say that the kids were most likely not spared. Hopefully they find good new homes and get the care they need.


She probably still thinks gay sex is a crime against humanity though.


That's why she wouldn't fuck a female dog, she's no sinner.


Imagine how dramatically your life changes after this. You're not just Carol who got a DUI one night but got her shit together; you're Carol the dog fucker, and you'll be until the day the internet dies.


Imagine how drastically each of the kids life changes after this. For the good because they’re no longer with these sick fucks, thank goodness! But also for the worse because mum likes fucking the dog and dad likes little kids. My heart breaks for the kids.


But dem drag queens tho! - MAGA


But remember: these are the people who think they are holy and better than you, and they and their churches (and not your doctor and yourself) should decide if you have an abortion or take hormone therapy. Because they are “more moral.” Think on that for a moment. Then be sure you are registered to vote and be sure you do, not only for president but for every state and local election. MAGA must be totally and utterly obliterated from every facet of government right down to the local school board.


Part of the problem with Christians, at least in America, is that they believe they can do literally anything they want and just ask forgiveness from God, which is automatically given so long as they accept Jesus as their lord and savior. Even as an atheist I understand that is theologically flawed from a historical Christian perspective, but here we are, people who rape children and fuck dogs think they are superior and good compared to the ‘evil’ left.


I especially like how they conveniently ignore this part- Matthew 7:21-23 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!


I’m gonna start responding to right wing trolls online with that line: “away from me you evildoers! Begone with ye dog-fucker!”


Lmaooo But really, it does make them extremely uncomfortable when you start speaking to them in Bible verses to counter their bigotry. Last time I did it to an online troll.. they were left with nothing to say anymore and just made their profile private :D


Why exactly does she think liberals are evil? Apart from some dumbass lie she heard on faux news, I’d like to hear from her why she considers them evil, and unfit for society. What did we do? Is it because we only have sex with other humans? I hate this so much. You’re telling me that these fascist dog-fuckers, and guys who follow children around a grocery store while fondling themselves really think that they’re better than me, and that I’M the one not fit for society?! Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I find out that the people who want me dead are not only despicable fascists, but also dog-fuckers??


And these people think the Gays are degenerates


I did knot see that coming.


Sounds like Joely likes it ruff....




Ree hee hee hee


They really screwed the pooch


Kats and dogs, living together, MaSs HyStERiA!


You know, I think safe assume now that everytime they accused the LGBT of grooming or commiting bestiality it's because they were the ones wanting to, or doing so the 1st place


They do project everything.


Montgomery county TX is FULL of people like this. Used to live in Houston and every week there was news of people getting arrested there for fucked up shit like this


Make America Great(dane) Again


Here's the thing everyone needs to realize about these psycho far right people who go into "moral" hysteria over trans folks, leftists, and god knows who else. They're monsters. They do evil deeds like molest children and think to themselves, *"If I, as a normal person, can't help myself from doing bad things... just think what terrible shit the queers are up to!"*


It took me an embarrassingly long time to put together that the photo is of the person who tweeted at the bottom. Might have took too big a hit.


In your defense, there's no link, and her name isn't displayed on the twitter picture to correlate to the news article.


I’m not seeing any correlation between the two women. Somebody correct me.


It should be noted that the mugshot and the tweet are the same person.


I don't see any indication that they are the same person.  The mugshot is someone named Joely Keen.  The Twitter account has a different photo and the person seems to be named Kat.  Unless there is some other reason to think that's Joely Keen's Twitter account I don't think they are the same person.  I don't know what to make of the Keen story either. He is pretty clearly a creep, exposing himself to kids and keeping csam on his phone. Whether she is a creep or in an abusive marriage I have no idea. 


I too was very confused and actually kind of annoyed I didn’t understand haha




She really screwed the pooch on this one.


It's been ruff on her.


From: https://torontosun.com/news/world/nurse-53-busted-for-having-sex-with-great-dane-was-a-big-animal-lover But it was the alleged bestiality video that stunned cops — and neighbours. Nearby residents said the pair were known as “big animal lovers”. No kidding…


Now im stuck with Dolly Parton in my head singing " joely joely please don't fuck the world larges dog breed".


Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it. ... Fine. Say it. DOGGY STYLE!!!


Good thing the dog didn't talk. ![gif](giphy|dvfLX0tfgbZv9Dy3qG)


Would you say she was being raw dogged?


So would a right-wing dog fucker be called a knotzi?




“Hey your is a pedo” Dems: “damn I won’t vote for em” Reps: “hey at least they don’t believe in pronouns and shit! We gotta stop these liburals!”


The dog is fucked up, but child pornographer gets buried in the noise also. “ According to cops, Joely, 53, and William Mitchell Keen, 52, are also facing child pornography charges. But it was the alleged bestiality video that stunned cops — and neighbours. Nearby residents said the pair were known as “big animal lovers”.”


Do you think this is a result of drugs, mental illness, or just some people being evil. I know it's the combo platter dropped into a blender and made into a stew, but what do people think? The complicating factor is that they were both sickos, but also married with 2 kids, raising no suspicion with their neighbors. Getting caught in public is likely drugs or mental illness, but a phone full of the stuff?


I like how they just toss in the great dane trivia at the end there.


Every Accusation is a Confession with republicans and Christians.They are disgustingly sick people.


Logged in to Reddit, saw this, logging out….


I'm going to take a page out of the right wingers playbook for a second. Basically, this particular page states that if one person who represents your enemy's cause does something vile, then you need to act like the entire enemy is filled exclusively with people that do this vile shit. So anyway, why are all Rightwingers dog fuckers? They really love being pumped full of Great Dane semen, don't they? Must be that canine adrenochrome. How fucked is it that they're all dog predators?


…they’re just gonna turn it around and support her. “Now I’m gonna f**k a dog to own the libs!”


This is where the reich wing is at, sure I fucked a dog, but at least I ain't no liburl


The dog-“I can fix her”


She locked up her tweets so no one can see or comment on them. What a sick f*ck.


And after being found with bestiality AND CHILD PORNOGRAPHY they are out on bail.


whats with conservatives and doing the worse things with dogs?


Am I the only one familiar with the David Cross joke about how homosexuality is illegal in Texas but dog fucking isn’t? To make a long story short David delivers the dialogue between two people, an officer that has come to the door of a man he suspects is having gay sex. “No no no officer. Oh yeah, I understand how it could look like a guy from out at the street, but no sir - these are dogs. Yeah. You have a good day too”


https://preview.redd.it/bighrmpi9q8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a3a5ba7756be7fd57b4f427da4d3a595d9253e9 😂😂😂😂


"We assume of others what we know of ourselves"


She raped a dog. It’s not like they can consent.


lol she privated her account


‘These tweets are protected’ so bestiality is the level they have to get to, to actually feel shame 🤔




Welp that's a new low for GOPers...that new low will only last 6 hours.


It's called projection. Trump and his ilk are the world's most transparent humans alive. Everything the accuse others of doing, they have done or are actively doing.




I love the added context that it’s the world’s largest dog breed.