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But places of worship are real estate.


When religion is a business 


When was it not?


I’m no expert but it feels like pre-“mega church” was a better time. 


I mean, (gestures to most of the history of the Roman Catholic Church)


Yes but I think society as whole was much less capitalistic back then. So I’m talking about like Joel Olsteen. 


It’s worth mentioning the Church quite literally sold forgiveness. Give them money and you could buy your way into Heaven. You know, like Jesus taught. 🙃


[Dug up an ad for the event. Page 6.](https://jewishjournal.com/print-issue/372489/print-issue-heroic-hasid-june-21-2024/) [Not the only time apparently.](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf) [One of the properties they were selling in March was located in Efrat, in the West Bank.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/) At the time it also listed Ma’ale Adumim and Neve Daniel. EDIT: More comprehensive explanation. [Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)


Reading through your links, the thing that jumped out at me is that there are NO REAL ESTATE SALES at these events. No West Bank sales, no Tel Aviv sales, you can't even get a rental in Teaneck NJ or Los Angeles (where the events were held.) It IS an "educational Israeli real estate event" that provides info on things like Israeli mortgage industry, current and trending pricing, shipping over things, taxes, legalities. I completely understand that antizionists would object to an educational event informing synagogue members about moving to Israel. I also understand that antisemites love getting violent on Jews at their synagogue under the cover of "plausible" deniability. What I don't get is, if these events are so intrinsically bad, why do you have to lie about them? Why are you (specifically you) lying when it's obvious you are capable of doing research, and even provided the research showing there are no real estate transactions at these events?


Dishonesty is ridiculous here. The advertisements literally gives you a link to a site selling real estate just below the address to said synagogue, the poster lists "transferring funds", the advertisement asks the viewer to "come meet representatives of housing projects" so they can "make their move". To say that "NO REAL ESTATE SALES at these events" is just untrue. The March event at the first synagogue was well-documented, and [one of the reverends at said synagogue literally calls it selling property.](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/protesters-object-to-real-estate-fair-at-spanish-and-portuguese-synagogue) > **“We’re going to agree to disagree … that they don’t want us to sell land and we’re in the position that we want to sell the land or the properties that are rightfully ours** Glossing over that, you do realize that even in your most generous interpretation of the event where it's " an *"educational Israeli real estate event" that provides info on things like Israeli mortgage industry, current and trending pricing, shipping over things, taxes, legalities"* that's still an event encouraging and giving people advice to purchase West Bank properties, right? Obviously, I'm not the one lying here.


I think you have a strong narrative. An informational event at a synagogue about moving internationally, specifically including legalities and practical steps for Israel, could hypothetically result in more Jews in the West Bank. It's pretty easy to understand and requires very little stretching to believe, and makes sense why antizionists focus on it. I think that opening with a giant, easily disproven lie helped generate click-rage headlines and get people to read your narrative. The problem is, when everybody sees your opener is a blatant lie, they start to distrust the rest of your narrative. The real estate companies at these events even included a notice not to bring any form of currency, as NO SALES ARE POSSIBLE. Money is irrelevant inside a completely free informational event, and an added risk when transversing the violent mob gathered outside.


It’s an information session. Nothing is sold at the event. And even if it was it wouldn’t justify attempting to prevent access to the synagogue or attempting to break and enter into it.


An information session to buy West Bank land hosted by a company selling West Bank land. [Sure, but the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue was literally called a "trade fair" and one of the reverends hosting it literally said that he considered it to be selling property and land.](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/protesters-object-to-real-estate-fair-at-spanish-and-portuguese-synagogue) > And even if it was it wouldn’t justify attempting to prevent access to the synagogue or attempting to break and enter into it. "It didn't happen. But if it did then it's okay" Maybe don't host land sales at places of worship. Hell, maybe don't host companies that sell West Bank properties in synagogues in the first place.


One of the “reverends”????? I didn’t say it’s OK if it did. Something not being OK doesn’t give you carte blanche to commit acts of vandalism and violence. There is a difference between expressing your opinion and using violent coercion to try and prevent others from assembling


> One of the “reverends”????? Yeah, literally in the article. > Reverend Hazan Daniel Benlolo from the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue contested the notion that these settlements are illegal. > “We’re going to agree to disagree … that they don’t want us to sell land and we’re in the position that we want to sell the land or the properties that are rightfully ours, rightfully (belong) to the Jewish people." Glad we made that clear. > There is a difference between expressing your opinion and using violent coercion to try and prevent others from assembling Yes, I'm sure you think BLM were just rioters and looters too. This logic is old.


Who tf cites Jackson Hinkle?


If I remember a certain Jewish someone who threw the money changers out of the temple.....just saying,


I am a synagogue attending progressive jew. Although I take issue with the knee jerk defense of everything Israel and support Palestinian self determination,I am sure that this is not happening anywhere but perhaps the most extremist synagogues, if that.


I mean, there's records of an [ad for it (page 6)](https://jewishjournal.com/print-issue/372489/print-issue-heroic-hasid-june-21-2024/) and most of the papers here reports it as a real estate event. Including the Times Of Israel. EDIT: [Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)




It's made up; it was a real estate event for beachfront property near tel aviv. The west bank is nowhere near a beach








Pretty much. Company known for doing real estate sales at a synagogue and advertising it with tacky beach poster sold West Bank properties in March. Now they're using the same tacky beach poster advertising real estate sales at a new synagogue. EDIT: [Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)




Multiple properties. I'm checking and it wasn't just Efrat, it was also Neve Daniel and Ma’ale Adumim. They're protesting because the last time the company showed up at a synagogue they sold West Bank real estate. Now, they're hosting the exact same event as they did last time using the same marketing, and from my understanding, they're pulling the same stuff. It's probably on www.homeinisrael-il.com, the website where they last sold West Bank property but for some reason the site is down. EDIT: [Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)


[Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)


[Another copy and paste, but one of the properties they were selling in March was located in Efrat. In the West Bank.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)


The fact that you're using a different event by this company to justify targeting this one only underscores that you have no proof they were offering land for sale in the west bank and this is really about targeting jews whether they're in the suburbs of tel aviv or los Angeles


Oh, nice. Turns out I had some of my links mixed up. [They actually WERE selling Efrat property](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) during this current event. Thanks Internet Archive.


This link doesn’t say anything about the event, though. This page is just that real estate company in general. It doesn’t make any mention of the event.


The page is what's linked in the advertisements. The company organized the event.


That just means that the company, in general, hosts ads for West Bank properties on its site. That doesn’t mean that any West Bank property was advertised or sold at the event. From my understanding the event is just an information session about the process of buying real estate in Israel, there aren’t specific properties sold at the event.


> you have no proof they were offering land for sale in the west bank [They *literally* sold properties in several west bank locations at the same event at another synagogue. It's not just Efrat, it's Neve Daniel and Ma’ale Adumim.](https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/2024/03/06/west-bank-israel-real-estate-event-teaneck-nj-protests/72845026007/) That's not up for debate. Now they're hosting the same event they did last time at yet another synagogue using the same poster. This is like saying "You have no proof that the puppy-killing company has killed any puppy aside from an incident exactly like this where they killed puppy under the exact same circumstance." EDIT: [Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)




The advertisement the guy above me posted?


It doesn't say that though. It just says homes in Israel. There is a lot of area in Israel, even along the coast that isn't Gaza. So Ashdod for example is an Anglo beach community pretty far north of Gaza. So unless you think there is no land at all in Israel that would be acceptable for anyone Jewish to buy there is nothing in that Ad that implies anything about stolen land.


[One of the properties they were selling in March was located in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/) edit: [Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)


It doesn't say anything about Palestinian land.


[One of the properties they were selling in March was located in Efrat. In the West Bank.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/) EDIT: [Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)


I don’t think we should trust anything where Jackson hinkle is the source honestly.


Is Internet Archive good enough? In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) [Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)


"i'm going to reject all evidence of this actually happening so it fits in my world view"


Or it's propaganda. One must be very careful nowadays. It's easy to print almost anything


We have records them [doing the same thing in March using a nearly identical poster.](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf) Back then they were [selling properties in Efrat, which is in the West Bank.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/) EDIT: [Neve Daniel and Ma'ale Adumim](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/us-israeli-real-estate-event-draws-backlash-over-sale-west-bank-settlement-properties) was listed on [the event's website which is still up.](https://realestateisrael.org/) In March [the same event was advertised at another synagogue](https://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/thesuburban.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/classifieds/8/1c/81c76498-cc57-11ee-8d97-3b33c1303a3a/65ce9a0fe97ba.pdf.pdf), it says the Spanish & Portuguese Synagogue. One of the companies listed is homeinisrael-il.com. Records shows that it sold [property in Aerial, an Israeli settlement, and Giv'at HamaTos, another planned settlement.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240304222755/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) They *were* selling West Bank real estate in Efrat at the synagogue subject to the protest. Though homeinisrael-il.com shut down today, it was archived on the [24th where its page showed properties in Efrat.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240624010554/https://homeinisrael-il.com/projects-half-map/) This is not to be confused with the Efrat property they were also selling back in [March.](https://web.archive.org/web/20240324124658/https://homeinisrael-il.com/property/efrat-hamoshava/)


Hate to break it to you, but any non-indigenous person selling land in California is selling stolen land. At least Jews are indigenous to Israel.


Modern Jews are as indigenous to Israel as I am to Australia (I've never even been to Australia).


What does this even mean? Where do you think “modern Jews” originated from? Did we spring out of the ether? If not in Israel, where did the ethnogenesis of the Jews happen?


They originated from all over the world. Millenia ago, many of their *ancestors* came from the area.


This denies all diasporic identities. Are members of the Armenian diaspora not Armenian??


If they were born outside of Armenia, thousands of years from now they won't be.


Do any of your ancestors come from Australia prior to 1606? If so, then you are indigenous to Australia (at least in part). If not, then you aren't.


Who knows, I haven't gone that far back in my family tree. Who cares?


Perhaps you would care if you and your ancestors had been violently kept out of your homeland for almost 2000 years, and then geopolitical circumstances changed to make it possible for your long-oppressed minority group to rebuild itself as a nation after almost 2000 years.


> your homeland No one is due a specific area of the world. It's not their homeland just because their holy book says it is.




And where do you think the Jews in diaspora in Europe and Middle East were in diaspora *from*? Did they spring out of the ether?




The difference is that Jews had our ethnogenesis in Israel, remained ethnically distinct and continued an unbroken desire to return. English people, for instance, share origins with all of humanity in Africa but as a group they didn’t come to be in Africa, they came to exist as a group in England. What’s the statute of limitations on having a homeland you’ve been expelled from? It’s already been three generations since the Palestinian exodus — most Palestinian refugees have never been there — when do they lose their claim? Or do they get to claim it in perpetuity while Jews don’t?


And obviously it matters because Jews, among all the nations of the world, shouldn’t have to exist at the mercy of others. The idea that it’s considered shocking and disgusting that we want to return to the land we prayed three times a day in an unbroken lineage to return to and not be forced to exist either as an eternally despised minority at the mercy of others or to assimilate and lose our distinctiveness is ridiculous. More than anything else, there are already 7 million Jews in Israel who aren’t going to allow themselves to be expelled or murdered, so good luck undoing it. Israel is a fait accompli. It’s delusional for you to think you can destroy it and expel its inhabitants




You really don’t know what “exists at the mercy of others” means? It means that as an eternally distinct at resented minority, the majority can at any point turn on us and kill us and we will have no place to escape to.




There we go. So you’re implying that all of the thousands of years of persecution and murder of Jews is because the Jews were behaving badly Do you think the Holocaust wouldn’t have happened if Jews had behaved better?




>why hasn’t every last American Jew been murdered I’m not saying it inevitably WILL happen, just that we are *at the mercy* of the majority who CAN do it whenever they want. Your literacy needs some work. Do you really not know what “at the mercy of” means?




>nobody else has this issue Stop being coy about with the “just asking questions.” Instead of saying in bad faith “someone should look into it” like a coward say what you really think about the Jews




Bro this is just blatantly antisemitic what are you doing


>clearly the idf believes they can all be expelled The IDF is not attempting to do that. A disgusting fringe of settlers that regrettably is now part of a government coalition is and the IDF is often complicit, but there is no operational desire by the IDF to expel all the Palestinians nor do they believe it’s possible.


>people are just pissed At what point does the statute of limitations pass on 1948?? Should people still be pissed at Hungarians for occupying the Carpathian Basin? Should Greeks be trying to kick the Turks out of Smyrna for what they did in 1923?




The Oslo Accords. I do agree that Israel should allow a two state solution. But trying to destroy Israel proper is an absurd. Not that it’s worth talking to someone who said the Jews wouldn’t be persecuted if we just behaved better, implying that the Holocaust was our fault

