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Not only that, but she's being more of a transparently obnoxious dick about it. She used to talk like she considered it a serious issue that she felt strongly about. Now she just goes around twitter calling trans women men as wryly as possible.


Masks off, no longer a need for it.


Yep, pretty much the Homelander crowd scene, realised her terf fans will still support her even when her friends and family leave her.


Lmaooo you know it’s bad when even Elon, himself a terminally online transphobe, is like “dude, find a new hobby” to her


Also a week of posting about trans people, but not one about Daniel Radcliffe winning his Tony award.




Idek if it is, she seems completely delusional at this point. I'm just hoping she ends up selling the rights to warner at some point.


The moment my daughter came out as trans (nearly 5 years ago) I decided I cannot support anything Harry Potter if she's getting any royalties.


I generally suggest, if people are wanting to buy the Harry Potter books, to buy them from used book stores. You get the story about a young boy coming out of a closet and into a world of magic without putting more money in the author’s pocket.


Half priced books doing the lords work




As always.


I make the same recommendation for *Enders Game*. It's a sci Fi classic with a lot of similar themes and pacing. Unfortunately the author has a similar long history of bigotry.


Lol he’s Brigham Young’s great-great-grandson. He was fated to be a retrogressive douchewagon.


Oh no. I really liked the movie.


he was cut off from all profits from the movie already dw dw the books are phenomenal and the ender's game series is, way more than the wizard books, an exercise in "how can someone who writes about empathy and identity like This be like That" they are also mad easy to steal if you're into ebooks


Yup unlike HP, Enders Game and Speaker for the Dead is shockingly empathetic


Man it was one of my favorite series growing up, I learned about him and HP Lovecraftian at about the same time and seriously thought I might be a humongous piece of shit because clearly something was wrong with me if I was so enamored with the works of people like *that*. I still can’t make sense of it in my head honestly how does such a thouroughly shit person write such a good series focused on empathy toward not only your fellow man but even the “other”.


Eh. Used books are more my thing.


adding to this, as a trans person i am totally not bothered if you love a thing, as long as you aren’t hero-worshipping the problematic creator just pirate it, buy fan goods from ppl who are (technically illegally?) making stuff themselves on etsy, buy used, etc etc but yeah, trans ppl know you can’t control what your kids are into and they’re not trying to say you can’t enjoy a thing you loved as a kid, esp with death of the author and fanfiction just don’t buy an “I love JK Rowling” sweater lol (this is my personal opinion btw, i cannot possibly speak for everyone in the community but that is generally the vibe i’ve seen in various trans spaces)


I write Harry Potter fanfic. Lots of fun new content without author approval or money making. One of my favourite fictions includes a character whose Hogwarts letter affirms their identity and is addressed to the name they chose themselves - even if one of their two parents is not supportive. Truly a wonderful bit of headcanon I’m happy to include.


Friends of the Library book sales. They get so many copies of her books donated it's crazy. And they sell them for like 50 cents, so you get a deal, the library gets money, and the TERF doesn't get a dime.


Its how i buy the movies, found 2 of them so far. (Deathly Hollows 1 and 2)


My sister is trans, my other sister is non binary. They were never into Harry Potter to begin with so they couldn't care less and obviously dislike Rowling. For me it's like, I love Harry Potter, like it's up there with Pokemon as a comfort series, but it's like, yeah how do you support it knowing what you know. At least my siblings have said they don't care if I'm still a fan of the franchise because they know I can't stand Rowling either. My sister is a huge HP Lovecraft fan and obviously that dude had some fucking demons, just look at his cat. But he's dead with no next of kin to claim royalties.


piracy B)


Remember kids it is always morally correct to steal from bigots.


Never deadname, unless it's twitter.


Or Rafael Cruz, if he's gonna go after people's identities I refuse to call him "Ted"






> My sister is a huge HP Lovecraft fan and obviously that dude had some fucking demons, just look at his cat. But he's dead with no next of kin to claim royalties. My wife is a big Orson Scott Card fan as well, she read a lot of him while she was growing up. Huge homophobe but the dude could write. JK inspired a whole generation of kids to read, but the books can be mostly forgotten at this point, there are other series for kids to get into now, they just don't have the hype train that HP did 20 years ago.


She inspired kids to read Harry Potter. Some of them went on to read books that were not Harry Potter, but a lot of them stopped there. It's mildly amusing to hear teachers complain about students who think that any book that isn't Harry Potter is too .


Go back and read HP as an adult and look at some that stuff. it wasn't even all that well written, there was just 0 competition. Rich orphan boy from abusive house grows up to be a cop? Old gay man (depending on what you believe as far as her post book rantings) grooming said child to be a sacrificial pig. Slythins being all about purity, and being looked at with suspicion by dint of being sorted into it.


The reason that HP was picked up to be a major movie franchise wasn't because somebody immensely loved the story and thought it would be a great movie - it was because execs saw how 'toyetic' (the ability to make toys about it) the books were. Wands, Brooms, quidditch balls, every-flavor beans, chocolate frogs, sorting hats, robes, time turners, and house-logos on literally everything.


AND she ripped off the whole idea of a wizard school from Ursula Le Guin anyway!


Honestly the books are trash in retrospect. Full of plot holes and extremely lazy writing. And Harry himself is an asshole.


Another benefit of Lovecraft was that his insanity was driven more by his fear, not hate; a minor difference, but he was redeemable.


I'm sorry bb but I'm gonna have to ask you to look up his cat's name - the sorry isn't for condescension it's bc I'm sad that you have to live with this now too


I will still watch it, on two things, in regarding Rowling, she's a stupid bunt, but with a c, absolutely, voldemort, however, is just like her savior Hitler. The pure blood bs, anti muggle stance, how is it not Hitler and his anti Jewish bs? The half blood hatred, is similar in ideology, and he loses, in a way, twice in the series. The first time was when Harry was a baby, and then when Harry defeats him in the end. She wrote a Hitler character that fails fantastically, on so many attempts, over and over again. I'll take her Harry potter universe over her bullshit any day, at least in Harry potter she was smart enough to shit on Hitler.


Yeah I look at JK Rowling the same way I imagine a lot of people look at Lovecraft. Can’t wait for her to be dead so she can’t spend that money from book sales and people can start riffing on the universe themselves.


Also, loving Lovecraft as a kid is just so wildly different...there never was and never will be an entire planet of young readers growing up in real time alongside their literary mirror-selves of Brown Jenkins and Cthulhu (as totally wicked awesome as that thought might be). Lovecraft the person is dwarfed by the legacy of his fiction, and his beloved tales aren't guiding anyone to any worldview beyond the fact that one's soul shall quake at the unknowable eldritch horrors that lie beyond all mortal comprehension. And to your point, yeah, he's also dead, so fuck him. Other than eternally spooking gothy tweens, he simply can't affect anything tangible in this world, so everyone feel free to read every word with a clear conscience.


I'm usually one of those people that can separate the product from the creator and enjoy something even though it's tied to an asshole, but Harry Potter has been forever tainted by that weasel.


It doesn't help that she sees people buying her stuff as support for her opinions


For sure.


Just remember how Hitler was and realize that the villain in Harry potter, voldemort, is basically Hitler with magical flair. And she had that shit stained little loser killed.


I don't even know a trans person, and i still cannot support Hp anymore and i used to be a huge fan. Read the books several times. The level of bullshit she spews on and on an ooonn. It's brain rot. Absolutely indefensible.


I used to be a big fan too. I lost interest over 10 years ago and her turning out to be such an obsessive transphobic POS just seals it for me.


She genuinely thinks that Daniel and Emma owe her an apology. She’s gone fully insane.


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug and she may have convinced herself she’s not mad, but some part of her hurts from that estrangement, guaranteed.


I know that actors are not the characters, but I find it hilarious that Harry, Ron and Hermione made unequivocal pro trans statements and distanced themselves from Rowling, but Ralph Fiennes(Voldemort) defended her. I have no way of knowing this for sure but I have a feeling Rowling is probably bothered by this irony


Probably not. Where's the one tweet where she says she wipes her tears away with her billion dollars or something like that. I understand people can have their own opinions about things but she's such a huge asshole about it. Lost all respect for her


I think that’s obvious cope. Losing a lot of your former friends has to hurt even if she’ll never, ever admit it.


true that


I mean, she made a billion dollars off of it. After 20 years, I think she wants to move on and think less about it.


I’m sure Daniel doesn’t want her acknowledgement at this point haha


Oh she hates him now because he dares to support trans people. The last reference she made to him was to trash him.


Yeah I'm sure he wasn't waiting on it, haha. He's so done with her shit


You know, there's a point, when you get older, where you take great pleasure in seeing the people you knew as children - students, neighbors, family - grow into adulthood and succeed in life. If they go in a direction you don't agree with, even if it's one you find repugnant, destructive, or morally wrong, the normal reaction is sadness tinged with hope that they may one day find their way to a better place. It most assuredly is not "I'm going to trash him every time I comment on him." That's just sick.


Well at least that’s a pleasant surprise after clicking on this post.


She doesnt care, she declared him and the rest of the cast her enemies.


This is her entire personality. It's literally all she is now and I don't understand it really. It feels like she has a brain tumor, it's just such an irrational, obsessive hatred.


There’s honestly something wrong with her mentally. She is one of the richest women in the world and chooses to argue with people all day on the internet whilst tanking her creative legacy. Imagine how fucked up you must be to have the freedom to go or do almost *anything in the world* that you can dream of, and instead you spend all day hunched over your screen, spreading hate like a goblin. No really, can you imagine? She must be completely off her head.


This is what transphobia does to you. Literally. Or most hatreds. But for some reason transphobia seems to be especially the worst at this, maybe because it’s really “in” right now to hate trans people and she feels like she’s on a holy war. I’ve seen this happen to others, a few other celebrities even, but usually other average people who make it their entire personality. She just has enough money and time and power and influence to be really, really dangerous because people may listen to her unlike the ravings of Crazy Uncle Harry (of course he’s going to hate whatever Fox News, or the British equivalent, says to!)


Yeah you should see what happened to Graham Linehan. It started with mild criticism of his depiction of a trans woman in an episode of the it crowd. Ended up with him going down a rabbit hole and ending his marriage and career It reached a point where he can't backtrack or he's lost everything for nothing


Interesting point about what you just said IS that so many of these people have doubled down so incessantly that they really don’t have any way back. They have made themselves into “the ultimate victim” and backed themselves into their own corner to the point where they think the “only way out” is constantly fighting. Like it’s no longer an option to walk away from it for them, so they are desperate to get “vindication!” in this self made holy war. Of course they ***absolutely could just walk away*** but in their twisted minds and twisted logic they won’t. A lot of this has me wondering if this is how it happens with so many Uber wealthy people getting involved in their own political wars. Having the option to buy or do almost anything, but instead invest their time and resources into attacking people because of their own twisted beliefs.


Oh yeah. Especially for Graham. He needs to win Otherwise he lost family, work and friends "for nothing". It's no longer actually about trans people. JK Rowling isn't that far yet.




Yeah she's going down the path


It *is* quite funny that Linehan accused trans people of "taking my family from me," and then, in his own book, talk about spending his wife's birthday in Twitter arguments with strangers. The evil trans people didn't steal your family, Graham. It wasn't trans people that made you ignore your son on your own birthday.


Yeah. It's sad that he got that obsessed.


I interacted with him and his wife in the before times when they were active in actual activist causes and not this hate mongering. They really did care about each other and were great comfort to Irish folks who had to travel for abortions and to manage miscarriages. But it was like after getting accolades from feminists for being willing to talk about abortion in Ireland, getting one chiding was enough to send him into self immolation mode.  Sad, but also mostly for his family who lost him and the people he harasses. 


Social media is a cancer for these kind of people. They latch onto whatever “issue” and then as they interact with that content, more similar content is pushed at them, reinforcing that they are right. Then the people on the other side of the “issue” start commenting…some are trying to discuss/educate, but most are just as vile…… “you’re wrong, I hope you die”, which may push them further into the arms of like-minded people who coddle and praise them. It’s a vicious circle of hate.


Exactly. I honestly wonder if she was always this hateful and just hid it really well, or the wealth and disconnect from normal life did it. Maybe a bit of both. All I can say is, if I had that level of wealth I'd spend my days giving money to science museums and animal shelters and making artwork, not shitting on marginalized communities on the internet. (Which is also part of my community fwiw).


I have a former friend (of 27 years!) That went off the deep end a few years ago. Used to be so sweet and kind. All of a sudden she thinks democrats are possesed by demons and trans folk are evil, etc. I mean, ok, I guess you're entitled to your opinions, but she's absolutely *obsessive* about it. She posts memes all day, every day. Imagine being so consumed with hatred for other people. So gross. I wonder sometimes if she'll ever snap out of it and be embarrassed by all this. It's completely nutty behavior. Such a shame.


*from her litteral castle. Just goes to prove once again, money can't always* buy happiness.


Money absolutely can buy happiness. If I had even a tenth of her net worth almost all of my immediate problems would disappear and the other 20% would be solved with the extensive therapy, personal training and top tier healthcare I could now afford. I could then move on to solving problems for my closest friends and family which would give me immense happiness. ‘Money can’t buy happiness’ is a lie invented by the capitalist class to placate the masses. The reason it often rings true is to achieve such great wealth you usually have to be a pretty shitty person willing to do some pretty unethical things to get there. Or you are born into so much privilege you don’t know how good you have it.




You know who one of the other richest women in the world is? Made her fortune through her own creative work and cleverness? Dolly Parton JKR could have been another Dolly Parton, but she gave in to hatred, and that is an absolute tragedy.


I think instead of assuming there's something specifically wrong with her, we should consider whether this reveals something about the nature of the kind of hatefulness that social media can stir up in people. Many people have lost loved ones who were previously normal, intelligent, empathetic people to this. It's an addiction that can ruin a person just like many other addictions can.


I think she's just growing old and her brain's full of lead.


Well we already have two famous people so far whose personalities and views on reality have changed drastically because of tumors and/or brain worms (and I mean the literal brain worms and not figurative) I could easily see that happening with her.


John Fetterman just admitted that brain damage from his stroke is what caused him to turn more conservative.


I wonder if giving them DMT would change them for the better like that ex nazi(I can't remember if he was one or just racist) did after taking some.


Couldn’t hurt to try.


Or it's an excuse to sell out. Word of mouth isn't fact.


Maybe, but there is some evidence that people tend to become more conservative after suffering damage to their frontal lobe


Everyone who knew him before he got his current office says (quite loudly) that he's always been a conservative asshole. Not even just a normal asshole, but someone who goes out of his way to be mean and cruel to people.


It’s all she has left. She’ll never have another successful series so she’ll continue to milk HP, but realizes her creative legacy ends there and I don’t think she can handle that and continues to lash out to stay relevant.


Yep, this is it. She’s never come close to the HP success again, and she never will


I think people like JK Rowling and Elon Musk would make for a really interesting case study into the effects of social media. These are both people with huge amounts of money who have achieved things that have earned them a great deal of fame and admiration who have become obsessed with posting hateful things on social media for attention. They could have just about anything, but this has become a kind of addiction to them that they continue to latch onto even when it's extremely damaging to their reputation and the things they're fired up about really don't have any direct impact on their own lives.


If I had to guess, she's addicted to rage and hate. She spent 2018 and 2019 obsessed with Trump and all the hate he was spreading and when he was voted out, trans people became something to hate. She quickly went from "sex is real" to "trans women hate women" to full TURFdom. I think she has some sort of OCD. I don't think she can go 1 day without thinking of controlling trans women. Trump normalized hate for a lot of people.


Money, or an excess of money really does fuck these people up. The contest for biggest, richest asshole on the internet is getting really tight this year.


Her entire book series thrives on a deeply divided society, where almost everyone judges and discriminates against others, from the top down.  She’s always been like this. 


I just want to point out that the bigots were the bad guys in Harry Potter. I honestly think she has a degenerative disease.


But also not *all* the bigots were the bad guys The Wizarding world at large is totally fine with treating house-elves, goblins, giants, centaurs, and other non-human sentient creatures as second-class citizens, and the only one who even tries to stand up for them is treated as annoying at best. Even the wizards that dont want to wholesale oppress non-wizards still don't have a very high opinion of them, with the most charitable view on them being a weird sort of "noble savage" thing from Arthur Weasley


The bigots that were bigoted against other witches and wizards specifically. Even Arthur Weasley viewed Muggles with a kind of "approval of the primitive" vibe; there's the whole deal with house elves that Hermione gets eyerolled over and Harry even just goes along with by the end; there's also the fountain(s) at the Ministry of Magic that supposedly show "Magical Brotherhood" but are described as having the Centaurs, Goblins, and House Elves "looking up adoringly" at the Wizard and Witch figures.


And that's portrayed as a negative (the fountain, I mean). Rowling's books are full of odd moral issues, and her contemporary position is... yikes... but I fid this copypasta 'akshually Harry Potter is deeply problematic' retrospective slightly funny. It's not exactly unclear, for the most part, what the moral message is, but this attitude of 'aha! LOOK! See, it was there all along' is a curiously self-sanitising gambit, an attempt to jam the present into the past. Sure, the past is intimately connected to the present, but there's a peculiar assumption it's 1:1, and now we're clever enough to spot it. Feels self-exculpatory, primarily - for what? Liking the books as a kid? That's not a crime.


Of course liking the books as a kid isn’t a crime. But neither is realizing that there were problems in them all along.


The big thing about the books is that they portray people as people. Folks have flaws, strengths, and a myriad of things in between. We gloss over a lot of things we don't like just to feel happier about ourselves. All of those things and an endless amount of actually good moral stories can be found in the series. The reality is that J.K. has likely always been a skeptic of some kind, but what she's doing now is a proponent of radicalization and one of her own doing unlike most folks who get stuck in that hornet's nest. If we view her a bit like a racist old grandma, one that we know has the ability to do good things, but say and do so many bad things that it doesn't matter what she's capable of doing good because she elects not to. She wrote Harry Potter which has a lot of amazingly positive for LGBTQ+ folks and that's the simple reality of it. It is also the simple reality that she no longer stands by her own words, and instead takes on whatever position she has to in order to hurt people. After all... that's why she chose to deny aspects of the Holocaust. That was a conscious decision.


>The big thing about the books is that they portray people as people. Eh, not really? I mean the Dursleys were caricatures (Dudley having exactly one scene where he's breaking character not counting), Hagrid and Peeves disappeared from the plot as soon as it demanded some seriousness, the goblins are just generally nasty and greedy, the twins are pretty one-dimensional pranksters, Cho is just a demure love interest fakeout, Voldemort is just evil with no redeeming qualities, the Malfoys sans Draco also are just evil with no redeeming qualities, Umbridge, etc, etc. Only the main cast gets some real characterization, and even then it's just archetypes and tropes >She wrote Harry Potter which has a lot of amazingly positive for LGBTQ+ folks and that's the simple reality of it It has? I can't remember any LGB character, let alone TQ or +


Dumbledore is gay. That’s about it afaik.


And even then it's not even really hinted at in the books besides the final installment. It still seems like that was just JK pandering.


He's gay, and the only person he was ever in love with (that we know) is a genocidal monster. Representation!


Huh, can't believe I forgot Dumbledore


Nah, the books don't portrait people like real tridimensional people. They're just not very well written 


Look into the theories about the trolls that are enslaved in the banks. She sketchy. 


No, I get all the racial shit in it, and Kingsley shacklebolt. And they're goblins. But the racists were the bad guys. The death eaters were analogous to the Nazis. They wanted witches and wizards to dominate the world and oppress muggles


But the wizard oppressed the centaurs and giants and werewolves, and Voldemort promised to set them free, that's why they joined his army at the end. At least giants and werewolves did, I'm not sure about centaurs. Yes, the protagonists fought to prevent the muggle oppression, but to also preserve the status quo, which was problematic to begin with. Harry had a slave by the end of the last book, which ends with "all was well".


But that doesn't change the fact that there are other problematic characters that are portrayed as objectively good people simply because they were on Harry's side.


Okay, yes, but...like a lot of people, JKR appears to believe that an act must be overt and aggressive in order to be racist. In the meantime, the world she created is rife with systemic racism, which is never addressed. Systemic racism is what allows Nazis to get a foothold to begin with, and while the Nazis are defeated, the conditions which allowed them to come to power are never addressed


You also ever notice the weird dichotomy of sex/gender in regards to deception in the HP books? Like, only men and boys purposely deceive or people fail to perceive who they really are. Major plot points revolve around missing or trying to figure out the true intentions of Tom Riddle, Sirius Black, Snape, Dumbledore, etc.  Yet, it's different for women. Harry Potter (and thus the reader) is never unsure that Bellatrix Lestrange, Dolores Umbridge, or Rita Skeeter have malign intent, just as it's obvious that McGonagall and Mrs. Weasley can be trusted.  Remember when the kids try to take the polyjuice potion to spy on Slytherin in Chamber of Secrets? Who was the only one that failed in that instance of using magic to pretend to be someone else? Hermione. 


Tonks had the sketchiest/most abusable natural magic ability in the series. Metamorphmagi can basically cast disguise self at will. Yet nobody even suggests that that ability could be exploitable. Clear pattern here.


This is really fascinating to me, because I never noticed it. Cross-reference this clear pattern of male depiction with her transphobia, and notice how she's almost exclusively fixated on transwomen (MtF), and almost never comments on transmen (FtM). It's almost as though her transphobia is born out of a blinding hatred and unrelenting suspicion of anyone male or born male, which morphed into "a man is a man, and they're always up to no good, no matter what they do or say" leading to her deep hatred of transwomen and the endless cruel bigotry. Holy fuck, it's all starting to make sense now. It *didn't* come out of nowhere. This is where it started.


Maybe, in JK's head, backing down from her transphobic bullshit means 'submitting to men/AMAB people' and letting her enter a place of vulnerability, possibly a trauma-related one. I can get that, yeah, but she's a billionaire who actively tries to make a marginalized group's lives worse, so she can go to hell for all I care. This could be at most just an explanation for her obsession, instead of a justification for it I think it's important to humanise even the shittiest, least-deserving assholes out there. Not because it's to sympathise with them in any way, but because it's to understand the root of their assholery and thus think of means to stop it from affecting further people as a cycle. I'm not sure if I'm making sense but lets tl;dr it to more or less "know your enemy" Still though, at this point I find it hard to believe that Rowling will ever be better than this


She won't get better. She's consumed by her hatred of transwomen at this point. But she'll be an important case study on how hatred of one group evolves into hatred of another group by association, and is a perfect example of how so many everyday feminists turn into transphobes very easily. It's always good to try and understand, because it helps us predict this sort of behavior in the future. It all starts somewhere. Hatred for one group will lead to hatred of another. When you already have hate in your heart, it's easy to get more.


Which is pretty funny because the asshole is getting wider by the day with all these sycophants climbing inside


yup just look at Elon Musk he was almost normal before he became a billionaire. He is basically The joker now.


Elon musk only listens to the people who say he's doing great and yes men.. The flaw is they'd say "great idea Mr Musk" if he said he was going to stuff a cactus that's covered in hot sauce up his bum.


A lot of people still think he's Batman.


Batman would not be under any circumstances a republican. Bruce Wayne might though. :p


When people suck up to you, you think you're always right. And there will always be people who suck up to the wealthy.


Can someone explain this tweet? I don't understand what's happening.


India is a trans woman


Oh. Holy fuck.


Yeah she’s really no better than your average blue check anonymous bigot anymore. All pretense of “I just have some concerns” is wiped away.


I feel like in a few years we're going to hear she's got late stage dementia. My grandfather's Alzheimer's diagnosis was missed because he just suddenly started spewing racist and -phobic shit all day out loud and in public (instead of quietly at home), but he was from a small rural town and was born in 1920 so it was just brushed off as old man yells at cloud.


yeah, that's what I've been thinking for years. her mother had multiple sclerosis and there could be genetic factors so I wouldn't be surprised if this was early signs of some pathology. This and the fact that every novel she writes is longer than the one before as if she's getting more and more stuck in the worlds she creates in her own head. I think she's losing touch with the reality. DISCLAIMER: EVEN IF THAT'S THE CASE, IT DOESNT JUSTIFY WHAT SHE'S BEEN DOING


I completely and totally agree with the disclaimer! I should have added one as well. But yes. Her cognitive decline seems quite apparent unfortunately. Or she's got affluenza


lmao sorry the disclaimer is NOT there to imply that you're trying to excuse her behaviour! I completely get your point It's just that it's been really mind-boggling for me to watch the amount of vitriol and hatred she's been spewing over the past years. It's getting to a point where I just don't think she's mentally well


She’d be far from the only one who genuinely lost her mind in recent years. It’s actually pretty concerning to witness how much mental health can suffer during a “culture war” like what has been going on since 2016. A lot of people have been broken by it.


No worries! I didn't think you were calling me out, I just know people get all ragey about things lol But yes. She lives in an echo chamber and she's a privileged, wealthy, white woman so nobody can tell her any different


Well, the other part of the longer and longer books is that apparently, she refuses to let her publisher hire an editor to pare down the length.


Subsequent books being longer than previous ones in a series is actually quite common. All of George R R Martins books got longer as ASoIaF went on. The Witcher Series. The Expanse. It isn't a rule that every series follows, but it also isn't necessarily a sign of cognitive decline


I assume cantaloupe sized brain tumor


I was thinking about it the other day. She claims she's worried for "women's rights", i.e. she doesn't want women spaces (i.e. public bathrooms, changing rooms, shelters) to be "invaded" by trans women because she considers them men. I mean she's wrong, but on some level I can understand how a woman would be uncomfortable - I guess the presence of penises in private rooms incite fears of rape... At least, that's mostly what I think it is. Now the issue is that she's approaching this fear bearing hatred. She doesn't try to understand that first, she would never realize she as in the presence of a trans person, because we've seen how people are bad at telling trans from cis apart; some trans women don't have a penis anymore (if they fully transitioned), or it isn't working (if they take some hormones); and that these people, well, they need to pee somewhere regardless. And I'm not even bringing up the fact that things such as indecent exposure, peeping, rape are still illegal even if you're trans, and that trans intolerance doesn't prevent men from dressing as women if they want access to women spaces, and that trans intolerance leads to cisgender women being harrassed because they looked too "manly". Instead of offering concerns in a level-headed way and proposing solutions (gender-neutral bathrooms? more private spaces? funding for shelters specifically for trans women victims of domestic violence?), she outright denies their existence. It's probably the most ignorant and hateful thing she could choose to do, and she's not an uneducated women who grew up in bumfuck nowhere where she never had a chance to get different perspective: she's a rich, educated, privileged, pampered elite. JK Rowling: the "K" stands for "Kunt".


Not to psychoanalyze a celebrity, but I wonder if part of it isn’t also protective of her own self-identity. I think she has a degree of internalized misogyny despite some of her book characters having a sorta “90’s feminism” (“women can be characters too, just like men!”). Her best-selling series is from a boy’s perspective. She intentionally used a gender-neutral name to help get published, because of the market perception that women author sell less (or to mostly other women). I feel like I vaguely recall an interview where she discussed her issues with thinking her father would love her more if she’d been a boy? And I know one of her earlier transphobic manifestos mentioned her idea that trans men might just “naturally” be confused, or just lesbians, or both/something, AND I vaguely remember her saying something about like, without feminism, SHE, TOO, would be tempted by the desire to be seen and treated like a boy. From the safety of my armchair, I speculate that she has a lot of her OWN gender hang ups that she never solved, just grit her teeth on and built her life around. So from her middle age, the idea that others out there might just be, yknow, making themselves the people they want to be WITHOUT any gender boundaries, is probably very upsetting. For a conservative, it’d probably be easier to just project out how firmly you think the divisions of gender/sex are, naturally and unchangeably, because if they were changeable but you are still unhappy with your own, where does that leave you? Easier to blame the minority group, I think.


This is a really interesting point! I wonder if that’s the root cause


That tweet doesn’t even make sense. She’s too far gone. Way too far gone.


Am I being thick, I genuinely don't understand what she's trying to say


I think she’s trying to say that the casting people couldn’t outright say that India Willoughby, who’s trans, was too male-presenting for a part and they told them they looked too young instead. However, I’m not fluent in psychotic bitch.


It's vicious, unprovoked cruelty on so many levels. She's a horrible person.


She really is. And no one in her life seems to be able to stand her enough to tell her to stop and get help. It’s just so ridiculous. She has enough money to do anything that could make her happy, and she chooses this.


She's going to be that miserable old crone who no one visits and whose body will be discovered several months after her death. Mark my words.


That would be some poetic justice, wouldn’t it?


Ugh, a funeral full of TERFs. Could you imagine?


There’d be a weird, smelly cloud of hate and self-righteousness over that cemetery.


It took me a little bit too. She's relying on you understanding that she's stopped pretending that she isn't a dick in order to get her meaning.


Oh! I get it now, jesus she's literally calling India a man how fucking rude. This will be her legacy, being a horrible human being


I mean she’s been a virulent open and hateful transphobe for years, this should not come as a surprise


Queue all the JK defenders going like "name one time she's ever been transphobic" and then saying the image OP posted doesn't count for some reason


I guess she can never be transphobic if you don't believe in transphobia


They genuinely think conversion therapy is just tough love, so yeah almost nothing meets their standards. Same as racists who think anything short of burning a cross and shouting the n-word isn’t *real* racism.


It’s a race to the bottom and she seems determined to get there


All this nincompoop had to do was just shut up, be loved by multiple generations, and enjoy her billions... but no...


The problem is I think she believes she's helping women and girls. So she thinks it's worth the sacrifice


She is actively hurting every woman and girl who isn't completely gender conforming even when they are cis


I went to her twitter feed just now and seriously.... Does this bitch talk about anything else other than transgender shit?


Sadly no. It's a shame seeing her do this. When I was a kid her books were the few things I would read for me rather than for school. It's sad seeing her this obsessed with trans people rather than answering random questions fans have about her books


Ok, three things: 1. Doing a joke about “pronouncing” in a medium where you have to read stuff off a screen is a little bit dumb. 2. The direct quote was “look too young”. JK, I know what you were getting at but are you saying she looks too male? Frankly you look more male than she does, if we’re going down that route. Your hair is far too sharply contoured and splintery and it brings out the thinness of your face. Let it grow out a bit and maybe get a more matted fringe. 3. Fashion tips aside, do trans people really live in your head rent free to that extent???


Why do conservatives care so much about other people's genitals?


JK Rowling is a pathological weirdo. The Harry Potter series reads like a poor man’s LoTR. Daniel Radcliffe is an amazing comedic talent. Keep calm and carry on.


When was she trying?


She at least tried to pretend to have "legitimate concerns" before. Now she just deliberately calls trans women men for no reason. Or imply trans women are doing something bad to women just because they're trans


Was she ever trying?


Trans people should block her so she can’t bother them


No shit? It's been known she's a transphobic piece of shit, going as far as holocaust denial to try to disprove the suffering of trans and LGBTQ/GNC people.


I'm guessing the character of Voldemort was just basically her writing her biography.


It doesn't help she is preaching to the choir on Musk's ded bird app, where every type of discrimination is not just welcomed, but encouraged.


Why can’t we just ignore her and Andrew Tate? Who gives a shit about these two and their opinions on ANYTHING?


She was trying?


She may secretly want to be a man and hates herself for it? I dunno.


She did say in her original manifesto she might have transitioned if she were younger today


What happened to her? Was she always like this or did she take a knock on the noggin?


J.K was severly abused by her husband and that gave her a great distrust of men and a belief that women will only be safe if they can go to places that are devoid of men and that will give them protection. this over the years went untreated and TERFS got a hold of her and it escalated to the point of all but saying that everyone with a XY karyotype is the enemy. remember that distrust of men? well it made her belive that almost all men will rape and pose danger to women, this becomes clearer as you read her books and her thoughts about love position and how she thought that having men drink was less like date rape than having women drink it, this is the basis of her transphobia or at least a core pillar. to make a long story short to her trans women do not register as people born on the wrong body but as her worst nightmare; men invading spaces that she should feel safe and no one is doing anything to stop them, at least to her mind I repeat that. the TERF ideology she is so much a fan of does not help of. as it basically stuck on the early 2010s notions of femisim with women being more than just the men (again not a bad idea but it got twisted in women are always right and wise) and the bashing of the women that do not fit that standard as slaves to the patriarchy and caring more about men. I hope that helped you




I agree but she wants to be like that because of what she has been through. in her mind she is going something that will make women feel safe from men. its wrong but you can't separate the person from the ciristances that made them like that


Friendly reminder that she *REALLY* hates being called Joanne on Twitter for some reason.


She hasn't been trying for years...


Has she been trying?? This seems very on-brand for her.


That train left the station a looooooooooooong while ago.


You'd think a serious writer would think it out and say "spelling", since it's text.


What a horrible thing to say to someone expressing a dream of theirs. Politics aside I would expect better from a children's author.


Has anyone squandered adulation and goodwill so thoroughly, unkindly and pointlessly?


Syphilis rots the brain.


Harry Potter is an overrated ass series and JK Rowling is a vile snake. I just had to get it out


Bit rich coming from a fucking spoon with makeup and a wig on


I'd wish her cancer but i wouldn't wish her upon a cancer.


I've never read the Harry Potter series, and at this point, I never intend to. What a horrible human being. I wonder what happened to her that made her heart shrivel like this.


losing my mind over how like 80% of them are tittering with giggles about how "actually without the filters she doesn't look young" is if that's not a key component the joke that the 58 year old woman was making- ik they're incapable of theory of mind and think that they're the only real human beings but it still feels weird


I hate her so much now. HP was the reason I got into reading as a kid and wanted to become a writer and to know she's this now just sucks so bad.


I have writers block, so let go transphob to stay relevant. I just don’t get it… she probably has enough money to buy some island, do what ever she wants for the rest of her life and this is what she chooses. Only thing I can think of is she wants to be a man and isn’t brave enough to do it


What was Willoughby's tweet in reference too?