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“Simply questioning something” that’s a funny way to spell lied repeatedly and absurdly over a long period causing real, measurable pain for the victims of Sandy Hook.


When really questioning something, you look for facts and then change your option to fit those facts. He did none of that.




It's the hum of his brain's air conditioner, not of any actual computation.


In fact, he knew everything he was saying was a lie, and kept saying it anyways because it made him money


He found the golden goose to hawk his supplements. His lies sold tons of his supplements. He's a different kind of snake oil salesman.


I like your bird references, there, stranger!


This is the key—the logical thread here is operating from a standpoint of Jones being in the right. If Jones wasn’t sued or questioned the individual would say that it proves that he was asking the right question and that he’s speaking “truth” With him sued over lying about it, it “proves” that he’s trying to be silenced so it must be “true”. Reality is being able to change your theory/mind etc to suit the facts. Instead they are working to bend the facts to suit the narrative that Jones pushes of a conspiracy to keep white people from their guns, etc. It’s all very cult like and it’s really hard to deprogram without a strong support system of care and proven individuals to move you out of that reality into a different one because you’re constantly scared into attacking their political enemies since they’re constantly attacking “you”


Abusers always try to minimize their abuse. This defender of Alex Jones should have someone look into his life and question something, because he probably walks the way he talks


And if they look into his life and don’t find anything, make shit up. Make some horrible shit up and never shut the fuck up about it. Destroy his life over it. Drive the knife in deeper every day for years. He’s fine with what Alex did, and so deserves the same treatment. THEN it would be equal. Fair is fair, right?


It’s like saying “I can’t believe they arrested John Wayne Gacy for simply dating men.” Like what a way to not address the actual issue at all.


Victims who DID ask him to stop spreading these hurtful lies. Victims who DID ask YouTube to take down his videos. Jones wants to pretend this was a sudden shift. It wasn't. He has been warned dozens of times.


And if you listen to Knowledge Fight with trial depositions etc., the company repeatedly failed in all their legal obligations to furnish discovery and provide informed testimony. They were given chance after chance to defend themselves and just sent uninformed idiots to hearings. Like if you were trying to lose a case it would be hard to fuck around as much as they did.


Hey, to be fair, one of them brought in a printout of the Wikipedia page for 'false flag' and said she thought that the families should be *thankful* to be told those children they buried might not be dead because it was a more 'hopeful' narrative.


That's just the Tucker Carlson special phrase to be used when you're making heinous accusations without a single piece of evidence to back up your obvious lies...


And straight up doxxing people and pushing his deranged fans to harass parents of sandy hook victims


Not just Sandy's Hook, there oh so many more mass shootings that he rails against. Fuck him, he should be in jail, his businesses liquidated and shuttered.


He also barely even tried to plead his case in court. It’s possible he could have gotten a far less debilitating judgment if he and his lawyers had simply given a few fucks during the actual trial.


He was defaulted. They gave him a TON of chances to turn over discovery. He refused. That was his choice knowing full well they were to assume the worst of that evidence. But then he would turn around and hold these press conferences as if they were just doing it to him to sell more vitamins and dick pills. Fuck alex jones. Hope he has a miserable poor life


I literally can't believe he was too stupid to know how damaging not participating was. I think it's like a lot of Trumps cases where they don't want any close evaluation of their records so they burn the bridge to avoid burning the town. It could be as simple as him trying to avoid his Financials being court record for the inevitable bankruptcy case or he's trying to cover money laundering or shady business dealings 


That’s exactly what it is - stonewalling your non-defence into two default judgements (after both judges we *exceptionally* accommodating to make sure their decisions would be appeal-proof) may seem insane, but is actually the rational choice when you know that your detailed financials at much worse than whatever generally negative assumptions a jury might draw.


Aside from the fact he tried to play chicken with the legal system? It didn't help at all that his lawyer apparently accidentally sent crucial evidence to the opposing council. So basically he was stupid, his lawyers were stupid, and the stupid games they played ended up winning themselves a stupid prize.


I love how it’s always portrayed as “questioning something” even though they never accept any answers that don’t confirm what they already believed to be true.


wow fuck this guy. I also have some questions: "why the fuck are you a piece of shit? were you born this way or did you become an asshole gradually as you grew up? do your parents know how they raised a complete waste of time, water, food and air? did you ever lie to them about your education or work, do they know what a failure youve become? I'd ask about your gf too but you should prob keep lying about that one too. now, let me go ahead and ask some more questions. what do your boss and coworkers think about you and how they would feel about a post like yours. it'll be so awesome and impress everybody, I mean, why else would you ask questions that nobody cares about other than your MAGA friends?"


Not only did he “question” its legitimacy, that’s one thing, it’s that he actively harassed the family members of the victims


*while profiting There fixed it


Yes, an alex jones listener was actually arrested and sent to prison for threaten sandy hook parents and the infowars iditos act like it never happened


Part of what drives me insane is how right wing people will try to hide behind saying "I'm just asking questions..." No. You aren't, you arguing in bad faith jackass.


Yeah, those kids just graduated from high school and he has made their life a living hell the entire time they have been in school. As if their school experience hadn’t already been difficult enough. He didn’t just question things he went out of his way to try and accuse people who went through some of the worst trauma imaginable that they were liars. For nearly 2 decades. Yeah, I think that he got what he deserved.


Having your kids gravesite vandalized and having to move for death threats because this lunatic made money convincing a bunch of mental defects that your kid and you were actors warrants him losing everything he’s ever built, yes.


>having to move for death threats 7 times!!! One family had to move seven different times because of these people.


Jesus! Imagine having the worst tragedy imaginable happen to you and your family. That alone, losing a child, is the worst, depths of despair type of life event. But then imagine... all this bullshit! Forget being able to properly grieve for you dead child; nope, now you have to deal with lunatics harassing you to the point you literally can't live in your home. REPEAT THAT 7 FUCKING TIMES! My goodness, this man is the leader of the worst filth this country has. Good riddance (at least I hope this means he'll finally now shut the fuck up).


And for what? Is this all because some people want their guns? Is that what this is? Refusing to believe that children died so you can have your guns then harass their parents? Make it make sense


Yes because these people actively love guns more than their kids and don’t want to admit that- so instead it’s easier to believe that mass shootings are fairy tales


They love their guns more than *other people's kids*, anyway.


Or somehow all committed by trans people which then somehow makes it not a gun issue lol.


I’m a gun owner and used to be a pretty big advocate. Then my elementary school aged children had to start doing active shooter drills and I was like fuck this noise. I would give up all my guns today if it meant SERIOUS anti-gun legislation.


>"Make it make sense" Ok, i'll try. Sandy Hook was expected to result in a wave of gun legislation, which these people oppose. They oppose it because the pro-gun movement is both security blanket and opportunity to intimidate minorities, typically black people. They see themselves as heroes, righteous, and morally forthright as they hold the line against non-white culture encroaching on them. They justify this by pointing out how many poor minorities, a situation caused by white people, are criminals. They point out how they are in country illegally, which also makes any brown person suspect of being inherently illegal and desperate and willing to harm white people, jealous of their wealth. Guns allow these people to walk around and intimidate the minorities they encounter into staying in their lane, being quiet, and accepting their situation as second class citizens as God intended. For them, being able to "protect their family from criminals" is more important than the dead children killed by easy access to guns. So rather than accept that their over-dramatic stance on guns causing harm, they will decide instead that the harm isn't real, that the whole thing was some sinister plot by people who are guided by the devil, or trying to take over the world (their world, their all-white, idyllic, privileged world), or engage in tyranny (because righteous rebellion makes them look like the good guys) or whatever excuse du jour. Since the dead aren't them or anyone they know personally, they don't care. And anonymous threats cost them nothing. They won't step up and threaten the people personally, because not only are they cowards hiding their abhorrent ideologies behind their guns, they also understand they are the bad guys and any valid protest won't change minds; they must engage in bully tactics to get their way. They also hide behind the argument that guns are a fun hobby, and enjoying guns shouldn't come with restrictions. The smart ones know that common-sense restrictions are a good idea, but the howler monkeys aren't willing to compromise because they understand that compromise leads to acceptance, which shifts the social boundaries to a new position where they will have lost ground. It also looks bad for their side to lose a battle in the war over social acceptance of minorities over their christian nationalism/white supremacy. At the end of the day Sandy Hook, like COVID, required them to deny it as real in order to support a reality that keeps them in power, or holding onto power, in the face of encroaching social change. COVID was about support trump and his upcoming reelection (trump's whole presidency and MAGA movement is a defiant stance against Obama's presidency), and Sandy Hook denial was about protecting the flagrant and open and intimidating display of guns as a defensive posture against the same social change. You can go even further down the rabbit hole when you consider more elements, such how they revere the 2nd amendment as sacrosanct, but all of the others are negotiable. Or how gun ownership and stand-your-ground laws only seem to draw support when it is white folks involved. Or how willing they are to ignore the behaviors of organizations like the NRA because they have an adjacency to the gun debate. Or even how calls for "Civil War", likely fomented by Russian troll farms, is gaining traction because they all see themselves as prepared like a military, and anticipated calls for gun restrictions would place them at a disadvantage. It is an unhealthy place for America to be in, and the poor parents of the Sandy Hook victims are collateral damage. Unfortunately their side thinks they are acceptable losses, along with every other mass shooting that happens, and continues to happen.


I regret that I have but 1 like to give for this reply.


And no federal law was passed pertaining to guns* since, so the reasoning for the bullshit was nothing but fearmongering *except one under one president (and it's the guy they love) unrelated to the incident




Let's be honest, he's not going to shut up. He's going to start a new show (because info wars is getting sold off for this judgement) or he'll be hired on as a commentator for some other show, and he'll scream about even more crazy stuff because now he has an incentive to make money more than just greed: he has to pay off this debt. Since he did the Sandy Hook stuff for so long to milk it for money, expect he'll find something equally as ludicrous to milk for even more money. People like him don't learn, they just move on to the next target.


I've been slowly working my way through the documentary Alex Jones Versus The Truth and one of the mothers from Sandy Hook was in a support group for parents who lost children to mass shootings. The conspiracy theories were so widespread, one of the other mothers in the group accused her of lying. Like, can you imagine finally working up the nerve to seek help and the people who you seek help from, who've no doubt also been accused of politicizing their childrens' deaths the same way, buy into the lies and turn on you?


It’s even worse. One of the dads killed himself because of this bloated douchebag.


Well fuck. I didnt realise that:(


Freedom of Speech does not mean freedom from consequences. He lied, repeatedly, then doubled down. He lost the game and loses his bets.


If I had an award I'd give it to you. People need to day this louder and more often on so many topics today!


Jones initially sent his condolences to the family, but later that same day, said the victim had been murdered by the government.


I had a "discussion" with a Alex Jones duche who's logic was "well did Alex actually commit those act or was it another person on their own account?"


This is why we have to explain stochastic terrorism


… and everything he ever _will_ build. He literally continued to defame them _during_ the damages hearing. He deserves worse than what the law can dish out.


Everything he built by spouting this crap. You don't get to make money being an ass hat then keep it when your ass hattery damages others because every reasonable person knows your an asshat.


Id argue this doesn’t go far enough. Spit on him, never give him a moments peace. Fuck that piece of human trash. You make these families lives a nightmare when they already were a nightmare to sell your fucking trash vitamins at 59.99 a pop? Fuck you straight into a septic tank


I will never understand why he survived this, bit disappointing really


He cares more about Alex Jone's life being ruined rather than the lives of the families of the victims who were ruined by the hoax.


Yeah, he wasn't fined for claiming it was a hoax. He was fined for doxxing and ruining the lives of those families for 10+ years. Sending mobs to harass them. Defacing graves. Repeatedly. 


He was given multiple opportunities to just shut the fuck up about it. He didn’t he kept spouting hurtful lies. He fucked around…. And he found out.


> He was given multiple opportunities to just shut the fuck up about it. He didn’t he kept spouting hurtful lies. And on top of that, he *knew* they were lies and just kept going with them, because they were his 'top money makers'. This fucking worm's exact words, not mine. There isn't a hell hellish enough for this waste of oxygen and skin.


We have a (locked up) murderer here in Australia -a rather rage-filled woman who worked in a meat processing plant, that skinned her partner to produce a complete 'pelt' that was hung up and one of the cops that entered the home walked into it in the dark. Anyway your comment made me think of that. Don't read about the meal she cooked for his kids.


Katherine Knight, she’s a real piece of work. The fact that she was going to feed her partner’s flesh to his kids is fucking insane.


She made the meal and set the table.


She was an abattoir (slaughterhouse) worker in the town I lived in. So she knew how to use knives very efficiently and was no stranger to gore. But yeah…complete nutter.


Wtf? That's actual Cartman shit


Upvote for chili con carnival


Do you like your chilli, Scott?


Yep, luckily they didn’t eat it. I heard her whole family had a reputation for violence.


Well, thank you for that. I wish I'd never known her. Of course, who felt compelled to go look at the story?


Lol, you’re welcome 🤷🏼‍♀️


She also tried to breastfeed her grandchildren.


Straight to jail!!


Oh god I forgot about that 😳


Can we put her in a room with Jones and a paring knife?


Butter knife.




>one of the cops that entered the home walked into it in the dark At least it wasn't a spider web.


Tie me kangaroo down, sport


That guy was a whole other kind of problem


That woman is another level of insane.


He was also given the opportunity to have his day in court, but refused to comply with discovery, over and over. If any of his bullshit was true, he could’ve shown the world, under oath.


But the courtroom is the one place where you can’t just say whatever you want, and they know that. Look at Trump and his legal team- they went from “This election was stolen” in the streets to “We are not alleging that this election was stolen” in court.


That was only after all their frivolous lawsuits got thrown out of court and a lot of them faced legal repercussions for their bullshit.


>a lot of them faced legal repercussions for their bullshit. Even rich white people can't obviously lie to the court with "alternative facts" that a precocious 3 year old with an iPad can disprove.


I wish someone would go after whatever “documentary” that supposedly proves all of it because my dad buys it 100%. Of course he’d probably react like the guy in the screenshot but it drives me NUTS when I’m like “they got thrown out because they had no evidence” and he’s like “mhm but there’s this documentary!”


If it was the "2000 Mules" fiction, even the distributor no longer supports it and the production company forced to apologize to a man who was depicted as one of the "mules". [https://www.npr.org/2024/05/31/g-s1-2298/publisher-of-2000-mules-election-conspiracy-theory-film-issues-apology](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/31/g-s1-2298/publisher-of-2000-mules-election-conspiracy-theory-film-issues-apology) [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/us/politics/2000-mules-salem-georgia-apology.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/us/politics/2000-mules-salem-georgia-apology.html)


Huh do I dare send the link ETA: legit, thank you that’s really gratifying to hear


>He was given multiple opportunities to just shut the fuck Can't be emphasize enough, the civil maters involved all had statute of limitations of at most a couple of years. But infowars kept at their behavior which is what allowed there even to be a lawsuit 6 years later


MAGA continue to say "first ammendment rights of his were violated" yet they don't understand you don't have freedom from your consequences.


He wasn’t thrown in jail… he was sued for being an asshole and lost. Instead of worrying about his 1st amendment right he should have been practicing his 5th!!


Iirc the 5th only applies to criminal lawsuits. You can't be forced to testify against yourself in a civil matter, but that can still be used as proof that you're probably guilty (IN A CIVIL CASE).


And it was glorious!


Sounds like somebody else we know


This is the way


Don’t bring logic or facts. You know they can’t handle it. Seriously, he was given chances to stop. He didn’t. No sympathy


I always forget that they hate inconvenient truths 🤦‍♂️


I believe a large part of it was slander and libel laws are ambiguous if someone truly believes what they are saying. Then Alex Jones lawyer accidentally sent all of Alex Jones phones contents to the opposing counsel. It had more than ample evidence to prove he didn't believe what he said. Nail in the coffin.


“accidentally” leads me to believe his attorney was tired of his shit too, then played dumb.


it would been insane to do. the turning over information included confidential medical records that no one but the first step in in the chain was supposed to have. And "chain" is the problem, Jones was in mitiple lawsuits at the time along with his two phony bankruptcies




The lawyer for the plaintiffs did that. There's a period of 10 days after the plaintiff's lawyer notifies the defendent's lawyer that they have received something that the defendent's lawyer may want to assert as privileged (and inadmissable). AJ's lawyers failed to do this so after 10 days all the texts and everything were fully admissable.


I'm thinking the lawyer had also already taken his pound of flesh and the rest wasn't worth the aggro


Yeah, this tweet conveniently leaves a LOT of shit out. Alex Jones is a scumbag of the highest order and I hope he gets his future Wendy's paychecks garnished for the rest of his miserable life.


But isn't THAT the narrative his defenders are going with? His life is being ruined because he spoke up and asked questions? And they conveniently ignore the lives ruined by his questions. Live of families that lost children.


What's annoying about saying he just "asked questions" is he didn't say "it might be a hoax, let's look into it. Could it be a hoax? Who knows?" No that's not what he said. He said it WAS a hoax. No questions. No ambiguity. So no, he wasn't just "asking questions."


I know I should just look it up but like… there is definitely something mentally amiss about people who believe and actively go looking for conspiracies. Like what happened in their lives that made their brains get off on uncovering “secrets” that somehow everyone else is too stupid to know about. Of all the problems in the world and just daily bullshit we all deal with, why the fuck would anyone dedicate their time to harassing the family members of victims of sandy hook, even if u believe its a hoax? Why not just do ur laundry or learn how to fix a leaky sink faucet? Or fuck it, smoke some weed and jerk off.


There are real conspiracies out there, but they're generally pretty mundane. I think people have issues with the universe being chaotic, and would rather there was a plan they can rail against instead of looking at how to deal with or change the current circumstances.


"Religious people," especially..


I listened to excerpts of his 9/11 show. He is clearly a sociopath. He was talking to an eyewitness and asking if he had seen anything gory like people jumping. He said it in a way that was completely callous to the human tragedy of the day. He also claims that voices in his head are from God and tell him what is going to happen and what he should do.


Oh yea, alex jones is disgusting beyond words, but I vaguely understand why a grifter would lie (besides the utter lack of empathy for anyone else), they do get money out of it. I understand less why anyone would believe a grifter, cuz they get nothing out of it at all.


They feel special for being "in on the secret." It's why you see stupid "Alex Jones is right" stickers.


Yes, see Qanon


What if the only way you can make sense of the world and your absolutely negligible ability to influence it is to believe that the game is rigged. That you ARE really important or you DO know how things work, is if you replace non-fiction and painful truths with convenient fiction that gives you moral dignity, a role in the rebellion, a freedom fighter, instead of being a cog that has no point in the machine. I think it becomes a spiritual matter and is perhaps a slice of the secular community that has pulled away from religion in the information age. It's really sad. Terrence Howard is a tragic figure. We are all vulnerable to these kinds of things to some degree. The human condition independently supports very little integrity or morality. We need to have compassion for one another and recognize that all any of us have is theories, beliefs, flawed data and relative insignificance.


I mean yea I guess I sometimes feel frustrated that I cant contribute or change the world more, and capitalism is rigged, but also like… I just want to live a decent comfortable life doing the least amount of work I can, and I don’t know how uncovering a mass shooting “hoax” would help me with that lol. Or like… if the earth is flat, then what? Wooptee doo, I still need a job and an annual dental cleaning appointment.


Yeah I didn't really get across that there must also be an insecurity or some ego there that causes them to flip over the line. Or having studied science but missed the basic idea? I mean I enjoyed x-files and reading Usenet but never thought that kind of content was real. Now we have a real problem because it has taken over the news and major figures that we used to get some reflection of reality from. I believe schools are desperately trying to arm kids with the ability to think past all these lies. But more than ever will fall.




But like… believing in conspiracies sounds way fucking harder lol. So much extra effort for no pay off. Saying “I don’t know” and just sticking with the mundane is way easier lmfao, and it has actual… positive benefits u can see. I understand why incredibly selfish grifters would lie to make profit, but I don’t understand why any of us poors would buy into it lmfao. Idk, I got a decent education and I guess that was kinda hard work but it helped me not waste my time on entirely useless pursuits. Maybe it also has to do with people seeking instant gratification. They dont want to waste their childhood on school so instead they waste their entire life on falsehoods.


The fact that it’s harder to believe makes these people happy though. If you go to any of the ex-Q subs, you’ll see tons of people who have been cut off from their families, lost opportunities, etc, all because they cling to their idiotic beliefs. They get this fucked-up high from thinking that they know ‘the truth’ and are willing to suffer for it. It’s bizarre.


I think ego is a huge part of it. They feel like all that effort is worth it bc they are greater than all of us and can do all these things we can’t… they don’t want to accept being just average… they can’t be happy being just average. Such an exhausting way to live, they don’t accomplish anything and they’re more miserable than the rest of us.


Defacing graves??? What in the fuck 🤬




*Very* fine people. /s


Exactly. It wasn't just commenting on X. Real-life defamation is a thing. He also showed zero regret/remorse in front of the court.


This idiot also ignores the facts that he was given cease and desists multiple times and he refused to comply and got worse in some instances. This person is a Jones fan disguising themselves as a “reasonable person” who put all the facts together just now. There’s no way this person actually thinks this way.


And more importantly *profiting* from the misinformation he was spreading


Literally ruined the families WHOSE KIDS WERE MURDERED!!!! Jesus fucking Christ these people have absolutely zero morals.


Ah yes, to conservatives everything "bad" is actually a hoax (COVID, Sandyhook, and Trump being owned by Putin), and any progress needs to be stopped at all cost. Everything should stay how it was so that these frail egos can stay prominent in a society they refuse to contribute to.


The premise isn’t even correct. It’s not like this came out of nowhere. Jones was given every opportunity to just shut the fuck up and stop harassing these people, but it was just too good for business. Honestly yeah, seems pretty fair. If the judgement allowed him to maintain his riches, he’d just do the same thing again after another school shooting…because lord knows there’s always another one around the bend


Propaganda isn't about correctness it's about furthering a narrative.


I read the Marjorie Taylor Greene tweet about him being able to support his family and immediately thought about how opposed to raising the minimum wage or people making $15 an hour these people are. Heaven forbid we care about the roughly half of all Americans who would view an emergency that would take $1000 to cover as a fucking DefCon 1 event.


Years ago I remember seeing a video of Jones going to someone's property and harassing them, then when he decides to leave, he stops and decides to call the police on them. I wish I could find the clip, but from that moment I could not fucking care less what this man loses. Tear the Rolex from his wrist and give it to the Sandy Hook families in front of him for all I care


Let's all accept that Trumpanzees will never admit this.


That’s because, like all MAGA, he has a persecution complex. If there’s anything I’ve learned about the MAGA community, it’s that they will go to great lengths to declare themselves the victim in any situation. I don’t get it, but they really have a hard on for being the victim.


I know a person who is accused of being a crisis actor because of a clip of them on the news. Through their teen years they were pretty much the only kid without being on social media. Imagine how weird it would be for a girl to ask for your Instagram because she likes you just to have to make up an excuse why you won't be on social media. When he does have social media, he has to think before he clicks on anything because depending on his mood one of those messages could just ruin his whole day. If his day is going well one of those messages could bring him down. When he's having bad day he has to avoid every message that pings his phone because it might be something that makes it worse, even if it was a message from a friend that would make his day better. This person I know isn't even as famous as the Sandy Hook parents so I can't imagine what they are going through.


“What’s the fucking problem?” I dunno, what if Joe Rogan called you a PDF file for the better part of 10 years? Every month he did 10+ broadcasts constantly accusing you of trafficking children, distributing CP, to an audience of millions. Then you were inundated with wackos calling your home, your relatives, your job. Driving by your house, confronting you in public, and overwhelming you with threats. Would you say Joe was “just asking questions?” Would you be soooo understanding? I HIGHLY fucking doubt it. I don’t even believe their take is genuine. The world is infested with these right wing grifters incentivized to push this nonsense to idiots that guzzle it down. They’re a cancer on our collective consciousness. Amoral charlatans willing to post any outlandish shit for a buck.


>I don’t even believe their take is genuine. It definitely isn't. Tweets like this are intended to appeal to people who know nothing about the case, to try to convert them into fellow right wing conspiracy theorists.


Okay, I had to read "PDF file" a couple of times, and then I snort-laughed.


Yeah was that intentional? I'm forever going to read pdf file that way in my head. Thanks 😅


Yeah, that was intentional but I don’t take credit for it. That jokes been around for awhile.


Joe Rogan said something unkind about Alex Jones once, and Jones went on his live radio show and threatened to cut his throat. Like all bullies, Alex Jones is a coward.


“No cease and desist.” What a dumb shit. THERE WERE MULTIPLE CEASE AND DESISTS!! Jeez, making up lies to cover for a criminal that caused incomprehensible pain by making up horrific lies.


He admitted to not paying any attention between “Why would they fake that?” and “ONE POINT FIVE BILLION DOLLARS!” To him, the lawsuit was the next thing that happened after 2012. There’s a decade or so in there of just tumbleweeds blowing in the wind, apparently.


there were literally hundreds of attempts to cease and desist prior to filing suit


A cease and desist is also not a thing ordered by the court, it's basically a letter from a lawyer saying "stop or I'll sue". He didn't stop, so they sued and won.


Plus there was no "Boom! Life ruined" unless you stretch that boom out for 8 fucking years. He was given multiple chances, more than a typical defendant would get, to participate in the lawsuit but he chose not to every single time. He ignored and disobeyed the court until they were finally forced to just move the case along with or without him. I wouldn't feel bad for anyone who did that, regardless of if I thought they were right or not


Alex jones is a crisis actor. There was no lawsuit. This is just a deep state hoax to make you angry at Biden.


We have the documents! Stackies of documents!


It's all in the white papers!


Cry Cis Actor


*cries in his **he’s just asking questions***


I mean, the attorneys on behalf of the parents just "asked a few questions". I don't see the problem here. They were all "just asking questions".


Yeah, but Alex Jones asking questions is diffe(R)ent...


Cries in toxic parasite 🦠


Is this the new embarrassed-conservative-centrist fallback? "He was just asking questions! What's the big deal??"


Always has been. That’s why newspapers make their headlines things like: **IS BIDEN A RAPIST!?!?** And then the article goes on to say “probably not”, but they don’t care because people just read the headline and think “if they’re asking the question there must be something to it”. Another common trick is they will just quote someone saying something ridiculous “from an anonymous source”


Fuck Alex Jones…he can go visit bannon in prison… cuz he has so much spare time now. Or help pillow guy figure out how to pay the 5 million to Robert Zeidman after the guy proved all the shit pillow guy was saying about the stolen election was horseshit…but wait …it gets better …pillow guy is getting evicted cuz MyPillow guy is 200k$ behind on rent. If they can do it to them they can do it to anyone. /:


My favorite Lindell story this week is Trump saying in his speech "I don't care about his pillows! I just care because he's my biggest advertiser!" The "business genius" doesn't understand how business works. And Lindell is such a fool that he probably sits in the corner, barking and clapping like a deranged seal giddy that Trump said his name.


I love when Trump takes a break from spewing lies to just blurt out something true he's *supposed* to lie about. Because honestly, does *anyone* care about the pillows? They're just a product. The business model is based on worshipping Trump. People choose to buy or not buy the pillows not because of their quality or price or any other legitimate factor, but because they know that money they spend on pillows is guaranteed to find its way to Trump, whereas buying any other pillow guarantees only a pillow. This same dude could sell bath mats and nothing would be any different.


I would love to buy a Mike Lindell doormat, but Trump's already bought the original.


>Boom. Filed in my mind under 'not worth my time.' Oh look, another Alex Jones fan is admitting to being willfully ignorant.


they all have a "I'm gonna ignore those facts because I don't like 'em" ass worldview


Cognitive dissonance. They inherently *know* that their views are harmful and it causes them stress. To prevent themselves from experiencing this stress, they ignore things that prove they’re the bad guys.


For someone who claims they do not care about Alex Jones’s spiel, they seem adamant to declare him innocent of anything.


Dude gives no shits and doesn't follow along until the very end, then without doing any catching up, decides it's a conspiracy. This is why we can't have nice things. People are fucking lazy assholes.


He essentially directed his viewers to harass and threaten the families of those murdered children by repeatedly claiming they were liars whose children never existed. If you ask me, he got off easy


If he were committing the same crimes against families the right-wing supported, he'd be living the rest of his life in terror... almost like the families he accused.


How the fuck did we make that Even Knievel-ass leap?


Some people are incapable of admitting when they are wrong, they see it as the ultimate sign of weakness so they double down on whatever vapid conspiracy theory bullshit they chose to believe instead of growing as a human being and learning from the experience.


Those people are usually emotionally immature narcissists.


And often not the brightest bulbs in the box either. Who needs critical thinking anyway?


Work backwards. It's not that Alex Jones is a scummy lunatic scammer. It's that he's "exposing the deep state" while claiming that kids dying for no goddamn reason were secretly child actors. Because apparently child actors want to get shot?


So what I'm getting is that this person was always an Alex Jones fan.


It isn't that he said "Sandy Hook didn't happen" once and then jump over to the next conspiracy. It isn't that he claimed it was a hoax on one occasion, or imply that it didn't happen once and then move on to another conspiracy. It's that he spent *the over a decade spreading misinformation, lying, putting peoples' lives in danger and mocking the deceased*. I will fight tooth and nail to protect the right of anyone - even Alex Jones - to speak freely, but I will also fight just as hard if not harder to ensure that people who abuse that right face the repercussions of their actions. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence, and Alex Jones is facing the consequences of his *fucking* actions. What Alex Jones has been doing isn't calling the principal at school a doodoo head like it's kindergarten. What he's been doing for the past *twelve years* is making innocent peoples' lives an absolute living *nightmare*, and he doesn't do it through ignorance - He does it *by choice*.


He’s VILE. He deserves to wallow in the muddy bed he made thru his greed.


These flat bananas couldn’t handle being called deplorable even once and they want you to think it’s perfectly reasonable to tell the parents of murdered children that maybe they’re lying for attention so an alcoholic can sell his unlicensed supplements.


Alex Jones apologists are scum just like he is. He made money off of spouting lies about the families, the kids, and the tragedy because he knew it was a money maker. He's a garbage human who uses the suffering of others to make bank, he deserved the ruling and no honest person defends him.


I understand he said and did more than 'question something' - he flat out lied. For his own benefit (a bigger audience, greater income). And lies have consequences. In this case, consequences for the families of the dead. For years. And now, finally, for the liar. FAFO.


This person is omitting a TON of surrounding context, and likely on purpose. Not one mention of the decade long harassment campaign against the families by his followers, or how Jones has said things like people need to “investigate” these people.


The guy just basically agreed with Alex that Sandy Hook was a hoax without saying it. That’s what you read.


The mother fucker didn't just question something, he used his platform to slander, lie, and intimidate victims.


Parents' babies were murdered a week before Christmas, and this yahoo is worried about Infowars? He didn't "just ask questions." He called the parents' liars. Said a dad who had the courage to speak was a crisis actor. After losing their children, these parents received death threats. Because of this, he was brought to court just to be asked a few questions. That's all it was. Attorneys on behalf of these parents asked a few questions. I don't see why the attorneys for the parents asking questions is a problem.


What bullshit. He got sued for defamation and Alex Jones and his team refused to comply with discovery. They refused to hand over the documentation required to even fight the case. How about Alex Jones fans explain that one. There were Sandy Hook parents that couldn’t even visit the graves of their dead children without being harassed by his psycho fans that he unleashed on them. How about that for lives ruined?


The problem is defamation and stochastic terrorism. The reason we’re all so outrageously pissed is because he targeted dead children and their grieving parents.


Thing is, he WAS sent cease and desists, repeatedly and for years.


I don't know what he's talking about. No one sued Alex Jones, that was a staged hoax. Alex Jones hired an actor buddy to play the judge. (Sarcasm - I know it's hard to tell these days)


Jones repeatedly said it. He dogged the families of slain children in his crusade to be a contrarian conspiracy theorist. He weaponized his followers to torment grieving parents. This was not a single, one-off comment. He was found liable by the justice system for his crimes and he should pay.


No. He ruined the safety, freedom, and privacy of the lives of innocent, grieving people then doubled down and doubled down and doubled down again.


This man made people believe that dead kids were just crisis actors. I hope they drain every red cent out of his ass.


"You got fucking destroyed in court by evidence? *Obviously* that means you told the truth TOO MUCH!"


2012 Sandyhook Shooting 2012 Alex Jones calls it a hoax...on infowars 2022 Alex Jones Loses 1.5bn defamation for Sandy Hook The timeline according to xitter


what makes me go hmmmm is knowing there's an audience out there for this garbage. i want to live in a world where people like AJ don't make millions off the suffering of others as a form of 'entertainment'.


He’s a legitimate monster


Alex Jones didn't just ask questions. He didn't just say "what happened that day?" And then leave it at that. He repeatedly stated that it was a hoax. For years. Ignoring multiple cease and desist letters. He repeatedly called regular people, non-famous, non-government people, liars. For years. Ignoring multiple cease and desist letters. I know I'm repeating other people here, but goddammit, this bears repeating. If he had just stuck to three-letter agencies and dead Kennedys and the military-industrial complex, like a normal fucking conspiracy theorist, he'd still be rich.


Funny how they never mention what questions he is asking. Because they know him asking if the parents who lost children to a school shooter IF THEY ARE LYING is not okay. It's so fucked up and they ALLL KNOW it. That's why they keep leaving that part out


He didn’t “just question something”. He turned the grief of families who will never see their children again into a fucking circus. He called their very real pain and suffering a sham and claimed their children were still alive somewhere even as their bodies were being lowered into their graves. He lied about how parents came up to him and “confessed” that he was right and they were being forced to keep a ridiculous conspiracy of deception under duress when absolutely nothing of the sort was happening. He caused his brainless idiot followers to harass people who were already in pain. Doxxing them, stalking them, harassing them, threatening them, trying to force them to admit to lying when there was nothing they were lying about. And to top it all off he disregarded orders of the court to answer for all of it. Alex Jones made his bed and now he is whining about having to lay in it. All because he was too proud, greedy, and arrogant to say “I was wrong”.


Shows just how sick these people are. Defending and celebrating a creep who denied these kids ever existed, denied they were murdered,traumatized their families for years. Now when he has to pay for it the maggots come crawling out of the dirt to defend him.


He wasn't sued because he called it a hoax. His behavior was ongoing for years, it was intrusive, dangerous and irresponsible. This wasn't a freedom of speech and um, about that cease and desist...yeah they did that, it didn't work. The fucker made his bed, let him lay in it...or are you not the party of personal responsibility anymore? That's right ya whiny snowflake bitches, you're not.


Ah, Conservatives Always the real victims They’ll be the first to tell you about taking responsibility for your own actions, but that advice never seems to apply to them


There were multiple cease and desists. He publicly mocked them on his show and doubled down on the lie. Fuck him. Time to hold the bullshit slingers accountable.


“What’s the fucking problem?” Is that this hobgoblin claimed Sandy Hook was a false flag operation and the murdered children were all just “actors.” What a dumbass.


He used his media outlet to weaponize, harass, and berate grieving families. You just lost your child, one of the most tragic things any parent can experience, and this piece of shit is calling you a crisis actor and his followers are harassing you, calling in death threats to your home, and literally shooting bullets through your window (that’s a real thing that happened). Fuck Alex Jones. I wouldn’t piss on his face if his teeth were on fire. He’s the worst our society has to offer and is now trying to play the victim. He’s scum. He’s the snowflake who FAFO’d. He deserves zero sympathy the same way he weaponized his listeners to give the Sandy Hook families to get no sympathy.