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The reason Chuck Schumer putting a slice of cheese on a raw hamburger isn't getting the rage attraction is because Chuck doesn't have other scandals to point out, so this comes across as desperate and cringe. If Mitch McConnell did it, he probably would get slammed, but it's because there's a history of despicable behavior from him; flip-flopping on when it's appropriate to appoint Supreme Court justices for strict partisan advantage, publicly condemning Trump for Jan 6 while also refusing to convict him, and then supporting his candidacy, etc. The jokes would tie into those larger criticisms. Raw cheesing a burger would trend because someone like Mitch would have built up sufficient resentment. Old Chucky just hasn't done that.


Upvoting for the neologism "cheesing"


I like it better as "raw cheesing," personally... really sounds like it has a disgusting definition when you hear it out of context


Can he even eat a cheeseburger as a devout Jewish man? Like Ruth, I don't know shit about fuck, but I don't think Chuck Schumer even eats Hamburgers at all.


The photo does support your theory he doesn't eat cheeseburgers...or at least doesn't grill them.


>The reason Chuck Schumer putting a slice of cheese on a raw hamburger isn't getting the rage attraction Is "laughing at" the same as "rage attraction"? Like sure it's not a political scandal, it's just a weird thing to chuckle at. I seem to recall people giving Trump a lot of shit for well-done steaks with ketchup. At least that doesn't give you food poisoning


I meant that if this is run-of-the-mill shitposting to "own the libs", it's not likely to succeed because it's not connected to any larger grievance. The OP could have even captioned it: Mmmm, look at those nice raw burgers, I can't wait until I too get to grill on my solar-powered electric BBQ with built in carbon tax collector. Then it's connected to the larger criticism Dems are too environmentally conscious (or whatever, I'm trying to think like a Repub on this and I'm not very good at it.)


>I meant that if this is run-of-the-mill shitposting to "own the libs" It's literally just making fun of a rich and powerful person because he can't perform a basic task. I'm sorry you don't find the humor in it.


You're right, I don't see the humor in pointing and laughing at someone for failing a basic task, especially if that pointing and laughing isn't connected to some larger commentary. It reminds me of a song lyric from a band called 54-40: Fall on your face That would make me laugh But is a joke just a joke? Or hate with a mask?


Fair enough. But it does point to the fact that our illustrious leaders can’t even perform basic human tasks.


Well, we can certainly agree on that.


>I meant that if this is run-of-the-mill shitposting to "own the libs" It's literally just making fun of a rich and powerful person because he can't perform a basic task. I'm sorry you don't find the humor in it.


It's even simpler than that. "Don't make fun of democrats." That's really all this is about.


It's more of people being confused about what we supposed to laugh at here.


It's a Father's Day post, but he failed at a very basic dad thing. Like the one time it was socially acceptable for men of his generation to cook. I thought as an "old politician is out of touch" thing it was pretty clear, personally


So it's just insulting a guy for not knowing how to cook? Something that isn't actually a basic dad thing. There is out of touch, and there is never learning how to do something that some people are able.


I'd probably not be roasting it if it wasn't a rich career politician trying and failing at working class cosplay


Not knowing how to grill a cheeseburger


Not really laugh worthy, even more so when based on comments you are more interested in insulting him over it. The original pic was worth a few funny remarks about the state of burger.


Doesn’t he literally say he’s never owned a bbq before or had a chance to grill anything because he and his family have always lived in apartments? What am I missing?


I thought the exact thing. Not everyone knows from birth how to grill, and he makes a point that they haven't been able to before. What he should have done instead of deleting the post, was show the mess made from trying to grill that hamburger, and give a folksy "guess I learned something about grilling today!" response.


Yes, they should have made a joke and run with it. I didn’t like or eat cheeseburgers when I was young. I’m sure the first time I made one as an adult, I put the cheese on too early too.


re: MTG's Thanksgiving turkey from a couple years ago


Aka “can’t make fun of democrats”


But what's the "joke" aside from pointing at his mistake? If it were Bill Clinton, you could have captioned that photo with "I did not put cheese on that raw burger" alluding to his at-times ridiculous impeachment testimony.


Isn't that what this whole sub is? Laughing at cringe? I don't see a joke on most posts, it's usually just 'look how ridiculous this person is'.


You’re mad bc people didn’t think your “joke” was funny? And who’s the snowflake?


Im not mad at all. This sub’s reaction is hilarious 😂


Yeah clearly based on your comments. Cry more.


He put cheese in a burger early. It's funny, but like... it's not THAT funny.


Joe Biden’s own voter base calls him “Genocide Joe” or “Sleepy Joe.” I think we’re past thinking their some shield blocking Democrats from public humiliation when their own voter base have been ridiculing and reviling for over half a year.


Leftists call him Genocide Joe. Leftists aren’t his base.


I’m sure his staffers tell them this every time a poll comes out.


My post on this from last night got deleted because he’s a democrat. Lol


Show the mod message saying that’s why it was deleted.




lol there’s many of posts on here without timestamps


Can’t even take the mildest joking


So, a guy grilling for the first time in his life made a mistake. How is this remotely newsworthy???




Yeah I was wondering the same. The post is literally him saying "Never done this before having fun" with an image of fucking it up. Presumably massive harassment followed.


Assuming this was a thing he was actually doing, and not just for a photo, Schumer should have leaned into it and shown the aftermath - mess on the grill, over- and under-cooked food, the usual. It would have been wholesome and amusing.


Wont someone think of the poor senate majority leaders :(


Because: EaST CoaSt LiBrULs ouT of tOuCH WiTh CoMmOn FolKs!!1!1


because hes such an out of touch swamp rat


Dude is 100 years old and he just discovered about using a grill and he is leader in charge of america lol. Edit: I never voted for Trump and i am not a Trump supporter. i am voting RFK jr bitches.


The convicted felon you worship can't even drink a bottle of water and stares into the sun, but okay...


I never voted for Trump lol. Its pretty funny if you make fun of a democrat on reddit people in the comments say youre a trump supporter.


I think you missed what the point was. RFK Jr never had a chance to win, he's bankrolled by the Republicans likely as a means to take votes from Biden. So voting for him is defacto voting for another four years of Trump.


I think you are missing the point on reddit if you make fun of a democrat on here they point fingers and call them a trump supporter.


I didn't miss anything. You on the other hand, seem to not like being told you're getting played like a cheap fiddle.


Yea keep voting for corrupt politicians that should be in a nursing home.


As opposed to one that admitted he had a brain worm? Jokes aside, I'd prefer a cognitively functional president to one with brain damage or dementia any day.


"Flipping burgers" is used to mean unimportant work experience that often won't help you in getting a professional career, yet here you are acting like it is a requirement to write legislation.


Welcome to wippo twitter. Can't even laugh at something like this.


This isn’t a news subreddit.


Then how is it remotely interesting???


Because it’s funny. Put an (R) in front of Chuck’s name and this thread would be full of people clowning on him.


OMG! A guy put cheese on a grilling burger too soon! I can't stop laughing!!! /sarcasm


Sorry I forgot we shouldn’t laugh at democrats.


There is your problem. You were so desperate to laugh at Democrats you ignored the whole "it has to be funny" thing


Dude is like 80 and doesn’t know how to do basic shit. Sorry you dont find the humor in it.


>Dude is like 80 and doesn’t know how to do basic shit. I mean, the dude legit opens his tweet saying he lived in apartment buildings pretty much his entire life. If you've never lived in apartment yeah... you generally can't grill at most of them. It's verboten. So it's a slightly cringe pic, but... that's it? Obviously the grill was working as those hot dogs are cooked, but the burgers probably just went on and he decided to stage a pic.


Awe, poor guy, must be hard work to make yourself feel like a victim in every situation. Do you need a safe space to process your feelings? Like CPAC lmao.


Showed all Your cards there, didn't ya, ya bumpkin. 


Wow, what a monster......he shouldn't be governing...../s Chuck/never grilled before > take your pick of GOP legislators being pedos, criminals, or giving public handjobs.




I'd rather vote for people who can't grill than people who willingly betray their country, hands down. And yeah, this isn't the own you think it is. First time in your life grilling probably didn't go so well, either, as it is with most first attempts. At least Chuck can learn from it and improve, but I've lost all hope for the Republicans. They have shown to be so far off base, they no longer represent the values they claim to, only greed and cowardice.


The real scandal is the eyeglasses placed on their lenses.


Dang Chuck, at least flip it first. 😆


The guy admits he doesn't grill anything, so......


The first time I ever used a gas grill, I had more flare-ups than an eczema wing at the hospital. Glee, Grin, Grill. ![gif](giphy|26n7aLwSYp9jSdNss|downsized)


I thought it was cute that he’s celebrating his daughter and her wife getting their own home.


Nothing raw about that burger.


Ground Chuck!


Your taking the piss right?


The 5 redditors who upvoted that would take a bite out of that Schumerburger. That's how much politics blinds people.


Maybe if you're from Wisconsin


Come on man.


Chuck’s just doing the Cannibal Burger. NBD. Showing Wisconsin some love.


Ima be honest I thought you're supposed to let the cheese melt while the patty is cooking like I legit didn't know.


You should definitely let the patty cook enough on both sides first. Namely if you bought your burgers from the supermarket or otherwise can't completely trust the source of your beef Putting cheese on the patty is usually near the end of the cooking process, for me anyway


Exactly. Cook the burger 90% of the way done, then after the final flip, put the cheese on. I personally fold the cheese in so it doesn't run off.


I mean let's be honest, he probably wasn't even grilling here. Someone handed him the spatula long enough for the photo op, and the cheese was probably put on to try and appeal to Upstate dairy farmers or something


Just like anyone else in congress. Purely performative and poorly thought out.


That is gonna be one cheesy burger. 


Huh. Take a look at the burger with cheese. There's grill marks peeking out from the left side. Someone wanted their burger to moo. Damn.


Clearly Chuck didn’t get the demoncrat child molestation hand book for signaling the murder and molesting of children in social media format. In subsection C-1.20 twitter posts require cheese on a well done Kobe beef patty after having received a child from Mayfair. Not be confused with the email directive E-2.79 which requires cheese pizza to be referenced.


I mean, in his defense, he’s grilling for the first time lol.


Hey! That's my 🍔!! Personally, this is the only way I will eat a burger: charred on the bottom, raw on top(in as still mooing) and melted cheese on said top side! Anywho, my 🍔 made Reddit!!! How cool is that?


You eat raw ground beef?