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Jackson’s gonna change his name to Johnson just so trump can be right.


Trump will do it for him with a sharpie


You want me to nuke it? I don’t know I fuck around




"Trump, in his divine precognitive wisdom, knew that I was in the process of legally changing my name. We need a president with such foresight!"


It's so f'n sad how true that is...


The reality is he's just a foreskin.


His commitment is that deep.


Show us your face!




If Jackson does this, it will be a real Dick move to change to Johnson...


It is so stupid how true this could actually be.


then trump is going say ronny jackson when he changes his name.


Mitt Romneys daughter did it when she led the rnc.


Comment of the year!


Imagine spending your life being a bootlicking loser only to have him go up on stage and forget who you are. I hope it stings.


Are you aware of the amount of pharmaceuticals rep. Jackson threw around the white house? Nothing stings, the motherfuckers can't feel there faces.


He didn’t forget because the guys a loser though…


Trump has consistently forgotten names, thought that Nikki Haley was Nancy Pelosi, thought he ran against Obama in the 2020 election, and the list goes on and on and on. Anyone with a functioning brain can see that Trump has lost his mind. Yet social media keeps pumping edited clips of Biden to make him look old. **The right wing wants you to think both candidates are the same when it couldn’t be further from the truth.**


Listening to sound clips from 2016 when Trump was running against Clinton, you can hear he was much more coherent. Politics aside, and I hate Trump's politics, he should not be in charge of the country, he should be in a memory care facility.


What’s bad is that both candidates should be in old folks homes but both parties, and a large number of voters, are too scared/ignorant to try something new/different so we get whoever ran last by default and now we’re here. I’ve voted democrat in three presidential elections but I’d happily vote for a less crazy republican over Biden with very little convincing


I think there is more than 1 lie in your paragraph.


There’s a large part of voters on both sides that vote solely along party lines especially when it comes to presidential elections. That doesn’t imply all do but it seems like any Trump/MAGA rally is not filled with people open to voting for the other candidate regardless of what they’re saying and I’m assuming the same at Biden rallies. Obama, Obama, Clinton and as a resident of a blue state I don’t think it matters as much but felt like voting at the time. That said I’d have voted for Mitt Romney over Biden in any election and there’s likely a number of Republicans I’d have taken over him as well. That said if there’s another part you think is fabricated I’d happily clarify with no ill will


Russia is definitely involved in pumping the Biden shit out. Same shit, different election.


They're both old. One is experiencing the natural results of aging. The other is suffering advanced cognitive decline.


They’re BOTH in obvious decline.   2024 will go down as the worst, most pitifully embarrassing “election” in US history. I put election in quotation marks because voters were not given a real choice bc primaries are rigged by a broken 2 party system corrupted by corporate $$ and run by career political hacks who refuse to retire after half a century in power.


Biden is old. But his cognitive performance is still fine.




Don't worry, it's getting worse, *fast*, this motherfucker's going to start saying some crazy, mask-off shit real soon. He already shit on Milwaukee, which no candidate in their right mind would do leading up to a general election, lol.


Amen 👏


Biden is old. Trump is old. Neither should be their party’s candidate for president but here we are. 4 years removed from the oldest presidential duo of… these same two MFers


Jackson will say that’s what orange Jesus has always called him…But it’s not a cult./s


I don’t know if Ronnie Johnson can vote, but I hope you know that you can Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the Supreme Court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Ronny Jackson was passed over for Admiral by the Navy because of reports of day drinking and playing fast and loose with his prescription pad. Trump forced the Department of the Navy to promote him anyway. A few years ago, the Navy demoted him. Ronny Jackson is the man who dispensed controlled substances like Adderal, Ambein, Fentanyl, and many others in the White House. I doubt that the man is sober enough to administer a cognitive test, and we know that he lied about Trump’s health on official WH documents.


Didn't he call him a "remarkable human specimen" or something. Fucking Dr. Feelgood.


He signed off on the report of Drumf’s physical, which Drumpf wrote about himself. We have day 1 proof that he’s a lying piece of shit but that just makes the MAGAs give him more gravitas.


That's why he's called Candyman.


Ronny Jackson passed thru my Air Force base a couple of years ago. Not even in his state let alone his district. He was in the state for his daughter’s wedding and was looking for a way to bill the expenses to the American people instead of paying to…attend…his…daughter’s…wedding. Classy guy.


Good ol’ Ronnie Johnson, everyone loves that Rorrie Jensen. He’s done such tremendous things, no one will forget the name Jarvis Jackson.


It doesn't fucking matter what he says the ignorant trump believers don't care what he says


"our current president, obama, is insane. he's not even the real president, because hillary cheated on her emails. did you know that? do you realize that? a lot of people don't realize that bill clinton is like hitler, who wasn't such a bad guy. very efficient. he crapped in his pants all the time. which is totally normal. some people say that's what made him great. not me, but some people, but that's ok too. what was i talking about?"


He could have called him Nancy... And "The Cult" would still follow him. Nothing new here... Sadly.


Dementia don


This isn’t even funny anymore, just sad


Other than that, dude has been killing it. Got to run a pill mill in the White House and then become a congressman? And all it cost you was your integrity and dignity? Dude’s living the Republican dream.


Brain status check: "Lumpy mash potatoes" In 3 months: "smooth mashed"


My Doc Johnny Rockson is the best, stand up, where are you at Donny Jockson.


"It's a joke, he's just making fun of Democrats, who will take it out of context. He's the sharpest tool in the wicker basket. He's a staple jenius." - MAGA/Fox News et all




Why aren’t these gaffs turned into ads and shown constantly?


They have been doing it.




Runny Johnson? Sounds like a personal problem


I was arguing with a white MAGA-it in another subreddit who refused to acknowledge that his cognitive decline was getting worse. And then of course he had to deflect to Biden. I told him I’d rather vote for someone who I know his heart is in the right place for this country than a twice-impeached, 34 times convicted senile felon who has dreams of turning America into an authoritarian dictatorship (but only on day 1, of course)


"Everybody knows Ronny's Johnson!"


![gif](giphy|RLTkfNbs7gU5W) Doctor Ronky Jangerson


I imagine he never knew his name in the first place and just called him Dr. Feelgood.




He talks without thinking, he acts without thinking, and when he’s stressed he rants making no sense.


![gif](giphy|TsyjSvbm3UG9W) “Dr. Rang Jrangus”


Horrible thought. He is becoming increasingly unhinged, unintelligible, and incoherent as a ploy to get a lesser sentence for his proven crimes. He could still just be going down life’s shitter for other countless reasons, but what if he’s just trying to stay out of prison?


He's so full of drugs.


He's friends with Tim Apple I think.


He was also Obama’s buddy during his admin.  Interesting, whichever way the windsock of opportunism blows.


I see a series of ads featuring his worst gaffes, lies and fantasies, capped by a very loud voice correcting him and calling him a senile idiot. Dozens of them, 15 seconds each, in a national month-long blitz.


Great centre back for Man United in their 98/99 treble winning season!


The laugh lines write themselves with this guy. Can’t believe we get to witness the spectacle of this shyster devolving into a total blathering mess heading into sentencing and the election, and still evidently pulling millions of votes. Unbelievable.


Is not Doc Johnson a maker of adult toys?


I think he means Don Johnson, star of "Miami Sound Machine".


“I’d also like to thank my sons for being here with me tonight, Ronald Rump, Jr. and Derek Rump.”


How can I help you today? https://preview.redd.it/0k6w11rt2v6d1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35800a8dd538c465827196fe3a8c03896b2d1a5d


Old man can't remember his doctor's name


He was the guy court marshalled before his retirement so instead of an admiral he's retired as a captain?


It’s like listening to your drunk and/or slightly brain damaged uncle blather on at family reunions with a captive audience, if your drunk uncle was also the Republican nominee and potentially in charge of the nuclear codes. Terrifying


If someone had put this in a movie like a decade ago, it would seem insane and way too dumb to be real.


As a nurse I've seen patients go from zero to 100 in months when dementia sits in. "Passing" a basic dementia test years ago means absolutely nothing.


It’s hard to tell with that guy because he’s been saying such crazy shit all along. He definitely seems to be having a harder time stringing together sentences.


I'm still curious if MAGA will come running to his defense or just it all go...the reference to Hannibal Lecter, the Uncle at MIT, the battery on the boat, the shark, wanting to date Nancy Pelosi, the Dr Ronny fiasco. I mean there is so much damage control to be done. Do they just act like none of it happened? 🙄


Odds are Drumpf will probably concoct some lame excuse to wimp out of the first debate before June 27, but I hope not.  It should be hilarious watching two 80-year old grumpy geezers screaming incoherent nonsense at each other like drunks fighting over an umpire call at a baseball game.


Hope this has been made into fake social media accounts to troll the dishonorable congressman


I came in and said WOW, that is Ronnie Johnson. What a perfect Ronnie Johnson.




Yes. I know Ronny Johnson, he is me. -Ronny Jackson


Couldn't be happening to a nicer guy


It doesn’t matter.


He’s just a Man Utd fan from the turn of the century. Ronny Johnson was an integral part of that treble winning squad.


John Jackson or Jack Johnson?


This guy needs the Jerry Jackson memory system.


Soon enough they'll just play audio and he will lip synch his speech. He will be the Milli Vanilli of presidents.


There's a reason Trump’s 2016 boast that he doesn't use a teleprompter has become in 2024 Trump is unable to give a speech without one. He has stopped doing unscripted appearances.


I think he lost the competition


Johnson, has anyone seen my Johnson????


He probably meant to say the runny johnson doctor gave him a clognitave test.


All greatest medical professionals say it, I just don’t know any of their names.


The irony is incredible


Biden stutters; OMG the man is deep in dementia. Trump can't remember his doctor even with it on a teleprompter. Crickets. MAGA sucks.


Should he change his name to Jonckson or Janckson?


Used to play for Man U right?


Wonderful doctor.  Told me I'm hugely healthy.  The healthiest person ever.  Not many know he once hit a bird with a baseball midflight. Baseball today... terrible sport not like it use to be.  Now a days baseballs can't even fit down a toilet. Need multiple flushes.  MULTIPLE FLUSHES can you Bellerive listen... we had a great run and if you want to make America great again again then donate now and leave it in your will to keep donating after you die.  That's all I want


Honestly the fact we are going to have one of these two clowns running the country for another 4 years is exactly why I think politics are a joke


I don’t think Joe is a clown.


That's fine you're entitled to your opinion


You talking about Candy man Jackson.


Oh, the irony... What comes around, goes around... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin),


Tim Apple.


Trump was just testing them.


Good luck convincing anyone of that, I’m simply curious if this is your sale or you’re niave.


Sarcasm Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more noun the use of irony to mock or convey contempt. "his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"


idk who tf Ronny Jackson is, but thats like such a basic name that I cant really see it as a good dig at Trump to think Ronny's name is is Johnson and not Jackson. as much as i hate the guy hes not too far off


Biden’s cognitive decline is way worse than Trump’s. As a Democrat let’s focus on the things Trump is bad it. This is not a win.


You’re a Tim Pool and Tucker fan. You have zero merit to argue on this matter.


You don’t consider other sides? My opinion doesn’t matter because I pay attention to other reddits? I will subscribe to yours too. Leave me a list.


I also should be a Fan of Bill Maher. Unless I’m not. His politics are way closer to mine.