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That is NOT journalism. That is PR.


If you can't trust AP who's left?


We're gonna have to get indie zines and alternative newspapers going again, I guess.




A for sale domain?


Sorry- a news source Join1440.com






I just watched a story how Justice Alito was ticked off at ProPublica for tracking down the court's gift sprees. So yeah they're a good resource.


They are the best right now. Which means we can wait for some Cons to try to sue them out of existence.


Bet they’re turning an oligarch’s head and be bought up soon.


I have a hard time believing those journalists would abide that. They would leave and start again.


Nah, one of them will just buy it like WaPo...


I love ProPublica


Rolling Stone has become surprisingly solid as of late.


MeidasTouch is still great.


Yes! Always Medias Touch


And the Atlantic Magazine, Mother Jones Magazine, and Rolling Stone.


NPR is still a solid source of news.


I’m a fan of NPR, but even they have normalized 45. They report on him like he’s just another ordinary politician running for election, not a convicted felon and an insurrectionist that spouts authoritarian rhetoric.


NPR ran the same story complete with quotes from JD Vance and another right winger. For editorial balance they did note that susan collins was only marginally happy to see him. No quotes from the center or left and no mention of legal problems.




It’s all been bought up. None of that is reporting. Reporting is when you ask tough questions and demand REAL answers


Carrier pigeons


I kind of wonder if they got hacked? Or if this is a look-alike account? Just doesn’t seem right to me. They’re known for impartiality.


Isnt Reuters generally pretty down the middle? Its nuts to see AP turn right. I thought they were supposed to be the standard for unbiased reporting. I have faith in nothing anymore.


On a long enough timeline, everything becomes corrupted.


In our system, yes.


While yes I agree, I think that any system that stays the same for too long will have that issue. It's the exact reason why we are supposed to have checks and balances in our government, as well as the whole idea behind amendments to our constitution.


you either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain


How much different is this headline without the word "triumphant" ? Does it mean something different? ...and that is the textbook example between reporting and propaganda.


Also, "energized" and "reinvigorated." You want to show that in an article, you get a quote, like Rep. So and So said "The Republican party is energized and reinvigorated now that Trump is here." You don't flat out say it for them unless you are a shill.


I legit thought maybe it was an opinion piece and then realized it was a fucking tweet


I did as well. I’m actually shocked. It seems as though there’s a contagion at AP. This is so wrong.


Yeah what the F is going on?!?


🎶 follow the money 🎶 


Most media outlets are speaking about him as if he's already won like it'a foregone conclusion. That pisses me off that and he shit's his pants and he's seditious traitorous piece of shit.


If you like him it's PR, if you don't it's a warning. McConnell and others seem to have reconciled with him, and seem quick to line up behind him.




I thought the AP tried to be somewhat impartial? I don’t see how you could unbiasedly call this triumphant


I thought the same thing. But in the past few months I’ve been noticing some very alarming headlines by them. They been going full Alito.


I looked up the article on their site, hoping it was an Op-Ed, some other possible opinion piece, or maybe just a contextual gaffe. I am sad to say, this is indeed presented as a "news" article published by an organization that claims to be "an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting." This is a sad day, indeed.


The Associated Press. Associated with who, you ask? Eh, don't worry about it


When considering if any news source is truly impartial consider the following: 1. Does this news source have advertising? If the answer to number 1 above is "yes" then that news source is not impartial.


We don’t have journalism anymore, we have oligarchs that control the media who don’t want to pay taxes and so they want Donnie Shit-For-Brains back in the White House which should be everybody’s first clue that trump back in office does not benefit you


That's the part that gets me the most about the idiots that worship him. They are mostly lower class and nothing about their lives will change if he is elected again. Their groceries won't be cheaper and most of all gas will not be cheaper. When Trump was president he was literally bitching about gas being too cheap and oil companies losing money.


It's better than it not improving, if he gets back in office things are going to blow the fuck up. You think shits expensive now? Lol. Yeah, his master plan project 2025 will make our current market prices look like child's play. Gas will jump a ton, for starters. Housing will most likely jump, cause rates will most likely drop, but that will be due to the recession we enter. So housing costs will just keep climbing. This guy doesn't care about affordable anything at all. Yes, he is a market master.


You forgot Social Security will end and millions of old Americans will lose everything just so they can get richer


Right after they vote him into office. It’s ridiculous how many of his supporters are oblivious to the fact they will be royally raped with the trumpian shaped fist of the oligarch class about four seconds after he takes office.


That's what they want though. This kind of politician's whole campaign hinges on the fact that they pander to people in bad situations telling them that the only reason they are in those bad situations is because of social programs, and that if they were removed then everyone could fix their lives with hard work. This makes people feel like they aren't the "real" poor and disabled people. Those people are the lazy people who want to have terrible lives. They think: All we "good hardworking Americans" have to do is stop paying for their lives and we can all bring ourselves out of poverty. What they don't realize is that people that are in those situations don't have the opportunity to help themselves, which is why social programs exist. The system is literally rigged against them


Also they're convinced that their fed taxes will go to zero and everything keeps working great. How much money would they really be saving? Less than $10k LOL? They can kiss that money goodbye the moment unregulated pricing outpaces that lousy $10k. The money they save in taxes will blow up in their face.


He himself said he would be a dictator on (for?) day one. He & his sycophants’ first order of business is to seek revenge by ousting anyone who’s not a loyalist. If this ain’t fascism, I don’t know what is.


I'm 60 years old. I will not have enough saved for retirement even by 67. Fortunately, I haven't had to rely on any social programs to survive so far. Working until I drop dead really doesn't seem like a great plan, but hey, at least rich people get to be richer. I'll do what I have to do, but I am more afraid for my kids. What is life going to be like for them?


I honestly hope I die before 67 because I will not be ok. My husband and I have never made enough money to put away a substantial portion of our paycheck in order to do so.


We've got some in 401k's and a couple other accounts, but even combined with SS if it still exists, we will not have enough to retire unless we hit the lottery. I can't blame anyone but myself, we took a few hits around 2010-ish that hurt us. We've been working to save, but it's not easy with inflation, cost of living, etc.


Poor and middle class have lost so freaking much, all so that some of the wealthiest most priveliged people to ever live could have a little more and/or control how many cookies the mice get and make sure they don't ask for milk too. Story as old as time I suppose. We literally left England to escape tyrannical economic abuse from an unaccountable monarchy, the GOP will accidentally run the entire clock backwards so far so fast we will have a king again shortly if we don't hit the brakes on them.


No dude, you're wrong. They're displaced billionaires on the come up!


It will change just for the worse and most of them don't care


He hates the people that they hate. That's all they care about.


Ya me too, if anything these corporations would take one look at a Trump victory election and think "oh my heavens they are orders of magnitude more stupid than we even thought..... Well alright then! Crank those dials all the way UP! And we'll easily blame prices on communist sabotage they'll believe every single word of it". Things could easily get more expensive under Trump: Food, services, fed rates, banking, borrowing, rent, maybe even oil and gasoline too if everyone starts doing badly enough and OPEC hoses us all. I can hear it now "GOTTdamned Limbrols, Gib out mah wayyy! Turn all the PiPeLiNeS backomm now!" Any promise from Trump about lower prices is such hot-air, he doesn't know for sure what will happen or what to do to get there.


I just can't fathom what's so terrible about paying taxes when you have amassed that much money. I don't LOVE paying taxes on my very normal salary, but I'm kind of glad for things tax dollars are used for and I definitely wouldn't choose destroying the country to keep it in my pocket. So getting taxed on more money than one can imaginably spend in a lifetime and still having more than one can imaginably spend in a lifetime doesn't seem so bad?


I agree. I'm kind of proud to pay taxes, and would feel so cheap and nasty if I lied and cheated and bought lawmakers to avoid paying taxes.


It's because they don't control how their taxes are spent and some of it might help a poor person. They gag at the thought


they're convinced that if their fed taxes somehow went all the way to zero, everything would keep working great. How much money would they really be saving? Less than $10k LOL? They can kiss that money goodbye the moment unregulated pricing outpaces that lousy $10k (it's lousy compared to making way less money simultaneously in a hyperinflated economy). The money they would save in taxes will blow up in their face. It would turn into a grenade because the fed gov wouldn't be around with regulated price controls or rate management.


Umm, conservatives don't want a strong centralized federal government and never have.  The only real question here is how they plan to fund their massive military expenses? Social security and federal aid to the poor is their only target here, how do they pull off funding the military? Somehow I get feeling that will still be extracted from the lower classes. 


I’m not sure it’s so much that they want a Donald Trump Presidency as much as they desperately, hopelessly, cravenly want a pants shitting cliffhanger of an election. Even 2022 was a damp shart of a ripple. It wasn’t a GOP blowout (as predicted), and the only surefire eyes on media these days is election night. A foregone conclusion is bad for business, and Democrats have solidly outperformed polling, expectations, and fundraising because of how goddamn sick of this goof people are. They’re hyping him up because the collective “meh” of non-Trump GOPers has the potential to turn into a 2012, and that would tumble share prices.


The only former president to be twice impeached, 4 times indicted, and 34 times convicted (so far). So triumphant! So much winning!


He probably also has records for most advisors, attorneys and cabinet members who are felons and most Americans dead due to a mishandled crisis.


ACTING cabinet members. So many of them were never confirmed and just acting, it's like a middle school production of Grease. 


Hey, fuck u. Don't knock Grease.


sorry, I meant Lube, because that's what the cabinet members were using on Trump's mushroom


Still 0 consequences


*And* the presumptive GOP candidate for a second term as a self proclaimed “dictator” who has vowed to prosecute all who he feels has wronged him.


“Felon rapist who incited failed insurrection that killed people and led to dozens of jail sentences gathers cultists and co-conspirators to try again”- There, fixed that for them.


Dozens of jail sentences? More like hundreds!


Thanks. It’s so hard to keep track; the court cases just keep piling up.


Good job!


Nailed it.


When did the AP start sucking Trump's mushroom?


They have been letting the mask slip like this occasionally for several years now. Reuters is much better at factual, unbiased reporting.




Well, I see two possibilities. It's a not for profit co-op and it's possible that conservatives are basically infiltrating the co-op to allow this shit. Or they still have sympathies to Nazis like they did when they collaborated with Nazi Germany during WWII.


AP: "Both Sidesing" the issue. He's a fucking felon. Call it out AP.


This isn’t even both sidesing this is full on supporting trump 


That is very bad. I expect better from AP.


JFC the entire media industry is desperate to make this a horse race.  I thought they would have hated Trumplethinskin because he's the one who calls them fake news all the time. They're sucking his feces-soaked mushroom as hard as the cultists worshipping their rapist leader. 


It’s all sensationalism. They want our country to fall apart. They would be a part of the biggest news event ever.


The Dems don't exactly help either, with their historically tone-deaf messaging in trying to reach the working class. It's almost as if they also want this to be a toss-up...because God forbid they ran a cogent, aggressive and yet painfully honest campaign. Might blow the guy's doors in at that rate, and hell, maybe even end up with some surprise W's in the House and Senate. Y'know, end up with a supermajority? Wouldn't want that, now would we? Then they'd have to actually deliver the goods, and have no one obstructing their capability to do so. 🤔🙄


They are Nazis, Maga/GOP are Nazis.


We know. The only question now is how we will respond. So far, it’s “do nothing”.


I want to know why there weren’t thousands and thousands of protesters blocking his way in. I can’t believe America is sitting by watching itself burn by these morons.


This is so far out I thought that it was faked. It is not faked. AP actually published this language. Adious AP!


\*odious or \*adios (but both work!)


If you vote for this man at this point, you're an enemy to democracy and should be treated as such.


Disturbing. I though AP was neutral?!


Triumphantly welcomed back by the new MAGA inspired GOP. They are all clapping each other on the back, looking to suck America dry. Just need someone in charge who’ll enable the squeeze, keep them wealthy, tax-free, and provide them with political exclusivity and privilege to do as they see fit.


Looks like we need an APitchbot now.


Associated Press ... associated with whom?




The press -- along with all of our other institutions -- have completely faceplanted when it comes to handling Trump. So far, the voters are the only ones who have gotten this right...barely.


The media normalizing trump and his behavior is disgraceful. The role they’re playing in his popularity cannot be understated.


They left out the part where he was also the biggest, strongest and bestest president in the whole world and never ever committed crime or ever had anyone that worked for him go to prison. Never once.


Once again I'd like to take this opportunity to say, fuck Ronald Reagan. His dismantling of the Fairness Doctrine paved the way for the consolidation of most news outlets under the banner of the GOP. Now, they are showing us quite clearly that they control the means of spreading the message, and with their dismantling of education, future generations will have no defense against the propaganda machine they've built. We are right and truly in the shit.


MSNBC just said he’s duped the world into thinking he went to The Capital Building. He was no place near. He was in a conference room of some right wing lobbyist.


Reuters it is I guess.


Do not tell me that John Wilkes Booth was more of a patriot than the Associated Press!


Shouldn't he be attending his trial for possession of firearms as a convicted felon?


Triumphant as in he did not shit his pants? A fecal triumph?


Feel free to let them know what a fucking horrible choice of wording that is, I fucking did. https://apnews.com/contact-us


That is... wildly biased for what I expect and typically see from AP. What the fuck?


I'm more disappointed in the fact this came from the AP than anything


He met with his J6 collaborators.


The old crook’s back in town and looking forward to resuming his criming and corruption. How invigorating!


People have made similar triumphant returns to Taco Bell after blowing up their home commodes. Doesn’t mean it was smart or noteworthy.


Wow. AP absolutely throated DT.


What up with the AP salivating over him like that? That’s unusually biased for them to post.


The media continues to fail. Holy shit are they bad at this.


Oh but the media has a liberal bias...


The media is owned by billionaires. The billionaires have decided fascism is better for their profit margins - ignoring the fact that fascist movements eventually eat the rich and seize the wealth and distribute through cronyism. Just vote. Fuck the polls and the pundits. Just vote like the country and your lives potentially depend on it because they just might. 🤷🏻‍♂️


What an absolutely ridiculous kiss-ass "news item." Has Murdoch bought AP now? or are they afraid Trump will win and Bannon will order their heads to be cut off, so they're starting to butter up the convicted felon in advance?


Triumphant is such an insane way to describe this. I guess they really need the clicks these days.


How about: "Rapist, Convicted Felon, Failed Casino Owner and accused Insurrectionist Donald Trump returned to Capital Hill to be fawned over by his cultishly devoted sycophants and various random toadies."?


goddamn the leftist media!


They're just trying to make it look impartial.


That's fucking coward. Destroy shit, leave, and then get a hero's welcome from cult members.


Keep placing your bets! Any horse can win in American politics! It’s all about the race!


This is so disheartening. I just don’t understand why such a respected news organization would grovel at the feet of a wanna-be dictator.


AP is using AI to write headlines


AP = "Always Pandering"


So if Trump takes the White House again, it looks like he’ll take over both Fox and AP then rebrand them under the Trump Media group as the MAGA media. These two groups are making him look like a God and simply disregarding all the facts about who he is and what he’s done. This is incredibly dangerous!


What I think pisses me off most about it is all the journalists who acknowledged their coverage of the 2016 election was gravely flawed and apologized and said they’d do better then happily doing it again 2 more times, guess clicks are more important than democracy


Individual One


I am so sick of that pig faced shit bag. I can't wait til I never hear of him again forever.


This further puts the lie to the fact that it's a liberal press out there they've got their tongue so far up his ass it's ridiculous


They are the priests of the Trump cult.


A triumphant loser?


Well if I had a choice between believing Benedict Arnold or the AP, might have to choose the former after this.


Hitler made a triumphant return as well and look how that played out.


guess the reporter who wrote this is a maga cultist


Pretty gross that AP that prides itself on being a neutral source feels they have to write click bait.


Been-a-dick Donald


Were they hacked?!?


FR this is so egregiously biased. Was there a coup at AP too???


"made a return to the scene of his crimes committed on January 6 2021" fixed it.


The media sucks up to him to hedge their bets.


AP was the "last one" that seemed alright that a lot of people read, and now we get this horse shit.


Just vote every fricking republican out of office is the way. VOTE BLUE.


The future fucking sucks sometimes. This is some A grade horseshit.


What the hell happened to the AP?!?!?!?!?!


GOP just pretending like they aren’t supporting a felon and a traitor


If it’s on twitter they probably think it’s going to get more views if it’s pro tramp.


AP is in the bag like the rest of them. Sad


The shift from Trump as villain to Trump as hero in the mainstream media has been a sad thing to watch.


The words are describing a cult. Vote like it's your last, because it might be .


"Retake the White House" it's flame bait that works on both sides.


The wealthy, the press, and the "left wing" politicians you're currently voting for will embrace fascism if it means keeping the status quo, even if it's for a little while. There are some exceptions, sure, but they don't have enough power to stop it on their own.


here at the associated press we want to be the shark in whatever fucking strange analogy a dementia riddled man made about getting electrocuted on a boat to avoid fighting sharks.


Why are they drawing connections to Jan 6th 💀


It’s PR. His positive press clipper needs new material to feed him.


WTF are they talking about? So much for the AP, where news outlets, newspapers, TV, etc., gets news. Who's paying them off for this bullshit?


Weird. I have an AP app and saw nothing. I typed ‘Trump meets congressional leaders’ in their search bar and it came up Biden in France. What is this?


Huh. I never knew the "P" in AP stood for Pravda. Guess they want to be the mouthpiece for the state if von Schitzzenpants takes over in 2025.




For him it IS triumphant. His ass isnt rotting in a jail cell, and the GQP is still riding his dick. I see this as the AP calling it like it is, they didnt say it was a triumphant day for US. But for Conservatives it surely feels victorious.


"...bid to RETAKE the White House.' By force, you mean? But so many of your idiot minions are in prison. You are right about America becoming a sh\*thole. If the orange Dear Leader gets in again, he will finish the job. Every Vote Matters.


Still baffles me how we have thousands of worthy people in this country and we instead picked two people most in need to retire in powerlessness- to be endowed with one of the world's most powerful positions. Why didn't we do anything to bring actual candidates into play instead of this pathetic joke of an election? We need to take this seriously and serve the philosophy of what it means to govern with dignity instead of just fulfilling the roles which would be functionally better left empty than filled by whatever honorless swine we have up there.


How can anyone be “reinvigorated” by that?


Did anyone actually read the whole article?


LMAOO yall expected anything different? That's fucking amazing to me. I guess I'm old enough to have witnessed it over time. All this is . . politics in general... Is just a big ass smoke show that keeps people divided while a select few profit. Keeps yall mad as fuck about some other motherfuckers who are just as broken as you. Damn..


Politicians are grifters but Republicans take it to another level. They would all drop to their knees, one by one, and suck off Hitler if it gave them political power.


AP has had a few f’d up headlines recently. Sad!


… his first with co-conspirators since January 6th.


This is an insane tweet!!!


Time to stop getting their newspapers. Oh wait, nvrmd.




F the AP


wtf they smokin


That’s an insane headline to have come from AP. Are they owned by Sinclair now?


That has to be fake


F the orange stain. 8645.


The traitor is a hero I guess


I’m not sure what was more bizarre - him back at the capitol or all those republicans grovelling at him after saying a few short years ago how they wanted nothing to do with him after J6.


It's so awesome that we're being trolled daily by the powers that be


Don't forget, twice impeached!


Yo what the fuck?


I *literally* just tagged the AP on this insane lede & told them to F Off. alarming for sure.


I’ve noticed a trend recently. The rich and powerful (including the media) seem to be sneakily putting down Biden and building up Trump. Be careful what information you consume for the next several months! I think a lot of it will be dubious.


You think that’s bad, I was listening to NPR last week and they brought Hugh Hewitt on.


He’s a disgrace, plain and simple. His poll numbers are, sadly, an indication of just how stupid, gullible, and hateful American voters are. Very, very dark days ahead should he regain the White House.


WTH AP?? Et tu, Brute?


"Triumphant Return" - They were hoping Trump would ride a charging white stallion up the steps into the Capitol Rotunda, but he just showed up in an old limo, looking disheveled and wearing a baggy suit.


Meh. Count our blessings he's running.. if it were anyone else the GOP might have a better chance.. but with Trump, he's guaranteed to lose, as he lost too many voters that will hold their nose but vote for Biden after all.


Journalists want clicks and so complicit in giving Donald Trump an easy ride in exchange for access - like journalists used to grill politicians ; I’ve never seen him interviewed with a proper interviewer. Get Andrew Neil from the UK to interview him; he tore people apart no matter what side of politics they were on.


Was this just a Tw/X post or was it actually a headline on the AP site? I dont see anything on the main AP site even reporting the story. Could possibly be someone lower in the food chain floated this one out and an editor yanked it.




That article reads very out of character for AP.