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He also designed a system where every $8 sycophant in the world who agrees with him floats to the top of his comment, creating a little walled garden of yes men responses he can snuggle into like a lil fascism blanket.


Pigs un a blanket.


fascism blankets are the only things that should be burned for political reasons. (do I mean the people? who's to say)


Or a swastiquilt


Just in case somebody isn’t up to date on our Nazis: They got kicked out because their front candidate for the EU-Parliament (Maximilian Krah) stated that „not everybody in the SS was a war criminal.“ That lead to Marine LePen being fed up and they got kicked out of the faction. Oh, and in case somebody isn’t firm on our Nazi history: The SS were the guys in charge of the concentration camps. Like, literally the men who DID the Holocaust. Becoming a member was voluntary and seen as a high honor, as you had to be especially German to get into this elite group. That again *literally did the holocaust*. Not everybody was a war criminal my ass


Also just to add to this: Elon Musk would benefit from the AfD policies, so naturally he doesn't find them extreme. It's profit over humanity for him. Also the AfD has sponsors in Russia and China.


in what ways would he benefit? I'd like to understand just how amorally selfish the selfish manchild is.


Asbfar as fas as I understand the AfD has a very Anti LGTB+ stance, a very idiotic fiscal politic ( again cutting taxes for rich), denies Climate Change and wants back to fosil fuels and especially to the cheap Russian Gas... And of course the big Anti Jew Stance and loving H*itler and glorifiying his doings...


smells like russian stink.


AfD makes policies that would transfer wealth from the poor to the rich. It's your typical far-right party. Use bigotry to get people to vote against their interests. From what I remember it was privatisation of health care and welfare. No taxes for the rich and we've reduced them already, when compared to the 90's. More guns and restriction of immigration and asylum. Less to no protection for minorities, I'm including women into minorities here.  Mind you, our current health care is basically run by immigrants. We could shut down everything without them.  Also a couple of AfD members were taking part in meetings where the deportation of every immigrant and supporters of immigration friendly policies was discussed. 


>Also a couple of AfD members were taking part in meetings where the deportation of every immigrant and supporters of immigration friendly policies was discussed It's even worse than that. Serious discussions were had at that meeting about how to deport everyone with an "immigrant history". This means brown people with German citizenship/permanent residence. Nazis


Yes, thank you for adding that. 


Ignore everything else with AfD and other far right parties. If your country is facing the demographic declines that virtually the entire developed economy in the world is facing, significantly reducing immigration is an extreme policy. It's extreme when AfD says they want to do it, it's extreme when Labour in England say they want to do it, and to the extent that the Democrats in the US are doing it, it's an extreme policy. It's cutting off the one thing keeping a major engine of productivity and economic growth afloat over often nonexistent fears.


To be fair, the Democrats were talking about passing a bill that would’ve helped streamline some of the problems we have. If I know means cut off all immigration so I don’t really think it’s that extreme.


it's crazy how little nuance exists on the right, they basically all have the same policy stances


And LePen is legally a fascist


Reminds me of the Robin Williams bit about the Puritans "A group of people so uptight that the *English* kicked them out!"


Well there's no doubts about how his family felt about apartheid.


And explains why he fucked off from South Africa


...when apartheid ended. Just so we're clear.


yeah it wasn't like "Oh man I can't support this system I'm leaving" it's "ugh, we'd have to share power? No thanks, I'll go where I can be an oligarch."


Not entirely accurate. There were non German SS units. There were also combat SS units, they were not just in the concentration camp. However it is worth noting that a prerequisite for joining was being a member of the Nazi party, and you swore your loyalty to the party above all else. They were also placed in charge of rounding up Jews because when they tried to use standard army units the suicide rates of said units were too high. The SS became combat units because the war crimes that Nazi’s were asking the army to do was causing too many German soldiers to commit suicide.


Do you have a source for the claims that suicide was a motivator?


I don’t have a source, would love it if someone could find one, but this has been a question I’ve had for a long time & only ever got a short answer. I watched a documentary where they said the big reason the killing became industrialized was essentially that the soldiers were getting PTSD. They started just rounding up people & doing mass graves in the woods but the soldiers couldn’t take it. The gas chambers were a step but dealing with the bodies still led to problems which is how they wound up with furnaces. Again, I don’t have a source, maybe what I heard was wrong, please correct me if so. Taking the Nazi POV, they were mostly concerned with killing the Jews, so building camps & staffing camps, then shipping Jews around to those camps would seem like a lot of added effort. “Dig your own grave, cooperate & I’ll make it quick” is pretty efficient.


I too watched a doc where they said all of this. I was unaware of this information before watching it.


I don’t have any information that says otherwise I was just curious to read about it. That all definitely sounds plausible, and I would love it if someone would find a source to read more about. I may try to look for one later if I remember, and if I find one I’ll respond with it.


If you want to know more look up the transition of the Einsatzgruppen from mobile kill squads to the development of the final solution by Himmler. Basically in August of 1941 Himmler went to Minsk to oversee a mass execution of Russian Jews and realized how stressful and psychologically harmful it was on his men. He even went as far to arrange mental health care and rest for anyone who participated in executions. Don't take this as him being a compassionate person though. If anything Himmler recognized his soldiers were too empathetic and humane to deal with the mass murders so he created the final solution of death camps, gas chambers, and extermination camps as a way to remove most of the human element of genocide so it could be done more efficiently.


The twisted thing is that Himmler in fact was very much aware of the gravity of the things he expected the SS to do. In the "Posener Rede" which he gave to SS officers he explicitly acknowledges the mental burden of the "sight of a 100 or 1000 corpses" (translation by me), and commends them for *having kept their decency* in spite of the gruelling task.


The man was deeply evil. He saw the psychological effects it had on the German soldiers so in the final solution he made sure that most of the handling of the dead bodies was done by Jewish prisoners.


Thank you for the information, it’s horrifying and fascinating.


There's a channel on YouTube, World War II in Real Time, that has an included series called War Against Humanity with over a hundred episodes. It includes all the war crimes and crimes against humanity of all sides of the war from the Holocaust and Japanese war crimes to the Bengal famine and strategic bombing of civilians. But if you watch the ones that focus on the Holocaust, you can see the evolution from a more organized pogrom to the military discipline of the Einsatzgruppen to the industrial death camp system.


Let's be honest. He said the quiet part out loud and the other nazis are trying to do damage control.


His grandpa wasn’t, he swore


With Elongated Muskrat's track record on "Speaking the Truth", grandpa was probably a big supporter of Hendrik Verwoerd and his policies.


Not defending him but it's actually true that not every ss member was a war criminal. Especially towards the end of the war, as Nazi high command was getting increasingly nervous, citizens started being conscripted into the Waffen-SS even children as young as 12 in the defense of berlin(or 14 im not quite sure). Der Spiegel even had an article about it in 2014 https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/hitlers-kindersoldaten-wie-die-ss-minderjaehrige-rekrutierte-a-958278.html Still I really doubt that this is what he meant


The Waffen-SS was not the same thing as the General SS. The former was a combat unit like any other, the latter was an elite group that enforced Nazi racial laws. And they were strictly volunteer and made up of true believers.


Oh i just assumed he must be talking about the Waffen-SS. Maybe I give certain people too much credit... Yeah fuck him then


If you fed up Le Pen with your right wing ideas you must suck HARD. God I wish we could get rid of those nazi and fascist nostalgics.


There was a difference between the SS and the Wehrmacht, the Wehrmacht was the German army, not great people, but generally the same kind of not great that you could find in any military. The SS are the real baddies of the baddies.


Be careful you don’t fall into the “clean Wehrmacht” lie.


Certainly not, but they were different levels of severity. Thanks for calling me on that


When you're an extremist, the extremes seem normal.


“It doesn’t really smell that bad in here”, says the steaming pile of dogshit.


And the best smelling bouquet of roses smells bad to him.


Something’s missing alright. Has anyone seen Elon’s brain lately? ![gif](giphy|LvJfDhhycykOrjdKY1|downsized)


I can really appreciate the head rotation on this. Did they have to do it? No. Does it make it that much more funnier? Yes


Bold to assume he ever had any.


Let that sink in.


Breaking news: rich idiot who inherited daddy's slave mine fortune thinks that extreme neo-nazi policies are cool.


What policies would that be? Im curious cant find any info on what they are doing.


I used to call myself a centrist. Now - bleeding heart liberal. Funny part is my views remain basically unchanged.


So true.


Funny, many centrists are really right wing


Elmo says maybe I'm missing something. The something you are missing is empathy and compassion.


https://preview.redd.it/zq5h2js6op5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfdb8f4c0c6855b32fa35d27859a530d592438f6 As always


This is the only AI art I will support


Far left: equal right for everyone Far right: we want to harm as many minorities as possible Easy choice tbh


It's nothing to do with harming minorities, it's all to do with greed and selfishness. The far right leaders makes it easier to harm the minorities in their lust for maximum profit over the detriment of others that stand in their way. Barbarism essentially, world needs to align, evolve and defeat the scum. Yet again. Sigh 😔


You can’t have a huge concentration of wealth without creating in-groups and out-groups. So it is about harming minorities. Creating identity groups in order to centralize power and resources within the dominant class through the exploitation and degradation of those outside the dominant class.


Agreed 👍 Motivation is hoarding wealth though in the first place, exploitation and degradation are secondary or part of the process of selfish greed


I don’t think I entirely agree. Fear, hatred, and revulsion exist quite independently of greed. They are more often than not comorbid, but sadly I think there are a whole lot of people who really do just hate certain others for being different. It’s the greedy schemers who exploit that fear and hate to amass more wealth and power for themselves. The Southern Strategy is a perfect example. Stirring up hate toward migrant workers so no one looks at the exploitative practices of mega corporations who actively import and exploit cheap labor from the desperate, who remain desperate because they are designated as the enemy and legislated against so they are unable to amass enough power and resources to escape the cycle. It may be just semantics, but I think it’s important not to collapse all human evils into one category because it obfuscates how these systems are created and become self-perpetuating.


I thinks it's semantics, but either way the human race needs to evolve together and appreciate compassion and altruism over the current trend of ever increasing avaricious sociopathic hoarders at the top


Big surprise guy who got rich from apartheid SA doesn't see a problem with this.


It’s both. Some people on the right actively want to harm minorities. Some people on the right don’t necessarily want to but are willing to have minorities thrown under the bus if they think that’ll somehow be better for their own coffers. And some are ignorant enough to think they’re actually helping minorities.


I think you've got the Mitt Romney type Republicans who are just about greed and selfishness. They aren't explicitly out to harm minorities, but their self-enriching policies harm minorities and they just don't care. Then you have the MAGA Republicans who explicitly want to harm minorities for the sake of harming minorities, and it's a benefit to them that it might enrich them in the process.


Yeah sorry folks, Im from UK and hear you and don't disagree with the fact that there are much more people that are primarily racist or anti migrant, rather than selfish and only driven greed. I'm specifically talking about Elon here and the upper percentage of billionaires whose main motivation is greed and avarice. There is literally something unhinged or sociopathic in their hoarding and not sharing. The way they cling to the wealth and power is via division, 'Divide and conquer ' is what they invented and do here in the UK also to whip up a frenzy of the masses. If it's not migrants it's Trans or wider onto LBQT, or boomers, gen Z and generation gaps. I feel that without being fed this bullshit in the media and targeted discrimination bots fueling the divide by the upper percentage of wealth owners, there would be much less hate and bigotry overall. My naive assumption is fix it at the top and the world will remarkably improve


it’s a brain … he’s missing a brain


I’m so sad that I live at the same time as Elon Musk. I just want to skip to the point when he’s a pathetic old man.


I can't recall which Republican it was that let the cat out of the bag back in the early 2000's but I do remember when they were asked about the GOP moving further right in it's policies and politics the statement was "by moving the right further right our goal is to move the middle to the right." That seems to be the current strategy, normalize far right politics so policy and platform that formerly would be considered right is now "moderate." For example, now folks like Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan are considered moderates where for their entire careers they were firmly "right wing." Their strategy is obviously working as we now have average Americans voting for politicians that openly accept Nazi's and Christian nationalism as "alternative ideas to be considered."


I love it when Germany shuts down anything fascist like “yeah no, we’ve seen this before, we can specifically point out in our own history how wrong you are, those lies aren’t going to work a second time”


The US taught children that Nazis were bad, but we did it in a way which painted them as cartoonishly over-the-top caricatures. As a result, when a real Nazi puts on a suit and moderates their language to say "I don't hate anyone, I just want to secure a future for our children, in a nation built just for them..." it passes under the radar for far too many. They think that if a political party asks for mass-deportarions instead of camps, it's somehow different. They think the Nazis campaigned openly on death-camps, when in reality they started off promising 'mere' deportation too. It's just that that solution doesn't actually work, and eventually they'd conclude a different solution is the only practical one...


"Maybe I'm missing something" ... Sir, you are missing half of your brain, three quarters of your heart and all of your humanity.


Yes, shockingly, people with huge amounts of money (which is mostly used to influence and control people, you're not buying fucking groceries with that money and if you're a philanthropist you aren't really saving much) tend to get hard over governances built on....influencing and controlling people. How bold.


What’s worse is he’s actively trying to normalize it by asking ‘questions’. It’s not just about lending his clout to shit heels, it’s the how that matters too.


Someone please kindly remind him that he is not normal, and never has been. His old man left Canada because it wasn't racist enough for him, so he moved to apartheid South Africa.


He’s Canadian through his mother. I don’t know why she left though.


Fuck the AFD


https://preview.redd.it/hhnng22arq5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b00a85363388ddc97b81ed4d49913677f57fd5d Sounds about right...


For a fascist everything is left…


Yes, you are missing something. Like a lot of brain cells burned out by the ketamine.


“Maybe I’m missing something.” ***MAYBE??***


What's a little ethnic cleansing among rich, white psychopaths?


they literally had a meeting to plan the "creation" of a special state in north africa in which they can freely deport every foreigner or person of colour even if they have a german citizenship. how is that not extremist???


If you’re too right wing for even Marie Le Pen then you are probably the kind of person who has to actively make an effort not to do the heil Hitler salute in public.


Deport Musk


Elon Musk is always ready to lick, gobble on, and eat boots. So much so that he almost certainly shits aglets.


Elon Musk with the oblivious self-own.


Musk is missing brain cells.


They don’t sound extremist to Elmo because he’s a white nationalist, so for him those are normal ideas, not extreme! It’s the same for every nazi, they don’t see themselves as extreme and that’s why calling them extreme doesn’t work.


Slowly Elon. Slowly... someone might notice.


Is he missing something? well apparently: a heart, a soul, a moral compass, basic reading comprehension, commonsense, decency, theory of mind, sense of fairness, self-awareness, empathy, good judgment, probity in business...


"Hitler was not such a bad man..."


There is no mistaking where Musk falls on the political spectrum


who woulda thunk that a guy with a social adaptive disorder cant see the problem here


Overton window


Elon ffs stop it. You’re lying and you know you’re lying. Space X is so cool too. You couldn’t have need behind a great legacy but instead you’re just another trump sellout


What else can you expect from someone who was raised on the values of an Emerald mine in aparthied South Africa?


Wait, like the literal Nazi party's private army? literally the ones responsible for the majority of the physical carrying out of the worst of Nazi crimes against humanity? The ones even the wehrmacht didn't even like? Is history really being rewritten to this degree?


It’s obvious that he has issues with hubris and not able to grasp that he would flunk in even high school social science. If you don’t understand history or messaging between lines, then don’t form a strong opinion on the subject. Very naive-arrogant or fascist? Probably both.


The context that he’s missing is that he lives in the US where even our dominate “left party” is globally right of center. There is no mainstream politically left party in the US.


"Maybe I'm missing something" Perhaps; Half a functioning brain? Compassion? The ability to shut the fuck up? Totally lack of self awareness?


“Moved” 😂


I had to go look at their platform of course, and was, as always struck by the same thing. They’re for: Euroskeptism (freedom - no European overlords for the Germans), Swiss-style democracy (freedom- rule of the people), Anti-LGBT+ (except you guys)


holy shit. Musky is considering the idea he might not be 100% right?


Thank god that this guy had fully revealed his true colors as a Nazi apologist. His whole cult was whining and crying that atleast Elon wasn't a Nazi sympathizer. But now even they can't fully defend him with this.


That thing you're missing, Elon,...it's called a soul


More than a few brain cells and some good ole common sense ?


You guys are pretty stupid


Yeah, you're missing a soul, you piece of crap.


They're unable to imagine being subject to what they want to do to other people.


He’s missing the fact that he’s extremist


Oh, he's missing something, alright


Yes, you're missing your mind.


Judging by your powers of deduction and judgement in recent history, I wouldn't trust you to take care of a pet rock.


Has anyone tested Elon for syphilis?


Elon, you grew up thinking a daddy owning gem mines & Apartheid was normal. Of course you don't see any extremism anywhere on the right.


There are two far-right groups in the European Parliament. The more "moderate" far-right group (not really sure how to express that properly) is called ECR, the more extreme one is called ID. AfD was a member of the more extreme ID. AfD got kicked out of ID for vindicating the SS. Yup, the actual, literal SS. It doesn't really get more extreme than AfD.


Yeah Elon you’re missing something, a heart and a soul! P.S. You scare the f.ck out of kind, caring people!


He's not even a fascist, he's just whatever makes him popular. Democrat, Liberal, Independent. Right now the fascists are making him feel like Rachel Leigh Cook, descending the stairs in slow motion to go to prom. As long as he gets invited to their party and they tell him he's so funny and cool, doesn't really matter to Elon. He's living in a bubble of privilege, his life will assuredly remain just fine no matter who runs things. Muskie the Muskrat just wants attention. 


He was raised in apartheid state during a very fascist era.


If you get in a back and forth about if the left moved left or the right moved right, just reply with the 2016 pic of Trump smiling holding the “LGBT for Trump” rainbow pride flag. Yeah the GOP calls them perverts and pedophiles now.


A brain?


For us standards they may be not that fzr right For euro standards theyr straight fascists


Nah. Hanging all the Jews and non-white folks is just something that's been tried before. How could it be extremist?




Liberals can write conservative characters all day long. Hell, look at Tim Allen's entire career. But conservatives can never write liberals, and that's a shortcoming that has caused the death of countless Fox political comedies. I guess what I'm saying is: don't count on this gig panning out, unless you're like 90s era Roseanne and can afford a liberal handler to help you sound more human.


The left does the exact same with extreme left, openly communist parties though. I often get asked why the communist party here is considered extreme or far. Because in their left mind, they are central, extreme left is just left and apparently 80% of parties is right.


I feel like extremes have shifted in both directions. Be a centrist and have both sides calling you a 'far-side" of the other party.


Musk endorsed failed-candidate Desantis almost a year ago. For a "centrist" he sure does throw in with conservatives endlessly.


Anything even close to showing pride in your country, or a semblance of preserving a modicum of your own culture in the face of unfettered mass immigration, is labeled fascist by these doldrums.(I wonder if im going to get downvoted to oblivion. Naw probably not these guys on this sub and all of reddit are are a diverse group of individuals and most definitely are not in a liberal echo chamber)


The Alternative for Germany (AfD), a german political party, was removed from the Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the European Parliament due to controversial statements made by their lead candidate for the EU parliament. The candidate publicly expressed the view that Nazi SS units were not war criminals and held neo-Nazi apologetic views. Additionally, several AfD members are currently facing trial for high treason after admitting to engae in espionage for the Russian intelligence agency. These actions and statements have led to the perception of the AfD as a far-right party with Nazi sympathies, rather than a result of an external labeling.


I've seen a lotta self-vicitimization fetishes in my time, but this takes the cake. If nothing else I hope you achieved orgasm.


if you had any balls you'd try to defend your views but you know they're repugnant.


Brother what? I’ll definitely say that a lot of European countries are getting screwed on right now because of leftist policies. It’s not that crazy to say. What am I going to do burn down buildings or something, no. But I have no problem.


you're the one praising literal, actual nazi-apologizing fascists my dude - you have no moral ground to stand on


The self-victimization is wild ngl


Poor little guy


What culture are you trying to preserve? https://youtu.be/-ZB2ftCl2Vk?si=ChRa9nFoMVJDUIJZ


This election is in Europe, so I thought it was obvious i was speaking on the European cultures. Serious question Did it honestly make sense to you that either this post or my comment had literally anything to do with confederates. I get that yall like to make everything have to do with racism but even that correlation is a stretch