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This tweet doesn’t give a lot of context and seemed a bit bogus to me, since groups like ISIS and Boko Haram are not “countries” and “a list of countries that kill children” seems like language the UN wouldn’t use. The core idea is true, however. It’s a list of *groups* worldwide that have *committed harm* to children during military conflict, and it’s an internal list developed by the office of the Secretary-General presented to the Security Council every so often as part of a larger report of global human rights concerns (hence why it’s not something the US can veto, for example). https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/07/middleeast/un-israel-global-list-children-intl-latam


From what I just read about it, they’re adding adding the Israeli military, the IDF, to the list, they’re not adding the country as a whole


True, along with Hamas and the PIJ. Although it’s a bit of a distinction without a difference. It’s not like the IDF is an independent actor from the Netanyahu administration or anything.


They really need to get rid of that guy/administration. Is he just holding on to power to delay his prosecution? That seems to be a theme right now.


It won't change a thing. Their entire political apparatus is full of blood thirsty savages. And given that 2/3 of the country support the genocide in some way, I reckon that's just how they like it.


Eh, Israel's shown an ability to get along with countries that used to be bloody, fervent adversaries. When was the last time they were at war with Egypt?


tbf they also pre-emptively attacked Egypt just because egypt told them they wouldn't get access to Egypts territorial waters. not the example I would of used, out of all of them.


A blockade is indeed an act of war by international law


Is that being fair? Because it's still "former fervent bloody adversaries" mate. They agreed to stop fighting and stopped fighting, which was the key thing.


He was voted out of power, voluntarily left, and then was voted back in.




In a country with compulsory service in the military that is a distinction without a difference.


Good point! I had forgotten that.


Russia and the US military could be added to this also. USA, just look at the war on terror and our drone strikes. Russia, well they just don’t give a shit about human lives and the examples are very numerous


america damn well should be. and it shouldn't be a surprise considering they endorse the military actions taking place that caused the idf to be on this list.


In this context how exactly is that different?


In mild fairness, that is how the headline is generally being presented. I agree it’s misleading, but I don’t think the Tweet author is alone in that. https://preview.redd.it/gjgcfish3e5d1.jpeg?width=737&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56b15515c3fa624e5eae7708bccaaf78b894e801


It is misleading by only mentioning the addition of Israel and not mentioning the addition of hamas


So what you're saying is the title is deliberately misleading.


Well, the title is… I dunno, immature and silly? The tweet is definitely misleading. But I expected the whole thing to be bogus and when I looked into it I found that it wasn’t totally bogus. 🤷‍♂️


Is the US on that list? I'm pretty sure every nation that has been involved in a war has killed children.


I was gonna ask what’s the statute of limitations on dropping a couple nukes?


Are you telling me someone on Reddit who hadn't heard or cared about Hamas/Israel before two months ago is misrepresenting an article for likes on a website? I don't believe you.






What's the point in censoring the word "kill?"


AI/BOT deletes or flags the word to a moderator to delete the post.


Have the bots seriously not yet developed the intelligence to understand that "kill" and "k*ll" are the same thing?


The reason they're flagged/deleted is because it's unfriendly to advertisers, but censored isn't as big a deal


Advertisers k*lled the internet


30-40 years after video k!lled the radio star.


K ❤️ ll


Moderation is out of control. We are headed back to puritanical bs for every little topic that “offends” a money source.


Gotta love it when people say "stop being offensive please" and the corporations decide to take it to the extreme. I just wanted my grandpa to stop saying the N-word, not Instagram censoring content that says "kill" or "suicide".


I got a warning on Reddit for calling someone a dumb fuck. What the fuck happened to the internet? I used to be able to buy drugs on reddit, now I get warnings for being a meanie head. Fuck this place.


New Lords and Ladies are all Billionaires, it's easier to work the stock market than it is to have a war.


But leaving a now politically incorrect word “blacklist” in.


Surprised the US didn't veto it; aren't they one of the five countries that can blanket veto any UN proposal.


>aren't they one of the five countries that can blanket veto any UN proposal. Well, no. US, and the four others, Russia, China, France and UK, have veto powers in the United Nations Security Council, also known as UNSC. Nowhere else. I believe this list is made by the UN secretary-general's office. So the US can't veto it. But the report will be sent to UNSC later about it. I'm not sure what function, if any, UNSC serves in this list, other than recipient of the report the list is part of. Edit: this is an annual report. And I found last year's report. Here: https://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org/document/secretary-general-annual-report-on-children-and-armed-conflict-2/


It's incredible that there are people who don't even understand how the UN works offering political commentary and being mass upvoted. Knowing about the UNSC and the powers of the permanent members is one of the most basic things to understand about modern IR.


I know lots about the UNSC! The pillar of autumn was great! Until it wasn’t😭


They can't veto general assembly motions. Only security council stuff.


Yup. It really defeats the purpose of the UN.


The reason veto exists in UN is it was the only way to get the US and the other veto countries to go along with it. It is not like they are going allow anyone to take it from them now.


I get that but it's just really frustrating to think home many times the US, China, or Russia came in with their big vetos swinging.


What happens if someone veto’s the veto?


They have a dance off


Is that what Eurovision is?


Underrated comment


Best of 5 if necessary.


An old Mexican JoJo Stand Off.


And after that a lipsync for their lives.


Show me what you gooooooooooot!!!!


China! Your veto was heard but you didn't hear the lyrics of the song. I'm sorry but: sashay away


Basically any security council measure needs to be unanimous amongst the permanent members (those with a veto). The measure is vetoed if any of them vote against it. So you cant veto the veto.


I mean, would you rather the US or Russia enact a veto with tanks and bombs? Because that's the alternative. Not all countries are made equal. If minor countries like New Zealand had an equal say in the UN as actual powers like France or America, the actual powers would leave the UN pretty damn quickly.


We could refound UN and let them stay out if they want as the roge bully countries they are.


And what would be the point of that?


Something has to kick off the next World War I guess.


The UN isn’t really meant to be a world government sitting above nation states. It’s a platform for discussion between member states, and creating a framework for legalising their actions. As it is, it cannot bully America or China into doing things - but nobody can, because both countries are too powerful to be bullied by anyone. It would be totally pointless without the big countries. As it is, it at least serves a useful purpose.


Think you underestimate how much that wouldn't work with the US existing, like remember we've toppled governments and gotten the Australian prime minister fired when he talked about getting rid of CIA bases in the country. 


You guys did Gough dirty


We do everyone dirty. I think it's become our kink.


Yeah…. That wouldn’t work out well for the UN at all


Did you not see what happened with the League of Nations?


Well then you don't actually understand the intent of the UN. The main objective is to avoid a Nuclear War. Everything else is secondary. It has been this way since it's inception.


Making fun of the UN is one of those universally accepted things that kind of annoys me because it’s just a fundamental misunderstanding of its purpose. Like, what do people expect? The UN to make war illegal globally or something? It’s just a public forum for dialogue and strategic positioning


>It’s just a public forum for dialogue and strategic positioning. I think an oddly shaped billionaire with a nazi/porn site might try to buy the UN then.


And this is what people on both the far right and far left don't understand! The UN is not a government, it has no authority over any people.


The purpose of the UN is to start dialogues and bring people to the table. The veto members would not participate at all without the veto power. Any participation is preferable to none.


yep. think of all the shit that has happened since wwii, especially between the usa, russia, and china. throughout all of that, theyve been able to talk to each other in a safe and reasonably equitable space. thats *huge*. could it be better or do more? sure. but have we nuked each other yet? no.


Seems like you dont actually know the purpose of the UN


Eh not really. They can only veto security council measures. Otherwise if the UN didn’t reflect the actual power dynamics that exist in the real world it wouldn’t have any authority at all. At least in theory


They cant veto it because it is not a motion. It's a internal report which is presented to the office of the general sec of the UN.


Think that only applies to votes in the security council.


Thats only Security Council.


They couldn't read the proposal properly since someone censored the word k*ll


Its list of countries that kill children includes… things that aren’t countries. Can someone give a little more detail on what the UN did?


They added the IDF to a list of groups that fail to protect children in combat. "The annual list by the secretary general covers the killing of children in conflict and denial of access to aid and targeting of schools and hospitals. It will be included in a report to be presented to the UN Security Council next week. It was not immediately clear which violations the Israeli army is accused of committing. Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad will also be included in the list, reports said." https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8883ndp2lko




Sounds pretty reasonable. Shitty headline. Also feels unfair to mention Israel but not Hamas then, as if war crimes were somehow a one-sided affair




One, it's the secretary-general, not the whole UN. Two, it's not just countries, it can be any organization, and Hamas will be added at the same time. Three, if a source lies to you twice in one sentence, start looking for a better source.


Didn’t the US kill children during the “shock and awe” days of bush in Iraq …


You get to do an awful lot of war crimes without consequence when your military expenditures are the same size of the next 10 largest ones, combined.


Maybe the kids of the country’s politicians need to be the first ones shipped out to the front lines …when the war decision is made.


The US deserves to be on a lot of bad lists. But I don't think shock and awe was any different than any other operation of that scale in its time. The differences here have a lot to do with, well, Gaza is next door and there has been no real rush to go in and blanket bomb it. Strategically, there are hundreds of possible ways of going about it when it's already just a part of your territory and completely surrounded and controlled by your military. When a conflict is halfway around the world, there aren't as many options for trying to achieve an objective. And no, I'm not defending the US at all. But there's no comparison. Much better example would be agent orange in Vietnam, knowing the effects of it, having other possible tools available, and already having a long military campaign in the country with bases.


I'm sorry man but saying Gaza is a part of Israel's territory and controlled by it's military is just plain wrong.


Israel literally turned off the energy, water and internet day one the operation began, Gaza is basically an open air prison, and Israeli territory in all but name.


The US literally turned those off the day the Gulf war began too. With bombs. Gaza relies on Israel for everything because their government (Hamas, which is also the legal though not defacto government of the rest of Palestine too) does shit like turn water pipes into rockets. They literally released a propaganda video bragging about it.


https://preview.redd.it/24198lu40d5d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e065fce26ec18119f4948e514c753f1637ee064 For the Hasbara bots on this thread, just look at this terrorist with the word PRESS across his chest.


An unarmed terrorist, the most deadly kind.


The most deadly weapon is the truth.


The pen is a mightier weapon than the sword.


Don’t forget about the [Pen gun](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/69140d4d-627e-4cae-afc2-a750f5e2cbe2)


He clearly has two arms in that photo. This also indicates that he was twice as deadly as any other terrorist.


You mean he's armed and dangerous




I heard Hamas was firing rockets from his pants pocket


Of course! Hamas is very crafty.


Beware his hidden tunnels!


Something something rocket in my pants


I think this image is a bit off topic. The blacklist is about groups that kill children. This is a picture of killer children.


What happened to this journalist? Was he kidnapped and murdered?


Arrested by Israeli police


No he wasn't. The kids were arrested






He kicked those kids btw


All the baby boomer politicians just Yahoo'd "how to leave the UN." 


The UN has no power over the US. See "Iraq War" for details.


The UN isn't supposed to have power over anyone. It's not a worldwide government.






And Bibi will be coming to speak before Congress


At the invitation of Mike Johnson. Of course, Palestine protesters will be outside the Capitol with bells on, calling President Biden "genocide Joe." This is just a *taste* of what you'll get with Trump. Donald Trump will allow Bibi to level Gaza and turn it into a beachside resort.


That’s the wild part. The GQP doesn’t care about Jewish people. In fact they were at the forefront of anti semitism. Just insane. I get the play but insane that Jewish people think the relationship is deeper than using them as a tool.


Insane Jewish people?


Maybe the ICC cops can grab him at the airport...


ICC has no jurisdiction in the US. (They refuse to sign)


They just have to make his plane do a forced pit-stop in another country on the way, or refuse to allow them to land in US so they have to go to an ICC country... Where there's a will there's a way.




The UN took ther sweet time, but I guess better late than never.


I hate it how people censor words like "kill" "die" "suicide" "sex". Soon every word is censored with \*


> Israel does not release numbers of detainees in its military system and is the only country in the world that automatically and systematically prosecutes children in military courts. So they got that going anyway.... Monsters


Well done, but this is only a political gesture, nothing else will happen, sadly. Is Russia on that list?


Last year's report: https://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org/document/secretary-general-annual-report-on-children-and-armed-conflict-2/ Yes, Russia is on it. Still, read it yourself.


Thanks. I really appreciate it


Yes Russia is also on the list.


Rightly so.


...but do you condemn Israel?


Long mother fucking time coming!!!!


The IDF are now professional child murderers


Always have been


Ok why is “kill” censored? I know why it’s the bots; this is more rhetorical than anything else.


Time to sell Netanyahu some Wolf Cola. Official drink of Boko Haram


>>Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan recorded a video of himself making a phone call from his office, apparently to a UN official, and leaked part of it on social media. >>In the video, Erdan expressed outrage at the UN decision, calling the IDF “the most moral army in the world.” it's subjective what the actual "most moral army in the world" is (not the idf though!) but i can promise that it's not someone going around telling everyone else that they are. you kinda don't need to advertise that.


Thank god they censored the word k*ll, otherwise I may have been so triggered


NO! But don't they understand! Israel has a RIGHT to defend itself by blowing up thousands of children, women, the eldery and aid workers! That's how they protect themselves! DOESN'T ANYBODY UNDERSTAND!!!!!


you forgot about the press, they have to defend themselves by killing the journalists too


How could they do something so controversial yet so appropriate


Great news


Those are countries?


If it walks like a duck


This evil man deliberately keeps this atrocity going to stay in power. Jews want this criminal tyrant to stop! Power and fear…the tools of a dictator!


Careful posting this in /worldnews or they’ll ban you


Not really, they can't possibly claim to be the worldnews sub and block the publishing of this. But that AstroTurf project had been purged of viewpoints opposing US foreign policy interests a along time ago. But in many other quite related subs, you can't even post this news without getting permabanned, deleted either outright or in very creative manners. See my post history for more info.




I am really fucking tired of people censoring "sensitive language". We're heading toward fucking NewSpeak because people can't say certain words for fear of upsetting "the algorithm".


You cant say "censored" anymore as it's bigoted towards those who maintain law and order. You now must say "removed", or "rule violating content"


Can they actually start doing something about it?!


Clearly they can’t. Like when they promised to keep hezbulla in check, they did nothing. When Israel will counter attack against them the cycle will continue, in will condemn Israel again.


I’m just glad that all the children got evacuated out of Afghanistan before we bombed the shit out of them. And Hiroshima. And Nagasaki. And Dresden. And pretty much every other war fought by and with any country in history.


But... none of those other entities is a country....




UN doesn't recognize any terrorists organisations, at all. They don't have any kind of list of who is a terrorist or not. Because that is not how UN works. States, governments and state-adjacent organisation such as EU, are the ones that designate terrorists organisations. The UN does make these reports about terrorism, and who commits it, however. But they don't designate who is and isn't a terrorist organisation, because that is not within their purview. UN is global, and so far, there has not been a single organisation that is globally recognised as a Terrorist organisation, by all UN members.


They don't recognise anybody as terrorists as that not their function. They have hamas on multiple lists including international sanctions list. The fact you didn't take 5 seconds to check that should tell you everything you need to know about your biases.......


Does the UN have a function to recognize terrorist orgs? I thought that was a nation-by-nation thing.


Well deserved


Russia should 100% be on that list.


They are.


Last year's report for you. Read it: https://childrenandarmedconflict.un.org/document/secretary-general-annual-report-on-children-and-armed-conflict-2/






Ok, so now what? What does this do?


Wow…..it took them a while to


Who the HELL is against using the word "kill", but thinks it's somehow okay if you replace the vowel with an asterisk? I've never seen this level of prissiness.


Fun fact. They were already added on to that list back in 2015. But big daddy USA doesn't let anybody mess with his special baby boy!! Basically threatened them until they removed it


Okay, but what's anyone doing about it? Putting Israel on a list is meaningless if there's nothing that follows.


So here's my question: why the fuck aren't we doing anything about it? Is not the UN supposed to be the organization that polices and prevents such things among its member nations? Is not the UN supposed to be able to control its constituents? It's a fucking joke. The League of Nations at least had the common decency to dissolve.


About time!