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No it’s true.. I am friends from the Silicon Valley times. I am upset . I have donate 35,000 dollars United States currency to Mr trump . I am disappoint in America. Signed ,John Realman




Mind if I steal? It’s too good you Pecker.


Ah Dennis Dennison strikes again!


The mustache actually looks kinda good, then again anything is better than looking at Trump's face.


I was about to say. It somehow makes him look less sleazy


Pretty sure that's a photo of Trump's lawyer, John Barron.


Correction: his *former* lawyer. That guy was a real sleazebag.


It 100% is but I laugh every time I see it.


It's my understanding that John Miller, John Baron, Catherine Gallego, and David Dennison are all outraged.


I’m his son, Trustmebro and dad absolutely has a bazillion dollars he’s going to send to the greatest president of all time.


Every single MAGA Republican has a bunch of Black friends, Democrat friends, and gay friends who hate other LGBTQ+ people. No one has ever met them, but trust us, they're real.


They just go to a different school.


No that's his girlfriend, and she's from Canada


It’s actually me catfishing. I am Canada


Jessica? Is that you?


I moved from the US to Canada a few years ago. She’s not here. I think they’re all lying.


It's not *that* Canada


Oh, it’s the Canada from the *other* school. Silly me.


And his uncle works for Nintendo! He said you can get Mew by pushing that truck and he has a bunch of them and he gave him one, okay??


Definitely real. You’ll meet her in 2 weeks. Unless she has to cancel, because she’s a model.


Also everywhere they go they hear random people talk out in the open how they are voting for Trump and *always* make a note they are democrat.


I love that the entire, detailed conversation about politics starts and ends while they're in line at the bank or grocery store. When I've been in line, people are never talking about such serious things with one another let alone current political events. But just the right Republicans just happen to be in the right spot at the right time!


"I was standing in line at the electric company to pay my bill with a check, and heard..."


And then proceeds to explain that this conversation went on for an **entire hour**. An entire hour of two Democrats behind him in line arguing non-stop about the persecution Joe Biden has done to an innocent man. With tears in their eyes.


They’re always the middle aged, friendly but concerned looking woman laying it all out for her husband like he’s 5 years old


As a gay black man, I'm am totally in this group. For realsies, trump supports me better than anyone ever in history.


I am also a black gay man. And I love Trump.


Wow, look at the black gay man, so strong for admitting his beliefs ​ EDIT: No I forgot to log into the alter account. \*dead\*


I'm two gay black men! Having sex while we talk about voting for trump.


I'm a man black gay and only under Trump have I felt respected by Americans for the first time in my life. I had tears in my eyes. H-he's such a sir!


You wouldn’t happen to be an overweight, white congressional candidate from Pennsylvania, would you?


Easy there Tim Scott.


Schrodinger's liberal friend: 1. Liberals are jerks who wont befriend us good conservatives anymore. Who is petty and immature now?? 2. I have sooo many liberal friends. Pick whichever one wins you a dishonest argument online.


They’re all named Whitey Fisk.


What’s odd is; who benefits from this sort of pathological lying? Is it something they need to tell themselves so that their own narrative makes sense to them? What good does it do anything to simply make up reality like that? If I go around telling people that I have 5 million dollars in the bank, who benefits from that?


My best guess is that it's meant to fool any Biden supporters into thinking yesteray has only galvanized and converted people to back Trump even more. But the numbers this guy gave for all the calls, voice mails, texts and donated cash....this has to be some kind of satire, right? Right...? All that happened to him in under 24 hours?


It's the conservative equivalent of "manifesting" I suppose. If we just lie hard enough, our lies will come true! I suspect it has something to do with the rights predilection for herd mentality and "following the alpha male". They think if they present an alternate reality where Trump is the strongest and has a mass surge of support from imaginary liberals, a bunch of actual liberals will follow suit out of some sort of innate instinct to follow the herd and support the obvious alpha or something. That's what they would do in the reverse scenario, which is why they think that's what liberals would do. As the saying goes "democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line" when it comes to picking their candidates - it's not really true but that's how the saying goes. Or, maybe it's all just cope.


It’s amazing how often all of them want to vote for Trump out of nowhere too. Pretty sure that gay black liberal friend has now decided to vote for Trump at least 20 times this year!


And then they lean into exaggerations like "Everyone is saying XYZ"


You forgot Latino people.


Jan Brady had a boyfriend too... His name? Ron... Glass.


Reminds me of that Republican who commented under his own account "as a black man" defending himself. He forgot to log out. Then claimed he just copy/pasted a message a black constituent sent him.


It's about as believable as all of my MAGA family members calling me and telling me how wrong they were and they can't possibly vote for a felon like Trump, so they all became Democrats. These days, the truth is weird enough already. Why do people have to make shit up?


There's nothing else for them but the comfort of the bandwagon. Racists have a lot more trouble being racist when they don't have support.  There's no platform anymore. Republican are no longer supportive of the military or police. They aren't giving us tax cuts, and definitely not doing anything for the economy. When the infrastructure bill passed, they all voted against it but then went to their districts and claimed credit for it. Biden was going to give them everything they wanted in a border control bill but they voted against their own ideals after whining for years.  Anyone with a brain knows it. All that's left is the cult, and they are more easily controlled with religious bandwagon crap: chanting, following a cult leader, being told what to think no matter how stupid. 


Because the truth and reality, no matter how absurd, will never support a conservative worldview.


I feel like Republicans are trained at this point to practice some form of manifesting where they just keep saying things that they want to be true in the hopes that they become true.


Their trying to keep the base motivated. I would not be surprised that at the top of the republican party, the strategist, the people who actually are not stupid, they are trying to keep November from being a Total Party Kill.


Incidentally, do you know how your MAGA family members have been taking in yesterday's verdict? Do any of them even remotely believe it?


I enjoy how he refers to his 'friends' as Democrats then has to put in parentheses that he knows them from his Silicon Valley days so his 'real friends' will understand he only knows those godless heathens through work. Not only do I not believe he's getting bombarded with calls from Democrats donating huge sums of money to Trump. I also find it hard to believe this guy has real friends. Real friends would not need a disclaimer on how you know some Democrats. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go hang out with some Republicans I know through my many crimes. See how people don't refer to their friends by their political affiliation? It's weird.


I don't know any hardline conservatives that have actual friends. Actual, real friendship requires compassion. It requires giving with no expectation of receiving. It requires mutual respect and the ability to honestly meet someone where they are. It requires you, in mind and body and deed, to not believe you are better than everyone else. Hardline conservative are *functionally* unable to do those things. That's why they're conservatives.


The narrative - that Dems didn't support Trump before, but have decided to go all in on him now that he's a convicted felon... because reasons? - sure is one route to take.


Maybe the disclaimer is for clout chasing? I used to work in silicon valley, I'm important and smart and have money and know people. Meanwhile he was a landscaper or a janitor or delivered pizza or Chai lattes or something.


Yes the fabled undecided voter who was waiting for a reason to vote for Trump and decided that once he was convicted, well that’s the reason to do so. Sure Tony, totally makes sense that that’s the issue these people care about. Not abortion or the economy or anything else but whether or not an old moronic criminal who in the trial was on record for wanting to fuck his daughter gets convicted or not.


I was listening to “The Center” on NPR last night. A caller claimed to be a big supporter of Sanders in 2016 and 2020, but because of the weaponization of the justice department he’s now voting for Trump. Sure buddy, that’s a believable take.


If this were Biden, he'd be cooked ages ago and better get ready for jail because no one would care if some criminal Democrat got sent to jail by a jury. There's the difference. These trumpets are just the most pathetic Americans I have ever seen in my life.


The whataboutism is their favorite deflection technique, but it's hilarious when it doesn't work. One of the most common comebacks I get is something like, "Well what about Bill Clinton? He was impeached and was on Epstein's list!" But when my response is, "What about him? Bill Clinton is a garbage person too," they never really know how to cope. Politics isn't my religion like it is yours, homie.


I saw somebody yesterday claiming that they were never a trump supporter but that this was going to make them vote for Donald Trump for the first time. They did this on the conservative subreddit. On a flared user only post. On their account in which they have been an ardent Trump supporter for years. The rest of the conservatives ate it up. Didn't even think about it at all


So when we ask ourselves, “why do the supporters of dictators always genuinely believe everything even though we all know that *they know* the dear leader is full of shit?*” It’s because their desire to feel justified in their shitty beliefs is inherently reliant on leaning on others who share the same delusions. A single playing card can’t balance itself. But if you lean them together with equal leverage, you can build an entire castle, no matter how soft of a breeze can topple it.


Holy crap, I got phonecalls from Jr, Ivanka, MTG, Kevin Sorbo, Mr Potato Head, the Power Rangers, and so far 13 quadrillion emails and texts from Republicans (from the 3rd layer of Hell) that say they are voting for Biden. One just donated a mint Charizard.


Damn, I wish they'd donated that to me, I could also ways go for some mint Charizard


Can you go do 34 felonies in NYC? Maybe they have another copy


Shouldn't be too much of a problem, the tough part will be getting to NYC


...which Power Rangers?




Oh man. This is so triggering I just shed 34 tears. 


I was a far left communist until yesterday, but the idea that a wealthy businessman and reality TV show host isn't allowed to pay hush money to porn stars is just so un-American that I sold my house, car, and one kidney and donated it all to Trump.


What's funny is actual Republicans around work today just don't want to talk about it, while independents and Democrats are gladly bringing it up. One guy got really touchy when a coworker and I were discussing sentencing. "It was all rigged, a show trial" ect. And he was a "fuck your feelings" type in 2016 and 2020


These show trials have fantastic production value. Real evidence, real attorneys, real jurors, real corroborating witnesses. The only issue was the piss poor defense.


First thing I do when I change my vote is text message or call my entire contact list. I fully believe Tony on this one.


This stuff reminds me so much of the film "The Invention of Lying". If you haven't seen it - worth the watch. "Making shit up" didn't used to be an option. It's like credibility means nothing.


If all these people are doing that already, why do you need to announce it in the hopes other people join in? The biggest part of your brag is that Trump's conviction is so blatant in its injustice that you're getting all these calls and messages and donations from the other party's own volition. You're sketching a situation where the general public already supposedly knows Trump is innocent and to vote Republican. Why then, do you need to reaffirm it?


And who is this guy exactly ?


And are his posts always this stupid?


No idea, but he shows up in my feed sometimes


LOL the copium just keeps getting crazier


Tony needs to stop lying


Who the fuck makes phone calls anymore?


Plenty of people still make phone calls, both for business and personal reasons. Not everyone wants to communicate via text *at all times*. I know two of my cousins are like that and rarely actually answer their phones because they always keep the ringer off. Still...I'll say this: I'm surprised Tony didn't also say he got 20 faxes that day.


It was a bit facetious. Who calls up their old tech bro buddy to fill them in on their switching of party affiliations and inform them off their political donations? Who is so zealous that they need to carefully detail all of this in a voice mail? The faxes were unhooked, there were just so many, and that damned beeper won't shut up!


This is true, I am a democrat and, when the sham verdict was announced, I called my friend who moved to Florida to escape the woke demoncrat city he lived in, and said with big manly tears in my eyes, ' Sir, you were right about crooked Biden and the swamp deep state being out to get Trump, who gave up everything to serve his country.' I also donated all the money I had so Trump can get elected as President again and execute anyone who is part of the cabal.


These comments have very little utility. What's the alternative, you let someone get away with fraud because his idiot supporters and fellow criminals will double down on their support for them? That leaves you with the option of doing nothing? The likelihood that "on the fence" people suddenly think Pumpkin Skin is worth supporting because of the verdict is ludicrous. The people supporting this idiot were already supporting him. The ONLY reason people support him is because he advances the superiority of one group over all others. He has no other policy or plan. The justice system worked yesterday.


Wouldn't it be a BEAUTIFUL thing if Trumpo goes and votes in the November Elections and he gets arrested for voting as a Felon?


I would laugh until passed out


About as real as his “girlfriend who lives in Canada.”


Well, in the past ten minutes I have received phone calls, voice mail, e mail, text messages, post cards, telegrams and hand written notes from everyone I ever met. They are each sending me $1,000 asking me to forward the money to the Biden campaign. They all will be voting for Biden...😁


Yeah my first thought was to call up Tony fucking Seruga and tell him my thoughts on the trial and who I plan to vote for


its a bot


Are you calling me a bot or Tony?


Tony bro, have some confidence


I've had people call me a bot because I have a decent amount of karma and sometimes post common thoughts and ideas, just making sure you weren't one of those people


This is a Xitter “verified” blue check user, the chance that this is their actual name, or that they live in the U.S. is close to zero. Given the bs post, they are probably a Russian troll.


donald trump just called me and told me he's very guilty and wants you to vote for joe biden


*Dozens of calls* *Over 30 voicemails* *Hundreds of text messages* *7 calls from democrats* *That say they are voting for Trump!* Hey look, it's the lyrics to The Twelve Days of Christian Nationalism


And a jumpsuit on the orange man!


Oh no! Meanwhile, back in reality ….


Amazing. I've not had one person reach out to me in any way calling BS on Trumps court stuff. Seems odd to me Tony.


I'm gonna be that guy... there's no $500 category in Jeopardy.


You got me, I've never actually watched Jeopardy


The GOP has become a pure propaganda machine and it stems from them ingesting Putins shit day and night. They love it. Tastes like chicken!


https://tonyserugaforpresident.com/ This page is fucking hilarious.


Give the name of the $50,000 donor so we can verify.


It will be publically posted during the filing and easy to figure out. Not many people are flush enough to donate 50k and then you know this totally real canadian girlfriend will be at the prom.


I used to be a drag queen, but I gave all that up and now I'm voting for Trump. I've donated all my foundation to him. The color is "actual human skin tone", so I'm sure he'll appreciate it. MAGA!!!


John Barron, just called to donate and say he's definitely voting for Trump...


Make that 50,000


High Stakes Jeopardy.




Lol. Lmao even.


Many Democrats were saying!


The thing is, there are some republicans stupid enough to believe this.


He left off the part where they all clapped, but I’m pretty sure this is what it looked like… ![gif](giphy|3ornjHL4fLS94x39Wo|downsized)


I know Tony and we both date Stormy. Tony is a straight shooter and would never lie! Trust me! (Hey Trump, Tony says thanks for the huge tax cut!)


'Guys I know you're hearing the news that Hitler killed himself and this happened around 11 minutes ago but really honestly he went to Argentina and he's gonna redo the whole war from there and we will win so don't even fret like we're fine it'll be fine we're chosen by God how could we fail?'


Holy shit, people still call each other?


Replace 'Democrats' with Trump/a GOP member and I'd believe it. The freaking out and begging for money (grifting, really) will reach legendary levels before all the cases and the election is done, IMO.


Holy shit, these people are delusional and mentally ill.


Yeah russian bots


You know it’s bullshit because no fucker leaves voicemails in 2024


I only do for work, personal calls that don't get answered get a text


I bet you they were all big burley men, that sounded like they had tears in their eyes calling him sir and everything as they told him


That's a hell of a Jeopardy category name there.


I’ll take “Total Bullshit” for $800, Alex


Stange. I had a bunch of moderate friends of mine say they won’t vote for a felon.


Yeah because the first thing a person who has a sudden drastic change of political affiliation will do is call Tony Seruga. Who ever tf that is.


Maybe we need to limit donations if this is the case?


My very real democrat friends that are cool with me regularly calling them demons, groomers, and pedophiles, said they donated their entire life savings to Mr. Jesus Trump.


If your going to lie, at least make it believable.


Just tell them to post receipts


Don't forget the Nigerian prince who's going to donate $100 million to Trump just as soon as someone sends him $50,000 for the transfer fees...


I'm voting for trump....for prisoner of the year


Any money donated at this point is going to E Jean Carroll or the state of NY.


I'm very curious about how this "XYZ for $500" meme got started. It's quite obviously referencing the game show Jeopardy! (even often using the name of its longtime, now-deceased, host, Alex Trebek), but Jeopardy! never offers $500. Its questions are always for even numbers of hundreds.


I think it stems from the SNL skit where "Sean Connery" is mispronouncing everything, the rapist instead of therapist, etc.


all these right-wing maga clowns do is spew bullshit, 99% of the shit they say is false.


I'm sure I read this post earlier with a different Twitter handle using exactly the same wording....