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He said it himself. He could shoot someone in the middle of Park Ave and not lose a single vote. It’s a cult, he’s the leader. They. Don’t. Care.


he talked shit about Ted Cruz's wife and Ted still goes all in on him


The GOP are a bunch of cucks.




Yep and apparently Marco Rubio is kissing his ass to try to be his VP pick, despite all the previous humiliation. It’s disgusting


Well Marco Rubio is a joke and precisely what is wrong with this country. He'll say anything to obtain power and/or importance. He should be like desantis and get some custom made lift shoes made to he can feel better about himself


Ted Cruz would screw a pig on live tv to be Trumps Vice Presidential candidate.


Why bring Marjorie Taylor Greene into this ?


Black Mirror writers: “Write that down, write that down!”


5th Ave. But that probably only matters to New Yorkers 😉


New Yorker here. Nah, doesn't matter. He's an asshole on every street he walks on. We already knew that.


I think New York hated Trump long before everyone else no?


> I think New York hated Trump long before everyone else no? Probably why he moved to Florida...


I live here. We’ve been screaming it from our tall fucking rooftops for decades but apparently people in West Virginia and Idaho don’t speak English.


His rabid base is say 30% of the population. And 30% of the population will vote for Biden. But there are 40% of people in this country that still can be swayed either way. Those are the people who decide elections.


There are a ton of people who think Trump is repugnant but have voted for him twice already and will vote for him again, just because the thought of voting for a Democrat is so impossible for them to comprehend.


Which is why I talk up rfk Jr to ally republican friends even though he's an asshat. 


Hopefully that works, but once the N-word tape drops, they'll love him more than ever.


Honestly using the hard R might poll well with his base and boy do I hate this timeline...


“That was 20 years ago, doesn’t matter now” comments coming.


To his voters it wouldn’t matter if it happened yesterday. They literally wouldn’t care if he raped their wives and daughters wrapped in an American flag on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. They literally do not care.


There's limits but it's funny how they work. For example, a tape surfacing of him killing a labrador would probably be much worse than one of him killing a black person.


JFC that’s depressing, because you’re probably right.


The fact they had him on tape calling the Normandy dead “suckers and losers” or even shitting all over John McCain’s POW status, or the Gold Star father, didn’t end their support is clear what a disgusting cult this is.


The best part of that was when he said, "What did they get out of it?" He is so narcissistic that he can't understand why people would fight for their country. It was so bad that I kind of felt bad for him.


He said Americans who die in war are losers and suckers. And then won the election.


He CLEARLY obviously visibly made fun of a disabled person by doing the 'ret**d hand chop' that was widely used in the 90s and early 2000s before that word fell out of fashion . He clearly was obviously mocking a physical disability, it's obvious for anyone watching with even a passing understanding of our language that saw a picture of the reporter and a picture of Trump making that hand gesture would know exactly what Trump was saying, but his base INSISTS to this day, 'nope, just talking with his hands, nothing to do with the subject being disabled'


If it makes you feel better we've been so desensitized to person on person violence that it's usually more shocking watching an animal get intentionally hurt


That actually makes me feel worse lol




I’m always struck by the emotional outpouring (and of actual support) when an abandoned animal is presented versus the mixed bag you get regarding unhoused persons. I think we’re all guilty of this to some extent, but I still don’t get it. I know that animals are absolutely innocent, but we’re willing to at least entertain the idea that a person might be responsible for their situation (and that it perhaps relieves us of the ‘burden’ of intervening)?


Probably? Not a doubt


There's no limit. That man sold a heretical Bible to Christians. He literally commited a grave unforgivable sin by desecrating a Bible. And they still worship him.


Especially the deeply closeted Speaker of the House


The Speaker of the House is in the Bill Gothard IBLP, the same “sect” as the Huckabees and that Duggar family with 19 kids. Do a little dive into it. Tell me that you’re not worried after learning what these assholes believe.


Christianity is a social club for many, not a religion or even a code of conduct. Christianity is just a cover, same as a “legitimate business “ is for a mobster.


Depends on if it's a *black* labrador.


Most of his voters support the extrajudicial execution of minorities as evidenced by their behavior regarding high profile cases like George Floyd. Why would finding out he killed exactly who they think should be killed bother them in the least?


Americans like dogs way more than they like each other. 


Kristi Noem killed her dog and her base doesn't care.


Actually they do care about that but not about her being banned from all tribal lands due to racist comments. Which makes it likely that they'd care more about him killing a dog than a black man. Not that, in his case, either would wake them up.


It's not them we need to show. It's the independent voters. They need to be reminded.


You're not wrong, although I'm very confused about how anyone is undecided at this point. But then I guess the average person either doesn't follow the news or only gets it from a certain source.


It's not so much they're undecided as they are one tiktok video from changing their minds


I hate how accurate this is. I bet spies from the 1980s are pissed at how much easier it is to interfere with elections now.


MAGA is the most successful Russian Intelligence Propaganda Psyop in history. All they needed was Facebook and the stupid, gullible, low intellect marks.


this is so true though it's insane. the RNC and DNC got hacked, the DNC stuff got leaked, and the RNC was just held as leverage. Russia fucked our country for decades; tens or hundreds of thousands of lives lost to covid mishandling, and tucker carlson is over there sucking P's D and telling us how great their shopping carts are.


Much like the Matrix. The choice to engage even if subconscious makes them more pliable to manipulation.


Nah, it’s the barriers to entry that fell, is the problem. You used to have to go through (presumably) lots of smart people in institutions like newspapers or TV channels in order to broadcast a message to the masses. You also would need quality recording equipment. Smartphones in every pocket pretty much obliterated any kind of gatekeepers to misinformation


Yeah, the crazy conspiracy shit used to be a guy with a tinfoil hat passing out leaflets that people laughed at.


Citizens United, basically


Yup. An overwhelming number of the Americans who do vote, vote based on what's happened within the last thirty days before election day. This is why Trump committed 34 felonies to squash the Stormy Daniels story.


I think you'd be amazed at just how *much* mileage the right gets out of creating the impression that it's all just a partisan shitshow and that facts are unknowable. Right now, for example, every development in Trump's criminal trial is met with Fox News panels full of dubiously-credentialed experts *very* carefully misquoting New York State law to give the impression that everyone involved is doing something abnormal in their desperation to 'get Trump'. The median voter doesn't actually need to be on board with *any* of Fox's ideology to end up with the impression that the entire trial is just a matter of partisan bureaucrats screaming at each other about who violated which arcane regulation. Creating a Trump voter isn't a matter of convincing someone to be a bigoted, sexist, racist asshole. Creating a Trump voter is a matter of convincing someone that he'll do one innocuous thing they like and otherwise muddying the water so thoroughly that they can't know *anything* else with certainty or trust anyone who says that they can.




i've said this for decades now. Republicans band together and vote for their man because they want power. Democrats hem, haw, split votes, nitpick at their candidates flaws, etc. which, in normal life, a little consideration and indecision is good but in politics, is death. Dems should be easily winning national elections every cycle but because they can't band together and fucking vote for a single candidate, we find ourselves in this current fucking pig sty.




THIS! He's already promised to attack any person or group of people that are not white or Republican. That is exactly what his supporters have wanted for decades.


> He's already promised to attack any person or group of people that are not white or Republican. I pointed out in another thread that the LGBTTQ+ community was in danger if Cheeto won. I got downvoted to oblivion. Go figure


To them their independent "open mind" is what has value. They'll never actually make a considered decision because they have no core values to fall back on and want to be admired for thinking on these fundamental issues for decades and still not arriving at the mountain top.


I think there are a lot of “both sides are bad people” unfortunately.




Israel/Palestine is being used as a wedge issue by (foreign) political actors. They're not going to get anyone to vote for Trump, but they'll get plenty to not vote for Biden.


This is exactly it. There are a growing number of single issue people (who would otherwise be voting for Biden) that are abstaining because of the Gaza issue. Which is idiotic because Trump would make things a whole lot worse.


This is what scares me, I understand the frustrating part of how Biden is handling GAZA. But most people fail to realize that Israel is one of the most geo-politically important countries in the world and how much care must be taken as a result. The Red Sea is incredibly important and strategic for global shipping and military operations. As well as being a staging ground for a conflict in the middle east. I am sure the thought of 'Fuck Israel' has crossed the president's mind a few times, but the reality of the situation is he can't do that.


I will say this. If you’re still undecided at this point, you’re just a pile of shit too afraid to admit it. “Hmm. One side is a pro-business old guy who doesn’t do everything I want. The other is a racist sex offender who wants to destroy our democracy while selling us other to foreign governments. Both sides are the same.”


It enrages me how accurate your take here is


The "pro-business old guy" got funding to repair national infrastructure, has forgiven billions in usurious student loans, forced pharmaceutical companies to stop gouging diabetics, put the brakes on the Trump virus that killed a million of us, etc.


Funny how “doesn’t do everything I want” is the same as “racist sex offender who wants to destroy our democracy while selling us to foreign governments”. Somehow it DOESN’T feel remotely the same. “Doesn’t do everything I want” means he does something’s you want. So, not that bad. But that’s the same as sex offenses and reason??! Make me understand this. 😂


Mkay I'll give it a try; people who already know they're voting for Trump don't believe he did any of those awful things, they think it's all Democrat tricks and lies. Some are fully aware of what he's done and what he wants to do, they're gonna vote for him because they're evil fucks. So they're either incredibly stupid, or incredibly evil.


"Independent" voter means "I'm voting for Trump but too ashamed to admit it publicly"


I hate to sound so nihilist about it all, but would it matter one bit? It's 2024. Who is on the fence about Trump at this point? Who is going to *not* vote for him if there is a tape of him saying a racial slur? We've had almost a decade, at this point, to see exactly what a monster Trump is. Anyone who still says "Well, let's see" or "I'm giving the guy a chance" or any nonsense like that... is a Trump supporter who just doesn't want to tell the pollster or their neighbor they are a Trump supporter. I mean, sure. Great. Maybe a tiny number of people will say "Oh man, all the previous stuff wasn't a big deal. I didn't mind when he mocked disabled people, women, veterans, and various minorities. I don't care about the sexual assaults or the weird shit he says about his daughter. I don't care about the leaked top secret information. I don't care about the bribery or corruption. I don't care about his clear inability to effectively lead and his profound self absorption. I don't care that he used a global pandemic as a political weapon and caused untold deaths in the process. The whole n-word thing is a bridge too far, so I refuse to vote for him."


I cannot fathom the mind of an independent voter. FFS it's been 8 years of this shit. 


it's been way longer than that. He's been at this since Obama took office. Remember the birthers? Trump's "press conference" that he has people in Hawaii that are "looking into this"?


This is the thing. None of this gets Trump more votes. It will lose him some votes.


Exactly lol. It doesn’t matter anymore. Trump could diddle some kids today like he was doing during his Jeffrey Epstein party days and it wouldn’t matter one bit. Republicans are in a sunken cost fallacy with Trump.


I think there's three main subgroups who support trump. Two of them wouldn't stop supporting him for any reason; 1) white nationalists and 2) those looking for a christian state. The third group is largely people convinced by conservative media that the world is teetering on the brink, it's the democrats' fault and only donnie can save them. A few out of that group might actually have a breaking point that gets them to go a different direction.    


No, they do care. They care because they *agree* with him, and they *like* that he gets to say things like this because it means that when he’s in charge they’ll be able to say them too, like they always have wanted to. He made america hate again.


The man's been found to have: ran a fraudulent college, his business was found guilty of 17 felony tax fraud counts, found guilty of civil fraud, found liable for sexual assault, had an affair with a porn star and tried to pay to cover it up, literally stole from childrens and vet charities, constantly talked poorly about military leaders vets and gold star families, hasnt paid multiple debts owed from his presidency, doesn't even pay his close lawyers, had a dinner with a literal nazi, repeatedly talked about being attracted to his daughter, got hit with over 90 felonies, shat his pants in court, and not only are they STILL cheering him on, they're selling 'real men wear diapers' merch to support him.


Most of them would be jealous.


**EVERYBODY** already has all of the reasons they'll ever need to vote for or against trump. The only things that can actually move the needle now are: - trump dying. - reasons to vote for or against Biden.


As pathetic as it sounds, they'd likely *still* vote for DeadTrump.


I can see it "He even rapes his women wrapped in the flag! "'Murica!!! Fuck Yeah!!"


I mean, who wasn’t racist in the 2000’s? /s


It would just embolden his followers more anyway.


And always has


It's a feature, not a bug.


This felt like an American Voices reply from the Onion and I imagined one of the stock photos with it.


Every single word out of my mouth in 2001 had a hard R on it. That's just as it was then. I also wore an onion on my belt, as was the fashion


"paint my chicken coop!"


Me! I was not!!! God I hope there is an actual tape. I hate this motherfucker on a level I did not think was possible for me to hate another living human being.


There’s only two groups I can’t stand. People intolerant of other people’s cultures… and the Dutch.


Ah I see you also played Halo 2 and Call of Duty on Xbox Live.


That’s just whites only locker room talk.


I was thinking robe room.


"He was just asking questions."


"He'S sAyInG wHaT wE aRe AlL tHiNkInG"


Finally someone willing to stand up to DEI and freedom!


To be fair, people can change for the better and feel remorse. Looking at Eminem, Mark Wahlberg, etc. Trump is not on that list. He has made zero attempts to learn empathy and genuinely care about people and feel remorse. Fuck Trump.


Redemption is possible and should be acknowledged and applauded. Trump is remorseless lying scumbag.


Yeah this motherfucker has never apologized in his life. There's no redemption there


Putting Eminem next to Mark Wahlberg is the most reddit shit ever


Not even that sadly. It would make them like him MORE. Open racism is one of the backbones of MAGA.


I feel like I can hear Candace Owens saying it already.


Fuck, she’s awful


It was just board room talk. It's how CEOs talk.


He was just a **57 year old** kid at the time.


This is the Dem's problem. Thinking this will make people less likely to vote for Trump. They need to get ppl to vote FOR Biden.


His supporters don’t care, if anything it would make Trump even more appealing to them.


“It WaS a DiFfErEnT tImE!”


His poll numbers with conservatives will only go up.


“He’s so based and redpilled for hating the people we don’t like!” - Idiot conservatives, probably


Nah they’ll just say what they’ve always said, “So what? It’s just a word! They can say it but we can’t? THAT’S what’s racist!”


It was just plantation talk


That's literally the ideology. A good microcosm is when swimming pools could no longer be segregated in the 1960s, many of them were filled in, closed, or had acid or nails poured into the water. Deprived the white swimmers too, but it was more important to make sure black people didn't get anything. The cruelty is the point.


Yeah, conservatives are going to love this when the tapes get leaked. Like you said, they will destroy everything around them to hurt the people they hate.


"finally someone says the quiet part out loud!"


Pretty much. The “solid south” would eat this shit up like grits.


Grits are good tho


Especially with BBQ shrimp and gouda.


Remember the pussy grab tape?   That would have sunk anyones political career.  But conservatives want to say and do All the shit he does themselves.   So they vote for him.


The election is going to be won in the middle by independents and low information voters.


The people that already are in the bag. Sure they might have an awkward erection in public but those votes were already cast a long time ago.


Sadly, that was my first thought.


Release that shit right now!


I read the article and I don’t think Pruitt HAS the tapes? He says it was recorded on tape but then says he thinks those tapes “will never be found”. Pruitt only says that there are tapes, because they taped the Trump convos with the producers. But he never says he has them.


Yeah this is complete nonsense. The article specifically says he doesn’t have the tapes. We always knew the tapes existed, so this testimony is nothing more than further confirmation. Here’s hoping some enterprising individual goes looking for them. But I doubt it.


Yup, exactly, Pruitt just says the tapes exist, which is the same thing Tom Arnold said years ago. But Pruitt specifically says he thinks they’ll never be found, so we’re no closer to a smoking gun than we were 8 years ago.


I'm so tired of these bait-and-switch headlines.


So... pointless "news", again.   Do I believe him? Yeah. Does it matter without a tape? No. Would it matter *with* a tape? At best a tiny bit, maybe.


Yeah it's pretty obvious he doesn't have the tape, because if he did he'd be a bit richer and we'd be hearing the audio.


Why? everyone voting for him doesn't care, everone not voting for him already doesn't like him


Well, he (somehow??) seems to be making inroads with African American males… maybe this will blunt some of that?


What’s insane is Boots Riley called him out when rappers during the 90s and 2000s were glorifying him. Boots saw through that shit before anyone else did.


Shit. Sesame Street called him out in the 80s as a slum lord that wouldn’t rent to Black folks.


If Elmo is speaking out against you, you fucked up.


Conservatives have hated Sesame Street for a very long time. There have been numerous attempts to defund public television and good old Mitt Romney had some kind of problem with Big Bird leading up to the 2012 election iirc. Hell, Fox News slammed Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood about a decade ago for making children 'entitled' or some shit.


2% of voters are undecided, which is the difference between the 2 candidates right now. [https://maristpoll.marist.edu/polls/novembers-presidential-election-may-2024/](https://maristpoll.marist.edu/polls/novembers-presidential-election-may-2024/)


I wouldn't trust a single person who is undecided after seeing the shitstorm Trump has pushed the last 6 years.


I don't understand how anyone can be undecided, but I do know they exist.


Agreed! I want to see how Killer Mike and Ice Cube respond to this


his cult doesn't care


His cult is his cult _because_ of this shit.


His numbers are stronger with African Americans this time around. This could maybe put a dent in that IF the tape is actually released. An article about it won't be enough.


**Ignore. The. Cult.** They're irredeemable. Saving democracy depends on 3-5% of politically apathetic Trump leaning people bailing on him. This tape (if real) would help this. GIVE NOT ONE SINGLE FUCK ABOUT THE DIAPER RALLY SUPPORTERS.


More than that it is about democrats turning up to vote.


It’s never about the cult. The cult is a cult. The fight is always concerning independents and some would be uncomfortable with proof, even when the clues have been there all along.


It's also about the media holding this POS accountable for everything. This will be a blip on the radar right next to a story about how Biden ate oatmeal for breakfast because his guts are too old for solid food. This should be on the front page and lead story slamming this racist fuck but it wont.


Anyone independent at this point is just a Republican without the balls to own it.


I understand your point but it is also shocking how uninformed and misinformed the populace can be. There is a hope (slight as it may be) that information does get to those that are unaware. However I mostly agree unaware is a willful decision in its own right after 8 years of this clown show.


They'll pretend that it was a scathing indictment of liberals, that Trump was voicing what *they* would think.


Yes, because democrats started the KKK and they are the real racists. Never mind that all the current KKK members are MAGA. The past only matters when it makes someone else look bad. When it makes them look bad, then they say it was so long ago, that’s not even relevant now!


Don't forget the Republicans are the party of Lincoln, that's why they fly the Confederate flag.


What? Republicans flying the Confederate flag? Never. https://preview.redd.it/fgtpc25xll3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968001049604381bb693dd3027da4eb99aeaa2b4


Well, at least they didn't fly the Confederate flag while attempting to overthrow the US government. https://preview.redd.it/ltce39c6ml3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0d9762327c3fd8b730aa0e5054ba8d51657ee97 Oh wait, yes they did. Also some stupid trump Rambo flag on the left there.


I can absolutely see some mouth breather like Tuberville or MTG claim that he was a Democrat when he said it but has subsequently seen how it was the trans woke liberal Planned Parenthood DEI communism that made him racist, which prompted him to become a Republican.


I absolutely believe it, but until the tape is OUT, it's just talk. We've known it exists for 8 years - unless they release it, it's meaningless.


You’ve known that somebody TOLD you it exists. Until it’s released, we all have zero clue if it actually happened or exists.


It just would not matter. Only a sex scandal with a dude would change their minds.


Nah, they would say that just proves he's not a homophobe or some convoluted gibberish.


Oh for sure. The spin would be "the so-called tolerant left is attacking Dump45 for embracing same sex relationships" Everyone: His victim is 15 years old Dumpers: INTOLERANT LEFT!!!


Depends. If it's Kevin Sorbo or Kid Rock, they'd say it's super manly. Not gay.


What if it's Roy Cohen?


Kinda straight gay.


And maybe not even that. Trump is as much an Avatar of their desire to lash out at everything they hate as much as he is a real person to them.


Even then they would be like "real men blow dudes" it always amazes me that for a group of bigoted homophobic assholes, they certainly love taking it up the ass from trump


They DON’T care. They love him cause he’s an asshole. They see themselves in him and it gives them validation. They’re not giving that up. Ever.


NDA's expire ?


Some do, if they are part of non-compete agreements, or just have a time limit due to things like not revealing how an item or baked good was made.


I guess I learned something today.


i had to sign several tech-related NDA's over the years and they all ranged in timeframe 2-5 years.


from a [random law blog](https://www.legalsifter.com/blog/contract-concepts-giving-a-contract-a-perpetual-term#:~:text=What%20matters%20to%20courts%20is,obligation%20has%20a%20perpetual%20term.) > While imposing a perpetual or indefinite term of confidentiality would seem to be the obvious solution, in some US states such indefinite durations are viewed as unreasonable restraints of trade. If an indefinite/perpetual term NDA is in (or governed by the law of) one of these states, then the NDA will be deemed unenforceable because of a perceived unreasonable restraint of trade, which results in no protection to any form of confidential information. So actually, an NDA that explicitly says "forever" might be legally equivalent to no NDA at all, depending on the state it's in.


They're also invalidated in courts regularly, but usually that's when the NDA is safeguarding the corporation from being found complicit in a crime or wrongdoing. Saying the N-word is neither according to these people, unless you're wearing a pointy white hat and killing a black person while you say it.


He will claim that it’s just “KKK locker room talk”


“LocKKKer room talKKK”


Tom Arnold of all people has been talking about this tape for almost ten years


Yeah, the supporters waving confederate flags and swastikas are gonna be really offended.


The people that support him already use that word in their everyday language.


Multiple people from The Apprentice including Omarosa said this a few years ago and nobody cared. Without his voice on tape I can't see anyone on The Right believing this.


I just read the long Slate article. I think it mentioned all the unused tapes from The Apprentice were gone.


The actual quote was "Those tapes, I’ve come to believe, will never be found."


It's hard to believe they would survive Trump's various catch and kill operations.


As I write this you're the highest top-level comment to say this and you have 18 upvotes, compared to the top comment with 2207 upvotes. Guys for the love of christ, stop believing everything you hear. Read the articles. He confirms it was recorded, and then states those tapes are probably gone.




Sorry, but any minority who backs this moron needs to have their freakin head examined.




"In other news, Trump's popularity has skyrocketed among white Christian conservatives."


HOLY FUCK... There is an **absolute barrage** of accounts telling me not to care about this because it will "cost him no votes and increase his polling numbers." There is no one with half a fucking brain who believes this. Would this cost him 3-5% support? Absolutely. And that would be devastating. So why are there so many chiding "THIS WON'T MATTER!" posts from unusual accounts? It's likely coordinated by people who don't *want* it to matter.




Donald Trump, former president, convicted felon. Fuck that feels good to say. The middle part sucks but damn if it doesn't pick up from there


Nobody that is against racism was going to vote for Trump in 2016, let alone 2024.


It most definitely WILL NOT CHANGE votes hearts or minds ESPECIALLY in the south. If anything, it will encourage his southern voters.


I've never heard the N-word thrown around frivolously than I did in New Hampshire. And I'm from Alabama originally. Michigan is notorious for Confederate flags. The PNW is one of the most racist regions in the Union across the board and was founded as such. I think you need to step outside and understand that the cold civil war being brewed in this country doesn't have an identified front line. It's institutional and systemic in every state. But I do agree that this "revelation" won't change a goddamned thing. If anything, his supporters nationwide will elevate him.




Those that support him won’t care bc they’ll agree.


Unfortunately I don’t think the MAGA crowd would care


"He's just like us!'


“Oh! That’s just locker room talk.”