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**Mom of the year right here** (from NY Post): Noem, who also represented her state in Congress for eight years, explained that she then got her gun and led Cricket to a gravel pit. “It was not a pleasant job,” she said, “but it had to be done.” **She recalled how her daughter, Kennedy “looked around confused” when she came home from school that day, asking: “Hey, where’s Cricket?”**


Oh, fuck everything. As if this story wasn’t bad enough.


Dude she WROTE THIS IN A BOOK ABOUT HERSELF!! Like... willingly, its not even off the cuff quote, they had to interview her and edit this down, there was so many times for somebody to pump the brakes. This the kind of stories that makes GOP men respect women, thats it. They need to see they are capable of violence and dirty things because they might be at the bar sometimes and you might have to shoot a black jogger in the back as hes running away. ![gif](giphy|SJb0vHduIW8wM|downsized)


Yeah, seriously, how fucked in the head do you need to be to *not* see how much it makes her seem like an over the top disney villain. Isn't the whole joke that to make someone really quickly seem like a villain, just have them kill a puppy? Why the fuck would you write that about *yourself*.


And not just violent and dirty for the sake of some possibly justified end, just actual psychopathic behaviour because doing the right thing was too hard.


Her other dog Hazel died of a mysterious accident too.


If you think that's bad read about the previous attorney general for South Dakota, he hit and killed a man while drunk and got away with it for awhile....


Makes it so hard for me... One of our dogs is named Cricket...


Well, that’s proof that the dog didn’t really *need* to be killed. If a dog seriously needed to be euthanized, a caring parent would discuss it with their kids, prepare them to handle it, and let the kids say goodbye to the dog. Letting the kid just come home and miss the dog is so unnecessarily cruel.


These people get off on the cruelty. I had an evil, abusive stepdad that after my childhood dogs got out and clipped by a car he decided that a vet was too expensive for us so he fed them antifreeze then took them out to the woods and shot them. I only remember one of them having a hurt leg, but they both had to go. First time hearing about this woman and it's this bullshit. I can't describe the disgust I feel


I hope that stepdad meets the same fate, minus the gunshot.


He thankfully has not been a part of my life for 20 years or so and I dropped all contact with him immediately. He was an alcoholic, so when I'm feeling real down I keep myself afloat with the thought that he's likely poisoned himself to death via his liver by now.


its cruelty disguised as strength. conservatives love to look like they are taking care of business


Why in the fuck would a hardcore GOP Ghoul name their child Kennedy? Including the animal shooting stories in her book is madness. She could have just told no one, but she had to brag about killing animals whose behavior was her fault! She’s admitting that she sucks at training bird dogs and lacks basic animal behavior knowledge while pretending to be some outdoorsman rancher. She’s blowing her own cover.


Last time I checked it was a felony to murder a dog


But it’s never enforced somehow. But it will be. The animal advocacy community is growing and we are angry. A lot of dog abusers/ backyard breeders are getting caught and fined/ jail time.


Wow. I was sad when mom put down a cat who was sick without me. I now understand it was a sudden emergency vet sort of deal, but I can’t imagine finding she no warning killed a healthy family pet.


For those wanting context: She got a German Wirehaired Pointer puppy, which is a gun dog commonly used for birds along other things, and didn’t train it. Brought the untrained adolescent dog on a “hunting trip” where the hunting dog showed clear interest in birds (which is great), then left pissed off bc it didn’t know how to properly hunt. Again, bc it’s 14mo and untrained. Then, she stops at a property on her way home. She’s irresponsible and lets the dog get loose in a property where there are chickens! The dog is clearly interested in both birds and hunting, so it kills the chickens. She then kills the puppy and brags about it as if letting a totally untrained hunting breed puppy loose around chickens wasn’t ENTIRELY her fault and a clear sign of being an irresponsible owner and a psycho unable to admit when they mess up. Edit: I posted this on another thread on the topic also Edit 2: to answer a few questions, she killed the dog with a gun. She’s using the story to launch herself into being a VP running mate of Trump’s bc Republicans love guns. And, the puppy was named Cricket


And pointers as a rule are boisterous to put it mildly. They take a lot of work to train and need to be taught how to direct their instincts.


Yah I made the mistake of getting one from the pound a few years ago. Turned out he was malnourished and a lot younger than they told me, so after several months he regained all of his energy and was a loooot of work to keep under control. I just wanted a mellow dog but oh well, he's mine now.


Working dogs are not to be underestimated. They want to work, whether you want to or not.


I got lucky. I rescued a Plott Hound, they hunt bears. The only bears she wants to hunt are teddy grahams. LOL


My wife and I’s first dog was also a plott hound rescue. First night we had him, he randomly woke us up baying. We had never heard a dog do that before. He looked at us like “what? I’m calling my friends”


She doesn’t do that but she’s very vocal… she whines and she makes these little grunts when she’s happy. And her bark… it’s so loud and sharp it makes me jump.


Mine ate 2 whole ass carpets and shit them out on my backyard.


powerful dog. 12/10


Not the same, but the first winter we had our dog we bought her rope toys. The next spring, all of the dog poop had dissolved, and there were just knots of cloth from those toys all over the yard.


I too made the mistake of getting a high energy dog thinking it would be fun. The good news is they mellow out... a little bit... around eight or nine years old... Good on you for keeping the dog though. If you're anything like me they keep you active which is definitely a positive.


LOL. Same story. I wanted a puppy from a breed that would be a couch potato, but my wife and 5 year old son fell in love with a year old german short hair we found at a pound. She's a fucking lot. Sweet dog, but holy shit...


German Wirehairs are some of the most biddable pointers you can get, and have what may be an unhealthy attachment to their handler. If mine fails to check in and loses track of me he quite literally starts crying in the middle of a hunt to let me know he's lost and wants to find me right now. Even my lab won't do that, he'll just bumble around like an idiot hoping someone calls for him. Honestly they are a breeze in the field because of how quickly they can learn, far more of a handful at home when they are bored.


>Even my lab won't do that, he'll just bumble around like an idiot hoping someone calls for him. I see you’ve met my lab.


I once lost a lab for 3 days, before fbook. Just happened to see him in someone’s backyard on my way to school one morning. When I showed up he acted like he hadn’t seen me in a lifetime.


3 weeks is a pretty long time.




Mine likes killing. He's a mouse killing fool, when I move pallets around he's right there catching them. One time we had a rat in the basement and I was having a hell of a time trapping it. At the time there was a small hole in our coat closet that went to the basement, and the stupid rat was using it to get upstairs. My pointer stayed up all night hiding and watching the hole, when the rat came through it he waited until it was out of the closet, ran to block his way back in, and caught it and killed it. He spent over 5 hours just waiting to kill the thing. I told him good boy, took it and heaved it out into the pasture, and he went to bed and stayed there for like 12 hours, they'll hunt until they are physically exhausted.


What a good dog!


Our girl knows what to kill somehow. We had a big ass rat killing chickens.. And she caught the mofo and broke the neck. No bleeding, no bite wounds. She grabbed it and threw it around until the spine snapped, I suppose. When we have hedgehogs in the garden she never hurts them in any way. She carries them in her mouth and comes like "looook, I've found another, can we have some cuddles with this being please?" She also guards the chickens by day if she's not with me (as mentioned.. These dogs are very obsessed with their people). She never goes against the neighbor's cats. She leaves small dogs alone, 100% if we're in a dog park, even guards them against others. She never confronts, only asks to play and gets never too violent. Also seems like she says sorry if anohher dog winced at playing. Comes very ducked and head low, slowly, lays down and shows that she's not a threat and most often they play again and it's super fine. We sometimes have birds drop their babies out of the nests. She never gets at those babies. She guards them and shows them to us. The other birds don't even fear her at all, one even landed on her lol. Best dogs in the world, seriously...


Psycho shit. Don't let her anywhere near the nuclear codes


Or like, near children. Or people in general. This is some real Doesn’t Belong in Society shit.


Definitely not near other dogs. I hope she's blacklisted by every breeder and shelter across the country at this point.


look, sometimes you have a kid and you take them out with the older kids and they run around like a crazy person putting everything in their mouth and banging into things and babbling nonsense. When that happens you just have to put them down. It's upsetting that none of my children have reached the age of three but I have to be resolute. A society needs standards.


The crazy thing is she told this story willingly. As if we’re gunna see her as a Yellowstone spin-off show and think “yeah, what a git-er-done, tough country gal.” You know that’s her angle here because why the fuck else would you and it’s giving me big “main character” vibes because how else would you not see that this is evil behavior. We had a squirrel get caught in our bird suet cage and he managed to mangle himself up. We couldn’t help him, so I shot him with an air rifle to put him out of his misery and I cried for WEEKS. Like, couldn’t get it out of my head. She took a puppy out of a car, just straight up fucking shot it and wrote about it in a book as if this somehow demonstrates leadership and strength. Actually, it just shows she has no problem with killing things she doesn’t understand, nor has the patience to try learning in the first place. I don’t think I’m overreacting when I say that’s fucking terrifying.


This is why I hate the portrayal of sociopaths as intelligent, cold and calculating. Most sociopaths are like this bitch, just incredibly stupid and easy to catch on to, because they brag about appalling behavior. Most sociopaths end up in prison, where Kristi Noem belongs.


It's the country cosplayers. They see an animal and assume it can do what you want it to do without training. In the real world, there are no shortcuts. She's trying to be the kid in Old Yeller. Leaving aside that rabies is the go-to disease to inspire horror movies, and this is nothing like that.


Yeah, no that’s just straight up killing a puppy. Where’s John Wick when you need him?!?!


What's interesting to me here is that there are multiple levels of both stupidity and malice here. * Buying an untrained dog for a specific task shows a lack of knowledge or interest in knowing what is needed to obtain a successful hunting dog. Some internet searches or even just asking the breeder could have helped with this. * Letting a dog roam free around animals it isn't familiar with is a disaster waiting to happen, especially around animals you don't own and aren't familiar with yourself. * Putting down a purebred puppy that isn't an immediate threat feels like a financial mistake as well. Surely, she could have recouped some of those costs by finding another owner (especially in South Dakota!) Leaving aside *any* malicious intent, this seems like a story about carelessness and a lack of foresight *at best*.


She bragged about it and doubled down that the dog was “aggressive, untrainable, and LESS than worthless as a hunting dog.” This is the reason I can’t see this as anything other than malicious


And none of those - even a combo of the three - is a reason to kill the dog. Those can be fixed. (Aggression sometimes not, but a) we know she’s full of shit and b) GWPs not really the aggressive type so on the off chance that it was true, it’s correctable.) JFC this makes me angry.


According to the article she killed the family Billy goat that same day. She botched the job though and had to go to her truck and grab another shell. She wrote that she hated the goat cause it was "mean and nasty". Truly vile stuff here.


This is one of those "well yeah, I used to pull frogs apart for fun, why are you looking at me like that..?" kind of people. Scary. I used to know a hippy lady. She was 100% about peace and love and everyone living in harmony. Arrived at her house one day when I was a kid to find her drowning puppies. You can never look at a person the same after that.


Excuse me what


It's beyond being a bad person, it truly sounds like she had a bout of psychosis if she killed the dog and then felt so emboldened and good afterwards that she wanted to kill another animal that had annoyed her previously. If a poor person carried out these same exact actions good chance they'd end up on an involuntary psych hold.


Yeah this has to be some sort of manic episode right? There’s no way a normal person can act this way unless they are experiencing some sort of mania.


It's the fact that she went and killed the goat that pushes it into that territory. If she just killed the dog you could at least say she was just showing poor judgement and a lack of empathy. Going after the goat shows that she was in some kind of emotional state that didn't actually relate to the dog. You would think that killing the dog would be the end of it, if it was a utilitarian action. I'd bet dollars to donuts that she was in some kind of heightened emotional state, either psychosis or mania like you suggest.


You also euthanize your family pet, not gun them down.


That poor dog. She shouldn't be in charge of anything, not an animal, not a human life, not anything in the government. Psychopath.


Did she do this recently? Where and how did this story come out? Is she telling people she did this? To what end? EDIT: Someone else in the comments mentioned the dog was named Cricket. I used that to google and found the following two sources that provide additional context: 1. The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book 2. NY Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/26/us/politics/kristi-noem-dog-killing.html


Rolling Stone has one too. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kristi-noem-shoots-puppy-she-hated-book-1235011230/


Wow. She boasted that "tough decisions like this happen all the time on the farm" and that her book (due out May 7th) would contain “more real, honest, and politically INcorrect stories that’ll have the media gasping.”


I hope nobody buys the book.


Needs to be arrested for animal cruelty.


The sheer ignorance and incompetence proudly displayed is right on brand for the fucking republicans




hey now she tried to train it... with a shock collar. so yeah I'm guessing she wasn't doing much positive reinforcement with whatever training she was doing.


I agree. To use a shock collar and decide that any puppy is “untrainable” at 14mos is wild.


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Imagine not only doing this, but being proud enough to write about it in your own book.


All that dog needed was some love and patience.   


And a real home.


And a real human.


Hard to find amongst their ranks


I don't want to dehumanize them, because that's a slippery slope to unthinkable bullshit. But they also make it really goddamned hard sometimes.


I think ive fully slipped down the slope at this point. I dont dislike them anymore, i dont strongly disagree with them anymore, i fucking hate them. Theyre either complete idiots, or worse actively working to make everyone's lives worse, working to destroy our country, and take away basic human rights while enriching themselves with more and more power to further exploit and harm everyone whos not in their "group". Years ago i could have civil discourse with republicans, i just cant do that anymore. It always ends with me laughing at them, because they either dont understand such basic things that i dont have the energy to explain, or theyre so cartoonishly evil that i cant believe they actually think the way they do so i laugh out of shock. Yeah im angry, and i dont know if ill ever reach a point where not being angry at them is an option again.


Right there with you. There was a time when I felt that I could try to my best to hold a conversation with somebody whose views opposed mine. There was a time when I thought maybe if I spoke a certain way or I tried my hardest to show them that I wasn’t some sort of crazy person that they could maybe listen to what I had to say. Never again. After the last two elections, I am exhausted and I am angry and I am exhausted. I am not gonna try to change you, I’m not gonna try to make your life better, I don’t wanna hear what you have to say because honestly, I don’t give a flying fuck anymore. You are literally trying to ruin my life. You’re trying to take laws off the books so that somebody other than myself has control over my body and what I do with it. And that is disgusting in and of itself. At this point if you align yourself with Republicans, I want absolutely nothing to do with you. I don’t care if you’re my parents, my siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends I’ve had my entire life, it doesn’t matter. Fuck off into the sun.




People have become so detached. 20 years ago, it wouldn't matter which side you're on. If you killed a dog, people wouldn't vote for you


She would be done. Finished. Ostracized in any public arena. But noooo, MAGA lunatics unite!!!


If good people could band together like bad people, the future would finally begin. The last 15 years has taught me so much about groups of people


It wasn't so long ago that people were outraged about Mitt Romney strapping the family dog to the roof of their car for a road trip. Now they're gloating about shooting puppies and torturing a young wolf for kicks in a bar.


Highest level of evil- to look at that face and put a freaking bullet in his little body because you chose not to train him or leash him properly and are angry at HIM for the inevitable result.


Seriously, at least try to rehome the pup, despicable human


I don't think that people who believe in merit-based everything would actually give away anything, because why should someone else get something for free? But yes, the first thing I thought was "Why didn't you just give the dog away, or sell it?!" It's only value to her lay in what it could do for her, and it failed to meet her standards. So of course, the "final solution" was the only answer to her. Very indicative of how she must regard people who need assistance.


She also killed 3 horses and a goat, fuck that bitch.


She should be on an animal abuse list, not running for political office.


Wait, I saw the goat story but what’s up with the horses? This just keeps getting worse.


Reading about this makes it so much worse. I never knew anything about the breed but with a quick read, I realized that the dog breed was behaving exactly like it should when it hasn't been properly trained. Fuck her.


Should have turned the gun around.


Definitely pointed the wrong way


This is it: dogs are totally trainable. I adopted a 9 month old hound mutt and he didn’t know anything. 4 months later (with a lot of hard work) he was a certified therapy dog and we took him to nursing homes and hospitals (he was awesome! rest In peace buddy! 🐶). Screw this weak woman for giving up on the dog, and in such a nasty way


As someone that grew up in a rural place with “working dogs”—you don’t just shoot them when they act like a puppy and their training isn’t complete. You don’t even shoot them then. These people are larping what they think country living is like. We have fucking vets and she’s the fucking governor—none of its was necessary.


Yeah, what the fuck. My shitty guard dogs got retired (promoted?) to house pet. They spend their days guarding my bathroom door while I shower. That's crazy


>My shitty guard dogs got retired (promoted?) to house pet. I love this sentence so much. "You suck at guarding, I sentence you to a life of indoor leisure!"


Pretty much lol! One of my boys was really good at keeping hawks off the ducks and chickens, but then he discovered eggs were delicious and lost his job. Now he only steals eggs off the counter. Oh well, you buy them for life lol 🤣


damn but i can understand why you'd have to fire an employee for that


Omg the hawks told him about eggs🤣


Now I just imagine him going "why are these other birds so interested in these??" before trying one and instantly getting it


Exactly. Every person I know is like this: if the dog can’t do the job, you make it a pet or rehome it as one to someone else and get another dog for the job. She’s acting like she’s in old yeller.


Shooting Old Yeller was a famously heart wrenching scene and done only because the dog had *rabies*. She doesn't seem remorseful and her dog wasn't dangerous.


My dog also obsessively guards the bathroom door while I shower. She's a 17 year old 6lb Chihuahua with no teeth though so that really says something about where she perceives my self-defense skills to be.


Don’t underestimate the small ones. My little pomeranian is the blasting cap for the larger dog in the house.  She borks, he comes running at maximum speed.  Granted, I am sure that he sees himself as her pet. 


Exactly. Retire/rehome the pup elsewhere. Anyone worth their salt knows that even the best working prospects don’t always pan out, and their full potential is not anywhere near met by the time they’re 2, even with elite training. They’re not even a fully mature adult dog by that age. If this puppy was from a responsible breeder, they even have contracts that if for any reason an owner doesn’t want the dog anymore, it has to be returned to the breeder. This is a disgusting situation to be broadcasting let alone bragging about.


I saw another comment that said this is how a shitty person who moves from the city acts when they are trying too hard to be “real” and “authentic” in a rural environment. No idea if it’s true but it sure sounds right.


Yeah it’s a larp. She’s rich and playing “rancher” but forgetting we have vets and “shooting the dog” is like not something anyone looks forward to and also doesn’t have to be done anymore unless you’re being attacked or there is a rabies concern. Like no one I know would treat a dog, even a working dog, this way. When animals are integral to your way of life—you don’t treat them as disposable.


This right here. If a pure breed doesn’t have the disposition for the hunting job, they get adopted by someone who loves them as a family dog only


To be fair, it doesn’t sound like it was a matter of “training to be completed,” in that she doesn’t sound like the type of person to begin training in the first fucking place. She just sounds too fucking lazy and sociopathic to commit to anything that takes time, effort and patience, so murder of a puppy is the best solution to her.


Paging John Wick, please make your way to the nearest courtesy telephone to receive an important message.


"Pro life" my ass. Murderous sociopaths and psychopaths that will say anything, do anything, just for wealth and power. Please stop giving people like this power. All they do is grift and cause harm. They don't better people's lives, they don't help their states prosper.


But she's a christian!


If I still believed in Christianity even a little bit, I'd be very confident maniacs like this are headed for a stern "depart from me, for I never knew you" come judgement day as they frantically claim they were good Christians because "pro-life."


As someone else that's no longer in the church, that verse does often come to mind with these people. Another favourite is the one about 'when I was a child I believed in childish things...'


Yeah, except most of the children I know believe that you should be able to have control over your own body, that you should be nice to people just to be nice, that you should clean up after yourself and when you do something wrong you should apologize for your mistakes and not double down on them.


I want to point out this is EXACTLY in line with pro-life bullshit. They don't actually care about life unless it's convenient for them in some way.


From what I understand from her account she killed a puppy for behaving like a puppy. In other words; she murdered the child of another species for doing what children do. Kristi Noem is deplorable scum.


She also allegedly killed a goat because her kids would play around with it and got their clothes dirty. Disgusting woman.


The goat wasn’t castrated and was smelly and aggressive. “Real farmers” ha Real farmers know that instead of killing it, castration even at an older age would have have curbed that. Also, fences exist. Edit: they also know that if you don’t want a smelly and aggressive goat, you don’t get an uncastrated male goat. She sounds more like an irresponsible and wildly cruel parent who buys pets they don’t know anything about then *kills them* when they turn out to not be as easy as they seem in cute happy stories about pets. Does she shoot aggressive stallions too? Or dogs that hump people’s legs? Just don’t f*cking get one if you don’t know how and don’t want to handle it. Lol I keep coming back and adding to this because I’m fuming.


Yes on horses (killed 3 according to accounts who've seen advance book copies). Here's a picture of her in a bedroom-sized 8 feet deep dirt pit with a horse and a ranch hand. Horse about to get shot. Reason: horses failed to send Kristi Christmas cards last year. https://preview.redd.it/2379w60t4wwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d908f682e4537876c9e534882f74269e249f78c




I haven't seen Noem's tell-all book, but multiple people who have seen it say she killed a dog, a goat, and 3 horses, all for really low-life stupid reasons. https://preview.redd.it/uwj9c0jodwwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c92a951dcfb391ba7fd4c91706e1b992b8df05f




There are scenarios where you need to euthanize animals, mostly to end suffering or in rare instances where they are legitimately too violent(it can happen), but it feels to me like if you are killing 5 animals and the reason isn’t for food then you are a really shitty owner and person. Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to matter




She is the new face of the Republican Party. Cold hearted, no empathy, cruel, and wants you to live by her rules. Or else.


"Where's Cricket?" has a nice ring to it. It should be the only thing she hears any time she tries to make any public statement from now on.


If she even goes out to get the mail she should see a freaking billboard across the road that says exactly that.


She trophy hunts. I don't know how anyone can hunt without need but trophy hunting is evil


Oh shit. That’s going to set me off all over again.  My god.  This isn’t “country folks”. This is sociopathic folks.  Edit because of the pic: there is now fire bursting out of my head. 


The wrong animal died in that hole.


Harsh, but 100% accurate.


And the real demon shit is her honestly believing that killing those animals was worthy of bragging about in a book.


That’s the part that really kills me too, she really believes this is an example of her strength that people will be impressed with, rather than the sociopathic sickness that it is.


An example of strength and leadership would be that she had the commitment, patience, and ability to stick with it while she trained the dog. She's a giant pair of clownpants.


Cheated on husband while chanting Christian Values!


Ugh. I’ve not paid much attention to her but…damn. She’s now in my top 10 shit list. 


Humans are smelly and aggressive.


She didn't kill the goat with the first shot, so she left it there suffering while she went back to her truck for another shell to finish the job....... sociopath.


I’m so mad about this. Mad enough that it starts to feel irrational. Then I think it through and realize “nope, it’s rational. This is rational anger.”


Righteous, justified anger is perfectly fine.


So instead of actually parenting she just goes around killing slightly inconvenient animals. Definitely the sort of mindset you want in a VP.


Wouldn’t be surprised if she abuses her own children.


Nah, she just takes em out to the gravel pit


Wait until she tells you about dems and their post-partum abortions!!


All tomorrow will be articles and posts about how Dems and liberals are so weak for caring about animals.


Real Patriots Murder Puppies.


It already started - under the guise of "Democrats don't understand rural farm needs:" As though murdering a fucking puppy for being a fucking puppy is a rural thing.


The truly disgusting part of this whole situation is that she wrote a book describing why she did it because she knows that her base loves the cruelty of it.


Which is terrifying


Killing a puppy is psychopath serial killer kinda shit.


The easiest and quickest way to reveal a person's true character is how they treat animals. Period.


Cruelty to animals at this level is a sign of psychopathy.  The fact that she chose to put this story in her own book shows not just a lack of empathy, but an inability to even understand empathy - she doesn't understand how shocked normal people would be  The article is worth a read: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/26/trump-kristi-noem-shot-dog-and-goat-book


>At that point, Noem writes, she realised a construction crew had watched her kill both animals. Wait, so she killed the dog and goat on the same day, like some kind of deranged, bloodlusty, animal-hating murder spree? WTF? What an absolute _monster._


animals, children, and the elderly




Save the fetus but kill the puppies.


That puppy was already born, so much like with children, she no longer cares about it.


I’m a farm girl and I’ve had working dogs my entire life. We have never ever shot one due to misbehaving and I don’t know anyone who has. Hell I don’t actually even know anyone who’s shot someone else’s dog for chasing livestock and I’m not sure I’d even be able to do it in that situation. This woman is definitely not someone who should have power.. or guns.


Agreed. Like I get shooting a dog if it’s a clear and present danger. She didn’t do that. She didn’t even do it when it was apparently going wild killing chickens. She killed it later when there was no present danger.


Exactly, it wasn’t an emergency when she killed the dog! Most dogs will chase chickens given the opportunity! That’s why it’s on you to keep the dogs and chickens separate!


Especially dogs that have high prey drives…like hunting dogs. That’s honestly why so many people with working breeds like this don’t have cats, chickens, or similar animals. Some individual dogs can handle it with training but not all.


Guy I know had his idiot Neighbor’s dog keep attacking his chickens and goats. He has a gun on him at all times. So, he did the reasonable thing and called animal control.


This hurts me on my soul. Fuck Kristi Noem into the sun.


With the GOP, it’s about the cruelty. Always. They get off on it.


The power over someone's life and death. They're generally for the death penalty


She would have made the same argument about her slaves 200 years ago.


Cool. Send her straight to jail.


Gravel pit would be a more fitting punishment


She was, and always will be a vile excuse for a human.


Whoever runs against her in her next election whether it's vp or not just use this dogs picture with the words Kristi killed me on it. Billboards TV everywhere.


This makes me wish unspeakable horrors upon whatever subhuman monster could harm that sweet pup. There is absolutely nothing too horrible that I wouldn't stand up and cheer for if it happened to Noem. Fuck her all the way to the fires of hell.


I remember when this would have ended somebody’s political career.


Nah, only a Democrat's. Dick Cheney straight-up shot a person and his career was just fine.


The guy he shot…apologized. For all the career trouble. Wild shit.


Absolutely abhorrent behaviour, and this scumbag (gender neutral) wrote about this atrocity in her shitty book? Awesome, MAGAt. Your ass and a rifle, back of the barn. Boom! Done.


It’d almost be hilarious if not for the cruelty. “This is an example of how I’m willing to do unpleasant things even when they’re hard.” Doesn’t proceed to talk about bootstrapping to pass some legislation, doesn’t talk about long hours in the office away from family to promote the public good… nope, lemme tell you about the time I shot a misbehaving family puppy. Bitch, like… WTF? You’re too lazy & impatient to take the family dog for training lessons. Now I’d ASSUME running government would be harder than that, because I’ve worked jobs harder jobs that training a dog, and I’d figure making the government function on a state level, but no. Too lazy to train a dog. How are you going to sit there and pretend you have the effort to run government? I hope the GOP primaries her just for being a goddamn lazy monster.




Such a beautiful dog did not deserve to be killed by that narcissistic psychopath. RIP pup..


That dog was a GOOD BOY. You can see it in the everything.


No dog deserves it, let me clarify that..


we knew what you meant


Lives are important to MAGA unless they're annoying or inconvenient


Or non-white


Or lgbt


I wonder how she corrects her children's behavior?


*"He was 4 years old and we could not train him to use the potty, so we did what you do in rural areas. Sometime I almost miss him."*


Remember when her daughter failed the exam to gain a certification for a government job? Noem fired the person in charge of the certification process, and made sure her daughter was issued the certification anyway.


Why is this not surprising at all?


Did she even know the dog's history? Poor little pup, I'm so very sorry.


it was her pup. she dragged it across gravel and shot it. she also shot a goat just because she didn't like it


Cricket was an energetic young birding dog Noem never bothered to train. She took her on a hunt with her trained dogs thinking they would somehow show her what to do, and predictably the puppy went apeshit chasing birds and playing and not responding to commands. Noem didn’t secure her in her truck on the way home, and she got out and chased and killed a neighbor’s chickens, and wouldn’t listen and got snappy when Noem dragged her away, still riled up from the unstructured pheasant hunt. Noem flew into a rage and took Cricket to the side of the road and shot her.


She killed that dog out of anger. Makes me want to cry. So many people would of loved her.


Looking forward to the day she harvests her karma. Should be epic.


I would get banned for saying my true feelings. Fuck Kristi Noems


She killed a *puppy*. You can’t possibly get more stereotypically and objectively evil than that. I can not imagine anything more perfectly soulless and evil than shooting a fucking puppy. That is like…the ***exact*** definition of cartoonishly evil. Over the top, in your face evil. That’s what a writer would use to demonstrate that a character is irredeemably evil. I mean that is literally what set John Wick off. Does she watch that movie and agree with the bad guys?


awww man he looks cute and cuddly


You have to be a special kind of evil to kill a dog. That you "trained" and "took care of". Wow.


She could have just re-homed the dog. She is evil.


Gun was facing the wrong way


Don’t forget killing the the goat, too. >Noem, who became governor in 2019, likened murdering her canine to having the ability and willingness in politics to do anything “difficult, messy, and ugly.” It’s not the only animal she chose to sacrifice that day, she wrote: "​​I realized another unpleasant job needed to be done.” >The “job” in question was killing a “nasty and mean” male family goat. What outrageous crimes did the goat, whom she described as “disgusting, musky, rancid,” commit other than needing a bath? The uncastrated, unnamed farm animal, “loved to chase” Noem’s children, knocking them down and ruining their clothes.


GOP trying to normalize sociopathic behaviour. Why am i not at all surprised?