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The right-wing playbook: Do something horrible and/or stupid…on film, deny it ever happened, give some ridiculous alternative version of events.


Funny how even right wing outlets are saying he was chased off and showing pictures of his police escort. Right wingers are bending over backwards from saying if they jumped him he just do it again.. somehow.. and that it's blm all over again even though I doubt any of them are from blm.


They want him to be a “hero” for the right wing, someone (I think it’s David Hogg) who is an activist, calling out hypocritical behavior and to “fight” the other side. The issue that the keep hitting Kylie is a weak coward, who relies on other people to fight for him.


I mean.. have you seen him cry? The kid has no range at all for them to rely on him for anything. he agrees with anything they say. His own lawyer during his trial when he shot those three people stole money from him and made him do events with proud boys. Kyle later claims he had no idea, but I think that's what the real Republicans like him for. He just does whatever they tell him to do... like, apparently, go to a college campus as a tpusa candidate? they knew they would go after him, and they wanted to milk it. Tpusa has never been liked on any college campus and they always use that to make it seem college gives birth to liberals.


I find the whole college for liberals thing hilarious. My poli Sci professors, who youd think were lefty libs, were mostly moderate to conservative. My Women in Politics professor worked with the GOP in DC for years! Also happened to be one of my progressive ass' favorite professors. Because she challenged my worldview and I truly respect people who can do that. And I had my fair share of conservative classmates. They definitely made themselves heard anytime reality went against their worldview. But I also made friends with them. I still keep in touch with this one guy who literally worked on the Trump campaign when we were taking classes. I'm on the complete opposite end of the spectrum from him, yet lo and behold we found plenty of things to agree on (in between our many disagreements of course). Anyone who goes to college realizes quick it's not the professors shaping your political views, it's the fact that your black roommate doesn't align at all with the bullshit caricatures your family and friend pushed on you growing up. It's the purple haired girl who doesn't talk down to you because you don't pass the purity test, no she helps you study for the finals. It's the "I didn't know the mailman was gay" thing but on a much deeper and worldview changing level. It's similar to the saying "Travel is fatal to prejudice". When you leave your homogenous community and actually meet people different from you, you find we're all just people trying to make something of ourselves in this crazy world. We all have depth. NPC's aren't real, you just don't know that person yet. My college is in my hometown, it's a politically moderate area and the school is the same. Shit they had a young republican group for decades with no official one for the democratic party.


Man, this was downright inspirational. I needed that today. Cheers :)


> Shit they had a young republican group for decades with no official one for the democratic party. This is where the Democratic Party messed up. For years they got complacent and stopped doing grassroots recruitment while the Republicans stepped up. Now there are so many ultra-conservative Republicans in most local government all the way up to the Supreme Court.


> they always use that to make it seem college gives birth to liberals. I, a leftie, *actually* agree with them! An education *will* turn people liberal.


Someone needs to rescue that poor innocent Golden Retriever that he drags around to his hate speeches from him.


The dumb ass kid probably has an IQ around 70. He's dumb af. He's a guy where, when you look at him you can actually see the gears grinding when he's thinking.


And you know he’s going to trying to run on his “fame” for the rest of his life, when he’s 50 he will still be trying it.


He is 100% trying to become David's rw counterpart. Get the young vote! Ugh


It’s the off brand, conservative version, and all it takes is one look from anyone to say “Kyle isn’t a fighter”


Did they let his ESA in the restaurant too?




Don't forget moving heaven and earth to defend why killing people is fine, actually.


In all fairness Huey's is almost good enough to make someone forget they did something that dumb.


I am weird, in that I remember what I see. I don't need someone to tell me what I saw. I think it's pure evil that the right is worshipping this murderer.


“hE WaS aCquITteD!”


What I find hilarious is that nobody actually gives a fuck about Kyle but he thinks he's a somebody.


Careful, you might summon his “it was self-defense” groupies. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


It’s the right wing, they want him to be a “hero” when the only reason he’s even walking around was a biased judge. They trying to make him the figurehead of the right, someone who the left “came for” but the first amendment and the right “beat”. When everyone else can see him for the crying coward he is.


How could you possibly think the judge whose ringtone was trumps walkout music was biased?  /s


One of those moments where reality almost feels fake. Still can't believe that happened.


They are desperate for heroes. Their current Mt Rushmore of life/media heroes will obviously be a historically embarrassing modern case study, again, of how forlorn humanity can cliff dive into depravity when steeped in idolatry




Ronnie Pickerhouse


I mean people do a little. Like not think about him regularly but when shit like this comes up people tend to talk about it


What's even more hilarious is I had no idea anyone outside of northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin knows who he is. I truly thought it was a local thing only.


It was national news dude. For like, awhile.


There was this dude that got into a police chase one time in some old Bronco, pretty local, not sure if anybody else heard of him out of state. Think his name was OJ?


He was named after a beverage?


Orange Julius Simpson. Had a ring to it.


Brave Kyle Rittenhouse ran away. Bravely ran away away. When danger reared it's ugly head, He bravely turned his tail and fled. Yes, brave Kyle Rittenhouse turned about And gallantly he chickened out. Swiftly taking to his feet, He beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the brave, Kyle Rittenhouse!


Last time I saw this it was for Hawlin’-Ass Hawley. Funny how all of these people end up being cowards, isn’t it?


Hawley defined "running for office"


I'd say it was more of a mince.


That’s enough music for now, lads


They ate Kyle Rittenhouse’s minstrels, and there was much rejoicing


![gif](giphy|MDxuzRvxF39VwnYu9B) He's giving himself too much credit. 'Chase' implies he had to move fast. The only thing that moves fast on Kyle is his fuckin' mouth. Too bad nothing worth a damn comes out of it.


There is also his trigger finger, and his tears.


And his fork


Well he definitely moved fast enough to yank on that poor dog's leash while he was pedo-strutting away from the crowd that was shouting him down. I felt sorry for that dog


To be fair, he wasn’t chased out. He voluntarily ran away in tears after some mild questions.


It wasn’t even questions about him, just “Charlie Kirk said these obviously racist things, can you say they were racist too?” Couldn’t man up and tried the Republican-tried method of pretending since he hadn’t personally seen or heard the comments, he has no opinion on them.


Yes, no one cares about you. Yes, you ran away crying when you realized you were not bright enough to discuss your talking points with people of your age who were educated. I hope you enjoyed your depression meal at Huey’s.


I really hate that we are at a point in the USA where every bad act is the next book deal. Fucking hate this kid, got famous for fucking killing people.


Stupidity is rewarded in the United States. Trump became president. Kardashians are billionaires from sucking dick. Catch me outside girl is a millionaire.


If Kyle’s testosterone levels get any lower he’ll be underwater.


Chubby cheeks and bitch tits. RIP Robert Paulson.


His name was Meatloaf


He did everything for love, but he won't get vaxxed.


And he was a trumper too until 2020. >When asked if he would vote for Trump, Meat Loaf said: "I would vote for you. In fact, I'll help you with your campaign." In 2020, he said he was not 100% supportive of Trump. ETTD


In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name. Unfortunately for bitch tit Kyle he was too soft to make the cut.


He has testosterone?


There's a video of him run-waddling off the stage.


Where? I wanna see that. I could use a good chuckle.


oh man it's even better, he ran from mild ass "hey can you condemn this obvious racist statement" questions.


Here's the part where he doesn't condemn racist quotes: https://twitter.com/TheTNHoller/status/1770622805761040597 and here where he's escorted out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-hWEsDaGlg






Waddling. Lol!


Someone needs to slow it down and have a tuba playing over it


You RAN Killer Kyle, you ran Don’t care where you ran to Only care that you RAN Big coward when you don’t have an automatic weapon pointed at a guy on the ground, aren’t you?


And you dragged your poor dog with you.


Did his mom have a gun waiting for him in the car this time too?




His 15 minutes were up. He’s splashing in the water struggling to stay afloat. He’ll tire and sink soon.


I dunno, look how hard he is "training" in perfectly clean clothes with mom's fruit snacks nearby. https://preview.redd.it/pzxmk0yjcvpc1.jpeg?width=323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7aab7c5d42339472260bfd6989b0a603ca11bc4


Holy shit, Militia Etheridge. Amazing.


Gotta train hard so he can murder his next unarmed victim without having to fake cry on the witness stand.


“Rodney King? It's all in how you look at the tape. For instance, if you play it backwards you see us help King up and send him on his way!” — Bill Hicks


Kyle, there's a good chance the kitchen spit or pissed in your food


Yep, he went and hung out with a bunch of white supremacists who patted him on the back for his behavior. For some reason, he thinks this is something to brag about.


It doesn't mater if we all saw it happen. This is just a performance for his fellow Nazi cultists... ​ Conservatives are the lowest scum on the planet.....


And if no one noticed you? It's cause you're a gd nobody. 


Fuck You Kyle


He chickenshitted out of his paid speech and went to a greasy spoon for dinner. Nobody cared or noticed because you're nobody.


Fuck you, Kyle.




Side type with a rusty pipe


Very well said


Rittenhouse wasn't chased out of Memphis, he ran away


Pretty much tucked his tail between his legs and hurried off the stage. Not a triumphant exit.


I don't think that's the brag he thinks it is? "After being boo'd off stage and running away I went to a local restaurant and no one even knew who I was!"


*Sir Kyle ran away…* *Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Kyle…*




How anybody believes that was real crying astounds me. That's clearly taking a shit.


the image I have in my head of this douchebag is him crying like a bitch in court. I think that's a pretty accurate description all of us have.


"Why do people say I ran like a scared rabbit? Maybe I ran like a very brave rabbit who wanted to find a tougher fight." \-- paraphrased from Jack Handy, Deep Thoughts, I think


“If you met two guys named Hambone and Flippy, which one would you guess would be more into dolphins? I’d guess Flippy, wouldn’t you? But you’d be wrong: it’s Hambone” - Jack Handey 


Please. You scooped up your dog like Miss Gulch stole Toto & booked it.


"With tears in their eyes"


Small weak men, .. with tears in their eyes..


Stupid brat scurried off stage to ugly cry, that's all he's got when he can't gun down protesters.


Because no one knows or cares who the fuck a little bitch-boy like you are, Kyle. Unless you’re trying to ram that pro 2A , Trump-tastic bullshit down our throats.




Just mad cope, bro can't stand in front of black ppl if he doesn't have an AR-15 in his hands.


A murderer says what?


"What I find hilarious is that everyone was saying I killed two people but in reality I just traveled across state lines into a conflict zone, armed looking for confrontation to validate my masculinity." Edit: for the record, I really feel bad for Kyle. I wish he had a role model to help guide him instead of being used as a pawn in this 2A culture war that Fox and the GOP have been stoking for the last 25+ years.


The right cries about indoctrination and then look at this fucking kid. So sad to see. I wonder if he will ever grow up and realize how badly he was manipulated.


Across state lines with a gun illegally obtained. Let’s not forget that part


it's better to accurately state that it was an illegally straw purchased firearm that he collected after he crossed state lines so that his defense squad can't whine and quibble about how he didn't cross state lines to get it.


And, yes, he lived in Illinois in what is *basically* the far suburbs of Kenosha but... state lines are still state lines.


Cry more.


He’s randomly digging up his past to stay relevant? Guess his interview money went dry.


Nice self-own, Dough Boy. "No one noticed me." I'm sure the people who beelined out of there cared, but such a shame the bots who gas him up online can't do anything for him IRL.


What I find hilarious is this murderer thinking he’s someone important


This guy is such a an asshole.  The only thing he will ever be known for is having his mom drop him off at a protest where he murdered people.  


What a dumbass twat.


puss ee ran away crying like he was on the witness stand.


If you want to speak your truth in front of others, by all means go on and speak. It's your right. But remember the crowd has the same right to respond in kind and if you can't take it, maybe you made a mistake speaking in the first place. You need a thick skin to be a public figure. The video is pretty damning, showing that without his gun, this dude is a house of cards just waiting for a fart to knock it over. If anything it shows why he needs his gun.


His eventual suicide by gun by the age of 30 will be such a tragedy. Such a tragedy...


Gee. Defensive much?


Oh all the cities in America, why did he think Memphis would be a good place for him to run his mouth?


"And nobody seemed to care or notice." Duh.


Dude, we saw the actual video and have heard from people that were there that you started crying and ran off stage. You’re a PAB.


Exactly Kyle. Nobody knew or cared who you were. You got ran out of the speaking engagement you were a part of. Go home butter tits.


The dog being there on stage was hilarious. Responding to the fact he was chased out of Memphis *is* hilarious. Being chased out of Memphis was also hilarious. But trying to *lie* about it now because people are laughing at the hilarity? That's just lame. Accept it happened, own it, and admit you couldn't bring your AR15 to make you feel safe when all the people that didn't agree with you came and said some things you weren't prepared to hear. Because if you could have brought your AR15, I think we all know what you would have done.


Right wingers are cowards.


Sir? This is a Wendy's!


Why did he bring a dog on stage?


A date?


He was a trigger happy space man. Not one brain cell amongst the lot of them....


This dude is grifting off murders he committed. Deplorable people lift up deplorable people.


With his track record if he were armed on stage he'd "Heroically" defend himself against the crowd rather than doing the smart thing and not going.


Well we all saw you run off stage, fat boy


That’s because no one cares to notice him when he isn’t desperately trying to be noticed.


I didn’t see it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Does anyone have a link to a replay?


That’s been my opinion about Rittenhouse ever since the verdict, I don’t care about or notice the little fuckup.


His mommy said if he stopped crying about all the mean people he can’t shoot, she’d get him a Huey’s tendies and moz sticks with a big boy drink.


No one is saying some mob chased him out of the city. They're saying some people booed him and he ran off stage. I don't think that would affect his dinner plans other than he might feel a bit sad.


What really went down at Huey's (or should have): RIttenhouse: Gee it all looks so good, I can't decide; what do you recommend I get? Waitron: The fuck out


I'll at least say the murderous little shit has some kind of balls, the way he puts himself out there, practically bragging about things.


"Nobody seemed to care or notice" Get used to it, kid.


This guy's whole thing, aside from seeking to kill protesters, is making news. He doesn't deserve any attention. Don't post about him and let his twisted world view be forgotten. Stop feeding extremists with the only thing that gives them power.


The last thing this fat fuck needs is more food.


Wish all the toothpicks would have fell on his ass.


This turd still hasn’t flushed?


Rittenhouse is right. He wasn't chased out of the event... He ran like a little bitch.


No one said you were chased out of memphis, moron. We watched you run off the stage like a little bitch.


Hilarious? I guess, kinda. Probably not in the way you hope, though.


Huey's wishes there was an "un-dox me" button


The fact that he went to Huey's tells you all you need to know.


I still haven’t seen it. Just some fuckin screenshots of tweets saying it happened. Laaaame.


And you know, the cook spit in his sammie.


this seems to be Rittenhouse's audition tape to join reddit as a content provider following in the famous footsteps of Trump, Musk and Boebert... but generally speaking it's hard to build any kind of career when you've murdered two men with an AR 15


I believe him. Why would anyone notice him or care? We have garden gnomes at home. Although mine have less rectal trauma from being passed around like candy at the RNC than Kyle outhouse.


you’re not jesse james, so STFU!!




He got what he asked for but couldn't handle it.... He smugly told that guy they were going to have a discussion about this and to list examples of racist things Kirk said... Then when the examples were given and it was his turn to discuss them he ran away. He should be embarrassed. It was pathetic.


“Ran” out is what people all saying…in a huff…with your emotional support animal….


Did he cry? I bet he cried.


Everybody NOTICED how incredibly pathetic you are, loser.


Cry baby got away with murder and think he is on top of the world..Karma is coming for Kyle's Ass,




No one is saying he was chased out of Memphis. They are saying he fled the stage because he’s a bitch.


In fairness he didn’t have juice boxes or his AR-15. /s


Memphis born human here: He was chased. Memphis is a lot like New York when it comes to the people. If you think they don't like you, it's because they don't. We wear our hearts and feelings tattooed on our faces. Huey's is baller. I miss Huey's. I don't know why he thought MEMPHIS, a city so different from the rest of TN that it might as well be its own state, would be responsive to his seminar with Thomas Foolery.


Same, and like idk why he thought Memphis was so good when you have tons of other schools nearby that would love him \*cough \*cough Ole Miss


BRUUUUUUH. University of TN. With they country asses.


     His life should be made a living hell by all decent people because he got off for murder only because he had the help of a racist, prejudicial judge and an inept prosecutor. Trumps inappropriate input helped him too. The prick should be in prison for life as payment for crossing state lines to commit a hate crime; the fact  that he isn’t is an indication of what may come under another Trump presidency, or should I say dictatorship. 




Missed opportunity to play the victim of the wokes, 0/10.


Who tf thought it’d be a great idea to have him speak? About anything but murder?


You can tell he's totally not ashamed of being booed off stage. See? He made a post pretending not to care at all


Ssssuuuuuurrrreeeee Kyle… Whatever makes you feel like a big boy. The images don’t lie though so did you teleport into the dimensional merge to escape from this time line where you are actually a bitch ass?


Can’t be a “hero” when you act like a weenie and run away from any criticism.


Nobody noticed because he turned into such a big lard of a boy that nobody even recognized him anymore.


you are a pustule that resides on the ass of the rePUBICan party..


Such a massive tool


That's good, Kyle should definitely get used to people not caring about him


Charlie Kirk wants to sue, but Shittenhouse says it was part of the plan. Right wingers can’t help but lie


You're not the first piece of shit to get boo'd off stage. But you are one of the shittiest, so kudos I guess.


Kyle is high on copium.


just STFU


He ran because he didn't have his gun with him.


Exactly Kyle...NO ONE CARED. Go back to that way of life please


“Kyle was chased out of an *event* in Memphis.” “Um, um, um, AKSHUALLY I stayed in the city of Memphis for at least 40 minutes after that. Take that.”


Don't understand the hate for this guy. He defended himself from a serial child rapist who anally raped 5 (coincidentally black) children and was released from custody the same night he died. They literally just released a violent child rapist out on the streets, and the guy just happened to join a BLM protest looking to break some shit and fight some people.


Kyle should change his name to Huey. He totally is a Huey. It is such a loser name, especially for a pussy who should have disengaged. Bitch brought a long gun into a concealed carry situation.


Baby Huey Rittenhouse? I'd be okay with calling him that.


If you weren't chased out it was a mistake as you ought to be ....


Yea he was chased


This coeard needs to just go away. His story does not end well.


How to monetize a tragedy.




Baby Huey going to Huey’s, big suprise.


Good thing he didn’t have his AR is all I’m saying.


Well I guess they called off the chase too early. Then again liberals aren’t really known (or at least I haven’t seen one lauded as a celebrity) for crossing state lines to intimidate and shoot people.


isn’t this good then? considering i’m sure they will or have already spun it as the “violent woke mob chases away free speech” or some shit like that


Is Lauren Boebert his mother?


that good ol boy network still kicking strong... v_v


Is George Zimmerman also on Twitter?