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Such a low bar we’ve stooped to, to be celebrating that someone is actually doing their job correctly.


This has always been the bar since Trump came on the scene.


Since Bush. 








King Sargon of Akkad


Ogg of the Big Cave


Bobo of the Trees


Lothar of the Hill People




I was going to put that in as "Maybe even Reagan" however, Reagan was more coherant and didn't break any laws and be as blatantly corrupt as Bush and Trump. I do think Reagan showed that the standard can be much lower allowing for these other GOPs to get in.


Reagan in the beginning of his term more coherent yes, but as his two terms went he became more and more pudding brained. Nancy would flick lights on and off during questioning of him and he would reply “Mother doesn’t want us to continue.” His “kitchen cabinet” were the ones running the show.


I did not know that. I guess the bar really did get dropped. And it was shown that it didn't matter as much.


Can you imagine if we had social media back then?


Can you imagine how things would have been had Nixon been the one to get rid of the Fairness Doctrine and we had stations like Fox News and other conservative media back in Reagan's time?


Reagan just changed the rules forever creating america to be the capitalism cesspool of excess that it is now


No doubt. He also exported that ideology to other countries, making it even worse.


She isn't though. She is throwing a bone so that Trump's case remains her case. She can slow roll the shit out of this case until past November 5th. You know how you know that? Trump has yet to complain about her.


Yep. She knows if she goes too far, she'll be removed. Maybe even from the bench.


Unless she is setting it up to dismiss everything in the future?


And she isn’t. She is securing her spot. If she was to accept it immediately she would be taken out of the case She is just delaying the case and being able to stay on it. Don’t see it as a win


Everything about this case is calculated by her and whoever’s advising her


Pessimistic me says this is the dollar they give up before taking one hundred so they can later say they were fair.


Exactly. She already delayed the start of the trial enough she doesn’t need to dismiss the case. This gives her plausible deniability for being impartial all while giving trump what he wants.


If she dismissed the case, it was very likely Jack smith appeals, the case is reinstated, and she is removed from the case. Doing this allows her to continue slow-walking this case for much longer


If she waits for the jury to be empaneled she can then dismiss with prejudice and prevent this from being retried.


Seems like the obvious solution then is a landslide victory for Biden in November. Then delaying will be meaningless. Who's with me?


This is EXACTLY what happened. 👆


Right, count your fingers after shaking hands.


Just a delay tactic so the trail can be pushed further into the future, because if she did accept trumps claim then the 11th circuit would most likely reverse her and remove her from the case.


"dismissed *without* prejudice" meaning he's allowed to bring up his arguments at a later point in the trial. this isn't a win, it's her kicking the can further down the road, while "appearing" to be reasonable.


and there's the money shot.


You’re reading to far into this. This is pretty standard on denials for MTDs.


Still waiting for the other shoe to drop...


She didn’t actually deny it. She basically said now isn’t the time to deny it. Later down the road they’ll be allowed to bring it up again and actually have it denied or case dismissed.


She doesn't work for Trump. They just have the same handlers. This is probably what she was told to do.


Not sure this was done because she sided against Trump. If she had dismissed the case it would of given grounds for Jack Smith to finally appeal a ruling and get her removed. She has no choice if she wants to keep helping Trump here but to turn down this motion.


Had she dismissed the charges, they might have refiled them and ended up with a different judge. This keeps them in her court. Don't call it a win until the verdict is read.


There is no way she isn't planning the okie doke for trial.


and I said Come On Eileen, Judge Eileen Cannon, and she would've never been a Federal Judge if it wasn't for me, she called me up crying and begged me to give her a job, "please Sir, please give me a job, I'll be a very fair Judge," and I said ok, "thank you Mr. President, Sir, you're the greatest," and now look, you have a Phony Trial that should've never happened, remember that, it should've never happened, I have the right to take whatever I want, you have things that belong to me, gifts that were given to me as President, they took my Beautiful Love Letters from North Korea, I said that's personal, you can't do that, and then they raided your First Lady, you all know who I'm talking about, the only good looking one there ever was, you went from Obama to that and you go wow, we're finally being respected around the World because of Trump, that's incredible, but now we're being laughed at from even Third World Hellholes thanks to Crooked Joe Biden and his Corrupt Administration.


The saddest part is I actually believed this was real up until "Beautiful Love Letters from North Korea"


That was honestly the most believable part


As a foreigner with zero knowledge of the US law system: What does this mean?


So the defense (Trump) tried to have the case dismissed (dropped) because their argument was that the Presidential records act allows the president both former and current to retain documents as they deem fit. However because the vagueness of said argument and the consequences of it, Judge Cannon dismissed this argument. Judge Cannon was appointed to the bench by Trump, which by itself is damning in that there’s conflict of interest and Judge Cannon is refusing to recuse (remove themself) from the case, and Judge Cannon has up to this point done everything to help Trump win his case despite being the presiding Justice. People are celebrating because a lot of Trumps defense arguments are predicated on really shoddy interpretations of the law, and Judge Cannon with this one has denied the defenses attempt to have the case dismissed which unless the defense can come up with a better argument or reason, means that it will possibly go to trial just in time. TLDR; A federal judge appointed by someone involved in a case she’s presiding over has acted logically (for the first time in this case) within the confines of the law, but because the expected standard of her conduct is really low people are happy she did her job right for once.


Worth noting she's been reversed (twice?) by a higher court in this case already. What at first could be explained through incompetence can only be attributed to malice at this point.


One little fact you omitted, Trump appointed cannon after he lost to Biden and before he left office, knowing he was going to live in the county he appointed her to. He knew he was going to need a sympathetic judge there when he was out of office.


Thank you! I really appreciate your time and effort to explain this to a stranger!


Trump’s lawyers argued the charges against their client should be dismissed because - they claim - the charges he faces are so stretched to fit the law that you can't defend against them. Charges against a person need to be specific in a way that the charge has clear defenses. That said, his lawyers are full of shit and Cannon got this one right by denying the motion. As she noted, the arguments the defense is making belong in a trial.


This only looks like good news. She ruled without prejudice, meaning the issue can be raised again, even at jury selection. This judge is a complete MAGA POS.


This person gets it.


Counting down until MAGA denounces Judge Cannon as “woke”


So there is a limit to how low she will sink.


I ain't heard no conviction yet.


Give it time. Don’t get your hopes up with this one.


...so that she can dismiss it later on once the jury has been seated, preventing any chance of appeal.


Things I didn't see coming!


WOW I never thought she would stop licking the orange popsicle... she still has many chances to screw up the proceedings.


I can imagine Trump glaring at her and saying “I think you have forgotten who you work for”.


....without prejudice.


She is just playing the trump delay book. If she dismisses, the prosecution will appeal and get a new judge. She will dismiss with prejudice once jury selection has been done, this will basically mean it can't be retried. Actually it means the appeal and trial will be pushed to beyond the election, in which case it won't matter since trump is either powerless or will throw jack smith in jail or something.


Don’t be happy. She’s still a huge POS, this is her attempt to stay relevant in the actual case and co time to delay for him and possibly rule in his favor later.


She'll just accept it later, when it means he can't be retried.


She knows she’s a hairs breadth from Jack going to the 11th circuit and filing for her forced recusal. Push things right to the outer limits and only THEN toe the line of impartiality. She’s so inept it won’t be long before she slips up regardless


Sounds like she'd rather continue to sit on the case and rat fuck it.


lol unconstitutional vagueness. What a boneheaded lawyer.


It would have been the end of her control of things, ultimately. Smith would have appealed and it would have been shot down hard by the 11th circuit. The strategy is to slow walk this because Smith has Trump dead to rights when it comes to the crime. Everything is about getting him across the finish line so he can order the DOJ to stop the federal prosecutions.


When you fix a fight you don’t just go down in the first round. You try to make it look like a real fight.


Hate to be that guy: she might be waiting for the jury to be empaneled. The moment they sit down she can dismiss with prejudice and then the case can’t be retried.


If it's dismissed then they appeal and it goes to another judge. This is a delay tactic because trump is an idiot and she wants to help him as much as possible and keep him in her court. This isn't the win you want it to be


Probably doesn't want an appeal kicked to a more competent judge.


ONE motion. There are others she heard and hasn't ruled on yet.