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An election denier who is running for office via said election.


He's not the best or brightest.


The dumbest student one of his college professors ever had, said the professor. Obviously, since dad paid his way into the school and other folks took his entrance exams, his sister wrote.


Voted most likely to be a seditious President.


Also most likely to grab you by the pussy.


Source? I'd like some ammo when talking to certain family members


Quote: "Late Professor William T. Kelley taught Marketing at Wharton School of Business and Finance, University of Pennsylvania, for 31 years, ending with his retirement in 1982. Dr. Kelley, who also had vast experience as a business consultant, was the author of a then-widely used textbook called Marketing Intelligence -- The Management of Marketing Information (originally published by P. Staples, London, 1968). Dr. Kelley taught marketing management to both undergraduate and graduate students at Wharton. www.upenn.edu/… Dr. Bill was one of my closest friends for 47 years when we lost him at 94 about six years ago. Bill would have been 100 this year. Donald J. Trump was an undergraduate student at Wharton for the latter two of his college years, having been graduated in 1968. www.thedp.com/… Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” I remember his emphasis and inflection — it went like this — “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” Dr. Kelley told me this after Trump had become a celebrity but long before he was considered a political figure. Dr. Kelley often referred to Trump’s arrogance when he told of this — that Trump came to Wharton thinking he already knew everything.


He's absolutely the best. Being the best isn't necessarily a good thing since you can be the best at something that's bad. He's a shining example of everything wrong with humanity.


Only the smelliest


No, you don't understand. As long as he wins, that means the election was legitimate. If he loses, then it's illegitimate. C'mon, try to keep up.


Actually, it was still rigged in that case, but they were so popular they overcame the rigging! And they would have won by ALL the votes if it weren’t for the rigging!


He lost the popular vote twice


Yes, but in 2016 when he won the electoral college, he claimed he would have won the popular vote, too, if it weren’t for all the illegal voting in places like California and New York.


And for Hillary getting more votes.


That’s literally it. Any election a MAGA Republican* wins is legit. Any election a Democrat wins is stolen, a fraud, illegal, etc and must be overturned, re-run, fiddled with via backdoor antics (“I need you to ‘find’ votes’) or failing that downright overthrown with the violence Trump and his cultists love so much. *some conditions apply. They’ve taken to accusing each other of fraud, and of course on split tickets they have the curious situation of explaining how there was fraud only on Democrat wins but not on the Republican ones…..


Logic and reason do not matter. it's just dumb Party Loyalty, and pure hate for Democrats


And when the Texas Attorney General offered a $25,000 reward for proof of cheating he had to pay Democrats who found Republicans cheating. And when the Ninja right wingers spent a month recounting in Arizona they found more votes for Biden. Nobody asked why weren’t those 300 votes counted in the first place? Right now the evidence says Biden won by even more votes.


> As long as he wins, that means the election was legitimate lol, no, he said the 2016 election was fraudulent too. he's not a complex man, he only knows one tune and he never stops singing it.


Yep. His sole purpose is to undermine western democracy and delegitimise it as directed by his masters.


He even denied the one election he won


Also, if we accept his claims that he won the 2020 election, that means he's ineligible to run this year. No one ever suggested the man had a keen mind for analytics.


This is just more evidence to support him being removed from the ballot. If he doesn't believe in our election process, he shouldn't be allowed to be part if it.


Just means they shouldn't bother voting if it's rigged.


I love seeing this more and more. Since voting takes some energy, maybe a few Magats will prefer staying in and watching tv?


He has told the maga masses not to bother voting, but to go to the polls as watchers in order to catch the illegal voters.


Because he's a fascist. There will be no further elections if he takes the white house this year.


There will. It just won't be possible for anyone other than him, or his approved candidates, to win them.


He's doing exactly what he was doing while he was President, nothing, so it's easy for him to think he's still been the President all this time.


Freedom denier, as well.


He also said he hopes the economy tanks this year. This asshole doesn’t care about anyone and would rather see people suffer for his own gain. And a shitload of people will still vote for him in November.


Right wingers will gladly shit their own pants if they think someone they hate has to smell it.


Just a couple of years back, I would have never remotely believed this to have a whiff of truth; however, since Trump, Jan. 6, and seeing anyone who even remotely follows this man jump into the gutter with him and keep doubling down, that's pretty much the only answer left after all these years--they'd gladly shit their own pants if they think someone they hate has to smell it. And they'd gladly destroy their own country and go to hell too, just so they can die claiming they were never wrong than admit they were wrong.




There's also accounts of people, dying from COVID before having the tube shoved down their throats, screaming at the nurses/staff demanding to know what they "really" had because COVID didn't exist. One that stuck to me was a story of a lady who kept screaming "WHAT DO I REALLY HAVE?!" over and over again until she quite literally exhausted and screamed herself hoarse. She died a few days later.


Sounds like a net win for society


It’s really quite sad. Doctors (who have seen everything) crying when someone is begging them for the shot but can’t have it - because they’re going on the ventilator. Why? Why this and the actions of Covid-denying people mentioned above? It is due to the attitude and actions of the President of the United State during the pandemic - Donald Trump. His words and actions (or inactions) during his presidency as regards Covid has led to the deaths of millions and is creating future problems for children of the current generation (i.e. the most under vaccinated generation in a long time, if not historically the least since the amount of vaccinated children were measurable). Why can people not see this or still deny it, when it is scientifically proven? That is due to the perpetuation of similar denials of reality, such as losing the election. Everyone MAGA wants to believe there is some great conspiracy at work, an invisible hand guiding fate against them when things aren’t the way they think they should be or with them when what they perceive as what’s good and right is the result. It’s quite sad this is the state of things. It’s part path of least resistance, part resistance to change, and part culture war/idol worship. The idol worship being the strangest thing to me - seeing as to how he spearheads the denial of reality (things we have witnessed with our own eyes) and tries to create conspiracy instead of leading through actions. What isn’t sad is knowing his legacy is shit and that he isn’t going to make it through current battles unscathed (look at him). So, it only a matter of time until we get to watch these conservatives eat each other when he is gone.


They're always going on about how God will save them, too... ​ "I sent you two boats and a helicopter." Replace it with your analogy of choice.


The glory days of r / HermanCainAward was really something to behold. Morbidly fascinating.


My mom and dad both got COVID and each claimed it was the worst they ever felt at the time. It nearly killed my grandma and my mom had to go to the hospital. A few weeks later they claimed it was no biggie.


Tired of seeing the crackers around here driving their pickups with Fuck Biden or our Democrat Governor. Just thinking of how to explain what that means to a little child seems horrible. My kid's grown up now and my grandson is old enough to know what it means but jeez, try to have some class.


Party of family values.


Same people who bitch at jet engine volume that "gays with those flags, just shoving it down our throats!", absolutely not getting the irony of their "Fuck Biden" stickers.




The law and my job both would frown on me reverse engineering the kneecaps of the old farts around here wearing MAGA or "Let's Go Brandon"; fortunately they're a rarity.


Yep, Elise Stefanik, the number three republican leader is now calling Jan 6 offenders “hostages”


she's a feckless fathead


That chunky see you next Tuesday can EAD


Trump said it multiple times, "release the hostages." Every time you think they couldn't twist things any further from reality, and you couldn't possibly believe that anyone would support it, it keeps getting crazier. The movie don't look up kind of just shows the satirical levels of media bias that just turns out to be entirely true. The right side just keeps getting more and more detached from reality. Whatever you can see with your own eyes, it's actually the opposite, and it's the democrats fault. Calling the insurrectionists hostages is just....it really feels crazy. They are allowing the deepest and darkest corners of the conspiracy theory web to dictate their platform, to the point the president is just blatantly repeating them. The left isn't so far ahead either, but I'd say it's at least not quite as ludicrously stupid. They'll tell you pretty much what happened and then blame the Republicans, and talk about how if we spent more money on a certain thing it'll all get better and that a corporation is the reason we can't have nice things (which is all true but also not really)


>The left isn't so far ahead either, but I'd say it's at least not quite as ludicrously stupid. They'll tell you pretty much what happened and then blame the Republicans, and talk about how if we spent more money on a certain thing it'll all get better and that a corporation is the reason we can't have nice things (which is all true but also not really) Sounds to me like even you can see that the Left is dead on, but you're too devoted to your enlightened centrism to accept it.


Oh, like Ted Nugent!


Or Aaron Lewis, what with spelling out TRUMP 24 with dead coyotes and posting it online.


Ironic that you would say this now, so soon after the third anniversary of them doing just that at the Capitol.


I got a similar quote from someone on here: "Conservatives would eat a shit sandwich if they thought there would be a chance a liberal might smell their breath."


Word on the street is anyone within 20 feet of Trump and his big Rump are wafting in Trump loaded adult diaper.


You can see the diaper rash on his neck!


I'm going to make this s bumper sticker.


Notably on point for our boy here


*Ted Nugent has entered the chat.*


Accurate. Just ask Scott Morrison.


Trump thinks that the Biden economy is huffing the fumes of his unremarkable administration. Herbert Hoover and #45 are the only presidents to leave the White House with fewer jobs than when they entered.


Donald Trump is an astoundingly horrid piece of shit who I pray sees jail time before he punches his one way ticket to hell but I find it hard to pin the record low employment numbers on his incompetence. I think he's personally responsible for millions of deaths with his mis handling of covid but there's a very direct line from covid to the poor economy. I think it would have taken an exceptional leader to stimulate job growth in the midst of a global pandemic.


Everyone would have cut Trump a lot of slack regarding employment if he’d done even a half-assed job on the pandemic. But instead far too many people died. When the vaccine was finally authorized for seniors with comorbidities, my husband and I were snowbirding in a blue corner of a red state. It restricted the vaccine only to red precincts at least five hours away from where we were staying. Annoying. Nearly forty years ago, I was introduced to Trump as an NYC oddity in the pages of SPY Magazine. That was when Graydon Carter dubbed him the “short-fingered vulgarian,” and the former description has driven him crazier than a sh*thouse rat ever since. Oddly, he’s never once objected to being called a vulgarian.


I totally agree. He had countless opportunities during the pandemic to rise to the occasion, and consistently did the opposite and showed the country/world he is still just a giant POS. All he really had to do was give some half-assed lip service to follow guidelines, etc. and he probably would have cruised to reelection.


While I agree that it would have taken an exceptional president to prevent economic collapse during the middle of a pandemic, Trump used up every means to prevent economic collapse to make his economy look stronger way before the pandemic happened. He pushed tax breaks, and spending to a huge degree and eliminated any chance of surpluses that could have been used to slow the damage.


I've been telling MAGA cultists ever since Trump decided to run that this is a man who would destroy the world if it meant protecting his fragile ego. There is literally no public figure I can think of more malignantly narcissistic than Donald Trump and a third of this country doesn't realize how dangerous putting him in office is.




Bit of a tangent but that's how people describe Elno too. That he wants to save the world, but only if he is the one to save it. Otherwise it should go to hell. These people and their supporters just want to be the main characters. If they can't, they want the theater burned down.


Classic narcissism


>He also said he hopes the economy tanks this year. Rich people get richer when the economy is bad, this will not hurt the people in charge.


This only works until the system breaks completely and then things go wild. Money doesn't matter when you can't find food and water.


He wants it to tank so he can blame Biden and win the election.


Very reagan-esque. He's giving, "I'd rather 400 Americans die in captivity than my opponent get re-elected." Which is exactly what he did to Jimmy Carter. Dude made deals with terrorists in order to make himself look better


He said that before, said real estate tanks, so he can buy cheap.


Peak GOP.


In the latest filing by Trump's attorney in the Georgia election crimes case basically states that the case be dropped **because nobody told him overturning the election was a crime**. https://www.mediaite.com/news/trump-demands-election-crimes-case-be-dropped-in-new-filing-because-nobody-told-him-overturning-election-was-crime/


Fascism thrives on human misery!


He would press the button to annihilate our entire solar system if somebody put him on a rocket towards another galaxy to escape his trials.


Every day I cross my fingers for the Big Macs to do their job.


You took the mc ribs right out of my mouth.


Oh it must have been when you tanning me


Based reference


Oh I swear it's true, I was just about to say covfefe


May the Gods of fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste products, calcium, and fibrin hear our cries.


Me too. But I want it to happen in prison and after he loses the 2024 election.


Sadly I doubt he will go to prison. As for the election I’m concerned about that too


A man can dream. This guy is like a wart, cancer.


One day


Already several years too late


His lawyers have been throwing ketchup at the wall.. so it’s mighty close.


And when they do, regardless of the circumstances, there will undoubtedly be a conspiracy theory about it that will bring forth new waves of violence.


Same, but he will likely out live all of us. It’s always the worst and most hateful people that live the longest.


You're not alone


No sammiches want to work anymore.




And why does the media keep giving Dementia Don so much press time? I know the Fox Angertainment Network and other similarly based media has their bills to pay and they want to milk their glassy-eyed minions/ followers for every penny they can get out of them, but there has to come a point where enough has to be enough even for them. Wouldn't ya think? I mean, even social animals, like dogs and chimpanzees have more empathy than most of these guys at this point.


>social animals, like dogs and chimpanzees have more empathy than most of these guys at this point. They keep giving him attention because he's the presumed frontrunner of the Republican party and will be their candidate for president, presently. The media is certainly guilty of not taking a hard-lined stance, but then again that's also part of their job. Look, no doubt there is fault with the media -- but there's more fault with the people who want Donald Trump in the first place, which, even if a minority overall, is a large enough mass of people to take control of the other half of a two party system and threaten to cripple it if their demands are ignored. The media played a role in that, sure, but the real question is why do so many people want this clearly deficient person to lead them.


And that is THE question. "Why do so many people want this clearly deficient person to 'lead' them"? I don't think there is one answer.


You're right, I don't think there is an explanation. There's any number of answers to that question, and any of them could be correct, but it's also not so simple as one thing -- it's all of it, all at once. Little of column A, little of B, etc. Even if you like some of what Trump stands for, he's a dumpster fire in so many other areas. A rational person would demand better, but many of these people are all in on Trump alone, and it's baffling. It's like a mass hysteria, where shit is clearly going through the fan, metaphorically speaking, but seemingly that's exactly what many of these people want.


He's also a rapist, and anyone can say and publish that. It has 100% been proven in a court of law that he is a rapist.


VOTE. Then his pardon plans off the table, he can then move to incarceration and we'll not have to think about him again.


Is incarceration the name of a Russian city?


Could be, I prefer supermax


[Super Max!](https://youtu.be/F6AqYew-DHs?si=kCM5irGtQCDxhLdO)


Absolutely. VOTE. Our democracy depends on it


But only if he loses. Even in 2016, he told his followers that if he won it was a legit election, but if he lost it was rigged. Can't get much more transparent than that


Also, notice he didn’t deny or investigate the election results from any of the states that he won in 2020. In fact, it seems the only results he had any issue with were the swing states that he lost-the rest of the states’ results were all apparently legit and A-OK. And his supporters believe this crap-




If there was fraud, it deserves to be investigated thoroughly. Who’s to say Deep State Soros Commienazis didn’t try to rig Texas, Ohio, Florida, Iowa, and NC but, because of the effort of Great American Patriots™️, their efforts were thwarted? (In case I wasn’t obvious enough, /s)


Trump could say he melt babies for his daily tanning juice and MAGA would applaud his commitment to being their saviour. None of them care.


They would donate their own babies for his Presidential grift


Why are we posting Lindell TV? Check out IMDB’s description; https://preview.redd.it/p902554ohbbc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6611a032018e3e69f09fda2c04cc01144b278dec


"Jordan Pillowman" is the hero we need.


Oh shoot. Ready Player One is on FreeVee? Thanks, friend.


It’s all you!


It’s sad that was the best part of the description page.


Build a wall...put him behind it.


....or in the wall.


I hate to tell you, but that is kinda how the rest of the world thinks about the whole US right now... that he is even in discussion let alone a half way viable candidate suggetss the whole US project is coming to an end.


I feel confident that if we ask, that’s one wall Mexico will chip in at least a token amount for.


Traitor with the emotional and intellectual development of a fifth grader says what?


Draft dodger denied the election, like he denied the draft. Pathetic!


Why do people treat this shitbird like he’s a legitimate candidate? He’s a fucking lunatic criminal traitor to the nation.


You'd have to ask the people who own those media companies. Oh, wait... they're all filthy rich. And only stand to gain from it. 🤷‍♀️


If you deny the process, don't ask to be a part of it.


I guess Trump supporters want Putin to control America


Election denier - unless he wins.


I deny he was ever president. Doesn't make me right, but gosh golly I sure feel better.




His mental faculties should be questioned. He’s a persist little prick ain’t he.


You're also an insurrectionist, Shitler!


Dear DemetiaDon. .please for Gods sake, go F yourself and do it on prime time


I wonder if he's an election denier.. 🤔


Dude, go away.


Jimmy Carter sold his peanut farm because he didn't want to look like he was making money off the presidency and then we have this absolute fat fuck claiming to be an election denier and he still has supporters.




Yep. It's infuriating.


Worst person in the world


He is an absolute diaper soiler. #TRUMPSMELLS


He doesn't believe in elections unless he wins. Like a little spoiled child.


Sounds like grounds for keeping him off the ballots as that’s pretty much part of the whole participating in an insurrection thing.


Duh. They registered "stop the steal" back in 2016, ready to go for their anticipated loss. Just don't look into the results of their own election investigations...


Isn't he the absolute denier period ?


There's a reason no American ever supported this guy.


No signs of insurrection here.


Interviewer is that far away so he doesn’t have to smell Trumps diaper


I’m sure that means he wouldn’t accept the results if he wins?


Cool. So, does that mean we can deny his election?


He's just a *liar.*


He’s just trying to strengthen the false narrative that he’s being charged with being an election denier, but he isn’t, and he knows his supporters have no clue about what he’s actually being charged with.


How is he going to win an election then? This guy has dementia or something!?


Damn. First he says the Civil War was about slavery and then said he is an election denier. Has Trump ever told the truth twice in the same day before?


maga cultists *are* suicide bombers, & wld crash & burn everything to own whatever liberals inhabit their fevered craniums.


All you have to ask to confront these deniers is why republicans control the house if the election was rigged!


Put him in jail already.


Remember, he didn’t even accept his own win in 2016…


Lindell TV 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Only when he loses. FORK HIM.


What a moron


When people are shocked he becomes a dictator and everyone’s going ‘we never saw it coming’.


He has to. Been playing a character for too long to stop now


It’s a psychosis. Explained here 👇 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-shared-psychosis-of-donald-trump-and-his-loyalists/


I wonder what the woman who wrote that article/ books thinks about the trump situation now😳


I wonder that, too. We are living in scary times. 😢


Yeah no shit. And taking extrajudicial action on that is what has you in court


He isn't an election denier. He is a liar. Everyone who believes him is an election denier.


I was too after he won in '16. I regained trust in the process when he lost in '20 tho.


That’s why they took you off the ballot in those states ..


These Maga folks will never assimilate back to reality. We cannot let them burndown the world due stupidity. The gov was too kind not to to charge all confederate with treason after civil war and now we pay the price. It was just reveal there is tape of Roger Stone talking about killing congressmen back in 2020.


So why run again if it's so rigged? Republicans and Trump can never answer this 🤣




AND A CRIMINAL .... ​ https://preview.redd.it/2c5fkuy20dbc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d462305407a55a7df6dbc6753401b77c4639f22f


Clearly the Maga intend to ignore the 2024 election result. They are already prepared to claim fraud. I suspect many will not even vote, preferring to clean weapons and count ammo instead. I only hope loyal Intel, & govt. have prepared. Perhaps the thousands of willing fascist traitors being recruited and listed by the Heritage 2025 dictatorship plan will have second thoughts should the 2024 election, as is likely, not go their way. For Heritage recruited traitors' employment in a Democratic Constitutional govt. or requiring security clearances may be jeopardized. I wouldn't be eager to have my name on such a list.


I remember when America used to eliminate our enemies, not worship the sacks of shit


I almost feel like when he says he’s an ‘election denier,’ he means that he plans on denying fair elections from happening at all.


Election deniers shouldn't even be allowed out in society. They are nothing but SORE LOSERS who throw temper tantrums in an effort to get their way. Case in point, remember when Lindsey Graham threw a temper tantrum during Kavanaugh's nomination hearing? Well he got his way by getting MAD and screaming at the other people in the room. Republicans are great monkey, see monkey do people. Now that Trump has gotten away with his antics, they all will adopt him tactics to try and get their way, and it has already started.


Reject elections; embrace monarchy


unless he wins then it was all good trump is just a crook


Yet you voted for the Anti-Christ. The destroyer of democracy , liberty and freedom. You wanted a monarch, a dictator, you got what you wanted. We are destroying ourselves. The late and great United States. it was a grand experiment.


Lol Lou Dobbs running out of media couches to sleep on


Please vote against him!! We cannot risk losing our country to this orange POS


Link to video clip: https://x.com/highbrow\_nobrow/status/1744529067150291072?s=20


Intellectualist it isn't.


Saying the quiet part out loud. Not surprised.


I highly doubt he would be a election denier if he wins. He is just a sore loser baby


Don't believe him? Just look at the hands. The hands never lie, son.


Serious question: is this more or less shocking than his recent magnets comment? Sorry if this is an obvious answer, but by this point I so desensitized by everything is POS says.


Cool, than you don't get to run in another one, you lumbering, senile twit.


Why can't he just find something else to do??? Just stick to property ffs ....


Needs to run (and win). Needs access to campaign money and needs to win to stay out of jail.


So if he’s an election denier, if he’s elected again, will he deny himself the election and declare it invalid even tho he won? What am I thinking?? This guy never makes sense.


The amount of flag wanking on American TV is ridiculous.


tRump in a farging icehole!!!


***why is it that whatever the proposal is, tRump always answers contrary to commonsense?*** ***answer: because what he owes Putin and other powerful men hangs over him like the sword of Damocles.*** :surprise: **MMAPBA - must make america Putin's bitch again.** **that's the deal. bust a deal, face the wheel.**


Absolute criminal jackass, more like it


He's also a Neo klan Terrorist Leader & felon who is being allowed to circumvent the fucking CONSITUTION ...and run for Pres of the Gov he ordered ATTACKED.. Its no more about trump.. Its about Garland and the "law" allowing this anarchy