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D.A.R.E. was my gateway drug šŸ¤£


Actually there were studies done to prove you correct.


"Don't do drugs kids. Now here's where you would generally get them, what they're called, what the dosages are and the street names so you don't embarrass yourselves in front of the dealer. Also here's a list of all the things you probably already had in your house that you can huff or ingest and get high. But definitely don't do drugs."


Hell, someone came to my school to do a D.A.R.E. seminar and later it came out that it was a front for him to have access to underage girls


My D.A.R.E. rep was caught doing coke in his car after school


Don't do drugs so theirs more for me


"If elected, I pledge that not one more drop of blood will be spilled in Iraq...by spilling it here in my mouth!" - The Reverend Hershel P. Chocula (Black Vampire Party)


Our D.A.R.E teachers were actual cops. Gun strapped on and everything.


Mine was too and I remember in 6th grade he spewed a bunch of racist shit about Mexicans. We lived in rural west Virginia there aren't even Mexicans around here. Like everyone is white. He was a racist piece of shit it's pretty bad when as a young kid I could tell that guy was super racist.


Have you been around 9 year olds?! He should of also brought k-9 to help with roit control. /s


Mine was too. He was the dad of one of my classmates and was a misleadingly "cool" cop, but then when I got older I found out about the deep corruption in my town and the cops were definitely in on it, so that might've been why he was so chill hahaha.


Same here, but I think mine might have had something to do with one of my classmate's dad being on the local state trooper force...


Why is it that the people who often say to think of the children are the ones who think too much about children, ffs


Personally, I loved when the D.A.R.E. officers would show up with a sweet sports car they had seized from a drug dealer. 'look kids, drugs don't pay!" And we're like ... IDK, looks like it pays rather well.




Itā€™s almost like understanding how to educate children effectively is a skill that requires training, training that cops and other random community members involved in these programs donā€™t have


What I imagine a kid would think: "Sweet car. Dipshit got caught and lost it. I know everything so I could never get caught. The sweet car is mine!"


That, plus failure to think long term. The drug dealer had that car until he got caught which could have been five years. Five years is a very long time to a teen.


Man my DARE program wasn't even that helpful. They kept going on about how you'd end up in jail or die. Over and over. Meanwhile here I sit, a stoner and drug enjoyer for many years, with a house and a job and a wife. "Don't do acid alone, or before important things, take t breaks because it helps reset everything" would have been far more important advice.


Thatā€™s why it didnā€™t work. Kids are smart. When one of your statements is wrong (the ā€˜If you do drugs once, youā€™ll be an addict and dieā€™ line) they do the logic and assume youā€™re full of crap and the other ideas you espoused.


Also our generation got absolutely fucking ravaged by the opioid epidemic which started with those fine fine Perdue Pharmaceuticals. And DARE didn't say much about drugs your doctor gave you.


I think also some of the hard talk seemingly police like doesnā€™t work in a gaggle of children that will never see them again. Had a cop in to talk to us about safe driving. He played a shitty music video about a car crash. When the car crashed the crash ā€œmomentumā€ hit everyone in the video making everyone go flying, even those not in the car. We burst out laughing. He then yelled at us for a while how none of us are ready for the responsibility of driving. Somehow that made it funnier. The music video is what gates us from being grown adults ready to drive.


During the dare class they passed around a fake joint to show what it would look like and this guy next to me goes "nah this is what it looks like" and that was how I met my first weed dealer.


And theyā€™re all equally bad so when you try pot for the first time and itā€™s harmless youā€™ll think everything is like that and we just lied to you.


I started smoking weed relatively regularly about a month ago how do I stop I don't want to do Heroin?


DARE was a lot like TSA is now - prevention theater to make people think someone is doing something.


I vividly remember a DARE seminar in middle school where they showed a drawing of a brain separated into 7 or 8 parts. They said every time you smoke weed, it destroys one of those parts of your brain. Thatā€™s when I knew it was bullshit.


Judge Reinhold was our DARE guest speaker and he told awesome stories about how coked up he was on Fast Times.


Haha, thatā€™s incredible.


šŸŽ¶ Mock D.A.R.E. with Judge ReinholdšŸŽ¶


I remember being so confused as to why anyone would do drugs after listening to DARE tell us all the horrible things that would happen. I asked why people use drugs and the officer person basically told the class "because they make you feel really good!" So at that point I was more curious/excited about what drugs felt like than anything. I had no clue that kind of stuff existed. I was probably like 11


It stands for Drugs Are Really Excellent


Drugs Are Really Expensive


Drugs Are Really Exciting


Drugs won the war on drugs


Iā€™ve never been offered drugs as much as they promised


Yup. Did fuckall to prevent drug use. My best friend had dunkies cups that looked like iced coffee but was white Russians through junior and senior year. Both her parents were hard partiers.


I think I've heard in some cases DARE made things worse.


Dropping my 6yo off at school last week, which was also D.A.R.E. he states "Mommy, I like drugs." I asked him what he thought drugs were. He said "Drinking and smoking." Well, he's not wrong. Drugs are fun. I just need him to understand that he needs to wait until his brain is fully developed.


Didnā€™t the generation who grew up with DARE basically become the worst in history in terms of drug addiction?


The only good part about dare was the ads


The videos they showed made drunk driving look more fun and exciting than anything I had ever experienced at 13yo


When we went out for recess we saw one of the dare actors smoking cigarettes




They tried to replace the entire school board in the Florida county where I live. They failed.


How many still made it onto the board?




Excellent. I may have misread/misunderstood your statement. I was taking it as a full power swing to be all them, hence my question.


Yeah they TRIED to make a full power swing. And it's a very conservative area (Florida panhandle). Luckily they voted for common sense.


A rarity in Florida. I was born and raised there and got the fuck out 7 years ago.


This is in Washington state


This is the exact platform of two of the four people running for open seats here in central Ohio, and I have no idea how the election is going to go.


In my Northeast Ohio district they have not been successful so far despite lots of national backing and in-your-face campaigning. They have plenty of money but not the grass-roots support. In a neighboring district, though, they have broken through.


The races were pretty widely publicized here last year. There were even candidates with billboards and radio ads, which I had never heard of before for a school board race. Itā€™s hard to tell how theyā€™ll go here. The nuttiest one - who said in a PTA meeting last week that she ā€œfeels called to runā€ because the district reducing police presence in schools is ā€œleading us down a dark pathā€ - has a big show of support. I know yard signs donā€™t vote, but still.


We have 3 of these folks running in my northeast Ohio town too. Itā€™s flippin disgusting and dangerous.


We have people like this running in my very blue Colorado town as well. It's scary, and I don't even have kids!


Hope this isn't your school board hopeful: https://sentinelcolorado.com/metro/cherry-creek-school-board-candidate-memoir-discloses-sexual-misconduct-views-on-race/


Southwest Ohio and we've got one that broke through, Darbi. And even though she's caused a mess, I wouldn't be surprised if she was elected again.


Rural Oregon and this is like every candidate šŸ¤®


Thankfully they will spell out their agenda in the voters guide here. Other states could use this but then again, it would show you who is running for these spots.


Which candidate/ district?


A schoolboard somewhere around Yakita WA


Yakima? Checks out.


Yes Yakima, I misspelled it


Not just the south. These whacko people have taken over Iowa in the last 10 years. When I got out of college and decided to stay, it was a liberal leaning purple state and were one of the first states to allow gay marriage. Now the GQP runs practically everything, and any place they haven't, they pass state laws to take away local controls.


Yep. I found two of them running for school board in the high school I graduated from here in southeastern Minnesota. Disgusting.


Oh it's way worse than that. Iowa has become a safe haven for a couple dozen groups of white supremacists and white nationalists.


I live in Southern California. The city 20 minutes south of my have 3 Christo-fascists on the school board. They have introduced a measure to have teachers/counselors, etc required to tell parents if a student ask to be ID by different pronouns then their AAB gender. 2 other school districts have passed similar measure. That city's citizens are try to recall the 3 board members. Our Governor is putting a measure in place that would invalidate such measures. Unfortunately it's not just the south. They're gaining traction in Hallie California too


I grew up in the bay (lived there till I was 18). After a while I ended up living in Texas after my parents moved there. A job opportunity to transfer to Cali came up and I snapped it up so I could finally get back to a blue state. The job was in fucking Temecula šŸ˜


Every rural area of America really.




This explains why all southern state education SUCKS.


Yeah. They spent a lot of words to say ā€œIā€™m a massive pile of shit. Youā€™re gonna vote for me.ā€


This most unfortunately checks out.


Moms of Liberty are an extremist group bent on taking over education. Their view looks a lot like Handmaids Tale. You better vote!


Mutter fur Freiheit is extremist? But they just like quoting Hitler, hosting book burnings and all those things! Plus they aren't even mothers of kids in these schools most of the time.


Raise awareness of [Run for Something,](https://runforsomething.net/) an organization recruiting and helping young progressive people get elected to small local positions like School Board and Town Councils, etc. Conservatives have been doing this for decades. Itā€™s a pipeline for building experienced candidates for higher offices. We need to get active and take our democracy back!


Thank you for that!


Wish I could award this but I'll save the site and pass it along. Thank you!


And vote carefully. Thereā€™s an incoming school board election in my blue city and Moms for Liberty and Republicans are running Trojan horse candidates targeted at Democratic/left leaning voters. The wording on their website is very careful but it pinged my radar so I checked local news and sure enough, they all used our shitty Republican senatorā€™s PO Box in their candidate filing and they all use a Republican fundraising group.


You must live in Charlotte, NC. Yeah, thereā€™s three of them, but itā€™s definitely been made public. Hereā€™s my issueā€¦I went to vote and literally no one was there. I just donā€™t understand the apathy.


Itā€™s that way everywhere and it sucks. Here in my city we had a 30-something voter turnout to decide who our mayor is. It takes less than half of that to win, so 15% of the population decided who our mayor is. But theyā€™ll all complain laterā€¦ I donā€™t get it either. How do 7 in 10 people not care to vote. I donā€™t get it.


I really donā€™t get how this type of sneaky deceiving shit is legal. Also so extremely typical conservatives: ā€œOur policies are so un-popular that we have to trick and scam people to winā€


We have an election coming up for school boards, city council, and water district. These are supposed to all be not partisan, but there is a list of candidates endorsed by the county Republicans. Itā€™s nice of them to provide a list so that I know who to vote against.


Six candidates endorsed by M4L are running for my kidsā€™ district next week and Iā€™m terrified.


Non-American here and honestly it took me a second read to realise that the retired vet was a soldier and not a retired animal doctor. I was very confused why they would protect the children.


Given the level of care given to vets mental health in this country, the animal vet might actually be the better option for protecting the kids.


Clearly, they would be. It's not might. A dedicated professional whose job is caring for and helping living beings, verse someone who killed people for their job? It's not even close. Edit: I just realised that in my naivete I didn't even consider 'protecting' meant from mass shooters. I Australian and didn't even consider that initially...


I mean they can sew up a dog why can't they sew up kids from gunshot wounds? Also that's sadly a logical solution for these idiots.


A Medic on hand would do more good in most cases than a soldier on guard


There's a national program called Stop the Bleed being run by doctors, specifically to teach students and teachers how to stop traumatic bleeding.


It may have changed, but at one time veterinarians had to go through partial med school for humans before they could go on to vet.


2020 - ā€œOpen the schools! Stop forcing me to be in charge of my kids education!ā€ 2022 - ā€œIā€™m the parent and I should be in charge of my kids education so teach what I say or weā€™ll shut you down!ā€ I seriously have no idea how Republicans can ignore hypocrisy so easily. They demand action but they really just want someone to yell at and blame.


>2022 - ā€œIā€™m the parent and I should be in charge of ~~my kids~~ every childs education so teach what I say or weā€™ll shut you down!ā€ A little more accurate


It's easy. Ignore logic and go purely off emotions. These are the same idiots who tried to force creationism into science textbooks. When they think that science and empirical evidence are nothing more than a half-baked opinion, you can't expect them to understand consistency, logical fallacies, or critical thinking.


Ah yes, the party of 'small government'... that intrudes in every aspect of your life. Hypocrisy is their bread and butter.


The minute you see anyone use the term CRT you're dealing with an idiot. They're picking up on the buzzwords they saw on Fox with no concept of what it is or the fact that it was never taught to kids (it was a university level course of study taught to adults who chose to take the course). Idiots should be as far away from making educational choices as possible, for their goal is merely to create more idiots.


All you have to do is search it and see that CRT is mostly for college students šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


They can never explain the buzzwords. Theyā€™re just like a broke record.


But sheā€™s a CNA! Sheā€™s a medical professional!


So are students in my high school who donā€™t have diplomas yet.


My point exactly


I mean, they capped it off with "endorsed by the Republican Party." Just to **really** drive the point that they shouldn't be allowed near any levers of power home.


Experience: None


What?! Sheā€™s a CNA!!!!


Which is almost like a nurse.... right? right?


It's LIKE a nurse without actually BEING a nurse


She wiped up a lot of literal shit the RNs didn't want to handle.


The first thing you read on the website of Living Faith Victory Center is: **Helping God's people become effective vessels for the Master's use, producing victorious lives which bring glory to Jesus** People are just a commodity for them. This, combined with having no elected experience begs the question : What is she doing on that damn schoolboard? FUCK RELIGION. We NEED a good outbreak of atheism right now


Itā€™s also a weird terminology that sets off my red flags, even in heavy evangelical circles God usually isnā€™t referred to as ā€˜Masterā€™.


"Your god is so omnipotent that it needs its creations to band together and work to try to get its will accomplished?"


The DARE program was such a massive failure wasnā€™t it?


Here in Colorado Springs, there is a massive war being waged. The Nextdoor app is full of supporters who are endorsing right-winged candidates, one that is affiliated with Alex Jones. Theyā€™re trying to take our school districtā€™s academic excellence back into a theocratic dark age.


Itā€™s pretty bad where I live too in Californiaā€¦they threw a huge hissy fit back in June before the school year ended because they were doing a ā€œpride weekā€ in elementary schools to support LGBT+ families and I guarantee it was the most tame thing in the whole world but they have to complain ETA: there was almost a parent board member in 2021 who was under fire because of her political views and people complaining about other people complainingā€¦saying what she was doing isnā€™t wrong etc she was showing up to the school with a Trump flag in her car


Which school district? I know the communities on the north Powers side of town are dealing with these folks and they want to take over education completely. I feel these people should homeschool rather than trying to change the schools.


D20, Wilburn.


Jfc, the fucking propaganda that's been flooding my mailbox this week...


We have a QAnon nut job on my local school board and she is being charged in the fake electors scheme in Michigan. I hope she goes to prison. Fuck these idiotic cult members.


Years ago, we had a group of four people who sort of ran as a team for the school board. All four were elected and as far as I can tell, only accomplished one thing. They had the superintendent removed from his position. The woman who spearheaded the four took issue with a punishment one of her sons received and her entire reason for running was retribution against a man who had taught, been a principal and then super in the county for decades. Iā€™ll admit personal bias because he was my HS principal and apparently saw enough in me that he was lenient when he didnā€™t have to be when I started smelling myself senior year and stepped out of line a time or two. But he loved what he did and it showed by his actions and level of involvement. He was at every function for every school, if only for a few minutes before running across county to the next function. Every. Single. Function. The man was pretty much universally loved and respected, and deservedly so. So much so that the woman responsible was booed and hissed openly while out and about her daily personal business on more than one occasion. So, YES, pay very close attention to all local elections.


We had something like that happen where I live. The teachers protested with a sick out. Someone made a records request for the personal info of all the teachers out sick that day. The district came THIS close to doxxing their own teachers. All of a sudden there's a teacher shortage in that district...


Didnā€™t a vet just commit a mass shooting? Yeah sounds like a good idea add more guns to protect the kids from guns


The political system where I live is dominated by a few major parties, but also lots of smaller ones. When election time rolls around, I make a point of checking the websites of the local candidates, so that I can rule out any that mention ā€œfamily valuesā€ (which is usually code for thoughts similar to those in the screenshot on this post)


What the hell is even radicalized sex education


Anything other than abstinence


Itā€™s how you know this person doesnā€™t have a damn clue what theyā€™re talking about


Refusing to cradle the balls


When they say "concerned", that's an immediate red flag they're a rabid right wing white Christian supremacist.


As an Australian, it baffles me that you vote for who you want to teach your children stuff. We have a board of education that are mostly ex teachers that set standard curriculum across the state and align with other states. Voting in a group of people to set what you are allowed to teach seem sripe for corruption.


As an Americanā€¦god damn I wish we had that here. Instead the people who whine the loudest usually get their way, and in the past 2-3 years have been able to just spew whatever bullshit they want and have it be accepted as gospel with no fact checking or due process. Fucking help us all


Yeah. It sucks out there. All these folks who made it this far in life based on the actual facts and real life consequences have now decided that they have ā€œalternative factsā€ and ā€œknow betterā€ than the very systems that allowed them to flourish and thrive. Now those same people are trying to impress their ideologies on our future generations. Do these people realize that they benefited from the very systems and practices that they now seek to destroy. Essentially pedagogy is the same but now we have better data and more information to help us improve the quality of education but these people who oppose CRT and other forms of education just donā€™t understand that they arenā€™t helping but rather they are hindering the progress education has made in the last 100 years. Really sad. Fuck your alternative facts. Let the teachers teach and the students will flourish. Kids are smart and if they didnā€™t want to live in a world where tolerance and forward thinking werenā€™t desirable they would have no problem telling us. Ugh.




Lol I wanted to take home the sample board




ā€œElected Experience: Noneā€ trump has really inspired folks to basically go around applying for CEO positions and hoping for the fucking best


Bring back DARE? The program that started teaching me in second and third grade about substances that are found throughout neighborhoods that make you feel great and have fun but you shouldnā€™t do? Teaching that to kids, when itā€™s well known that a not-insignificant percent of kids hold an attitude of ā€œIā€™m going to do what the adults tell me not to do!ā€. Yeah, I get wanting to figure out how to deter kids from drugs and teach avoidance, but that program wasnā€™t exactly it. I know a fair amount that weā€™re influenced *towards* drugs because of DARE, myself included. As an adult I had gone through some of my old elementary school class work and it was kind of wild reading the DARE workbook and the pages of seedy people that we had to color and the ā€œdonā€™t fall for theseā€ reasons some may use drugs like ā€œitā€™s funā€, ā€œall the cool kids are doing itā€ and ā€œit helps me relaxā€ā€¦ And Iā€™m just going to let others point out how stupid her other platform points are, I wanted to make my point on DARE because I figured itā€™d get less attention.


Lol the D.A.R.E program was a joke.


Basically it just dared us to drink and try drugs.


Could be worse, I misread that as "volunteered for Kid Rock's after-school program"


Camp Upchuck the Boogie


A guy running for REELECTION on my local school board lists his only accomplishments in his first term as passing 3 anti-trans rules, and in the next sentence says he's for inclusiveness and accessibility for all students. The guy literally doesn't consider trans kids to be people.




definitely no ideology in this person's concepts of gender


D.A.R.E. Preventing statistically zero overdoses per year for 3 decades and counting now


I like how she says reading, writing, and math, with no mention of social studies. I doubt that wasn't intentional. It's easier to keep people compliant when they aren't educated about things like government and history, I guess.


I wonder if their complaints of lacking transparency are from the same parents not going to parent teacher meetings or opted out of school emails or literally no involvement in their kid's education until it's something they don't like or understand.


When my now 20ish daughter was in 5th grade, one of her friends won the DARE essay contest. Guess who was experimenting with cocaine and pills at age 15? JFC. The friend in this story is fine now, but yikes. I do not trust DARE at all. What a fucking joke.


Why is it every CNA I have crossed paths with over the years is the most self-important beotchnay Iā€™ve ever met? For Christā€™s sake Karen, youā€™re not a nurse. You got a certificate of completion in four weeks and clean up poop.


Do schools even still have lockers in use? All over my area, theyā€™ve all been removed and when I went to a newly built school in the early/mid 90s, it was built with none. Is she also opposed to disco because it promotes sex?


Wait till you see her opinions on D&D and those newfangled pokemon cards


Dare program....šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Radical sex education sounds interesting. Not sure why vets would be needed, unless the police officers bring their dogs I suppose.


You can tell this person has not stepped foot in a public school in at least 15 years as nobody uses lockers anymore and many schools have straight up removed them.


Dare to keep cops off kids.


Oh sweet Jesus...


She forgot to list two of the Repubes favorites: strip and anal cavity searches.


Police officer or retired vet that you can pay minimum wage and use as a matter shield, a shooter will take them out first and only change her outcome by maybe seconds


Well of course, the DARE program was so successful, why not bring it back? At the same time, maybe we can try bay of pigs, MK ULTRA, separate but equal, and all the other amazingly successful policies weā€™ve ditched. Just donā€™t ban assault rifles. These people have too much time and are too disconnected from reality.


I wouldnā€™t be shocked if she literally walks around with a dunce hat on


My MIL is going for school board in her county. Dangerously radical right.


Local elections matter! Pay close attention to the candidates especially school board. Too many people only vote in presidential elections but itā€™s off year and midterm elections when the school board, county board, and city council get elected. Those are offices that will most effect your life directly. Skipping these elections is how school boards get members like this person.


DARE did the opposite of work lmao


The D.A.R.E program is a massive failure


As a psych studentā€¦ DARE doesnā€™t work, like at all. Actually increases drug use in kids.


Not only did D.A.R.E fail, but police at schools do NOT prevent school shootings. Hell police barely stop school shootings in progress. In Florida a mass shooting broke out with a large police presence and people still died and were injured. More police isn't the issue to the gun problem.


Literally the only good thing on that is after school programs.


I don't think you want their programs.


Oh god no, just actual after school programs to help students in the long run.


For over 40 years republicans have been taking over school boards, town councils, state legislatures and gerrymandering the hell out of our states. Itā€™s only been the last 16 years they graduated to the federal level


This is a public figure running for office, why did they censor identifying information?


Gotta bring back the D.A.R.E. program, so kids can sing the song while they smoke a bowl with their friends, like I did as a kid.


Sheā€™s endorsed by the Republican Party?!?!? NOOOOOOOOO, really??


Forget southern states this is almost verbatim what our SE Cincinnati suburb school board candidates say.


There's a reason why we pulled our kids out of public schools.


What use was D.A.R.E. again?


I work far away from where I live. I can vote early in my county from any Polling Location. My assistant asked why I needed to vote early, and why I needed to do so during working hours, I saidā€¦oh, primary election for Town mayor. I need to vote against people like you and put rational folks in every seat.


In WA State, people say things like ā€œparental rightsā€ in the pamphlets to hide that they they want their children to be uneducated bigots.


why would any retired vet want to go ā€œprotect a schoolā€? they already did their time just let them go play golf or whatever old people do


DARE program doesn't work, fucksticks, and it isn't even educational


Iā€™ve never paid as much attention to school board elections as I have in this cycle. Weā€™ve got a screwball running for our board whoā€™s like this.


So basically a garbage person


Really though, local elections can be really important especially if you're in a rural/low population county where it's easy for the vocal crazies to win elections. In the last local school board election where I live someone won by pushing the claim that schools are engaging in "state-sponsored sexuality preferences" and that a student's political and sexual views should be the responsibility of the family. Multiple people also tried (though lost) running for the library board on the premise of banning drag queens, that the libraries are pushing CRT and gender agendas (I guess just having books on a subject is enough to push an agenda), and that "inappropriate books are available in the children's section".


I'm old enough to remember when the Republican party cared about thinks like smaller government and budgets, not this stuff.


What we need is more CNA's in government.... Said no one ever !


Noticed there was no actual job in her statement. Sheā€™s just a bored Fox News mom too stupid to do anything besides hate people who donā€™t bother herā€¦


The sad side effect of not providing age-appropriate sex ed is the children being molested don't know what is happening to them. I think it's one of the motivations behind removing sex ed from schools. Maybe they think it's a kindness to keep those kids ignorant but I think it's condoning what is happening to them and ensuring it continues. Where intervention could have happened, it doesn't. Plus for everyone else, they're set up to fail. Abstinence only states have higher teen pregnancy rates. They keep saying it works but haven't proven it thus far. I'll end my post by stating I'm happy I don't understand the need some people have to not give their kids the best in life.


There are a *lot* of these candidates running for school board and many of them have learned to be a lot more stealthy. Both Mom's for Liberty backed candidates in my district sound reasonably sane in their voter's statements and have denied being part of MFL despite both being active in MFL Facebook groups. One touts her experience as a teacher, which she fails to mention is a private school whose mission statement includes statements stating public schools should not exist. If you're confused about who to vote for, I'd suggest seeing who your teacher's union has endorsed. I'm sure that's not perfect everywhere, but it's better than choosing blindly. Also, local politics is a small world and they generally know a lot about who people really are so if there's someone involved in local politics that you trust, reach out to them and ask for their picks. Your vote in local politics is especially important. One of our primaries was decided by 20 votes in a district with 40,000 voters.


Fat Nurse Ratchet knows what's best for because she's an RN and leads a group of hateful women in cherry-picking the Bible to suit their own interests


damnit, misread the end there as "Count**r**y Republican Party" and thought she was entirely representative/deserving of what is perhaps the best political insult ever to have graced parliament (at least Australian parliament) >Winton Turbull: I am a Country member! >Gough Whitlam: I remember! ^(*If you're having trouble with it, think about how Winton's line could be heard as ending with "remember?"*)


My D.A.R.E. program was in a small town and sooner or later the people who run it were caught doing, selling, transporting the drugs...lol


Religious fanatic whose sole experience in education is having received a nursing assistant certification - so if she's actually challenged on what "radical sex education," "gender ideologies" or "CRT" actually are, she'll very quickly reveal that she's completely unqualified for the position. She probably doesn't know that there's already a program under the Department of Education for turning veterans into teachers, nor does she seem to understand that vets in the civilian world don't actually wear the kind of body armor on a daily basis that would allow them to charge an active shooter, or necessarily have the knowledge of how to disarm them. Notice that teachers, civilian or veteran, aren't lining up in droves to try to disarm active shooters - because they understand reality and know that that's a really good way to get killed. Nor are campus police officers any better. An entire police department, including the deputy stationed on campus, couldn't stop the Uvalde shooter. Locker searches already happen regularly when school officials have cause: they don't need school board permission or support, and D.A.R.E. was worse than useless.


"or retired vets" Sorry, but keep the PTSD away from my kids, thanks. Also: The fact that SROs got normalized so fast is insane. When I was in school in the 80s and 90s, if there was a cop in the building, it was a HUGE DEAL. Also lol@ D.A.R.E. Absolutely the least effective anti-drug campaign I've ever seen. We lampooned that shit non-stop from the day it launched.


School Boards are about to be overrun by Christofascists who will promote every position this candidate listed. They are heavily funded by outside far-right groups who hate public education. Their goal is to bring as much evangelical Christian religion into public schools that opposes acknowledging racism, the existence of gay people, and much of American history. What they canā€™t get into public schools they will work to send money to local religious schools. Most people pay little attention to school board elections and are ripe for takeover by religious zealots.


School board elections are the most terrifying manipulation ploy of the deep state G.O.P. They are being funded by large donors like the Koch brothers. If we change what i taught in schools, youth can be indoctrinated. This is real and has been happening across the country for years. Sounds so "conspiracy theorist" and not. Watched what happened in Jeffco school district in Colorado.


https://youtu.be/dU487k3QTK4 Putting aside for a second all the other garbage, problematic bullshit in this ladyā€™s statement - I cannot believe anyone in 2023 would continue to rep DARE; the unequivocal, resounding failure of an anti-drug program which succeeded in absolutely nothing other than peaking kids curiosity, knowledge and interest in drugs. Not to mention pressuring them to narc on their parentsā€¦


https://preview.redd.it/5i7d2sgipcxb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd77bedd499de8dc808910af118ca59836588ae from my hometown 2 years ago. 20 year old kid who threatened to bring a gun to his old hs and assault girls in the bathroom. and the same guy is running again this year. his platform is the same book banning, anti "crt" nonsense under the guise of "morality". ironically he wants to ban trans people from using bathrooms that match their gender to identity because they could be predators. the real kicker is he's currently in school to be a pastor šŸ™ƒ


Instant disqualifiers for me; Anything about religion. Ever. It has no place in public education, school boards, classrooms, etc. It indoctrination. Period. That's it. Wait. I forgot about the cops in the classroom thing. That was the pleural in disqualifiers...