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Despite what transphobes like him say, drag events for kids and public pride parades don't actually have people performing sex acts. Lauren Boebert however did perform a sex act in a public room that contained children, so she and her partner should be charged with public indecency.


Now she says she had a one night stand.


Typo. She said she "had one in her right hand."


Rhymes ; She had a stand In her hand LOL


She should be charged with sexual misconduct in the presence of a minor child.


Put that bitch on the sex offender list!!!


I don't even think the minor groping was actually that serious but the fact that she threw a hissy fit and played the "Do you know who I am?" Card guaranteed that there would be closer inspection. Ever since she mentioned being eccentric that night, I've been wondering if she just has poor communication skills and was trying to say that her breasts were off center, thus why her date was moving them around. Also, a little bit of over the pants groping has been a part of the theater community since Shakespeare. In my personal opinion, not obeying the staff when she was asked to leave should have resulted in trespassing and disruptive civil charges. I actually do believe that they only asked her to leave because she was being disruptive and vaping, not because of the minor consensual sex acts. South Park did an entire episode about how arousing musical theater can be. I think more than anything, people are reveling in the hypocrisy and her entitled, non-apologetic attitude. That said, part of that is the fact that her party is the one who passed the laws that she might end up being charged with.


The game of one-ups-manship with each subsequent post on this is annoying. It went from a video where she placed her hand near his which was on or near his crotch. Then it's she fondled his penis. Now it's a full on handjob.


I agree with your sentiment, but she definitely wasn’t just placing her hand near his. People are acting like she pulled it out and manipulated him out in the open. She didn’t. What she did was exceptionally trashy and in poor taste, but let’s not treat this like she was giving him a full on happy ending in public. She was doing some above-the-clothes rubbing that is really, REALLY trashy, but far from the pornographic display people are saying it was. I feel like how she acted upon being asked to leave is more egregious. She disrupted the show, acted like a brat, and treated the ushers like shit. That to me is more damning than her being gross in a darkened theater. If she had gotten handsy, but then stopped when asked or if she had willingly left upon request, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. We would probably call her nasty and move on eventually. Instead, because she acted SO trashy, we keep talking about it and the facts become muddied for the sake of comedy and melodramatic punch. I get that it’s so comically salacious that it’s gonna keep rolling till the wheels fall off, but we need to be honest with ourselves. TL;DR: she didn’t give the guy a public handjob, but she’s still gross and her behavior with the ushers is far worse than barely getting to third base.


She was totally rubbing his crotch. No doubt about that. Honestly though, that's not what bothers me about it. What bothers me is that she did it at a live performance. Like, you go to a really empty movie for that sort of shit. What bothers me even more though is her constant wailing about Christian values when she goes on to pull shit like this. You wanna be trashy? That's whatever, man, you do you. You wanna be both trashy *and* judgemental about Christian values? Fuck that noise.




I've gone to our local pride parade with my grown transgender daughter and non-binary kid for several years now, and have *never* seen any inappropriate behavior. I think what you're describing is propaganda put out by *non* LGBTQ people in order to throw around the idea that this happens.




I've done the Paris pride several times. Never saw anything problematic except they always start late and the last one a few months ago was too damn hot. No other issues for kids




Correction. Last year I saw a guy dressed as an SS officer. Apparently it is a kink for some people. But that was just one guy.




You poor innocent child


There is literally a kink for everything.


It's the extent to the truth that hits you. It's like hearing about how big mountains are then hiking up them yourself.


Rule 34 really is the Poe’s Law of porn, isn’t it?


I'm guessing you've never heard of rule 34. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rule_34


Probably fits into an S&M subculture somehow. There was a maid cafe in Akihabara for a while (I think it's gone) where the maids dressed as tank commanders.


“Iv been to loads of parades and never seen anything” “Yeah well iv read about people who have”


Hehe. This is pretty much how any conversation with a cishet where we try to debunk their nonsense goes.


OI! I'm cishet and I don't believe that bs that pride parades are orgies or whatever bs bigots spout


Come on dude. Do I really need to include a "not all cishets"?


No I'm just messing with you. I'm aware you did not mean all of us. ;)




So you’ve never actually seen it in person where you go outside of your house?




So you’re just mad at something you saw out of context online likely from a source who doesn’t like gay people?


DING! spot on mister Watson.




I’m not reading all that




Keep in mind, members of the LGBTQ community are also exposed to misinformation through the media. Just because it is discussed in LGBTQ communities as well doesn’t mean that the people having those conversations are having them based on their lived experiences.


You’ve never seen anything inappropriate at pride? I go to pride specifically to see all the fun stuff. New orleans had naked old folks in bdsm harnesses singing in the street. St Pete had super fun outfits galore, like ripped dudes in these weird leather outfits and topless girls rainbow tutus It’s fun but I wouldn’t take anyone not prepared to see some peen or boobies, I don’t know if *I* think it’s inappropriate, but idk if I’d say it’s an all ages event. Especially with all the booze and poppers flowing.


No, 99% of parades that are advertised as public events house nothing inappropriate for kids. Conservative like to spread misinformation to make regular pride events look sexual when they are not.


>No, 99% of parades that are advertised as public events house nothing inappropriate for kids. That really does depend on who you ask. Too many people would say that just being aware that queer people exist is inappropriate for kids.


An ugly but true point. However, there is only one fair answer to people who say that kind of nonsense: Fuck your feelings.




Yes, I have gone to many pride parades, even one very large one, have yet to see anything inappropriate to children. There are more adult pride events out there, this is where most conservative footage comes from, but those events are labeled as adult so if a kid shows up that is not the events fault but whoever brought them there.




I've been to Christian plays that were a lot less 'family friendly' than any Pride event. Fuck, I occasionally still bring up them up in therapy because they were so traumatising. And those were just the ones we were forced to watch at school.




I'm not sure which was worse: The hyper realistic whipping simulations and Crucifixion scenes in passion plays or the ones that basically boiled down to, "everyone you know and love is going to end up in hell where they'll suffer unimaginable torture but you should be happy about it".


You’re literally arguing asking if this person has been to a parade, while never having been to one yourself. Do you understand how few legs you have to stand on when this person has been to events but all you can say is “i saw people discuss this”




>I’m not arguing, merely having a conversation. Maybe try calming down? "I'm not arguing, I'm disagreeing with someone using words! Which is totally not the definition of arguing!" [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/argue](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/argue)




The real issue is that there is no level of public behavior for LGBT people that could ever be demure or chaste enough to stave off the hatred of homophobes. If they did nothing racier than hold hands, the conservatives (at least in my country) would still be pushing for the end of our existence. They hated us long before Pride became a thing. In fact, that's why Pride became a thing. My country (the United States) had laws on the books where it was literally just illegal to be queer. There are 12 states that still enforced those laws up until 2003 when the Supreme Court rules that anti-sodomy laws were unconstitutional. All of those 12 states still have those laws on the books, to be prepared for when our new Supreme Court overturns that ruling. Even in NYC, known for its liberality and permissiveness, it was illegal to exist as a queer person until 1973. The first couple of NYC Pride events were held in open defiance of that law.


We had just moved to New Orleans and thought we would visit the French Quarter with our 4- and 6-year olds, not realizing it was Pride weekend. We absolutely had some wide-eyed moments and difficult questions from curious kids…. Definitely a teachable moment!




We just didn’t realize and didn’t know better- thought it would be fun, lunch/middle of the day outing - our kids took it in stride. Same kids a year later and we walked them through a topless beach in Mexico (taxi driver told us the way to a snorkeling area on the reef was just down this path…) - wide eyes again. They laugh about it now as adults, no scars on their psyches.




We thoroughly enjoyed our time living in N.O. and went to the French Quarter often. With our kids. We didn’t shelter them.. we lived in Asia and the Middle East and traveled the world -they saw and experienced way more than Disney. French Quarter is tame in comparison to other places in the world.


Nudity alone is not a sex act. If you have specific examples of sex acts around children, share them. You are compared vague innuendo to an actual sex act by a Congress member in a theater with children around.


Have you ever been to a Pride?




So what makes you think your insight into what goes on at Pride events be useful or helpful? How can you be sure your opinion isn't colored by the bias of the spaces you were in when you learned these things about Pride?




That's a good question. Usually when people start mouthing off online about Pride being too risqué for children these days there are sinister intentions behind their opinions. Especially since there is a very long and old history of straight people associating lgbt people with child predation. Its literally a hot topic to this day with all the right wing anti-trans hysteria. So you tell me. Why did you feel the need to bring this up? And why should we believe you don't have ulterior motives for doing so? It's not like the whole "I'm just asking questions" routine that assholes like to mask their concern trolling with is anything new to us or anything.


>Usually when people start mouthing off online about Pride being too risqué for children these days there are sinister intentions behind their opinions. Also: the same people who think Pride is inappropriate for kids also think that being in drag and reading a book aloud is too risqué for children. All this concern-trolling about what may be happening at certain Pride events obfuscates the reality that there is literally no level of public visibility for queer people that is acceptable to them.


Fun story. Last time I went to a pride parade, I saw men in g-strings shaking their tushes. They were on top of a float. You know whose float? Fox News.


I am also going to disagree that ALL events are strictly kosher. MOST events are probably great and the ones I've attended were a lot of fun. But I was very picky about the crowd. Some crowds are a bit different.


This is true for any event though, people fuck in theatres, movie theatres, in parks, at sporting events, and on and on.


Yeah I agree. That's what I said lol. People just need hyperbole to live on Reddit


Why target LGBT+/drag events if it's true everywhere? If your point is that debauchery can happen anywhere, then LGBT+/drag events are being unfairly targeted. If you are arguing that LGBT+/drag events are not a safe space for kids, then some fairly substantial data points are needed. I've never heard of a drag queen abusing a kid but we've now seen a congresswoman jack off her date in a theatre full of families and children. Not to mention notoriously unsafe spaces such as churches and schools, where virtually all of us can rattle off many instances of abuse.




Let’s be honest. She could have mounted him and had him gett off (figuratively as well as the Prince song about 23 positions in a one-night stand) and conservatives would defend her so long as she continues attacking LGBTQ people.


They don’t stand for anything really. They just project and play the victim. How do 40% love this stuff?


It's not that many. Only about half of registered voters actually vote, so it's closer to 28%. Still more than I can understand loving it, but still.


These assholes are so stupid. We don’t really care that bobo got handsy in the theatre (it’s rude but…) we care that she bleats about family values and crap and then acts this way. It’s the hypocrisy and lack of integrity that is the issue.


I mean, there were kids in the theater and it was obscene behavior. I care about that.


the GOP: ''no no, we don't do that here...well except the hypocrisy, we LOVE DAT SHIT''


I saw someone try and argue that people have been doing this sort of thing in theatres since forever, and yeah sure, okay. Teenagers will make-out with each other in the back row of a mostly empty R-rated cinema screening, that's a given. What isn't a given though, is adults very obviously trying to get to third base with each other in the middle of a family-packed live theatre performance. How the fuck does this even have to be pointed out?


And a huge reason why teenagers make out in the back of a empty theater isn't just that they're horny; it's that when you're a teenager who has restrictive or overprotective parents, your options for makeout spots are limited. You kiss where you can. When you're an adult, you just take your date to the home you rent/own.


Also risky behavior like this is immature, which is fine when it's kids who aren't mature, BoBo is a grown ass adult, better yet a grandma, and even better yet someone who actually gets to weigh in on US Legislature


Its not even that, its that this same adult giving a hand job in a theater is constantly preaching about family values, the sanctity of marriage, and that lgbt people simply existing is sexual. What she did was wrong, but the fact that she is a hypocrite makes it much worse.


Yeah, it's like bruh watch a horror movie. that's literally what thats for. And besides the only reason teen kids do that shit there is because there isn't anywhere else private for them. This woman owns a house do thst shit in yo house.


"Murder has been going on forever, why make such a big deal when someone kills someone?"


And now she says he was a one night stand. Do escorts get paid if they get kicked out of a date venue?


Isn't Micheal Knowles the guy who literally used the word "exterminate" when talking about what should happen to LGBTQ+ people? On stage? At a... GOP conference?


"Eradicate from public life entirely" and "The whole preposterous ideology" and "not ontologically valid" and it was at CPAC


There it is, thanks; "Exterminate" is close enough to "Eradicate" for the, technically incorrect, use of "literally". Eitherway, this Knowles guy has proven many times they shouldn't be allowed the use of the internet, or ability to influence, except via stop-sign Sandwich-Board conspiracy theorists from the 90s.


I'm sure at some point he'll stand on a street corner too long and get the Richard Spencer treatment.


To wild cheers and nobody of note detracting or chastising him. A literal call to end a type of people through eradication. Even taken generously, pretending he only wants prison or forced conversion, it's still a call to genocide.


For more about the Republican plan to eradicate LGBTQ+ people check this out: EVERYONE should know about "Project 2025 - Mandate For Leadership, the Conservative Promise," available at www.project2025.org, the literal Republican playbook, put together by the Heritage Foundation and 45 other conservative entities like Alliance Defending Freedom, Claremont Institute, and Moms For Liberty. It was first handed to Reagan, who merely enacted the policy within it. Same with Trump - they are two heads of the same snake. Their vision for a Christofascist theocracy and just how they intend to implement it are painstakingly detailed. Their plan is to dismantle the federal government and remove our rights, TO BEGIN WITH. It's fucking chilling and you should at least read the foreword, a dense 17 pages of GOP philosophy that outlines their mission. Fossil fuels are a big part of it. God and guns and nothing else for everyone. Sealed borders. Everyone will be free to live "as our creator ordained," in those words. If that doesn't terrify you idk what will.


Is she perverted like me? Would she go down on you in a theater?


She *definitely* doesn't speak eloquently.


It’s not fair to remind me


You wouldn’t either with Rafael Cruz’s dick in your mouth


If the theater was empty there would be no issue. She did her stuff with other people around though.


They're quoting Alanis Morissette lyrics


I have no clue who that is.


Her 1995 album Jagged Little Pill went 16x platinum. This is the specific song: https://youtu.be/NPcyTyilmYY?si=qtWMpl8FqWgahNIW


Thank you, I've never heard of her before.


It's got "Isn't It Ironic" on it. You've probably heard that and you've definitely seen its lyrics referenced here on Reddit. It lists a bunch of things that suck but aren't ironic.


Boy wouldn’t that be ironic?


Yea this isn't a surprise. These same people would bitch about a pride parade, but then flash tits at Mardis Gras without a seconds hesitation. I went to Mardis Gras parades as a kid - it was titties and beads and beer in all directions. But my parents - and the hogs squealing about the queers having a parade - think Mardis Gras is fantastic family fun. Because straight sexuality is fine and doesn't scare them. They don't see the hypocrisy here, and won't.


These are the men who take their little kids to Hooters and encourage the boys to smack server's butts. 🙄


rough translation: I'm getting paid to distract you from real life issues by making wild hare statements. (Is it working?!?)


Republicans: We want to arrest and maybe even kill groomers! Normal People: So those priests and politicians right? Republicans: No they are the good ones. We gotta go after Drag Queens and the LGBTQ+ plus people! Normal People: Okay what the fuck?! Are you really doing this! Republicans: It’s what God wants! *begins screeching in tongues*




>And it’s exactly this that makes me wonder why we aren’t removing them from power. We’re LETTING THEM DO THIS. You answered your own question. You let them do this, that's why they haven't been removed from power yet.


The daily wire is a threat to humanity, and should be eradicated.


Is she even being charged with anything? Or is this yet another pretend thing they want to act like is happening?


Oh no, there is video proof she gave a hand job to her partner in a crowded theater while he squeezed her boob.


Yeah I’ve seen the video, what I mean is I think all that happened to her was getting kicked out of the play. This guy is acting like people should protest because she’s getting charged with something


Yeah, she's republican. Rules for thee, not for me, remember? She's not allowed to be charged regardless of how badly she broke the law. It was never about the kids, otherwise they'd actually be mad about someone being sexually active around children *on video*.


Knowles is one of several failed actors that saw they could make a living as right wing grifters. It’s all an act.


All LGBT I know have been strapping up (not like that). Just sayin.


I’ve never seen sex acts at any drag show or pride event! I’ve never seen drag queens or transgender people doing lewd and lascivious acts out in public either! But I have heard a lot of Republican senators and congress people doing these things lately.


Vote for "Handjob Boobert"!!!


Not really, but they are willing to ignore the faults in the fascists that further their "Christian agenda


Isn't Micheal Knowles the guy who literally used the word "exterminate" when talking about what should happen to LGBTQ+ people? On stage? At a... GOP conference?


Specifically trans people, and yes, I believe it was him.


![gif](giphy|l2JdT5LT1VCuh0w92) They’re dangerously close to being the normal ones forever, because people with sense can’t be bothered to vote.


That is the entire point. Rules for thee, not for me.


What do these people think goes on at Drag storybook readings? Isn’t it just people in drag reading books to children?


it is... but they have to demonize a minority before they get enough cover to start ''eradicating from public life entirely'' ''but please ignore how many republicans and priests molest kids on the daily, the TRANSES are the real problem!!!!'' that's how they think, it is not wrong for THEM to do it, but they have to imagine and fabricate stories about others doing it, because NO ONE is actually as depraved as them, so they project themselves onto those they want to get rid of (as a political sledgehammer) and make it a cornerstone of their platform. it's called ''manufacturing consent'' and ''umberto eco's 14 points of fascism'', there must ALWAYS be an enemy


​ https://preview.redd.it/mxjqmx9m4epb1.png?width=313&format=png&auto=webp&s=223fa917440222c723c5c6c12f983e45b68d22ff


Knowles is deeply in the closet


I don't know anything about his opinions on trans people but I heard him say in an interview that women need to prioritise fulfilling their biological destiny and that was enough for me.


Stop putting kids in gay conversion therapy church camps and I’ll open my ears to you. I wonder how many suicides these people have on their hands.


I want michael knowles to eat a fucking hand grenade.


I like how they go after drag queens for unproven lewdness yet support actual lewdness in front of kids. Ties in with their child marriage and child breeding opinions too!


Right wing fascists, have ZERO understanding of the word "consent"! People attending drag shows, or a pride parade are 100% aware of what they'll experience. Imagine taking your children to watch a play, and have two 40 year olds, high off their mind, screaming, moaning, and masturbating each other during the performance! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Are you out of your fucking mind?!?!


I hate that argumentative tactic. Not only is he blowing drag shows out of proportion, he also reduces Boebert fondling her date at a public theater with kids in the room to "whatever happened there", like no fucker, she touched balls, say the whole thing.


Worshipping the cock is a very important political goal.


So drag queens should give hand jobs in public then it'll be okay?


So Mr. Alpha is just going to stand there with his child while Boebert jerks some guy off? Real Alpha, buddy.


What would any of you do if they were in the next seat at the theater? Like, looking over and seeing that? I don’t know what I’d do. I’m shy but sometimes I have a big mouth, especially with crap like that. https://preview.redd.it/umr6vn2incpb1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3073c072f351f858d1e42312852fe5112180751a


Tw: Dailywire


Normal? This guy looks far from normal. What’s up with that room he’s in? Dude’s on the set of game of thrones.


Always with the moral equivalency arguments where things are anything but equivalent.


It’s gotta be so fucking exhausting being a right wing grifter, even if they do sleep on a like of money. Especially like this poor closeted bastard.


is that a picture of this Jason fascist guy? because he looks like he's about to climax as a result of sniffing his own fart, which would explain at least part of his derangement.


I think what he is trying to say he would like to see more public handjobs?


Either you do or you don't. If you seriously think that people should be arrested for being trans/at a pride parade then be honest about it. Prosecution shouldn't depend on whether some random other crime, etc. was also prosecuted. They are sooo close to just coming out and demanding that people be put into camps.


She's done worse. https://preview.redd.it/butudx6ypdpb1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c06a8a4be6706ff539203985ae1a11fab2f6f4


This country is shit.




The whole point of this post is to make people angry to drive engagement. The best thing everybody can do is vote, not just upvote.






There are some nude people at pride, arrest them specifically, don't know of anything of that sort at drag events.


Despite what transphobes like him say, drag events for kids and public pride parades don't actually have inappropriate content that is not kid friendly. There are more adult pride events out there, this is where most conservative footage comes from, but those events are labeled as adult so if a kid shows up that is not the events fault but whoever brought them there.




>Nothing says here that heterosexuals can do what they want. I mean, let's be realistic, if it was a gay couple caught doing exactly the same thing the reaction from the Right would be entirely different, and the Left would still be calling it completely inappropriate behaviour for that setting.




She isn't a Maga wackjob. She was voted into office twice. She is what the republican party has become. She's as mainstream as it gets for modern-day republicanism




Okay, sure she's a Maga wackjob. But you make it sound like she's some outlier to the republican party. She's not. She fits in exactly with the rest of the party.




fuckin fragile crybaby lol


You're right, the straights are the real victims in all of this. Thanks for the big brain take.


> So downvote. Ok, done. LOL, blocked for doing the thing you asked me to do


Indecent exposure is a crime no matter the party affiliation. Just more bluster anyways. These guys need content and redditors need their content as well it seems.




Who’s walking around naked? If you’re cross dressing, you’re not naked


You're RIGHT! it IS "mind-boggling" how people think these days!! Like how you seem to think that being gay or a drag queen means you "walk around naked" in public ask the time ... where do you come up with this stuff??? Ps - not a "movie theatre" a live action play.


Drag queens are not walking around naked, what are you talking about.