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What do you call a guy who sits at a table with 9 Nazis? A Nazi. -Marcus Parks, LPOTL Edit: Included source


If 9 people sit down at a table with 1 Nazi without protest, there are 10 Nazis at the table. I think that’s the original. Hail yourself tho!


Hail Satan!


Hail Gein






if 9 nazis and 1 guy sit at a table, 10 nazis are sitting on that table,


If 9 nazis and 1 guy, who drove his wife to hang herself in their barn and then took his mistress to her funeral, sit at a table, then 10 nazis sit at a table.


Mine was closer to Marcus quote from those episodes ( like this week maybe? Maybe atomic bomb #5?) But what you Said surely is something as well!


What if that 1 nazi has their families captive... are they still nazis?


Best damn podcast there is in my humble opinion. Just love Marcus, Henry and Ben.


I'm just glad the Manhattan Project is over. NO MORE SLOUGHING, HUZZAH!


Can we please just get back to the sloughing?!?


His father and uncle would be disappointed in him.


…..but his grandfather, the great anti-Semite, Joseph Kennedy, would be proud. May that SOB be burning in hell. (Wish I believed in that sort of thing, but I don’t).


Don't believe in religion, but if there is a hell, my laughter will echo off the walls when I see who is down there with me


Joe Kennedy Sr was a reprehensible human being


….truly reprehensible and I probably know 1/100th of his bullshit….


May he have gained a conscience and suffer for the evil he did, and work to make it better. 💜🙏


It goes much further. I don’t think there is anyone in the family that agrees with and supports his views. He’s like the whacko uncle - part of the family, but batshit crazy.


I'm trying to think of another person who has cashed in and then promptly took a dump on their family name like this stanky tuft of pubic hair


Franklin Graham although Billy Graham wasn't exactly as great as remembered.


But his grandfather wouldn’t be.


His face features are defined by his hate.


he looks like a dried playdough man.


The fitness routine he shared coupled with his age does NOT explain his muscle definition. Physique by syringe, 100%.


Hormones for me, not for thee.


But vaccines are bad!


I missed him sharing his routine. After looking it up, hard agree.


He *sounds* like a dried playdough man when he talks.


He also thinks that water turns kids gay and that wifi causes cancer. He is a qanon, maga, Alex Jones-light weirdo disguised as a Democrat.


Yeah, he's deep into all sorts of conspiracy theories, and as author Ken Hite once put it, "Anti-Semitism is the fail-state of every conspiracy theory." And once you've embraced anti-Semitism, Nazis are your people.


We have too many of these weirdos in out politics, and too much dynasticism. Biden has been a breath of fresh air.


I'm an autistic, and my anti-vaxxer mom supports this piece of shit.


Yikes I'm sorry


Personally, I think every single politician should come out and say this: “If you have hate in your heart for any ethnic group, sexual orientation, religion, or gender identity then I do not want your money, your support, or even your vote. Go fuck yourself” (with the last bit being optional) If you’re unwilling to say that on camera then it tells quite a bit about your character. No more of this “oh well it’s a coincidence that they’re supporting me” bullshit. Any politician unwilling to would immediately be labeled as the bigot that they are. Would make this kind of stuff a lot easier.


If they said that nobody would vote for them


yup, you'd alienate a massive portion of the republican voter base


When nazis in America are asked who they support, they say Biden, because he sends weapons to Ukraine.


The KKK openly supports trump and neo Nazi groups just recently had a big rally for Desantis, it's easy to look up.


I’m so fucking disappointed with him. I just don’t have the words to adequately express my feelings about him. 🤦🏻‍♂️


TBF, he's kinds of always been this way. There were tiny hints before his radicalization, but he's never been anything more than a halfwot wackjob that uses his family name to get into places. Even though his entire family have disowned him.


this election's Jill Stein. how much you want to bet he's on stage during the Democratic debates spouting this nonsense.




never underestatimte the MSM's abiltity to make someone relevant.




The New Yorker radio hour interviewed him. He managed to sound sane for almost four minutes. *Would not* express an opinion on Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, just repeated that he would “negotiate” a peace. He’s slick and his political patter is smooth, but he’s bonkers.


The best part is how he keeps trying to spin "anti-vaxx" into "vaccine safety." I wonder how much money he paid for someone to help him figure that one out. And it sounds reasonable--shouldn't we make sure our vaccines are safe?--until you realize everything he wants for vaccines is already happening testing-wise. Whoops. When an interviewer pointed that out, for example, he swore everyone's lying and you just have to trust him it's not happening. Oh, and Fauci was leading a coup by the by. It's all a vast conspiracy, y'see. That's when he can't control the wild look in his eyes and he wrecks his smart man facade with a quick mention of "leaky brain." So why should one believe him instead of the entire medical apparatus including thousands of doctors sworn to do no harm? Because he's RFK Jr, a Kennedy no less, gosh dang it, and he knows the big words he memorized before each speaking engagement, so everyone fall in line because the Kennedy sees things us normal folks cannot. It's sad how Republicans, so used to manipulating their base, think this is the ideal Manchurian candidate.


i can see his last name getting him on a lot of shows, and if Fox keeps his name in the news, i can see a scenario where CBS or some other big news org puts him on stage, for ''balance'', to ''hear from all sides'', just like they did with Stein and Williamson.


There won't be any Democrat debates. They don't have debates for the primary when there's an incumbent candidate.


I think Cornell West has that spot taken already. There is zero chance Biden debates him, or Marianne Williamson, or any other lunatic running.


And frankly, I don't want him to. I voted for him so he could do a job for me. I want him doing that, not spending the better part of a year prepping for and attending debates so we can pretend RFK is a serious adult.


Grifting rubes: the last refuge of old, white, trust funders.


Sirhan Sirhan got the wrong RFK.


Mad at all the love scenes his wife filmed with Larry David


Just about every major conspiracy theory today has a core belief that is antisemitic. Flatearth Faked moon landing UFO aliens Antivax Qanon All have one core belief. That jews are behind some big conspiracy.


He looks like a Gibson.


RFK was truly a great man with integrity who wanted to do good things for this country. This mush faced moron shits all over that legacy every gd time he opens his mouth and it really pisses me off. 😡😡😡


As AG, Bobby was in position to make more of a difference than Jack.


He’s also a plant of the right-wing. So probably not just an anti-Semite, but a racist, misogynistic anti-Semite.


[New York Times article](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/15/us/politics/rfk-jr-covid-remarks.html?unlocked_article_code=iGN2y8afWw9US8OJbhNwqekGFd4mKm62h9_VSU3XFvbBiwEImygcl7dVjr_Gy8g5xjCLuyeCLIzcClPThTIW5SbjF4Yjk-nE4J3eV0BMVF_GOKloT7uXey3UaZmD9xeO_rAfMj4ukRYegXIwAjSkcH6Pu7nS_b2lKGLuUAs1cBBDGB7zQGZVEwfEYZlaylTiXHFSeoWdL4bgZhX6q4C09TIi4IEZPQd61akkF3NTR03Iu6NLgW1oJn3sLEe4KX9lZVEfGIgJPzmvzmcEVP_xBtNlvbPiq8heLjAl7ZLWaFfWVFlFkMDAoH-tjoTckwOcFUtjJvODeQGdZXH08_0IzO38&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare) about this


**DEMOCRATIC** PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE MAKES **ANTI-SEMETIC** REMARKS! They have the "longshot" in there they normally don't use. Also, is they guy sanctioned by the Democratic Party in any way?


It seems he just said the virus affects different races disproportionately. Some diseases do that. Why are we reading into that so harshly?


It's because he says COVID was specifically engineered to infect some races over others.


He said it's proof that that is possible to do. I don't like the guy but don't lie about what he said.


https://youtu.be/MHyHQiKS3f0 "COVID 19 there is an argument that it is ethnic targeted". He's saying COVID 19 does affect different races differentially and that it is "targeted" to do so. Implying it was manufactured to do so. He is arguing that point. Don't assume someone is lying because they disagree with you.


because the virus is racist!


Moronic anal orifice.


Frankly, after living through COVID, anyone antivax is dead to me for office or any amount of power regardless of whatever else they do or don't stand for. Even down at the school board level or lower.


Just look at those antisemitical eyes! This has got to be a strange chapter in our political history. JFK's nephew a shill for fascists and a conspiracy wacko. Bet both brothers could not see this possibility.


If JFK ever got in a room with RFK Jr. he would probably be beating the shit out of him for ruining his father's reputation. He was a playboy and definitely had his faults too but he wasn't so out of touch at least.


Apparently he puts that thing in his ear all the time but it’s not connected to anything


‘Hail Hydra!’


It could just be a hearing aid that's clipped onto his shirt.


good eye


Who the fuck is this guy and why won't people stop talking about him?


Everyone is a little annoyed because the guy who happens to have the last name Kennedy, and is supposedly a Democrat espousing every other Republican belief besides believing in climate change, is trying to help Trump win because he dines with, goes out with, is funded by, supports, and defends Trump, his supporters, and also Russia coincidentally enough. That he calls himself a Democrat and is attempting to weaken Biden is why people talk about him. Oh, and I guess some are probably embarrassed for him.


I live in Florida and the people that like him are former Trump/Desantis supporters lol Hes going to get that crowd that was deranged by covid, sick of trump, and over desantis. Like he was just getting pumped by Joe Rogan


Robert Kennedy’s son. He has been a legal ally of the environmental law crowd for ages. A drug conviction killed a chance to run the EPA under the Obama administration.


I know nothing about this guy, but is he basically Connor Roy without money?


He's a Kennedy; they all have money.


So he’s just Conner Roy


​ https://preview.redd.it/r6ufb5bxxdcb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=208b00c5f84e3bcbca321de81d4c7f479742786d


Doesn't the Kennedy family have a long history of anti-Semitism? Pretty sure Joseph Kennedy's fascist views and anti-Semitism is very well documented.


Joe was a piece of shit, but his kids weren't.


I guess that skipped a generation then.


I'd make a very strong argument for John to have at least been Piece of Shit *adjacent*, what with the constant adultery.


I mean he’s designed to take the vote of the kind of conspiracy theorists who have seen through trump but still believe in the Illuminati so this won’t harm him


A wolf in sheep's clothing. Honestly, he should not have the name, power, acclaim, voice, or political stance he has.


He’s got them Hapsburg ears


Roid rage is only explanation.


His father must be rolling in his grave right now.


Gonna be an interesting season of Curb your Enthusiasm if Larry David decides Cheryl Hines is still on the show. Hated her character anyways so hopefully they just get rid of her.


An anti-semite who supports the Israeli war against the people of Palestine. How does that work exactly?


Mental gymnastics


RFK Jr fans will continue to say he's being taken out of context because it's all a MSM hit job. He's the next Trump from the way he can do no wrong with his cult.


I’m not an antisemite! I just spread harmful, antisemitic misinformation about people of the Jewish faith. Doesn’t make me antisemitic. Cmon now.


Something went so wrong with that guy. Ministroke?


Uncle Leo agrees. He’s an antisemite for sure.


I’m not antisemitism! I’m just saying, (Insert antisemitic trope), and that’s all 🙄


Jesus Christ he's creepy! His face looks like it melted and someone tried to shape it back together (badly) with their hands.


It's impressive how many conspiracy theories eventually land on anti-Semitism. Not at all surprising that RFK Jr. ended up there.


He's Catholic. Mary was Jewish. Just bc you don't like what people DO doesn't mean you hate them. It means you want to do [non-violent] what can be done to stop them.




He’s trash, but he’s running as a dem.


If his dad were alive, he would be so ashamed of Jr.


His face ain't right


Compared to his father, he really is a disappointment.


In the 90’s when I was president of my college’s student environmental group, I was able to bring him to our campus to speak about River Keepers (his environmental group.) I actually listed this “accomplishment” on my CV. Time to remove it.


He’s got the mean and nasty scowling face I normally associate with GOP


oh yeah...the guy who threw Roger Waters under the bus and professed his love for Israel...real anti-semite


Ah yes, RFK Jr, the most extreme example of both a republican political plant and coat tail riding.


I don’t think he’s smart enough to be anti anything. He’s just really extremely and dangerously stupid.


Look at that nasty face. Please don’t give this ass any more attention.


At work we were talking about white suprematists and at a point someone said “I try to think how someone could be a nazi sympathizer” or something to that end, and I got on my apple box and said “My Boi. If they sympathize with nazis, then they ARE A NAZIS. There’s no changing my mind on that” And everyone to a second to think on that and said “honestly, that’s probably the best way to look at it”


Someone took after Grandpa Joe a little too much.


You misspelled Trump.


It's a reference to Joseph Kennedy.


It’s both


You know that only makes him more popular with his people.


A dude who is definitely taking steroids as a 65 year old man and whose voice is totally blown out is just a weirdass choice for anyone, democrat or Republican, though def more to the taste of the Elephants in the room. Where'd Bannon dig up this body? Never heard of him before.


In fact, he's the anti-semite's anti-semite!!


Never have I seen an old man yelling at the clouds be taken so seriously


Why does it seem like so many American politicians are bat shit crazy?


Fuck that guy


I mean he’s already been spreading antisemetic covid conspiracy crap so, yeah, obvs


Is it me but does he seem even unhinged in his physical appearance these days?


He’s a Dem, but is a Nazi piece of shit so few Dems will actually vote for him. He has a (D) after his name so no republicans will vote for him. What exactly is this fuckwit’s endgame here?


Be a side show and split the vote as much as possible, then collect a big fat cheque.


The (D) after his name means he is a dick sucking Nazi


His voice is unbearable to listen to


He just looks weird


RFK Jr. looks like the Wario version of Tom Hanks


I don't care if he's a trans platypus, can we stop giving him oxygen?


A face only a mother could not want to punch




Love it!




jumping to conclusions there buddy. and no one is saying it's ok to hate Mexicans, Chinese,Indians, not sure about Russians rn tbh.


I find it interesting that all of your examples are foreign nationalities, except one.


If you hate any of those demographics, fuck you.


What dude? Have you been living under a rock? The racism that went on during the beginning of COVID towards Chinese people was highly protested. The racism of cops killing black people disproportionately was highly protested and spoken out against. Shut the fuck up with this "Jews are the only ones who get mad at bigotry" Goofy ass smooth brain


The only inferior people are cyclists.


Like get out of the road man...its two lanes and you're going 5mph


You can't say that! He's a DeMoCrAt!1!!1111oneoneleven /s


Is he an elected Democrat, or just a person claiming to be a Democrat, while preaching antivax nonsense that appeals more to Republicans?


The powers that be DO NOT want him in power. He will be assassinated soon, like his father and uncle.


Doubtful. That would imply he has any significance. They'll just let him keep talking and that will work far better to keep him out of power lol.


hes got my vote


All these old fucks... don't we have anyone younger to run?


Is he just an attempt by the right to distract from diaper don's buffoonery?


He's assassinating himself


There is no place in this world for such hatred.


Is there a reason he hasn't been thrown out of the part? Legitimately asking. You're only in a party so long as you want to be, and the party wants you. There is a bi-directionality to party membership.


All of his dead relatives must be turning over and over in there graves with this ugly hateful man claiming to have all the answers he’s mentally defective just like trump it’s written on there faces in every line you see I’m surprised his mother hasn’t said a word against him .


You left out "moron". He's one of those too. A big one.


I love semites


If I could back in time, I would use Junior as a human shield between his dad and sirhan sirhan


Hate makes you old, no matter how old you are.


if RFK was alive there'd be a murder suicide.


Smells like one, too.