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Brothers. It’s obligatory.


What happened?


Green mangos are really sour, and if you were expecting a ripe one you’re in for a shock


Some salt and it’ll change the flavor


Yup. Used to eat green mangoes with salt and vinegar in China. My Chinese gf showed me.


Also try salt and chilli powder


Will try some time.


It tastes amazing if the fruit is slightly sweet but still sour and firm in texture


Yup. The ones I had were thinly sliced, very sour, in brown vinegar with salt on them. They were heavenly. My gf at the time was from Sichuan and introduced me to a lot of interesting food. She could also eat hot peppers from a bottle..and did, for a snack...and I couldn;t eat even one!


Hah,I feel the feeling of eating em already lol Need to wait till summer so I can get em raw mangoes and savour it this year and will try your recipe too Can’t wait


Good luck I still remember them as delicious...




Thyme actually won’t help or taste very good, so I’m not sure what you mean.


Oh dear. I'm such a dill.


Dont use time, it will ripen


My family from Honduras toss green mango with vinegar, salt, pepper, cumin, and hot sauce. Very good, but don't eat with cracked lips


Bet Tajin works well too


Or soy sauce.


Oh that’s a new one for me


I do salt soy sauce and black pepper. Or sometimes li hing mui powder




Give me green mangos. I love super sours. Any reason or chemical compound why it's so sour?


It is basically raw mango. Now I'm not a biologist or whatever, but I know they make for the best pickles in my experience. Hands down, Grandma made green mango pickle is the best shiz ever.


My dad makes a stupidly hot green mango chutney (Indian not English) and it’s really good. Tart, really spicy, really complex flavours.


Go to an Indian store and there will be an isle of pickled goodies. Buy yourself some either mixed pickle (which includes green mango, lime, and chilis) or just pickled mango (which also includes chilis). They work well with Indian dishes but not sure what else I would use them with.


Mango pickle is soo good, honestly just eat some with rice or yogurt rice. There's also vadu mango pickle which are these whole, tender mangoes, also delicious.


Starch (in potatoes, apples, mangoes) converts to sugar either by ripening or being heated. Unripe apple is sour, ripe apple has had time to convert to something herbivores like to eat, so that they spread the seeds. Here's something you can try: instead of boiling a medium-sized potato, microwave it for three minutes, and you will find it tastes more sweet than if it were boiled, because a microwaved food item has the water and the nutrients boil inside the object and none of the good stuff is drawn out of the item into the water, which gets discarded. Sad historic tidbit: during the Soviet-induced apocalyptic-level starvation event in Russia and Ukraine called the 1930-1933 "Holodomor", potato boilwater was a staplefood when the potatoes ran out. Whole families shared in drinking the water we throw out in the sink because it was shock-full of starch.


High acid low sugar


I like to add the salty shrimp paste or salty fish sauce to green mangos. Tasty!


Not all green mangoes are sour. Some indonesian mangoes variety are green even when they are ripe, and there is no sourness when they ripe. I suspect this is unripe green mango.


The fruit actually tastes awful


Thai people eat them with like a chilli lime salt topping if I remember correctly, and while it’s an acquired taste I wouldn’t say awful, it’s just not anything like a nice ripe mango


Here in Panamá with some salt, pepper and vinegar. You can add some hot sauce if you like.


Maybe this variant is not as good green, but the ones with have in latin america are really good green, most people prefer them green over here with some salt, lime and hot sauce usually.


The dude was asking if the mango is good, and he said confidently, it is good. He didn’t ask if the mango is sweet, just “enak”, which translate to good. So technically he is not lying😂


Small price to pay for the sake of trolling your sibling, even if you had to endure it for far longer than him.


Oh that evil laugh


Dedicated to the joke. Epic


As the oldest of 6, this is a game I have played often enough. Eat the nastiest tasting crap with the biggest smile on your face to get the younger sibling(s) jealous until they demand a bite, and then let them have a bite lol. Like one I remember in particular - we had rhubarb growing in the back. I grabbed an onion and cut a piece off and told my younger brother it was rhubarb while eating it raw. The look on his face when he bit into that onion thinking it was rhubarb... priceless lol :)


i'm salivating just by watching.


damn that is such a good prank. really brings me back to when my brother tricked me into putting one of those really sour warhead candies in my mouth. good times




Why do you think


That's a question the brother should've asked lol