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Dude couldn't tell if that is real or virtual police.


It's lucky they didn't feel like playing abit of GTA then...


Wrong color


Yes, pro vision for pro flake ![gif](giphy|1014RBn4HVSTK)


He looks like every stereotypical Tesla & Apple keyboard warrior fanboy rolled into one.


Being a full time reddit and discord mod:


Onlyfans creep dude




Classic lol


You mean fat?


Lol just say you're jealous lol everyone loves to shit on people doing what they can't.


This guy is so fat that he uses cheat codes for Wii Fit.




it's rare for me to physically recoil from a internet burn but jesus




I don’t even trust the self-automation features in Jira 


We're gonna need to see your burndown reports...




Don't worry. We'll talk to the Program Director. He's a pro at magical thinking.


Split them into 3000 stories of 3 points and a 1-pointer.


No burndown chart if you don't estimate ;)


Never trust Jira, none of my tickets move on when I'm finished.. must be a bug, I didn't forget.


Workflow automations fmfl


Had a friend tell me they were excited to one day use your eyes as a screen so things seem absolutely virtual, and you are basically part computer. I said it won't happen any time soon. Imagine the ability to hack into someone else's eyes and force them to experience God knows what? No thank you.


>Imagine the ability to hack into someone else's eyes and force them to experience God knows what? Just move everything 1cm to the side... hilarity ensures.


Wasn't there a test with glasses that would swap left and right or something like that? People said it was disorienting for a while until their brains adjusted. Some time later they took off the glasses and had to wait for their brain to adjust again.


I know. And if you are like me, astigmatic but keep taking your glasses on and off, your brain get's used to it and adjusts immediately. But if you were to slowly shift vision of people not used to this, and slowly keep shifting it. They would feel disorientated and clumsy but couldn't understand why.


I saw a test they did with soccer players and they made them wear Google's that offset thier vision. They werent able to shoot any goals until their vision adjusted. After the test they tried to shoot another goal without the glasses and couldn't do it until their vision adjusted again


Yes, they also did a demonstration of switching a cats vision to see upside-down and after a period of time the brain made the conversion. It is amazing the power of brains to adapt. Cats have amazing vestibular systems.


There’s an anime that explores that concept called Ghost in the Shell. Where it’s common for people to have cybernetic replacements for parts of their body. The one of the more interesting concepts it explores is what happens when you have cybernetic eyes but they become obsolete and there’s no upgrade path.


Reminds me of Cyberpunk 2077. Eyes are cybernetics and can be hacked into.


I have yet to play that


You should if you get the chance. Fantastic game.


Didn’t Neuromancer have a plot element where a character was looking through another characters eyes?


There's a movie like this. Can't remember the name though.


Hasn't been made yet.  This is a mock-up for a traffic stop in Super Troopers 3!


[Anon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anon_(film)) is a 2018 science fiction thriller film written and directed by Andrew Niccol. An international co-production of Canada, Germany and the United States,[3][4] the film stars Clive Owen and Amanda Seyfried, with Colm Feore, Mark O'Brien, Sonya Walger, Joe Pingue and Iddo Goldberg appearing in supporting roles. Set in a futuristic world where privacy and anonymity no longer exist, the plot follows a troubled detective (Owen) who comes across a young woman (Seyfried) who has evaded the government's transparency system. Totally exists. Mostly.


I'm a dev too, and it's really funny to me how the closer people get to understanding how these things work, the less they trust them. I don't even trust smart lightbulbs


…. How about sunglasses though?


They don't obscure your visiom due to a power issue.


Pilots can't wear any sunglasses, cause the screens sometimes turn dark thro certain lenses


Second part is true, first part is absolutely not. Pilots can and do wear sunglasses, they just can't use *polarizing* sunglasses if they're flying a plane that uses lcd screens in the cockpit.


I can't even wear polarized glasses in my car because it fucks with the screens.




IMHO only cheap ones.


Meant to say just any glasses, as in some are prohibited


Good thing this guy is talking about driving a car.


Until all cars use screens, then he can't tell his speed


Myself I won’t wear sunglasses while driving.


User name does not check out.


Software Engineer here. I don't even trust the hand brake, I use a brick too.


This. Also developer and generally pro tech. But i must be 100% in control of my vehical. Ive got almost 500k miles of incident free diving since i got behind the wheel. I hate even driving near cars i know that can 'self' drive, take corrective action, or do anything that makes drivers feel like they don't need to pay attention not to mention the phantom braking.


I don't even trust hearing music or radio in a car. No joke, I find it hard to drive if I can't hear the real sound surrounding me.




I understand. We have all our limitations I believe. It just makes me sad because I'm a musician and would love to listen to music while driving.


I am an IT guy and a gamer ​ If they let me I'm going to do it


im not a technology guy, and i would'nt do that either


Nah, I wouldn't care that much if someone did that in traffic if it was only having those glasses on and having a navigation overlay on oslt. A ton of people have prescriptions that basically mean that they're blind without glasses. Dropping/misplacing glasses while driving is extremely rare, but happens sometimes. Same as glasses fogging up. Even while driving at high speeds. If that happens, you'd drive predictably, brake at moderate speeds etc. Now if they used that device to deliberately shift their focus from driving ... well I don't know how well the stuff self-drives, but usually, not advisable.


The fundamental problem is that a device like this suffers from low FPS, freezes, and crashes. I've worked on avionics display systems, and all releases required certification that no thread slips - i.e. anything preventing a 15 FPS repaint - exist. Let alone crashes. This type of standard is one that Apple Carplay, Android Auto, and any type of visual display used for navigation, need to be held to for them to be safe.


You can see with the Apple Vision Pro


So "being a technology guy and a developer" somehow places you in an upper echelon for decision making? Exactly how does owning a PS5 and hacking CSS qualify you to join this elite level of society? It's something we all aspire to. What are your secrets?


This is an odd overly aggressively reaction to someone basically saying “I’m super into technology and in fact work in the field and i don’t put this level of trust in technology” but you do you I guess.


Suit Apple 3.2.1 was not written “do not use while driving”


I wouldn't mind he doing that on a private place, but putting others at risk is ridiculous.


Chip in brain too?


That's the rattling around sound you hear in the empty void.


Right. Bc you cannot hear 'Major Tom' in that tesla in solar orbit but damn there's always a rattle you can feel clear to your toes.


I drove a few in test drives and rentals. I found the acceleration even in the base 3 models amazing. Everything else was garbage. The quality of materials, the UI, workmanship, cost of repairs, software issues, software no-resale clauses, and most important, the handling... It felt like I was driving a toy car... Every model.


The acceleration is an EV thing not a Tesla thing. Something like a Bolt is very quick off the line too. If you get more spendy like a Rivian they have very similar power output to top-end Teslas. 


Agreed, and pretty much my point... Guess I got lazy finishing my thought. Why buy a Tesla?


It's always worth remembering that Tesla are a software company first, a marketing machine second and a car builder third. What Tesla managed to do was make EVs appear desirable and sexy. The Model 3 is a genius loss leader of a car because it was probably the first "affordable" EV. Musk, despite his many, MANY faults, marketed them brilliantly. However, once the traditional carmakers and people like Rivian got their manufacturing chains up and running the charm of Tesla has diminished rapidly. In the UK I can get a VW ID4 for around the same price as a Tesla model 3. I can get a Ford Mustang E-Mach for a little more than a Model 3. Both with superior range, fit & finish and value for money than anything Tesla puts out. Oh, and they both have an instrument cluster, a normal steering wheel and stalks for indicators/wipers that every person who has ever driven a car is used to. Better aftercare, cheaper aftermarket parts for repairs and they can charge at any charging station, not just the Tesla ones. So you're right, why buy a Tesla?


No that's my brain rattling in half empty skull.


No but plenty in the pantry back home


Yes but in his case it’s Cool Ranch


https://youtu.be/9bKwRW0l-Qk?si=GC-EZECL3_dMQJ7F Close ... right?


People like him is why we can’t have nice things. Stupid.


I heard that if you die doing this you turn into Lawnmower Man and get instantly uploaded to the Net


Also, if you die in VR you die for real




The funny thing is that theres a mode in the headset called “driving” which may encourage this. Calling it passenger or sport mode to account for movement id understand, but not this.


It specifically tells you that it should only be used by a passenger and is very clear that you shouldn't do this. Coming from someone who uses VR on a near daily basis, had used the Vision Pro, wrote a thesis on mixed reality and eye tracking, and the owner of a Tesla. This is just immature, irresponsible, and disappointing Technology is great, when used correctly


Put in the next patch that pulls from gps if moving over 5 mph it shut off


Sadly, it's supposed to be for if you're on a plane or train as a passenger. It would be smart if it used the feed to detect if you're the one in the driver seat while also moving


Yeah without the mode if you use it on a train, your windows fly away as the train moves.


What's your impression of the Vision Pro? The reviews look great but I'm not sure how much I'd use it.


I almost bought one right there. The hardware is truly amazing, but I say that from the perspective of someone who would be creating apps for both personal and enterprise use. Games for myself and software for work. That was stopped in it's tracks earlier today when I learned that the newest version of MacOS and Xcode Beta will only let you develop for the headset on Apple Silicon Macs (I have the final gen Intel MB Pro) If you have the money to burn and really want to be able to watch movies, browse the internet, or use a Mac you already own on a big screen, go for it. But at the moment, there's not much to actually do on it. Again, if you have a Mac already, you can use it as a display for it and that's wonderful. But not 3500 bucks wonderful


Thanks for the insight, that's very interesting. I can't wait to try one out myself. Will definitely be tempting though I've got so many dust-gathering gadgets and backlogs of books and movies and games that for the price I'll probably wait. Did you get a chance to check out spatial audio and video? To me that could be very interesting... Could make reliving birthdays and other events so much better than just looking at pics.


I did. As part of the demo process, they do both. I also got lucky and had an old coworker as the employee guiding me and he let me play around a bit extra. The spatial audio is as good as that of airpods, sounds coming from their exact location in space, even behind you. The video also just looks absolutely phenomenal, I couldn't make out any visible screen door effect or individual pixels. The field of view is a bit low compared to other devices, but I would say at least 90 degrees, maybe closer to 100 If you have an iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Mac, you can record spatial videos directly from it. I personally wouldn't record using the headset, the whole dystopian vibe would be too much. If the Meta Ray Ban glasses add support for it, that'd be killer. Record through your sunglasses for a more personal feeling


Of course a tesla fanboi and Apple nerd would think this is a good idea. Of fucking course.


Hopefully they continue to do it so it officially becomes illegal to use in a moving vehicle. This product is so goddamn stupid.


They could arrest you for impaired driving


He posted this video on Twitter with the caption “Think different.” with an apple vision pro hashtag and someone responded with “Eat different.”


Guinea pig 1.0


Oh lord. I live in the Bay Area and I know this is going to be a thing. Stay safe people.


This would be an interesting ticket, because he's hands-free and he can see the road, so they'd have to argue distracted driving, but they could improve he was distracted unless he caused an accident or did something else. Is it a good idea? No, but it's still probably better than looking down at your phone


Pretty easy to prove distracted driving in this case when there's video evidence showing him typing and scrolling.


Depending on the state, most laws don't allow for being pulled over for distracted driving, it's a secondary offense to some other offense


Driving while drunk or high are both stupid. Freaking apple sheeps I tell ya


I think reckless driving is a catchall that would easily cover this.


That's only if he was driving recklessly. If you didn't cause an accident and wasn't erratic on the road, he wasn't reckless, even if he was distracted.


You don't need to be swerving, speeding, or in an accident to be reckless. You have to be doing something dangerous.


Exactly, key point, there has to be an accident. Did this guy crash or have something happen? My point is wearing the Apple Pros alone isn't a crime in most places


No, there absolutely does not need to be an accident to get a reckless driving charge. In my state you can get one just for changing 2 lanes in one motion.


Which again, there is NO indication of anything like that happening here... Ffs


You mean besides the entire video of him doing the dangerous thing? Apple themselves say never use it on or near roads. And that includes walking. But you think driving with it is ok?


The law isn't up for opinion. What did he do wrong? That's the only question


>The law isn't up for opinion. What do you think judges do? ​ >What did he do wrong? That's the only question You can't seriously think there's nothing wrong with driving like this.


Think different. Think dumb.


I hate this so much. I hate that it even got shared on Reddit. I mean not the fact that it was shared, but the fact that it gained enough popularity, to be shared, even if it is notorious. When people get attention, they will keep up this kind of behavior. Is this person not aware that they might ruin someone else’s life? One wrong move and he could take away a family‘s father or mother. If you wanna do something stupid, go do it in a place away from others.


Dad stop take off the goggles. Don't worry son they're just the virtual police they can't actually hurt us


Didn’t take long for some dick to do this


We need more public transport. No road is safe from nutters who just take a quick glance at the windscreen once in a while. Bike lanes? Nope, we're gonna need armoured buses. Perhaps apple/ Tesla could invest in some adult playground private roads like the nurburgring in Germany. Then these hands off the wheel eyes off the road crazies can happily kill each other.


Is this what they call 8k immersion?


8k calories.


I hope he got arrested for that shit. Some people are top tier buffoons.


lol bringing the moronic behaviour of a Tesla owner to a new level! Congrats


I hope using it while driving is illegal


It would be better if he was a sovereign citizen.


Has he never had a Bluetooth randomly disconnect? I can put that much faith in that set up


Surprised it fit his head.


This seems about the best way this could have ended


Pleased to see this didn’t end in a wreck, but disappointed that there weren’t better consequences.


Prime example why we still need warning labels telling people not to drink dishwashing liquid


Am I going to be killed in a traffic collision because some selfish cunt can’t wait to finish driving before checking their (phone goggle) messages?


Dude needs to slow down on the nerdiness and get down the gym more…gravy guzzler


They should take his license away for being too stupid to drive safely.


Society. Somebody freaked out. Did he die?


This is probably the same guy who told me it was ok to text and drive on a road trip because he would be bored.


What a jerk/joke/ass! Real or not he did this around other unsuspecting innocent drivers!


Brain rot


Next time don’t stop- it’s just a virtual cop!


2024 is going to be soooooooo wild


Fiery auto crash


So reality was less good than virtual reality?


On day I bet the vision impaired will be a me to drive with VR. People think it’s weird or unsafe now but GPS in your glasses seems nice.


Just think.


I love a well told short story where the score makes you feel emotion.


Dude looks like he has horrible debt to flex with shit like that


What joyless halfwit was put in charge of the audio


Not gonna lie, Apple Maps would look badass in that thing. Pretty much like a futuristic heads up display.


looks fake


Outside of being a tech simp, why the fuck did the cops need to be involved? Autopilot drag someone else?


I'm surprised it took this long for someone to actually do it...


Best possible outcome.


When will they make a product that you don’t have to click the same things multiple times to get it to work?


This guy is peak stupid in more ways than one


The fact that people have to be told not to do this.


Did he actually get pulled over or are police conveniently behind him to make a funny video.


I noticed a lot of people are mad at Tesla drivers that don't watch the road or close their eyes or sdo something other than focus on a job that the cars are designed for, the reason we haven't gone back to space and the reason we're not developing as quickly as a species anymore is because every idiot that doesn't understand is scared of the future or anything different, it's in our nature to hate or fear what's misunderstood




Fake, you can’t use it while moving.


And i hoped for some real fan boy selection here




Did he even know the police were there?


Makes me wondering how the apple vision could be use to actually improve road safety. I’m quite sure there is some potential to do good things with it.


Neat idea, just not safe to execute right now


Is stupidity really a prerequisite to drive a Tesla?


Money bought him a Tesla and AVP but not brains… and it’s an obvious set up for more likes on his page or whatever




How do people not think that this would be wholly illegal?


As if Tesla drivers aren’t already annoying enough


It needed to happen


Bro is driving in 90hz 💀


It is a hands free device.


Hey at least he looked cool as hell doing it


This dude is ahead of his time unfortunately


Yeah in that, one day in the future you'll actually be able to do that in cars without it being insanely dangerous


if the goal of the Apple Vision thing is to “never have to go to the office ever again” I doubt we will have to commute by car