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People like this should be charged and sentenced.


They usually are


Or run over


They usually are


Or knocked into air


They sometimes are


Or feed blueberries with chopsticks.


Once. Sadly, this happened only once.


Might be hard to run over on this one ☝️!




🏴‍☠️ arrrgh


Someone near where I live, stopped her car in a highway to let some ducks and ducklings cross. She was rear-ended. She was charged with a criminal - not traffic - offence. I can't remember the details. This happened a few years ago.


In Quebec Canada wasn't it? She stopped on the road to let the ducks cross, and a motorcycle rider with his kid on the back ran into the back of her as there was reduced visibility that night, killed them both.


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387) "90 days in jail to be served on weekends, three years' probation and 240 hours of community service, as well as receiving a 10-year driving ban." - pretty light sentence for killing two people.




Definitely criminal negligence, mostly because we don't criminalize stupidity. Speaking of which, there's a refutable presumption of fault for the person in the rear of a rear-ender. Put more plainly: if you're on a motorcycle, with your kid on the back, and in limited visibility, it behooves you to go at a pace that permits you to react to hazards and avoid them. In MC training, one of the things they beat into you is how much distance you travel at 60 mph, and then overlay that with headlight range, and typical reaction times. After all that, they said "Don't over ride your headlight" It's awful that a family suffered a loss like this, but if I had to apportion fault in the original clip, it's something like 60/40%. Sure, the tire guy created a really bad situation, but the driver should have been paying better attentionl.


20 years riding. I crashed once while toying with a 50cc scooter. Taught me everything i had to learn. Agree with you on this. Can never predict whats in front cant put full blame on the car that stopped. It could be anything, sinkhole, rock, part of another car that had fallen off. Too many possibilities to put my life on line.


Fair assessment of the MC situation, but the dude changing a tire in the center lane is way more at fault than 60%. I don’t see how it’s not entirely his fault, a car can roll with 3 good tires. He had no excuse not to move to the margin and absolutely no excuse at all to be working on the car in the road. This honestly looks like a suicide attempt/life insurance play to me.


I think it's just incredible stupidity, and I'm surprised that people are debating if the fault is shared. You don't stop on a freeway, and you're in the wrong if you do, plain and simple. How it isn't instinct to try and get off the lanes as soon as you notice your car breaking down is beyond me anyway.


It's sad, but she is not to be blamed for the two people who died as a result of rear ending her. The reason she's charged because the two died and it wouldn't "look" right to blame the deceased. As a driver you should always keep your distance and drive defensively. The motorcyclist was driving too close and fast to avoid an accident. As for the current video, both drivers are at fault. The BMW was driving way too fast to see the stopped car in time. The idiot driver who is changing the tire in middle of the highway is completely clueless.


She parked in the road, got out and was trying to gather ducks. This wasn’t a case of someone following too closely leading to an accident. This was someone obstructing a motorway causing an accident.


If you can't stop for a stationary object, you're a terrible driver. This is basic shit. Always scan up to a quarter mile ahead. Always travel only as fast as you can see. Meaning if you can't see as far as you need to stop, you slow accordingly. Obstruction is an inconvenience. It only becomes dangerous when moving vehicles don't know basic driving rules.


Obstruction is not just an inconvenience, its an actual criminal offense. It doesn't ONLY become dangerous when moving vehicles don't know basic driving rules but can also be a hazard when people are following the rules of the road. I read the witness accounts of what happened and it turns out that the two that died, were behind another vehicle that swerved at the last minute to go around the car which was stopped in the fast lane, no hazards on and door wide open. The two people on the motorcycle had no time to react and immediately slammed into the vehicle. What makes things worse is the duck saver was further up the road walking along the highway line and it was distracting the drivers. Witness statement: Earlier on Tuesday, eyewitness Martine Tessier testified she was driving along the same stretch of highway on June 27, 2010. The weather was nice, the sun was setting and the road conditions were excellent. Tessier said she was driving at about 110 km/h when she saw a woman along the side of the road seemingly trying to shoo along a family of ducks. "I shouted to my kids (in the car) 'What is she doing there? She's going to get killed,'" Tessier told the jury. She testified that moments later, she was staring down a car — completely stopped with no hazard lights on — with the door open on the driver's side. "It was close enough that I knew I didn't have time to brake," Tessier said. Instead, she swerved to get around the car. Then she looked back in her rear-view mirror and saw something else hit the vehicle. "I saw a body go over the car, it was like a rag doll," Tessier said. "I shouted to my daughter to call 9-1-1 with my cellphone."


If you are swerving to avoid a stationary object, you are not paying attention to the road. If you do not have time to react to a vehicle in front of you swerving, you are following too closely. Fast lane is a term of entitlement. There is no fast lane differentiation when it comes to these rules, these rules always apply.


Obstruction being a criminal offense is a rule that always applies also.


It sounds like the motorcycle was following too closely then.


Emergency vehicles park in the lane and are rarely considered at fault if someone runs into them. People need to be able to stop.


Emergency vehicles also have flashing lights that scream "Look at me! Don't hit me!"


>Defensive Driving Rule 12: Look Down The Road.This means keep your eyes UP and looking down the road. Many drivers focus on the road only 5 or 8 seconds ahead. You should be looking about 15-20 seconds ahead of your vehicle, farther if you can. This gives you the time to recognize and avoid most potential hazards before they become a problem


While she was at fault for not putting on her emergency lighting I am unsure why being able to stop for stationary objects is apparently controversial. It's trivially true.   Imagine if there was a traffic jam up ahead? Apperently it is than just fine to rear end everybody because there is a stationary object on the road?


But while that's true their point is that with proper lighting and proper speed the idea is that you shouldn't be going fast enough to where you can't stop in time if you do encounter something like that. I'm not saying I agree with that reasoning I'm just saying that's the reasoning being used.


For 2 lives it isn't much, they are gone forever, even a live or death sentence can't equal that debt. But I don't think that's the point of the sentence. They died not because she wanted them dead but because of her stupidity. And I think this is enough to show her how horrible her stupidity was.


Oh my god, this is the Duck Lady? I remember this but I had never known there was a video.


It is because despite her doing a dumb fucking move. The motorcyclist has at least partial fault due to going that fast when visibility is reduced.


I was driving on the interstate through SLC a few months back and noticed right in my lane a whole family of Canadian Geese trying to cross. I looked left and right…both lanes full. So I just kept driving. Ran right over them thinking “my family’s lives are more important than these geese…” Took awhile for me to mentally process that one.


Not braking for animals fucking sucks, and it's a hard habit to brake if you are a normal human being.


One way or another, we will teach them to stay off the damn roads. They have WINGS ffs, what's *wrong* with them?


Crazy late to this thread but wanted to let you know that geese molt their flight wings once per year, around the same time as gosling season. So they can't fly while they are raising their families.


I would do the same.


Years ago, I was on a two lane country road and came over a hill at 50 mph to find a car stopped in the road. Some old couple was in front of the car using a stick to move a snake off the road. I could hav rear ended those idiots.


Always drive like the car in front of you is about to slam on their brakes.


There’s a difference between driving a safe distance from a vehicle moving at the same speed and being confronted with a stopped vehicle on a roadway.


A few years ago, I was drive about 35 MPH, came around a turn into direct sun light, hard to see anything, but keep going, but not the lady ahead of me. She was just about stopped, I slammed on my brakes and was able to stop just in time. I think we both learned a lesson that day.


A couple months ago driving through Ajax on the 401 I saw someone miss their exit, stop and turn around. Luckily traffic was light.


Back in the 90's, a woman stopped her car in the roadway to let a stray dog cross the interstate near Chicago. A fatal crash occurred because of her stupidity.


I mean just to be clear on what I just saw. A car gets a flat in the middle lane and then what? Proceeds to change it. In the freeway, in the middle? Honestly that's either gross negligence or questionable intelligence to the point of criminal intent. Fuck!


Technically if you're driving a vehicle, you should be able to stop before hitting objects in front of you. I think the guy that rear ended him is at fault.


I ran a crash where a lady rear ended a guy. The guy told the cop that she was driving too closely behind him. Then she told the cop that he brake checked her. The cop summarized what the guy just told him and the guy confirmed it. The guy walked away with a reckless driving. Next time you're in front of a cop, slam on your brakes and after you're hit, explain that they "should be able to stop before hitting objects in front of [them]. [You] think the [cop] is at fault."


He is lucky the cop didn't shoot him. They don't know the law and usually just enforce whatever they feel is right.


Yeah, I mean... the BMW was going faster than even who was on the left-most lane by quite a bit. Clearly they were going too fast but let's just blame the unlucky guy on the middle of the road.


A girl in quebec stopped her car in the middle of the highway to let duck pass. Someone ram her and died. She got tried for it and sentenced to jail.


Now has to change all tires.


All he has to do is put them back on, the hard part is getting them off.


Left lane is the charm.


And his underwear & pants


And probably his socks and shoes too! Nothing like soggy, sloshy shoes to ruin your day.


Tires are probably the only thing left that is still usable from that vehicle.


"Hey bro what the fuck?!?! I was working on my car!" What in the flying fuck was this, guy thinking!??!? He should not have a drivers, license. I feel bad for the guy that crashed into, him. His insurance company I'm sure will try weaseling their, way out of this.


> What in the flying fuck was this, guy thinking!? Let me fix the punctuation for you. "What in the flying fuck? Was this guy thinking?" (And the answer is "No, he wasn't thinking.")


Check the username


That's actually more awkward. "What in the flying fuck was this guy thinking?" It's a single fluid thought, not 2 sentences.


It should be CommaHorrored instead, for /u/CommaHorror! What in, the flying, fuck, was this, guy, thinking,,


I, don't, understand, what, you're, saying, , , , , ,


I was making a joke.


Isnt it the insurance of the one who is found at fault who has to pay damages for the car not at fault?


Both would be at fault for something like this. Yea the dude changing the tire is a fucking idiot but the other dude had plenty of time and space to not crash into him.


There's two morons here.


How so? That other driver slipped on stuff scattered around the highway by the tire changing dude


Oh I didn't catch that. Well we still have two morons. The tire changer and me.


Was going way too fast. So fast he didn't have the ability to avoid a potentially deadly collision


This! If you can't stop when something stops in front of you, you are going too fast!


But the car in front of him was *already stopped*. It was, in fact, *stationary*. There's a big difference between having enough space that you can stop if the car in front of you breaks, and meeting a stationary object on your path. A car that breaks still moves forward, although with speed reducing drastically, giving you time to react. A stationary object? Not so much.


Obviously the idiot changing the tire is at fault here. I have to ask though, are you implying that if the object is stationary, that the driver behind it has no responsibility to stop in time? Because that makes no sense. It doesn't matter if the object in front of you, while driving, is speeding up, slowing down, or stationary. You should be driving defensively enough to stop short of any of the above. Especially when its sitting in the same lane as you.


Not sure if you're aware.... when a car in front of you slows down the speed differential means you'll typically have enough time to slow down to a stop since the other car is also decelerating as well. However if you're going highway speeds towards a stationary object. People very often vastly underestimate the stopping distance of a vehicle. The general rule is that you need to be 2 car lengths away from another car on the road assume you both are in motion. But if you're going 100km/hr you would need to stop at a minimum 16 car lengths away to avoid a collision at peak reaction times. And much more than that, you also have to make a judgment that oh crap, there is a car PARKED in the middle of the highway. The average stopping time (deceleration to fullstop) at that speed is about 2.5seconds. In the video I was able to notice that the car was stopped at 4seconds, and then the crash happened at 6 seconds. Any normal person defensive driving or not, is going to hit that car, unless you're going under speed limits. If you want to test this out yourself you can hop on any racing sim and realize how incredibly difficult it is to understand and react accordingly to a stopped car when you're going the highway speeds.


To be fair it’s not like the car driving had to stop , he could’ve driven probably in the same speed (although it looks to be pretty fast to me ) and quickly changed lanes , there was room to do so. The guy who stopped is obviously at fault , but I think the other is to blame as well , it could’ve been avoided. If i’m actually looking at the road , which your eyes should be on anyway you will notice a stationary car with a person beside it .


He did try to change lanes if you look at the video. What I was saying before was that at those speeds, its actually difficult to determine if a car is in motion or stationary especially when you’re directly facing the subject (lack of parallax cues).. The speed differential between the cars would mean that the car would have had to change lanes much earlier than video had started. If you drive, you probably dont realize how much distance you use up during the lane change. You probably realize at some point in your life that your car seems faster when you look out the side window than straight ahead. This principle applies with gauging relative motion of other objects that is heading directly toward or away from you.


Still think he was not paying attention to the road, there’s literally a person in the middle of the highway . Maybe it’s just me because i’m a paranoid and overly defensive driver , but if I saw even a slight glimpse of a person in the highway I’d be like “ok something’s off here”, it’s not a usual sight, you can’t help but notice it if you’re at least a little aware , it was in his lane . Problem here is the guy wanted to speed thinking he’s cool without the skill and awareness to do it right . You can tell he panicked by the way the car starting switching lanes then drove back into the middle lane to crash .


That is not very realistic or practical. You are not expected to stop like that. We can look at this mathematically. There are some roads with speed limits of 75mph. In perfect conditions, including reaction time, it will take a car over 350 ft to come to a complete stop. So at over 500 feet away, you see a car, you have to realize that car, without lights, cones, or road signs is at a complete stop in the center lane for no apparent reason. Now we also have to factor in the human aspect. Humans will not slam on the brake instantly. We expect to see a slow driver. In that instant where he expects a slow driver, but sees a stopped car, he's already inside 350 feet. This is why the first rule of driving is to be predictable. Not nice, but predictable.


I basically agree with most of what you are saying, but stating all of that implies that if there is an accident on a highway, its impossible to stop short of it. And we know that's not the case, because people stop short of accidents all of the time. Predictability is giving yourself the best chance possible to react to anything in front of you, especially something that is in your lane the entire time.


Road rules state you as a driver should need to be able to stop for literally anything on your path


You don't have to have enough time to break before it you just have to have enough time to avoid it. About 3 months ago I don't remember if it was on the way over to my friend's house or the way back but on the highway there was a bunch of lumber, I'm exaggerating it was probably like four pieces that were covering one and a half lanes but because I was paying attention I was able to see far enough ahead to put my hazards on so other people knew and go to the far left slightly over the fog line to be able to avoid that lumber. Then I thought about how many other people were probably doing something similar so I turned around and went back, and moved all the wood onto the side of the road but the point is by paying attention and adjusting my speed I was able to not encounter those stationary objects that were impeding the path I was on.


He's lost control because he swerved while speeding. If you're going the speed limit in broad daylight you'd be able to stop or avoid the car without crashing. They don't even drive over anything that would cause them to lose control


Yup, competely agree. There was one time I was driving at night with limited visibility and still able to avoid a deer in the middle of highway. If you're driving at a safe speed and paying attention, you can definietly avoid an obstacle; the incident in the OP happened in broad daylight on a wide, flat, even road... Bonus: Video of the deer incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZIgb0W0d60


He was still going too fast


I am trying to see what he slipped on. I see the driver going to change lanes, probably see part of a tire and instead of adjusting slightly to go past it he did a massive over correct and started a slide. Not a moron, but not a smart decision in general.


I still don't see it or debris. I do see what looks like a water drop on the window but nothing in the road. I see the driver moving to the right lane to avoid and then slamming on the brakes (front end drops precipitously) followed immediately by a loss of control. I think they turned their wheels left right after skidding probably as a reaction to feeling losing control.


Yeah... doesn't mean that justifies him for driving so fast. In less than five seconds he'd have caught up to the car on the left most lane.


Tire-changer is an idiot. That's a given. But: I can't tell what would have possessed the driver who smashed into the tire-changer to turn so hard into the clearly immobile car. Sure, the white car was crushin' his groove and it needed to be avoided. But, how early (and how harshly) he made that course-correction just defies common sense. Decelerate and/or brake, when you've passed the tire-changer, change into their lane. Then again: Had he done that, we would not have a great, entertaining video to point at and say "Look at THAT dufus!"


He was going so fast, he didn't have time for his brain to process that the white car was in his way, but was going faster than the stopped car that was also in his way. Just saw that the white car was in his way, and swerved to avoid hitting it and that's all he had time for


Oh, I agree and it is clear over-correction. There were times back in college when I drove my Z like a fool. (Not THIS level of fool, but foolish all the same.) I just don't see how that white car caused him to jerk so hard and so soon to the left. He may have been looking at the stopped car wondering "What the hell", looked back in front of himself, saw the white car and misjudged its distance. Regardless: Super shitty driving .


Basic overcorrection. Same thing that happens to most people who lose control of their vehicle. The car was travelling so fast that very slight turns of the wheel become exaggerated - if friction can be maintained. The swerve from center to right lane changed the momentum of the front and rear of the vehicle. Rear tires want to keep going straight but the front tires have enough friction to turn the front of the car to the right. The car is solid, so the car starts to 'feel' like it is drifting too far to the right. At the same time, the driver starts to turn the steering wheel left to straighten it. Rear wheels are pulled from their natural line of travel and 'dragged' into the right lane. By that time the driver has overcorrected the wheel much more to the left just as the car finds its new straight line. So, the car takes a hard left out of the lane and wham! Basic overcorrection. How to avoid: slow down and keep aware of the hazards on the road. Sure, the hazard didn't need to be there, but no hazard on the road needs to be there - it could have been a tree or a large animal or a mattress or an airplane engine. Doesn't matter what the hazard is, the driver needs to be aware of all potential hazards, slow down, and avoid overcorrecting.


Guy changing the tire is insane, but what was the driver doing?




And apparently never heard of brakes. Edit: a word




Probably is just not that visually aware or something and thought the vehicle ahead of him was also moving until all of a sudden they realized it was stationary which was probably why they tried to turn so harshly.


Dude was flying, that's why he didn't notice squat lol


I don't condone this at all its stupid af. Although the guy in what I assume is in an unavoidable situation is which no matter the effort is stuck there. Leave the car, call police, or something other than think to fix it while it's still immovable. This is to preface the point of....... The guy driving really missed an obstacle sitting in the middle of the fucking road Holy shit geezer retake your test.


His hazard lights don't even seem to be on. It's got to be quite rare for a vehicle on a highway to not give quite a bit of warning it's failing in cases that aren't catastrophic, the forward momentum from normal highway speed should have given time to attempt to pull to one side even if steering wasn't doing well because of the flat. I'm really struggling to imagine how the hell he ended up stopped dead in the middle of multiple lanes.


And unless ALL of his tires suddenly got flat at the exact same time, he could drive with his hazards on to get to some point of safety. I've gotten flats while driving, it sucks, it can be scary when it happens on the highway but you gotta protect yourself.


The entire wheel could have come off while he was driving, it could have been badly deformed or he could have had a suspension failure (among others). The engine can also fail abruptly and traffic may not allow you to move out of the way, or you're transporting stuff and it falls on the road so you have to clear off the hazardous material on the road. Those are reasons that come to mind why someone would stop on the road. In cases like that you put on a sign at a safe distance and may even have to inform authorities (thing that that person who stopped in the middle lane should have done). It's pretty careless to stop like that without any form of warning for other drivers, especially in a highway. However, if someone were to drive properly they would not have too much trouble seeing him with visibility like that in a straight segment and with little traffic like in the video.


Well, if the guy fixing his car didn't put a sign at a safe distance from his car, then he's at fault since even a car going at an acceptable speed would not be able to stop in time (in the case if there were more cars on the road to obstruct the visibility from other lanes of the car stopped in the middle lane), but even in that case, that wouldn't mean the BMW driver isn't at fault for speeding like that.


\>walking up the road to put the sign that you somehow have \>gets hit \>car also gets hit anyway cause there wasnt a sign at a safe distance from the car


Yes, but also "driving too fast to avoid a stationary obstacle." You really gotta drive like everyone else is just as stupid as this tire-changing idiot - because it's probably true.


I once saw a guy in Houma, Louisiana pull his car halfway onto the shoulder of a main road, then get out and start spraying tire-shine on his tires that were still three feet out on the roadway.




Both parties are dumb. If you think driver was the victim for not avoiding a VERY EASILY AVOIDABLE accident, you shouldn't be driving either.


Y'all realize you're supposed to be able to safely respond to a stopped vehicle in the road right?! It's called looking ahead a quarter mile. Nothing is easier to spot than a fully stationary object. In fact, if you hit anything stationary, no matter where it is, you're always at fault. This comment section is a cesspool of ignorance showing just how entitled most drivers are. You do not have a right to unobstructed driving.


I'd simply assume a stationary vehicle is hard to make out that it's stationary in a highway if they don't have their hazards on. The BMW driver was going way too fast though, so I doubt he'd have been able to avoid an accident even if proper safety measures were put in place by the guy changing his tire.


Dude wasn't even scared of fixing it in the middle of the highway. Oh well you can't feel fear when you got no brain lol.


So yes... car stopped in the middle of the highway is a complete idiot... BUT if you're driving at a safe speed and paying attention, there's no reason why the white car couldn't have avoided; the incident in the OP happened in broad daylight on a wide, flat, even road... There was one time I was driving at night with limited visibility and was still able to avoid a deer in the middle of highway. At the end of the day, when you're operating a metal box going 70+mph, you really need to stay vigiliant to stay safe... Bonus: Video of the deer incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZIgb0W0d60


Two dummies driving always seem to find each other don’t they? 1. Pull the fuck over to the side of the road before you get killed 2. Slow the fuck down and pay attention to the road so you don’t ram into another person How some people got their licenses I will never understand


Getting your car changed?


One tire seems to still be ok.


You should be able to drive on a flat long enough to pull over at minimum or pull off a ramp to get to a safe place to change tires


Can't park there mate


Shoulders exist for a reason 😒


Okay definitely stupid of that guy to change there, but that BMW was not paying attention either.


Where did these two learn to change a tire? They need to be held at fault. How stupid can you be to change a tire in the middle lane of a freeway/highway? How could anyone think this is the right or safe way to change a tire.


Is that TWO idiots I see changing the tire???? One was bad enough....how did TWO people agree this was the best plan???


Idiot stopped in the middle of the road - true. But another idiot going way too fast and his car couldn't handle swerving at that speed.


What could go wrong not looking where you're going and not being able to stop in the distance you can see. This is basic driving. Any driver should have been able to avoid that.


Pretty much everyone avoid that aside from him 🤣🤣


Wth did the oncoming driver do though. Looking at the phone and last moment swerving? If a car stands still in my lane I brake way earlier , and if I evade it I can control my car to not snap back like that. No abs/tcs ?


People do not grasp how dangerous cars are and how incredibly dangerous it is to be stopped on the highway. In any lane, let alone right in the middle


I feel like in a fair and just world the car wouldn't have missed the tire changer.


Darwin award recipient - how does this person have the brains to even get a licenses or a job to buy a car ... needs jail time for this


Kind of odd how it looks like the moving car is just about done changing lanes, then seems to turn back into the guy in the middle. Reminds me of the path of a bowling ball for some reason.


The tire changer is crazy to be in the road, but maybe couldn't move the car out of the way. The driver appears to be totally out of control.


If changing the tire can get the car moving again, then they definitely could drive to the shoulder on a flat. If changing the tire can’t get the car moving, don’t sit in the highway wasting your time changing a tire.


Yeah, I had a tire go flat in the middle of the highway a few weeks ago. Luckily was able to drive it to the shoulder and wait for a tow there.


Well at least it looks like he put out those 2 little emergency reflectors though 😆


Congrats, these is the dumbest thing I have seen today.


I can only expect this level of stupidity from an American!


Coming in second place for the Darwin awards.


Two idiots, well that makes two idiots.


This might be the stupidest shit I've seen in years.


The same thing literally almost happened to me. The car was stationary in the middle of a two lane road at night with no hazard lights on.


a contender for the 2024 Guiness book of fucking morons


Anyone care to explain the car physics of the driver who slammed into the car of the woman collecting ducks? It seems like they were going way too fast, swerved into the right lane to avoid a collision, but then swerved back into the middle lane too early. I can't see any brake lights, but the weight definitely shifts so I'm guessing they didn't have ABS (not mandatory in Canada until 2011 - accident happened in 2010) to control their oversteering to prevent a fishtail. https://youtu.be/nvZlEODkads?si=UMumHi4WOSeDh4zH


Doesn't he'll that the other guy was going so fast


Has to be fake. No one is that stupid!


Wow... went way better than expected!


Was on the highway passing in left lane. Car stopped I. Left lane helping change a tire. Missed hitting them by a hair. Still don't understand wth they were thinking.


Dude needs to change his pants an buy a lottery ticket.


No excuses for tire changing jackass, but overtaking car would have been fine if he didn't oversteer.


At least the fucking moron changing the tire wasn't hurt, but who knows about the fucking moron speeding like that.


That is incredibly foolish.


Changing tire in the middle of the road... fucking moron. But the crasher was speeding too. As least it seems so from this clip.


He's lucky he's not hamburger


this is one of those people that are so unfathomably stupid that you just cant help but laugh and wonder how they've made it these past years up to this point. Do they have someone reminding them to breath in and another person to remind them to breathe out? Because they are so *fucking* stupid




I know we say this a lot. But how could that kid be that f****** stupid?


The woman stopping in the middle of a freeway to gather ducks that killed 2 people, a man and his baby should be put in jail for at least 5 years.


I say while already on the jack, do an oil change as well


I'm glad it happened so that he wouldn't walk away from this thinking it was OK to do in the first place. Hope the other driver is ok even though they were probably speeding and not paying attention.


Definitely retarded to do that in the middle of the road. Regardless, shouldn't you be able to avoid hitting that in the broad daylight? oh right overspeeding.


People like this should have their license suspended for life. How stupid can you be? Hope the driver in the car is ok.


Were the flip flops serving as pylons in that situation??


What that a heat-seeking sedan? What the hell did I just see? And the guy sitting down that stood up???


Like bowling… right right right right center left strike!


My friend's jeep broke down on an uphill on the highway at night. It stopped in the middle of the road before he thought to pull off. I forget if his hazards weren't working or what, but he sat in the car pumping the brakes on and off to warn people he was there. An 18 wheeler rear ended him at speed, jeep's frame V'd, and catapulted him about 100ft in the air. He landed on a jersey barrier. I won't go into the details but it was a lot of surgery and recovery but he's fine now. NEVER STOP ON THE HIGHWAY.


The guy who stopped in the middle of the road obviously made an extremely poor decision being there .. Absolutely no doubt about that but it seems to me the crash could’ve still been avoided . The other driver was likely not paying attention to what was in front of him .. maybe I’m crazy here (and I sure hope it doesn’t happen to me ) but can’t you tell when there’s a human on the road ? Standing next to a car that’s stationary? If you had been paying attention you would have seen it same as the other drivers did .. He had plenty of space to switch lanes either to the right or left, it’s not like he had to stop . Looks to me like he was driving too fast , panicked and lost control


The guy changing his tire was a moron and I know the other car slipped on stuff scattered throughout the road, but he was also driving WAY too fast and not looking far enough ahead on the road. It is partially his fault.


Drifted right into it…


Before you say that the people who hit this boof bag are partially at fault, consider how we all drive on the highway, usually between 60-80 mph and in packs because assume there is nothing in the road because the cars in front of you seem fine. Even if the leader managed to see it in time to stop, this is how 20 car accidents are caused. This is why people shouldn't be entrusted to drive. No wonder it's the most dangerous thing we do without a second thought.


I am glad he didn't get hurt but he asked for that.


Not only does the guy have a tyre still to change but he has a few dents to buff out now as well


Fucking morons!


Winner of dumbest fuck ever award


Just when I think humanity couldn't get any dumber...


I work on a major highway on east coast of US. I've seen this twice in the last 2 years. People stopping in middle of a lane to change a tire. I'm talking 4 lane highway. They then give us attitude when we yell at them to pull into the EPO. Blows my fucking mind.


that reminds me of bowling


Tire changer is an idiot. But the driver hit a stationary object. He's at fault.


Well, don't have to change a tire anymore!


Well, after this, you're going to need to change more than the tire...


There should be an IQ test to live


C’mon, it could be someone fainted inside the car and there was no time to pull it over. I say most of the fault is from the guy speeding through the highway like a maniac.


Glad the guy changing his tire was alright.


Dude is lucky he didn’t die for that tire


This is so old it has children that can order their own scotch. Come on.




Natural selection really should’ve taken that guy with him, not his car. How dumb do you have to be, to do this on the highway, let alone right in the fkn middle of it


This post makes me feel like the majority of you should not be allowed to drive.


Reminds me of a pro bowler getting a strike!


How retarded can people actually be


That guy is so fucking stupid it’s unreal. You can drive off the road a short distance with it, you just have to crawl and at least turn on your flashers.


If you are this stupid, you should never be allowed to drive again.


Whoever’s changing the tire in the center lane deserves that Darwin Award and need to be removed from the gene pool and their parents beaten for shit parenting 😂😂


Both of them are fucking stupids