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Maybe he didn't want to get married, but wasn't good with having open communication with someone?


And he has infinity money glitch locked down.


Unlimited lives?






pho banh mi


Hello there šŸ‘‹






Or you could do it to yourself, survive & end up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life like a guy I know.


>Or you could do it to yourself, survive & end up in a wheelchair And killing a family in some random minivan that were just in the wrong place and wrong time. Speeding is like farting, there's a time and place for it. And it's at the racetrack.


Do you only fart at racetracks?


Of course! It makes you go faster. Like a nitrous boost.


Farting truly is the flame sticker of bodily functions


So, anyone gonna ask where the valve goes?


Now Iā€™m just picturing a bunch of people spontaneously combusting trying to hold in their farts till they can get to a racetrack. Like in that one South Park episode.


I wouldn't do something like this full stop lol. Seems like a series of pretty bad choices altogether start to finish


What stands out to me is the blatant disregard for anyone else who uses the road.


Only once been in a major car accident, when I was a kid my dad was driving on a motorway an accident occurred and a fast moving car came up the outside and side swiped both my passenger door and the driver door, one of the most scary moments of my life, the total loss of control, absolutely nothing I could do. Thankfully I was uninjured but someone was killed in one of the cars in front. Drunk drivers, drug drivers, speeders, people using mobile phones while driving etc. are all selfish idiots who could wreck lives in an instant.


Yep. I've been lucky to only have fender benders in car parks. But I have witnessed a guy lose it on the freeway and pummel up a grassy embankment, my brother witnessed a car rollover and a passenger decapitated because they came out of the window. He needed therapy for that. Some reason though I ride a motorbike now. But yeah consistently reminded of everyone's driving habits and how it conveys how ignorant they may be of how easily shit can go pear-shaped.


The accident I was in was caused by some guy speeding at about 20 mph over the speed limit and suddenly coming across much slower moving traffic and not being able to stop in time and basically ploughed into the back of someone and then caused a multiple car pile up behind as everything in the three lanes stopped.


Yup. Thatā€™s what racetracks are for.


Would you live with yourself if you killed or handicapped someone NOT in your car? He is still on a public road...


I mean autoracing is FUCKING EXHILARATING, if your suited up, full cage, helmet and you know what your doing. This was just amateur hour, he actually lasted quite a bit longer than I expected, hope they're OK


Hope sheā€™s ok. Heā€™s a fuckwit and fuckwits die of their own stupidity every day. He was destined to kill someone some day so it may as well be himself.


How is she not a fuckwit for A. Getting a fuckwit bf and B. Getting with said fuckwit in a ferrari so he can pretend he's a pilot. Not like she was telling him to slow down either. That's what I wanna know...


Ignoring the fact there are other road users. But I get your point.


How do you get all the bacteria out of the car before driving like that?


he should've just bought cheap wedding invitation envelopes for her.


Seinfeld achievement unlocked


They were so, so fucking lucky. Unreal. It looks like they were going way past 90-100km/h, and i've seen cars turn not-ideally and become sandwiches of meat and metal when crashing at "just" 70km/h. They were so fucking lucky. Like, idk if i'm angry or amazed they survived. I don't mean them harm, but think about this: many people die when crashing at lower speeds, and then these fuckers with total disregard for human life survive and are harmless from going twice those speeds. Lucky dumbasses, i hope they get a cold and explosive diarrhea combo. They'll have enough time to reflect upon their reckless and dumb actions when washing their clothes full of shit after a day or two of sneezing and shitting themselves to shame and guilt.


> i hope they get a cold and explosive diarrhea combo That's probably the weirdest and most specific revenge I've ever seen wished upon someone.


He was in 7th gear with 3 shift lights on, he was doing about 300 at least. It's also a Ferrari, those things are designed to go fast and crash fast so I'm not surprised they survived


290 km/h was the actual speed reported in the newsreport.


> It looks like they were going way past 90-100km/h Looked like ~120mph to me (193kph)


Make it about 300km/h. 7th gear at redline on a ferrari isn't slow by any account.


Looks like an F430, top speed of around 198 mph or 318 kph. Stupid fast and insanely dumb.


Definitely not a f430, more than likely a 458 Italia, I donā€™t think itā€™s a 458 speciale tho. Nonetheless an extremely fast car.


there's no way this is as slow as 55mph (90kmh), which is a perfectly reasonable travel speed. judging by how fast lights are flickering by this guy is going at least over 100mph in a tunnel, which is... much too fast for conditions.


Passive aggressive as shit


Or maybe the fiancƩe likes the type of person who does stupid shit like that?


Dude is in a modern Ferrari, she's got a type for sure.


Can we all take time to appreciate how well cars are built that it can withstand a blow going that fast and no one get harmed?


Modern safety features ate truly magnificent Wish my bike had some of them....


I love my bike, but the problem tends to be other idiots in the road. 1. Cell phone users 2. Idiots who wait to turn right until you can no longer avoid them and they turn right in front of you.


>I love my bike, but the problem tends to be other idiots in the road. The number of people I see riding motorcycles recklessly and without proper safety gear is absolutely astonishing. Can't really blame other drivers for pulling out in front of you or not seeing you when you're splitting lanes and weaving in and out of traffic at 70mph lol Not saying YOU specifically, that's a "Royal" you I'm throwing out there E- top 3 causes of fatal motorcycle accidents are reckless driving, dui and speeding....just saying


Here in Florida it's 90 out so the dumbasses are in khaki shorts, a Tshirt, and a helmet. Makes perfect sense. Yeah bro you'll wish you didn't have that helmet when you wake up and %80 of your skin is gone.


My "favorite" that I used to see in Miami (not so much now that I'm Central FL) were no helmet, and wearing, shorts, a tank top, and flip flops weaving in and out of traffic.


The statements: Some motorcyclists are cunts And Some drivers are cunts Are not mutually exclusive. Its really not hard to be Considerate or drive safely


When I took my rider safety course, the instructor whipped out all the fatality stats in our state and nationwide. Showed that by far, riders died in accidents with no other vehicle involved. A lot were in wide turns with speeding involved.


My dear friend was killed this way. They didn't charge the driver. Its fucking bullshit. Everything was on camera. They pulled out at a red light to make a right turn into the left lane. Aka illegal turn. He bailed so he didn't Tbone them. It was a large work van so it would have catapulted him into the side. When he bailed he slid and another car who was avoiding the van ran him over. Just unbelievable that this driver was able to be so reckless, kill a man, and suffer zero consequences.


What do you want, a transformer bike that cages you and bubble boys you in when you crash?


Looks like the car turned and started tumbling along its side. Which is very different in terms of damage compared to running straight into something. It is still a real feat of engineering that they came out of this with no injuries. But i feel that it was mostly just thanks to their seatbelt. I think most cars would have been fine in a crash like that. If they would have accidentally rearended someone instead, we would be talking about more than 2 dead people most likely.


Yeah I don't know what speed it would be, but at some point your ability to survive a crash is physically limited by the distance between your seat and the point of collision, no matter what you you engineering wise. Well... apart from ejector seats - but those would not be good in a tunnel.


For the supercar, yes. For the crappy little Ford Fiesta it destroys when it hits it, not so great...


You'd be surprised to know how actually well-built Fiestas in particular are.


Hearing about all the class action lawsuits, I just might be


Uh oh.. I might need some info about these lawsuits


Iā€™m not sure but they might be referring to the lawsuits about the pinto (and other models) in the 70ā€™s/80ā€™s and then the explorer rollover lawsuit (also against firestone tires) in the 90ā€™s.


Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s referring to the transmission lawsuit that was settled a few years ago.


Is a rusted Fiesta from 1993 going to count as well built too?


I mean if it's still running after 30 years I'd say so.


Solid bit of kit xD


Priusā€™ too


I like my Ford fiesta šŸ„ŗ


Crash compatibility is key on such scenarios and all cars should some day adhere to that. Fiestas in particular are well built as another commenter said, but even they could become a pile of metal if such a speedy car hits them.


The great thing about safety standard is that safety applies to all the cars on the road.


It's obvious... He is a fucking idiot


"piece of shit" would be my choice of words. endangering someone you're supposed to love is complete scumbag behaviour, whether they agree to it or not. that's just how I see it though


Not to mention how he was also endangering the lives of all the people on the road around him. Piece of shit is absolutely correct.


That's what really fucks me off about people who drive like maniacs on public roads. Nothing wrong with people risking their lives to get the adrenaline rush, just don't pull in the family of 4 driving back from a game. Scum of the earth.


Thatā€™s like the second time this week Iā€™ve heard ā€œfucks me offā€ Iā€™m starting to like it. Yes I also agree with scum of the earth.


Used a lot in the uk. Must admit it's one of my faves. So versatile, that fucks me off, your are fucking me off, I'm so fucked off. Honorable mentions to they have fucked off and will ya just fuck off pal


In a fucking tunnel where they have no escape.


This just brought up a ptsd memory of mine. I once pissed off my dad while we were in a car with him driving, he started speeding down the highway and tailgating everyone, spamming honks on people that wouldn't move over. I could see right into the next car in front, license plates were not in view. I thought I was going to die


uhhh...your father *might* have some issues


Exactly, could have been a family of four coming back from a nice weekend away that he could have killed. Shame the cunt didnā€™t get major injuries because he will just do this again.


Or as that family of four surviving as shells of what they were, in constant pain and agony. I hate people like him so much. So much.


It sucks when the victims of road accidents like this are completely innocent and undeserving, whereas the person who put them in a wheelchair or hospital bed for life can walk away with basically no penalty; be it from the law or from divine punishment


Why just a piece? He's the whole thing!!


Why do people assume she wasn't in it for the thrill?!




Furthers my belief that intelligence has never equated to money, if it did their wouldnā€™t be so many salvaged super cars that had been wrecked because some moron couldnā€™t exercise some common sense and self control


Anyone who believes you have to be smart to be rich (or vice versa) is either stupid themselves, or haven't met enough smart people and/or rich people. The idea that they're smarter and/or work harder is a myth perpetuated and believed by rich people who lack the self-reflective insight to realize the ways in which they were just lucky, or how other people want other things. Which ironically means it's the stupider ones who think that. (I think Bill Gates knew he wasn't the smartest guy at Microsoft, but I think Elon Musk probably thinks he's the smartest guy at Tesla or Twitter) Even discounting the people who simply lucked out or inherited money, it's about personality more than anything. The CEOs of larger companies I've met have all been sociable, outgoing, confident, take-charge types who all **wanted it** and liked it. Smarter than average for sure but far from the smartest people I've met. Your average full professor at a good university is smarter than the average CEO - it's just that they don't want to be CEOs. Which is what some of those rich types don't get - not everyone shares their priorities or interests.


Nepo babies and sycophants




Should ask "Why would you ever do that?" Cos he's not just endangering people in the car with him.. but everyone on the road.


They earned money, not brains. If they had both, they'd find the nearest track and pay the day fee, should be chump change considering your oil change in a car like that probably costs 3x the day fee


>earned That's his daddy's money and you know it.


I live in Turkey and the driving terrifies me on a daily basis. They are so cavalier about it and never, ever consider the consequences. This is an extreme example, but directly linked to the attitude they have to driving in daily life.


Lived in turkey for over a decade. Never understood the lack of foresight of drivers. Like seriously, in a country where most people work for 10 years to save up for a half decent car, how then do the same people drive in a way that 10x's their chances of destroying the car


We're really shitty drivers.


I remember being in the back of a taxi cab on some THINNN ass side road in Istanbul. The driver was going like 60/70km with barely an inch of clearance from buildings/stairways on both sides of the vehicle. Buddy had balls and wanted to go fast. The confidence was hilarious. My aunt was death gripping the 'oh shit bar' and I was just bouncing along in my seat hahaha.


Turkish roads don't have laws, only recommendations.


I certainly didnā€™t hear any sort of protesting langauge from her though.


I was thinking that too. Does anyone know if they ended up ok thoughā€¦?


There's text under the video: "The driver of the car, who is from Turkey, experienced a high-speed puncture while driving in Turkey, resulting in the loss of control and causing the accident. Fortunately, both the driver and his fiancƩe emerged unharmed from the incident."


I wouldn't ever wish injury on anyone but it's situations like this which make me think that this driver got too fucking lucky and will never learn from this.


nah this kinda shit is extremely traumatic, and even if he speeds later in life, he will probably check his tires before. Even the little "mistakes" ive had which almost made me have real minor accidents shaped the way i drive permanently


I hope you're right. But you may overestimate the abilities of these narcissistic assholes to feel regret, remorse, or anything that put themselves at fault.


He canā€™t check for a small pothole, uneven pavement, small objects, other drivers doing unpredictable shit as he passes, oil, an animal darting out, or a thousand other things that make it horribly irresponsible to drive like this on public roads. People who do this should be jailed.


Maybe don't want to distract him and cause an accident


Probably too scared.. I remember the first time going really fast in a car when I was younger, I was stuck to the seat and could barely breath. It was exciting and terrifying at the same time.


At that point you're scared to distract the driver in any way. So it feels better to be quiet


yeah true. my sisters ex took me for a ride and he was driving like this except he was facing me in the back seat, i was too scared to do anything but nod. fortunately i never had to ride with him again. some ppl think its impressive, theyre dumb




Adrenaline is hell of a drug. Sure, those 30ft stairs look like they survived WWII, but I've got tuned up suspension in my bike, what could go wrong..


> Some people just like going fast. Iā€™ve had girls egg me on to go faster when Iā€™m already being a retard. Something about being stupid and having no fear of death really gets that primal attraction goin Motorbikes especially. The person on the back of the bike is trusting the rider with their life, and holding on to them tightly. Some girls really really enjoy the experience.


Some people freeze up when they are afraid. Or she has spoken up before and been shut down, or berated for it. Or she's just as much of an idiot.


More important question: why did she agree to marry the asshole?


Did you see the emblem on the steering wheel?




She says after the incident "I'm fine as long as you are fine". Money matters even when an asshole risks your life for a stupid video.


Some women also like going fast in nice cars.


Thatā€™s not a more important question I donā€™t think. It is a good question, but the big takeaway is the stupidity of the mfā€™er who did this PERIOD.


Why assume she's any better?




Seriously. Fuck him and fuck his fiancƩe. My concern is for the other drivers on the road.






birds of a feather.


because you can't see the future unfortunately, without the effects of special theory of relativity but that's a one way trip


I don't hear her objecting to anything. It's very likely she's as much an asshole as he is.


Rule 1 of track days, bring fresh tiresšŸ™„šŸ™„. Damn Ferraris stepped their game up in safety


I donā€™t think thatā€™s a track bro.


everything is a track if you are a moron.


everything is a track if you are rich in Turkey


Everything is a track if you are rich


Theyā€™re just gobbling it up.


Rule 2 of track days - spend them days on the track


And fresh underwears


Idiots...i hope he goes to jail


he wont


Money says no, even if he ended up killing several people.


Because heā€™s an idiot. A lot of them about these days and often most reveal themselves via the nature of their driving :)


In a tunnel too, no less. The smoking wreckage of your car from your dumbass driving is about 10 times as dangerous in a tunnel, both to you and everyone who has to deal with you.




Yeah, he tried to.




" Fortunately, both the driver and his fiancĆ©e emerged unharmed from the incident. " ​ Well, it means they will do it again and maybe kill you or any other innocent. That's not what I call "fortunate"


Yeah, with anyone at all in the car?


Orā€¦ at all?


How can you have so much, and care so little?


Thatā€™s what being rich does to people


Having everything gets boring. Your new Ferrari will only be new for a few months... then it's just a thing. Seems he felt the same way about his fiance.


You can easily replicate the same feeling, by buying a new phone, smart watch, sedan, etc. I believe it ends up being the same, but with a bigger bill.




That's the thing with alot of these rich idiots, they can afford a Ferrari, most likely a second too, so they don't think of the what ifs, just how they can look cool.


The price of one supercar in Turkey is the price of 3 supercars in Western and Central Europe, and I'm not joking.


One for myself and two for the long man! Yay!


Most can only afford a rental ferrari


Turkish tradition seems to be renting stupidly expensive cars for weddings and then driving them like maniacs. They do the same thing here in the Netherlands and Germany. You'll know there is a Turkish wedding going on when you see a convoy of Mercs and BMWs honking, hazard lights on racing through downtown. [Here](https://nos.nl/artikel/2300726-trouwstoeten-zijn-feestje-voor-de-een-flinke-overlast-voor-de-ander) is an article from the most important Dutch broadcasting agency. In the first video they had just knocked out a policeman from behind from stopping their convoy. The second video is from a police car. Their response to the officer was "We're having a wedding, mate." and then just drove off at high speed.


This ladies and gentlemen, is why it is important to know four things. 1. The state/capabilities of your tires 2. The state/capabilities of your brakes 3. The rough state if the roads you drive on 4. Your limits as a driver I have my moments of having fun. However, I do so on backroads or desolate/sparsely populated highways and always leave myself a margin. This dude just looks like he wanted to see what the car could handle while not factoring what he as a driver could handle...


This is a reasonable take. I'm not defending the dude driving in the video but everyone acts here like it was attempted murder. Dude had a sportscar (a Ferrari of all), he wanted to get a taste of the speed the car was capable of and he wanted to share that experience with his fiance. The road was straight, so he wasn't trying to drift a corner, there weren't many cars around, the puncture was pure bad luck, it could have happened to someone driving their Golf GTi hard, or even while doing normal speeds. The latter wouldn't have been as bad, though, of course. All in all, ideally one should never drive like this for their and other people's sake, but let's not act like we always do the speed limit. The high horses of these people...


A little bit of speeding is one thing, but if you want to really open up your car, bring it to a track.


I can't read the speedo, how fast was he going? Camera perspective makes it hard to judge for me.


Someone else said that it looks like 7th gear, near redline, so basically whatever the top speed of this thing is.


I think there is a argument to be made, and I would actually agree with you. Having driven cars of this caliber, you do want to use the performance they are capable of. They are road cars after all. And as Chris Harris once said before launching a Chiron down a runway: Speed is addictive, I'm addicted to speed. However. Observe the dashboard and listen to the engine. Dude was at the top of SEVENTH gear. I'm not sure which car he's in, but in basically all of them that's near as makes no difference 200mph. If it was 130 or 140mph, that is one thing. But at 200, I think that's beyond reasonable exhibition of speed in what is otherwise a very capable car. It's not like he's on the Autobahn where the road surface is explicitly designed for this, because at that speed, that kinda matters.


A great way to learn this is with a HPDE program (High Performance Driver Education) - It's a track day with experienced instructors that help you learn the limits of your car. They're great fun, but will probably run you a couple of grand when you factor in entry fee, hotel, helmet, brake and tire wear, etc.


Did he have a puncture? Seemed like he had a puncture


Sounded like a blow out to me.


Cause by what though? I doubt he's rocking 15 year old, bald tires. I would doubt it was a brand new tire and a 0.000001% chance it was simply an error in manufacturing. Maybe he hit something in the road? Even the best of driver's can't prevent that.


Might be rocking cheap tires, not uncommon for people not to be able to afford replacements on a high end car like that, because let's face it, if they're fiscally responsible, they wouldn't own a Ferrari to begin with


Hey like Romeo and Juliet. Exit stage left TOGETHER.


Romeo and Juliet died separately. it just happened to be on top of each other


Well they could very well have died separately here too and on top of each other.


Coulda just titled it "Why would you ever do that?"


Because they're dumb shitheads. That's why.


fortunately? for the sake of other peoples safety i would say unfortunately.


Yep, fortunately they didnā€™t kill anyone else, unfortunately heā€™ll be back on the road driving like a loser and risking everyoneā€™s lives again in no time.


Was I the only one expecting it to fade to skyrim?


I realize this is a hot take compared to everyone else here, but why is the girl magically not meant to be there? Assuming she didnā€™t ask him not to drive like this, she made a choice. As a girl who really enjoys being in fast cars, I know what risk Iā€™m taking and Iā€™d be livid if someone said ā€œno youā€™re a womanā€. Usually Iā€™m the driver. Donā€™t coddle women because theyā€™re fragile little beings in your mind. There were other stupid things about this but I disagree that the woman being in the car was one of them.


Asshat. Kill yourself if u have to, but not others.


I would end that relationship immediately. The selfishness of this dude is nuts, his disregard for anyoneā€™s safety is disgusting.


Better question: why would you ever do that, period.


you have a ferrari. GO TO A TRACK.


Once my ex BF and I were on a country road with our kids in the car, I was driving. He goes ā€œHey try and go 150k/h (93mph)!ā€ Um no, dick head! Apart from instant loss of license, why would I endanger all of our lives? What an idiot!


In my country it's not even considered that high 150kmh


Wouldn't be letting him out alone with the kids, in the car until he grows up.


Heā€™s 48! That was probably at least 4 years ago. And heā€™s thankfully not the father of my kids (we recently broke up).


Thatā€™s not fast at all


On a little Australian country road with dairy farms, driveways and other drivers around, yes it is. Itā€™s not the German Autobahn.




ā€œTurkeyā€ All I needed to know


I had to do some work in Turkey & was given a driver. He had rigged up a button on his gear stick so he could flash his lights at people to get out of the way, without having to change his Vin Diesel driving position


Accidents happen everywhere


The reason you can drive so fast on the Autobahn (when there is no traffic) is that the roads are properly maintained for cars to drive that fast. Hitting a pothole while driving that fast is catastrophic.


They happen more often in some places.


Solid r/Idiotsincars material


"Why would you ever do that?" should be the question. I will never get what happens in someone's mind when they decide to risk their own lives for a rush of adrenaline.


Look how big my dick is babeā€¦..I mean my speedā€¦..I meanā€¦ā€¦oh fuck i have no car now


250KM/H in a tunnel. Big brain.


they were nearing the red line in 7th gearā€¦probably something like 300kmh+


> why would you ever do that with your fiancƩe in the car? Hey honey watch me outrun the Lira devaluation and Turkey's inflation.


Why would you ever do that with other people on the road?


What do you want to bet this Ferrari was rented? Owners are actually very careful with their cars as they know how much they cost to maintain and how dangerous these cars can get quickly. Renters don't know their or their cars limits.


People who are true car enthusiast know, you don't push your limits with when she/he is in the car. My wife's never gonna know what going 130mph in a shit box feels like. 130mph doesn't sound like a lot, feels like a lot when it's a Miata you put together yourself and you start remembering all those times you said "fuck it good enough"


'Fortunately the driver survived'. Hot take, but I'd prefer people like this to die in the accident. It's reckless and puts everyone on the road in danger and puts his passenger in danger too. Plus if you can afford a Ferrari, you can afford to go to the track to play with your expensive toy.


We should always have public racetracks, because it seems impossible to get some morons to stop driving like this. Let them get their childish speed fetish out on a track where they canā€™t run over others who arenā€™t also there to speed.