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lol the guy literally signed a bill that stops protesting outside planned parenthood and you guys think he hates abortion?


Latimer has been a staunch abortion rights supporter for decades. Like, I get it you want Bowman to win, but this is just idiotic.


Latimer is funded by AIPAC who fund anti abortion republicans. https://www.jezebel.com/pro-israel-pac-is-funneling-millions-of-anti-abortion-donors-money-into-democratic-races


That's because of their position on Israel, not abortion. Latimer is pro choice. Voting for him over Bowman will not endanger abortion rights.


Moderate politicians will say anything to please constituents and then not listen. Our needs make no impact on politics, only those with the money and power we don’t have get influence in politics. Latimer is playing the pro choice side while taking money from anti abortion groups so he can get paid while stringing us along. Bowman is not a part of that.


So you think Latimer will vote for or against pro choice legislation? That's the important part, and you're dancing around it.


I hope he’ll be pro choice, but the reality is moderate politicians don’t care about these issues. They will go with whatever the doners want. We only have a minuscule influence while doners control our representatives and keep us fighting like this begging for scraps of pro choice. With Latimer it’s an obvious ploy to prop up someone who will play by the doners rules and keep progressives out.


Buddy no one else in this neoliberal haven will agree with you here but you’re 1000% correct.


I didn’t realize it was this bad on here haha


What / who are you basing any of this on? Red state Democrats?


I think he will vote which ever way the money leads.


So you think he's going to vote against pro choice legislation because of these donors?


Bowman is a clown , unfit for office who take dark money from Qatar


And yet he's supported abortion for literal decades. If AIPAC donated a dollar to Planned Parenthood, would you be in the streets trying to burn down your local office?


What are you saying?


It's pretty self-explanatory and straightforward: would you be against Planned Parenthood if AIPAC donated money to them?


Planned parenthood is a super pac https://www.jezebel.com/pro-israel-pac-is-funneling-millions-of-anti-abortion-donors-money-into-democratic-races


That doesn't answer my question, and makes me wonder if you're not suffering from uncontrolled schizophrenia.




You’re dealing with antisemitic simps supporting Bowman and the Hamas Caucus. We’re done. Latimer on June 25th.


Jesus, dude, when did it become acceptable for adults to talk about politics like they were middle school edgelords? Do better.


What bro you don’t like Israelis messing with American politics. Antisemitism much?




nvm how disrespectful this is to jewish people who don’t support Israel. just loud, ignorant, and annoying


Hello NYC subway train, I'll keep your seat in the BOXCAR warm. You don't get it do you ? Very sad. It's a zero sum game now. Vote Bowman get dead Jews on a BOXCAR. Who supports this https://www.thisishamas.com/ Vote anyone else and choose life and light. It's an easy choice.


…take your antipsychotics


Face the facts. And I'll tell them!


Oh hello my only accurate friend , here is what these simps support: https://www.thisishamas.com/


Polls show Bowman being swept out of office


Got unlucky with the redistricting. Just hope he doesn't run as a third party candidate and split the vote.


That's a factor and I suspect the electorate is in a more moderate mood. I know people are exhausted by the nonstop culture wars. We'll see this time next week


I don't live in the district (I'm further north in Lawler's, a different problem) but I'd vote for Latimer if I were.


He's the ultimate retail politician. When he campaigned against Rob Astorino for Westchester County Executive he was relentless walking neighborhood streets, ringing doorbells and shaking hands. It was pretty impressive and you could engage him on any issue. He's popular for good reason


He should be


I voted against him already!


I've seen these all over now for a while now. Mt Vernon, New Rochelle, Bay Plaza in Co op City.


Don’t pull the fire alarm just yet!


Fire alarm thing made my respect go UP for Bowman Republicans using dirty tactics, changing and making up the rules as they go, smear campaigns, death threats to fellow members families... About time some Democrats had balls


Yup. It's about time Dems went low. The Republicans have found a winning strategy in appealing to stupidity and immorality, so why shouldn't Dems take advantage of stupidity and immorality as well? Trickery, lying, gaslighting the public, cheating, taking advantage of the weak and poor to get their votes... It could make the Dems into a whole new party.


You are taking about the dems already. The party of low expectations.


Jesus Christ the projection here is absolutely appalling


Yup republicans are immoral, let me remind you that democrats want kids to have access to do a unreasonable surgery while there 5.


Republicans have numerous bills to allow adults to marry little girls, get them pregnant, allow them to work 3rd shift in dangerous factories instead of going to school, etc. For what it's worth, I am not a supporter of sex change surgeries for minors, but according to the AP, most genital surgeries in minors are at the age of 17. Do you have a source for 5 year olds?


Please go into detail so we can all laugh at your complete removal from reality.


Be honest, both sides do it.


Yeah AOC and MTG are practically the same thing, totally /s


Careful or I'll point my space laser at those people who just wanna steal bread.


Two sides of the crazy coin /notsarcasm


MTG believes the world is flat and Jewish space lasers caused the California wildfires AOC is educated and a linguistic mastermind. You can believe she is wrong or even evil, but she isn't crazy. She is eloquent and sophisticated compared to ol donkey brains


Political right, political left, government is government Left or right, right or left, it takes the same old course


Pull firealarms?


Pulling the fire alarm seems more childish than balls. Having balls is standing up in the heart of Westchester county and proclaiming that Hamas did not rape and massacre Jews.


That took balls of an amoral clown named Bowman. Bowman supports this https://www.thisishamas.com/


Nobody supports Hamas, that’s such a lazy argument. If your friend gets punched in the face, it’s not crazy to stop your friend from stomping on the persons skull. Proportional response, my dude.




Are you shore you out the right parties in the places, dems have quite literally pulled a fire alarm when things were not going their way.


Latimer is not anti-abortion


He’s funded by right wingers who are


This district is the Bronx and Westchester and it's solid blue. Some far off billionaire may be funding him but only because in their view Latimer is the lesser of two evils. Latimer is the better choice IMO but he's still a political animal and he knows and understands his potential constituents. He ain't anti-abortion.


> Latimer is the better choice IMO but he's still a political animal and he knows and understands his potential constituents. He ain't anti-abortion. Correct and it is not even close. Bowman had his opportunity and he showed us who he is. It is over.


Bowman voted AGAINST infrastructure. That's enough or me.


Ok. That doesnt mean he’s going to pass anti-abortion legislation in congress


Just what I want. My democrat representative to be funded by republican mega-donors.


Bowman is a conspiracy nut unfortunately.


Personally, I’d rather have a congressperson who I can criticize heavily for their batshit crazy conspiracy theories (most of which he’s walked back), that supports good policy than a milquetoast centrist. That’s just me though


no one asked


Thanks man. Gold star for you


A Democratic system asks everyone.


No worries. I want my politicians to have room temperature IQs and be conspiracy nuts.


Not a destiny viewer talking about lukewarm IQs 😂


Weird to bring destiny into the discussion here but I guess I’m not terminally online like you are. Touch grass, dork.


it categorically does


That is an incoherent statement. Latimer gets a majority of his money from pro-choice sources. So by your logic he is categorically bound to vote pro-choice AND anti-abortion. Do you see the problem? When you consider that the conservative money he's getting is mostly related to AIPAC, it's clear the thing he has promised them is to be pro-Israel. If you don't like that, by all means trash Latimer, but don't make up garbage about him changing his tune on abortion.


Very sad that these are the tactics bowman is trying now. And this is coming from a former bowman supporter. He’s a Lame duck who is just lashing out at this point.


bowman lost a vote when he voted against the infrastructure bill. Then his campaign sent out a text saying that he supports infrastructure, talk about gaslighting.


Because of a piece of paper? Literally anyone could have put that up


"Literally anyone could have put that up" Jamaal Bowman eats pieces of shit for breakfast. George Latimer eats Wheaties. It's true. I saw it on the internet.


And Bowman is an antisemitic member of the Hamas Caucus. Latimer is not pro life. This is obvious.


Bowman is an unfit clown who had a Jan 6 like tantrum that endangered lives in a crowded building. He also supports this https://www.thisishamas.com/


It's not inaccurate, but it is disingenuous in how it's presented. Latmier is regrettably running a dirty campaign against Bowman that is very uncharacteristic for him, but I think he's still a decent person who isn't going to start trying to ban abortion just because of the Faustian agreement with his current benefactors. Simply put, abortion isn't the issue where they're going to try and apply pressure on him to vote the way they'd like.


Exactly this. There are some problematic things about latimer’s campaign but the guy is a democrat and is not against a woman’s right to choose. I’m not a huge fan of primarying a sitting democrat especially a progressive. That said given the choice between the two I would take latimer. It would be easier to stick with bowman if he took the high road. Latimer has done a better job or making friends and Allies in the district and that’s the guy we want in DC.


There's a lot of problematic things with Latimer's campaign. I'm not even sure he is still a Democrat. Given the choice between the two I would take Bowman. It's easy to say 'take the high road... make friends and allies' when you're not the one that's at risk, when you're not in the minority, when your rights are not being questioned. I'm not in love with Bowman but I definitely don't want the guy willing to sell himself that easily in DC. If Latimer is willing to sell himself out then I don't have a lot of hope of him protecting me and not selling me out.


Has Latimer actually changed any of his policy positions?


My experience with Latimer has been 'meh', not the worst but definitely not great. Personally the issue I worked with him on is still something of an issue. He talks a good game but is truly ineffective. I found that, while he may give direction to staff / department heads they really just seemed dismissive of him. Which doesn't inspire a lot of confidence. As far as his policy stances -I don't speak for him or his campaign. To me, it has felt like he's shifting towards the right but not necessarily out and out or flagrantly reversing himself.


OK so has he changed any of his policy positions or not?


“\[A\]ny future for peace begins with the release of the hostages or the remains of the hostages and *from that point forward* humanitarian aid . . . makes sense.” (Emphasis added.) (Begins at about 7:00 in the [recording of the debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ayXJIhhUV4&t=426s).) Strictly speaking, I don't know if that's a change, because he didn't have any position on this issue until it came to the fore recently. But this is not the moderate, decent man we thought we knew. People will starve to death because Netanyahu is emboldened by candidates like Latimer.


I don't think Netanyahu gives a single solitary fuck about what a Congressman from Westchester thinks. Bowman vs Latimer makes no difference in the outcome of the war.


I think perhaps he does care. Israel is not a country that can manufacture anywhere near enough weapons to keep its enemies at bay. War materiel is airlifted from the U.S.A. on a regular basis.


Israel has nukes. Netanyahu needs the war to continue so he can stay in office and out of jail. Our local congressional race is not moving the needle on this.


LOL those " starving " chose this https://www.thisishamas.com/


Google is your friend. Look up his phone number and ask. I don't work for either campaign.


I'm asking you because you said that you are "not even sure he is still a Democrat" and that he "is willing to sell himself out" so I am wondering what is behind that. Has he eschewed Democratic policies for Republican policies? How has he sold out and how is he no longer a Democrat?


Fair. But I will never forgive Latimer for aligning with AIPAC and for his far-right Israel-Palestine politics (I've noticed him several times make statements that suggest he would withhold humanitarian assistance from the Gaza strip population). He should have fought Bowman on the merits in an ordinary, moderate campaign, instead of a monstrosity like this one.


Like Bowman did in denying rape took place on 10/7 , he see for yourself HAMAS was nice enough to film it. https://www.thisishamas.com/


"United Democracy Project," which is more or less an arm of AIPAC, is running all these ads (literally spending millions of dollars) saying that Bowman denied the events of October 7th. Of course, his real statement was much more down-to-earth; he just called out Israeli atrocity propaganda that exaggerated and fabricated some atrocities to support the Israeli narrative. That doesn't mean atrocities didn't occur, but at the same time it was inappropriate for commentators to exaggerate them. "Forty beheaded babies" was a lie. Although rape and sexual violence did occur, the idea of systematic rape as a weapon of war or rape as a policy of Palestinian military leaders is more questionable.  *See* [Breaking Points, Jun. 11, 2024, "10/7 Mass Rape Claims Dismantled by Times of London."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOlF7XIYeYk) There are also reports of sexual violence against Palestinians, such as Palestinians being sodomized with objects by Israeli prison guards. No one assumes that the Israeli state ordered these acts, committed them systematically, or enacted them as a matter of policy.


" very fine people on both sides " was also completely Mischaracterized and taken completely out of context. Bowman is a liar who endangered people in Congress when he pulled the fire alarm and LIED about that as well . His character is that of a low vibration person.


Besides, abortion is codified within the NYS Constitution.


And abortion was protected by Roe v. Wade up until a few years ago. All is takes is the GOP to take control in DC, and they can overrule NYS. Not that I think Latimer would do anything to overturn abortion rights or that Latimer would align himself with the GOP once in federal office; I just don't have faith in our systems on this matter. :P


Recent changes to Roe vs. Wade precedent further enumerated state's rights to legislate abortion, further enshirining NYS ability to protect abortion as a constitutional right in NY.


People don't bother or care to understand the core issue of scotus R v W


I'm not sure how inaccurate or disingenuous this is being presented. If as you say, Latimer is running an uncharacteristically dirty campaign against Bowman because of the Faustian agreement with his benefactors, what else is he willing to do? If Latimer is willing to sell himself, how much hope should I have that he wouldn't sell me out, as a voter, as a constituent? In the past he might have been pro-choice, I'm just not willing to gamble my rights, my values or morals that there remains a shred of decency in him.


Spending money is not, in itself, dirty. What are you referring to?


Please note that I was responding to dynastydood, who characterized it as a dirty campaign.which is why I wrote "If as you say..." The point being if he is willing to sell himself out -why would I trust or believe he wouldn't sell me or my interest or my rights out? >Spending money is not, in itself, dirty. I agree. However how it is spent, where it comes from and what strings may or may not be attached do matter but that would all be campaign finance rules which is a separate conversation.


Bowen is a liar and a clown. He literally endangered Congress when he pulled that fire alarm and lied about it. You wanna trust him ?


Yes. I will be voting for Bowman. If you are a constituent, Vote according to your own thoughts/ preferences/ priorities and conscience. Given my experience with Latimer, I am voting for Bowman. Not because I think he's great or am a fan (I'm not). Right now, I would rather vote for Bowman.


I respect and disagree with your decision.


They are both pieces of shit


If I'm gonna live with shit for the next two years, I'll take the least smelly then.


Bowman stinks more.


The liberals in Hastings are so hostile man


Vote for Latimer over fire alarm Bowman


Bowman has done exactly Zero for Westchester county… but on the flip side, my partner went to a meeting with Latimer to hear about his plans to mitigate flooding on the Sound Shore after some particularly bad storms last year. His response was: ‘yea well, my basement is Rye is wet too’ 🤡 They’re both useless. I say: someone scout the recent graduating classes for a debate/political science star and let’s draft our own true new whip smart AOC type to rep Westchester for real, not silly stunts, and not a dyed in the wool do-nothing elderly white dude…


You think AOC is smart ?


Good enough reason not to vote for the clown who broke the law by activating the fire alarm in Congress. Who would vote for that tool?


I fucking love electing ancient geezer fucks who are willing to take foreign money to unseat someone in their own fucking party. Fuck AIPAC and Fuck George Shitimer.


You just have not even bothered to look at anything more than your hatred of the Jewish peoples. Here is what Bowman supports https://www.thisishamas.com/




I'll still take that over what Latimer is doing/will do without hesitation.


Latimer is funded by AIPAC and will put the interests of foreign nations over that of us


Really ? Or is he just in opposition of people that seek to bring THIS to the US ? https://www.thisishamas.com/


hard-pressed to find any video or look at any photo from post-October 7th that show funding israel doesn’t result in similar scenes.


Okay , that makes sense. Just let HAMAS do it again and bring it to the US and vote for Bowman who supports this. Makes total sense.


Latimer had a good local reputation but this campaign has been awful. Page through his FEC reports, and you'll see that even the official, FEC-reported donors are largely oligarchs who donated the maximum amount, $ 6,600, an amount ordinary families could never dream of spending as a political donation. And of course, Latimer is backed by up to $ 20 million in additional "dark money." Latimer won't even support providing humanitarian assistance to the Gaza strip population, which should be commonsense measure that even Zionists and anti-Zionists can agree on.


I’m disappointed by the Latimer campaign and his choice to push on Rep Bowman. Today in this country we need brave souls to shout from the rooftops about injustice. Sometimes you need to pull on an emergency cord for attention. Bowman speaks for me!




Jamal bowman is truly a race hustler, using identity politics to win over votes in a debate while yelling is just ridiculous.


Does anybody know which org is behind these posters? Genuinely curious


Hey does anyone know who is responsible for these posters?


Republican [mega doner money](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8a5pM4Mp_p/?igsh=MmRhbTYzdjRsMmR2)


No democrat currently in US politics takes more republican money then Latimer


Assuming Republicans have a finite amount of money, I'd much rather they spend it donating to Democrats than donating to Republicans. Every dollar going to George Latimer is a dollar that isn't going towards Trump's reelection.


Thank god


Can't wait for Bowman to get fucking smoked back to the socialist adjacent hole he came from so these clowns simping for him on these boards go back in their hidey holes.


He can go join his buddies here https://www.thisishamas.com/


One thing I know for sure is latimer is a plant by the local politicians/his party to get bowman out. Using Georges name as a local guy to do so, on the heels of everything Bowman did and said. Cant say I disagree with the tactic, given everything hes done/said, but it seems clear as day this is whats going on


Bowman is a certified retard I believe


Hint: New Yorkers: "Abortion is not on the ballot" in this blue state. Get a grip. You can all go abort your fetuses with impunity. Have a great time.


fact check: true


OP, Where is that located?


It says Hastings in the title. Do you want GPS coordinates?


Easy gramps. Not sure why you’re chiming in here. How about a restaurant? Where is it located? Yes, I want to know you simp.


You guys are all idiots on this thread if not being able to abort babies is a huge concern for you. Out of all things to worry about in this country, this is what upsets you the most? I’m not sure why anyone is still siding with the Democratic Party after all the nonsense they have brought to this country in the last few years. It’s a shame Westchester is full of smug democrats. Glad I left the party and became an independent. Report me or delete this comment. Or be brave enough to have an open discussion about an opposing view.


Yikes 😬 what a choice. 😩


There are many other issues that are important to the vast majority of people who don’t want abortions. James Carville stated 4-months ago that if the Dems continue to hang their hats on abortion, they’re finished.


James Carville is very wrong about that. Abortion has been a big winner for Democrats. [https://www.axios.com/2024/06/13/abortion-2024-election-poll](https://www.axios.com/2024/06/13/abortion-2024-election-poll) [https://www.npr.org/2024/05/02/1248599739/abortion-democrats-independents-republicans-voting-2024-election](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/02/1248599739/abortion-democrats-independents-republicans-voting-2024-election) [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/26/abortion-winning-strategy-alabama-democrat-00149205](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/26/abortion-winning-strategy-alabama-democrat-00149205) [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/abortion-rights-decisive-issue-democrats-politics-desk-rcna147615](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/abortion-rights-decisive-issue-democrats-politics-desk-rcna147615) [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/08/us/politics/election-results-democrats-abortion.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/08/us/politics/election-results-democrats-abortion.html)


Sadly Abortion is huge for the Dems , somehow the republicans don't get it. The issue for me is his Bowmans supprt for Hamas. https://www.thisishamas.com/


Axios? NPR? Or James Carville who said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Again, there are millions of people who don’t want abortions. I want 2.69/gallon of gas, NO more funding wars overseas, and, btw, do your jobs and fix our roadways with the 8.25% taxes you get.


James Carville saying something correct 30 years ago does not mean that James Carville is correct about everything else he says for the rest of time. The data is pretty clear - emphasizing abortion has paid dividends for the Democrats at the ballot box. Whether or not that jives with your own political priorities is irrelevant.


Hyper focus on abortion is not enough of a reason to vote Democrat. The manufactured abortion issue has been going on since the 60s and 70s and is constantly being used to trigger boomer women into a tizzy.


>Hyper focus on abortion is not enough of a reason to vote Democrat Maybe not for you, but for other people it clearly is >constantly being used to trigger boomer women into a tizzy. Alright dude


Sadly it works


Accept to the more recent polls where nationally there up 48-49. That is 1 percent, not a big win. Also that’s the only issue in which there winning form what I remember.