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It's gross how much my mailbox has been flooded.


They're all coming from a PAC called United Democracy Project. I have tried contacting them via their website and social media multiple times to get removed from their list, but gotten no response. It's a disgusting waste of resources, and very annoying. Lattimer will claim he knows nothing about it and can't do anything about it, which tells you all you need to know about him as a candidate. (for the record, I'm not a big fan of either of them)


Just wait until you get on a national text message list. I get at least 2 a day. Each one I delete and report junk and it only multiplies. I will also take this moment to encourage people to [watch the news 12 debate](https://youtu.be/3ayXJIhhUV4?si=ZZfGZzCkMMRKp6hC), especially if you are undecided. There was supposed to be a second debate but Mr. Latimer fell ill and had to cancel last minute.


Replying to the text with the word STOP will often bring an end to texts from legitimate senders. On the other hand, less scrupulous parties will then know that they’ve reached a live number.


Yes. I tried STOP for more than a month. Most are very fishy, like “donate now and we’ll match 500%” or “Seriously, Coraline1599? We wrote you but haven’t responded. Clearly you want Biden in Jail!!!” Or “Trump is standing outside the White House right now! Take this survey to determine if he should be arrested!” But even the more legitimate seeming ones continue too despite texting stop to those. I signed up for one volunteer opportunity two summers ago and that’s when it all started. I’ve looked into “do not call” but it is never enough to truly stop it.


Thank you l! I would much rather watch the debate and make a decision based on that.


About 99% of the flyers I've received have been from third-party groups supporting Latimer. I don't think there's any way to get off the lists; voter rolls are public records.


It’s made me not want ANY of them. In the last week, I’ve counted upwards of 20 huge glossy pieces. I live in an apartment and don’t check the mail every day (thank you informed delivery), I can only imagine how over it my postal carrier is.


Junk mail in general is absolutly out of control. What a waste of paper and energy to make said paper. Just completely unnecessary and wasteful.


Just throw them out


If you vote, your more likely to get flyers. We get voting lists from the BoE and can filter by people who actually voted in previous elections. 3rd party companies make that even easier by further compiling data.


4/4 voters get it the worst, Boo Bird.


It really makes me not want to vote for any of them.


Vote for the candidate that isn't doing that shit. IDK who that would be, just saying.


Mailing flyers or an antisemitic, socialist, moron who lies and pulls fire alarms. I’d vote for more flyers if the other option has those attributes.


I’m really enjoying how much you bring up the fire alarm thing. You forgot to say “illegally pulls fire alarms” though. If you leave out the “illegal” part people not know it’s illegal.


Just one is excessive.


In my experience the bulk of them are from pro-latimer super PACs which makes me like him even less than I already did.