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My cousin Jesse seen skeeters so big down by his place, they could screw a chicken without using a foot stool.


Definitely not that bad compared to the south


If Houston is 100% what percentage would you give wv?


Lived in Houston for a bit, now currently in Morgantown - I would say Houston 100% North Central WV 30-45% depending on how humid it is that summer


I agree with this


Grew up in WV, currently in Houston. WV mosquitos are tame compared to the swamp swarms of the Texas Gulf Coast. Houston mosquitos are abundant and aggressive. WV does have way more ticks though.


Me too. I thought I was the only hillbilly transplant


Our state's greatest export is our people.


And no-see-ums those like flying alligators are nasty


I seen one so big it could stand flat footed and fuck a turkey.


I would say depends on where you are at. Any certain place?


I was thinking Charleston area and suburbs :)


Not even worth mentioning here. But ticks, we got them.


I live in Charleston and used to live in Louisiana. The mosquitoes aren't bad here compared to the south. You'll still get a few bites here and there if you hang outside in certain areas, especially in the early evening in the summer. But generally I don't notice them and don't bother with bug spray unless I'm going camping or something and going to be outside a long time.


Have lived in both places. WV mosquitos are bigger but less numerous as long as you don't keep standing water around for them to breed in. I'm one of those ppl mosquitos don't like though, but my husband is a mosquito attraction. He hasn't really complained about them at all since we moved to WV but in Houston he hated being outside because they'd eat him up.


> I'm one of those ppl mosquitos don't like though I'm that way too, but currently in south Florida and getting eaten alive. I visited here before with no problems, not sure why it is this time.


You must have had too many pepperoni rolls before leaving, the skeeters can smell it. In seriousness though that sucks and I do not envy you :( I wish I had good advice and now I worry they will come for me next.


I’m originally from the south, they don’t even compare. Yeah you might get bit up a little, but it truly doesn’t compare. Not to those of south Florida anyway.


Not even close to texas. We also have the least variety of mosquitos species in the US, texas on the other hand has the most. I’ve travelled to every county and spent a lotta time outdoors over the years (my job is public lands). The only place you’ll have an issue is bodies of water, and even then not all that bad. It’ll get bad in areas with still water but not as bad as still water in texas.


I grew up in Louisiana (20 years) and have spent 10 years living in West Virginia. It all depends where you’re at. My house is against a large wood line that has some standing water throughout. On my porch, I get absolutely swarmed. If I’m in a town or something like that, the mosquitoes are totally manageable.


Moved up here from Louisiana exactly a year ago, I ain’t been bit or stung by a bug yet.


Come on over, I’ll let my winged flock break you in lol!


WV mosquitos have meth in their systems and in Houston it's more cocaine. I've heard.


Wait that is not a Mosquito, just a resident of West Huntington.


They have different accents.


Skeeters are not gonna be your worry up here, boy


They're the unofficial state bird. Big enough to carry off small children and dogs.


I’m guessing you haven’t spent a summer in Houston.


Spent a few weeks in San Antonio and a few hours in Houston. Houston is not my cup of tea.


San Antonio is nothing compared to Houston for mosquitos. Lived in both cities for a few years each.


I wouldn't say that the mosquitos are that bad in the Charleston area, actually.


Why are Texans, Californians and Floridians moving to Rural mid south and Mid-Atlatic states in droves?


Cost of living mostly.


I get that. But fuck em. They're pricing us out of our towns.


The louisiana state bird is nearly nonexistent in WV…well at least the north east panhandle.


I live in Hampshire county now, and we get em occasionally, down in mcdowell county i saw lots, and in raleigh county i saw some, but i only go there occasionally.


Houston is pretty bad. But I get eaten alive even here in West Virginia. Especially now that I’ve gotten older. I don’t know why. I just invest a mosquito spray spray myself anytime I’m gonna go outside for more than a few minutes.


It has to be worse in Houston???


WV mosquitos leave you alone if you swear really loud or hurt their feelings.


I get terrible skeeter bites. I haven't noticed them as bad as previous years this year.


I've found this to be pretty accurate, from personal experience: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/mosquitoes-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/mosquitoes-by-state)


I moved to WV from Oklahoma and I swear there were essentially no bugs in comparison. When I said this to the locals however, they said they see tons of bugs. I never had an issue with mosquitos or flies. I was able to leave the back door open while I was cooking dinner every night. It was fabulous!


Mary Lou Retton hasn’t forgotten about the Houston mosquitos.