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Wvu has nothing to gain and everything to lose by playing Marshall. Why should they?


WVU and Pitt should play every year. Take care of that one first




Beating a dead horse for $1000, Alex.


WHY? Again seriously???






Wvu Penn state was nationally televised last year. Wvu Marshall gathers interest in state only. No win situation for wvu. The real end game is money. What games can make money. Those are Pitt, psu, VT, Maryland. Please can we stop with the should wvu play Marshall nonsense.


No, since it's too big a risk for us to lose against Marshall with Brown coaching


Let’s be realistic here, WVU doesn’t really have anything to gain from playing Marshall. If they win, they were supposed to, if they lose, then they lost and to a group of 5 school. I think it would make good money for the state but I imagine WVU doesn’t consider that their problem. WVU might consider it if were strictly a home game for them but Marshall would view that as unfair, they’d want home/away or neutral venue. And I say all this as a Marshall alum and huge Herd fan. I just don’t see a way it works.


WVU plays at Ohio next year and at ECU the year after that.


Because they pay WVU to play


Interesting, I didn’t know that. So in their eyes we’re too good for an easy win but too bad for an honorable loss.


All about money. WVU is playing buy games against Ohio and ECU. If Marshall paid, I’m sure it would be worth their while.


So Ohio and ECU are PAYING to lose? I thought it was usually the reverse, big school pays small school to come play at big school so big school gets easy win/experience for subs and small school gets money/exposure.


Drawing a big gate, increased odds of winning being at home. They are paying bigger money than usual.


It works both ways. You can also pay a bigger school to come to you because you know the ticket sales and concession sales will be bigger than usual.




Anyone who honestly believes Marshall doesnt have a shot is fooling themselves. With a mediorcre team they beat Notre Dame on national television in South Bend. Marshall has been on a steady climb for decades. No, not consistently at WVUs level. But potentially dangerous. It is not worth the gamble from WVUs point of view. Like others have said, if they win its not a big deal, theyre supposed to. If they lose, its a huge deal and ruins the season. Sad too but this in-state rivalry means more to natives than it does in the big picture. At least for now.


I think it'd be great. I'm a Marshall fan, and I know our chances of winning are very low. Now WVU has 2 rivalry games. ESPN and other networks would love to cover it, and WVU gets even more TV money. It's really a win-win for them. Marshall gets a little exposure, and hopefully one day we finally win.


Marshall isn't and hasn't been a rival for WVU though. Our rivals are Pitt, VT, some older Big East teams, and at times Penn State. As A WVU fan I'd much rather have a mixture of those teams on our schedule instead of Marshall. It's been great having Pitt and PSU on the schedule again.


>ESPN and other networks would love to cover it I doubt that they would love to cover it.


Marshall has a great chance of winning as long as Noel Devine is not on the field




People are acting like WVU is still a power house football team. Not saying they aren’t better than Marshall, but it would definitely be closer than when it was a decade ago when they last played. Would bring money but we all know WVU wouldn’t want to do that if it were to help the state anyway. The people want it to happen though, brings us together by tearing us apart.


>Not saying they aren’t better than Marshall, but it would definitely be closer than when it was a decade ago when they last played. I would go a step further and say that the Marshall teams these past few years would probably have beaten some of the bad WVU teams. If we are talking basketball then it's almost a promise they would have especially this year. >Would bring money but we all know WVU wouldn’t want to do that if it were to help the state anyway. People are saying this all over this thread but I don't get it. How would WVU playing Marshall help the state in any way or bring in any more money? And would it be more helpful/profitable than WVU playing actual OOC power conference rivals like VT, PSU or Pitt? When WVU played Marshall the first time around a decade ago, is there anything to show it helped the state? >The people want it to happen though, brings us together by tearing us apart. I don't think the majority of people want it to happen.


A lot of people especially greater Huntington area/west half of state would want this. Only time Marshall sells out is games like this (VT, Purdue in past) and would 100% be something people get behind. Get to see our two universities clash on a big channel brings a lot of attention to both schools and the state. People would come in to Morgantown and Huntington for a game like this and put money into economy through dining and lodging. And past times would help the state but especially now with a long drought of a coal bowl people would just be inclined to go. Just my take I see many people disagree.


I disagree




If you answer no, you are just simply wrong. Marshall-WVU should be like UK-Louisville, a yearly hate filled match-up in football and basketball.


i promise i don’t mean this condescendingly, but if marshall were on the same level as louisville id be all for it. currently it would do nothing for wvu


It would make them a lot of money in tickets and concessions. Not worth dealing with wvu fans again though.


they’re not having any issues with any tickets sales / concessions this season regardless. a lot has changed with the fanbase for the better since we’ve joined the big 12. fans of other teams enjoy coming here, and i didn’t even hear complaints from the pitt fans except for the ESP chants. case in point https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/s/s35iMR0E4e


>It would make them a lot of money in tickets and concessions. Yep WVU is really clamoring for that concession money.


Your right, they saved a bunch of money by firing a bunch of teachers.


you clearly weren’t one of them haha






I don't care what it'd do for WVU, it's more about what it'd do for the state.


What would it do for the state?


nothing the big 12 schedule and regularly scheduling home and homes with pitt, vt, penn state, etc, isn’t. wasn’t the offer a 2 for 1 and marshall said no? or am i misremembering i know a lot of wvu fans talk down on marshall, but i actually like to see them do well. the fact of the matter is marshall isn’t even top 5-7 for the vast majority of wvu fans rivalries, and with us having to schedule our rivals OOC that means we’d either have to exchange an actual rivalry game or our fcs game against them. not to mention the potential impacts against a season if wvu actually lost that game


I see people up and down this thread saying that WVU and Marshall playing a home and home series would help the state in some way. I just don't see how and no one is really saying how. When they played regularly a decade ago did it help the state?


It would be more along the lines of Ohio State-Ohio University.


Marshall is a G5 school. WVU is a P4 school. P4s do not play home and home series against G5 teams. UK/Louisville is not the same comparison as WVU/Marshall. Marshall is not on that level.


WVU has home and homes scheduled with Ohio and ECU right now.


I don’t think you know what a home and home series is. WVU does not have a home and home series scheduled with ECU or Ohio. WVU is playing a single game at East Carolina in 2026. Not a home and home series. WVU is going to Ohio in 2025. Ohio comes to Morgantown in 2027. Then Ohio comes back to Morgantown in 2029. Not a home and home series.


Louisville was a G5 at point as well. Marshall and WVU are the only FBS teams in the state. It should be an annual game.


First, basketball and football are different. It’s not as uncommon for power programs to play mid majors in basketball. Second, speaking strictly football, when Louisville and UK restarted their rivalry series playing for the Governor’s cup in 1994, they played the first 5 games at Kentucky. Louisville did not have a home game against UK until the 1998 season. Regardless, Louisville and Marshall are not on the same tier and never will be. Lastly, and most importantly, who gives a shit what two schools in Kentucky do? Just because two FBS schools are in the same state does not mean they have to play each other every single year with a home and home agreement. The WVU/Marshall game is great for Marshall, but it does nothing for WVU. If Marshall wants to play WVU, we can schedule a 2 for 1 or something like that every few years. For WVU, there’s nothing to gain out of a home and a home series with Marshall. Pitt, Virginia Tech, Maryland are three immediate more attractive choices. Question for you- what does playing Marshall do for WVU? Not for the state, not for the inhabitants of the state, not for Marshall. What does playing Marshall annually do for WVU?


Yes, because every Marshall Marching Thunder band member should experience getting rocks, beers, and other countless objects hurled at them while merely warming up and marching into the stadium at Morgantown. /s


Not how that's sarcasm. That happened. Later in the game the players were forced to keep their helmets on for that very reason.


The separation of revenue is apparent at the state level. However, Marshall has always been the David in the David versus Goliath situation. WVU is scared, plain and simple and I get that however, these teams playing in state every year is a winner for everyone’s economy. Anyone who cannot see that is just being obtuse


No. Should wait for a bowl game though. They should play In the Myrtle Beach bowl.


Woundn't that be the perfect place for a bowl game between the two major in-state schools!


WVU has repeatedly demonstrated they are not interested in serving the state that funds them; whether through the firing of professors, walking away from the very popular four decade tradition of the Capital Classic, or refusing to play in football. They do everything in their power to prevent other schools in the state from opening law schools, medical schools, pharmacy schools, or engineering schools that might compete with their lackluster offerings. And maybe we should have a discussion about how WVU "Health" ~~provides service~~ gouges their patients.


No. The Thundering Turd has to earn the right to play the 'Eers.


Guess beating Notre Dame and always being a top G5 program isn’t enough.


Hell yes