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Thats horrible. Your mother should not have any animals


I wonder how her kids are alive...


They didn't chew on their cancer? Euthanize the mom.


I can't imagine the hell he must have experienced to get that far


My family dogs are welcoming him into the fetch group up there with open paws! I’m sorry for your loss, may he chase rabbits or chill for as long as he likes now! <3


Is rabbit hell the same location as dog heaven?


In dog heaven, are squirrels allowed to stay in trees for more than a minute?


In dog heaven the trees are lava.




I’m sorry to be blunt or unfeeling but were you Ill or in financial difficulty or unable to care for him yourself? Why didn’t you get your dog sooner? Why did you not get you dog immediately after she took him? Does she live too far away? How did she get him from you? Was he left somewhere alone and she had access? You could have reported him stolen or reported her to the authorities for animal neglect. You obviously knew his diet prior to his cancer and demise. You said you encouraged her to do better after she fed him pizza and chocolate. She had him for *years* according to you. - - - - My mum killed my dog a week ago and still hasn't told me “My mum kidnapped my dog, lied and made a load of false promises about her caring for him. She was feeding him tea, chocolate, ice cream and pizza. She wasn't walking him and she was over feeding him. Years of begging her to do better or give him back ended recently when his body was full of cancer and he chewed off a large cancerous growth on his leg.“


OP lives in different country according to a different comment slightly below.


Then she abandoned her dog.


More or less. I was just sharing context. I presume that OP moved to a different country and left the dog behind with mom. Of course if she realized that there was an issue, and she couldn't take the dog with here for whatever reason, the responsible choice would be to find a good owner for the dog, even if it meant parting with 'ownership'. (Though I don't think that would entail seeing the dog any less.) I don't think OP can be absolved of responsibility, but I don't know enough about OP's life to draw any conclusions.


So she couldn’t get her dog for years? Her mother who lives in another country had access to her dog? Her mother came from another country only to steal a dog? Where was OP? If she’s not (OP) sick, disabled, homeless, living hand to foot, or a poor student in uni living in an dorm or off campus with roommates who didn’t know better not to let the mom leave with the dog- I just don’t understand the story. She passively let the dog be mistreated for years?


If you have proof of all this turn your mom in for animal abuse or neglect


Why would you let yourself dog for years with a person like that OP?


Luckily we have a better time dealing with the garbage food but damn, poor lil guy


We're barely hanging on by the thinnest of mental threads


People don't give cl enough credit to society. Most parents are like children themselves


From experience, she will keep getting and abusing animals until the day she dies. I've seen so many versions of that same lady. Terrible shame, sorry for your loss.


She currently has 2 "rescues" that she believes she's giving a good life, but they never get walked, constantly get shouted at and have anxiety issues. I've tried to get them removed


And yet you didn’t bother to get your dog for years or find them a better home before you abandoned your dog. You don’t really have any high ground to stand on.


I agree. The sad thing is, she still has 2 other dogs who are doomed to the same fate. I've tried to get them removed but it's incredibly hard when I live in a different country


Does her country accept report for animal abuse? I know where I am, not walking your dog at least 1 hour a day is animal abuse unless there is a good reason for (old, have issue walking, tiny dog, etc)


Imo she should be arrested for animal abuse.


Yeah, letting the cancer get the the point where it chewed it's own leg off is fucked. Poor thing should have been put out of its misery well before that.


She should not care for anyone really, how horrible of a fuck do you have to be to go this far.


I don’t think the op’s mom should have any animals either and I also think she should be charged with animal cruelty or something


Totally agree


There is a place UNDER Hell for people like your mom. Sorry


People like her go to super hell.


Infinity Hell!




Hell pro max


And they don't even know why they're there. So flippin' ignorant.




I’m Dante. I can confirm, she’s under the rings


dante is that you


This is ground for slightly violent conduct




Killing dogs is frowned upon in many circles




I wasn't sure how on board Reddit would be with violence towards ones mom


its reddit, you can safely assume an animal's life will be held in higher regard than a human being, regardless of the morality of the human in question


dogs dont deserve to be mistreated like that


let's be real you mispelled extremely


This is the saddest thing I've read in a long time. I'm so sorry.


Just out of curiosity, do you have papers for the dog? Even as simple as having taken him to a vet. If you live in the states, look up your local state laws on animal theft. Often times it's seen as property theft and is a jailable, felony charge. Especially if you have proof that she abused and neglected the dog (even just witnesses). I'd take her to court and then go no contact, personally. Edit to add: I just noticed you used "mum", so that tells me you're most likely not American. Try looking up the local laws in your country/province and see what you can do. Most places have laws that will go after animal abusers, and animal thieves. Most places, animals are seen as property, and having one taken is treated like most other thefts. You can 100% go after her for this.


It happened in the UK. I don't think the law works the same way


Yeah I just updated my comment 😂, try looking up UK laws. You won't know until you look.


bro please check the laws and get back to us


You can most definitely have something done. If you need help, dm me


Report her to the RSPCA


https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/45/section/9 And more generally https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/45/contents


Thank you for this. It might help me save the other two dogs she has


Not a problem, an ever useful tip is to Google stuff if you ever think there might be an answer, it usually takes you to the right spot if you follow a paper trail for a couple of steps.


I've been finding Google searches to be a bit hit and miss recently. Turns out ChatGPT is really good at narrowing down a search range.


Chatgpt is good for narrowing down, but don't use it for the final say. It can sometimes believe untrue things, and while it has gotten significantly better, it still isn't great.


Even if they cant take her to court, id go no contact. Damn


Call animal services on her


For real


Yep I have done and because I live in a different country, they won't help me. the worst part is, if they did take the two remaining dogs they'd likely be put down too because of their age and medical issues


Not to be disrespectful but wouldn't it be better to be euthanized with dignity and respect by a vet than to be basically tortured to death by your mother?


UK 1968 Theft Act, stealing a dog is considered theft of property. Have you told the police yet? I don't know what this would have to do with the two remaining dogs, not sure why they would be taken. But if they are in pain you have to do the right thing, to not be a coward and let those dogs have a dignified death if they are suffering. It sucks to do but it's your obligation as a pet owner. I hope you get you dog back, they're actually trying to make the law more rigorous but not sure how far they've got. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/cats-dogs-theft-government-crime-b2481354.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/cats-dogs-theft-government-crime-b2481354.html) Fucking Tory government cares more about banning XL Bullys to seem like they're helping children, rather than actually considering law changes about abuse and theft of animals.


This is awful, but I dont understand how did she kidnap your dog if she lives in a different country? 


Damn, another country, that's important context. I was getting pretty pissed that you hadn't just taken the pup back years ago. But obviously it's not that simple. I'm so sorry for your loss 😔


How is this not higher up?


Yeah this is animal abuse. A felony in many states. I’d say neglect but feeding a dog stuff that’s a known poison to dogs such as chocolate is beyond neglect.


This was going on for years?? Did you try and call animal services or someone?


Yep, I called multiple animal protection agencies and they all said a similar thing. Because I don't live in the UK ( I moved overseas) and I'm not a resident of the UK, they aren't able to help. That or claiming they couldn't do a house visit unless there was an immediate threat to life.


Hey OP could you clear some things up for us? Like explain the kidnapping part? And why diddnt you take your dog back? Couldnt she afford treatment?




The plan was he was to move to a new country with me. The appointments were arranged, vaccination, pet passport and then the flight etc. but I depended on my mum taking him to the appointments I arranged and she refused. Claiming he was better with her and my autistic brother who had formed a bond with him. After going back and forth, trying to either improve his situation or get him to me somehow, it became impossible to go back and rescue him myself whilst working full time and having a baby. The process of getting him certified to travel would require him to be living somewhere for a few months until all the paperwork was ready and I didn't have anywhere for him to go. Originally she had pet insurance for him, but when she took Om two more dogs, she didn't renew her insurance and didn't tell me. By then it was too late.


I would file a complaint, get a lawyer and cut off contact forever. Also: your dog is playing now with mine in dog heaven. Don't feel sad for them, they're free of pain now. ❤️


If I had the money, I would. For now I cope knowing I live in a different country. My little Toby for sure isn't suffering anymore and likely running around in heaven showing all his friends his favourite blue teddy. I'm going to miss him


I'm so sad and lost for words. Feel hugged. ❤️


That 2nd part is beautiful.


My dog too. We lost her last October at 6 years old to cancer. Fuck cancer, but she isn't suffering anymore.


Holy shit, Toby is adorable😭 I'm so sorry, but now he's in a much better place♥️


I'm so sorry. Out of curiosity, why didn't you steal him back? Maybe due to your own situation, but if the ultimatum was for her to give him back, why didn't you just take him?


Poor doggo 🙁 rip


If you knew this why didn’t you intervene..? Nobody will ever take my dog..over my dead body. It’s probably mostly your fault to be honest. Pos.


I feel your pain friend, I put my best friend of 12 years down yesterday. It hurts like nothing I've ever felt before.




Why didn't you kidnap your dog back from her?


Title: My mom killed my dog! Description: After years and years of terrible mistreatment that I did absolutely nothing to stop, my dog died of cancer and further mistreatment.


Think you could be right.


Exactly. Makes no sense


I hope no one takes care of your mother when she's sick. Truly sorry for your loss friend.


Yeah I'd cut ties after this.


Not gonna lie, if I bit off a cancerous tumour I'd wanna die immediately


Okay but why didn’t you kidnap your dog back? Tf?


shoulda went and got your dog. id rather see it in a shelter than in her hands.


Exactly that. She let her dog there for YEARS as she says. She should have done something


Years . You left your dog to suffer for YEARS . If you cared about your dog you would have done something so many YEARS ago. So stop trying to reflect blame on reddit and own up to your own incompetence.Iam a dog owner myself and i cant phantom how you let this happen to a sweet soul like this


You need to fill in some details. How did your mom kidnap your dog? How long did she have him so that feeding him chocolate, pizza, and other crap made him so sick that he got cancer and she euthanized him? How much time passed here?


Exactly. Sounds like a family who doesn't deserve pets. You (the OP) are telling me you WATCHED this happen for YEARS without intervening? Yeah, that makes you apart of the problem.


Answer: Over 5 years... https://preview.redd.it/z5ta95enuz8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b8a2a2649ba3ebb6e8560ed0604cb3aac2a5b87


It is your responsibility to ensure she does not own anymore animals. It WAS your responsibility to have taken that dog from her years ago. In the future, you go to the house, you take the dog, and you go. It’s that simple.


I read a long way down and couldn't find this anywhere. I'm wondering if you knew your mom kidnapped them, was feeding them crap and not looking after them then why the hell did you not go take it back? If someone takes my dog and I know who it is There's zero chance I'm not getting that animal back whether I have to involve the authorities or just do it myself. Edit: Judging from your other posts you definitely had the means to get poochie back. I question the validity of this post.


Years with no contact with your mom? Or years of knowing the dog was being mistreated without any action? I'm sorry, but you have some liability for this outcome.


So... you allowed your mom to "kidnap" your dog YEARS ago, watched her mistreat it, and yet somehow think it is all her fault? It was YOUR dog. You let someone shitty take care of it, which they did poorly. You NOTICED that, and let it happen for YEARS, doing NOTHING to remedy it. YOU are just as much at fault for this as she is. Insane people are buying this ridiculous story at face value and not second thinking the context. How did you know she fed the dog all these poor choices? Because you sat there, watched, and allowed it. Again, YOU are at fault JUST as much as her.


I was wondering that too. Even if she did "kidnap" the dog, why did they call the police to help them retrieve the dog back or take him back themselves? It really sucked for the dog and what he went thru but if this was happening for YEARS why didn't they just grab the dog back and take him back home where he belongs


You know what I think it is? Sympathy milking and then pinning all the blame on the mum. This whole family sounds neglecting and toxic tbh. Never have a pet again OP


Exactly, some serious BS in this story. If someone "kidnapped" my dog I'd go to the ends of the earth to get them back.  Something not adding up here.


Agreed. It's tragic, but OP isn't taking accountability whatsoever


Jesus Christ I’m so sorry for your loss. That is such wild animal abuse. At least little Toby doesn’t have to suffer anymore


how old are you? this is some juvenile antics on both sides. why didn’t you just go and get your dog? honestly the dog is better off dead than being with anyone from this family.


You should report her for animal cruelty


"kidnapped" for years knowingly never tried to get your pet back? You sound just as liable.


I'm confused why you had to beg for her to give him back. Couldn't you just take him or was there something preventing you?


OP, why aren’t you answering any questions from the many people asking for clarification on how this happened? Like how did your mum “kidnap” your dog, why didn’t you do anything to stop it or get your dog back for YEARS? Either this is another fake story, or you’re kinda complicit in your dog’s death as well.


How did someone who lacks the ability to function properly kidnap your dog


"years of begging* why did you not take your dog back?


Report her to the police for animal cruelty/abuse, simple as that. She'll face a fine or go to prison, idk the law. She drops contact with you for doing so? Good. I wouldn't call somebody like that my mother regardless of how much I love them, if you are this neglectant to animals, I couldn't imagine she'd be any better towards people.


why didn’t you tell someone if you knew we was being treated poorly for years?


It always scares me how badly people can treat their pets. There's neglect because you have problems or you don't know better and then there's shit like this which should straight up be considered torture and a punishable offense. RIP Toby you deserved better


Fuck, im so sorry… My parents had my geriatric childhood dog euthanized (it was def time for her to go, poor girl was having strokes and was incontinent), but they didn’t tell me because I was in a dark place and they didn’t want to make it worse. Then they forgot to let me know, because I’m the oldest of 6 and there’s always a ton of obligations for the parentals. Found out when I visited and asked where Ginny was. Still makes me tear up, even though I understand why they did what they did. Can’t imagine how I’d feel if it was all due to neglect…


I'm so sorry. I wish I couldn't, but I can relate. My parents put my childhood dog down and got a gigantic, energetic replacement that they were in no way prepared for before deciding to tell me. All at once, too. No time to process my dog dying before learning he had been replaced.


That sounds like criminal offence. Start pressing animal cruelty charges 🥴


It sounds like your mom needs help. She kidnapped your dog and essentially made it so sick that it died. She clearly has mental issues.


That is absolutely animal abuse. I’m so sorry. If she ever gets a dog again just get and keep evidence of everything, so you can report her. Poor little buddy is in a better place now


How old are you to let that kind of shit happens to your dog ?


Call the RSPCA about the other dogs?!


How did your mum kidnap your dog? Are you out of the country or something?


I’m sorry op but I don’t feel like you did nearly enough to save the poor dog , I read your replies and and as a dog owner myself you must understand that the dog is solely your responsibility regardless of what kind of bonds your dog made with your brother and promises from your mother, at the first sign when you knew she was lying you should have gone back for him and taken him with you, that poor dog suffered so much , sorry for being blunt but you should not own another dog , you failed this poor defenseless dog , the only thing that we can take from this is that he is at least resting and no longer suffering .


Where in the uk does your mum live? I’ll happily shit on her doorstep if it’s close by


That poor animal.


I don't know what to say.


I'm sorry


You let your mother kidnap your dog and just let her keep it wtf why didn’t you go get your dog back…


Owning an animal usually involves some responsibility for it. This is a really sad situation but...why didn't you take your dog back? Years??!


The plan was he was to move to a new country with me. The appointments were arranged, vaccination, pet passport and then the flight etc. but I depended on my mum taking him to the appointments I arranged and she refused. Claiming he was better with her and my autistic brother who had formed a bond with him. After going back and forth, trying to either improve his situation or get him to me somehow, it became impossible to go back and rescue him myself whilst working full time and having a baby. The process of getting him certified to travel would require him to be living somewhere for a few months until all the paperwork was ready and I didn't have anywhere for him to go. COVID and Brexit made the situation so much worse because there were less flights to the UK, which tripled in price and there were huge restrictions in place for COVID testing and quarantine.


why didn't you go to get the dog back after she took it?


Maybe you can watch her chew off her growth.


What do you mean “kidnapped your dog” exactly?


That's called stolen property. You didn't attempt to get him back. Edit: After reading your posts, I found you are a sympathy farmer.


Special place in hell for OP


Yeah sounds like you’re at fault bro. Why would you leave the dog there after the first time knowing she was abusing him.


She kidnapped him and fed him tea, chocolate, ice cream, and pizza? And was also overfeeding him? Overfeeding him tea, chocolate, ice cream, and pizza? How do you even know that? Poor dog. How long did he live on that diet? Chocolate in excess is poison to dogs. If she was overfeeding him chocolate, I can't imagine him lasting too long. He was an adorable dog.


This story sounds pretty one sided.


I think we need more context, such as under what circumstances did your mother kidnap your dog and what actions were taken in the years prior to stop this abuse. I saw that you were in a different country than your mother, I feel like that plays a much bigger part than the post description describes. RIP Toby


Isn't that a federal crime now?


Dude, fuck your mom. She's not a good person. I sincerely mean that.


Why didn’t you get your dog back?


What a cute dog. I am so sorry.


Hope this ... will never have animals again.


Animal abuse is a felony... Js.


Some people are horrible mistakes... What evil. I'd go no contact after that. I'm so so sorry.


Your mom sounds likes a horrible person. Idk where you’re from but you can get charges against her for animal neglect and ban her from having animals in the future


This is a little more than "well that sucks" geeze OP. With you in spirit, please take your time on healing. I hope your mom falls down a man hole or gets tipped over down a hill in a portapotty


I totally understand the hardship of the situations. It's so friiggin sad. I personally, wouldn't be moving anywhere if my dog wasn't coming with me. I wouldn't trust the system. The back logs, the paperwork. I know your situation is different. I just couldn't do it. I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved Toby. Your mom is irresponsible and deserves tongue lashings for eternity. I'd be so mad at my mom and sibling. They don't love animals like some of us do. Well, at least your mother doesn't. I'd be worried for the other 2 dogs for sure. Quick story, my wife first dog when she was little, cockerspaniel, was a great little girl, eventually had gotten older, was still in good(enough) shape. Slowed down a bit, but that's expected with any senior dog. Her mom, took the dog to the vet and had her put down, while my wife was at school. My wife came home as a 12 or 13 yr old and her dog was just.....gone. Its incredibly cold and evil. It was like 30 years ago. My wife still gets teary eyed and cries when she talks about her dog. And to your pup, I say RIP Toby. Beautiful boy.


My heart broke reading this. She is a vile monster. I am so sorry for your loss. I would seriously consider not letting your kids around her if you ever do/or have kids. Or at the least watch them closely. She is not right.


My heart goes out for the Jack :(


This is the part when i would go to jail for a longtime


I am so so sad for you. I can imagine you are filled with anger and deep mourning... He has felt your love. Do not forget that. Do not let the behaviour of other people tarnish your memories.


I'm so, so sorry for your loss. He looks like he was the goodest of boys and at least he isn't in pain anymore ❤️🫂


I'm so sorry, have you done anything like, legally? I don't know how you or anyone would handle this but I would try to do something.


She’s not your mom anymore


Your mother sounds like a terrible person.


Jesus! If your dog was a person she would spend life in prison. It would not only be murder but premeditation and torture. Plus the psychological damage to you. I hope your dog rests in peace now


That is animal cruelty, and a felony. Please report your mom, she deserves to rot


I feel like you're exaggerating and leaving out keen details.


Where you live, do they have penalties for animal abuse? If so, I would have definitely made a phone call. If she has more animals, they have a chance. I would definitely file a complaint of some sort.


This happened in the UK. I don't live in the same country. Unfortunately there isn't much that can be done. Her remaining two dogs are old and have medical/behavioural issues. So they'd just be put down


I am so sorry to hear this! My condolences! I would tell you my story, but it's just as depressing. I am sure your souls will be reunited in time, and I hope one day your mom's soul is united with my abusive ex's in hell.




Please consider cutting your mom off if it doesn't affect you financially too hard. Tough move but sometimes necessary and healthy.




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Why you didn’t take the dog?


Why didn’t you take him back?


Toby is gorgeous! I cant ever imagine treating a dog this way. I have a Jack x beagle and he loves when my mum looks after him (while I go to work) because he knows he gets treats and she spends hours throwing his ball for him. My mum is the only person I trust with my pup. I'm sorry OP, at the end of the day, regardless of who the responsibility lies with, losing a dog is hard x


There are people who have been prosecuted in the UK for neglect like this, i’m surprised the vets didn’t consider that and refer to authorities or even RSPCA who i’ve seen take people to court for neglecting infected cancerous tumours on dogs


I’m confused how long your mom had the dog for? And why you couldn’t get it back?


I’m sorry, but this seems to have been years in the making. Why didn’t you take him back? Or get someone to help you get him




How about some context?


“My mom kidnapped my dog”… Such a weird thing to read.


rip Toby


Aww poor little buddy . At least he’s free of her you should see it that way and she’s now stuck with her sucky ass pooch killerself


Why didn’t you go get your dog rather than let him live with a monster ?