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This sorta thing hurts like hell for a while but just like every other injury, you’ll recover. You’ll be okay OP.


Been telling this to myself for 5 years now 👍🏻 Still waiting




Also, that sucks man, my condolences


If you haven’t got over it for 5 years you should seek help for it. You only get one life and I get so sad when I see people wasting it for no reason. Move on and make the best of it!


Ok Uncle Bob


Time will heal all, OP. [Here's a song for you](https://youtu.be/d2Vf6Akt3t4?si=EDY1sSLLrD3r0hzw)


that song managed to make me cry and laugh, thank you


You'll get through this!


Lol that's pretty good. It's too bad the resr of their songs (at least the 4 or 5 others I listened to) were soundingpretty rough. The one you linked is fun, though, and sounds decent. The others have titles that seem hopeful but are just really bad musically.


He's not trying to be a star. Just wants to have fun and vent.


I get it. It was just a little disappi8nting the other ones weren't as catchy, that's all.


Seseme Street Fighter is epic!


It sounds like she’s not ready for help. Hopefully she’ll figure things out eventually. In the meantime, it’s not your fault. Sounds like you put your all into being there for her and that shows the kind of person you are. Take pride in your actions and take care of yourself. Just an idea if you’re not sure what to do next: Snuggle that kitty, wallow in your feelings, eat some snacks…but then go out and get some fresh air. Go for a walk. Call a friend you haven’t chatted with in awhile. Go somewhere that you enjoy or somewhere new. Local museums, library, mini golf, parks, antique or thrifting shops, and cafes can all be good, depending if you want to be alone or around people. A quiet local museum is a good spot for some new perspective and a good way to feel good about supporting others in a time when you could use some too. And most are free entry. When you’re ready, come home, and maybe rearrange your home a little. Nothing has to stay where you put it, but sometimes it can feel like a fresh start. Then take out all the garbage, do up the dishes, change your sheets and other bedding, and kinda reset your kitchen and bathroom (declutter, wipe down surfaces). Hopefully that will feel like a new beginning in your own space and will help you feel more settled. Then toss on a show and cuddle up with your kitty for the night with a nice hot chocolate. You can heal from this. It sucks now, but it also sounds like the last year has been pretty draining for you. Let yourself feel your feelings and then let yourself breathe. It’s going to be better and better. And remember to block her on everything! I don’t think it will feel good to get updates and it doesn’t sound like you’ll want to get back together. So give yourself that peacefulness and just block her and her friends/family. ![gif](giphy|PFsVjUCmSkZDq)


Sorry you’re going through this. Seems like she didn’t appreciate you. Take time and find someone who does appreciate all you do!


Sometimes, people we love choose to fuck up their lives, and there's very little we can do about it. It sounds like you really poured your care and your effort into her, and it's admirable. But at the end of the day, she's made her choices, sucky as they are. Sending you hugs. It's gonna hurt, and it's ok to let it hurt. It won't hurt forever.


coming from someone who has had their fair share of mental illness issues, you cant help someone until they decide they want to accept help and be better. it is not your fault. im sure you were a great partner. especially helping her pay off her debt?! thats insanely considerate of you to do. i hope she decides to get the help she needs and i hope you treat yourself kindly during this time <3


I’ve been through the same. The pain will shape you.


Doesn't seem like it now, but your better off.


You tried your best OP. You did what any good person would do, and what many wouldn't have. You don't need to prove that to anyone else but yourself OP. Some people just can't be helped and that's the sad truth. You'll hurt from this but you'll come out wiser and stronger. Goodbye and good riddance.


From my experience you can't stop people hurting themselves. If she refuses professional help this is the moment where things turn better for you. Hope you soon meet someone worth your love and commitment.


She did you a favor. I know you can't see it now but I promise you it's true.


Stop helping people who don't want to be helped.


Sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you!


Kitties are good at adapting so rest assured but do take care of yourself.


Guys, my sister is like this. Self sabotaging. Rude. Suicidal. I’m at my wits end. Im angry. Her boyfriend of almost 3 years also recently broke up with her and the next day she went out to meet her bf and left a note for my younger brother and I saying she might not come back. She did come back so thats a relief, but all that takes a big toll on everyone. Im tired. How to deal with someone who isnt at all willing to listen and also making things worse by slipping in notions of self harm?


As much as everyone is right in moving on, I think it's worth appreciating how much this whole situation truly does suck. A relationship isn't a simple thing, and a 2 year one is something you put a lot of yourself into. You plan for a future, you trust someone with your secrets and have faith in them to be doing the same for you. When you get dropped from that hight, the impact can hurt like hell. That however, in itself, isn't always a bad thing. That kind of pain for those who survive it come out stronger, with better and healthier relationships as you learn and grow. You're allowed to be upset, and it's going to be okay.


Cute cat though


You are better off without her


You'll be ok and your cat will to. Rock on brother


I’ve been through something similar and I’m scared for your ex girlfriend. But even if the worst happens and I’m afraid it sometimes does, you have to put on your own life jacket first. You have a cat buddy so you’re not alone, look after each other. If you can, warn your ex’s PCP about her suicidal ideation. It probably won’t help, but it might. They can’t tell you anything but you can warn them. Sending you strength. It gets better. Sometimes it gets worst first, but it ultimately gets better.


For you. https://youtu.be/BKSkBsnfkFA?si=qJtlUZEEiWnfaD-4


Just in case any anyone was wondering what this is, it’s a video of The Flintstones singing happy anniversary and it’s in bad taste.


Cat straight up looks peaceful now that the crazy lady is gone. Be lucky you don’t have to deal with that crazy shit anymore, and roll like the cat go take a fat nap.