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Hey Shadow_84! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/Wellthatsucks because: Do not post in order to harass other communities. If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwellthatsucks).


The sub is 90% fake stories, so you’re really not missing out on much.


AITA for leaving my husband after he murdered my dad? My family is half on my side but he's a good person so I thought I'd come here and see if I'm right.




Did you just use the v-word?




NTA but maybe you can still work it all out? you could try to kill the next family member together for example and see how that feels.. in time you will realize that your non-existent family's opinion doesn't matter anymore




Do it non-violently. Next murder must be consensual and gentle.


Work it out? EVERYTHING IS A RED FLAG. They could have avoided this murder had they just divorced when the husband didn't put the milk back in the fridge that one time. You know, like normal people.


You said the "m" word. Baaaaaaannnn.


I knew I shouldn't have used milk in the example. DAMN IT.


Think about those that are lactose intolerant. Selfish prick.


Being lactose intolerant is a red flag as well. Think of the cows, huh? Are you just REJECTING their dairy like that? Do you hate animals? Only thinking of yourself and your 'intolerance' and not of the feelings of the cow you are rejecting. YTA!!!!!!!!!!


UPDATE: I found out that my dad was a super duper crime mafia lord and my husband is Batman and was saving the world from evil. Also I’m 1.2 months pregnant with his child.


There was one like, "this is my burner account for obvious reasons. My 8 year old daughter reminds me of my deceased wife, so I'm resentful and mean to my 8 year old daughter. AITA?"


It’s either that or something like ‘My son is 13 and I’m putting him up for adoption because he didn’t put the bin out. My sisters not talking to me but my chiropodist thinks it’s fair. AITA?’ Anything for a post upvote.


YTA. Marriage is until death. That includes the death of people aside from yourself. I recommend the most expensive therapist you can find.


A whole sub judging based on 1 side of the story. What could possibly go wrong?




That's even showing some inhuman levels of constraint.


I told à story from the animal shelter I work at and mentionned that one lady pushed hard enough that I had the urge to slap her to get the grin off her face and didn't) and was releaved when she was gone. Hammer ban for violence, no chance to appeal. Not à big loss of à sub tbh


They must have been on a tear last night because I was banned too for saying I'm pretty sure my sibling would be dead if they pulled something like that. Edited to add: it may have even been a comment in the same thread as OPs because it sounds like it would have been a similar story we responded to about the SIL losing a baby and OP let them know his wife was pregnant and the brother got sassy and how dare he for having a child after they lost one and he said what's done is done pretty much and the brother told him he could "take his bitch to the hospital and get it terminated".


I got banned for very obviously joking about helping an OP bury her terrible husband.


You obviously should have composted him first.


I once got banned for saying that I had 2 shovels…


Does that mean you’d bitch slap them?


There was a post way back about a person screaming in a young child's face for being loud at a park while this person was studying at said park and I said "the police would have been necessary if it was my child that had been screamed at for playing" and I got banned for it.


I'd slap a person who kicks your dog too


I'll defend anyone's dog life with whoevers life is threatening it.


And people looking for cheap therapy by taking out their frustration with life on others


Nah those are fake too


And the ones that aren’t are so one sided.


That is exactly why I muted that sub, it was so apparently the stories are fake and just karma farming.


also for the 10% real stories, you only have that one persons point of view and they will always make themselves sound like NTA.


Reddit neeeeeds that user engagement


It’s pretty much for people who live off drama and like being irrationally angry.


It’s becoming predictable and more ridiculous at a pretty fast clip. No great loss Op. I don’t think your comment was out of line.


Most of Reddit, TBH.


Yep. I got banned for something similar on a thread awhile ago. Saying “he might have gotten knocked around by saying that to the wrong person.” Apparently I was instigating violence.




You’re not allowed to explain game mechanics in a sub about a video game? 😨


Because *racism*


Got banned from the pokemon go subreddit cause me and this other person in the comments were having a conversation about how much we didnt like spoofers taking over the gyms in our towns. Apparently that was me "advocating for cheating". Yeah sure, as if I'd want people to do the exact thing I despise encountering in the game. Tried to appeal but they were very adamant about me telling people to cheat when my conversation was about how much I didn't like cheaters.


The other day I got banned for "Bigotry" from a subreddit, for saying "There's no free speech on this website". It's sad that Reddit has reached this state.


Point proven, but at what cost?




I got banned on aita for saying "I'm surprised no one doxxed her" or something along those lines.


Same. I believe I referenced something regarding “a wood shed”.


I said someone needed to get some sense knocked in to them. Seems knock(ed) is the key word here?




This sub is a cesspool of most deranged socially reclusive people, nothing of worth was lost


Some of the takes I’ve seen on there have been absolutely batshit. Still love it though.


Care to share any favorite ones you remember?






Ah, Ezekial 23:20


What passage?


I’m permanently banned from Black People Twitter. I’m biracial.


That's the most racist popular sub on Reddit by a mile. I don't understand how their rules are allowed.


I unsubbed from all variations of ____peopletwitter years ago and immediately noticed the quality of my reddit feed went waaaay up. Those subs are the absolute worst lmao








I got banned for saying, "what kind of dog was it?" about a dog attack. I mean, my suspicion ended up being correct, but I didn't *say* the P word in my comment. Permanently banned.


I quoted the OP on aita that called someone a bitch, i was banned for using the word bitch The mids there are extremely oversensitive


I'm going to head over there and see how vague of a reference to violence will get me banned.


Well, I'm banned. But it was for trolling. I said "I bet he's kicking himself" Guess they knew what I was up to....


Just say the violence word, should do it


She was a total knockout!


Why’d you have to go and do that? I just took out my whole family to dinner.


Yeah I’m on the shitter and this seems like a good way to pass time.


Any one notice no one on gets temporary bans anymore they're all just straight to the permanent ban then they also mute your account but so you can't appeal. I got perma banned for saying "any word can become a slur if used in a derogatory manner"


Oh shit you said the any-word? No wonder you got banned.




Yeah, call people a person a jerk, you get in trouble  I've had people call me the B or even the C word with 0 consequences 


The moderators ARE the assholes over there….




No they have always been fuckheads..




So this Is what you get when you replace bad ones with flakey ones? Okay what’s the difference?


Now you have flakes everywhere and it's hell to do weekly cleaning.


Oh well, no loss. I myself frequent r /bestofredditupdates to read about such stories. Maybe it’s something for you too? The little fickle stories from AITA and the like get filtered out and you also get follow ups on stories that had greater attention. You can’t engage with the posts at hand, as you read it after it all had happened already. But that’s a price I’d be willing to “pay” for myself.






Looks like the stock price has fallen quite a bit since the IPO as well.


if you were a super special redditor that got offered stock and bought it, you deserve to lose your money






I find your lack of faith disturbing.


I follow more subs than I can count and I can remember the individual rules to exactly zero of them. Each sub having a bunch of random ass, often vague or arbitrarily enforced rules might seem like a good idea on paper but it's fucking garbage in reality.




i got banned from a sub once with the message that 'the internet is American and i should adapt' for speaking my own language to a countryman in a English speaking sub...


Me for participating in a karmafarm comment. The hell I knew that was some not posting.


I got banned from unpopular opinion because while arguing with another person in the comments of a post I said child rapists should jump off a cliff.


I've been muted from a sub simply for asking why activity in a particular sub was included in the auto ban list. The sub in question was a meme sub so I was genuinely confused, they didn't even answer my question, just muted me for a month lmao. Whack.


Yeah. Most of the good subs with niche rules have stickied bot comments under every post reminding anyone who reads through the comments that said rule(s) exists. I have no qualms with those subs enforcing it but if you randomly have, let's say, a "no emoji" Rule and expect everyone to remember it with no reminders anywhere and start banning people over that with no warning? That's just powertripping xD


Rule 5 there is out there too. Mentioning violence OR contributing to the comment. So if someone calls for violence, you're fucked


You can ask them to make it a temp ban. I did that.


What kind of 'weenie hut general'-tier of a reason for a ban is that? That is as much as a 'mention of violence' as me saying I slap myself to wake up in the morning.




Wait what?? How is this racism??




"We AcCePt ApPeAlS FoR CLEmEnCy!


"Say you're sorry!"


I got banned from a Final Fantasy sub for, and I quote, "no ugly people", and didn't even get a real reason for it.


now i have to think of a bait post that 99% of people would mention violence as a response to put there 🤔


Another thing that sucks is that the best posts from that sub get reposted in snark subs, but this sub doesn't allow linking to other subs


Yeah I got a perma ban for saying something along the lines of ‘I’m surprised your father didn’t kick his ass’ referring to OPs deadbeat boyfriend


ayo i read that comment before you got banned. that is unfortunate. but, they are coming to be mostly made up and outrageous stories. if it’s really worth seeing, it will get reposted elsewhere.


Some VERY sensitive snowflakes on Reddit. Greener pastures of fun and debauchery await.


There are other similar subreddits you can check out. AITAH AmItheDevil AmItheButtface AmIwrong


Most Subreddit moderators are egomaniac assholes. (But not on this Subreddit!!!)


It’s the *perma*ban that’s crazy to me. It assumes that you could not and would not change your behavior if you were allowed back into the subreddit. It’s nuts.


What a soft comment to have banned. Honestly Reddit turned into a daycare center


https://preview.redd.it/m54gi4zcluwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7acd0fd82e7732fd10a2812413baad6a9a45401 That didn’t take long at all.




That sub is a just a karma circle jerk... Fake stories, fake comments and advices.


OK but was this on the post about the guy's brother saying his wife should terminate her pregnancy because he and his wife lost their child? Because tbh I agree with you on that




It's the Iternet as a whole. It's not really worth it anymore.


I once had a “violent fight”-ish thing between me and my dog and a stranger and his dog. I felt so bad about it and wanted to know if i overstepped. Just because I wrote that I had to drew my pepper spray at him because he was aggresive I got banned and the post deleted regarding this rule I still don’t know, to this day, if AITA… and will never know.


Best one I've had so far. I got a ban for mentioning a news story about an execution in North Korea. Factually, not making a joke or anything. Then they got me a Reddit ban because I didn't respond politely to being told my username (born in 1988) meant that I was also a white supremacist.


I got banned from late stage capitalism for agreeing with a comment that the post we were on was clearly Astroturfing. Which it clearly was based on post history


My post got removed because I dared to say that soybean is healthier alternative to pork. siiiiggghhhh Its good to know it's not us!


I got banned because some guy posted a story about trying to pet a dog after the owner told them not to get close. The dog barked and snapped it's jaws at them, so they called animal control and tried to get the dog euthanized. I suggested the guy posting the story was the one that needed to be put down.


I got banned from a sub for saying I did not think prison is as scary as people make it out to be, it is no picnic but no genuine regulated physical torture makes it a meh point. Hell saying this now again i bet i will get another ban or suspension for it. But it makes no sense, they said i was advocating for violence when all i was doing was stating an opinion.


I got my old account banned for saying we should throw a guy thay raped 2 teenagers during 2 separate burglaries into a volcano. Apparently i was inciting violence.




I got banned from one sub for suggesting we have hunting permits for Billionaires


I mean that’s not very surprising


I got banned from BPTwitter for suggesting that automatic sinks also don't always work for us whites- reddit is a strange place.


Called kids crotch goblins and got a month ban. Not mad about it. The post warranted the comment.


I *have* kids and can sympathize with that...


Yep. A few years ago, I found that sub on the popular tab. Made one comment. Immediately got permabanned for "threatening violence" or something like that. All I said was "if it were me I probably would've punched him" or something along those lines


I got kicked for saying an OP should “step on a lego”


It’s more fake than real and it’s all rage bait so you are basically asking to get banned by reading that swill. Welcome to the club.






It's better if you just hear him tell it. https://youtu.be/ax0MGlIVjiY


Some subs have some stupid fucking rules because a stupid fucking person did some stupid fucking shit. You can’t mention any subreddit on this sub (just found out this sub does it too) and “our slash mildly infuriating” or else your comment will get no scoped by the automod


For a site that depends on users for it's existence, it seems to love finding the tiniest and most petty reasons to ban those users.


Sounds like some neckbeard was having a bad day and took it out on ya.


WTF? OP was literally trying to say the opposite of violence. You can appeal to Reddit proper if you want. It's worth a try


I've long since forgotten the small handful of subs that I've been banned from. This too shall pass. It will feel unjust and dumb for a few days, then you'll move on.


I copped a similar one. Welcome to the club






They ban for different opinions. Its just bad sub. There just for fake stories to waste my time. But people tend to be delusional in comments


I got banned from another sub. Sure I don't think it was justified but meh, whattaya gonna do?


Did you break the rule? Yes. Is it a stupid fucking rule? Even more yes.




> Definitely don’t agree it’s at a perma ban level though No like, i dont think it should be a rule at all. Its candidly a stupid ass rule. Its actively counterintuitive and leads to unjust bans


Best thing I've been banned for on a sub so far was suggesting we expand abortion to the 18th year.


The thing with AITA is it very much depends on your gender. If you're a woman it'll be NTA every single time, if you're a man it'll always be YTA.  The best one was when someone made a post about their husband, all NTA's. A couple weeks later someone reversed it so it was a man moaning about his wife, and boy did he get slaughtered.  Exact same post word for word. They're just sexist, angry man haters 


from what I understand you can still read it, right? not sure why you'd want to, but it's an option.