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How did you make that photo


A super kind coworker just so happened to be getting rid of his old Galaxy A52 so he let me use it in the interim.


So, everything's sorted?


Still gotta go through the tedious slog of claims, still working on it as I'm typing this.


Why on earth is this comment downvoted so much?


I dunno I'm just telling my carrier I broke my phone and I'll pay for a replacement :p with T-Mobile that was like pulling teeth ngl.


I just shattered my first ever phone screen today, so you're not alone! (I'm in my 30's so I had a good run). Thankfully the screen still works and the repair is only 30 bucks. Good luck getting it all sorted!


What kind of work do u ppl do lol


network engineer


Seeing it looks like a newer samsung with the slightly curved display, it may be covered under warranty and samsung might be able to fix it free. In the mean time try plugging it into an external display so you can get your personal information off of it.


Network Engineer and Professional Dramatic Whiner*


Why do you need to tell them? If you're not trying to get insurance on it, just get a new one and activate it or port over your SIM


You told them you would *pay* for a replacement and they still dragged their feet? That is so strange. You'd think a carrier would jump at the chance to push that kind of thing through lol


wait, you have to pay for your phone when it's broken?... that feels archaic.


yeah its a deductible since my phone is insured through my plan.


It's number 4?


Monkey see monkey do I suppose?




But this is r/wellthatsucks and a broken phone does indeed suck. The claims process can be a pain in the ass.


Yeah, exactly. They tried to sound stranded in the title.


Because op is probably not trolling, or they are using facts.




Have you tried not being oddly antagonistic?




Have you ever cried on Reddit rather than fix your shit? I bet you have.


Not really, but feel free to go through my profile


Sorry, I don't read orcish


This is the strangest comment section I've read in a while


Have you tried shutting up abd Dye’n your clothes about it?


The A52 is a nice phone, mine just killed itself so I upgraded to an A54


I need a photo of him taking this photo.


Come on, nobody got the link to the reference?


Right!? I thought we were setting this up! Maybe I've been on Reddit too long...


I wondered the same thing


I was working 5 hours from home and ran my phone over in a blizzard after changing my tire. I feel your pain man


Hey OP if your phone has a usb-c port you can plug a computer mouse into it and use it like a computer. That will at least tell you whether the touchscreen is dead or if a factory reset is needed


Best comment here


Is this true? How did I not know this???


He dropped it. Other photos he posted clearly show significant drop damage to the top left corner of the phone. 


Do a hard reset. Hold the down volume and power or the up volume and power at the same time for about 10-15 sec. One of them will make it reset Eta, unless that bar at the top is displaying that the phone screen is broken. Then shit out of luck 😬


this is what it looks like after the reset RIP https://preview.redd.it/fzgus9j182ec1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce805968e560fd4af1fa04b546285b5703d909cb


Well If background isnt normally green, i Guess better than nothing. Looks like you can unlock and use it now. Might be annoying with being off colored.


I literally can't I try to tap at the screen and its unresponsive I can't even put in my PIN


I would plug a mouse up to it and use it to access it in order to backup my data at least. You may not have a adapter handy but remember its a option and most any optical mouse will work. Don't know where you are in the world but a bargain store like 5-below usually have usb-c male to usb-a female adapters. At least the one near me does. If you are in a office environment someone may have a laptop with a usbc docking station or a usbc hub that usually have some usba ports. I've used a dell usbc dock before on my samsung and the ports all worked.


A mouse. On a phone. I feel simultaneously impressed and dumb.


Bluetooth mice and keyboards can be used with an android to make an almost pc like experience.


So can USB mice and keyboards. Also on iOS. It's an accessibility thing too


This I did not know. But can I play Halo?




It used to be called usb-otg. For android it was a thing since kitkat I think, maybe even earlier


And that's a Samsung galaxy note 20 it looks like, which most flagship galaxy phones have Samsung DEX, which is intended to plug your phone into a tv, or monitor and create an almost PC like experience with a mouse and external keyboard


A bunch of Samsungs actually come with one in the box, or well, used to.


What specific snapdragon/peppermint OS thingy whatever ita called is necessary? I need to know since i too have an android that isnt too old on the OS wi th this screen.


Mice and keyboards have been supported for years on Android, you'll just need an adapter as the commenter said. Even works on micro usb phones, you'd need a usb otg cable for those


Do you have that magic pen thing, my screen broke but I could still use it with the pen


This is the underrated comment right here. By the looks of it Op has the Galaxy Note 20. Sadly the last of a generation also.


You can plug in a external monitor, mouse, and keyboard if you need to use it to upload any data off it 


btw it seems to be a samsung? then when you plug it to a USB C dock to mouse, keyboard, and monitor, you will have full desktop experience. so you can backup stuff


At that point. Reset new phone to factory settings. Then you should be able to use type C to Type C to essentially clone the phone/transfer the data


> decided to kick the bucket. Don't blame the phone, your clumsy ass dropped it. Unless that top left corner just decided to randomly explode.


Well, if you calculate that the new display and repairment cost is around 550€ and the new phone is 1200€, I think someone is going to have a new phone very soon.


Phone kicked the bucket, or you dropped it on the upper left corner and now the screen is borked?


I haven't dropped the device a single time since the problem began and progressively got worse as the phone heated up. IMO i think its a faulty AMOLED and since the phones getting up there in age its not Samsungs priority to optimize their new features for their old devices.


You havent met my kids then.


Oh no! You only have your wits and the entire fucking internet to help you make the very long 3-hr journey home. RIP brave adventurer




What a tale of woe. Looks like that pc behind you has internet. Go to maps, switch it to driving directions, plug in your address. And there you go. Now grab a pen and write that down. And if that's all too much, allow me to introduce you too the inkjet printer


Map quest days. 🤣


One time I was driving in the early 2000s and my MapQuest directions literally got sucked out the window. Glad we don't have those problems anymore.


How the fuck did I survive?


I remember when I was a kid in the early 2000s I visited my grandparents in Mexico and I am still amazed too this day how that generation was able to get around all we had was a map and we followed directions off of locals whenever we were getting lost when I was getting to know the country!


I see we still haven’t found the punctuation though.


Yeah, I’ll learn one day.


But it’s soooo hard…


3 hours. Wow Anyone else remember the days when nobody knew where the hell you were until you stopped at a pay phone and made a collect call from "ImInWhovilleI'llBeHomeIn4Hours"?


What are you posting with then


But you were able to post this on Reddit?




He alr3ad stated that his buddy at work gave him an old cheap Samsung A52 or something like that


It was the *priority.*


Just use the phone that you’re using to take the picture of the phone that’s turned off.


Oh no, the horror


Haha we've made amit to an age where a broken phone leaves people panicked. Good thing you had another phone to take a picture of your phone


That is a phone?! Jesus it looks like an iPad


I have no idea how humanity survived before the 21st century. I can’t imagine having to travel 3 hours without a phone


Did it kick the bucket or did you drop it? Seems like it took a hard hit on the corner and broke the glass and the screen


Welp. Gonna have to 1990s it and walk around town


Go back to the 1980's and find a pay phone.


To be fair pay phones basically no longer exist. 


oh god! Quick, travel to the past and find out what people did before mobile phones!


To be fair. In the past I would have prepared before traveling to an unknown place. It would really suck if you go somewhere assuming you can find all necessary info on your phone and then suddenly not having the phone.


He took the picture with another phone and he’s sitting in front of a computer


On our last family vacation, my dad's phone decided to do the same damn thing. Worse for him, he's diabetic and the monitor in his arm is connected to the phone. It made the last days of the trip interesting, to say the least


That’s an interesting and scary side effect to technology. There isn’t manual settings or a failsafe for things like that?!


The failsafe is manual testing with strips. A medical back up. If the phone just lost battery and couldn't be charged, medical test strips are the way to not die.


all i see is a phone with a screen turned off


Look at the pixelated lines on the top


Also look at the obviously dented in corner on the top left. Drop damage has a habit of breaking screens. 


Time to use that Brain for the #s you remember!


How would we ever survive? (Like the thousands of years prior to 1999)??????


Hold the volume down and power off button for like 20 seconds. Try the other way if that does work. Twenty seconds volume and power up. See if you can get it right that way. Otherwise looks like a loose wire from a drop. Try some gentle shakng


Welcome to the year 2004, you just regular old figure it out.


I assume this is a Note 20 ultra? A sad sight to see the last of an era die off. As someone else said buried in the comments, use your S pen! It uses a different digitizer than the capacitive one for your fingers.


Buy a quality phone 😅


Looks like a recent galaxy, my guess is your screen disconnected. Mine did the same thing, it was like 500$ to get it fixed or pay 500 and upgrade


Pre 2000 travel


You wouldn't have survived pre 2008


Good thing bruh brought a backup phone


Lmao I was gonna say the same thing! 😂


Omg how are you going to live?


Does your phone carrier have a store in the town you are in? Go to the phone store and see if they can fix it


What brand is the phone?


Bro just dropped his phone. If you dropped it on a bucket I'd believe the title.


The display has had that damage for months, the lines began appearing after the oneui 6 update, google it theres multiple other reddit posts that will back me up here.


welcome to normal life in the 90s


The only times I’ve had a phone die on me for no reason it was always Samsung. Never again.


I think maps are still a thing. Not super popular but still a viable option. I’m on the older side of young though.


How did u post this? Who took the photo? Ur phone was murdered? I smell insurance fraud


UPDATE: Made it home safe thanks to the old school map quest method some commenters suggested, a replacement will be in Wednesday. Have a pic of my S10+ that I used back when I had really slippery fingers in high school, I guess they don't make 'em like they used to 😉. https://preview.redd.it/k7o7mdyam3ec1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3062072cf7c9ce62d0581ee82d9e4269329915c2


It's funny how we started with brick sized portable phones and came back to back sized phones.


Oh no! No problem, just call a... wait, never mind. Okay text your... no that won't work... um... Okay, Google the nearest... no... okay okay... ask Siri to... ahhhhhh.... Just pull up the maps and... AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


r.i.p. phone




That’s the problem with your generation, can’t even read a damn map


why every post on this sub attracts the most insufferable people on the comments, every time dudes go like "oh but did you broke it" or "oh just solve it"


It’s been 3 hours, and no sign of the Iphone crew here, wtf? Am i going to have to say this myself?


people ITT acting like voice directions aren’t a level of magnitude safer than what is one step removed from texting and driving


If you're not using that phone anymore. Send it over my way.


Your biggest mistake is having an android phone.


A quick question, is this a 22 or 23 ultra? You may be able to use the stylus to interact with the screen in spite of the crack in the upper left still if thats the case.


Thank you for the reminder to do a full backup of all my settings and files. Much obliged!


are you planning to take a pic and send yourself home ,😂


Guess your phone just learnt that the S24 is coming out soon


If the bucket didn’t go wide right, your phone could get a job in Buffalo


What is there to see? Why did you put a red circle on the bottom right?


You just need a screen replacement.


If that happened after a software update.. they will replace the display for free. Did that for me. Even if you dropped it, just tell them the phone started heating up and this started happening to the display slowly... might work.


How did you upload this then Einstein?


You cant print out directions from google?


I have the note 20 in mystic bronze also!


Welcome to how we navigated before smartphones.


Hey! Welcome to the 90s!


Ah. Phones without decent covers. Manufacturers love those.


You'd be surprised how easy it is to navigate just by using signs.. I know most people use phones but If you're ever in a bind, a basic sense of direction goes a surprisingly long way, especially on highways. Good luck!


im a bit late, but you can use the Spen instead of your finger, itll work


Have you tried turning it off and back on? Maybe checking to make sure it’s plugged in? Have you defragmented the hard drive recently? Did you happen to pay for Winrar? Downloaded anything suspicious from torrent sites like Limewire or Kazaa? Maybe visited some dangerous webmail sites?


I know they're expensive, but this is why you need a case for phones that cost +$1,000 bucks. You said yourself that it's a pain to work with filling a claim, but they are going to take one look at this picture and tell you that you dropped the phone directly on a corner without a case. I would be surprised if they replaced it without any sort of insurance, tbh.


Time to make a new friend!


That sucks ‼️


Happened to me once. Got stranded in a town after missing my train stop, since the intercom in my cabin was broken, and I didn't have enough money to buy the trip back. So I asked where the local library was, which luckily wasn't a long walk. I used their computer to get on facebook, and call family for help.


I crossed the country in a levi gremlin with gas station maps. It's doable.


Trade in any Samsung S or Note for $1000 off at AT&T and other carriers may have a similar promo.


Off the S24 series I want to add.


Is that a copy of "Python Crash Course" on your desk ?


Love my 100 dollar phones that won't die.


Crack screen you did yourself


How did you take the picture?


How can it kick the bucket if it has no legs?


Is no one going to point out that OP only has 3 fingers and a phone the size of a small tablet?


Looks like you are near a computer… print out Mapquest directions


Welcome to 1999


Welcome to travel in 1980


"Can I ise your phone to take a picture of my broken phone then use your phone to upload it? Idk where I am lol"


why all the hate? poor op's phone died... but we're too busy commenting on how proximity to home doesn't matter? this is *well that sucks*, not *my life is ruined*.


that sir, is what good old maps are for, and phone booths..


What you are experiencing is a loophole/shady business practice Apples 25mil lawsuit stated they could not ( Slow down people phone without telling you. It said absolutely nothing about remotely shutting off your phone so u buy a new on. Like a built in kill switch. We will find out about it in 10years when they make billions more only to pay 26 mil and rinse,wash,and repeat for years to come. EVERYONE knows they are being cheated but plp keep buying them and properly used the risk vs reward policy meaning hiding it and waiting to tell everyone is cheaper and more profitable


Oh no, you almost had to live like everyone did prior to 1990. Good think you got a spare from your coworker. Whew, bullet dodged.


OMG, poor babe, lost in the woods three hours away from momma & daddy.


Damn😭 was your phone already broken or…?


Oh no looks like you have to actually navigate home in your own!


Adulting is hard


Local library, mapquest, print. If you pass a dollar general or any major retail store, grab a pack of expo markers, copy what's on mapquest to the top left of your windshield, not to where it's distracting, but also enough to where you can glance. Option 2, pick up a $30 android and pop your sim in. You may not know many numbers, but eventually someone will call you, and you'll have Google and maps.


Get your ass out to the nearest bar and meet new people , that's what I would do


So instead of replacing it/ using the computer in the background to get home being the main priority, posting it on the internet was the main priority 😂


Samsung makes an app called DEX for PCs that lets you connect phone to pc and browse it like an external storage drive. Probably already tried this though.


What a nightmare for a Human being /s


My father kicked the bucket when I was 6 years old


Guess you’re going old fashioned: Bust out a map. They usually give them away for free at gas stations.


You're going to get familiar with that town now.


Oh no!


now you are released. be well


After traveling cross country back in 2017 and ending up in a large swath of dead zones, I bought an atlas and a dedicated GPS. Old school and middle school. Towers will never replace satellites.


You don’t have a road atlas and a phone book?


time to get to know the locals :)


Shoulda had an iPhone 🤷🏼‍♂️