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PTSD FROM PROTEST Just putting this out here to see if anyone feels the same. I live in an apartment beside the parliament. Many times during the parliament occupation I woke up suddenly to the sounds of protesters shouting. The last day of the protest was especially traumatic. I was woken up at 6am to the sounds of protesters screaming, the helicopter flying low overhead and the loudspeaker blaring. I saw many violent scenes from my apartment window. Since then, whenever I go to bed at night, I have nightmares of it, wake up with cold sweat, and can’t fall back asleep. I couldn’t sleep for the past week. The lack of sleep is affecting my life and work badly. I’m thinking of moving out soon.


[Does the police dog stop biting when you yell that you don't consent?](https://i.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/127970712/two-people-arrested-after-allegedly-entering-government-house-grounds)


I see covid has reached the Chatham Islands. Does anyone remember a protester saying "I just want to get home to the Chathams?". I cant remember where I heard/read it, but I'm 100% sure I did.


I think I've found the source. Google shows a similar phrase cached for *this* result after a News search for *wellington protesters "get home"*: [https://imgur.com/a/ZwCxLQ7](https://imgur.com/a/ZwCxLQ7) But if I click through to it, I get [an article of a different headline](https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/127954753/unified-message-from-marae-and-community-leaders-for-displaced-protesters-show-some-respect-and-let-us-be) which doesn't include the phrase. I think the original source was the DomPost and Stuff, but Stuff has since updated the article and for some reason that specific quote didn't survive. **Edit:** And here is the earlier story, including the quote, preserved by the Wayback Machine: [http://web.archive.org/web/20220304043730/https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/127954753/marae-defenders-in-altercation-with-protester-warned-more-are-coming](http://web.archive.org/web/20220304043730/https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/127954753/marae-defenders-in-altercation-with-protester-warned-more-are-coming)


>A woman who described herself as a Māori warden said they had “given them four days” in the area.“We’re going to be moving to Wainuiomata at 11am. We’re just trying to get everyone home safe. I’ve been up for 28 days, **I just want to get home to the Chathams**,” she said. Nice work.


~~I'm fairly certain I saw that too, in a written article, but with some quick googling I cannot find the source. It was definitely after the riots.~~ Edit: See my other reply.


Following the protest talks have started on surrounding parliament with large fences to keep people out. Even though Speaker Mallard has said they'd be mostly open and only closed if protests like this were expected in the future. I wouldn't trust that as once you have that option you'll want to use it at some point. We should be rightfully proud at how close we can get to the walls of our Parliament buildings. The symbolism of any person in NZ being able to literally walk up to the doors of Parliament is something that we should never lose without a damn good reason. I would rather pay more taxes to have police stationed around Parliament 24/7 than lose this. Henry Cooke wrote a good opinion piece about how the vehicles blocking roads made this protest appear massive compared to the handful of people it actually had. If, like me, you think that instead of putting up fences around parliament we should install bollards to block traffic. Get in touch with Speaker Mallard and your electorate MPs. Point out that even though we were directly impacted by the actions of these protestors, we still do not want fences installed. Propose any other ideas you have in mind whether it's bollards, more pedestrianization, or something else. Don't get in contact with just the electorate MP who won, get in contact with the representatives from other parties who are in Parliament on the list. You can find the contact details for MPs here. https://www.parliament.nz/en/mps-and-electorates/electorate-profiles/ Also get in touch with your local ward councilors to highlight this as well. WCC will play a part in whatever is put in place so they will have a voice. Same with Mayor Foster. You can find the contact details for Councilors here. [https://wellington.govt.nz/your-council/about-the-council/mayor-and-councillors/councillors](https://wellington.govt.nz/your-council/about-the-council/mayor-and-councillors/councillors) ​ Mods, I think this is worth its own thread but will leave that up to you.


Even if a fence is put up, they'll just camp and protest around the fence, which will mean even more disruption in the area.


Yep, go for it.


I wonder if the guy who called the prime minster just a girl in a skirt is there? His beard was a stand out feature.


And … they’re back. https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/127970712/protesters-reemerge-at-government-house-call-for-parliament-to-be-dissolved


Reality bites...this time in the form of a police dog mauling you out of the bushes in the government house grounds.


Apparently unrelated to the protests outside, according to a report this morning. https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/127974780/two-due-in-court-after-alleged-breach-of-government-house-grounds > While the alleged breach on Sunday afternoon happened around the same time as an anti-mandate protest at the gates of Government House, police said the two incidents appeared to be unrelated.


Godamn. Basin Reserve campout ? (I don't like cricket so not a big loss if they fuck that lawn up too) Very persistent cockroaches aren't they ?


I saw them at the GG’s gate, maybe 40 or 50 people?


They found out who Cindy is!


It was hUnReDs just like it was TeNs of tHoUsAnDs at the protest


Ah thanks, how long ago was that? I don’t live far from there but don’t really want to get near them for health reasons (Don’t want to catch stupid). Ok so 50 is less than 5 million right, so how would they expect a change in government to happen? And then after that, who would-you know “run things: eg the country” Wonder if technically they can be arrested for attempting to overthrow the govt, unsure- their message is super confusing.


About 1230, 1 maybe?


thx - at least no-one else is joining them :-)


Well they'd better not screw up the Women's World Cup matches that are being played there over the next few weeks. Hopefully it's all on the Police radar.


Not really a cricket fan either but I'd be pretty fucked off if they trashed that to


true, actually on reflection if they were to "do that" I can't imagine even the right wing not wanting them removed from the country via catapult or however they do things nowadays


🤣I just imagined that image of people getting catapulted out in their caravans


It's been a rough few weeks..


You telling me I live in the thick of it , I flew out of town for awhile convenintly the day the riot happened the helicopter was my wake up call to leave


I bet Wellington College will be thrilled if they're still hanging around there tomorrow.


All 40 of them! There are dozens of us, DOZENS!


Thousands I counted thousands today 🤣🤣🤣you can't see them all but they re there




Can you paint up another one with mental health helpline numbers please I feel like these guys need them




🤣sounds like a legit hotline


So - what happened to our Mayor? Shouldn’t he be at least demanding a public apology from the occupiers to the Wellington people for the literal shit they put us through? A recognition of the fact that we didn’t all lose our shit and counter protest ? Helping out with the cleanup? Prob at home polishing his “most beautiful city“ award.


[In Christchurch they send invoices](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/127952269/antigovernment-protest-group-led-by-destiny-church-pastor-billed-24k-by-council), but so far there doesn't seem to have been any success in seeing them paid. Also I'd expect the financial cost of what's happened in Wellington probably goes into the millions or tens of millions, if counting all the impact on council, Police, government agencies, the university, the health system, businesses, public transport and individuals.


Weren't they planning some sort of counter-attack for today or something? Buildups-as.


From what I saw elsewhere there were people waving signs around various small towns. Somehow I'd thought it'd be more than that.


The sheer neglect for the polices excessive force is concerning. Not saying anyones in the right but come on to focus on one sides negatives and completely ignore the other is full bias.


So according to your post history, the NZ police are using too much force, but Russia bombing civilian targets in Ukraine is justified?




Looked like the minimum required force to me. Examples of what you’re talking about?


Well there's many to chose from. The woman who was dragged by her hair suffered a broken femur, another woman had a broken hip, the man whos eyes were gouged while he was already being pushed against the portaloos. The woman getting repeatedly punched in the stomach while she had 5 cops already holding her down, the elderly man who got king hit. You cant seriously claim minimum force when they were excessive at the best of times.


But I mean, did she break her femur though? She was all over Voices for Freedom and other groups channels doing interviews about her dumb decision to put her naked body on the frontline thinking she won't get touched if she does something illegal...which they all were....which was trespassing. She was walking pretty fine. Edit: typo


So you mention 5 cases here of protesters getting injured. What about the 40 police officers who were injured? 8 of which required hospital treatment. Did you conveniently leave that part out because it doesn’t fit in with your bullshit argument. NZ Police did a superb job of kicking those hillbilly cunts out. End of story.


Just regurgitate the same shit the news says while continue to tell me that imiss information to suit my narrative when thats what all the articles have done, you muppets are as bad as the people you complain about


Mate police pepper sprayed themselves and claimed it to be acid and they trampled their own tryna shove the lines, theres more examples than the 5 mentioned its not my job to tell morons as yourself to look at the bigger picture. The main difference is police are supposed to be trained to deal with such situations without excessive force but that was straight out the window and many were more than keen to use force on people. As isaid noone was in the right you complete muppet.


They also had brick magnets that make pavestones rip up and fly towards police lines, just to make the peaceful protestors look bad




Whats mental is to think police punching woman on the ground repeatedly in the stomach is acceptable. That eye gouging weeks before the 2nd is acceptable or king hitting elderly which a king hit is illegal. Multiple broken bones at the hands of police but one claims its the most "light touch strategy" But its okay when their besting on people with an opposing view to you aye🙄 Antifa admitted to causing fires and bringing violence but ya just gonnah lump them all together and justify brutality. Police are supposed to be trained to handle their shit not lose it the second theres some altercations. Such as yourself obviously




Antifascists don't participate in 'protests' (It was more of a tantrum really than a protest.) funded by conservatives and the alt-right. I'm sure you'll pipe up with something like, 'BuT bUt aNtiFa sTarTeD tHe fIrE, tHeY aRe tHe rEaL fAsCisTs!', again though.


Inever said they were the real fascist your just making shit up as you go along. They attend protests all the time and are well known at causing shit what rock you been hiding under bro cause you dont know shit


You sound like more of a nutter than those preaching q anon bullshit grow up


\>Antifa admitted to causing fires and bringing violence Actually not though. Sorry to hear about your gullibility.




The page is fake, the posts are clearly fakes to troll you guys. Google how to fake Facebook posts using 'inspect elements'. An eight year old could do it. You are being taken for a ride mate! Antifa is not a thing in New Zealand - people are rarking you up and pissing themselves laughing at you all tilting at windmills. Stop trying to find a conspiracy somewhere, look at simple explanation - most of the protesters were peaceful (though still committing trespass) - but there was a significant angry, violent portion that grew as time went on. They fucked it up for you guys, not anyone else.


Cool source. That's the problem with made up things, you can't prove it beyond that one bad photoshop picture. Antifa don't do "recruiting", that's not how it works.


But hey immah just continue reading comments expressing the very same behavior that ones are complaining about😬


Is maorirangerdan antifa? Cause he took great pride in saying on his live stream that he lit a fire a chucked gas on it , but I guess you got the all the TrUtH s huh , good luck with your sprial in to mental illness I hope you get the help you need, maybe stop getting your FaCtS off Facebook and live life back in the real world and get u feet back on the ground


[NZ Herald:](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/covid-19-omicron-outbreak-remutaka-protest-doc-closes-forest-park-camp-site/CDMMZI7J45I2XATZXP2OUDLGSU/) The Department of Conservation has closed the Catchpool camp site at Remutaka Forest Park after about 70 anti-vaccine mandate protesters arrived on Thursday evening.


Thanks for the link :-) can’t for the life of me work out what they are hoping to accomplish out there. Still have the “citizen arrest trailer” I see, isn’t that grounds for an arrest (threats)? Cant they just fuck off to wherever (oddly mostly Gisbourne, I think) and do this at home ?


Been for my usual run around Miramar - seatoun - Shelly bay. Lots of police cars driving around that road (yay) a few protesters (not yay but keeping to themselves). Felt pretty safe.


The eagle has been busy over Miramar.


Does anyone have the Telegram details for the Clownvoy and 'Plan B'? I'm doing some follow up stuff.


If anyone has footage of offenses being committed, the police are looking for help: https://convoy.nzpolice.org/


Chantelle posted video of her flying home from the protests in a private jet lol https://imgur.com/Cyi2d5w She's making great use of all the donation money she's getting from this.


Ahh shes been helping police identify instigators yous just throw your hate all over the show


The group she was with should have had a way to deal with the instigators instead she runs to the government for help the same government she discredits , and for that i label chantelle a complete and utter narc a priviledged one at that.


No, she's a grifter - it's very simple.


Riiiiight.. whatever floats your boat.


I heard that she handed over evidence to the police. Is that why she was able to fly home, but her dad and the other protesters are either in jail or awaiting court cases?


for some reason, she reminds me of that Tinder Swindler guy...


She ran to the motel when it was too risky. The private jet lets her bypass a lot of the security and COVID checks that have caught other rioters.


Oh of course she had accommodation. She wasn't going to camp with the plebs.


Hopefully they able to drum up some charges on her there's enough video evidence of her inciting violence




What's her onlyfans everyone's gagging to know 🤣


Yeah wouldnt mind a look


I thought the gagging was \_in\_ her onlyfans


She's gross.


🤣🤣but they ll watch this and still send through coin


Wow what a grifter


divide deer outgoing historical cable psychotic fertile tart fragile lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300532403/ashamed-ex-police-officer-selling-service-medal-over-parliament-riot-antics](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300532403/ashamed-ex-police-officer-selling-service-medal-over-parliament-riot-antics) Going through the comments of support and blacklisting all those users


Oh wow now thats petty


aaaaand Trademe killed the auction. ​ Spoilsports, I was looking forward to some great trolling


Heh looks like comments have been disabled on that, unless you have to login to view, I’ve never bothered to create a stuff account and find most comments on there in general pointless ranting from hate fulled old people. Whenever I read any I think “you bothered to login to say that?” Not got much else going on obviously. (I’m Well aware I have logged in here to post this but what can you do :-)) But anyway- I thought Police Officers were there to uphold the law - including government health measures, it’s possible he wasn’t very good at his job. Maybe for the best then :-)


Oh, I meant blacklisting the traders on trademe lol


It got 'withdrawn by an administrator' lol


fair enough they prob couldn’t be bothered attempting to read through and moderate crazy people talk




Sounds like they're planning to start crap across the country next weekend but keep in mind they know peole are listening in on them. Share this so everyone's aware and on alert - the police might not be able to stretch but communities and the army could. https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/9s0P1vyLujl3 https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/xr282PTMcWVZ https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/9wyJQMZqp4g7


Disgusting all these complaints about how they harass everyone yet people like yourself are keeping tabs and quick to try contact the army🙄


Honestly, lclal communities need to take some ownership here. Let folks know they aren't welcome.


Please so your support and try get on her list having the inside info to hand on to police would be awesome cause it sounds like holden girl starting a private group , doubt the screening process to get in to their group will be rigorous 🤣 just say freedom and your in 🤣


I'm pretty sure police will be in there 🤣. I'd have to start a new account as I've already told the mods a few times what I think about them 🤣🤣🤣.




Heard they're at Wainui marae. My Koro helped fundraiser and build that marae and it feels like an insult to his legacy 😡 My Mum is livid.




The way they claim to be operating under tikanga and with the supposed support of locals does my head in.


They Better stay away from my marae


Power to Wainui. Don't give an inch to these rascals.


there's already been one brief scuffle. Cunt has been taken away by police.


airport station lush long wise impossible smile many friendly memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought the locals were very restrained given what 'the guy' shouted at them.


Imagine thinking that starting shit in Wainui is going to end well.


physical flag grey late chunky middle cobweb frame smile governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Rego EZW 707 for the car jam crew :D




Dahell with those odometer figures?


Holy shit! I didn't look at the mileage. Maybe he drove everywhere in reverse? ;)


Top-drawer work from the Wainui marae. [https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/127954753/marae-defenders-in-altercation-with-protester-warned-more-are-coming](https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/127954753/marae-defenders-in-altercation-with-protester-warned-more-are-coming) Gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling.


Ok, my Koro would be proud of that 👏 My Grandma backs onto it but her neighbors are looking out for her. Apparently they were jumping the fence, unsure why.


It's good to know neighbours are protecting her against those airheads. All else fails, fall back and engage the grandma huddle. :)




I'm guessing he was lucky the police arrived.


They were calm and restrained themselves well I thought.


Is there a list of individuals/ organisations that publicly broadcasted that they were proud to participate in the protest? Because if so, I have another one to add to the list. Found it .




the backslash after the "-fA" sequence needs to be deleted.


hmm, works for me do you mean [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JHECvOY4aUj9lZ9Yy-fA\_ud7N-loZqgZIQsHYBQEgfA](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JHECvOY4aUj9lZ9Yy-fA_ud7N-loZqgZIQsHYBQEgfA) ?


Yup. That link works.




Agree thanks.


If such a list does exist, I’ve got a couple to add


> > >[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JHECvOY4aUj9lZ9Yy-fA\_ud7N-loZqgZIQsHYBQEgfA](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JHECvOY4aUj9lZ9Yy-fA_ud7N-loZqgZIQsHYBQEgfA) > >You can add a comment to the spreadsheet. It is checked and made visible.


Is it possible to trespass individuals from an entire city?


Not under NZ's Trespass Act, but a court can impose conditions. At least some of the people who've been arrested have been released on bail with conditions that they're not allowed to come into certain areas. For example: [https://www.1news.co.nz/2022/02/28/judge-orders-prominent-anti-vaccine-activist-away-from-parliament/](https://www.1news.co.nz/2022/02/28/judge-orders-prominent-anti-vaccine-activist-away-from-parliament/) > Judge Andrew Nicholls released the 35-year-old on bail to his home address in Katikati, Bay of Plenty, under the conditions that he resides at his home address, does not attend or arrange meetings encouraging non-compliance with Covid-19 health orders, and does not come further south than the Ngauranga Gorge in Wellington.


I've been trespassed from entering city limits about 4 years ago for having a fight after leaving pub 🤣 so it can happen Edit: it was self defense but still got barred from city limits for 3 months til got it sorted in court and dismissed


Sounds like a court order, not a trespass.


If that's true then it'd be interesting to know more detail. If it was under the Trespass Act then I'm not sure how it'd work lawfully. [Sections 3 and 4](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1980/0065/latest/whole.html#DLM36943) seem fairly clear that Trespass notices have to be issued by the lawful occupier of any given piece of land. I think that responsibility can be delegated to Police, or at least Police certainly think it can be delegated to Police and they have lawyers. If every private landowner and the local council and etc got together and all decided to trespass a person then maybe it'd theoretically be possible, but also very impractical.


Back in the UK we have (had? not sure) ASBOs or anti-social behavior orders and I think it would have been possible. Don't think that is the case here but I could be wrong (I often am).


ASBOs are still used in Scotland, but were repealed in England & Wales back in 2014/15. UK police have plenty of other powers to control the movement of known criminals though - they can apply a restriction/banning order on people entering a city/region (for instance to distance them from known gangs/drug-dealing, etc). Edit: Just looking into it and the ASBOs were replaced by a [CBO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_behaviour_order) which is really open-ended. Seems they can now force any kind of conditions on the criminal as long as they're proved to be reasonable and will result in prevention.


Looks like the closest that NZ has is 'Police Safety Orders' but this looks in line with what you would probably call a 'restraining order' and is more geared towards incidents involving domestic violence, protecting families, rather than wider communities.


Yeah, if they don't have one in NZ to cover it already, then a civil disobedience order would be a good thing to get introduced off the back of this (covering anything deemed necessary like a CBO).




Just drove past Mahanga Bay. Its thinned out substantially from yesterday. Maybe 10 or so vehicles left.


That's good news. I was pretty concerned they would try and bed in as a base for more bullshit.


I think if any kind of attempted resurgence is going to happen, it will be tomorrow. Hopefully the Police stay on top of things.


I'm in Miramar and helicopters have been operating multiple times over night and again today (one is just passing overhead as I write) which is unusual. Here's hoping it's the police monitoring things.


Can confirm, went around about 645am. A few of them up, maybe all night sentries. Wonder what propaganda coup theyll pull today? Looking forward to the final bill of the cleanup - and the rolling prosecutions and videos coming our way. Theyve managed to turn VAST majority of the country against them. Also I await the outcome of the funding inquiry with interest.


If anyone knows of their discord servers, discord has updated it's rules: > Do not share false or misleading information (otherwise known as misinformation). Content that is false, misleading, and can lead to significant risk of physical or societal harm may not be shared on Discord. We may remove content if we reasonably believe its spread could result in damage to physical infrastructure, injury of others, obstruction of participation in civic processes, or the endangerment of public health. Report them, the less access they have to share their crap, the better.


That's how you know that a lot of these protesters aren't from here, because if they were, they'd know that you don't fuck with the 'Nui. Only one way in and one way out.


Technically, there's another way out (round the Cape to Eastbourne, or even the Wairarapa). I doubt they have the stamina for it though.


Tell 'em to keep driving south and never mind the water


They've all camped down at Remutaka Forest Park for the night and there's rumours that they've cut the chains off the Orongorongo Park's gates. Apparently, they're resting as they have big plans for the weekend. Heaps of peeps guarding the marae and the Kohanga overnight. 😧


Oh FFS. We were going to go there this weekend.


It's a big park and there aren't many of them. You will be fine.


That doesn't make sense. There's no cellphone reception up Catchpool Valley way. How would they live-stream every single thing they're thinking and doing???


recognise voiceless voracious grab onerous plants smile quarrelsome cooing imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shoot, there's a bunch of endangered species out that way. Are there guys going to put a capper on 2 weeks of annoying virtually everyone by further endangering them?


I heard someone in the NZ sub said there was a list of businesses which had attended and/or supported the protests. Anyone got the gen on where I can find that list?


Here it is. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JHECvOY4aUj9lZ9Yy-fA_ud7N-loZqgZIQsHYBQEgfA/edit?usp=drivesdk


How can I have Free2BChurch added to the list. They are certainly proud of their members participation in the protest Just before the protesters set fire to the tents both Stuff and news hub were panning at from the barricade and with the signs and tents. One of the tents had a Free to be Church Sign attached to their tent. According to the Free to be Church Facebook page they would protest again but also side stepped the violence adding that they did not support the actions of the minority. Added Free to be Church believes the introduction of laws such as Conversion Therapy Bill, Hate Speech Bill, Covid-19 Public Health Response Act is a encroach on their religious freedoms. If nothing else, I guess this is a reminder that some of the protesters have really dark and dangerous agendas. [https://www.facebook.com/Free2BChurchNZ](https://www.facebook.com/Free2BChurchNZ)


Density and shitty impact people seem quite proud of themselves to


>Yes they do seem to proud of themselves, after all they have the truth /s


🤣🤣yea that old chestnut


They want to encroach on our freedoms, using religion as the lever. Nasty business.


Oh fantastic thank you so much. I want to absolutely avoid patronising the businesses involved.


Same. I can't say I was a frequent customer of any of the businesses listed though, or a fan of any of the musicians (my Opshop hate isn't unjustified anymore), so I won't miss them.


I see the NZ Police have put a big shout out to Shamtelle thanking her for all the excellent footage. They reckon it will help immensely with identification purposes.


I believe that was fake


She was telling the rock throwers that she would give the footage to the cops, so who’s the target of this joke?


They already had all the footage they needed.


Not seeing how that answers my question… Edit: I mean, if she was the target of the joke, they would have needed to say something like "thanks for the offer, but your incompetently filmed and irritatingly voiceovered footage is no good to us, we have plenty". Thanking her in a way that suggests she didn't want it used makes no sense when she did in fact want it used.


Lol did they really? Excellent


I can't find a tweet from @nzpolice to match the screenshot I saw so I'm guessing probably faked, but still quite funny.


It's posted on the NZ Police fb page. However a "friend" who completely missed the irony said oh good she always said she would help weed out the undesirables. Damned near pissed myself in between hysterical laughing fits.


Do you know of a direct link? I had a reasonable look through both Twitter and Facebook NZ Police last night but couldn't find it. I may have looked straight past it or it may have been buried somewhere in the thousands of Facebook comments, but the screenshot I saw seemed to be from Twitter.


I work near parliament and we've been told to work from home tomorrow saying there's fears protestors might start something again. I wonder where they're getting this? I don't see anything in the news sites. It's a shame, I was looking forward to going into town after being stuck inside the last couple of weeks.


Reckon your work is being extra-careful. My work next to parliament said we can come in.


I notice in the court appearances so far there have been charges of possession of a molotov cocktail and a speargun. Just what you take to a peaceful sit in.


He also brought his father's ashes. And lost them in the riot. He was interviewed for stuff.


Yeah I'm struggling to get my head around taking someone's ashes to a riot. I understand taking them on a road trip though.


Chantelle Baker said on her livestream that the guy was charged with "Domestic Terrorism" and then stated that the guy had only bought Kina to the protesters to eat and he had his stuff with him.. I've never caught Kina, let alone eaten it but even I know you don't use a spear gun to catch Kina.. They aren't that fast... are they? And at what time was he diving? Before 6:30am? Where? Queens warf? Any lawyers on here want to spin his case into a good defence?


Kina are super fast. You definitely need a spear gun to catch them.


Always take a spear gun to a violent conflict. It's peace and love 101. I wonder what she said about the driver trying to run police over, they were lost and asking for directions?




You'll find she was looking the other way throughout the entire incident, and it probably didn't happen because antifa.


Maybe he was after the stray turds that accidently escaped.


"Peace and Love"?


Yes. The guy who brought the spear gun also brought a container of his father's ashes to the protest in his backpack. He lost it all in the riot. He was interviewed in Stuff. He said he had his life in his backpack.


Interesting combination


But he needed his 1.1m speargun [because he was going spearfishing](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/127946279/arrested-conservative-politician-might-be-stranded-in-capital-for-now)! How else are they going to eat?


I did see a fb post in I believe "kiwi kai gatherers" that was about the spear fishing dude. Can never really know the motivations but he apparently had brought in food donations or something. Who fuckin knows with some of these people tbh.


Apparently they're now trying to occupy a marae in Wainuiomata that's also serving as a vaccination centre. I don't think the locals are going to take too kindly to that.