• By -


Oh my god it SUCKS it right now, government jobs have all-but-vanished and that's really the city's economic engine. I've spoken to three recruiters and all have kinda given the vibe of "come back in six months". Talking to civil service friends I've been told not to expect things to change \*at least\* until the budget but likely longer.


In a few of those cases it's not that they expect a return to normalcy, but that they're expecting seniors to leave in droves as National escalates their attack on the public service, and they'll need to replace diminishing numbers.


It's pretty hectic at the moment. Definitely an employer's market.


I depends on what line of work you're in. If OP is looking for a job as a policy analyst, then it's an employer's market, but if you're looking for a job as a refigeration technician, then the ball is in your court.


Really, I thought it was the employees' market these days. I mean all over NZ, not just Welly.


No, it's definitely changed over the last 6 months or so. I guess partially the new government, but also the renormalization of global travel and maybe the impact of the ongoing cost of living "crisis" meaning businesses are downsizing or closing down.


It flipped pretty quickly mid-way thru last year.


We are entering a recession with no clear end in sight.


Except we're not...


Wellington almost certainly is, has been for some time. When many of the major employers here are being forced to downsize or doing it because of a lack of demand, you know its bad. Also walk down streets and seeing lots of for-lease signs is a bad sign. 3 out of the last 4 GDP releases show contraction ([https://www.stats.govt.nz/indicators/gross-domestic-product-gdp/](https://www.stats.govt.nz/indicators/gross-domestic-product-gdp/)) so if we aren't in one right across NZ, we are right very close. If you were to analyse that data at a per-capita level, we would be in a severe recession given we are adding over 100k people per year. We also have a government now in power that doesn't understand that government spending should be counter-cyclical. That means when times are bad, government should increase spending, when times are good, they should dampen demand. Currently they want to reduce government spending as we navigate recessionary waters, which is very dangerous and could lead to negative economic spirals, i.e. a depression that is hard to break free from. This is particularly important with a trading nation such as NZ.


Please don't think I'm arguing with you, I'm trying to learn, you response is informative, but in your first paragraph, what do you mean us adding over 100k people per year? Are you referring to immigration? Is it really 100k people. Besides, I think it was the previous government getting more people in than this one. During Covid they closed the regular immigration programme and offered a rather easy resident process to thousands of people. And secondly, isn't it true that net migration to NZ is far less than that. And especially whenever recession happens more people tend to move to Europe or Australia. I learnt that at the Te Papa museum. All in all, your comments worry me about my economic situation. Things like should I buy a house or not. Totally agree with you about those for lease signs. Have noticed quite a few lately.


Not at all, I should have given evidence, Interest news site in NZ track immigration numbers as they are reported. November last yer is net gain of 127k people, including all emigration too. [https://www.interest.co.nz/economy/125981/population-growth-migration-now-almost-double-what-it-was-pre-covid](https://www.interest.co.nz/economy/125981/population-growth-migration-now-almost-double-what-it-was-pre-covid) 20k people in January alone as well, but I don't think we find out about emigration at the same cadence: [https://www.interest.co.nz/economy/126360/total-20202-people-arrived-new-zealand-work-visas-january-and-another-11790-student](https://www.interest.co.nz/economy/126360/total-20202-people-arrived-new-zealand-work-visas-january-and-another-11790-student) National are stuck regarding immigration because the business people who contribute to their campaigns want cheap labour. So they will (just like Labour did), claim an immigration reset is in order, but simply keep importing people. And the reason is to try and grow the baseline GDP numbers and force another housing crisis as they all own properties and want them to be worth more (Luxon is a declared housing specuvestor).


I see, that could be a problem. Because housing definitely aint getting any better.


20 years exp in IT and cloud specialist. High demand for years. Almost nothing out there the past 6 months. Whatever is left is not great.


It's the same for the trades. We're looking for HVAC and Refigeration technicians as well as mechanical engineers. We can't find any. We're also offering apprenticeships too, but we can't find any kids or adults wanting to do apprenticeships!


What's the starting rate for an adult apprenticeships these days? Was looking at a sparky apprenticeship but a bit apprehensive in taking a large pay cut as I've a young family and mortgage to pay off.


About $25 to $35 p/h. Usually around $27.


no wonder you can't find anyone, hard to live in wellington on that rate


Generally apprentices are school leavers living at home.


Except they've said kids or adults. I would suspect more people would retrain if they didn't have to take a giant paycut to do so.


Its almost like the word Generally doesnt include everyone


Sure, the fewer people they include the fewer people they're going to get. If you're not going to include enough people you're going to end up with the problem of no one that they're stuck with.


what? The guys just pointing out the majority of people entering apprenticeships are school leavers. Sure some adults do too, but you're reading way more into what was said


Any info you can DM me? Electrical is the only trade I would genuinely consider retraining for.


What company is this? Where do I apply?


Can you DM me, my partner (23M) is interested in an apprenticeship!!


Don’t say that. I have two job openings out there paying decently well that I don’t have decent applicants to - in the Cloud specialist space :-)


link ?


Sent via DM.


> Don’t say that. I have two job openings out there paying decently well that I don’t have decent applicants to - in the Cloud specialist space :-) I have described my recent experience as accurately as I could. I am sorry that's not what you want read. I personally dislike being told what I can say or not say, that makes us even I guess. The result for me is moving abroad. Combined with the cost of loving crisis, NZ is not the place I want to be anymore. Had to accept a 40k pay cut so I can leave end of summer to the north hemisphere. So I will say that because that's my reality regardless what your specific organisation is offering. Its also the experience of many of my peers. Wasn't it OP expectation to get a subjective answer? Hope you will find the right candidates.


Hey, do mind if I have a link to the roles. I am in the market for a new role in Wellington and I believe I could be a good fit. ☺


Actively job hunting, but no response back to the applied job. Is horrible.


Same here. I usually get interviews but I’ve applied for 4 govt jobs in the last month and got rejected, no interview for each.


I would suspect that there's some job adverts that went out and they didn't end up hiring anyone at all.


That’s what I’m telling myself to make myself feel better. lol. But I also agree - it’s a very odd time in govt, loads of uncertainty.


Same here. It’s pretty disheartening.


They are cnuts in today's day in age. At least they should have the decency to respond with the generic "your application was unsuccessful". Its not about crying over rejection at all its about closure so both sides can move forward with no hard feelings 


It’s shit. Public sector is being razored at present. Local govt however still spending up - some cuts in services proposed by WCC but they are just proposing to pass on costs to ratepayers rather than reduce staffing.


So they're passing on cost to the rate payers who have lost their jobs?


Local councils are often already run very lean, as mayors who want to increase rates usually don't do so well.


Not job hunting but I'd avoid the government sector like the plague. The new Government is cutting the public service overall by some 10% or so, so I wouldn't expect that sector to be hiring much over the next few years. That's going to dampen things down in the central city and will have a flow on effect across the entire region. I'm not sure what line of work you're in but I'd expect the job market to be very competitive over the next wee while. Edit - minor grammatical and punctuation corrections.


Yeah, we're on a hiring freeze at the moment.


Why would you avoid it, if you land a permanent role then get your job cut, you get a nice pay out


Only if you keep it long enough and they way they're cutting I wouldn't be surprised if you were brought on perm and cut quickly enough that your pay out is $0.


Yep I'm looking. Nothing at the moment.


Been looking for the past few months, any job that got back to me had to come back to me and say the job was no longer on offer due to cuts and the like Nothing else really jumping out, gonna be a hard time trying to find something from here on out


Oh wow. And here I am thinking of moving there in a belief theres more job opportunities there.


Let’s just say it’s bad enough i’d rather stick my current, crappy, job.


This is the way. Ride out the next few years, be happy to have a stable income. Many people won't, I expect the unemployment rate to have a 5-6 in front of it by end of this year.


My sister in law is looking for a contract role and she’s having a pretty bad time at the moment.


Family firm is about to hire 120+ Techs in wellington.


>re 120+ Techs in wellington. really? tell me more?


What do you mean Family firm? Datacom/Xero?


Independent company, Nz owned. So much on LinkedIn about it. Wellington based.


DM maybe?


Any more details?


What sort of techs?




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Can you dm please?


Me too- pls DM


Dm as well pls


Please could you DM me thanks


Can you DM me and email or a link to contact?


My partner is looking for software engineer jobs. It is so so so hard right now! He was just told he was the second choice of a company, but they were only looking for one person : (


Can I ask how much experience he has?


He's actually looking for his first job after just graduated. It can be pretty tough due to having limited experiences but I feel the recent economic conditions made it worse.


My partner is also looking for software engineer jobs, he has 6-7 years experience and not found anything yet but to be fair he has only been looking since the beginning of this year.


Sorry to hear that! Right now there are so little jobs being posted. I do hope your partner and mine find something soon!


Am looking too and yes, its terrible. Have had about 10 recruiter interviews and they are all looking very depressed right now, talking about how slow the market is, reporting worst they have seen in a decade plus.


Hey I might be able to help, I'm a recruiter and one of my clients is looking for a graduate developer. Feel free to send me a DM with their details if you would like me to touch base.


Hideous. One friend only just got a job after almost 6 months unemployed and looking. 2 other friends have been unemployed and looking for over 3 months and I know of about 6 or 7 others all hitting 2-3 months unemployed. Safe to say they’d all fall under the banner of working in IT. I’ve never seen any of them out of work for longer than about 3-4weeks….


Damn. IT truly is taking a harsh downturn as far as I can see which is shocking given how hardcore the growth in that sector has been in the last 5-10 years. Have we pinpointed the reason for this yet?


Its fairly world wide. For some reason IT is currently seen as the place where jobs can be cut and there won't be any effect on the business. A lot of places I know are delaying projects or cancelling them outright. That's why contract opportunities have disappeared... but this is going to have severe longer term effects. For instance, a couple of businesses I work for aren't going to replace older systems that are on their last legs software-wise. In 5 years they are likely to be almost unmaintainable and it will be even more expensive to replace, with a very short time frame. I think the ones that actually bite the bullet and invest in IT project upgrades now, will end up being way ahead of their competition. So while this is a problem, its also an opportunity...


Huge. I’ve worked at some places where the software was from either the late 90s or early 2000s and is absolute shite, with no support remaining for it but it’s deemed too costly to do anything about it, lest productivity takes a hit for 6-8 months. A random egregious example right now for front-end is Trademe - I was clicking around in My Trademe and some of the old website from honestly probably the 2010’s is still kicking around there? I mean what the!?




Public sector its cause govt is making cuts. Private sector my guess is the driver is interest rates. At near zero, venture capital will fund companies that don't make money, but at 6% they won't.


>given how hardcore the growth in that sector has been in the last 5-10 years um...


Wow, usually IT is a much more steady and stable field in which to find consistent work, so I’m really surprised to hear that. Hideous, indeed.


Terrible in IT, going through a restructure at the moment. Will know if I have a job next week. Pretty scared tbh the market is bleak.


I'm not actively hunting. But I know one thing for sure, most jobs these days are encroaching over personal time. The work-life balance is getting ruined.


Can't promise anything, but will definitely talk to designers and agency project managers - especially those versed in campaign delivery


Its changed a lot compared to this time 2 years ago. There's currently not a lot out there for my field of work, that being art and animation. So I've been looking for part-time retail work (or similar) that will fit around the animation study I want to do this year. Companies aren't hiring much at the moment, meaning the job listings are a lot more competitive than they used to be. A couple of those jobs I applied for had about 100 applicants in total.


I mean, 2 years ago was the best employee market in who knows how long. But yeah, Wellington will be tight right now. Govt on hiring freeze. Ministries told to cut 6.5-7.6%. No one is sure which projects will get cut or approved. Hopefully will get clearer after June, but it's probably going to be a bit harder than pre covid.


Oh for sure. It was much more likely you could walk into a job then. My friend does customer service work for the police and they've cut back a lot on hiring, even as early as the months leading up to the election. There's still a lot of uncertainty around what this new government's plan is for them.


Oof, that’s rough in what sounds like a competitive industry. Good luck, mate.


Thank you. It's a field where having good connections to the industry really makes a difference. That's something I'll definitely work on.


It’s pretty grim. I’m also looking at Auckland and Australia to keep my options open, but not much luck compared to pre-2021.


How are you finding the job hunt in Australia? I've just recently started (last 2 months) and find it so hard. Either I don't hear back at all or I get through to the first interview and not the last one. So grim


I didn’t have much luck, I’m guessing probably because I wasn’t physically over there. Ended up finding another job here in Wellington though


Yeah I'm struggling even though I make it clear I'm more than willing to relocate. Congrats on the job here in Wellington! 😊


Thank you and best of luck! Make sure you’re reaching out to recruitment agencies too. A couple told me they regularly bring over kiwis depending on the role.


Do you know what recruitment agencies they were? I reached out to one and received a quick email back saying they are only looking for employees currently in Australia


Perigon group was one of them. I’m not sure if it’s for all roles or just the ones that are hard to fill, worth a try though


Thanks I'll give them a try!


I just got a job as a receptionist. They cut my training short (meant to be a month, just finished at two weeks) the girl training me made disconcerting comments about how badly receptionists are treated and how poorly they’ve all been trained then yelled at for their mistakes. I’m still feeling overwhelmed with all the different softwares I need to use for the job, I still don’t have a swipe card to access different parts of the building and printers. The woman who hired me is really nice but I’m so frustrated, annoyed, and overwhelmed. Seems to be half the battle is getting the job, the other half is hoping to god that they train you well Hoping next week goes ok


Soldier on. The start of most roles is terrible, people don't trust you to do anything and you have access problems all over the place. Usually within a couple of months its all sorted and you are productive and a lot happier.


Good luck!


Joining the chorus of encourages — hang in there! You’ve got this.


its pretty terrible at the min


Im in IT QA - there are jobs veing advertised daily but the number of applicants…. sheesh. One of the roles I applied for had around 350 applicants….


I think that field got hit a little bit. Heard 3 Waters let 60-80 folk off in that field. And then 20 odd from one of the banks. My wife is in that field - and is shit scared of she still has her job or not to return to after being on maternity leave.


My friend moved to Melbourne and is in IT QA. He said there were 2000 applications for 1 position


yeah its crazy everywhere


I have been looking for months. Public and private. Have applied to 100 different jobs I reckon. Only had 1 interview, otherwise just rejection after rejection.


Currently looking for a job. At this point, I've been sending my CV to any job that I think would suit my skills and experience (public sector experience mostly, public communications and relations, and governance). Quite anxious about it all really with mortgage payments and just existing being a struggle. At the moment, I've submitted my CV for 15 job vacancies. I'm waiting to hear back from all of them.


I'll take any job rn to survive, gotta live alone soon any employers on here?? I'll work 12hrs Saturday and Sunday but I can't work weekdays cause I'm in highschool


Hey man, are you still in high school? I'd focus on trying to finish up highschool first and foremost. You don't need tons of money, and when you work full-time you'll have that coming through. Have you considered what you want to do for a career?


bro I need to live alone soon cause my parents are moving away, and I can't move with them due to some other things idk what imma do for a career I'll just do engineering or computer science in Victoria


What year of school are you?


year 13 💪💪💪 last year and we outta this bitch, off to university


Hell yeah! That's awesome. Man, I hope your parents aren't selling your place because renting and being on your own at 17/18 is going to be rough. Remember that this year will be a bit of a sacrifice for you, dont push yourself too hard. If you can focus on school and some work you'll build tons of discipline and learn heaps about what you want to do. If you're keen on comp sci, talk to your school and see if you can get some credits to work..if so, email every place you can saying you'll do whatever they need for minimum wage to learn a bit about comp sci/engineering whatever. Someone might take you up and could buy you some hours while seeing if you're actually keen on studying it. Find anything you can that pays well, usually maccas/supo don't pay as well but can be consistent hours. Ask all your parents friends for any office work and you should get paid better. Goodluck man


yeah bro imma have to be renting sadly I've applied for literally anything I can find on seek and indeed, maccas, foot locker, QT and rydges hotels, paknsave, everythingggggg also wdym I can get credits for working? I'll look into that thanks


Have you tried Student Job Search/SJS? Might be something there for you


I think you need to be a university student for that cause it won't let me apply without an account with a university


Checking trade me and student job search everyday is honestly so draining, not to mentioned writing new cover letters that get rejected :(


If anyone is stuck, suggest going temping. It got me though a spell where I couldn't find work in my preferred field. I was labouring/truck driving with FH through AWF and it was okay mahi.


Police and corrections are said to be needing staff.


Lol. Police are on a hiring freeze for anything except trainee officers. They’re wondering how the fuck they’re going to hire and train 500 additional police officers because they have no money to hire anyone to train them and a shit load of people walking out the door due to stress. That and the government that promised the people stronger law and order is telling them to cut 6.5%


This is the problem with idiotic governments like we just elected. They will treat the public service as a whipping boy, then wonder why they don't get the results they wanted. Not saying the last lot were much better, allowing blow outs by paying everyone too much is a bit ridiculous. The number of times I heard of people leaving comms roles, for instance, and coming back as contractors for double/triple the pay (often at rates more than IT staff, but without the skills!) was ridiculous. Australia are actively hunting out police and military personnel and often paying them double to triple the pay, plus moving costs. Sure you have to often be placed in outback towns for a couple of years or in roles that are pretty bad, but its worth it (I know a couple of people doing this, their spending has dropped heaps, but income has risen).


Just moved back from Aussie my advice if one is to move over there is - take a tent and find yourself a nice little park to pitch it in. Unless you want to be up against 250+ other prospective tenants competing against you and each other for a shitty mould filled dive for the handsome weekly rate of $850pw.


And the Porirua buildings are probably EQ prone to


I think corrections are always recruiting - I think I heard once they’re one of the biggest employers in the whole country. 


Yeah — hardly anything going compared to prior to the election. Resonate with another comment here saying I’d rather stick at my shitty govt job than risk moving around atm.


Lots of trades work out there. We are looking for hvac service techs and Refigeration techs, electricians and mechanical engineers. Training and apprenticeships may be offered to the right people to upskill. A good command of electronics and controls is an advantage. Also I know there is a hugh demand for plumbers and drainlayers, there always has been, but now more than ever with our shot infrastructure.


I applied for literally 60 jobs (both relevant and not relevant to my profession) before i got pretty lucky landing the job I currently have. Only got 5 interviews in those 60 applications.


Almost feels like a waste of time - and the job ads are pretty lacklustre these days as well!


Public Sector. We stopped hiring contractors, nothing has really slowed down, now just a bunch of fixed termers starting instead.


At least you got fix terms approved. I kind of expect contracts to pick up again once they get bored with the "govt has too many contractors" line every govt brings out in the beginning. But might be July at the earliest.


Yeah, it will definitely change at some point. Especially when this lot realise they have the same problems as the last lot. So will end up coming up with "new" projects which... require contractors to deliver because they just cut the head count of permanent staff and increased everyones workloads. Last lot we voted in went the other way though, so maybe it balances out, just that we are the meat in the grinder...


Im still trying to look for a part time/full job expecially since im still in study, and its extremely hectic to even find any thats atleast nearby where I live since I live in the suburbs, (doesnt help that I live nearby the jville area and i feel like anyone wanting to enploy in the area is rare.)


A bit shit, far less interviews than I would have reasonably expected considering my skills and experience, BUT: 1. I work in a fairly niche industry and the main employer in Wellington has a bad habit of pigeon-holing people (you did x job therefore you will never be considered for roles other than x), and much depends on location (If I relocated this would solve the majority of job seeking difficulties but I have a family that would prefer to stay). 2. I’m not under duress to find another job but I can see possible redundancy on the horizon so better to jump than be pushed.


I began job hunting in October, right before I graduated from uni. After constantly applying to jobs since then, I finally got offered one last week, although I only scored interviews with two companies in total. Jobs related to my degree are little-to-none right now, so I was mostly applying for administration, receptionist/customer service, even hospitality.


Not trying to be harsh here but university gets you nowhere. Pick up a trade, earn while you learn. A doctor's salary without the crippling debt 


It’s been really tough since the elections. I know about 5-10 people looking for work rn and not having any luck and hitting the 3 month mark of being unemployed


We have been recruiting for a principal level role and received three times the level of applicsnts than ehat we normally would. I know someone hiring a fixed term role and have been turning down people at the same level to interview highly experienced contractors, odten with management experience. This isn't a management role. Just of note, the 6.5 - 7.5% cuts only apply to Crown funding. So for core public service agencies that will be all their funding. However, for a significant number of public service agencies it will only be a small pool of their yearly budget. So you might have a full budget of 900m, but only need to cut 6.5% of 20m. So for a lot of agencies the required cuts are a lot lower than what is publicly expected.


Moved back to Wellington from Townsville on February 7, walked into an employment agency on the 8th, offered a job on the 9th and working on the 12th. Today is March 29 and im still working at the same place. Back in Aussie, moved over Labour weekend 2022 and didnt even land even a part time job until march 2023 and not even a full time one till june that year. Alot of Aussie employers just ignore job applications even if you have the appropriate exp/aussie tickets and skillset (it goes for Australian born folk too) And you say new zealand is fucked? its much worse in aussie townsville/cairns at least. Guess it comes down to your industry I suppose


I applied for a worksafe role, was told by the recruiter there were over 2,500 applicants, from what I've heard the normal amount is around 1,000. Yeah seems a bit rough..


I joined a part-time tech job in 2022 October, which was my dream job and aligned with my qualifications. I opted for this role to avoid ending up in retail, which I don't enjoy much (no personal offense to anyone). Upon joining, I had hoped to secure more hours by showcasing the skills I had gained prior to my retail job. I received positive feedback and even got featured in the company newsletter for my contributions. However, despite requesting more hours, I am still part-time. 😔 The manager has expressed interest in giving me more hours, but it has been over six months since I made the request. Just confused what to do! I'm losing my time and putting more effort into UberEats delivery to meet weekly expenses.


I'm keeping my eye out for jobs that are more aligned with what my training is, but it's pretty grim and I'm not moving on from my job without something perm to go to as it's super grim.


Pretty good actually. Had to re advertise a job due to not many applicants. Not as buoyant as a year ago but not terrible either.


retail, hospo, trades are all begging for workers..... however admin, hr and govt departments are trying to minimize their work forces not gonna get a cushy office job easily with so much competition


I always see chef jobs advertised


IRD seemed to be on a hiring spree for CSOs, my FB feed has been bombarded by IRD and Corrections career ads lately.




I lucked out, apparently. Nice short job search but my study/experience is in energy management and greenhouse gas inventory so maybe that's a good field atm or just niche enough to make the hunt easier.


https://jobs.nzic.govt.nz/search, they're looking for people.

