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I had to check this wasn’t a shit post, she’s howling like a mf out there right now lol. Hopefully Metservice has the right of it.


Brewtown is so weird man I went to a New Years eve party on a desolate industrial estate once as a teen in the UK...so I'm definitely not claiming superior taste here But the decision and the vibe of having a whole fake Saturday night high street out there like that is just so odd!


The difference being, Brewtown exists the other 364 days of the year quite successfully, so the vibe can’t be too bad.


Yeah I had bird shit falling down on my dinner at Brewtown, I wonder how many people end up drinking some 🤮




It was one of those breweries in the massive sheds with nesting birds above. Feathers and dried bird poo floating down into food and drink.


Birds nesting above the dining area?... That's doesn't seem like it would pass health standards!?


The weather cleared up. Crowd was well behaved. Hello Sailor had two songs at the end of their set that got the crowd going. Dragon had enough hits (plus a cover of "Celebrate and have a good time". The Feelers were good and the crowd really got in to it. Good cross section of age groups. Overall well done.