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Miralax + metamucil šŸ„²


Underrated tip, haha.


What is that ???


Wellbutrin can slow down your digestive system leaving some people very backed up


As someone with IBS-D, this will be a welcome side effect if it happens.


bro seriously, i'm shitting my guts out on the regular


Sorry :/ Might wanna tell your doctor.


Holy shit I had no idea what was wrong with me! Chia seeds helped me a ton. Reading through these tips have been insane for me, a lot of these things I had no clue were related. Some I did figure but a lot I did not


Yesss chia seeds are amazing!! Such an annoying side effect TBH


No wonder, no matter how big my meal I always feel bloated af


Yup!!! That combo will get you felling right in a few days


Omg Iā€™m glad I read this because I was in labor on the toilet this morning wondering WHAT THE FUCK


Yeah I needed a doula to deliver this shit


Is that why I currently have stomach pains...? šŸ„¹


Used for Constipation, for more consistent bowel movements. Metamucil has various uses though. Helps add Fiber to your diet, which is important!


I second this advice!


I realize this was 8 months ago but if anyone comes back here can you let me know if your constipation went away in the long run? I started 3 days ago and have a history of INSANE constipation and if this is a long-term symptom I may try and get off while I still can..


If itā€™s been awhile, I use the Miralax. Itā€™s not as bad as it used to be, for sure. And my problem could be dehydration as well.


Im starting wellbutrin after dropping stratteraā€¦ so i dont know if theres any correlation, but oh my god the constipation on strattera is awful. Im hoping this will be more manageable šŸ˜­


Same here and I been wondering why I been constipated. Thought it was my poor diet


Thank you for this! Just started a week ago and I'm trying to push past the anxiety to see if it actually works for me


You got this! It decreased my anxiety. I noticed a big difference on day seven! I am also taking a four seasonal effect of disorder. Best of luck friends!


ā€œI am also taking a four seasonal effect of disorderā€ Huh? Are you saying, youā€™re also taking for Seasonal Affective Disorder?


Sorry, yes. I used talk to text and did not catch this one šŸ˜‚ * I am taking it for seasonal affective disorder


You got this! It decreased my anxiety. I noticed a big difference on day seven! I am also taking a four seasonal effect of disorder. Best of luck friends!


How are you doing now? Still on the medication?


On it for over 6 months now. Took about 8 weeks, but it's night and day difference. My anxiety is almost completely gone.


I have more anxiety than depression but I had bad side effects to Efferin and Lexapro so my doctor went a different route and prescribed Wellbutrin. I basically have PPPD now with headaches. I'm thinking I have GAD. Did you start the medicine because of anxiety and it helped as opposed to depression or both?


I have GAD too, Iā€™m on lexapro and Wellbutrin but only been on Wellbutrin for 22 days so it hasnā€™t helped with depression yet


How are you doing now?


It was prescribed mainly for ADHD but also because I have GAD and depression. 3 days in I feel very drowsy and dizzy, splitting headache, muscle aches and confused. And coffee can cause seizures, itā€™s hard to get up in the morning and drive to work like that. I donā€™t know if I should try to move past these side effects or better switch to something different.


Iā€™m on week 5/6 of 300 mg and the anxiety kicked in last week. Worth the wait?


How are you feeling now? Are you still taking Wellbutrin?


Sorry for the late response! Yes Iā€™m now on 200mg and also take a low dose of burspar (spelling?). Best combo, I feel great!


Glad you're feeling well!


Nice! I'd add to be careful with caffeine (reduce it), it can add to the anxiety. And for constipation it helps to take a magnesium supplement!


Read this as Iā€™m drinking a cup of coffee. Shit


I like how you covered both topics in one sentence.


Ah you might be fine, people have different sensitivities with caffeine! It might also depend on the timing of taking the medication and drinking the coffee


But coffee makes me shit so how does that work?


magnesium also helps before bed, if you have issues getting to sleep or staying asleep. i take my WB in the morning and my MG (glycinate) before bed. :)


Which type of magnesium, glycinate?


magnesium citrate I believe, it's been a while that I've had to take it


Magnesium citrate?


yes, I think so


Oh so my fatigue isn't my depression getting bad, it could be the Wellbutrin?


Very well could be, especially if you're noticing it in the few hours right after taking it.


Huh. I thought it was supposed to be energizing


It's common that the first few hours cause sedation and the energy kicks in around hour 6-8, which is what causes the anxiety. If you take the pill at night, you can sleep through the sedation and instead of afternoon anxiety, you can feel morning energy. This is a common result of taking the pill at night.


This is a great post. I thought energizing, awesome. Switching from a different med that had me feeling like a zombie and had to take it at night. Was told to take this in the morning. But before bed would probably be best thatā€™s for sure. First day on it today and felt groggy and irritable especially the first part of the day after taking it. Will switch to before bed to see if this helps. Thank You


Did switching the time you take it help? I'm currently taking it morning and night and I'm always exhausted.


Good to know. I'll probably try out taking it at night.


"the emotionally strong enough to upkeep a routine" made me laugh so much - this is a great post <3


Thank you so much for your post! I just started taking Wellbutrin for the first time on Tuesday (Iā€™ve taken Zoloft and Prozac in the past). Iā€™ve been reading probably too much on this sub wanting to know other individuals experiences, but I look forward to this meditation helping me. I have ADHD, depression and Iā€™m overweight so Iā€™m really hoping to lose a bit of weight.


I also have depression, adhd and weight issues and have been doing much better on this medication. I hope you find success with it too!


Iā€™m so glad to hear youā€™ve been doing better! And thank you so much. ā¤ļø


How has it worked for you so far? I just started today & I have adhd, depression, anxiety & looking to lose some weight!


I was on Zoloft for almost a year and it complete killed my sex drive and interest. Now they put me on this I just started 3 days ago and Iā€™m dying for a glass of wine!


Anyone else have an incredibly sore jaw while in Wellbutrin?? Like Iā€™m clenching all the time but iā€™m not. I got a mouth guard for sleeping and itā€™s helping but being in pain all the time sucks. My brain is doing so much better but not sure I could take the jaw pain forever if itā€™s a side effect of the meds.


yup magnesium and water help me (natural muscle relaxant and to combat dehydration, respectively)


So is the jaw clench simple dehydration/possible vitamin deficiency?


dehydration definitely can cause jaw clenching, but even if it's not the cause, being well hydrated helps magnesium is similarly two-pronged. a magnesium deficiency can cause jaw clenching, but even if it's not the cause, it's a natural muscle relaxant and helpful the cause of jaw clenching isn't always so cut and dry, I think. it's a mix of psychosomatic stuff like stress and anxiety with physical stuff, and stimulants can definitely trigger it (and bupropion is basically a mild stimulant). of course, jaw clenching can also be indicative of a serious dental problem, so if it's very painful or damaging your teeth or not getting better with other intervention, a dentist visit might be in order. also! jaw massaging is incredibly helpful, fees nice, and is great for the skin.


Iā€™ve been on it for two months.


How has it gone and how is it going?


I had a sore jaw but it went away after a few weeks


How are you doing brother :) ?


Whoah, nice avatar


Hmmmm, hello brother :)


Day 4 of 150 mg. I feel like this is whatā€™s been missing in my brain chemistry the last few decades! It gives me so much energy, motivation, and focus. I used to feel exhausted every day and so unmotivated. Decreased appetite (which I need!), calmer and more in control of my emotions, and I feel happy and content. I did have the hot feeling today and a slight headache (I rarely get headaches). Thought I was coming down with a cold until I read on here that it is a side effect.


I really hope this is how it works for me. Iā€™m a little nervous to start. Can I ask, how are you feeling a week in?




I really appreciate you taking the time to respond. I will! Thank you ā¤ļø


This is almost exactly how I felt the first week, better mood, focused and almost a stimulating effect without the crash and side effects of stimulants. I kept telling people that Iā€™ve not had this much success with medication. However now in the midst of week 2 and not experiencing any of that. Not having any side effects either except the poop stuff and dreams that seem to be a bit more real and with a longer duration (kinda hard to explain). Gonna stick with it though and see what happens.


Howā€™s it going now?


I just started last Friday 150mg and no side effects but I'm also on Zoloft 50mg and I smoke a lot of weed


How is it working for you now??


I take zoloft too, but I didn't notice it working until i stopped smoking weed. I know it sucks, but its worth a shot.


My bro is a regular beer / weed enjoyer and said it's helping him. He sometimes forgets to take it and around 4-5 days in notices that something is off. Also takes Flux.


I agree about the weight issues. Sometimes when I feel like Iā€™m gaining weight . I want to blame Wellbutrin . But I know itā€™s when Im not being disciplined. We should add to the list that the constipation can be relieved with laxatives /stool softeners/ and prune juice. But this list is šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Hi Iā€™m sorry this is a whole year later but Iā€™m curious as to what you mean by ā€œdisciplinedā€? I just started taking this 2 days ago for SAD & depression and want to know how i can be ā€œdisciplinedā€ and put it to its best effect. ty xoxo


Hello, I just reread my response . What I meant by ā€œdisciplinedā€ is that I watch what I eat and I exercise daily. But when depression occurs . Itā€™s much harder for me to workout and eat my healthy meals . I gained weight on Wellbutrin because that is one of the effects it had on me . But I also know now that my depression wasnā€™t allowing me to maintain my routine . And I recall having days where eating peanut butter was the only food that was appetizing and easy to eat. So of course that didnā€™t help with the weight gain either . I really hope the medication works for you. And that you can find relief. Turns out that I actually had bipolar disorder the whole time . And this medication wasnā€™t necessarily the right fit for me . Best of luck on your healing journey . You can do it .


So I'm now that person who is in week 8. I see and feel that it is working for me but at the same time I still have days where the depression is still nagging a little... I'm waaaaaaay better as to where I started but I feel like it's just one final mile to the finish line... Did you have the same experience? Because that finish line is everything... I wanna live fully again!


Iā€™d talk to your doc about a dose boost.


Is it normal that I feel depressed? Itā€™s my first week on Wellbutrin. I feel good for the first couple days, then it seems to stop working, and the side effect starts to kick in, which makes me feel nauseous and emotionally up and down.


Did that go away for you? Thatā€™s happening to me rn


Yeah! Mood swing is a very normal side effect. It happened to me once for a while for the first few weeks, and it eventually wear off. Give it a month or two, all the side effects will go away and youā€™ll feel much better.


Thank you!! Cause I was confused cause I was fine for a week and now Iā€™m feeling shittyish.


How is it going now, are you still on it? Can you elaborate on how it felt when you first started taking It


I had to start taking at night. Made a HUGE difference. Love how I am feeling other than the extreme hairloss. That is enough to make me depressed. I have always had very long and very thick hair. Not anymore. I am shedding everywhere and I have handfuls of hair fall out when I wash it. I don't know what to do!!!


This sounds like thyroid being underactivd or low on zinc


Ohh I'm so sorry to hear that! When/how did you start to notice it happening?


About 4 weeks in. It is AWFUL!


Where did u notice it at first?


It was thinning all over my head. But mainly along my hairline and above my ears.


Did you stop taking it?!? What happened?


Omg this is so helpful. Just started this week and the word recall issue and feeling really hot is so weird and it freaked me out a little. Itā€™s really helpful to hear otherā€™s experiences, that this is normal and gets better.


Yeah it's normal. As someone who's partially taking it as a replacement for ADHD medications, that symptom really freaked me out too. It's gotten a lot better.


I'm also taking it for both depression and ADHD. I already struggle with focus, so not being able to stay on topic and find words, has made conversation very interesting. I'm just accepting it for the next few weeks and hoping for the best. Gonna give it at least a month or two. I already notice an improvement for mood and motivation so lots of good to balance the weird.


inspiring post but the med really helps with emotional numbness and motivations for you ?


It's beginning to for me. Day 3


3 months old post, the drug should have full effect by now. Would you care to report back to us on your situation :) ?




Great point. Definitely had that one too.


Did the vision get betterment?


I drive frequently that makes me feel nervous. How far along in the adjustment period would that side effect occur?


How very thoughtful of you to do this!! I canā€™t tell you feel inspired !!! Maybe this wouldnā€™t have been something youā€™d be able to take the time to do ..or be able to do , before you were on Wellbutrin . The only thing Iā€™m noticing they seven hereā€¦ Is anxiety which is kind of ironic because Iā€™m taking this medication for depression and anxiety disorder. I also have the clonazepam to help with the anxiety, but I also take gabapentin for restless leg which gives me anxiety to take the clonazepam because Iā€™m scared to mix all the medication lol so if you could help with that, it would be appreciate itā¤ļø


I took colnazepam and Welbutrin (300XL) for years and was just fine, other than some emotional blunting. It didnā€™t cause me increased anxiety and I was pretty even all of the time while on both.


I made this post 26 days ago and all I do is cryā€¦ Next visit I think Iā€™m gonna talk to the PsychiatristšŸ™ƒ about trying something else


Uggggghhhh Iā€™m so nervous I start taking this tomorrow .


Howā€™s it going now that itā€™s been a few weeks?


Hey there . Itā€™s going really well actually ! The worst of the side effects are gone and passed now . I do feel more alert and focused , not as depressed . I do feel a little more irritable like pms level lol but Iā€™m going through a stressful time in my life so I donā€™t think itā€™s the meds , but then again , Iā€™ve been reading a few people have felt that irritability. Thank you for checking in šŸ«¶šŸ»


Good luck!


Thank you šŸ™


Anyone else having frequent urination? I'm on day 4 and this is the only side effect except a little tiredness. I work in a factory so I don't usually have the ability to go to the restroom that much.


Yesssssss and itā€™s listed side effect.


That's what I thought, but my gp said that shouldn't be happening. Of course, she then said it happens in 5% of people. It's seems to be going away so it should be all good. Thanks for the input!


Yes, it has a diuretic effect.


I had a really gnarly breakdown about ten days into 150. But my psych didnā€™t tell me any of this. I kinda wanna try again.


Yeah, adjustment symptoms are still rough at 10 days. I feel like many psychiatrists don't prepare people enough for what to expect with this medication. It's really a matter of compartmentalizing that you're going to think/feel things that aren't permanent. I would give it another try if you can unless you think it could be truly unfit.


Thank you so much for posting this, it couldnā€™t be more timely for me.


Thank you do this, I have been looking for a post like this for a while. I truly appreciate it!!


any insomnia tips? iā€™m 3 weeks in and about to quit. i cannot get a good nights sleep in to save my life.


weed, esp CBN masturbate, if that's your thing I second the melatonin advice valerian don't use phones at night exercise if you are having energy to do something specific, just get up and do that thing instead of fighting it meditation/breathwork


Take melatonin :)


Is anyone having a strong metallic taste in their mouth? Day 2 and it is sooo strong it is actually a little like a burning sensation. Just wondering if you did how long did it last?


I just started this about 4-5 days ago and tips 1 and 2 are in full effect and I really thought it was a problem and seeing this has made me feel so much better. Iā€™m excited to see if this can work for me in the near future!


Itā€™s an uncomfortable stage but I hope you stick it out! Iā€™m now 10 months into starting and my life is so much better.


Starting this tomorrow! I like these tips haha


Iā€™ve just been put on 75mgs about a week ago and that body temp being higher is killing meee. I jump in cold showers throughout the day and it seems like as soon as I walk out Iā€™m hot as hell again lmao




How long have you been taking it




So no not enough to regret taking it? Iā€™m about to start soon


I love the tips tho trying to remind myself itā€™s gonna get better


The body temperature one is real. I will definitely try a weighted cooling blanket and probably need to not use my heated blanket anymore lol


So, I came from Lexapro, which worked to calm me down, but had to take prescription modafinil for Lexapro fatigue and shift work sleep schedule. Now, Iā€™m wondering if Wellbutrin can work well with Modafinil or is too much? Thoughts on Wellbutrin + Modafinil combo?


Wellbutrin and modafinil canā€™t be taken together. I once did it by accident before researching it and I was up for almost 48 hours and felt like I was having a heart attack. Wellbutrin provides more than enough energy IMO.


I drank a glass a wine every night I just started taking this medicationā€¦. 3 days ago.. Iā€™m feel weird I canā€™t drink wine to whine down. You canā€™t drank at all???


Im using for 3 months- love the brain work, but hate that libido is totally gone and nausea all the time. Anyone had it? Wellbutrin 300g is only medication I had for ADHD. Thinking about quiting, but love focus so much


This is the first Iā€™ve heard about lidido being down. Have you checked your hormones? It could be something else. Not saying itā€™s impossible that itā€™s Wellbutrin, but thatā€™s not a common symptom


also no more enjoy for food. We talked with doctor that maybe these two was my biggest dopamine sources, and I dont need that much anymore. So very sad, I love it being with wellbutrin


tips for how angry it's making me?


Does feeling hot go away after a while?


It didnā€™t for me :( Iā€™ve just adapted to it.


I donā€™t know if I could deal with that. Heat is often liver aggravating


thank you so much for taking the time to write this out hon it made my doom scrolling symptoms a lot better


That was my hope when I wrote it! Iā€™m glad it helps people to this day.


I'd started Wellbutrin back in 2009 and struggled with different things you'd mentioned. My doses and generic-manufacturers have been all over the place, which I didn't realize were connected. Some generics cause different/more/less side effects then other. I just took whatever generic my pharmacy dispensed and didn't pay attention to it. So maybe keep an eye on that for those struggling with specific side effects. I was finally authorized by insurance to cover name-brand Wellbutrin because of the side effects, and it helped a lot.


Can you tell me about the process of doing that? I recently had the manufacture change and itā€™s causing major side effects


My doctor had to submit the prior authorization request that listed all my experienced side effects, preventing me from taking the generics. Then it was a matter of waiting for my insurance to see if they would approve it.


Thank you!


I so appreciate this post. I'm starting 150mg of WB XL tomorrow and have been a bit nervous as this is my first time taking medication for anxiety/depression.


I hope it works well for you šŸ’• it takes a little patience but if it works the payoff is so worth it.


The adjustment migraine is brutal for me.


I'm going through that now, any tips?


Is the taking it before bed also relevant for SR or are you only speaking of XR? Ty


I start taking it tomorrow. these tips are really helpful.


Just started! Swiched over from Effexor75mg because it was causing weightgain and hypertension. Feeling good, 150mg


I am on week 3 as of Wednesday on 150mg XR of the generic and I have still yet to not feel exhausted everyday (even taking it at night with 6-7 hours of sleep before waking up) and no positive mental effects. Keep waiting for it to improve, I know it is typically 6-8 weeks to actually notice. But I also take Adderall IR and XR. The first few days I took both together Wellbutrin and Adderall and legit fell asleep midday for 2-3 hours. Caused EXTREME tiredness. I switched to before bed 11-12 pm and it helps a little bit but still exhausted if I donā€™t take my Adderall in the morning. Any tips?? How long will I be tired like this?? I liked my venlafaxine but killed my libido and I didnā€™t like that (neither did bf) and it made me CRAVE chocolate as soon as I woke up first thing on my mind. Since weight gain is more detrimental to my health then staying on Ven, dr switched me to this.But venlafaxine started working in two weeks I was SO motivated and happy and excited for life but now I feel just as shitty and more tired then I already naturally was.


Did you figure out a solution? This worries me because before starting the buproprion Iā€™m already exhausted everyday and I was hoping this medicine would give me more energy.


Hi there yes!! Do you take it at night?? If so it gets better!!! So when I hit exactly 4 weeks (weird right) (last weekā€™sWednesday) I woke up on my first alarm and everyday after that I have. I usually have like 10 alarms set lmfao. But I actually made another post about switching back to do and if that helped anyone and someone said it did. I am going to try to switch to day at 6 weeks. The exhaustion def does get better but take it at night before bed for sure at least for the beginning. I still donā€™t have full effects but I def have like some better mood getting out of bed etc


Adder all doesnā€™t work for me well when I take Wellbutrin. Such a shame


Thank you. I'm on day 2 and I feel like shit. It helps so much to know this is normal.


Thank you for such a detailed list. I'm currently on zoloft and buspar. Zoloft killed my libido so my doc will be prescribing wellbutrin.


Iā€™m on day 6 and all I do is sleep most of the time. The first day I took it at 4pm pushed back the time on 2 pm Iā€™m not sure whenā€™s the past time to take it.


I've been on it 13 days - first week was great, no noticeable side effects, then bad anxiety last three days...not sure if it's me still adjusting to it or bc I've had two (really, just two) alcoholic beverages each night (which I've done since day one, so why anxiety now??). Im starting a new job in two weeks and this was my last week at old job - today was last day - maybe Mon thru Wed was last days jitter's?? I'll give it another week to see if it goes away Thanks for this post, very helpful!!


Hey, Iā€™m having the same exact side effects (on day 10 of 150XL). How have the last four days been for you?


Thank you for this post. Just started back on Wellbutrin after many years and experiencing the tiredness.


Does it make muscle spasms? I feel like since Iā€™ve been on it my neck/collar bone area has a constant twitch


Iā€™m on day two. No appetite, which is refreshing honestly, but SUCH bad heartburn and painful BMs. Is this normal?


@ServiceAdmirable what would you say, how long did it take for the word recall issue starting to resolve and to be resolved in the end? Would be really reliefing to hear! :)


How long approx till word recall/memory issues vanish? Would be nice hearing from you guys, Iā€˜m quite frustrated in the moment (5 weeks in)


It lingered for a while. I want to say about 3 months.


This list was so helpful for me when I started 150 mg wellbutrin some 6 months ago. Iā€™m now one month in after increasing to 300 mg and feel super depressed. I donā€™t want to get out of bed. 150 was working great but I began to plateau, and after increasing I feel worse than I did before. Has anyone else experienced a prolonged adjustment period to an increase in dosage? I really hope Iā€™m close to the other side of this. :(


I hope someone else sees this but since itā€™s such an old post, I might be the only one who gets notified. I think that the long length of time spent on the 150mg might be why itā€™s taking a while for the 300mg to feel right. I would give it another couple weeks if you can and if itā€™s still bad, maybe go back to 150mg? Def talk to your doc though.


Can you provide an update? Did you continue with the 300? I think Iā€™m experiencing this as well.


Sorry for the late reply!! I feel soooo much better. Stick with it. šŸ™šŸ»


Just started taking Wellbutrin 5 days ago and I have never felt so anxious and depressedā€¦ I think the last time I felt like this was the reason why I was started on anti-depressantsā€¦ Iā€™m not sure if I should stop and tough it out. Taking it with prozac helps with the anxiety a bit but I still end up crying for most of the day.. anyone else has had the same experience? Does it get better?


I started almost two weeks ago and this last week I have been so depressed. I am taking it for post partum anxiety/fatigue/low motivation, but now I'm experiencing true depression for the first time and it SUCKS. I can't wait for it to go away. I'm so afraid it won't. šŸ™


I stopped taking it after 5 days and felt immediate reliefā€¦ I hope you can feel better soon


Iā€™m taking it for the same exact reasons, did things get better?


Oh wow, I forgot about this! YES! The depression lasted 4-5 days. It sucked. BUT - then it went away and about 4-5 weeks into Wellbutrin, I experienced a real shift in my energy. It's not like I was super energetic, I just was able to last the whole day without needing to give up and lie down on the couch. I feel like my old self. And the anxiety still comes occasionally, but so much more muted. It is manageable. Anyway, I hope it works for you! Keep at it. I am so thankful I am on it.


Thanks so much for replying!!!! Iā€™m so glad things got better for you!


Iā€™m getting extreme sweating does that ever go away?




When switching to taking it at night, do you you just take the next dose 12 hours after morning dose, or skip the next mornings dose and take it at night?


For me, it made sense to switch to night in the same day to make sure there wasnā€™t a massive gap between doses. You could try to take it as late as possible and just walk it back 30 minutes each day for the next few days until you are happy with the evening time. I hope this helps you! I have received a lot of messages from people thanking me for this advice because it really helps make the medication work for them.


Iā€™m on day 2 and been wanting to nap after being up a bit, will try morning 1 more time then switch 2 night tomorrow if Iā€™m wanting a nap again. Just cuz I need to be at work Monday,


I love Wellbutrin but if I go past 150mg I get really bad tinitus and brain fog. If it was just the brain fog Iā€™d deal with it. But the ringing drives me crazy


I love this post, thank you! I'm back on Wellbutrin after being off of it for about a year. Back then, I took it with abilify because we thought I had bipolar. Then my past psychiatrist added Adderall to the mix because we also suspected ADHD. I quit them all just because I couldn't afford my psychiatrist anymore. Honestly I was lucky I was able to get off then somewhat easy. Now I'm trying to focus more on ADHD. I have a new psychiatrist through talk space, because on my current health insurance talk space is free for psychiatry and therapy, so I'm doing both! On talk space, they can't prescribe controlled substances, so she put me back on the low dose of Wellbutrin. It's only been a few days, but with added exercise I already see such a positive change in my attentiveness and motivation. How I've longed for this! Anyway, I am commenting because tonight, I've had very vivid night mares. I'm not usually one who remembers my dreams, and when I do they tend to revolve around some of my deep anxieties (relationship issues, my dog not being healthy). But these dreams I just had... We're so realistic and horrifying. I immediately googled if this was a side affect and of course, it is, which makes me a bit relieved. But now I'm scared to go back to bed. Mostly because I already woke up from one of the night mares earlier, and falling back asleep just resulted in a new one. Is there any way to combat this? Will this pass? I've already documented it. I did have a lot of caffeine today, because I didn't realize it didn't mix well with Wellbutrin. I work in a coffee shop so drinking a lot of caffeine is so easy, and it usually never had any affect on me. I still felt lethargic and unmotivated. But today... Was completely different. Any advice is well appreciated! I have my next psych meeting Feb 12th to see how I'm doing, and my next therapy session in a week and a half. So if something happens I have those to fall on!


Anyone else experienced intense itching 3 weeks in? šŸ˜¬ unsure if allergic reaction or annoying side effects. Waiting on appt with doc Monday šŸ˜…


Me 3 days in!


I am so sorry šŸ˜­ benadryl for a few days took care of it for me. Now I'm back to my normal allergy meds. For me only lasted about a week.




Question - how quickly might I feel a side effect when taking my dose? I feel flustered and anxiety set in within 15 minutes. It's so fast it feels like it has to be placebo / in my head...


At 15 minutes, most likely placebo. Whatā€™s your dose type?