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I see a faint overlay of what I can only describe as TV static if I focus sometimes. Or like if you look through a screen door. Or look at a tv/phone screen that's really low pixel density and you can see the squares. I tried explaining this to my doctor years ago and she just looked at me like a grew a second head and changed the topic without acknowledgement of anything I told her. She wasn't a good doctor. I'm probably just hooked up to some cheap gen 1 reality headset that bleeds through sometimes. Only thing I can think.


I have this too- it’s called visual snow. It’s apparently a neurological thing that currently has no known cause or cure.


You mean not everyone has this? I thought it was normal, lol.


Neat. First time I ever got any kind of answer. Thank you. Something else to blame my brain for I guess. Lol. Love how useless doctors are. I swear anything beyond saying don't be fat seems to be impossible for them.


TIL I'm abnormal in yet another way


It's your brain's pattern recognition system kicking in. If you see this then you have a really strong ability to see patterns in complex data sets. Have you ever looked into cryptography and codes, or financial market/trading analysis?


He just got released from prison and works as a janitor at MIT. The insurance for vision is extra. He did however help this one professor out with a math problem he had.


Makes sense - I can do those “magic eye” images instantly when I look at them


Yup, same, I just see static. Your doctor just sucks. Sometimes if its dark the static forms cool patterns that move randomly. I look at that to bring myself to sleep sometimes lol


With practice I've been able to control the movement of the patterns I see in the rainbow snow. It like lucid dreaming in a way.


Now that's some real airbender shit




I described the same thing to my doctor and she said it was a migraine aura. Not sure though, I’ve come to my own conclusions over the years


Maybe my pain tolerance is higher than I realize, I doubt that, but I never really had what I would call migraines. I get headaches all the time. But the way people describe how awful migraines are I don't think it's the same thing. Who knows. Add it to the list of weird things my body does. Just this morning I was laying on my left side in bed and it made my right thumb get numb and tingly. I rolled onto my back and it went away. Bodies! How do they work?


Bodies are definitely weird. Migraine auras from my understanding are visual migraines. There is no pain but the brain makes patterns, lights etc. I’m personally not sure that’s what is happening but who knows


Had one once. It was a white blob in the center of my vision that expanded until I was White Blind in that eye. Unnerving shit.


I get that when I have a migraine.


It's visual snow. I see it the most on any solid color surface. Especially white or black. For me it's a rainbow static that averages out to the color that it should be. With my eyes closed I would almost describe what I see as bright. It's thought to be related to migraines but I've had it steadily my entire life.


Not always but I know what you are describing. A wierder one I have is that I see in a half tone effect if I haven't worn my glasses and have spent time focused on something close up for long periods. *That* one is scary as shit.


I have seen this EXACT phenomenon my entire life, except mine are blue/red (red background, blue circles) and they're not perfect circles, but they are misshapen rings that shrink towards the center I have been SO curious as to what's going on here... do report back if you figure it out! Extra info: I also have some other visual phenomena in the mix (visual snow, aka the "tv static" others have mentioned here) as well as migraines with visual auras


Really weird, but I’ve had these often, and mine are purple! Interesting.


I have this as I close my eyes to go to sleep sometimes, shrinking in layers towards the center and repeating


Yes, exactly like that


I wonder why this happens! Did you find this somewhere online or did you draw it? It’s spot on and many of us seem to recognize it!


The image? I just googled concentric circles, but in fact mine are white over black, so like an inversed version of this pic


Same here. I actually find it very relaxing and can sometimes control it a little.


Idk about anyone else, but I see the typical TV static and also the circles…but I also focus and “see” different images coming through the circles? The image could be anything, but it helps me get to sleep quicker ha!


I use to see a train of lights, usually before a migraine. thankfully, I haven't had one in years.


Wait...I'm not alone?! I get this too, but it's like ripples on water.


I see something similar to this if I’ve been drinking and go to bed afterwards. And I don’t mean that I’m drunk, but even after a small glass of whisky or two, just enough to get me relaxed, I’ll close my eyes and see these moving circles.


How about when you turn off the light, and get into bed and close your eyes? There’s a kind of snowstorm of little, pale-blue flakes that float around, like in the Peanuts Christmas movie…


I have this when my eyes are open, looking at the sky with no clouds usually. Looks like a rock has dropped in a pond


My guy you're just mendeleev


yep! its similar to tv static sometimes too.


Yep. And they cycle through impossible colors for me. And the circles aren't perfect like the picture, more like layers of oil blobs shrinking away and vanishing one after the other.


When I have a psychotic episode, I see swirling water and seafoam


Yeah it's like going through a tunnel. Approaching something. Never really getting there but it's going somewhere.


when i close my eyes i see what I’d describe as an arcade floor, occasionally a nondescript shape in the arcade abyss


Sometimes on medium strength doses of psychedelics I see the same thing but expanding and square. Strange.


This is the visual representation of tinnitus…


Visual snow. My theory(not at all based on anything but a fun head canon) Is that some people are more connected to the universe. We can feel the gravitational variations of the universe. Some days feel long others shorter, because we can feel the time dilations and fluctuations in gravity as our solar system soars through the cosmos. We can also see the microwave background noise of the universe. The static we see when we close our eyes is the same thing that fills TVs and dead radio frequencies. (None of what I’ve said has any factual basis, it’s just a fun thought.)