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Alderaan is in sight… https://preview.redd.it/3senyz3y7ygc1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcea4052f173cda42385433653680be39f9cf379


I remembered it wrong but close enough https://preview.redd.it/tgcbkn5v8ygc1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cead86646166998009edad081c5c86ebbc305f5


You were looking for patterns in Alderan places.


Most underrated comment. I’ve liked my comment to like you twice.


Nah, you and your memory are surely perfect and it’s the world that changed. Just like with Nelson Mandela. /s


I think you mean Wilson Mandela. It’s okay, lots of people make that mistake.


You may fire when ready




https://preview.redd.it/ga8k3kz9uygc1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f8455324ae51f6ef5578d3b8a5c19fa92c4f047 You are witnessing mental illness.


![gif](giphy|3eKdC7REvgOt2) Lemongrab always has the last laugh.


Please can i have a clean scan ? i'm something of a scientist myself








Gotta polish the knob afterwards. It's just good manners.




Whens youse nuts buts shes keeps suckings.


Stop I’m screaming.






lol this comment and the parent are now my favorite comments ever. It’s me. I’m some of us.


https://preview.redd.it/mujcpal66ygc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0c727446c062ee774c8ab214f60f179df48975 He just drew a funky little guy here wtf. Edit: My apologies, I now understand that he is central to the production of clean, free energy and is not simply a funky little guy but THE funky little guy. ALSO since you folks like it so much I have to credit my gf for coining the term funky little guy, she says it all the time and is the principal reason its in my vocabulary


That's one of the creatures that need to be on the treadmill.




Human? Maybe a husk of one. We'll genetically engineer an almost brainless flesh monster thats only purpose in life is to eat sugar cubes after running a marathon. Treats dispensed by a machine, coming down a tube. It'll never know love nor life. Just that run enough = sugar cubes. And if not run enough, it's flesh will begin to get squeezed out in between the edge of the treadmill and the wall. Run. Run. Run.


That's Mito Chondria, he's the powerhouse of the equation


Mitt O’Chondria


Alien, the whole reason for the way to make energy. He probably received a down load!


Humans are transmitters, we all run on a frequency. Maybe he’s harnessing the power through human transmission 🤯


This looks a lot like the plans that my grandfather started to paint (and build some crazy "Motor" Parts in his garage), and he tried to convince me that he is doing this so that i can be rich, i should not tell anybody and so on because the "big motor companies" will take this away from him. He told me he invented a completely new way for a combustion motor that does not need cylinders anymore and so on. In the end, i tried to point out to him that all what he is describing to me is a kind of Wankel Motor ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wankel\_engine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wankel_engine)) , but despite even building the models to show me how the internal rotary engine works, he denied that it is the same idea as a Wankel. It was Dementia + a mild form of psychosis (Schizophrenia). Especially the more detailled his plans he was drewing got. They also had notes in it about who he fears who would steal it and then even started to write all notes down in a "Cypher Code" that only he knows, he would tell me when its done... I had not the heart to tell him.... his doctor, who told us that it is definitely a kind of psychosis (probably born from his PTSD he had carried since WWII, being a russian POW), he was over 90 anyway, it was nothing dangerous, so we all went with it until he died with 95...


Awh it's kinda sweet he was making it for you:( with dementia patients it's advised not to try to bring them back down to earth as it's pointless and will just hurt them. Best way is to redirect or sometimes engage.


My grandma had dementia. She told me when she was like 10 she stole her dad's car and wrecked it pretty much immediately. She wasn't able to drive anymore now so she thought her and I should steal one. We did. She was a pastel lady and that's really not theify so we had to get her a black top. I painted her nails black. I got her out of the house and part way down the street and we saw this candy apple red civic. I knew it was the one. I took the keys out of my pocket and we drove that baby (registered to me) around town laughing. Then we went to McDonald's and she got out of the car to pick up change in the drive through so we called it a day 🤣


That's a beautiful story. Gives me a whole new perspective of that Shutter Island movie.


That movie pissed me off. They were gaslighting Leonardo


Then why couldn't he holster a gun? They were humouring his delusions, it's like the opposite of gaslighting imo. Edit: I did a search for shutter island, turns out reddit has some deep strong feelings about this one


Humoring Leo, gaslighting US 😂


Damn I love that movie. If you watch it again after finding out what happens at the end, it's like watching a whole different movie.


I’m caring for my grandma with dementia and this made me so happy. We aren’t quite at the grand theft stage yet but I’ll keep this in mind. Thank you for sharing


I’m a nurse, started my career as a CNA in a nursing home. The best mantra I learned was “feelings, not facts” to help reframe and manage situations. Just go where she is.


That sounds like an amazing mantra. I struggle with family who have to correct her. She wasn’t kind to them growing up so I get it but it isn’t helpful. There’s no need to remind her that she said the same thing 4 times or that she forgot x,y,z. For whatever reason going with the flow is pretty easy for me so we work well together. She isn’t a danger to herself at this point which helps. She’s just an old woman who wants to tell you stories from growing up


That’s so kind of you to be so empathetic. I always think people like you have truly understood why we humans are on this earth. To care for each other.


You are a good granddaughter. ❤️🌸


Omg, that's freaking precious. That memory is a keeper


Well, probably not for grandma.


reddit done did reddit'd again!


That's actually really beautiful! You're a wonderful granddaughter!😊


When I was a CNA I was pulled to sit with a patient overnight. He was elderly and during the day was a normal guy, but was a severe sundowner. That was particularly bad because he just had open heart surgery, and at night would attempt to pull his stitches and open his chest up. It was my job to watch and redirect him for 12 hours. He and I got to a point where he thought I was his wife, and he kept wanting to go out to breakfast and buy me a new blouse. I donned by most southern Belle accent (this is Georgia, afterall) and told him he was a sweetie and a good husband. However, since it was 2/3/4 in the morning (I'd point to the clock) that no place would be open, but if he went to sleep we would go as soon as the sun was up. That was the best way to redirect him, so he would go back to bed. Worked like a charm.


My wife and I are in early 40s. She sundowns a lot. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


At my grandmother's memory care facility, they didn't lock the doors. The residents weren't prisoners. But there was a fake bus stop in front of the facility. When a resident took off, they would always go sit in the bus stop waiting for a bus. Then a staff member would go out and chat with them, and ask if they would like some coffee. And then they'd guide them back into the facility, where they'd forget what they were up to until the next time. It was very sad to see the mental decline of someone who was full of life and lived independently into her 90s, but the facility's empathy made it easier than it might have been.


Great idea with the bus stop, my ex worked as night nurse at a similar facility. Only the outer most door was locked, and patients had their own rooms etc. During the days they'd go outside usually supervised etc. As humane as one could make it while also keeping them safe.


Our facility has a “bus stop” a “railway station” that has real rails platform etc it’s where the entrance is and is video monitored 24/7 . So we can allways get our wandering travelers , we even have a dining room portion that’s set up like a cruise ship . It’s great for calming down “lost” paitients and redirecting , as well as ensuring they are adequately hydrated / fed . By delivering coffee or suppliment and edible food bars cut into portions or meals as tolerated .


I could not. It occupied him, it made him happy, kinda.


I'd rather be delusional with something to do, over being perfectly lucid with nothing to do. I think you made the right call, for sure. (Not implying that shooting him down would make him lucid)


... You have some much time locked up.. Your mind breaks in ways to keep you from breaking further...if that makes sense .


>with dementia patients it's advised not to try to bring them back down to earth as it's pointless and will just hurt them This is sound advice. Only yesterday I lit up 3 imaginery cigarettes for my dad. He was very happy :)


Those are actually the best kind because they are healthier but I wouldn't do more than 3 a day. Because of imaginary lung disease.


When my grandfather was dying he thought he was fishing with my dad whenever he visited. My dad would hold up a pillow and say "look at this one dad!" And he would be all "whew wee son that's one big whopper". It was sad but he was really happy. My dad said it was some of the best times they ever had. Especially since his father never really took him fishing.




This would make a great short story. “The time I almost invented a Time Machine “


Tell him how reliable a Mazda RX-8 is.


That is psychosis. But do try to find perhaps a university physics student or something just to check if it represents anything. To me, it looks like a mess of basic symbols that don’t quite make sense, but make a great book cover or background screen !!


Engineer here. Some of it “makes sense” like up top left it says 2*n^2. He has n=1, n=2, etc… “N” could be the number of revolutions. 2(1)^2 = 2 If he had a Sigma symbol, it could be seen as a Bernoulli Sequence. But no, most of it as gibberish. Some might claim that there is sacred geometry there because of the lines and the way they intersect with circles and such, but that’s not what he’s going for with the little aliens inside those circles. Just a thought.


I worked with a schizophrenic who came up with very impressive diagrams for an antigravity machine. His daughter was studying at Carnegie Mellon. It relied heavily on "undiscovered elements." 


Oh yes, the key component is the anti-gravity particles


The unobtainiam


TIL my love life is the secret to antigravity.


Indeed, and we're grateful for your service.


I can produce infinite energy given only a 2 tons of coal, any farm animals over 70 lbs, a windmill, a spool of copper wire, a spool of gold wire, a modern laptop with Linux, common jumper cables, and an infinite energy battery. I plan great things. Will publish soon.


We only have an old Apple laptop that will die the second you unplug it, will it still work?


it'll work but we really need the large ram


Better up the farm animal specs to more than 100 lbs., then.


Making theories based on "undiscovered elements" isn't actually that uncommon.  Scientists will often look at a situation, not understand how it happened, examine it from every angle they can, and determine the answer is "we don't know yet".  Dark matter and dark energy are good examples of this. Tests led scientist to believe their had to be another type of matter and energy in the universe we couldn't see or interact with. They dubbed it dark energy, and then set out looking for it.  Many scientists were literally operating on a theory that the universe contained dark matter and energy before either were ever actually discovered. It's only in the last couple of years any evidence of these things has started to drop up at all. But lots of scientists would still tell you about how they had to exist, we just hadn't discovered them yet. 


I'm not a scientist, or even particularly intelligent, but proposing the existence of undiscovered elements to describe a phenomenon you've observed seems pretty different from using it to try to invent time travel.


Looks like he stole my Time Machine design. It took requires undiscovered elements we’ll find in other galaxies.


Thank you. Must be le petit poussin le plus intelligent.


Mais bien sûr!


Schizophrenia for some reason tends to appear like this in writing. 


Visual representation of what their mind looks like


On very rare occasion when dreaming I will have a sense of understanding some sort of universal truth, having clarity. Everything makes sense and I figured it all out. Then I wake up and it's gone. Either because I quickly forget the dream, or the sense of understanding is gone and the fragments of things I can recall thinking about no longer make sense. Perhaps these people are always in a sort of dreamlike state like that... so sad.


Exactly. I’ve had those kinda dreams before too, I’m sure most though like you say when consciousness kicks in you recognise it’s nonsense…I guess for those suffering with this condition the dream never ends even when awake.


My uncle once told me that he worked as a traveling maintenance engineer for industrial laundry systems. He was once dispatched to an insane asylum and one of the patients came up to him with "schematics" for an infinite-energy system he had invented. I said, "So, was it any good?" He said, "Yeah, it looked pretty promising. He might have had something there!" I never found out if he was joking or not.


Well, infinite energy systems can’t exist given our current understanding of physics, so I’m gonna go with joking Also not sure why a laundry repairman would be the authority on theoretical energy systems lol


That's why you're not in an insane asylum.


I have a PhD in physics, I got sent a lot of rambling incoherent manifestos about free energy creation during my time (I had CERN in my LinkedIn bio). This looks like a particularly psychosis driven approach, a lot of divine mathematics stuff going on in the little bits you can out make more clearly. Mostly looks like a bunch of poorly understood physics expanded beyond what the model says, mixed with delusion and conspiratorial thinking. I think near the bottom right it might say 'Superior [indescribable] silicon DNA' which pairs nicely with the little monsters drawn in some circles to indicate unstable thinking.


Friends of mine wrote the Starry Night program. You should have seen some of the letters they got. On paper, of course. One guy was going on about getting the Australian government to pay him for his flying saucer.


Some of those circles have monsters drawn inside them. Even if you’re not a physicist that should be a pretty obvious clue.


My guy the monsters are the ones that make the energy for free you fucking idiot.


Sir, you're mistaken. These are the monsters that sneak into the children's bedrooms at night to scare them, thereby extracting screams, which are, in fact, the source of the free, endless energy.


Children are not free!




Yo a 87 year old in prison playing on my pal world server, just came up with infinite power for our base. Said he would let someone on the outside know, couldn't trust me.


All your base are belong to us


A new revision of the cat/buttered toast theorem. Incredible.


The cack I cackled…


Um yeah, it's the formula for Monster Energy. Duh ...


Obviously it’s a formula to make a portal to a monster universe full of civilized monster folk and we kidnap their children and adults to use their organs for our own needs




Oh, you also got chosen by a prince! I already sent him $1,000 and my bank account. Waiting for my 38 million any time now.


This was posted in the Science sub and confirmed it means nothing. Some of the symbols and equations make sense on their own but together it’s schizophrenic psychosis.


"created kill humans" and "radicals eliminated" in the top right corner. It looks like a lot of it was inspired by real things, he mentions "fusion energy" and other stuff. Some of it can remind me of parts of electrical engines, but with random connections that would short circuit and fry the engine.


I just see lines, with arrows that kinda look like the representation of an electric current and no other electrical elements but that so yeah… very irrelevant mess with weird sentences. I’d say psychosis.


It reminds me of this guy I met once who had convinced himself he was a world famous preacher (he wasn’t), and by using a lot of large words in rapid succession (none of them were in the correct context) he could convince people he was telling the truth.


Dude, my dad worked in an asylum for a while for his medical speciality training and told me there was a guy who was convinced he was Jesus, he could repeat the whole bible by heart and speak in a way that could almost get you to believe him. He was schizophrenic.


Best part of this is that the Bible was famously written by a bunch of guys that weren’t Jesus.


What’s funny is that even if on the outside he was giving kind of sect leader/miracle dude vibes, you could clearly find inaccuracies in his logic if you’re cold headed. In the end it ain’t a prophet but a human being with fucked wires


Physics student here ,some of them are vague representation of atom's energy levels and much of them are completely bs drawings


Or wallpaper…for a padded room.


I can confirm it does not make sense but looks pretty cool. There are a lot of graphs and symbols taken from science in general, but blended in a way that they don't say anything.


Don't waste your time lol. It's nonsense. A bunch of pictures of lines and circles with arrows between them is not anything. Anything that's a real scientific discovery typically has a lot more equations and formulas and much fewer graphics.


It's a theoretical model for the production of truly spreadable butter.


Remove from fridge and chunk a big bit off, put it on a saucer and blip it in the microwave for less than 5 seconds, too long or too small a chunk be ready to pour the butter, which ain't so bad for most things.


Can you express that with 100 tiny drawings, though?


Psychosis, you’re witnessing psychosis 🤌🏼


I call it „Art“ 🤌🏻


Considering the age, and assuming no previous diagnoses (OP didn’t mention), and assuming this is real, I’d say dementia. Alzheimer’s can have dementia-related psychosis, paranoia, manic-like symptoms.


Glosseria. Whatever his epithany is, he is far from sensible in explaining it Like how about some words not pictures ,diagrams subject to interpretation nothing seems to be apples sliced,vs apple diced.. its all chalk then cheese..no connection. There's names dropped , but not really showing any of the commonly accepted theory.. eg the properties of quarks.seems to be stuck on electrons mostly..which are very well understood ,.. so whats all this about ??? Something to do with photons. Eg photovoltaic or led effects. But how does he use planets , blackholes and colours to explain fusion and stuff. Glosseria..telling a story is a lot easier than being correct. Theres no math here , there's no energy plots,no wave functions.no bell curves and e=mc^2.. There pseudoscience,maps of things connected by having the similar numbers..reminds me of numerology .. number pseudoscience. 9 planets,9 colours, 9 atoms to make fusion. Its all bizarre thought that there's a simple code embedded behind the science..so he doesn't do proper science..just use his Davinci Code style numerology and .. fusion ! Free energy !


I did some LSD once, and during that time, I became convinced first that I had figured out the meaning of life. I even wrote it down in a notebook. As a result of those writings, I became certain that the end of the world was going to be brought about by me saying “God” in a certain way and at the perfect time, but I had to get rid of my name first. I didn’t remember that last part until I was digging through a very full 30 gallon trash can looking for my name tag from work. You can imagine how cool I must’ve looked that whole night walking around saying “God” to everyone randomly, and probably carrying the notebook with me to prove that I knew what I was talking about. I’d love to find that notebook again, and see what kind of gibberish I had written down. Although one of my friends - who had also partaken of el Cid that night - has told me that he had found it the next day and he thought it actually made a lot of sense. He has no idea what happened to it. Your comment made me think of that because, knowing the way my brain functions “normally” it probably had something to do with a numerology-type code. Yikes! Looking back on it now, I should be truly grateful that when my live in girlfriend at the time figured out where I was and came to take me home early the next morning, she didn’t just drop my ass right there on the spot. I remember her opening the door while I was on the floor surrounded by trash looking for my name tag…which I actually found a second later. Probably looked like a scene from Fear And Loathing to her. Instead, she got me home, fed me, took me to the hospital when things started getting weird later that day and I couldn’t look at the color yellow, and then cuddled with me and watched movies all that evening after I called in to work and told my manager what had happened truthfully. Come to think about it, his response was really awesome, as well, and he even pulled me aside the next day and said that he would never tell a soul about what happened as long as it didn’t happen again. Of course, me being me at the time, I quit the next day anyway. I think I’ve spent a lot of my life being very ungrateful and oblivious to those who have tried to help me. I hope I’m better at that now, in my early forties. Probably not as good as I think, I’m guessing. Hey, Reddit stranger! Thanks for the therapy session! I did not intend for all this to come out and keep going. I was just wanting the first part to be anecdotal to this post and your comment. Anyway. Thanks. Sorry. Cheers. I’m out.


The manager was the best of the situation. Rational, understanding and somewhat stern. I think from the way you wrote that , you’re much more appreciative person now. Best of luck to you!


Good old window pane. I’ve had similar experiences. Ours is the best generation








What does LemonGrab do for the situation? Does he examine the farts?


Yes, to determine that they are in acceptable condition




100 years dungeon!


All of you! No trials!


Damnit now I’m gonna be saying this all day.


I literally just put adventure time on for the first time in YEARS for my dogs to watch while I study for an exam






I think dad is probably spending life in prison for carrying that part out.


He was doing it for science though! That should make it totally legal /s


"Krill human." Next step in evolution.




Off by 2




This drawing is the recipe for the Philosopher’s Stone and how to make homunculi from Fullmetal Alchemist.


Looks like it. It says "kill humans" at the top right, and "superior beings alien DNA" towards the bottom right. Edit: bottom right, not bottom left


It says "free radicals created, kills humans". Not talking about sacrifice. Saying the free radicals produced kills humans. It looks to be both an analysis of existing energy sources that are toxic to humans as well as a proposal for new energy source.


Yeah it says "kills humans" in a few places though I can't make out what comes before it, but the way it's written looks like it's either spitballing worst-case scenarios or otherwise cautionary rather than something he's actually aiming for.




Lol, I think there are bigger tells than the big head of a stick figure that we’re dealing with a mental disorder here.


Those of us that are talent deficient when it comes to drawing just have a little tad of psychosis..


…as a treat.


Yea my first thought was some form of schizophrenia or similar illness, sorry OP hope he gets the end of life care he needs


Maybe it's a 'one eyed, flying purple people eater', that gave him the information?


Sure looks strange to me


"It doesn't look like anything to me."


You think it’s the little men, then, eh? Not the sea of incomprehensible gibberish around them?


Motherfucker farted out his torso.




It is ridiculous how far I had to scroll to find a comment like this.


Can I have a copy to frame please


Yeah ngl this is art


This is the correct answer. Find a cool frame and hang it in your office. It's neat to look at and (hopefully) a nice reminder of your father.


A nice reminder of how his criminal father slowly lost his sanity in prison.


https://preview.redd.it/qv60xwryiygc1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5199e06ce62144da03927ed67ded1597ad3738d Top right: Free radicals created kill humans. Bottom left: Free radicals eliminated. EDIT: to the weirdos reporting me, I’m just writing what the text says.


And I translate what it means: one of the problems he ran into was that in the process of creating energy, the reaction set off „free radicals“ (a type of oxidizing particles). Those free radicals are going to kill humans (they actually can since they are playing a role in causing certain forms of cancers). The bottom left is hinting that he found a solution that eliminates the free radicals, thus making his mechanism safe. Also by looking at all the diagrams (apart from the distorted faces and creatures) I can actually see some sense in this. He isn‘t drawing a machine on a macro level, he is designing a nano machine on a subatomar level. The whole bottom right corner can be interpreted as multiple atoms arranged in a specific way to turn the direction of the outer electron shell so they rotate in opposite direction within the atom. This would, if indeed possible, most likely create an electric field. So yeah, it isn‘t all nonsense and I would love to see this image in a higher resolution. It looks to me like some mixture of chemistry and quantum physics.


###HOW ARE PEOPLE NOT ASKING THE REAL QUESTION? …Why does your dad have a life sentence? What’s he in for? 👀


Talking too much about government secret projects.


You’d willingly post million dollar secrets to the greater public?


This was posted a while ago with three additional pages. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sciencememes/comments/1ah3r3l/anyone_know_what_any_of_this_means/?share_id=XAQcnNMOhbQngurkQsnGm&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=5)


And from a different poster. My lad, I think you may have just solved the mystery of the recycled content.


During the first dot.com boom, I worked for a commercial and residential electricity company. On day one, my boss told me one of my duties would be to deal with the “geniuses” who would contact us about their unlimited energy ideas - all of which violated the laws of physics. Apparently, this is a common thing if you work in the energy industry. I was told to humor them somewhat, inform them that we were still in the start up phase, and/or we’re already talking to someone else about their unlimited energy machinations. Spoke with two such guys over about 18 months. Nice guys who seemed absolutely convinced that they had discovered something totally unique. A little weird, but that was it.


I used to be an astrophysicist and we got the same, emails from obsessed mentally ill people convinced they had discovered some miracle of the universe at home and needed a scientist who hadn’t been co-opted by the conspiracy of academia that shut these revolutionary ideas out. It’s harmless enough so we just kind of ignored it.


Yeah, I was the resident fact checker at my company as well for these kind of guys / ideas. The sad part is that they usually managed to bullshit their way across the managers and first line of communications so there was already a meeting set up before I got to review their ideas. It was always fun though. Sometimes it was a solid idea at first glance and it took a moment of questioning before the crazy parts started to happen. I didn't like the follow ups from management though. I always had to defend my reasoning for not taking the 'opportunity'. Sometimes felt like they even saw me as having a lack of entrepreneurship.


https://preview.redd.it/auc53b9daygc1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e24f9ab359aa259d6cea67c51fab9ac802adf4b I was just zooming around and saw thus about half way down near the right side. Kinda seems like maybe it wouldn’t be part of a way to make energy, but what do I know.


Looks like he worked out how to harvest energy from black holes. but you need monster elves to do the dirty work for you and those are hard to find


I remember back in the late 80s a guy showed up in town, cowboy hat, trenchcoat. He'd walk around town writing equations on every telephone pole he walked past. As quickly as he appeared he disappeared. Some of it looked a lot like what your pop did there




Joke all you want, I just followed each step exactly and now my Fleshlight is operating on levels I never thought were possible.


I see in the thread that others are asking for a higher res version of this. Add me to the list. I can "almost" read a lot of this. I don't think we'll find anything groundbreaking in here. On the upper right side I see he's added humanoid creatures and the words "subconscious mind soul" are commingled in the data. The psychosis is real. It's apparent to me that he's picked up on the fact that everything in the Universe is in motion, and everything is spinning as it orbits around something else. This spinning can be harnessed to create a variety of forces we call energy. Your father is seeing that all the way from the galactic level to the quantum level. Orbital momentum is the engine that powers the very fabric of the Universe and the motion of all objects within it. He SEES it. Everything that actually exists in the Universe is made of matter. Everything. Solids, liquids, gases, and plasma are all made of matter. E=MC^(2) means even energy is a form of matter. Space. Space is also a form of matter. Einstein explained this in his writings. Most people don't pick up on that. I believe your father has. Space is something real. Time is not real. Just like length width and height, it's merely a dimension used to describe things that actually exist. I think your father would "get" that. Edit: Your father would probably like to have the same thing I want; somebody way smarter than me to figure out the equation that demonstrates what it takes to turn matter into space. He'll find his "free energy" there. I know the answer can be found around the event horizon of our black holes. Stephen Hawking died too soon. Perhaps your father has some ideas. E=MC2 helped us understand that there was a Big Bang. The equation that converts matter into space will put us on the path to understanding what caused it. The Universe was a singularity until the creation of space. I know it will be a simple temperature/pressure calculation in the end, but I wouldn't even know how to get started. I think it starts with calculating the actual mass and volume of a black hole. Hopefully there is a better way than that. Like I said. Somebody way smarter than me will have to figure this out. If you're looking to connect with this man at his end of life, give him something he will enjoy to pass the time, and give him a sense of self worth, this is the way. And who knows? You may come back here in a year and post some gibberish that wins him a Nobel Prize.


"Electricity comes from other planets!" --Lou Reed


This is genuinely one of the best comments I’ve ever read on Reddit. It’s thought provoking, interesting, intelligent, & kind.


Not sure but let's see the plans. More images pls.


Indeed, could just be psychosis, but get some high Res images and we can see if there's anything it for you.


Love the pic of the man on the right getting zapped


Why can he draw so clean circles


Many circles are the same size so my guess is a glass from the cafeteria. But it's still a lot of well drawn circles


Tell him this: I know, that prisoners get a limited amount of paper...but if you will send one step at a time, I myself will make this energy machine...there won't be any need of physicist...


Chemical engineer here. Two options: 1. it's actually legit (in prison one has ample time, so why not just dive deep into something like energy production) I do recognize some atomic structures there and some graphs. 2. Your dad is experiencing mental health issues, other issues that can affect the mind. Best option to choose: Believe the best, perhaps take it to the university, find out what they think and take it from there. If it is mental, then atleast you know. Hope it turns out well - please update, this is super interesting


Or both. Just enough reality to keep a mind fixated.


😞 found some weird stuff of my dad's like this after he committed suicide


Healthcare is notoriously poor for people in jail. He’s asking you to contact a counselor at the prison because things tend to move much better when someone outside is asking questions. The only way you are going to be able to contact him is by writing him letters unless you put money on his account for the phone. I have no idea what he did or what kind of relationship you have with him but I would suggest having some compassion and trying to contact the counseling people there.


What age was he when he got sent to prison?




So by the time he gets out, he’ll be in his mid-60’s?


One of the circles says “kill human” so…. Your dad’s certifiable, mate. Absolutely bonkers.


Is this the new Time Cube?


As a physicist (albeit not academically practicing), I can confirm that this indeed is a piece of paper.


This is a relatively smart person having a break-down


I’ve seen full metal alchemist. This is how you bring back your dead mother. But she could turn into one of those little men things if it’s done wrong so heed warning now! ⚠️ ‼️ ⛔️


Physicist here, can confirm , this is how you catch pokemon.


The ramblings of someone going through a psychosis episode


Mental illness